diff options
authormarkus <markus@FreeBSD.org>2004-08-19 19:49:41 +0800
committermarkus <markus@FreeBSD.org>2004-08-19 19:49:41 +0800
commit87a45f298590968ab648a621947755910d57bd8c (patch)
parent4dc95d7b44ced9f30763894c5a35f9176821f1c3 (diff)
- Fix build with gcc 3.4
- Fix build on amd64 - Move patches to external site Noticed by: pointyhat
7 files changed, 6 insertions, 1016 deletions
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/Makefile b/ftp/kbear/Makefile
index 8e806b44f4b9..88e726978971 100644
--- a/ftp/kbear/Makefile
+++ b/ftp/kbear/Makefile
DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:S/.a.1/alpha1b/}-1.src
+PATCH_SITES= http://www.brueffer.de/distfiles/
+PATCHFILES= ${DISTNAME:S/.src/-patch/}.gz
MAINTAINER= markus@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= A graphical FTP client for KDE
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ GNU_CONFIGURE= yes
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-O2||g; s|-lpthread|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|g' \
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-O2|-fPIC|g; s|-lpthread|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|g' \
.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/distinfo b/ftp/kbear/distinfo
index 2443d462f0e3..9e2889a581e9 100644
--- a/ftp/kbear/distinfo
+++ b/ftp/kbear/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
MD5 (kbear-3.0alpha1b-1.src.tar.bz2) = 4c2e050b6012ffcee53194dfed431bb1
SIZE (kbear-3.0alpha1b-1.src.tar.bz2) = 1237169
+MD5 (kbear-3.0alpha1b-1-patch.gz) = 93b84d8df390f325341e1e8c94b9b3b4
+SIZE (kbear-3.0alpha1b-1-patch.gz) = 7367
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearcopyjob.cpp b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearcopyjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e81d74493b58..000000000000
--- a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearcopyjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- kbear/lib/jobclasses/kbearcopyjob.cpp.orig Mon Feb 9 13:13:28 2004
-+++ kbear/lib/jobclasses/kbearcopyjob.cpp Mon Feb 9 13:13:56 2004
-@@ -1080,11 +1080,7 @@
- } else if (m_mode == Move) // Moving a file
- {
- KBearFileCopyJob * moveJob = KBearFileCopyJob::file_move( m_destID, m_sourceID, (*it).uSource, (*it).uDest, (*it).permissions, bOverwrite, false, false/*no GUI*/ );
- moveJob->setSourceSize( (*it).size );
-- #else
-- moveJob->setSourceSize64( (*it).size );
-- #endif
- newjob = moveJob;
- kdDebug(7007) << "KBearCopyJob::copyNextFile : Moving " << (*it).uSource.prettyURL() << " to " << (*it).uDest.prettyURL() << endl;
- emit moving( this, (*it).uSource, (*it).uDest );
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearsynchjob.cpp b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearsynchjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6862ee4e53..000000000000
--- a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbearsynchjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- kbear/lib/jobclasses/kbearsynchjob.cpp.orig Fri Jul 18 12:56:43 2003
-+++ kbear/lib/jobclasses/kbearsynchjob.cpp Fri Jul 18 12:56:53 2003
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include "kbearcopyjob.h"
- #include "kbeardeletejob.h"
- #include "kbearlistjob.h"
-+#include "connectionmanager.h"
- using namespace KBear;
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-misc.cpp b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-misc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb810e877455..000000000000
--- a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-misc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- kbear/lib/interfaces/misc.cpp.orig Fri Jul 18 16:02:57 2003
-+++ kbear/lib/interfaces/misc.cpp Fri Jul 18 16:03:34 2003
-@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
-+#include <netinet/in.h>
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Application specific includes
- #include "misc.h"
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ec559094c576..000000000000
--- a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
---- kbear/plugins/sitemanager/sitemanager.xml.orig Fri Jul 18 13:00:26 2003
-+++ kbear/plugins/sitemanager/sitemanager.xml Fri Jul 18 13:00:27 2003
-@@ -345,16 +345,957 @@
- <group label="Imported Bookmarks" />
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
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-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
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-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ </group>
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-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
-+ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
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-+ <anonymous/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <site label="Germany (ftp7)" >
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-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ </site>
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-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
-+ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
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-+ <port>21</port>
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-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <description/>
-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <site label="USA (ftp13)" >
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
-+ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
-+ </site>
-+ </group>
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-+ <port>21</port>
-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <mark_partial/>
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-+ <port>21</port>
-+ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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-+ <anonymous/>
-+ <mark_partial/>
-+ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
-+ </site>
-+ </group>
-+ </group>
- <site label="NetBSD" >
- <protocol>ftp</protocol>
- <host>ftp.netbsd.org</host>
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-transferqueueconfigwidget.cpp b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-transferqueueconfigwidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 93716ce26046..000000000000
--- a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-transferqueueconfigwidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- kbear/plugins/transferqueue/transferqueueconfigwidget.cpp.orig Sun Jun 6 03:12:32 2004
-+++ kbear/plugins/transferqueue/transferqueueconfigwidget.cpp Sun Jun 6 03:13:35 2004
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- m_config->sync();
- }
- m_sysShutdownCheckBox->setChecked( m_config->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("SysShutdownWhenDone"), false ) );
-- m_queueCheckBox->setChecked( m_config->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("QueueTransfers"), false ) );
-+ m_queueCheckBox->setChecked( m_config->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("QueueTransfers"), true ) );
- m_countSpinBox->setValue( m_config->readUnsignedNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("NumberOfTransfers"), 1 ) );
- m_disconnectCommandLineEdit->setText( m_config->readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("DisconnectCommand"), QString::fromLatin1("kppp -k") ) );