const { inherits } = require('util') const PersistentForm = require('../lib/persistent-form') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const Identicon = require('./components/identicon') const FromDropdown = require('./components/send/from-dropdown') const ToAutoComplete = require('./components/send/to-autocomplete') const CurrencyDisplay = require('./components/send/currency-display') const MemoTextArea = require('./components/send/memo-textarea') const GasFeeDisplay = require('./components/send/gas-fee-display-v2') const { MIN_GAS_TOTAL, MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX, MIN_GAS_LIMIT_HEX, } = require('./components/send/send-constants') const { multiplyCurrencies, conversionGreaterThan, subtractCurrencies, } = require('./conversion-util') const { calcTokenAmount, } = require('./token-util') const { isBalanceSufficient, isTokenBalanceSufficient, } = require('./components/send/send-utils') const { isValidAddress } = require('./util') module.exports = SendTransactionScreen inherits(SendTransactionScreen, PersistentForm) function SendTransactionScreen () { this.state = { fromDropdownOpen: false, toDropdownOpen: false, errors: { to: null, amount: null, }, } this.handleToChange = this.handleToChange.bind(this) this.handleAmountChange = this.handleAmountChange.bind(this) this.validateAmount = this.validateAmount.bind(this) } const getParamsForGasEstimate = function (selectedAddress, symbol, data) { const estimatedGasParams = { from: selectedAddress, gas: '746a528800', } if (symbol) { Object.assign(estimatedGasParams, { value: '0x0' }) } if (data) { Object.assign(estimatedGasParams, { data }) } return estimatedGasParams } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateSendTokenBalance = function (usersToken) { if (!usersToken) return const { selectedToken = {}, updateSendTokenBalance, } = this.props const { decimals } = selectedToken || {} const tokenBalance = calcTokenAmount(usersToken.balance.toString(), decimals) updateSendTokenBalance(tokenBalance) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.componentWillMount = function () { const { updateTokenExchangeRate, selectedToken = {}, getGasPrice, estimateGas, selectedAddress, data, updateGasTotal, from, tokenContract, editingTransactionId, gasPrice, gasLimit, } = this.props const { symbol } = selectedToken || {} if (symbol) { updateTokenExchangeRate(symbol) } const estimateGasParams = getParamsForGasEstimate(selectedAddress, symbol, data) const tokenBalancePromise = tokenContract && tokenContract.balanceOf(from.address) let newGasTotal if (!editingTransactionId) { Promise .all([ getGasPrice(), estimateGas(estimateGasParams), tokenBalancePromise, ]) .then(([gasPrice, gas, usersToken]) => { const newGasTotal = multiplyCurrencies(gas, gasPrice, { toNumericBase: 'hex', multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, }) updateGasTotal(newGasTotal) this.updateSendTokenBalance(usersToken) }) } else { newGasTotal = multiplyCurrencies(gasLimit, gasPrice, { toNumericBase: 'hex', multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, }) updateGasTotal(newGasTotal) tokenBalancePromise && tokenBalancePromise.then( usersToken => this.updateSendTokenBalance(usersToken)) } } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { const { from: { balance }, gasTotal, tokenBalance, amount, selectedToken, } = this.props const { from: { balance: prevBalance }, gasTotal: prevGasTotal, tokenBalance: prevTokenBalance, } = prevProps const notFirstRender = [prevBalance, prevGasTotal].every(n => n !== null) const balanceHasChanged = balance !== prevBalance const gasTotalHasChange = gasTotal !== prevGasTotal const tokenBalanceHasChanged = selectedToken && tokenBalance !== prevTokenBalance const amountValidationChange = balanceHasChanged || gasTotalHasChange || tokenBalanceHasChanged if (notFirstRender && amountValidationChange) { this.validateAmount(amount) } } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderHeaderIcon = function () { const { selectedToken } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__send-header-icon-container', [ selectedToken ? h(Identicon, { diameter: 40, address: selectedToken.address, }) : h('img.send-v2__send-header-icon', { src: '../images/eth_logo.svg' }), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderTitle = function () { const { selectedToken } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__title', [selectedToken ? 'Send Tokens' : 'Send Funds']) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderCopy = function () { const { selectedToken } = this.props const tokenText = selectedToken ? 'tokens' : 'ETH' return h('div.send-v2__form-header-copy', [ h('div.send-v2__copy', `Only send ${tokenText} to an Ethereum address.`), h('div.send-v2__copy', 'Sending to a different crytpocurrency that is not Ethereum may result in permanent loss.'), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderHeader = function () { return h('div', [ h('div.send-v2__header', {}, [ this.renderHeaderIcon(), h('div.send-v2__arrow-background', [ h('i.fa.fa-lg.fa-arrow-circle-right.send-v2__send-arrow-icon'), ]), h('div.send-v2__header-tip'), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderErrorMessage = function (errorType) { const { errors } = this.props const errorMessage = errors[errorType] return errorMessage ? h('div.send-v2__error', [ errorMessage ]) : null } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleFromChange = async function (newFrom) { const { updateSendFrom, tokenContract, } = this.props if (tokenContract) { const usersToken = await tokenContract.balanceOf(newFrom.address) this.updateSendTokenBalance(usersToken) } updateSendFrom(newFrom) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderFromRow = function () { const { from, fromAccounts, conversionRate, } = this.props const { fromDropdownOpen } = this.state return h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', 'From:'), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ h(FromDropdown, { dropdownOpen: fromDropdownOpen, accounts: fromAccounts, selectedAccount: from, onSelect: newFrom => this.handleFromChange(newFrom), openDropdown: () => this.setState({ fromDropdownOpen: true }), closeDropdown: () => this.setState({ fromDropdownOpen: false }), conversionRate, }), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleToChange = function (to) { const { updateSendTo, updateSendErrors, from: {address: from}, } = this.props let toError = null if (!to) { toError = 'Required' } else if (!isValidAddress(to)) { toError = 'Recipient address is invalid' } else if (to === from) { toError = 'From and To address cannot be the same' } updateSendTo(to) updateSendErrors({ to: toError }) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderToRow = function () { const { toAccounts, errors, to } = this.props const { toDropdownOpen } = this.state return h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', [ 'To:', this.renderErrorMessage('to'), ]), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ h(ToAutoComplete, { to, accounts: Object.entries(toAccounts).map(([key, account]) => account), dropdownOpen: toDropdownOpen, openDropdown: () => this.setState({ toDropdownOpen: true }), closeDropdown: () => this.setState({ toDropdownOpen: false }), onChange: this.handleToChange, inError: Boolean(, }), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleAmountChange = function (value) { const amount = value const { updateSendAmount } = this.props this.validateAmount(amount) updateSendAmount(amount) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.setAmountToMax = function () { const { from: { balance }, updateSendAmount, updateSendErrors, updateGasPrice, updateGasLimit, updateGasTotal, tokenBalance, selectedToken, } = this.props const { decimals } = selectedToken || {} const multiplier = Math.pow(10, Number(decimals || 0)) const maxAmount = selectedToken ? multiplyCurrencies(tokenBalance, multiplier, {toNumericBase: 'hex'}) : subtractCurrencies( ethUtil.addHexPrefix(balance), ethUtil.addHexPrefix(MIN_GAS_TOTAL), { toNumericBase: 'hex' } ) updateSendErrors({ amount: null }) if (!selectedToken) { updateGasPrice(MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX) updateGasLimit(MIN_GAS_LIMIT_HEX) updateGasTotal(MIN_GAS_TOTAL) } updateSendAmount(maxAmount) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.validateAmount = function (value) { const { from: { balance }, updateSendErrors, amountConversionRate, conversionRate, primaryCurrency, selectedToken, gasTotal, tokenBalance, } = this.props const { decimals } = selectedToken || {} const amount = value let amountError = null const sufficientBalance = isBalanceSufficient({ amount: selectedToken ? '0x0' : amount, gasTotal, balance, primaryCurrency, amountConversionRate, conversionRate, }) let sufficientTokens if (selectedToken) { sufficientTokens = isTokenBalanceSufficient({ tokenBalance, amount, decimals, }) } const amountLessThanZero = conversionGreaterThan( { value: 0, fromNumericBase: 'dec' }, { value: amount, fromNumericBase: 'hex' }, ) if (!sufficientBalance) { amountError = 'Insufficient funds.' } else if (selectedToken && !sufficientTokens) { amountError = 'Insufficient tokens.' } else if (amountLessThanZero) { amountError = 'Can not send negative amounts of ETH.' } updateSendErrors({ amount: amountError }) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderAmountRow = function () { const { selectedToken, primaryCurrency = 'ETH', convertedCurrency, amountConversionRate, errors, amount, } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', [ 'Amount:', this.renderErrorMessage('amount'), !errors.amount && h('div.send-v2__amount-max', { onClick: (event) => { event.preventDefault() this.setAmountToMax() }, }, [ 'Max' ]), ]), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ h(CurrencyDisplay, { inError: Boolean(errors.amount), primaryCurrency, convertedCurrency, selectedToken, value: amount || '0x0', conversionRate: amountConversionRate, handleChange: this.handleAmountChange, }), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderGasRow = function () { const { conversionRate, convertedCurrency, showCustomizeGasModal, gasTotal = MIN_GAS_TOTAL, } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', 'Gas fee:'), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ h(GasFeeDisplay, { gasTotal, conversionRate, convertedCurrency, onClick: showCustomizeGasModal, }), h('div.send-v2__sliders-icon-container', { onClick: showCustomizeGasModal, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-sliders.send-v2__sliders-icon'), ]), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderMemoRow = function () { const { updateSendMemo, memo } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__form-row', [ h('div.send-v2__form-label', 'Transaction Memo:'), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ h(MemoTextArea, { memo, onChange: (event) => updateSendMemo(, }), ]), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderForm = function () { return h('div.send-v2__form', {}, [ h('div.sendV2__form-header', [ this.renderTitle(), this.renderCopy(), ]), this.renderFromRow(), this.renderToRow(), this.renderAmountRow(), this.renderGasRow(), // this.renderMemoRow(), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderFooter = function () { const { goHome, clearSend, errors: { amount: amountError, to: toError }, } = this.props const noErrors = !amountError && toError === null const errorClass = noErrors ? '' : '__disabled' return h('div.send-v2__footer', [ h('button.send-v2__cancel-btn', { onClick: () => { clearSend() goHome() }, }, 'Cancel'), h(`button.send-v2__next-btn${errorClass}`, { onClick: event => this.onSubmit(event), }, 'Next'), ]) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.render = function () { return ( h('div.send-v2__container', [ this.renderHeader(), this.renderForm(), this.renderFooter(), ]) ) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.addToAddressBookIfNew = function (newAddress) { const { toAccounts, addToAddressBook } = this.props if (!toAccounts.find(({ address }) => newAddress === address)) { // TODO: nickname, i.e. addToAddressBook(recipient, nickname) addToAddressBook(newAddress) } } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.onSubmit = function (event) { event.preventDefault() const { from: {address: from}, to, amount, gasLimit: gas, gasPrice, signTokenTx, signTx, selectedToken, editingTransactionId, errors: { amount: amountError, to: toError }, backToConfirmScreen, } = this.props const noErrors = !amountError && toError === null if (!noErrors) { return } this.addToAddressBookIfNew(to) if (editingTransactionId) { backToConfirmScreen(editingTransactionId) return } const txParams = { from, value: '0', gas, gasPrice, } if (!selectedToken) { txParams.value = amount = to } selectedToken ? signTokenTx(selectedToken.address, to, amount, txParams) : signTx(txParams) }