const log = require('loglevel') const Component = require('react').Component const PropTypes = require('prop-types') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const connect = require('react-redux').connect const { stripHexPrefix } = require('ethereumjs-util') const actions = require('../../actions') const AccountModalContainer = require('./account-modal-container') const { getSelectedIdentity } = require('../../selectors') const ReadOnlyInput = require('../readonly-input') const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard') const { checksumAddress } = require('../../util') import Button from '../button' function mapStateToPropsFactory () { let selectedIdentity = null return function mapStateToProps (state) { // We should **not** change the identity displayed here even if it changes from underneath us. // If we do, we will be showing the user one private key and a **different** address and name. // Note that the selected identity **will** change from underneath us when we unlock the keyring // which is the expected behavior that we are side-stepping. selectedIdentity = selectedIdentity || getSelectedIdentity(state) return { warning: state.appState.warning, privateKey: state.appState.accountDetail.privateKey, network:, selectedIdentity, previousModalState:, } } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return { exportAccount: (password, address) => { return dispatch(actions.exportAccount(password, address)) .then((res) => { dispatch(actions.hideWarning()) return res }) }, showAccountDetailModal: () => dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'ACCOUNT_DETAILS' })), hideModal: () => dispatch(actions.hideModal()), } } inherits(ExportPrivateKeyModal, Component) function ExportPrivateKeyModal () { this.state = { password: '', privateKey: null, showWarning: true, } } ExportPrivateKeyModal.contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, } module.exports = connect(mapStateToPropsFactory, mapDispatchToProps)(ExportPrivateKeyModal) ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.exportAccountAndGetPrivateKey = function (password, address) { const { exportAccount } = this.props exportAccount(password, address) .then(privateKey => this.setState({ privateKey, showWarning: false, })) .catch((e) => log.error(e)) } ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.renderPasswordLabel = function (privateKey) { return h('span.private-key-password-label', privateKey ? this.context.t('copyPrivateKey') : this.context.t('typePassword') ) } ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.renderPasswordInput = function (privateKey) { const plainKey = privateKey && stripHexPrefix(privateKey) return privateKey ? h(ReadOnlyInput, { wrapperClass: 'private-key-password-display-wrapper', inputClass: 'private-key-password-display-textarea', textarea: true, value: plainKey, onClick: () => copyToClipboard(plainKey), }) : h('input.private-key-password-input', { type: 'password', onChange: event => this.setState({ password: }), }) } ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.renderButtons = function (privateKey, password, address, hideModal) { return h('div.export-private-key-buttons', {}, [ !privateKey && h(Button, { type: 'default', large: true, className: 'export-private-key__button export-private-key__button--cancel', onClick: () => hideModal(), }, this.context.t('cancel')), (privateKey ? ( h(Button, { type: 'primary', large: true, className: 'export-private-key__button', onClick: () => hideModal(), }, this.context.t('done')) ) : ( h(Button, { type: 'primary', large: true, className: 'export-private-key__button', onClick: () => this.exportAccountAndGetPrivateKey(this.state.password, address), }, this.context.t('confirm')) ) ), ]) } ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.render = function () { const { selectedIdentity, warning, showAccountDetailModal, hideModal, previousModalState, } = this.props const { name, address } = selectedIdentity const { privateKey, showWarning, } = this.state return h(AccountModalContainer, { selectedIdentity, showBackButton: previousModalState === 'ACCOUNT_DETAILS', backButtonAction: () => showAccountDetailModal(), }, [ h('span.account-name', name), h(ReadOnlyInput, { wrapperClass: 'ellip-address-wrapper', inputClass: 'qr-ellip-address ellip-address', value: checksumAddress(address), }), h('div.account-modal-divider'), h('span.modal-body-title', this.context.t('showPrivateKeys')), h('div.private-key-password', {}, [ this.renderPasswordLabel(privateKey), this.renderPasswordInput(privateKey), showWarning && warning ? h('span.private-key-password-error', warning) : null, ]), h('div.private-key-password-warning', this.context.t('privateKeyWarning')), this.renderButtons(privateKey, this.state.password, address, hideModal), ]) }