diff options
8 files changed, 90 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/mail/exim/Makefile b/mail/exim/Makefile
index 1a5d4390cd36..ed8ea6fe70df 100644
--- a/mail/exim/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim/Makefile
COMMENT?= High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
-.include "Makefile.options"
USE_BZIP2= yes
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes
.error "You forgot to define FETCH_ALL to create the sane distinfo"
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.include "options"
+.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
.if defined(WITH_SA_EXIM)
.if defined(WITH_KAS)
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ PLIST_SUB+= SO_1024=""
PLIST_SUB+= SO_1024="@comment "
@@ -110,8 +111,7 @@ NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES= yes
PORTDOC_FILES= ChangeLog Exim3.upgrade Exim4.upgrade NewStuff \
OptionLists.txt README README.SIEVE dbm.discuss.txt \
- experimental-spec.txt filter.txt pcrepattern.txt \
- pcretest.txt spec.txt
+ experimental-spec.txt filter.txt spec.txt
PORT_EXAMPLES= convert4r3 convert4r4 transport-filter.pl
@@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ WITH_DEFAULT_CHARSET?= ISO-8859-1
LIB_DEPENDS+= pcre.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/pcre
+.if defined(WITH_LISTMATCH_RHS)
.if defined(WITH_DCC)
SEDLIST+= -e 's,^\# (EXPERIMENTAL_DCC=),\1,'
@@ -619,4 +623,15 @@ post-install:
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
+ @${SH} -c 'set -- ${OPTIONS:C/".*"//g}; \
+ while [ -n "$$1" ]; do \
+ opt="$$1"; shift; \
+ status="$$1"; shift; \
+ case "X$$status" in \
+ X[Oo][Nn]) echo "WITH_$$opt"=yes; ;; \
+ X[Oo][Ff][Ff]) echo "WITHOUT_$$opt"=yes; ;; \
+ esac; \
+ done'
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/mail/exim/Makefile.options b/mail/exim/Makefile.options
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a46b4d92fa..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim/Makefile.options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile helper for options handling.
-# Targets and their behaviors:
-# show-variables-list - shows WITH_*, WITHOUT_ variables set by default.
-# show-options-list - generates OPTIONS string compatible with ports
-# format. Can by safely used by maintainer to
-# re-generate sorted options list to cut-and-paste them
-# into `options' file.
-# $FreeBSD$
-AUTH_CRAM_MD5 = "Enable CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanisms"
-AUTH_DOVECOT = "Enable Dovecot authentication mechanisms"
-AUTH_PLAINTEXT = "Enable plaintext authentication"
-AUTH_SPA = "Enable Secure Password Authentication"
-CDB = "Enable CDB-style lookups"
-DAEMON = "Install scripts to run as a daemon"
-DNSDB = "Enable DNS-style lookups"
-DSEARCH = "Enable directory-list lookups"
-EMBEDDED_PERL = "Enable embedded Perl interpreter"
-ICONV = "Enable header charset conversion"
-IPV6 = "Enable IPv6 support"
-LMTP = "RFC2033 SMTP over command pipe transport"
-LSEARCH = "Enable wildcarded-file lookups"
-MAILDIR = "Enable Maildir mailbox format"
-MAILSTORE = "Enable Mailstore mailbox format"
-MBX = "Enable MBX mailbox format"
-NIS = "Enable NIS-style lookups"
-OLD_DEMIME = "Enable old, deprecated \"demime\" ACL"
-PAM = "Enable PAM authentication mechanisms"
-PASSWD = "Enable /etc/passwd lookups"
-SUID = "Install the exim binary suid root"
-TLS = "Link against OpenSSL"
-ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX = "Restrict the set of configuration files"
-AUTH_RADIUS = "Enable radius (RFC 2865) authentication"
-AUTH_SASL = "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth library"
-CONTENT_SCAN = "Enable exiscan email content scanner"
-DCC = "Enable DCC at ACL support via dccifd"
-DEBUG = "Build with debugging symbols"
-DISABLE_D_OPT = "Disable macros overrides using option -D"
-EXIMON = "Build eximon monitor (require XFree86!)"
-KAS = "Build with Kaspersky AntiSpam local scan"
-MYSQL = "Link against libmysqlclient library"
-OPENLDAP = "Link against libldap"
-PGSQL = "Link against libpq"
-READLINE = "Enable readline(3) library"
-SASLAUTHD = "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth daemon"
-SA_EXIM = "SA-Exim support"
-SO_1024 = "Build with Spamooborona-1024 local scan"
-SPF = "Enable Sender Policy Framework checking"
-SQLITE = "Enable SQLite lookups"
-SRS = "Enable Sender Rewriting Scheme"
-SRS_ALT = "Enable alternative SRS library"
-TCP_WRAPPERS = "Enable /etc/hosts.allow access control"
-WISHLIST = "Include the unsupported patches"
-XCLIENT = "Enable XCLIENT command in exim"
- CDB \
- IPV6 \
- LMTP \
- MBX \
- NIS \
- PAM \
- SUID \
- DCC \
- KAS \
- SO_1024 \
- SPF \
- SRS \
-.if !target(show-options-list)
-.if !defined($(option))
-_SELECTED_OPTIONS_ENV+= $(option)=$(option)
-_SELECTED_OPTIONS_ENV+= $(option)=$($(option))
- @for option in ${ALL_OPTIONS:O:u}; do \
- _txt=$$(${_SELECTED_OPTIONS_ENV} && \
- eval ${ECHO_CMD} $$\{$${option}\}); \
- if ${ECHO_CMD} ${ENABLED_OPTIONS} |${GREP} -wq $${option}; \
- then \
- _flag=on; \
- else \
- _flag=off; \
- fi; \
- ${PRINTF} "\t $${option} \"$${_txt}\" $${_flag} \\"; \
- ${ECHO_CMD}; \
- done
-.if !target(show-variables-list)
- @for option in ${ALL_OPTIONS}; do \
- if ${ECHO_CMD} ${ENABLED_OPTIONS} |${GREP} -wq $${option}; \
- then \
- ${ECHO_CMD} "WITH_$${option}=yes"; \
- else \
- ${ECHO_CMD} "WITHOUT_$${option}=yes"; \
- fi; \
- done
-.include "options"
diff --git a/mail/exim/distinfo b/mail/exim/distinfo
index db3e0c9b194c..8f4c5dc612d1 100644
--- a/mail/exim/distinfo
+++ b/mail/exim/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-SHA256 (exim/exim-4.76.tar.bz2) = 4625b0fb916835ae60a73311a8956267fa1248e888f584c337a5b7df20174e95
-SIZE (exim/exim-4.76.tar.bz2) = 1605832
+SHA256 (exim/exim-4.77.tar.bz2) = 0ccc13cf2f052b1163fcdf71c55a3578765050848ba413a6473d3ab5d20b1475
+SIZE (exim/exim-4.77.tar.bz2) = 1576148
SHA256 (exim/sa-exim-4.2.tar.gz) = 72e0a735547f18b05785e6c58a71d24623858f0f5234a5dc0e24cb453999e99a
SIZE (exim/sa-exim-4.2.tar.gz) = 66575
SHA256 (exim/spamooborona1024-src-3.2.tar.gz) = ab22a430f3860460045f6b213c68c89700a0cd10cbb6c7a808ece326c53787ee
diff --git a/mail/exim/files/extra-patch-xclient b/mail/exim/files/extra-patch-xclient
index 01a955294819..f55498f2a33e 100644
--- a/mail/exim/files/extra-patch-xclient
+++ b/mail/exim/files/extra-patch-xclient
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
---- src/globals.c.orig 2007-12-10 18:59:58.297661332 +0300
-+++ src/globals.c 2007-12-10 19:00:22.299029091 +0300
-@@ -621,6 +621,7 @@
+--- src/globals.c.orig 2011-10-10 09:18:13.000000000 +0400
++++ src/globals.c 2011-10-16 02:33:45.000000000 +0400
+@@ -633,6 +633,7 @@
BOOL helo_verified = FALSE;
BOOL helo_verify_failed = FALSE;
uschar *helo_verify_hosts = NULL;
+uschar *xclient_allow_hosts = NULL;
- uschar *hex_digits = US"0123456789abcdef";
+ const uschar *hex_digits = CUS"0123456789abcdef";
uschar *hold_domains = NULL;
BOOL host_checking = FALSE;
---- src/globals.h.orig 2007-12-10 19:11:45.337953260 +0300
-+++ src/globals.h 2007-12-10 19:12:42.341201691 +0300
-@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@
+--- src/globals.h.orig 2011-10-10 09:18:13.000000000 +0400
++++ src/globals.h 2011-10-16 02:34:09.000000000 +0400
+@@ -398,6 +398,7 @@
extern BOOL helo_verified; /* True if HELO verified */
extern BOOL helo_verify_failed; /* True if attempt failed */
extern uschar *helo_verify_hosts; /* Hard check HELO argument for these */
+extern uschar *xclient_allow_hosts; /* Allow XCLIENT command for specified hosts */
- extern uschar *hex_digits; /* Used in several places */
+ extern const uschar *hex_digits; /* Used in several places */
extern uschar *hold_domains; /* Hold up deliveries to these */
extern BOOL host_find_failed_syntax;/* DNS syntax check failure */
--- src/macros.h.orig 2007-08-30 18:31:06.000000000 +0400
diff --git a/mail/exim/files/patch-exiqgrep.src b/mail/exim/files/patch-exiqgrep.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 32986dad99ad..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim/files/patch-exiqgrep.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Should be removed once it will get into the mainline release.
-Taken-from: http://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1103
-Reported-by: Oliver Brandmueller <ob@e-gitt.net>
---- src/exiqgrep.src.orig 2011-05-10 10:29:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ src/exiqgrep.src 2011-05-10 10:31:13.000000000 +0400
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- chomp();
- my $line = $_;
- #Should be 1st line of record, if not error.
-- if ($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+((?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z])?)\s*(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{2})\s+(<.*?>)/) {
-+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+((?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z]?)?)\s*(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{2})\s+(<.*?>)/) {
- my $msg = $3;
- $id{$msg}{age} = $1;
- $id{$msg}{size} = $2;
diff --git a/mail/exim/options b/mail/exim/options
index 8f2083bdf22a..cef4d9b3f9aa 100644
--- a/mail/exim/options
+++ b/mail/exim/options
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
- ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX "Restrict the set of configuration files" off \
- AUTH_CRAM_MD5 "Enable CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanisms" on \
- AUTH_DOVECOT "Enable Dovecot authentication mechanisms" on \
- AUTH_PLAINTEXT "Enable plaintext authentication" on \
- AUTH_RADIUS "Enable radius (RFC 2865) authentication" off \
- AUTH_SASL "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth library" off \
- AUTH_SPA "Enable Secure Password Authentication" on \
- CDB "Enable CDB-style lookups" on \
- CONTENT_SCAN "Enable exiscan email content scanner" off \
- DAEMON "Install scripts to run as a daemon" on \
- DCC "Enable DCC at ACL support via dccifd" off \
- DEBUG "Build with debugging symbols" off \
- DISABLE_D_OPT "Disable macros overrides using option -D" on \
- DNSDB "Enable DNS-style lookups" on \
- DSEARCH "Enable directory-list lookups" on \
- EMBEDDED_PERL "Enable embedded Perl interpreter" on \
- EXIMON "Build eximon monitor (require XFree86!)" off \
- ICONV "Enable header charset conversion" on \
- IPV6 "Enable IPv6 support" on \
- KAS "Build with Kaspersky AntiSpam local scan" off \
- LMTP "RFC2033 SMTP over command pipe transport" on \
- LSEARCH "Enable wildcarded-file lookups" on \
- MAILDIR "Enable Maildir mailbox format" on \
- MAILSTORE "Enable Mailstore mailbox format" on \
- MBX "Enable MBX mailbox format" on \
- MYSQL "Link against libmysqlclient library" off \
- NIS "Enable NIS-style lookups" on \
- OLD_DEMIME "Enable old, deprecated "demime" ACL" on \
- OPENLDAP "Link against libldap" off \
- PAM "Enable PAM authentication mechanisms" on \
- PASSWD "Enable /etc/passwd lookups" on \
- PGSQL "Link against libpq" off \
- READLINE "Enable readline(3) library" off \
- SASLAUTHD "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth daemon" off \
- SA_EXIM "SA-Exim support" off \
- SO_1024 "Build with Spamooborona-1024 local scan" off \
- SPF "Enable Sender Policy Framework checking" off \
- SQLITE "Enable SQLite lookups" off \
- SRS "Enable Sender Rewriting Scheme" off \
- SRS_ALT "Enable alternative SRS library" off \
- SUID "Install the exim binary suid root" on \
- TCP_WRAPPERS "Enable /etc/hosts.allow access control" off \
- TLS "Link against OpenSSL" on \
- WISHLIST "Include the unsupported patches" off \
- XCLIENT "Enable XCLIENT command in exim" off \
+ ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX "Restrict the set of configuration files" off \
+ AUTH_CRAM_MD5 "Enable CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanisms" on \
+ AUTH_DOVECOT "Enable Dovecot authentication mechanisms" on \
+ AUTH_PLAINTEXT "Enable plaintext authentication" on \
+ AUTH_RADIUS "Enable radius (RFC 2865) authentication" off \
+ AUTH_SASL "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth library" off \
+ AUTH_SPA "Enable Secure Password Authentication" on \
+ CDB "Enable CDB-style lookups" on \
+ CONTENT_SCAN "Enable exiscan email content scanner" off \
+ DAEMON "Install scripts to run as a daemon" on \
+ DCC "Enable DCC at ACL support via dccifd" off \
+ DEBUG "Build with debugging symbols" off \
+ DISABLE_D_OPT "Disable macros overrides using option -D" on \
+ DNSDB "Enable DNS-style lookups" on \
+ DSEARCH "Enable directory-list lookups" on \
+ EMBEDDED_PERL "Enable embedded Perl interpreter" on \
+ EXIMON "Build eximon monitor (require XFree86!)" off \
+ ICONV "Enable header charset conversion" on \
+ IPV6 "Enable IPv6 support" on \
+ KAS "Build with Kaspersky AntiSpam local scan" off \
+ LISTMATCH_RHS "Enable pre-4.77 behaviour for match_*" off \
+ LMTP "RFC2033 SMTP over command pipe transport" on \
+ LSEARCH "Enable wildcarded-file lookups" on \
+ MAILDIR "Enable Maildir mailbox format" on \
+ MAILSTORE "Enable Mailstore mailbox format" on \
+ MBX "Enable MBX mailbox format" on \
+ MYSQL "Link against libmysqlclient library" off \
+ NIS "Enable NIS-style lookups" on \
+ OLD_DEMIME "Enable old, deprecated "demime" ACL" on \
+ OPENLDAP "Link against libldap" off \
+ PAM "Enable PAM authentication mechanisms" on \
+ PASSWD "Enable /etc/passwd lookups" on \
+ PGSQL "Link against libpq" off \
+ READLINE "Enable readline(3) library" off \
+ SASLAUTHD "Enable use of Cyrus SASL auth daemon" off \
+ SA_EXIM "SA-Exim support" off \
+ SO_1024 "Build with Spamooborona-1024 local scan" off \
+ SPF "Enable Sender Policy Framework checking" off \
+ SQLITE "Enable SQLite lookups" off \
+ SRS "Enable Sender Rewriting Scheme" off \
+ SRS_ALT "Enable alternative SRS library" off \
+ SUID "Install the exim binary suid root" on \
+ TCP_WRAPPERS "Enable /etc/hosts.allow access control" off \
+ TLS "Link against OpenSSL" on \
+ WISHLIST "Include the unsupported patches" off \
+ XCLIENT "Enable XCLIENT command in exim" off
diff --git a/mail/exim/pkg-message b/mail/exim/pkg-message
index 93c1abab9ee5..cbd7c03007de 100644
--- a/mail/exim/pkg-message
+++ b/mail/exim/pkg-message
@@ -5,3 +5,16 @@ IMPORTANT NOTE:
Please read %%DOCSDIR%%/POST-INSTALL-NOTES for important
information regarding your Exim installation.
+How to restore pre-4.77 behaviour of match_* expansions
+Just two steps to do it:
+ 1. first, read README.UPDATING and in most cases you will
+ realize that pre-4.77 behaviour is not what you want;
+ 2. if you're still here, turn on port's knob LISTMATCH_RHS
+ and carefully review your configuration for untrusted
+ right-hand sides in match_* operations.
diff --git a/mail/exim/pkg-plist b/mail/exim/pkg-plist
index ba5ebb09c7fb..7185b720c470 100644
--- a/mail/exim/pkg-plist
+++ b/mail/exim/pkg-plist
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ sbin/exiwhat
%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrmtry %%DOCSDIR%%