import assert from 'assert' import proxyquire from 'proxyquire' import sinon from 'sinon' import { REQUIRED_ERROR, INVALID_RECIPIENT_ADDRESS_ERROR, } from '../../../send.constants' const stubs = { isValidAddress: sinon.stub().callsFake(to => Boolean(to.match(/^[0xabcdef123456798]+$/))), } const toRowUtils = proxyquire('../send-to-row.utils.js', { '../../../../util': { isValidAddress: stubs.isValidAddress, }, }) const { getToErrorObject, } = toRowUtils describe('send-to-row utils', () => { describe('getToErrorObject()', () => { it('should return a required error if to is falsy', () => { assert.deepEqual(getToErrorObject(null), { to: REQUIRED_ERROR, }) }) it('should return an invalid recipient error if to is truthy but invalid', () => { assert.deepEqual(getToErrorObject('mockInvalidTo'), { to: INVALID_RECIPIENT_ADDRESS_ERROR, }) }) it('should return null if to is truthy and valid', () => { assert.deepEqual(getToErrorObject('0xabc123'), { to: null, }) }) }) })