const { inherits } = require('util') const PersistentForm = require('../lib/persistent-form') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const FromDropdown = require('./components/send/from-dropdown') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(SendTransactionScreen) function mapStateToProps (state) { const mockAccounts = Array.from(new Array(5)) .map((v, i) => ({ identity: { name: `Test Account Name ${i}`, address: `0x02f567704cc6569127e18e3d00d2c85bcbfa6f0${i}`, }, balancesToRender: { primary: `100${i}.000001 ETH`, secondary: `$30${i},000.00 USD`, } })) return { accounts: mockAccounts } } inherits(SendTransactionScreen, PersistentForm) function SendTransactionScreen () { this.state = { newTx: { from: '', to: '', amountToSend: '0x0', gasPrice: null, gas: null, amount: '0x0', txData: null, memo: '', }, dropdownOpen: false, } } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.render = function () { const { accounts } = this.props const { dropdownOpen } = this.state return ( h('div.send-v2__container', [ h('div.send-v2__header', {}, [ h('img.send-v2__send-eth-icon', { src: '../images/eth_logo.svg' }), h('div.send-v2__arrow-background', [ h('i.fa.fa-lg.fa-arrow-circle-right.send-v2__send-arrow-icon'), ]), h('div.send-v2__header-tip'), ]), h('div.send-v2__title', 'Send Funds'), h('div.send-v2__copy', 'Only send ETH to an Ethereum address.'), h('div.send-v2__copy', 'Sending to a different crytpocurrency that is not Ethereum may result in permanent loss.'), h('div.send-v2__form', {}, [ h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', 'From:'), h(FromDropdown, { dropdownOpen, accounts, selectedAccount: accounts[0], setFromField: () => console.log('Set From Field'), openDropdown: () => this.setState({ dropdownOpen: true }), closeDropdown: () => this.setState({ dropdownOpen: false }), }), ]) ]), // Buttons underneath card h('div.send-v2__footer', [ h('button.send-v2__cancel-btn', {}, 'Cancel'), h('button.send-v2__next-btn', {}, 'Next'), ]), ]) ) }