import assert from 'assert' import sinon from 'sinon' import GasReducer, { basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted, basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished, setBasicGasEstimateData, setCustomGasPrice, setCustomGasLimit, setCustomGasTotal, setCustomGasErrors, resetCustomGasState, fetchGasEstimates, } from '../' describe('Gas Duck', () => { let tempFetch const fetchStub = sinon.stub().returns(new Promise(resolve => resolve({ json: () => new Promise(resolve => resolve({ average: 'mockAverage', avgWait: 'mockAvgWait', block_time: 'mockBlock_time', blockNum: 'mockBlockNum', fast: 'mockFast', fastest: 'mockFastest', fastestWait: 'mockFastestWait', fastWait: 'mockFastWait', safeLow: 'mockSafeLow', safeLowWait: 'mockSafeLowWait', speed: 'mockSpeed', })), }))) beforeEach(() => { tempFetch = global.fetch global.fetch = fetchStub }) afterEach(() => { global.fetch = tempFetch }) const mockState = { gas: { mockProp: 123, }, } const initState = { customData: { price: null, limit: '0x5208', }, basicEstimates: { average: null, fastestWait: null, fastWait: null, fast: null, safeLowWait: null, blockNum: null, avgWait: null, blockTime: null, speed: null, fastest: null, safeLow: null, }, basicEstimateIsLoading: true, errors: {}, } const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED' const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED' const RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE = 'metamask/gas/RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE' const SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA = 'metamask/gas/SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL' describe('GasReducer()', () => { it('should initialize state', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer({}), initState ) }) it('should return state unchanged if it does not match a dispatched actions type', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: 'someOtherAction', value: 'someValue', }), Object.assign({}, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set basicEstimateIsLoading to true when receiving a BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED, }), Object.assign({basicEstimateIsLoading: true}, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set basicEstimateIsLoading to false when receiving a BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED, }), Object.assign({basicEstimateIsLoading: false}, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should return a new object (and not just modify the existing state object)', () => { assert.deepEqual(GasReducer(mockState), mockState.gas) assert.notEqual(GasReducer(mockState), mockState.gas) }) it('should set basicEstimates when receiving a SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: { someProp: 'someData123' }, }), Object.assign({basicEstimates: {someProp: 'someData123'} }, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set customData.price when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE, value: 4321, }), Object.assign({customData: {price: 4321} }, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set customData.limit when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT, value: 9876, }), Object.assign({customData: {limit: 9876} }, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL, value: 10000, }), Object.assign({customData: {total: 10000} }, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should set errors when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS, value: { someError: 'error_error' }, }), Object.assign({errors: {someError: 'error_error'} }, mockState.gas) ) }) it('should return the initial state in response to a RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE action', () => { assert.deepEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE, }), Object.assign({}, initState) ) }) }) describe('basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted(), { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED } ) }) }) describe('basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished(), { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED } ) }) }) describe('fetchGasEstimates', () => { const mockDistpatch = sinon.spy() it('should call fetch with the expected params', async () => { await fetchGasEstimates()(mockDistpatch) assert.deepEqual( mockDistpatch.getCall(0).args, [{ type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED} ] ) assert.deepEqual( global.fetch.getCall(0).args, [ '', { 'headers': {}, 'referrer': '', 'referrerPolicy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'body': null, 'method': 'GET', 'mode': 'cors', }, ] ) assert.deepEqual( mockDistpatch.getCall(1).args, [{ type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: { average: 'mockAverage', avgWait: 'mockAvgWait', blockTime: 'mockBlock_time', blockNum: 'mockBlockNum', fast: 'mockFast', fastest: 'mockFastest', fastestWait: 'mockFastestWait', fastWait: 'mockFastWait', safeLow: 'mockSafeLow', safeLowWait: 'mockSafeLowWait', speed: 'mockSpeed', }, }] ) assert.deepEqual( mockDistpatch.getCall(2).args, [{ type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED }] ) }) }) describe('setBasicGasEstimateData', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( setBasicGasEstimateData('mockBasicEstimatData'), { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: 'mockBasicEstimatData' } ) }) }) describe('setCustomGasPrice', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( setCustomGasPrice('mockCustomGasPrice'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE, value: 'mockCustomGasPrice' } ) }) }) describe('setCustomGasLimit', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( setCustomGasLimit('mockCustomGasLimit'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT, value: 'mockCustomGasLimit' } ) }) }) describe('setCustomGasTotal', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( setCustomGasTotal('mockCustomGasTotal'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL, value: 'mockCustomGasTotal' } ) }) }) describe('setCustomGasErrors', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( setCustomGasErrors('mockErrorObject'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS, value: 'mockErrorObject' } ) }) }) describe('resetCustomGasState', () => { it('should create the correct action', () => { assert.deepEqual( resetCustomGasState(), { type: RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE } ) }) }) })