path: root/packages/pipeline/src
diff options
authorSteve Klebanoff <steve.klebanoff@gmail.com>2018-12-15 07:58:34 +0800
committerSteve Klebanoff <steve.klebanoff@gmail.com>2018-12-15 07:58:34 +0800
commit8c5ff663a9521b3dcefbfd1bc9ef3fa2f4cfe023 (patch)
tree608b52c60fb24777274de78174e69b88a75362e0 /packages/pipeline/src
parent67422db4bd0b194296a1a584af7ead089e281715 (diff)
parent6d45beccad44e86ddd692d0cf54c09c29c5d9daf (diff)
Merge branch 'development' into feature/instant/usd-eth-toggle
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/pipeline/src')
-rw-r--r--packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_exchange_events.ts (renamed from packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_events.ts)28
30 files changed, 1005 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/erc20_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/erc20_events.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0098122f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/erc20_events.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import {
+ ContractWrappers,
+ ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs,
+ ERC20TokenEvents,
+ ERC20TokenWrapper,
+} from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import { GetEventsFunc, getEventsWithPaginationAsync } from './utils';
+export class ERC20EventsSource {
+ private readonly _erc20Wrapper: ERC20TokenWrapper;
+ private readonly _tokenAddress: string;
+ constructor(provider: Web3ProviderEngine, networkId: number, tokenAddress: string) {
+ const contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, { networkId });
+ this._erc20Wrapper = contractWrappers.erc20Token;
+ this._tokenAddress = tokenAddress;
+ }
+ public async getApprovalEventsAsync(
+ startBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>>> {
+ return getEventsWithPaginationAsync(
+ this._getApprovalEventsForRangeAsync.bind(this) as GetEventsFunc<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>,
+ startBlock,
+ endBlock,
+ );
+ }
+ // Gets all approval events of for a specific sub-range. This getter
+ // function will be called during each step of pagination.
+ private async _getApprovalEventsForRangeAsync(
+ fromBlock: number,
+ toBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>>> {
+ return this._erc20Wrapper.getLogsAsync<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>(
+ this._tokenAddress,
+ ERC20TokenEvents.Approval,
+ { fromBlock, toBlock },
+ {},
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/exchange_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/exchange_events.ts
index 1717eb8b3..58691e2ab 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/exchange_events.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/exchange_events.ts
@@ -8,78 +8,52 @@ import {
} from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
import { Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
-import { EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK } from '../../utils';
-const BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD = 10; // When to consider blocks as final. Used to compute default toBlock.
-const NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY = 20000; // Number of blocks to query for events at a time.
+import { GetEventsFunc, getEventsWithPaginationAsync } from './utils';
export class ExchangeEventsSource {
private readonly _exchangeWrapper: ExchangeWrapper;
- private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
constructor(provider: Web3ProviderEngine, networkId: number) {
- this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
const contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, { networkId });
this._exchangeWrapper = contractWrappers.exchange;
public async getFillEventsAsync(
- fromBlock?: number,
- toBlock?: number,
+ startBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number,
): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs>>> {
- return this._getEventsAsync<ExchangeFillEventArgs>(ExchangeEvents.Fill, fromBlock, toBlock);
+ const getFillEventsForRangeAsync = this._makeGetterFuncForEventType<ExchangeFillEventArgs>(ExchangeEvents.Fill);
+ return getEventsWithPaginationAsync(getFillEventsForRangeAsync, startBlock, endBlock);
public async getCancelEventsAsync(
- fromBlock?: number,
- toBlock?: number,
+ startBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number,
): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>>> {
- return this._getEventsAsync<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>(ExchangeEvents.Cancel, fromBlock, toBlock);
+ const getCancelEventsForRangeAsync = this._makeGetterFuncForEventType<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>(
+ ExchangeEvents.Cancel,
+ );
+ return getEventsWithPaginationAsync(getCancelEventsForRangeAsync, startBlock, endBlock);
public async getCancelUpToEventsAsync(
- fromBlock?: number,
- toBlock?: number,
+ startBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number,
): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>>> {
- return this._getEventsAsync<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>(ExchangeEvents.CancelUpTo, fromBlock, toBlock);
- }
- private async _getEventsAsync<ArgsType extends ExchangeEventArgs>(
- eventName: ExchangeEvents,
- fromBlock: number = EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK,
- toBlock?: number,
- ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
- const calculatedToBlock =
- toBlock === undefined
- ? (await this._web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync()) - BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD
- : toBlock;
- let events: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>> = [];
- for (let currFromBlock = fromBlock; currFromBlock <= calculatedToBlock; currFromBlock += NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY) {
- events = events.concat(
- await this._getEventsForRangeAsync<ArgsType>(
- eventName,
- currFromBlock,
- Math.min(currFromBlock + NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY - 1, calculatedToBlock),
- ),
- );
- }
- return events;
+ const getCancelUpToEventsForRangeAsync = this._makeGetterFuncForEventType<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>(
+ ExchangeEvents.CancelUpTo,
+ );
+ return getEventsWithPaginationAsync(getCancelUpToEventsForRangeAsync, startBlock, endBlock);
- private async _getEventsForRangeAsync<ArgsType extends ExchangeEventArgs>(
- eventName: ExchangeEvents,
- fromBlock: number,
- toBlock: number,
- ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
- return this._exchangeWrapper.getLogsAsync<ArgsType>(
- eventName,
- {
- fromBlock,
- toBlock,
- },
- {},
- );
+ // Returns a getter function which gets all events of a specific type for a
+ // specific sub-range. This getter function will be called during each step
+ // of pagination.
+ private _makeGetterFuncForEventType<ArgsType extends ExchangeEventArgs>(
+ eventType: ExchangeEvents,
+ ): GetEventsFunc<ArgsType> {
+ return async (fromBlock: number, toBlock: number) =>
+ this._exchangeWrapper.getLogsAsync<ArgsType>(eventType, { fromBlock, toBlock }, {});
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67660a37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { DecodedLogArgs, LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+const NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY = 10000; // Number of blocks to query for events at a time.
+const NUM_RETRIES = 3; // Number of retries if a request fails or times out.
+export type GetEventsFunc<ArgsType extends DecodedLogArgs> = (
+ fromBlock: number,
+ toBlock: number,
+) => Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>>;
+ * Gets all events between the given startBlock and endBlock by querying for
+ * NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY at a time. Accepts a getter function in order to
+ * maximize code re-use and allow for getting different types of events for
+ * different contracts. If the getter function throws with a retryable error,
+ * it will automatically be retried up to NUM_RETRIES times.
+ * @param getEventsAsync A getter function which will be called for each step during pagination.
+ * @param startBlock The start of the entire block range to get events for.
+ * @param endBlock The end of the entire block range to get events for.
+ */
+export async function getEventsWithPaginationAsync<ArgsType extends DecodedLogArgs>(
+ getEventsAsync: GetEventsFunc<ArgsType>,
+ startBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number,
+): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
+ let events: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>> = [];
+ for (let fromBlock = startBlock; fromBlock <= endBlock; fromBlock += NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY) {
+ const toBlock = Math.min(fromBlock + NUM_BLOCKS_PER_QUERY - 1, endBlock);
+ const eventsInRange = await _getEventsWithRetriesAsync(getEventsAsync, NUM_RETRIES, fromBlock, toBlock);
+ events = events.concat(eventsInRange);
+ }
+ return events;
+ * Calls the getEventsAsync function and retries up to numRetries times if it
+ * throws with an error that is considered retryable.
+ * @param getEventsAsync a function that will be called on each iteration.
+ * @param numRetries the maximum number times to retry getEventsAsync if it fails with a retryable error.
+ * @param fromBlock the start of the sub-range of blocks we are getting events for.
+ * @param toBlock the end of the sub-range of blocks we are getting events for.
+ */
+export async function _getEventsWithRetriesAsync<ArgsType extends DecodedLogArgs>(
+ getEventsAsync: GetEventsFunc<ArgsType>,
+ numRetries: number,
+ fromBlock: number,
+ toBlock: number,
+): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
+ let eventsInRange: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>> = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i <= numRetries; i++) {
+ try {
+ eventsInRange = await getEventsAsync(fromBlock, toBlock);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (isErrorRetryable(err) && i < numRetries) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return eventsInRange;
+function isErrorRetryable(err: Error): boolean {
+ return err.message.includes('network timeout');
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/idex/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/idex/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1e53c08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/idex/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import { fetchAsync } from '@0x/utils';
+const IDEX_BASE_URL = 'https://api.idex.market';
+const MARKETS_URL = `${IDEX_BASE_URL}/returnTicker`;
+const ORDERBOOK_URL = `${IDEX_BASE_URL}/returnOrderBook`;
+const MAX_ORDER_COUNT = 100; // Maximum based on https://github.com/AuroraDAO/idex-api-docs#returnorderbook
+export const IDEX_SOURCE = 'idex';
+export interface IdexMarketsResponse {
+ [marketName: string]: IdexMarket;
+export interface IdexMarket {
+ last: string;
+ high: string;
+ low: string;
+ lowestAsk: string;
+ highestBid: string;
+ percentChange: string;
+ baseVolume: string;
+ quoteVolume: string;
+export interface IdexOrderbook {
+ asks: IdexOrder[];
+ bids: IdexOrder[];
+export interface IdexOrder {
+ price: string;
+ amount: string;
+ total: string;
+ orderHash: string;
+ params: IdexOrderParam;
+export interface IdexOrderParam {
+ tokenBuy: string;
+ buySymbol: string;
+ buyPrecision: number;
+ amountBuy: string;
+ tokenSell: string;
+ sellSymbol: string;
+ sellPrecision: number;
+ amountSell: string;
+ expires: number;
+ nonce: number;
+ user: string;
+// tslint:disable:prefer-function-over-method
+// ^ Keep consistency with other sources and help logical organization
+export class IdexSource {
+ /**
+ * Call Idex API to find out which markets they are maintaining orderbooks for.
+ */
+ public async getMarketsAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
+ const params = { method: 'POST' };
+ const resp = await fetchAsync(MARKETS_URL, params);
+ const respJson: IdexMarketsResponse = await resp.json();
+ const markets: string[] = Object.keys(respJson);
+ return markets;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve orderbook from Idex API for a given market.
+ * @param marketId String identifying the market we want data for. Eg. 'REP_AUG'
+ */
+ public async getMarketOrderbookAsync(marketId: string): Promise<IdexOrderbook> {
+ const params = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ market: marketId,
+ }),
+ };
+ const resp = await fetchAsync(ORDERBOOK_URL, params);
+ const respJson: IdexOrderbook = await resp.json();
+ return respJson;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/oasis/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/oasis/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b30e9dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/data_sources/oasis/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import { fetchAsync } from '@0x/utils';
+const OASIS_BASE_URL = 'https://data.makerdao.com/v1';
+const OASIS_MARKET_QUERY = `query {
+ oasisMarkets(period: "1 week") {
+ nodes {
+ id
+ base
+ quote
+ buyVol
+ sellVol
+ price
+ high
+ low
+ }
+ }
+const OASIS_ORDERBOOK_QUERY = `query ($market: String!) {
+ allOasisOrders(condition: { market: $market }) {
+ totalCount
+ nodes {
+ market
+ offerId
+ price
+ amount
+ act
+ }
+ }
+export const OASIS_SOURCE = 'oasis';
+export interface OasisMarket {
+ id: string; // market symbol e.g MKRDAI
+ base: string; // base symbol e.g MKR
+ quote: string; // quote symbol e.g DAI
+ buyVol: number; // total buy volume (base)
+ sellVol: number; // total sell volume (base)
+ price: number; // volume weighted price (quote)
+ high: number; // max sell price
+ low: number; // min buy price
+export interface OasisMarketResponse {
+ data: {
+ oasisMarkets: {
+ nodes: OasisMarket[];
+ };
+ };
+export interface OasisOrder {
+ offerId: number; // Offer Id
+ market: string; // Market symbol (base/quote)
+ price: string; // Offer price (quote)
+ amount: string; // Offer amount (base)
+ act: string; // Action (ask|bid)
+export interface OasisOrderbookResponse {
+ data: {
+ allOasisOrders: {
+ totalCount: number;
+ nodes: OasisOrder[];
+ };
+ };
+// tslint:disable:prefer-function-over-method
+// ^ Keep consistency with other sources and help logical organization
+export class OasisSource {
+ /**
+ * Call Ddex API to find out which markets they are maintaining orderbooks for.
+ */
+ public async getActiveMarketsAsync(): Promise<OasisMarket[]> {
+ const params = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ body: JSON.stringify({ query: OASIS_MARKET_QUERY }),
+ };
+ const resp = await fetchAsync(OASIS_BASE_URL, params);
+ const respJson: OasisMarketResponse = await resp.json();
+ const markets = respJson.data.oasisMarkets.nodes;
+ return markets;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve orderbook from Oasis API for a given market.
+ * @param marketId String identifying the market we want data for. Eg. 'REPAUG'.
+ */
+ public async getMarketOrderbookAsync(marketId: string): Promise<OasisOrder[]> {
+ const input = {
+ market: marketId,
+ };
+ const params = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ body: JSON.stringify({ query: OASIS_ORDERBOOK_QUERY, variables: input }),
+ };
+ const resp = await fetchAsync(OASIS_BASE_URL, params);
+ const respJson: OasisOrderbookResponse = await resp.json();
+ return respJson.data.allOasisOrders.nodes;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/entities/erc20_approval_event.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/erc20_approval_event.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69cdfcb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/erc20_approval_event.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import { Column, Entity, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm';
+import { bigNumberTransformer, numberToBigIntTransformer } from '../utils';
+@Entity({ name: 'erc20_approval_events', schema: 'raw' })
+export class ERC20ApprovalEvent {
+ @PrimaryColumn({ name: 'token_address' })
+ public tokenAddress!: string;
+ @PrimaryColumn({ name: 'log_index' })
+ public logIndex!: number;
+ @PrimaryColumn({ name: 'block_number', transformer: numberToBigIntTransformer })
+ public blockNumber!: number;
+ @Column({ name: 'raw_data' })
+ public rawData!: string;
+ @Column({ name: 'transaction_hash' })
+ public transactionHash!: string;
+ @Column({ name: 'owner_address' })
+ public ownerAddress!: string;
+ @Column({ name: 'spender_address' })
+ public spenderAddress!: string;
+ @Column({ name: 'amount', type: 'numeric', transformer: bigNumberTransformer })
+ public amount!: BigNumber;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/entities/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/index.ts
index db0814e38..cc3de78bb 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/entities/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/index.ts
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ export { SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp, createObservedTimestampForOrder } from './s
export { TokenMetadata } from './token_metadata';
export { TokenOrderbookSnapshot } from './token_order';
export { Transaction } from './transaction';
+export { ERC20ApprovalEvent } from './erc20_approval_event';
export type ExchangeEvent = ExchangeFillEvent | ExchangeCancelEvent | ExchangeCancelUpToEvent;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/entities/token_order.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/token_order.ts
index 557705767..4b8f0abc3 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/entities/token_order.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/entities/token_order.ts
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ export class TokenOrderbookSnapshot {
public observedTimestamp!: number;
@PrimaryColumn({ name: 'source' })
public source!: string;
- @Column({ name: 'order_type' })
+ @PrimaryColumn({ name: 'order_type' })
public orderType!: OrderType;
@PrimaryColumn({ name: 'price', type: 'numeric', transformer: bigNumberTransformer })
public price!: BigNumber;
@PrimaryColumn({ name: 'base_asset_symbol' })
public baseAssetSymbol!: string;
- @Column({ name: 'base_asset_address' })
- public baseAssetAddress!: string;
+ @Column({ nullable: true, type: String, name: 'base_asset_address' })
+ public baseAssetAddress!: string | null;
@Column({ name: 'base_volume', type: 'numeric', transformer: bigNumberTransformer })
public baseVolume!: BigNumber;
@PrimaryColumn({ name: 'quote_asset_symbol' })
public quoteAssetSymbol!: string;
- @Column({ name: 'quote_asset_address' })
- public quoteAssetAddress!: string;
+ @Column({ nullable: true, type: String, name: 'quote_asset_address' })
+ public quoteAssetAddress!: string | null;
@Column({ name: 'quote_volume', type: 'numeric', transformer: bigNumberTransformer })
public quoteVolume!: BigNumber;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/ormconfig.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/ormconfig.ts
index 9f7815b4e..fe11d81d5 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/ormconfig.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/ormconfig.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { ConnectionOptions } from 'typeorm';
import {
+ ERC20ApprovalEvent,
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ const entities = [
+ ERC20ApprovalEvent,
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/ddex_orders/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/ddex_orders/index.ts
index 81132e8f0..d7b97efbe 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/ddex_orders/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/ddex_orders/index.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import * as R from 'ramda';
-import { DdexMarket, DdexOrder, DdexOrderbook } from '../../data_sources/ddex';
+import { aggregateOrders } from '../utils';
+import { DdexMarket, DdexOrderbook } from '../../data_sources/ddex';
import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../entities';
import { OrderType } from '../../types';
@@ -28,19 +29,6 @@ export function parseDdexOrders(
- * Aggregates orders by price point for consistency with other exchanges.
- * Querying the Ddex API at level 3 setting returns a breakdown of
- * individual orders at each price point. Other exchanges only give total amount
- * at each price point. Returns an array of <price, amount> tuples.
- * @param ddexOrders A list of Ddex orders awaiting aggregation.
- */
-export function aggregateOrders(ddexOrders: DdexOrder[]): Array<[string, BigNumber]> {
- const sumAmount = (acc: BigNumber, order: DdexOrder): BigNumber => acc.plus(order.amount);
- const aggregatedPricePoints = R.reduceBy(sumAmount, new BigNumber(0), R.prop('price'), ddexOrders);
- return Object.entries(aggregatedPricePoints);
* Parse a single aggregated Ddex order in order to form a tokenOrder entity
* which can be saved into the database.
* @param ddexMarket An object containing information about the market where these
@@ -66,12 +54,14 @@ export function parseDdexOrder(
tokenOrder.orderType = orderType;
tokenOrder.price = price;
- tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = ddexMarket.baseToken;
- tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = ddexMarket.baseTokenAddress;
- tokenOrder.baseVolume = price.times(amount);
+ // ddex currently confuses quote and base assets.
+ // We switch them here to maintain our internal consistency.
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = ddexMarket.quoteToken;
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = ddexMarket.quoteTokenAddress;
+ tokenOrder.baseVolume = amount;
- tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = ddexMarket.quoteToken;
- tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = ddexMarket.quoteTokenAddress;
- tokenOrder.quoteVolume = amount;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = ddexMarket.baseToken;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = ddexMarket.baseTokenAddress;
+ tokenOrder.quoteVolume = price.times(amount);
return tokenOrder;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/erc20_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/erc20_events.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..caf9984d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/erc20_events.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { ERC20ApprovalEvent } from '../../entities';
+ * Parses raw event logs for an ERC20 approval event and returns an array of
+ * ERC20ApprovalEvent entities.
+ * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export const parseERC20ApprovalEvents: (
+ eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>>,
+) => ERC20ApprovalEvent[] = R.map(_convertToERC20ApprovalEvent);
+ * Converts a raw event log for an ERC20 approval event into an
+ * ERC20ApprovalEvent entity.
+ * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export function _convertToERC20ApprovalEvent(
+ eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs>,
+): ERC20ApprovalEvent {
+ const erc20ApprovalEvent = new ERC20ApprovalEvent();
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.tokenAddress = eventLog.address as string;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.ownerAddress = eventLog.args._owner;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.spenderAddress = eventLog.args._spender;
+ erc20ApprovalEvent.amount = eventLog.args._value;
+ return erc20ApprovalEvent;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/exchange_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/exchange_events.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e18106c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/exchange_events.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import { ExchangeCancelEventArgs, ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs, ExchangeFillEventArgs } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
+import { AssetProxyId, ERC721AssetData } from '@0x/types';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { ExchangeCancelEvent, ExchangeCancelUpToEvent, ExchangeFillEvent } from '../../entities';
+import { bigNumbertoStringOrNull } from '../../utils';
+ * Parses raw event logs for a fill event and returns an array of
+ * ExchangeFillEvent entities.
+ * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export const parseExchangeFillEvents: (
+ eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs>>,
+) => ExchangeFillEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeFillEvent);
+ * Parses raw event logs for a cancel event and returns an array of
+ * ExchangeCancelEvent entities.
+ * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export const parseExchangeCancelEvents: (
+ eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>>,
+) => ExchangeCancelEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeCancelEvent);
+ * Parses raw event logs for a CancelUpTo event and returns an array of
+ * ExchangeCancelUpToEvent entities.
+ * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export const parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents: (
+ eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>>,
+) => ExchangeCancelUpToEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeCancelUpToEvent);
+ * Converts a raw event log for a fill event into an ExchangeFillEvent entity.
+ * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export function _convertToExchangeFillEvent(eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs>): ExchangeFillEvent {
+ const makerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.makerAssetData);
+ const makerAssetType = makerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
+ const takerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.takerAssetData);
+ const takerAssetType = takerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
+ const exchangeFillEvent = new ExchangeFillEvent();
+ exchangeFillEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
+ exchangeFillEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
+ exchangeFillEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
+ exchangeFillEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
+ exchangeFillEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerAddress = eventLog.args.takerAddress;
+ exchangeFillEvent.feeRecipientAddress = eventLog.args.feeRecipientAddress;
+ exchangeFillEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetFilledAmount = eventLog.args.makerAssetFilledAmount;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetFilledAmount = eventLog.args.takerAssetFilledAmount;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerFeePaid = eventLog.args.makerFeePaid;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerFeePaid = eventLog.args.takerFeePaid;
+ exchangeFillEvent.orderHash = eventLog.args.orderHash;
+ exchangeFillEvent.rawMakerAssetData = eventLog.args.makerAssetData;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetType = makerAssetType;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetProxyId = makerAssetData.assetProxyId;
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerTokenAddress = makerAssetData.tokenAddress;
+ // tslint has a false positive here. Type assertion is required.
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+ exchangeFillEvent.makerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((makerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
+ exchangeFillEvent.rawTakerAssetData = eventLog.args.takerAssetData;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetType = takerAssetType;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetProxyId = takerAssetData.assetProxyId;
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerTokenAddress = takerAssetData.tokenAddress;
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+ exchangeFillEvent.takerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((takerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
+ return exchangeFillEvent;
+ * Converts a raw event log for a cancel event into an ExchangeCancelEvent
+ * entity.
+ * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export function _convertToExchangeCancelEvent(
+ eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>,
+): ExchangeCancelEvent {
+ const makerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.makerAssetData);
+ const makerAssetType = makerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
+ const takerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.takerAssetData);
+ const takerAssetType = takerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
+ const exchangeCancelEvent = new ExchangeCancelEvent();
+ exchangeCancelEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.takerAddress = eventLog.args.takerAddress;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.feeRecipientAddress = eventLog.args.feeRecipientAddress;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.orderHash = eventLog.args.orderHash;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.rawMakerAssetData = eventLog.args.makerAssetData;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.makerAssetType = makerAssetType;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.makerAssetProxyId = makerAssetData.assetProxyId;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.makerTokenAddress = makerAssetData.tokenAddress;
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+ exchangeCancelEvent.makerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((makerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
+ exchangeCancelEvent.rawTakerAssetData = eventLog.args.takerAssetData;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.takerAssetType = takerAssetType;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.takerAssetProxyId = takerAssetData.assetProxyId;
+ exchangeCancelEvent.takerTokenAddress = takerAssetData.tokenAddress;
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+ exchangeCancelEvent.takerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((takerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
+ return exchangeCancelEvent;
+ * Converts a raw event log for a cancelUpTo event into an
+ * ExchangeCancelUpToEvent entity.
+ * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
+ */
+export function _convertToExchangeCancelUpToEvent(
+ eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>,
+): ExchangeCancelUpToEvent {
+ const exchangeCancelUpToEvent = new ExchangeCancelUpToEvent();
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
+ exchangeCancelUpToEvent.orderEpoch = eventLog.args.orderEpoch;
+ return exchangeCancelUpToEvent;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/index.ts
index e18106c75..3f9915e8b 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/events/index.ts
@@ -1,133 +1,2 @@
-import { ExchangeCancelEventArgs, ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs, ExchangeFillEventArgs } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
-import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { AssetProxyId, ERC721AssetData } from '@0x/types';
-import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as R from 'ramda';
-import { ExchangeCancelEvent, ExchangeCancelUpToEvent, ExchangeFillEvent } from '../../entities';
-import { bigNumbertoStringOrNull } from '../../utils';
- * Parses raw event logs for a fill event and returns an array of
- * ExchangeFillEvent entities.
- * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export const parseExchangeFillEvents: (
- eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs>>,
-) => ExchangeFillEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeFillEvent);
- * Parses raw event logs for a cancel event and returns an array of
- * ExchangeCancelEvent entities.
- * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export const parseExchangeCancelEvents: (
- eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>>,
-) => ExchangeCancelEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeCancelEvent);
- * Parses raw event logs for a CancelUpTo event and returns an array of
- * ExchangeCancelUpToEvent entities.
- * @param eventLogs Raw event logs (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export const parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents: (
- eventLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>>,
-) => ExchangeCancelUpToEvent[] = R.map(_convertToExchangeCancelUpToEvent);
- * Converts a raw event log for a fill event into an ExchangeFillEvent entity.
- * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export function _convertToExchangeFillEvent(eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs>): ExchangeFillEvent {
- const makerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.makerAssetData);
- const makerAssetType = makerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
- const takerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.takerAssetData);
- const takerAssetType = takerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
- const exchangeFillEvent = new ExchangeFillEvent();
- exchangeFillEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
- exchangeFillEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
- exchangeFillEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
- exchangeFillEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
- exchangeFillEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerAddress = eventLog.args.takerAddress;
- exchangeFillEvent.feeRecipientAddress = eventLog.args.feeRecipientAddress;
- exchangeFillEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetFilledAmount = eventLog.args.makerAssetFilledAmount;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetFilledAmount = eventLog.args.takerAssetFilledAmount;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerFeePaid = eventLog.args.makerFeePaid;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerFeePaid = eventLog.args.takerFeePaid;
- exchangeFillEvent.orderHash = eventLog.args.orderHash;
- exchangeFillEvent.rawMakerAssetData = eventLog.args.makerAssetData;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetType = makerAssetType;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerAssetProxyId = makerAssetData.assetProxyId;
- exchangeFillEvent.makerTokenAddress = makerAssetData.tokenAddress;
- // tslint has a false positive here. Type assertion is required.
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- exchangeFillEvent.makerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((makerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
- exchangeFillEvent.rawTakerAssetData = eventLog.args.takerAssetData;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetType = takerAssetType;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerAssetProxyId = takerAssetData.assetProxyId;
- exchangeFillEvent.takerTokenAddress = takerAssetData.tokenAddress;
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- exchangeFillEvent.takerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((takerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
- return exchangeFillEvent;
- * Converts a raw event log for a cancel event into an ExchangeCancelEvent
- * entity.
- * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export function _convertToExchangeCancelEvent(
- eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelEventArgs>,
-): ExchangeCancelEvent {
- const makerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.makerAssetData);
- const makerAssetType = makerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
- const takerAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(eventLog.args.takerAssetData);
- const takerAssetType = takerAssetData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? 'erc20' : 'erc721';
- const exchangeCancelEvent = new ExchangeCancelEvent();
- exchangeCancelEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
- exchangeCancelEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
- exchangeCancelEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
- exchangeCancelEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
- exchangeCancelEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
- exchangeCancelEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
- exchangeCancelEvent.takerAddress = eventLog.args.takerAddress;
- exchangeCancelEvent.feeRecipientAddress = eventLog.args.feeRecipientAddress;
- exchangeCancelEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
- exchangeCancelEvent.orderHash = eventLog.args.orderHash;
- exchangeCancelEvent.rawMakerAssetData = eventLog.args.makerAssetData;
- exchangeCancelEvent.makerAssetType = makerAssetType;
- exchangeCancelEvent.makerAssetProxyId = makerAssetData.assetProxyId;
- exchangeCancelEvent.makerTokenAddress = makerAssetData.tokenAddress;
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- exchangeCancelEvent.makerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((makerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
- exchangeCancelEvent.rawTakerAssetData = eventLog.args.takerAssetData;
- exchangeCancelEvent.takerAssetType = takerAssetType;
- exchangeCancelEvent.takerAssetProxyId = takerAssetData.assetProxyId;
- exchangeCancelEvent.takerTokenAddress = takerAssetData.tokenAddress;
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- exchangeCancelEvent.takerTokenId = bigNumbertoStringOrNull((takerAssetData as ERC721AssetData).tokenId);
- return exchangeCancelEvent;
- * Converts a raw event log for a cancelUpTo event into an
- * ExchangeCancelUpToEvent entity.
- * @param eventLog Raw event log (e.g. returned from contract-wrappers).
- */
-export function _convertToExchangeCancelUpToEvent(
- eventLog: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs>,
-): ExchangeCancelUpToEvent {
- const exchangeCancelUpToEvent = new ExchangeCancelUpToEvent();
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.contractAddress = eventLog.address as string;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.blockNumber = eventLog.blockNumber as number;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.logIndex = eventLog.logIndex as number;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.rawData = eventLog.data as string;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.transactionHash = eventLog.transactionHash;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.makerAddress = eventLog.args.makerAddress;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.senderAddress = eventLog.args.senderAddress;
- exchangeCancelUpToEvent.orderEpoch = eventLog.args.orderEpoch;
- return exchangeCancelUpToEvent;
+export { parseExchangeCancelEvents, parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents, parseExchangeFillEvents } from './exchange_events';
+export { parseERC20ApprovalEvents } from './erc20_events';
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/idex_orders/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/idex_orders/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe27455c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/idex_orders/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import { aggregateOrders } from '../utils';
+import { IdexOrder, IdexOrderbook, IdexOrderParam } from '../../data_sources/idex';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../entities';
+import { OrderType } from '../../types';
+ * Marque function of this file.
+ * 1) Takes in orders from an orderbook,
+ * 2) Aggregates them by price point,
+ * 3) Parses them into entities which are then saved into the database.
+ * @param idexOrderbook raw orderbook that we pull from the Idex API.
+ * @param observedTimestamp Time at which the orders for the market were pulled.
+ * @param source The exchange where these orders are placed. In this case 'idex'.
+ */
+export function parseIdexOrders(idexOrderbook: IdexOrderbook, observedTimestamp: number, source: string): TokenOrder[] {
+ const aggregatedBids = aggregateOrders(idexOrderbook.bids);
+ // Any of the bid orders' params will work
+ const idexBidOrder = idexOrderbook.bids[0];
+ const parsedBids =
+ aggregatedBids.length > 0
+ ? aggregatedBids.map(order => parseIdexOrder(idexBidOrder.params, observedTimestamp, 'bid', source, order))
+ : [];
+ const aggregatedAsks = aggregateOrders(idexOrderbook.asks);
+ // Any of the ask orders' params will work
+ const idexAskOrder = idexOrderbook.asks[0];
+ const parsedAsks =
+ aggregatedAsks.length > 0
+ ? aggregatedAsks.map(order => parseIdexOrder(idexAskOrder.params, observedTimestamp, 'ask', source, order))
+ : [];
+ return parsedBids.concat(parsedAsks);
+ * Parse a single aggregated Idex order in order to form a tokenOrder entity
+ * which can be saved into the database.
+ * @param idexOrderParam An object containing information about the market where these
+ * trades have been placed.
+ * @param observedTimestamp The time when the API response returned back to us.
+ * @param orderType 'bid' or 'ask' enum.
+ * @param source Exchange where these orders were placed.
+ * @param idexOrder A <price, amount> tuple which we will convert to volume-basis.
+ */
+export function parseIdexOrder(
+ idexOrderParam: IdexOrderParam,
+ observedTimestamp: number,
+ orderType: OrderType,
+ source: string,
+ idexOrder: [string, BigNumber],
+): TokenOrder {
+ const tokenOrder = new TokenOrder();
+ const price = new BigNumber(idexOrder[0]);
+ const amount = idexOrder[1];
+ tokenOrder.source = source;
+ tokenOrder.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ tokenOrder.orderType = orderType;
+ tokenOrder.price = price;
+ tokenOrder.baseVolume = amount;
+ tokenOrder.quoteVolume = price.times(amount);
+ if (orderType === 'bid') {
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = idexOrderParam.buySymbol;
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = idexOrderParam.tokenBuy;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = idexOrderParam.sellSymbol;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = idexOrderParam.tokenSell;
+ } else {
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = idexOrderParam.sellSymbol;
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = idexOrderParam.tokenSell;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = idexOrderParam.buySymbol;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = idexOrderParam.tokenBuy;
+ }
+ return tokenOrder;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/oasis_orders/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/oasis_orders/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13997f31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/oasis_orders/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { aggregateOrders } from '../utils';
+import { OasisMarket, OasisOrder } from '../../data_sources/oasis';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../entities';
+import { OrderType } from '../../types';
+ * Marque function of this file.
+ * 1) Takes in orders from an orderbook,
+ * 2) Aggregates them according to price point,
+ * 3) Builds TokenOrder entity with other information attached.
+ * @param oasisOrderbook A raw orderbook that we pull from the Oasis API.
+ * @param oasisMarket An object containing market data also directly from the API.
+ * @param observedTimestamp Time at which the orders for the market were pulled.
+ * @param source The exchange where these orders are placed. In this case 'oasis'.
+ */
+export function parseOasisOrders(
+ oasisOrderbook: OasisOrder[],
+ oasisMarket: OasisMarket,
+ observedTimestamp: number,
+ source: string,
+): TokenOrder[] {
+ const aggregatedBids = aggregateOrders(R.filter(R.propEq('act', 'bid'), oasisOrderbook));
+ const aggregatedAsks = aggregateOrders(R.filter(R.propEq('act', 'ask'), oasisOrderbook));
+ const parsedBids = aggregatedBids.map(order =>
+ parseOasisOrder(oasisMarket, observedTimestamp, 'bid', source, order),
+ );
+ const parsedAsks = aggregatedAsks.map(order =>
+ parseOasisOrder(oasisMarket, observedTimestamp, 'ask', source, order),
+ );
+ return parsedBids.concat(parsedAsks);
+ * Parse a single aggregated Oasis order to form a tokenOrder entity
+ * which can be saved into the database.
+ * @param oasisMarket An object containing information about the market where these
+ * trades have been placed.
+ * @param observedTimestamp The time when the API response returned back to us.
+ * @param orderType 'bid' or 'ask' enum.
+ * @param source Exchange where these orders were placed.
+ * @param oasisOrder A <price, amount> tuple which we will convert to volume-basis.
+ */
+export function parseOasisOrder(
+ oasisMarket: OasisMarket,
+ observedTimestamp: number,
+ orderType: OrderType,
+ source: string,
+ oasisOrder: [string, BigNumber],
+): TokenOrder {
+ const tokenOrder = new TokenOrder();
+ const price = new BigNumber(oasisOrder[0]);
+ const amount = oasisOrder[1];
+ tokenOrder.source = source;
+ tokenOrder.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ tokenOrder.orderType = orderType;
+ tokenOrder.price = price;
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = oasisMarket.base;
+ tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = null; // Oasis doesn't provide address information
+ tokenOrder.baseVolume = amount;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = oasisMarket.quote;
+ tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = null; // Oasis doesn't provide address information
+ tokenOrder.quoteVolume = price.times(amount);
+ return tokenOrder;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/paradex_orders/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/paradex_orders/index.ts
index 7966658a7..5ceeb64a4 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/paradex_orders/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/paradex_orders/index.ts
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ export function parseParadexOrder(
tokenOrder.baseAssetSymbol = paradexMarket.baseToken;
tokenOrder.baseAssetAddress = paradexMarket.baseTokenAddress as string;
- tokenOrder.baseVolume = price.times(amount);
+ tokenOrder.baseVolume = amount;
tokenOrder.quoteAssetSymbol = paradexMarket.quoteToken;
tokenOrder.quoteAssetAddress = paradexMarket.quoteTokenAddress as string;
- tokenOrder.quoteVolume = amount;
+ tokenOrder.quoteVolume = price.times(amount);
return tokenOrder;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/token_metadata/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/token_metadata/index.ts
index f258af063..65e0aaa6e 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/token_metadata/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/token_metadata/index.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import * as R from 'ramda';
import { MetamaskTrustedTokenMeta, ZeroExTrustedTokenMeta } from '../../data_sources/trusted_tokens';
import { TokenMetadata } from '../../entities';
-import {} from '../../utils';
+import { toBigNumberOrNull } from '../../utils';
* Parses Metamask's trusted tokens list.
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ function parseMetamaskTrustedToken(resp: MetamaskTrustedTokenMeta, address: stri
const trustedToken = new TokenMetadata();
trustedToken.address = address;
- trustedToken.decimals = new BigNumber(resp.decimals);
+ trustedToken.decimals = toBigNumberOrNull(resp.decimals);
trustedToken.symbol = resp.symbol;
trustedToken.name = resp.name;
trustedToken.authority = 'metamask';
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ function parseZeroExTrustedToken(resp: ZeroExTrustedTokenMeta): TokenMetadata {
const trustedToken = new TokenMetadata();
trustedToken.address = resp.address;
- trustedToken.decimals = resp.decimals ? new BigNumber(resp.decimals) : null;
+ trustedToken.decimals = toBigNumberOrNull(resp.decimals);
trustedToken.symbol = resp.symbol;
trustedToken.name = resp.name;
trustedToken.authority = '0x';
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/utils.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..860729e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/parsers/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+export interface GenericRawOrder {
+ price: string;
+ amount: string;
+ * Aggregates individual orders by price point. Filters zero amount orders.
+ * @param rawOrders An array of objects that have price and amount information.
+ */
+export function aggregateOrders(rawOrders: GenericRawOrder[]): Array<[string, BigNumber]> {
+ const aggregatedOrders = new Map<string, BigNumber>();
+ rawOrders.forEach(order => {
+ const amount = new BigNumber(order.amount);
+ if (amount.isZero()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Use string instead of BigNum to aggregate by value instead of variable.
+ // Convert to BigNumber first to consolidate different string
+ // representations of the same number. Eg. '0.0' and '0.00'.
+ const price = new BigNumber(order.price).toString();
+ const existingAmount = aggregatedOrders.get(price) || new BigNumber(0);
+ aggregatedOrders.set(price, amount.plus(existingAmount));
+ });
+ return Array.from(aggregatedOrders.entries());
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_competing_dex_trades.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_competing_dex_trades.ts
index 4e4c12dd0..1478d5615 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_competing_dex_trades.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_competing_dex_trades.ts
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ let connection: Connection;
(async () => {
connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
- await getAndSaveTrades();
+ await getAndSaveTradesAsync();
-async function getAndSaveTrades(): Promise<void> {
+async function getAndSaveTradesAsync(): Promise<void> {
const apiKey = process.env.BLOXY_API_KEY;
if (apiKey === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing required env var: BLOXY_API_KEY');
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_ddex_orderbook_snapshots.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_ddex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
index 7868e9c5a..4e00f258f 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_ddex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_ddex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let connection: Connection;
const markets = await ddexSource.getActiveMarketsAsync();
for (const marketsChunk of R.splitEvery(MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE, markets)) {
await Promise.all(
- marketsChunk.map(async (market: DdexMarket) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbook(ddexSource, market)),
+ marketsChunk.map(async (market: DdexMarket) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(ddexSource, market)),
await new Promise<void>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, MILLISEC_MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_DELAY));
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let connection: Connection;
* @param ddexSource Data source which can query Ddex API.
* @param market Object from Ddex API containing market data.
-async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbook(ddexSource: DdexSource, market: DdexMarket): Promise<void> {
+async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(ddexSource: DdexSource, market: DdexMarket): Promise<void> {
const orderBook = await ddexSource.getMarketOrderbookAsync(market.id);
const observedTimestamp = Date.now();
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_erc20_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_erc20_events.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ad12c97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_erc20_events.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// tslint:disable:no-console
+import { getContractAddressesForNetworkOrThrow } from '@0x/contract-addresses';
+import { web3Factory } from '@0x/dev-utils';
+import { Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection, Repository } from 'typeorm';
+import { ERC20EventsSource } from '../data_sources/contract-wrappers/erc20_events';
+import { ERC20ApprovalEvent } from '../entities';
+import * as ormConfig from '../ormconfig';
+import { parseERC20ApprovalEvents } from '../parsers/events';
+import { handleError, INFURA_ROOT_URL } from '../utils';
+const NETWORK_ID = 1;
+const START_BLOCK_OFFSET = 100; // Number of blocks before the last known block to consider when updating fill events.
+const BATCH_SAVE_SIZE = 1000; // Number of events to save at once.
+const BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD = 10; // When to consider blocks as final. Used to compute default endBlock.
+const WETH_START_BLOCK = 4719568; // Block number when the WETH contract was deployed.
+let connection: Connection;
+(async () => {
+ connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
+ const provider = web3Factory.getRpcProvider({
+ });
+ const endBlock = await calculateEndBlockAsync(provider);
+ await getAndSaveWETHApprovalEventsAsync(provider, endBlock);
+ process.exit(0);
+async function getAndSaveWETHApprovalEventsAsync(provider: Web3ProviderEngine, endBlock: number): Promise<void> {
+ console.log('Checking existing approval events...');
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(ERC20ApprovalEvent);
+ const startBlock = (await getStartBlockAsync(repository)) || WETH_START_BLOCK;
+ console.log(`Getting WETH approval events starting at ${startBlock}...`);
+ const wethTokenAddress = getContractAddressesForNetworkOrThrow(NETWORK_ID).etherToken;
+ const eventsSource = new ERC20EventsSource(provider, NETWORK_ID, wethTokenAddress);
+ const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getApprovalEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock);
+ console.log(`Parsing ${eventLogs.length} WETH approval events...`);
+ const events = parseERC20ApprovalEvents(eventLogs);
+ console.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total WETH approval events.`);
+ await repository.save(events, { chunk: Math.ceil(events.length / BATCH_SAVE_SIZE) });
+async function calculateEndBlockAsync(provider: Web3ProviderEngine): Promise<number> {
+ const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
+ const currentBlock = await web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync();
+ return currentBlock - BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD;
+async function getStartBlockAsync(repository: Repository<ERC20ApprovalEvent>): Promise<number | null> {
+ const fillEventCount = await repository.count();
+ if (fillEventCount === 0) {
+ console.log(`No existing approval events found.`);
+ return null;
+ }
+ const queryResult = await connection.query(
+ `SELECT block_number FROM raw.erc20_approval_events ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1`,
+ );
+ const lastKnownBlock = queryResult[0].block_number;
+ return lastKnownBlock - START_BLOCK_OFFSET;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_events.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_exchange_events.ts
index 80abbb8b0..e98fc6629 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_events.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_exchange_events.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
// tslint:disable:no-console
import { web3Factory } from '@0x/dev-utils';
+import { Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
import R = require('ramda');
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection, Repository } from 'typeorm';
@@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ import { EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, handleError, INFURA_ROOT_URL } from '../utils';
const START_BLOCK_OFFSET = 100; // Number of blocks before the last known block to consider when updating fill events.
const BATCH_SAVE_SIZE = 1000; // Number of events to save at once.
+const BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD = 10; // When to consider blocks as final. Used to compute default endBlock.
let connection: Connection;
@@ -20,43 +23,44 @@ let connection: Connection;
const provider = web3Factory.getRpcProvider({
+ const endBlock = await calculateEndBlockAsync(provider);
const eventsSource = new ExchangeEventsSource(provider, 1);
- await getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource);
- await getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource);
- await getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource);
+ await getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock);
+ await getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock);
+ await getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock);
-async function getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource): Promise<void> {
+async function getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise<void> {
console.log('Checking existing fill events...');
const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeFillEvent);
const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository);
console.log(`Getting fill events starting at ${startBlock}...`);
- const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getFillEventsAsync(startBlock);
+ const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getFillEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock);
console.log('Parsing fill events...');
const events = parseExchangeFillEvents(eventLogs);
console.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total fill events.`);
await saveEventsAsync(startBlock === EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, repository, events);
-async function getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource): Promise<void> {
+async function getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise<void> {
console.log('Checking existing cancel events...');
const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelEvent);
const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository);
console.log(`Getting cancel events starting at ${startBlock}...`);
- const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelEventsAsync(startBlock);
+ const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock);
console.log('Parsing cancel events...');
const events = parseExchangeCancelEvents(eventLogs);
console.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total cancel events.`);
await saveEventsAsync(startBlock === EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, repository, events);
-async function getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource): Promise<void> {
+async function getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise<void> {
console.log('Checking existing CancelUpTo events...');
const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelUpToEvent);
const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository);
console.log(`Getting CancelUpTo events starting at ${startBlock}...`);
- const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelUpToEventsAsync(startBlock);
+ const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelUpToEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock);
console.log('Parsing CancelUpTo events...');
const events = parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents(eventLogs);
console.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total CancelUpTo events.`);
@@ -134,3 +138,9 @@ async function saveIndividuallyWithFallbackAsync<T extends ExchangeEvent>(
+async function calculateEndBlockAsync(provider: Web3ProviderEngine): Promise<number> {
+ const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
+ const currentBlock = await web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync();
+ return currentBlock - BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD;
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_idex_orderbook_snapshots.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_idex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..490b17766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_idex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection } from 'typeorm';
+import { IDEX_SOURCE, IdexSource } from '../data_sources/idex';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../entities';
+import * as ormConfig from '../ormconfig';
+import { parseIdexOrders } from '../parsers/idex_orders';
+import { handleError } from '../utils';
+// Number of orders to save at once.
+const BATCH_SAVE_SIZE = 1000;
+// Number of markets to retrieve orderbooks for at once.
+// Delay between market orderbook requests.
+let connection: Connection;
+(async () => {
+ connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
+ const idexSource = new IdexSource();
+ logUtils.log('Getting all IDEX markets');
+ const markets = await idexSource.getMarketsAsync();
+ logUtils.log(`Got ${markets.length} markets.`);
+ for (const marketsChunk of R.splitEvery(MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE, markets)) {
+ await Promise.all(
+ marketsChunk.map(async (marketId: string) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(idexSource, marketId)),
+ );
+ await new Promise<void>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, MILLISEC_MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_DELAY));
+ }
+ process.exit(0);
+ * Retrieve orderbook from Idex API for a given market. Parse orders and insert
+ * them into our database.
+ * @param idexSource Data source which can query Idex API.
+ * @param marketId String representing market of interest, eg. 'ETH_TIC'.
+ */
+async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(idexSource: IdexSource, marketId: string): Promise<void> {
+ logUtils.log(`${marketId}: Retrieving orderbook.`);
+ const orderBook = await idexSource.getMarketOrderbookAsync(marketId);
+ const observedTimestamp = Date.now();
+ if (!R.has('bids', orderBook) || !R.has('asks', orderBook)) {
+ logUtils.warn(`${marketId}: Orderbook faulty.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ logUtils.log(`${marketId}: Parsing orders.`);
+ const orders = parseIdexOrders(orderBook, observedTimestamp, IDEX_SOURCE);
+ if (orders.length > 0) {
+ logUtils.log(`${marketId}: Saving ${orders.length} orders.`);
+ const TokenOrderRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenOrder);
+ await TokenOrderRepository.save(orders, { chunk: Math.ceil(orders.length / BATCH_SAVE_SIZE) });
+ } else {
+ logUtils.log(`${marketId}: 0 orders to save.`);
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_blocks.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_blocks.ts
index b7bd51f08..a5203824c 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_blocks.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_missing_blocks.ts
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ let connection: Connection;
(async () => {
connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
const provider = web3Factory.getRpcProvider({
- rpcUrl: `${INFURA_ROOT_URL}/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
const web3Source = new Web3Source(provider);
- await getAllMissingBlocks(web3Source);
+ await getAllMissingBlocksAsync(web3Source);
@@ -35,26 +35,39 @@ interface MissingBlocksResponse {
block_number: string;
-async function getAllMissingBlocks(web3Source: Web3Source): Promise<void> {
+async function getAllMissingBlocksAsync(web3Source: Web3Source): Promise<void> {
const blocksRepository = connection.getRepository(Block);
while (true) {
- const blockNumbers = await getMissingBlockNumbers(fromBlock);
+ const blockNumbers = await getMissingBlockNumbersAsync(fromBlock);
if (blockNumbers.length === 0) {
// There are no more missing blocks. We're done.
- await getAndSaveBlocks(web3Source, blocksRepository, blockNumbers);
+ await getAndSaveBlocksAsync(web3Source, blocksRepository, blockNumbers);
fromBlock = Math.max(...blockNumbers) + 1;
const totalBlocks = await blocksRepository.count();
console.log(`Done saving blocks. There are now ${totalBlocks} total blocks.`);
-async function getMissingBlockNumbers(fromBlock: number): Promise<number[]> {
+async function getMissingBlockNumbersAsync(fromBlock: number): Promise<number[]> {
console.log(`Checking for missing blocks starting at ${fromBlock}...`);
+ // Note(albrow): The easiest way to get all the blocks we need is to
+ // consider all the events tables together in a single query. If this query
+ // gets too slow, we should consider re-architecting so that we can work on
+ // getting the blocks for one type of event at a time.
const response = (await connection.query(
- 'SELECT DISTINCT(block_number) FROM raw.exchange_fill_events WHERE block_number NOT IN (SELECT number FROM raw.blocks) AND block_number >= $1 ORDER BY block_number ASC LIMIT $2',
+ `WITH all_events AS (
+ SELECT block_number FROM raw.exchange_fill_events
+ UNION SELECT block_number FROM raw.exchange_cancel_events
+ UNION SELECT block_number FROM raw.exchange_cancel_up_to_events
+ UNION SELECT block_number FROM raw.erc20_approval_events
+ )
+ SELECT DISTINCT(block_number) FROM all_events
+ WHERE block_number NOT IN (SELECT number FROM raw.blocks)
+ AND block_number >= $1
+ ORDER BY block_number ASC LIMIT $2`,
)) as MissingBlocksResponse[];
const blockNumberStrings = R.pluck('block_number', response);
@@ -63,7 +76,7 @@ async function getMissingBlockNumbers(fromBlock: number): Promise<number[]> {
return blockNumbers;
-async function getAndSaveBlocks(
+async function getAndSaveBlocksAsync(
web3Source: Web3Source,
blocksRepository: Repository<Block>,
blockNumbers: number[],
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_oasis_orderbook_snapshots.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_oasis_orderbook_snapshots.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4dcf6c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_oasis_orderbook_snapshots.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection } from 'typeorm';
+import { OASIS_SOURCE, OasisMarket, OasisSource } from '../data_sources/oasis';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../entities';
+import * as ormConfig from '../ormconfig';
+import { parseOasisOrders } from '../parsers/oasis_orders';
+import { handleError } from '../utils';
+// Number of orders to save at once.
+const BATCH_SAVE_SIZE = 1000;
+// Number of markets to retrieve orderbooks for at once.
+// Delay between market orderbook requests.
+let connection: Connection;
+(async () => {
+ connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
+ const oasisSource = new OasisSource();
+ logUtils.log('Getting all active Oasis markets');
+ const markets = await oasisSource.getActiveMarketsAsync();
+ logUtils.log(`Got ${markets.length} markets.`);
+ for (const marketsChunk of R.splitEvery(MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE, markets)) {
+ await Promise.all(
+ marketsChunk.map(async (market: OasisMarket) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(oasisSource, market)),
+ );
+ await new Promise<void>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, MILLISEC_MARKET_ORDERBOOK_REQUEST_DELAY));
+ }
+ process.exit(0);
+ * Retrieve orderbook from Oasis API for a given market. Parse orders and insert
+ * them into our database.
+ * @param oasisSource Data source which can query Oasis API.
+ * @param marketId String identifying market we want data for. eg. 'REPAUG'.
+ */
+async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(oasisSource: OasisSource, market: OasisMarket): Promise<void> {
+ logUtils.log(`${market.id}: Retrieving orderbook.`);
+ const orderBook = await oasisSource.getMarketOrderbookAsync(market.id);
+ const observedTimestamp = Date.now();
+ logUtils.log(`${market.id}: Parsing orders.`);
+ const orders = parseOasisOrders(orderBook, market, observedTimestamp, OASIS_SOURCE);
+ if (orders.length > 0) {
+ logUtils.log(`${market.id}: Saving ${orders.length} orders.`);
+ const TokenOrderRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenOrder);
+ await TokenOrderRepository.save(orders, { chunk: Math.ceil(orders.length / BATCH_SAVE_SIZE) });
+ } else {
+ logUtils.log(`${market.id}: 0 orders to save.`);
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_paradex_orderbook_snapshots.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_paradex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
index bae1fbede..34345f355 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_paradex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_paradex_orderbook_snapshots.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let connection: Connection;
const tokenInfoResponse = await paradexSource.getTokenInfoAsync();
const extendedMarkets = addTokenAddresses(markets, tokenInfoResponse);
await Promise.all(
- extendedMarkets.map(async (market: ParadexMarket) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbook(paradexSource, market)),
+ extendedMarkets.map(async (market: ParadexMarket) => getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(paradexSource, market)),
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function addTokenAddresses(
* @param paradexSource Data source which can query the Paradex API.
* @param market Object from the Paradex API with information about the market in question.
-async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbook(paradexSource: ParadexSource, market: ParadexMarket): Promise<void> {
+async function getAndSaveMarketOrderbookAsync(paradexSource: ParadexSource, market: ParadexMarket): Promise<void> {
const paradexOrderbookResponse = await paradexSource.getMarketOrderbookAsync(market.symbol);
const observedTimestamp = Date.now();
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_trusted_tokens.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_trusted_tokens.ts
index 1befc4437..5906deee6 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_trusted_tokens.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/pull_trusted_tokens.ts
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ let connection: Connection;
(async () => {
connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
- await getMetamaskTrustedTokens();
- await getZeroExTrustedTokens();
+ await getMetamaskTrustedTokensAsync();
+ await getZeroExTrustedTokensAsync();
-async function getMetamaskTrustedTokens(): Promise<void> {
+async function getMetamaskTrustedTokensAsync(): Promise<void> {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log('Getting latest metamask trusted tokens list ...');
const trustedTokensRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenMetadata);
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ async function getMetamaskTrustedTokens(): Promise<void> {
console.log('Done saving metamask trusted tokens.');
-async function getZeroExTrustedTokens(): Promise<void> {
+async function getZeroExTrustedTokensAsync(): Promise<void> {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log('Getting latest 0x trusted tokens list ...');
const trustedTokensRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenMetadata);
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/update_relayer_info.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/update_relayer_info.ts
index f8918728d..41d29b385 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/update_relayer_info.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/scripts/update_relayer_info.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ let connection: Connection;
(async () => {
connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions);
- await getRelayers();
+ await getRelayersAsync();
-async function getRelayers(): Promise<void> {
+async function getRelayersAsync(): Promise<void> {
console.log('Getting latest relayer info...');
const relayerRepository = connection.getRepository(Relayer);
const relayerSource = new RelayerRegistrySource(RELAYER_REGISTRY_URL);
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs.ts
index 9d3ef2fba..19f81344e 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,18 @@ interface CryptoCompareCoin {
const TO_CURRENCIES = ['USD', 'EUR', 'ETH', 'USDT'];
const HTTP_OK_STATUS = 200;
+interface StaticPair {
+ fromSymbol: string;
+ toSymbol: string;
+const SPECIAL_CASES: StaticPair[] = [
+ {
+ fromSymbol: 'ETH',
+ toSymbol: 'USD',
+ },
* Get trading pairs with latest scraped time for OHLCV records
* @param conn a typeorm Connection to postgres
@@ -44,6 +56,7 @@ export async function fetchOHLCVTradingPairsAsync(
FROM raw.ohlcv_external
GROUP BY from_symbol, to_symbol;`);
+ // build addressable index: { fromsym: { tosym: time }}
const latestTradingPairsIndex: { [fromSym: string]: { [toSym: string]: number } } = {};
latestTradingPairs.forEach(pair => {
const latestIndex: { [toSym: string]: number } = latestTradingPairsIndex[pair.from_symbol] || {};
@@ -51,6 +64,13 @@ export async function fetchOHLCVTradingPairsAsync(
latestTradingPairsIndex[pair.from_symbol] = latestIndex;
+ // match time to special cases
+ const specialCases: TradingPair[] = SPECIAL_CASES.map(pair => {
+ const latestSavedTime =
+ R.path<number>([pair.fromSymbol, pair.toSymbol], latestTradingPairsIndex) || earliestBackfillTime;
+ return R.assoc('latestSavedTime', latestSavedTime, pair);
+ });
// get token symbols used by Crypto Compare
const allCoinsResp = await fetchAsync(COINLIST_API);
if (allCoinsResp.status !== HTTP_OK_STATUS) {
@@ -66,27 +86,31 @@ export async function fetchOHLCVTradingPairsAsync(
// fetch all tokens that are traded on 0x
- const rawTokenAddresses: Array<{ tokenaddress: string }> = await conn.query(
+ const rawEventTokenAddresses: Array<{ tokenaddress: string }> = await conn.query(
`SELECT DISTINCT(maker_token_address) as tokenaddress FROM raw.exchange_fill_events UNION
SELECT DISTINCT(taker_token_address) as tokenaddress FROM raw.exchange_fill_events`,
- const tokenAddresses = R.pluck('tokenaddress', rawTokenAddresses);
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unbound-method
+ const eventTokenAddresses = R.pluck('tokenaddress', rawEventTokenAddresses).map(R.toLower);
// join token addresses with CC symbols
- const allTokenSymbols: string[] = tokenAddresses
- .map(tokenAddress => erc20CoinsIndex.get(tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) || '')
- .filter(x => x);
+ const eventTokenSymbols: string[] = eventTokenAddresses
+ .filter(tokenAddress => erc20CoinsIndex.has(tokenAddress))
+ .map(tokenAddress => erc20CoinsIndex.get(tokenAddress) as string);
- // generate list of all tokens with time of latest existing record OR default earliest time
- const allTradingPairCombinations: TradingPair[] = R.chain(sym => {
+ // join traded tokens with fiat and latest backfill time
+ const eventTradingPairs: TradingPair[] = R.chain(sym => {
return TO_CURRENCIES.map(fiat => {
- return {
+ const pair = {
fromSymbol: sym,
toSymbol: fiat,
latestSavedTime: R.path<number>([sym, fiat], latestTradingPairsIndex) || earliestBackfillTime,
+ return pair;
- }, allTokenSymbols);
+ }, eventTokenSymbols);
- return allTradingPairCombinations;
+ // join with special cases
+ return R.concat(eventTradingPairs, specialCases);
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/src/utils/index.ts b/packages/pipeline/src/utils/index.ts
index 2096a0a39..094c0178e 100644
--- a/packages/pipeline/src/utils/index.ts
+++ b/packages/pipeline/src/utils/index.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,21 @@ export function bigNumbertoStringOrNull(n: BigNumber): string | null {
+ * If value is null or undefined, returns null. Otherwise converts value to a
+ * BigNumber.
+ * @param value A string or number to be converted to a BigNumber
+ */
+export function toBigNumberOrNull(value: string | number | null): BigNumber | null {
+ switch (value) {
+ case null:
+ case undefined:
+ return null;
+ default:
+ return new BigNumber(value);
+ }
* Logs an error by intelligently checking for `message` and `stack` properties.
* Intended for use with top-level immediately invoked asynchronous functions.
* @param e the error to log.