path: root/print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch b/print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e350c93fda56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+*** lib/CIDFnmap.orig Mon Jan 14 16:20:06 2002
+--- lib/CIDFnmap Mon Jan 14 16:26:34 2002
+*** 121,130 ****
+ % in particular, you must leave at least one space or tab between each
+ % field in the entry.
+! %(CIDFnmap.Ore) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.ARP) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Bae) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Koc) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Sol) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.CJK) .runlibfile
+--- 121,131 ----
+ % in particular, you must leave at least one space or tab between each
+ % field in the entry.
+! (CIDFnmap.Ore) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.ARP) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Bae) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Koc) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.Sol) .runlibfile
+ %(CIDFnmap.CJK) .runlibfile
++ (CIDFnmap.ports) .runlibfile
+*** lib/CIDFnmap.Ore.orig Mon Jan 14 16:29:32 2002
+--- lib/CIDFnmap.Ore Mon Jan 14 16:30:09 2002
+*** 9,18 ****
+ % Adobe-Japan1
+- /WadaGo-Bold (WadaGo-Bold) ;
+ /WadaMaruGo-Regular (WadaMaruGo-Regular) ;
+ /WadaMin-Bold (WadaMin-Bold) ;
+- /WadaMin-Regular (WadaMin-Regular) ;
+ % Adobe-Japan2
+--- 9,16 ----
+*** /dev/null Mon Jan 14 16:14:11 2002
+--- lib/CIDFnmap.ports Mon Jan 14 16:27:11 2002
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,54 ----
++ % Japanese Truetype Fonts (Kochi)
++ /Kochi-Mincho (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-mincho.ttf) 1 /Adobe-Japan1 ;
++ /Kochi-Gothic (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-gothic.ttf) 1 /Adobe-Japan1 ;
++ %
++ % Fallback aliases for CJK PDF files
++ %
++ /Adobe-CNS1 /MOESung-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ /Adobe-Korea1 /Munhwa-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %
++ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Traditional Chinese PostScript printer
++ %
++ /MSung-Light /MOESung-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %/MSung-Medium /ShanHeiSun-Light ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
++ %/MHei-Medium /ShanHeiSun-Light ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
++ %/MHei-Medium /hei ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %/MKai-Medium /ZenKai-Medium ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
++ /MKai-Medium /MOEKai-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %
++ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Simplified Chinese PostScript printer
++ %
++ %/STSong-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
++ %/STSong-Light /zycjksun ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %/STFangsong-Light /zycjkfangs ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %/STHeiti-Regular /zycjkhei ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %/STKaiti-Regular /GBZenKai-Medium ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
++ %/STKaiti-Regular /zycjkkai ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %
++ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Japanese PostScript printer
++ %
++ /Ryumin-Light /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /Ryumin-Light-H /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /Ryumin-Light-V /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /GothicBBB-Medium /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /GothicBBB-Medium-H /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /GothicBBB-Medium-V /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
++ /HeiseiMin-W3H /WadaMin-RegularH ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ /HeiseiKakuGo-W5H /WadaMaruGo-RegularH ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %
++ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Korean PostScript printer
++ %
++ /HYGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %/HYGoThic-Medium /Baekmuk-Dotum ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
++ %/HYGoThic-Medium /Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ /HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Munhwa-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
++ %/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Baekmuk-Batang ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
++ %/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Myeongjo ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ %/HYRGoThic-Medium /Baekmuk-Gulim ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
++ %/HYRGoThic-Medium /RoundedGothic ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
++ /HYRGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGungSeo-Bold ; % CIDFnmap.Ore