const { valuesFor } = require('../../util') const abi = require('human-standard-token-abi') const { multiplyCurrencies, } = require('../../conversion-util') const { estimateGasPriceFromRecentBlocks, } = require('./send.utils') const selectors = { accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector, // autoAddToBetaUI, getAddressBook, getAmountConversionRate, getBlockGasLimit, getConversionRate, getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo, getCurrentCurrency, getCurrentNetwork, getCurrentViewContext, getForceGasMin, getGasLimit, getGasPrice, getGasPriceFromRecentBlocks, getGasTotal, getPrimaryCurrency, getRecentBlocks, getSelectedAccount, getSelectedAddress, getSelectedIdentity, getSelectedToken, getSelectedTokenContract, getSelectedTokenExchangeRate, getSelectedTokenToFiatRate, getSendAmount, getSendHexData, getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState, getSendEditingTransactionId, getSendErrors, getSendFrom, getSendFromBalance, getSendFromObject, getSendMaxModeState, getSendTo, getSendToAccounts, getTokenBalance, getTokenExchangeRate, getUnapprovedTxs, transactionsSelector, getQrCodeData, } module.exports = selectors function accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector (state) { const { accounts, identities, } = state.metamask const accountsWithSendEtherInfo = Object.entries(accounts).map(([key, account]) => { return Object.assign({}, account, identities[key]) }) return accountsWithSendEtherInfo } // function autoAddToBetaUI (state) { // const autoAddTransactionThreshold = 12 // const autoAddAccountsThreshold = 2 // const autoAddTokensThreshold = 1 // const numberOfTransactions = state.metamask.selectedAddressTxList.length // const numberOfAccounts = Object.keys(state.metamask.accounts).length // const numberOfTokensAdded = state.metamask.tokens.length // const userPassesThreshold = (numberOfTransactions > autoAddTransactionThreshold) && // (numberOfAccounts > autoAddAccountsThreshold) && // (numberOfTokensAdded > autoAddTokensThreshold) // const userIsNotInBeta = !state.metamask.featureFlags.betaUI // return userIsNotInBeta && userPassesThreshold // } function getAddressBook (state) { return state.metamask.addressBook } function getAmountConversionRate (state) { return getSelectedToken(state) ? getSelectedTokenToFiatRate(state) : getConversionRate(state) } function getBlockGasLimit (state) { return state.metamask.currentBlockGasLimit } function getConversionRate (state) { return state.metamask.conversionRate } function getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo (state) { const currentAddress = getSelectedAddress(state) const accounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state) return accounts.find(({ address }) => address === currentAddress) } function getCurrentCurrency (state) { return state.metamask.currentCurrency } function getCurrentNetwork (state) { return } function getCurrentViewContext (state) { const { currentView = {} } = state.appState return currentView.context } function getForceGasMin (state) { return state.metamask.send.forceGasMin } function getGasLimit (state) { return state.metamask.send.gasLimit } function getGasPrice (state) { return state.metamask.send.gasPrice } function getGasPriceFromRecentBlocks (state) { return estimateGasPriceFromRecentBlocks(state.metamask.recentBlocks) } function getGasTotal (state) { return state.metamask.send.gasTotal } function getPrimaryCurrency (state) { const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state) return selectedToken && selectedToken.symbol } function getRecentBlocks (state) { return state.metamask.recentBlocks } function getSelectedAccount (state) { const accounts = state.metamask.accounts const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state) return accounts[selectedAddress] } function getSelectedAddress (state) { const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(state.metamask.accounts)[0] return selectedAddress } function getSelectedIdentity (state) { const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state) const identities = state.metamask.identities return identities[selectedAddress] } function getSelectedToken (state) { const tokens = state.metamask.tokens || [] const selectedTokenAddress = state.metamask.selectedTokenAddress const selectedToken = tokens.filter(({ address }) => address === selectedTokenAddress)[0] const sendToken = state.metamask.send.token return selectedToken || sendToken || null } function getSelectedTokenContract (state) { const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state) return selectedToken ? global.eth.contract(abi).at(selectedToken.address) : null } function getSelectedTokenExchangeRate (state) { const tokenExchangeRates = state.metamask.tokenExchangeRates const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state) || {} const { symbol = '' } = selectedToken const pair = `${symbol.toLowerCase()}_eth` const { rate: tokenExchangeRate = 0 } = tokenExchangeRates && tokenExchangeRates[pair] || {} return tokenExchangeRate } function getSelectedTokenToFiatRate (state) { const selectedTokenExchangeRate = getSelectedTokenExchangeRate(state) const conversionRate = getConversionRate(state) const tokenToFiatRate = multiplyCurrencies( conversionRate, selectedTokenExchangeRate, { toNumericBase: 'dec' } ) return tokenToFiatRate } function getSendAmount (state) { return state.metamask.send.amount } function getSendHexData (state) { return } function getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState (state) { return state.metamask.featureFlags.sendHexData } function getSendEditingTransactionId (state) { return state.metamask.send.editingTransactionId } function getSendErrors (state) { return state.send.errors } function getSendFrom (state) { return state.metamask.send.from } function getSendFromBalance (state) { const from = getSendFrom(state) || getSelectedAccount(state) return from.balance } function getSendFromObject (state) { return getSendFrom(state) || getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state) } function getSendMaxModeState (state) { return state.metamask.send.maxModeOn } function getSendTo (state) { return } function getSendToAccounts (state) { const fromAccounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state) const addressBookAccounts = getAddressBook(state) const allAccounts = [...fromAccounts, ...addressBookAccounts] // TODO: figure out exactly what the below returns and put a descriptive variable name on it return Object.entries(allAccounts).map(([key, account]) => account) } function getTokenBalance (state) { return state.metamask.send.tokenBalance } function getTokenExchangeRate (state, tokenSymbol) { const pair = `${tokenSymbol.toLowerCase()}_eth` const tokenExchangeRates = state.metamask.tokenExchangeRates const { rate: tokenExchangeRate = 0 } = tokenExchangeRates[pair] || {} return tokenExchangeRate } function getUnapprovedTxs (state) { return state.metamask.unapprovedTxs } function transactionsSelector (state) { const { network, selectedTokenAddress } = state.metamask const unapprovedMsgs = valuesFor(state.metamask.unapprovedMsgs) const shapeShiftTxList = (network === '1') ? state.metamask.shapeShiftTxList : undefined const transactions = state.metamask.selectedAddressTxList || [] const txsToRender = !shapeShiftTxList ? transactions.concat(unapprovedMsgs) : transactions.concat(unapprovedMsgs, shapeShiftTxList) return selectedTokenAddress ? txsToRender .filter(({ txParams }) => txParams && === selectedTokenAddress) .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time) : txsToRender .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time) } function getQrCodeData (state) { return state.appState.qrCodeData }