import React from 'react' import assert from 'assert' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import SendRowWrapper from '../send-row-wrapper.component.js' import SendRowErrorMessage from '../send-row-error-message/send-row-error-message.container' describe('SendContent Component', function () { let wrapper beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow( Mock Form Field ) }) describe('render', () => { it('should render a div with a send-v2__form-row class', () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find('div.send-v2__form-row').length, 1) }) it('should render two children of the root div, with send-v2_form label and field classes', () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-label').length, 1) assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-field').length, 1) }) it('should render the label as a child of the send-v2__form-label', () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-label').childAt(0).text(), 'mockLabel') }) it('should render its first child as a child of the send-v2__form-field', () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-field').childAt(0).text(), 'Mock Form Field') }) it('should not render a SendRowErrorMessage if showError is false', () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendRowErrorMessage).length, 0) }) it('should render a SendRowErrorMessage with and errorType props if showError is true', () => { wrapper.setProps({showError: true}) assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendRowErrorMessage).length, 1) const expectedSendRowErrorMessage = wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-label').childAt(1) assert( assert.deepEqual( expectedSendRowErrorMessage.props(), { errorType: 'mockErrorType' } ) }) it('should render its second child as a child of the send-v2__form-field, if it has two children', () => { wrapper = shallow( Mock Custom Label Content Mock Form Field ) assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-field').childAt(0).text(), 'Mock Form Field') }) it('should render its first child as the last child of the send-v2__form-label, if it has two children', () => { wrapper = shallow( Mock Custom Label Content Mock Form Field ) assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__form-row > .send-v2__form-label').childAt(1).text(), 'Mock Custom Label Content') }) }) })