path: root/dns/knot3/files
diff options
authorKurt Jaeger <pi@FreeBSD.org>2020-10-04 19:00:40 +0800
committerKurt Jaeger <pi@FreeBSD.org>2020-10-04 19:00:40 +0800
commit5886a4aced71aff6a48f50fd629e5255b22daeb7 (patch)
treefa28000ac557d769689c92ac5806fbf2a6ef47a5 /dns/knot3/files
parentad56f5579cd3af8b13b3cd7bccd10f2565a0b996 (diff)
dns/knot3: remove for repo-copy
PR: 249363 Reported by: danfe
Diffstat (limited to 'dns/knot3/files')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/dns/knot3/files/knot.in b/dns/knot3/files/knot.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a177d531e3a..000000000000
--- a/dns/knot3/files/knot.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: knot
-# REQUIRE: SERVERS cleanvar
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable knot:
-# knot_enable="YES": Set to NO by default.
-# Set it to YES to enable knot.
-# knot_config="": Set to %%PREFIX%%/etc/knot/knot.conf
-# by default.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This script supports running multiple instances of knot.
-# To run additional instances link this script to something like
-# % ln -s knot knot_foo
-# and define additional knot_foo_* variables in one of
-# /etc/rc.conf, /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf.d/knot_foo
-# Below NAME should be substituted with the name of this script. By default
-# it is knot, so read as knot_enable. If you linked the script to
-# knot_foo, then read as knot_foo_enable etc.
-# The following variables are supported (defaults are shown).
-# You can place them in any of
-# /etc/rc.conf, /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf.d/NAME
-# NAME_enable="NO" # set to YES to enable knot
-# # optional:
-# NAME_config="%%PREFIX%%/etc/knot/NAME.conf" # (-c)onfig file
-# NAME_config="db:/var/db/knot/confdb" # (-C)onfig database
-# NAME_diruser="%%USERS%%" # /var/db/NAME and /var/run/NAME are created if they
-# NAME_dirgroup="%%GROUPS%%" # don't exist. These don't control the user/group knot
-# # runs as, the config file has a setting for that.
-# You also need to set the rundir directive in the server section of the
-# config file to /var/run/NAME (if using a NAME other than the default)
-# and you will want the storage directive(s) declared in the zone section
-# to point to /var/db/NAME overriding the default of /var/db/knot.
-# For further documentation, please see knot.conf(5).
-. /etc/rc.subr
-case "$0" in
- # during boot (shutdown) $0 is /etc/rc (/etc/rc.shutdown),
- # so get the name of the script from $_file
- name="$_file"
- ;;
- name="$0"
- ;;
-load_rc_config ${name}
-eval ": \${${name}_enable:=\"NO\"}"
-eval ": \${${name}_diruser:=\"%%USERS%%\"}"
-eval ": \${${name}_dirgroup:=\"%%GROUPS%%\"}"
-eval ": \${${name}_config:=\"%%PREFIX%%/etc/knot/${name}.conf\"}"
-configfile="$(eval echo \${${name}_config})"
-diruser="$(eval echo \${${name}_diruser})"
-dirgroup="$(eval echo \${${name}_dirgroup})"
-case "$configfile" in
- config_args="-C ${configfile#db:}"
- ;;
- config_args="-c ${configfile}"
- ;;
-command_args="${config_args} -d"
-case "$configfile" in
- required_files=${configfile#db:}/data.mdb
- ;;
- required_files=${configfile}
- ;;
- if [ ! -d /var/run/${name} ]; then
- install -d -o ${diruser} -g ${dirgroup} /var/run/${name}
- fi
- if [ ! -d /var/db/${name} ]; then
- install -d -o ${diruser} -g ${dirgroup} /var/db/${name}
- fi
- ${control} ${config_args} conf-check
- echo "Reloading ${name}."
- ${control} ${config_args} reload
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/dns/knot3/files/pkg-message.in b/dns/knot3/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index c8897b7d2d82..000000000000
--- a/dns/knot3/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-{ type: install
- message: <<EOM
- To start using Knot DNS, you should complete the following tasks:
- cp %%ETCDIR%%/knot.conf.sample %%ETCDIR%%/knot.conf
- $EDITOR %%ETCDIR%%/knot.conf
- sysrc knot_enable=YES
- sysrc knot_config=%%ETCDIR%%/knot.conf
- service knot start
- Please consult the documentation:
- - man knotd
- - https://www.knot-dns.cz/documentation/
- When upgrading from 2.4.x read:
- - https://www.knot-dns.cz/docs/3.0/html/migration.html#upgrade-2-9-x-to-3-0-x