diff options
4 files changed, 57 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/games/eduke32/Makefile b/games/eduke32/Makefile
index f9ae2bec9dd5..a792ab41b3f6 100644
--- a/games/eduke32/Makefile
+++ b/games/eduke32/Makefile
@@ -5,17 +5,10 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= eduke32
-PORTVERSION= 20060718
+PORTVERSION= 20080206
-PATCH_SITES= http://gid0.free.fr/eduke32/
- txbuild_src_${PORTVERSION}.patch
+MASTER_SITES= http://wiki.eduke32.com/stuff/
MAINTAINER= olivier@gid0.org
COMMENT= Duke Nukem 3D Port based on JFDuke and EDuke
@@ -30,8 +23,7 @@ USE_GMAKE= yes
USE_GL= yes
USE_GNOME= gtk20
USE_SDL= mixer sdl
OPTIONS= MIDI "Enable MIDI support" on
@@ -45,19 +37,15 @@ RUN_DEPENDS+= timidity:${PORTSDIR}/audio/timidity
- 's|^(EROOT=)../build/|\1../txbuild_src_${PORTVERSION}/|; \
- s|^(CC=).*|\1${CC}|; \
+ 's|^(CC=).*|\1${CC}|; \
s|^(CXX=).*|\1${CXX}|; \
- s|^(NASMFLAGS=).*|\1 -s -f elf|; \
s|/usr/X11R6|${X11BASE}|; \
s|sdl-config|${SDL_CONFIG}|' \
${WRKSRC}/Makefile \
- ${WRKDIR}/txbuild_src_${PORTVERSION}/Makefile \
- ${WRKDIR}/txbuild_src_${PORTVERSION}/Makefile.shared
+ ${WRKSRC}/../build/Makefile \
+ ${WRKSRC}/../build/Makefile.shared
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/share/games/eduke32|${DN3DDIR}|' \
${WRKSRC}/source/game.c ${WRKSRC}/source/astub.c
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,^#if defined RENDERTYPEWIN || .*,#if 0,' \
- ${WRKSRC}/source/game.c
.for f in eduke32 mapster32
diff --git a/games/eduke32/distinfo b/games/eduke32/distinfo
index 9e72f2238de3..e39f31399941 100644
--- a/games/eduke32/distinfo
+++ b/games/eduke32/distinfo
@@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (eduke32_src_20060718.zip) = 1c037c953c1bdc76647c3434408e7db2
-SHA256 (eduke32_src_20060718.zip) = 4271a8470aa81217b554df0d9eb1864ef3d5b8ff6ca87d985b3bb46cbe3d373f
-SIZE (eduke32_src_20060718.zip) = 684828
-MD5 (txbuild_src_20060718.zip) = c2427bca6834f44c6731ea3973bc0d4b
-SHA256 (txbuild_src_20060718.zip) = 7329be9c1507a7a68a3216ab9d3e78d7ea0279fd302b0683af3e73a1c620777d
-SIZE (txbuild_src_20060718.zip) = 692726
-MD5 (eduke32_src_20060718.patch) = c2d6b3d7697f4588ba837f8e1b0b3085
-SHA256 (eduke32_src_20060718.patch) = 3fadcf1050f351944adee0c74e2f7fe4fe8f4af2afafa25b614a880304147063
-SIZE (eduke32_src_20060718.patch) = 128564
-MD5 (txbuild_src_20060718.patch) = a8ed8a4dbd83420bc735c45219116c03
-SHA256 (txbuild_src_20060718.patch) = 36e13cc7dc0a68e4dceb5dd4d5d9b40dbc43cd6e65a47b3080086e530f302dd3
-SIZE (txbuild_src_20060718.patch) = 1752
+MD5 (eduke32_src_20080206.zip) = 2706f66ea5a043e5020a6b5960c72594
+SHA256 (eduke32_src_20080206.zip) = a1d0d3fb47cb1eb21f5a299bc257ca0edb0ae91c6b7491690017418220825027
+SIZE (eduke32_src_20080206.zip) = 1523615
diff --git a/games/eduke32/files/patch-Makefile b/games/eduke32/files/patch-Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f2852307785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/eduke32/files/patch-Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- Makefile.orig 2007-10-10 23:28:16.000000000 +0200
++++ Makefile 2007-10-10 23:30:35.000000000 +0200
+@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@
+ include $(EROOT)/Makefile.shared
+-ifeq ($(PLATFORM),LINUX)
++ OBJ=obj_win
++ EOBJ=eobj_win
+ OBJ=obj
+ EOBJ=eobj
+- NASMFLAGS+= -f elf
+- OBJ=obj_win
+- EOBJ=eobj_win
+- else
+- OBJ=obj
+- EOBJ=eobj
+- endif
++ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),LINUX)
++ NASMFLAGS+= -f elf
++ endif
++ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BSD)
++ NASMFLAGS+= -f elf
++ endif
+ endif
+ JMACTOBJ=$(OBJ)/util_lib.$o \
diff --git a/games/eduke32/pkg-descr b/games/eduke32/pkg-descr
index 0faf5667c94f..8816a10fd477 100644
--- a/games/eduke32/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/eduke32/pkg-descr
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-EDuke32 is a Windows/Linux/UNIX version of Duke Nukem 3D aimed at highly
-extending what can be edited in the game. EDuke32 combines the work that JonoF
-and Ken Silverman have put in to JFDuke3D with the original EDuke work done by
-Matt Saettler, while simultaneously adding tons of new and useful features.
-Consequently, EDuke32 is the most advanced version of Duke Nukem 3D in
-existence. EDuke32 is developed and maintained by Richard "TerminX" Gobeille
-and the EDuke32 team.
+EDuke32 is a fork of the JFDuke3D port of Duke Nukem 3D (aka Duke3D), merging
+it with EDuke to provide many new features for mod authors. Built on the
+foundation of Jonathon "JonoF" Fowler's JFDuke3D work (including Build engine
+author Ken "Awesoken" Silverman's badass Polymost renderer) combined with
+Matt "Matteus" Saettler's EDuke advances, EDuke32 screams cool so loud you'll
+think Bruce Dickinson got uppercut in the balls by Freddy Krueger. Hell, it
+even comes with Mapster32, the enhanced Build editor.
-This port includes icculus.org/duke3d patches for sound and joystick support.
+The EDuke32 and Mapster32 development team is lead by Richard "TerminX"
+Gobeille, author of the popular Cinema mod for Max Payne 2, the Project X TC
+demo for EDuke 2.0, and Mapster, the original Build editor enhancement.
+ * Enhanced event-based game scripting system
+ * OpenGL renderer (truecolor textures, MD2/MD3 models)
+ * Cross-platform
+ * Augmented map editor
WWW: http://eduke32.com/