| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
| |
of Jikes not does support all of Java 1.5 extensions.
Porters may still enforce the use of Jikes with Java 1.5 by explicitely
This fix is a temporary one and is bound to be removed whenever Java 1.5 gets
fully supported in Jikes.
Reported by: lawrance
Approved by: glewis (co-maintainer)
| |
Based on: ports/87816
Submitted by: Phil Oleson <oz@nixil.net>
Security: http://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/1daea60a-4719-11da-b5c6-0004614cc33d.html
| |
- Remove stale AU mirror
- Fix path for RU mirror
- Add TW mirror
PR: ports/88081
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar
| |
PR: ports/88080
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar
| |
we try to fetch from them.
remove ftp.tu-clausthal.de; it no longer has a /pub/mirror/kde directory.
remove ftp.linux.org.tr; it has 0 of the 58 files we fetch from suse.
remove ftp.uni-bremen.de; it has 3 of the 58 files we fetch from suse
remove linux.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de; it has 3 of the 58 files we
fetch from suse
change ops.tamu.edu to mirror.tamu.edu to chase a 302 redirect.
remove ftp.weird.com; it has 5 of the 41 files we fetch from netbsd.
| |
| |
| |
Correct path on ftp.riken.go.jp.
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
Remove aleraon, unc and voxel. They are missing about 30%
of the files we're trying to fetch, and prdownloads.sf.net
doesn't currently offer them as mirrors.
Remove mesh, even though prdownloads.sf.net currently offers
it as a mirror. It is missing about 30% of the files we're
trying to fetch.
Add umn and jaist, sites that prdownloads.sf.net currently
offers that have most of the files that we're trying to fetch.
Don't add internap; even though prdownloads.sf.net currently
offers it, it's missing about 30% of the files we're trying
to fetch.
| |
Delete www.cpan.dk; it was last updated 2005-02-19 according to
| |
that architecture.
| |
| |
Finish the rename of scriptics.com to tcl.tk. Chase a reorganized
| |
| |
the distfiles.
Source: distfile survey
| |
directories on a few others.
Source: distfile survey
| |
were listed on the same hostname. I chose to remove the ftp://
lines because HTTP has a better chance of working through
poorly-configured firewalls.
| |
Deleted mirrors.telenet.be; they only mirror i386/current
Deleted ftp.rdc.cl; they only mirror i386/9.0
Deleted ftp.htwk-leipzig.de; they only mirror 7.3-8.2
Deleted ftp.plig.org; they do not have a /pub/suse directory.
Deleted ftp.lug.ro; they do not have a suse directory.
Deleted ftp.chello.nl; the /pub/linux directory exists but is empty.
Deleted ftp.linux.ro; they only mirror the i386 subdir so can't use
Deleted ftp.telekabel.at; the /pub/linux directory exists but is empty.
Deleted ftp.suselinux.su; they no longer carry SUSE (see
Deleted suse-update.ftp.fu-berlin.de; they only carry updates.
Deleted darkstar.ist.utl.pt; they only carry two CDs.
Deleted ftp.hs-niederrhein.de; they only carry updates.
Deleted trane.caset.buffalo.edu; it has a low user limit.
Deleted ftp.skynet.be; it only has 9.3 and 10.0 and we look for
9.1 and 9.2.
Deleted ftp.task.gda.pl; it only has the 9.2 iso and nothing else.
Deleted ftp.nl.uu.net; it only has 9.3, 10.0 and 10.1 and we look
for 9.1 and 9.2.
Deleted ftp.mirror.nl; while it has the 9.1 and 9.2 directories and
all their subdirectories, the subdirectories we want are empty.
Changed http://ftp.mirror.ac.uk to http://download.mirror.ac.uk to match
302 redirects
Deleted duplicates for ftp.suse.cl and mirror.usu.edu.
Added missing %SUBDIR% for mirror.aarnet.edu.au.
Changed too many URLs to count to match the actual site layout.
Still to do: reduce the size of the list. While all the mirrors
are now 99%-100% good, it's still not useful to have 110 mirrors.
The list should be cut down by about half.
| |
Reported by: Fenner's Portsurvey
| |
| |
Remove ftp://ftp.leo.org, they have had a hardware failure and don't
know when they will be back up.
Source: distfile survey
| |
- Allow to override a command passing to distutils using
- Allow to specify BUILD/RUN dependency separatedly. [3]
- Replace shell executions with regex replacement on bsd.python.mk. [3]
- Remove thread serialization from socket.getaddrinfo() on FreeBSD 5.3
and later versions because we've got thread-safe implementation. [4]
- Add a workaround to avoid curses.h problem of FreeBSD base.
PR: 86685 [1]
Submitted by: Soeren Straarup <xride@x12.dk> [1],
lioux [2], vsevolod [3], sobomax [4]
Obtained from: Python CVS [4]
| |
| |
3 of the 4 files we're trying to fetch. Many sites on the
official fedora mirror list are only partial mirrors or simply
were bad URLs.
I used http://people.freebsd.org/~fenner/bad-sites/fedora/site/
as my criteria.
| |
hostname or directory structure.
This should finish the removal of the completely broken hosts except for
MASTER_SITES_FEDORA which will be in a separate commit.
no such host:
could not connect:
no longer mirroring certain files:
hostname and/or directory changed:
| |
list that is considered useful. Add a note about how all entries must
terminate with a slash.
This is part of the continuing attempt to clean up the very poor state
of this file.
hat: portmgr
| |
| |
remove ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/fedora.redhat/ . There is no
fedora.redhat directory.
remove http://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/fedora.redhat/ . There are no
files fetchable from this URL.
remove ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/fedora/ . This is an
incomplete mirror and contains none of the files we fetch.
remove http://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/fedora/ . This is an
incomplete mirror and contains none of the files we fetch.
remove ftp://ftp.uci.edu/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/ . This is an
incomplete mirror and contains none of the files we fetch.
removed ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/gnu/gcc/ because it doesn't have
any of the files that we fetch.
removed ftp://ftp.uvsq.fr/pub/gcc/ because it only has 5 of 48 files.
remove http://ftp.linux.org.uk/mirrors/ftp.gnome.org/ . It reports
404 errors for more than 75% of the files we try to fetch from it.
removed http://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/GNU/ since it was last updated
in 2003.
remove ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/mozilla/ . It is only a partial
mirror, mirroring only what would be in MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR as
remove ftp://ftp.bora.net . It hasn't been updated since August 11.
remove ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/redhat/linux/ . It
has none of the files that we fetch.
remove ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/redhat/releases . It has none
of the files that we fetch.
remove ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/ .
There is no ftp.redhat.com directory.
remove ftp://ftp.uci.edu/mirrors/redhat/linux/ . It is a partial mirror,
having only 4 of the 176 files that we try to fetch from it.
remove ftp://ftp.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/pub2/redhat/ . It is a partial mirror,
having only 23 of the 176 files that we try to fetch from it.
remove ftp://ftp.carrier.kiev.ua/pub/Linux/RedHat/redhat/linux/ . It is
a partial mirror, having only 62 of the 176 files that we try to fetch
from it.
remove ftp://ftp.rediris.es/sites2/ibiblio.org/linux/ . There is
no sites2 directory.
remove ftp://ftp.ntnu.no/pub/tex/CTAN/ . It is missing most of
latex/contrib, xmltex, foiltex, ghostgum, and others.
changed ftp://ftp.rediris.es/pub/linux/distributions/suse/ to
ftp://ftp.rediris.es/pub/linux/distributions/suse/pub/suse/ to match
the site layout.
changed ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/linux-suse/i386/ to
ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/linux-suse/ to match the site layout.
removed ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/suse/i386/ since it contains none
of the files that we fetch.
changed ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ to
ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/ to match the site
changed ftp://ftp.belnet.be/linux/suse/ to
ftp://ftp.belnet.be/linux/suse/suse/ to match the site layout
removed ftp://ftp.rez-gif.supelec.fr/pub/Linux/distrib/suse/ since
there is no suse directory.
added missing slash in ftp://ftp.unicamp.br/pub/suse%SUBDIR%/ . What
an incredibly sloppy list this is.
changed ftp://ftp.empiricalnetworks.com/pub/suse/i386/ to
ftp://ftp.empiricalnetworks.com/pub/suse/ to match the site layout.
changed http://suse.cs.utah.edu/ to http://suse.utah.edu/suse/ to
match the site layout.
changed ftp://suse.cs.utah.edu/ to ftp://suse.cs.utah.edu/pub/suse.com/suse/
to match the site layout.
changed ftp://ftp.skynet.be/mirror/suse.com/ftp.suse.com/ to
ftp://ftp.skynet.be/mirror/suse.com/ftp.suse.com/suse/ to match the
site layout. Who made all these errors!?
changed http://suse.oregonstate.edu/ to http://suse.osuosl.org/suse/
to follow a 301 redirect and match the site layout.
changed http://sunsite.utk.edu/ftp/pub/linux/suse/ to
http://sunsite.utk.edu/ftp/pub/linux/suse/suse/ to match the
site layout.
changed ftp://linux.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/pub/linux/distributions/suse/
to ftp://linux.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/pub/linux/distributions/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/
to match the site layout.
changed ftp://ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/mirrors/suse/ to
ftp://ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/mirrors/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/ to match
the site layout.
removed ftp://ftp.mirror.nl/pub/mirror/suse/ . While it has subdirectories
such as i386/9.1/suse/i586/ that we'd like to fetch stuff from, they're
removed ftp://ftp.cz.xemacs.org/MIRRORS/ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/
since it was last updated in 2004
| |
more bad entries to go. This file is in awful shape.
change ftp://ftp.forthnet.gr/pub/www/apache/dist/
to ftp://ftp.forthnet.gr/pub/www/apache/ to match the site layout
change ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/mirrors/ftp.apache.org/dist/
to ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/mirrors/ftp.apache.org/ to match the site layout
removed ftp://apache.mirrors.rossfell.co.uk/mirrors/apache/dist/ since
there is no mirrors/apache directory.
removed ftp://ftp.plig.net/pub/apache/dist/ since there is no pub/apache
change ftp://mirrors.rmplc.co.uk/pub/apache/dist/ to
ftp://mirrors.rmplc.co.uk/pub/apache/ to match the site layout
remove http://ftp.lug.udel.edu/pub/gnu/ - connection attempts have
been timing out consistently for 3 weeks and it's not listed as a
mirror in http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html .
remove http://gnu.mirror.mcgill.ca/ - connection attempts have been
timing out consistently for 3 weeks and it's not listed as a mirror
in http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html .
remove ftp://ftp.rutgers.edu/pub/kde/ . The /pub/kde directory
exists but is empty on ftp.rutgers.edu.
remove http://ftp.rutgers.edu/pub/kde/ . ftp.rutgers.edu is not
running a web server.
Change http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/archives/linux/X/kde to
http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/archives/linux/kde to match a
301 redirect and the list of KDE mirrors
remove http://kde.gnusoft.net/kde/ . While there is some kde
stuff there, it is not organized in the same was as other sites
so this site would need its own MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR.
remove ftp://ftp.rutgers.edu/pub/redhat/linux/ . The /pub/redhat
directory exists but is empty on ftp.rutgers.edu.
remove ftp://ftp.crc.ca/pub/systems/linux/redhat/ftp.redhat.com/linux/ .
ftp.crc.ca has removed everything from /pub but /pub/crc.
remove ftp://ftp.redhat.de/pub/redhat/linux/ . The distfile survey
has not been able to successfully fetch a single file from this site
since it started checking at Tue Oct 28 21:04:23 UTC 2003.
remove ftp://ftp.inet.it/pub/Linux/redhat/ . There is no Linux
subdirectory in /pub.
remove ftp://ftp.cs.nott.ac.uk/Mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/ .
It has not been running an FTP server since the distfile survey started
checking at Sun Sep 11 08:09:48 UTC 2005.
Change http://ftp.tpnet.pl/d2/ftp.suse.com to
http://ftp.tpnet.pl/vol/d7/ftp.suse.com/i386 based on
Change ftp://ftp.tpnet.pl/d2/ftp.suse.com to
ftp://ftp.tpnet.pl/d7/ftp.suse.com/i386 based on
remove ftp://ftp.jp.xemacs.org/pub/GNU/xemacs/ . The /pub/GNU/xemacs
directory exists but is empty.
remove ftp://ftp.tw.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/ . There is no /pub/xemacs
remove ftp://ftp.nz.xemacs.org/mirror/ftp.xemacs.org/ . There is no
mirror directory.
remove ftp://ftp.za.xemacs.org/mirrorsites/ftp.xemacs.org/ . mirrorsites
has no ftp.xemacs.org subdirectory.
Found by: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
that particular directory.
| |
survey should have a lot less red and pink lines in the output.
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
are dozens of alternative sites.
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
or dramatically stale. Extra axe points given to sites that no loner
appear on ISC's mirror list. Add one site in Sweden. More sites could
be added if necessary.
For MASTER_SITE_WINDOWMAKER, delete sites that do not have the
latest version.
Prompted by: fenner's distfile survey
| |
| |
| |
in the distfile survey.
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
(which is non-default).
Submitted by: krismail
| |
Approved by: portmgr (krion)
| |
PR: ports/86147
Submitted by: maintainer
| |
ports left in the tree that need this definition in any case.
Source: mastersite survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
longer carries XFree86.
Source: distfile survey
| |
Source: distfile survey
| |
Prompted by: distfile survey
| |
Add new plugins x264.
Approved by: maintainer (implicit)
| |
| |
the location back in the last 24 hours or I made a mistake.
| |
Noticed by: Soeren Straarup <xride@x12.dk>
| |
There are a few reason to have standard indenting and only one against:
easy reading on 80 characters terminals. It's not enough.
PR: ports/84840
Submitted by: Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch>
Discussed with: pav
| |
Approved by: portmgr (marcus)
| |
| |
service. We appreciate all your support in the past.
| |
known as FreeBSDChina.org), to improve the user experience of local
distfile downloads from the mainland China.
Approved by: portmgr (linimon), clive
| |
| |
Submitted by: gerald
| |
| |
| |
| |
Rename patch-ak to patch-unexelf.c after realigning. Changes in patch-ai
were merged.
| |
| |
PR: 83498
Submitted by: Tsurutani Naoki <turutani@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
| |
- fix a serious memory corruption problem
- remove automake dependency
- switch to the latest autoconf version
| |
This brings USE_TWISTED options which works like USE_GNOME
to python ports. [1]
- Fill comment about USE_ZOPE. [1]
- Fix some mixed usage of tab and space.
PR: 82445 [1]
Submitted by: Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> [1]
| |
Wavpack moves from main package to stand alone plugin.
New cdio plugin, spc plugin now enabled.
Mark the cairo plugin ignore because it needs a newer version of cairo.
Use gst-register-0.8 instead of gst-register.
Changelog: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gst-plugins/0.8.10.html
Approved by: maintainer (implicit)
| |
it is empty. USE_AUTOTOOLS_COMPAT will always be defined, but we don't
want to assume that we're using autotools compatibility unless its value
is non-null. Previously, the defined check would cause ports using the new
USE_AUTOTOOLS scheme to fail.
Approved by: ade
| |
USE_AUTOTOOLS stanza. Full backwards compatibility with the current
USE/WANT variables has been maintained via a number of shims which
are set to expire on January 1st, 2006.
Please do *not* start using USE_AUTOTOOLS in port Makefiles until
after 6.0-RELEASE has gone out the door. Once that has happened,
I will implement a tree-wide conversion process before 5.5-RELEASE,
at which points ports will be free to use the new mechanisms.
This change has been extensively locally tested with various large
consumers of autotools building with no ill-effects notice. However,
there may well be edge cases that need to be taken care of. After
discussion with various members of portmgr, it was agreed that this
commit could go ahead without an -exp run, but that does not, in
my mind, constitute full approval. The responsibility for any breakages
caused by this commit are mine, and mine alone. Please do file PRs,
or mail me directly, if breakage is noticed, and I will endeavor to
fix immediately.
PR: 82462
| |
| |
Approved by: portmgr (krion)
| |
PR: ports/79330
Approved by: portmgr (kris with pointyhat help)
| |
- USE_LINUX now implies NO_FILTER_SHLIBS=yes. It also doesn't use FreeBSD
tools to strip binaries anymore, so it's not neccesary anymore to override
- In the USE_LINUX case, USE_XLIB now depends upon the linux X11 libraries
instead upon the native FreeBSD libraries.
- The variable LINUX_BASE_PORT contains a string which is suitable as an
item in *_DEPENDS, so if a port BATCH_DEPENDS or FETCH_DEPENDS upon the
default (or overriden) linux base, ${LINUX_BASE_PORT} should be used
instead of a hardcoded reference.
- Change all ports to comply to the "new world order".
- The Ports Collection now allows to override the default linux_base port.
Specify e.g. OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=rh-9 in /etc/make.conf to use
${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base-rh-9 (the logic is to use
- If USE_LINUX or OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE doesn't point to an existing linux_base
port and if USE_LINUX isn't set to "yes" (case insensitive), the port will
be marked as IGNORE. [1]
- Readd USE_LINUX knobs into several ports and make several uses of a
conditional dependency ("USE_LINUX?=") into an unconditional one
("USE_LINUX=") which where removed/changed by Trevor to allow the use of
alternative linux_base ports. While this is a nice goal, the implementation
resulted in missing dependencies. The OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT knob
in this commit is supposed to fix the problem while keeping the feature.
Basicaly this includes a backout of Trevor's commit, to prevent confusion
I mention it here explicitely.
- Use the correct prefix (X11- instead of LOCAL- or LINUX-) for some ports.
Chase dependencies for this.
- Changes to make linux_devtools installable on amd64, remove some stray
device nodes (they don't work on recent OS versions and aren't really
- Make linux_base-8 PREFIX clean and remove some stray device nodes.
Additionally tell a little bit more about how to setup NIS/YP [2].
- Update the PGSQL dependency in the linux-opengroupware port to a recent
version (the old one isn't available anymore), I don't know if this
works (at least it isn't more broken than before).
- Use PREFIX/usr/share/doc instead of PREFIX/usr/doc in the divx4linux
ports, the former path exists already and gets populated by other
packages too (PREFIX=LINUXPREFIX!).
- Fix some obvious (non-linuxolator) bugs in some linux ports while being
- Bump PORTREVISION where neccesary.
Requested by: portmgr (linimon) [1]
Submittted by: Gerrit Kuehn <gerrit_huehn@gruft.fido.de [2]
Approved by: portmgr (kris, linimon), maintainers (or maintainer timeout)
Tested on: ports cluster (kris)
Reviewed by: silence on emulation@
Superseedes PR: 69997
Maintainer approval from:
| |
flagged a port as BROKEN. Since INDEX builds just fine, it's pretty
obvious that all ports have been converted over to the current world
order, and this has been the case through at least the lifetime of 5.x,
so it's time they went away.
| |
using the various GNU autotools, running "aclocal" at configuration
time, prior to any other tools.
This should allow a number of ports Makefiles to be cleaned up with
respect to their explicit calling of ${ACLOCAL}
PR: 41945 (reworked for current reality)
Submitted by: Bruce M Simpson <bms@spc.org>
| |
The versioned autotools are now strictly for building other ports in the tree.
Likewise, the gnu- autotools are for runtime dependencies for IDEs, and others,
where unmodified cross-platform capabilities are desired.
| |
* Fix add-plist-docs target to work correctly with wildcards. [2]
* Fix USE_MYSQL and USE_PGSQL knobs to work in partitial ports tree. [2] [3]
* Introduce 2 new variables: USE_FAM and WANT_FAM_SYSTEM. [4]
* Suppress "Vulnerability check disabled" message if
* Switch default MySQL version to 4.1 [6]
* Add support for OpenLDAP v.23. [7]
* Fix add-plist-info and add-plist-post targets to avoid warnings
from ports which redefine them. [8]
* Fix add-plist-docs target to handle NOPORTDOCS knob properly. [9]
* Use INSTALLDIRS="site" in configure for perl ports. [10]
defined. [11]
* Add an ability to depend on versioned installed package. [12]
Please note, it's experimental feature, work is currently in
PR: ports/81922 [1], ports/77820 [2], ports/80023 [2],
ports/78597 [2], ports/79011 [3], ports/79012 [3],
ports/81168 [4], ports/78607 [5], ports/79604 [6],
ports/80653 [7], ports/80880 [8], ports/81189 [9],
ports/78144 [10], ports/69512 [11], ports/79823 [12]
Submitted by: gerald [1], clement [2], lawrance [2], Jilles
Tjoelker <jilles at stack dot nl> [3], marcus [4],
adamw [5], ale [6], Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at
highsecure.dot.ru> [7], Vasil Dimov <vd at datamax dot bg> [8],
sem [10], leeym [11], tobez [12]
| |
(*) Yes I know I'm only kidding myself with it.
| |
PR: ports/68569
Submitted by: eik
Approved by: maintainer timeout (almost 1 year)
| |
PR: ports/81900
Submitted by: Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>
| |
* Unbreak on non-i386 platforms
* Update EMACS_VER on editors/xemacs-devel-mule
* Fix EMACS_VER on editors/xemacs-devel
PR: ports/81866
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar <anrays@gmail.com> (maintainer)
| |
USE_GCC=3.2+ on a 6-CURRENT system prefers the GCC 3.2 compiler
instead of the GCC 3.4 default system compiler.
One often uses USE_GCC=3.2+ to enable a port to build on RELENG_4,
but that does not mean a 6-CURRENT user doesn't want to use the
native compiler.
I also argue that the correct algorithm for USE_GCC=3.2+ is:
1. Use system compiler if it's version is allowable by the USE_GCC
2. Prefer the highest version # found already installed and allowed
by the USE_GCC invocation, rather than the lowest.
3. Install the specified GCC version and use if, if no other already
installed compiler meets the USE_GCC invocation.
#1 and #3 are implemented with this patch, but #2 isn't.
The reason for it is because there is no highest version # specifiable
with the USE_GCC command. What could be made is that the USE_GCC
command accepts two arguments, where the first is the lower version,
the second is the upper version. Or USE_GCC=-4.0, where everything
<= 4.0 is allowed.
PR: ports/81116
Reviewed by: David O'Brien <obrien@freebsd.org>
| |
Remove xine plugins, not very well supported and gstreamer-ffmpeg does a
better job.
Override COMMENT and PORTREVISION in slave ports.
For the slave ports in multimedia add also CATAGORIES.
Chase libmusepack -> libmpcdec rename.
Changelog: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gst-plugins/0.8.9.html
Approved by: maintainer (implicit)
| |
graciously provided by the Federal University of Parana, Brazil;
the only SOURCEFORGE mirror on Latin America. They are committed
for full SOURCEFORGE mirroring.
| |
| |
| |
| |
With the import of lang/gcc41, enable support for it in bsd.gcc.mk.
PR: ports/81262
Submitted by: Edwin Groothuis <edwin@mavetju.org>
| |
files and not directories.
| |
| |
PR: ports/81106
Submitted by: Renato Botelho <freebsd@galle.com.br> (qmail maintainer)
| |
PR: ports/80704
Submitted by: Renato Botelho <freebsd@galle.com.br> (qmail maintainer)
| |
| |
PR: ports/61069
Submitted by: Munehiro Matsuda <haro@h4.dion.ne.jp>
Improved by: Andrey Slusar <anrays@gmail.com>, sem
| |
| |
Fix 18 of 29 sites and remove 1 (http://exim.stanford.edu/ftp/pub/exim/)
| |
- fix security issues
- unbreak PEAR packages [1]
PR: ports/78516 [1]
Submitted by: Yen-Ming Lee <leeym@utopia.leeym.com> [1]
Tested by: thierry
| |
| |
| |
Bumped into by: lofi
Pointy hat to: adamw
Approved by: portmgr (marcus)
| |
| |
| |
| |
Requested by: lofi
Approved by: maintainer (implicit)
| |
- Fixed option WITH_GTK(bug, reported by Palle Girgensohn <girgen@pingpong.net>)
PR: ports/78960
Submitted by: maintainer
| |
Release notes are available at
Thanks to kris and krion for running several cluster test builds,
maintainers of GNOME for prompt responses, portmgr for postponing ports
freeze for this update, testers on FreeBSD-X11@ list and others that I
might have mised here.
Also included:
- fix for ATI Mobility on Dell Inspiron 7500 (obtained from Marc Aurele La
France; obtained and tested by julian)
- fix for kbd driver on Sparc64 (tested by Aaron Dudek, Michael G. Jung and
Matthias Muthmann), which still appears to have problems with some
keyboards - so
- fix for kbd driver on PC98 (reported and tested by NAKAJI Hiroyuki; PR
- fix for i810 on HP D530 (obtained from Egbert Eich; obtained and tested
by Anders Nor Berle; PR ports/74757)
| |
| |
| |
| |
on pygnomeextras from working
Submitted by: Franz Klammer <klammer@webonaut.com>
| |
distfiles for upcoming X.Org 6.8.2 ports.
Noticed by: pointyhat via krion
| |
- Better dependencies tracking [1]
Suggested by: des
| |
His idea was:
What do you guys think of changing the +='s in bsd.sites.mk to
?='s? The deal is this: say I have a specific AfterStep dist
site that I want to use, and I don't want the default listed
sites to be attempted at all.
As it stands now, there are two current solutions that I see:
* edit bsd.sites.mk after every cvsup
* put like 100 entries for that site in MASTER_SITE_AFTERSTEP
in /etc/make.conf and turn on RANDOMIZE_MASTER_SITES
His solution was:
Change the bsd.sites.mk to MASTER_SITE_AFTERSTEP?=, and then I
can define MASTER_SITE_AFTERSTEP to be whatever I want it to
The final solution is:
Add an .if !defined(IGNORE_MASTER_SITE_xxx) / .endif around all
MASTER_SITE definitions:
ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/x11/x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
This way, if you want to ignore the default MASTER_SITE_xxx and use
a certain mastersite for this collection, you set this in your
While if you prefer a certain mastersite for this collection, you
set this in your /etc/make.conf:
| |
| |
Submitted by: Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior <antonio@php.net>
| |
Administrative/contact window should go: sf-mirrors@nchc.org.tw
Sponsor by: TWAREN, NCHC Taiwan
| |
unc mirror.
No objections: marcus
| |
mirrorservice.org was extremely slow lately.
| |
PR: ports/78602
Submitted by: KOMATSU Shinichiro <koma2@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Approved by: pav (mentor)
| |
| |
* Fix PATH problems during README.html generation if "make
-DPORTSTOP readmes" is defined. [2]
* Add support for early rcNG startup scripts. [3]
* Remove duplicate USE_XLIB handling. [4]
* Add check for USE_PYTHON_(BUILD|RUN), and include bsd.python.mk if
both are specified. [5]
* Use PRE-INSTALL target for SUB_FILES and SUB_LIST. [6]
* Introduce bsd.gstreamer.mk and utilize new macros:
PR: ports/77634 [1], ports/77592 [2], ports/77385 [3],
ports/77557 [4], ports/77344 [5], ports/77211 [6],
ports/77838 [7]
Submitted by: krion [1] [2], Florent Thoumie <flz@xbsd.org> [3] [6],
pav [4], lofi [5], ahze [7]
| |
NOTE: these are only added if the related variables are defined by the port.
This should ease the configuration of launcher shell scripts used for Java
application ports, when they are using javavmwrapper to invoke a JVM. From now,
a simple launcher that suits most of the Java application ports can be writen
using the following scheme:
"%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/java" -jar "%%JAVAJARDIR%%/myport.jar" "$@"
As mentioned above, this is of course only correct provided that the port
Approved by: glewis (co-maintainer)
| |
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar <anrays@gmail.com> (maintainer of the port)
| |
Submitted by: vs
| |
| |
PR: 77330
Submitted by: Conrad J. Sabatier <conrads@cox.net>
| |
- Sync up Motif selection algorithm with xemacs21-mule port.
- Remove GTK support for now, it was commented out and it does not work well.
- General Makefile cleanup
- Unbreak on sparc64
PR: ports/77291
Submitted by: Pawel Worach <pawel.worach(at)telia.com>
| |
builds of some ports.
PR: ports/77250
Submitted by: NIIMI Satoshi <sa2c at sa2c dot net>
| |
PR: ports/77236
Submitted by: maintainer
| |
* Document DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES variable. [2]
* Add WWW: line for 'search' target. [3]
* Speedup check-vulnerable invokation, if portaudit is installed. [4]
* Run install-info for all .info files. [5]
* Run add-plist-docs more strictly and prevent some situations with
leftover files in the future. [6]
* Introduce two new variables: MASTER_PORT and SLAVE_PORT.
The results from these variables is only used as information for
users. [7]
* Honour OPTIONS if PACKAGE_BUILDING or BATCH are defined. [8]
* Move all USE_GCC entries to new file - bsd.gcc.mk. 'test-gcc'
target allows users to check gcc version if USE_GCC is used. Give
maintainers opportunity to add '+' character to USE_GCC version
for using specified and higher versions. [9]
* Install startup scripts with the help of USE_RC_SUBR variable. [10]
* Add three new targets: config-recursive, rmconfig-recursive and
config-conditional. You can set or delete OPTIONS for all
dependencies before every build. config-conditional target is
used to skip configuring ports which have already been
configured. [11]
* Fix using of WANT_PGSQL_VER variable if postgresql is already
installed. [12]
PR: ports/75768 [1], ports/75728 [2], ports/76187 [3],
ports/76191 [4], ports/76182 [5], ports/75379 [6],
ports/75286 [7], ports/75727 [8], ports/76489 [9],
ports/73691 ports/69217 [10], ports/76254 [11],
ports/76988 [12]
Submitted by: dinoex [1], edwin [2] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10],
Marcus Grando <marcus@corp.grupos.com.br> [3],
tobez and Valentin Nechayev <netch@netch.kiev.ua> [4],
linimon [7], Florent Thoumie <flz@xbsd.org> [10],
Chris Dillon <cdillon@wolves.k12.mo.us> [11],
girgen [12]
| |
Approved by: maintainer (for qmake)
| |
dropped and the lang/ruby16_r and lang/ruby18_r ports have been
removed, since no one seems to appreciate the partially working
Good news is that the pthread support of lang/ruby18 is now enabled by
default for newer systems, which means the ruby interpreter is linked
with libpthread. This will allow threaded extension libraries to run
and work properly on those systems.
The --march=cputype flag is disabled because it gets ruby to
malfunction and fail to build. I don't know if the problem is in
libpthread or in gcc.
(It really makes me wonder if they had actually tested before asking
me to do this somewhat risky change ;-)
| |
| |
Use more correct OSVERSION threshold to distinguish between
base system perl and perl from ports - the right value is 500036 [1].
Also, simplify OSVERSION-related logic in lang/perl5 and lang/perl5.8.
Now it goes as follows:
- for lang/perl5.8, if there is perl in the base system, install
use.perl script, use a helpful pkg-message, and do not automatically
update symlinks;
- for lang/perl5.8, if there is no perl in the base system, do not
install use.perl script, and update symlinks automatically;
- for lang/perl5, always install use.perl;
- for lang/perl5, never update symlinks automatically;
- for lang/perl5, vary produced pkg-message depending on the presence of
the base system perl.
Bump PORTREVISION for both lang/perl5 and lang/perl5.8.
[1] Approved by: portmgr
| |
All ports depending on postgresql shall use the USE_PGSQL=yes knob
defined in Mk/bsd.ports.mk. Bumping portrevisions where needed.
PR: 75344
Approved by: portmgr@ (kris), ade & sean (mentors)
| |
PR: 76822
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar <anrays _at_ gmail ?dot? com>
| |
as of today.
| |
dependency on many python versions. This fixes a problem that Zope
product ports depend on both of Python 2.3 and 2.4 if they use not
only Zope itself but also 3rd party Python modules.
Submitted by: Filippo Natali <filippo.natali@widestore.net>
| |
| |
PR: ports/76076
Submitted by: Gregory Bond
| |
| |
This site is pain in the butt. I'm sitting 280 km away from it, on ISP
backbone who have a direct link to Wien, and still I was not able to
pull more than 5000 bytes per second from this site in past year or two.
| |
list. Both were set up with no SUBDIR. The former gives a "No
such directory" response and the latter only carries Alpha bits
from Red Hat 7.2, whereas I removed Alpha support from the Red Hat
7 linux_base port when I updated it to 7.3. I conclude that these
entries are no longer needed.
| |
get-software.com and binarycode.org domains (with customary nod to
fenner's survey).
| |
| |
| |
little bit and allows to proceed to a more recent linux_base from
a stable (read as: the major bugs should be ironed out or identified
and most linux ports build just fine) source.
It also allows to ship 4.11 with a working linuxolator (the EOLed
linux_base is marked forbidden because of a security hole).
This is a major update, please read UPDATING (and CHANGES if you
develop linux ports).
- change the default linux_base from v7 to v8
- add a newer freetype to linux_base-8 for nicer fonts display [1]
- don't let cpio use hardlinks in the linux_base-8 port to quiet some
warnings in some cases [2]
- fix a cut&past error in the linux_base-8 pkg-install script [3]
- convert the binary knob "USE_LINUX" to a version specifier, e.g.
USE_LINUX=<value> specifies a dependency upon
emulators/linux_base-<value>, exceptions are a value of "7" (which
does what you want and adds a dependency to linux_base) and any
value without a corresponding port in
PORTSDIR/emulators/linux_base-<value> (which adds a dependency to
the default linux_base)
- don't implicitly add USE_LINUX with the USE_LINUX_PREFIX knob,
this allows us to use the USE_LINUX_PREFIX knob for linux_base and
paves the way for splitting up future linux base ports into
individual pieces
- remove RESTRICTED from some GPL licensed ports, even when we only
distribute binaries, we get them from official linux sites, so
anyone can grab them there if he needs to
- add a dependency upon the linux X11 bits where necessary (based upon
- don't use USE_X_PREFIX in some linux ports since it adds a dependency
to the FreeBSD X11 libs, as a workaround use PREFIX?= (the clean
solution would be to remove the implicit USE_XLIB from USE_X_PREFIX)
- bump the portrevision of the linux ports ("better safe than sorry"
- pass maintainership of the important linux infrastructure to a
mailinglist, hijack freebsd-emulation@ for this purpose (if somebody
doesn't like this: tell us your bikeshed color at freebsd-emulation@,
my color would be "linuxolator@" in case someone cares...)
- add a pkg-install script for linux-fontconfig, but don't use it;
everything should work without it (the FreeBSD fc-cache program should
do all the work), but in case we need it we just need to decomment the
pkg-install part in the Makefile
- fix some dependencies
- fix some bugs
- add some static plists
- unbreak the ports with dependecies to more than one linux_base
This also fixes some ports which are marked BROKEN because of dependencies
to v7 and v8 of linux_base at the same time.
Known bugs:
- the linux-mesa and linux-devtools ports install libGL*.so symlinks
- some "minor" plist bugs (e.g. ld.so.{conf,cache} are modified by
the linux X11 port, so linx_Base-8 moans at deinstall time)
Future work (interested souls should coordinate with freebsd-emulation@):
- add some kind of USE_LINUX_X11 knob to streamline the X11 dependencies,
or modify the behavior of USE_XLIB in the USE_LINUX case
AFAIK trevor has some patches.
- make USE_XLIB and USE_X_PREFIX orthogonal to be able to get rid of
the PREFIX?= workaround in some linux ports
Should be discussed/coordinated on/with x11@.
- move the RPM bits from x11-toolkits/linux-gtk/Makefile to PORTSDIR/Mk/
- update to a more recent linux base
PR: 69997, 70539 (and maybe others)
Discussed with/on: java@, x11@, trevor, portmgr
Tested by: mezz, portmgr, pointyhat
RPM hunted down by: Joseph Gelinas <scirocco@tasam.com> [1]
Requested by: portmgr [2]
Submitted by: kris [3]
Approved by: portmgr
| |
* Users may specify a nonstandard PREFIX to install somewhere. If they
are trying to use an USE_X_PREFIX=yes port, install with BSD.x11*.dist.
Otherwise, use BSD.local.dist. Ports that deliberately set a nonstandard
PREFIX must also set NO_MTREE to avoid spamming their hierarchy with an
inappropriate MTREE specfile.
Pointed out by: krion
| |
with the reasonable use of that variable to hold date strings in the
environment [1]
* Overhaul the mtree spec file selection code: instead of deciding based
on the value of USE_X_PREFIX, compare PREFIX to X11BASE and LOCALBASE
directly. This fixes the MTREE_FILE for ports that set PREFIX=${X11BASE}
but don't set USE_X_PREFIX for some reason. If PREFIX is a
nonstandard value, set NO_MTREE=yes.
Noticed by: Jez Hancock <jez.hancock@gmail.com> [1]
| |
linked with -pthread and -Wl,as-needed will have all references to libphthread
stripped (reason/reasoning unknown), causing funny runtime errors when Qt
decides to fire up a thread.
| |
Reported by: mezz
| |
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar <anray(at)inet.ua>
| |
| |
- Pass maintainership to submitter
PR: ports/75444
Submitted by: Andrey Slusar <anray(at)inet.ua>
| |
has the gdk-pixbuf rpm.
Noticed by: pointyhat (experimental run of a linux patchset)
| |
* Please upgrade sysutils/portupgrade prior to this one, or pkgdb(1)
may coredump with a double free() problem from a misuse of the DL
module. In that case, reinstall sysutils/portupgrade manually.
| |
ports that the maintainer used to maintain due to being unable to contact
by email. I have had the same experience.
| |
depended ports.
| |
DRI drivers are incompatible with the old libGL in XFree86, they have been
repocopied to graphics/xfree86-dri. Also note that with this commit the html
manpages are going away, and with it the runtime dependency on perl for the
imake port.
Release notes at: http://www.x.org/X11R6.8.1/RELNOTES.txt
Props to: kris (multiple cluster runs and sorting through logs)
lesi (fixing all the issues in those logs, and more)
| |
The sites included are a semirandom subset of the official
mirror list.
Tested with databases/mysql40-server:
CATEGORIES= databases
PR: ports/67311
Submitted by: Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser@chello.cz>
| |
sites had the updates.
Obtained from: http://fedora.redhat.com/download/mirrors.html
| |
deskutils/drivel is the only port that has pkg-plist change, so bump the
PORTREVISION. The rest else should be no function change, but just remove the
patches to allow gnomehack takes care of it. Keep in mind, I only touch those
ports that already have gnomehack.
Reviewed by: pav and marcus
| |
| |
| |
Submitted by: krion
Pointy hat: all mine
| |
<URL:http://www.suse.com/de/private/download/ftp/inland.html> and
| |
ORIGIN" problem when a python extension module is needed by not
only a Zope product but also non-Zope python application. And
there's no known good solution yet.
PR: 75013
Submitted by: Filippo Natali <filippo@widestore.net>
| |
| |
Spotted by: Joe Zeiler <zeiler07@covad.net>
| |
| |
PR: ports/74685
Submitted by: Tim Bishop <tim(at)bishnet.net>
| |
and use command macro SORT. [1]
* Clean up the comments, and use 4 column tabs everywhere. [2]
* Introduce 2 new variables: SUB_FILES and SUB_LIST. [3]
* Document DEPRECATED and EXPIRATION_DATE variables. [4]
* Sanitize the intermittent output by the build infrastructure
so that cutting and pasting from it no longer interferes
with GNATS-tags. [5]
* Honour configure arguments for USE_XLIB if USE/WITH_LIBTOOL_
is used. [6]
* Properly document 'describe' target. [7]
* Fix pkg-plist handling for ports that set a non-standard
* Defaults INDEXFILE to INDEX-6 on 6-CURRENT (600000). [8]
PR: ports/62298 [1], ports/73633 [2], ports/67151 [3],
ports/74310 [4]. ports/74758 [5], ports/74536 [6],
ports/74710 [7], ports/74691 [8]
Submitted by: eik [1], edwin [2], Florent Thoumie <flz@xbsd.org>,
sem [4], vs [5], ahze [6], linimon [7], kris [8]
| |
some time ago
| |
| |
| |
hardcode the path to iconv.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- Finish repocopy lang/python -> lang/python23 for Python 2.3.4
| |
port's dependencies. Instead, only create this directory if the port will
actually install GConf schemas. Also, do the creation in pre-su-install
as we may not be root in pre-install.
Spotted by: pav
Tested by: pav
| |
conflicts with the default values for JAVA_BUILD and JAVA_RUN. Those variables
are indeed set a default value when none of the them (together with
JAVA_EXTRACT) is defined. Having USE_ANT set a value for JAVA_BUILD will cause
JAVA_RUN not to be set its default value.
This has RUN_DEPENDS not correctly set (missing the JDK entry) on many ports
that use USE_ANT.
This patch addresses this issue by moving the statements dealing with default
values to have them executed before USE_ANT handling.
Approved by: glewis (co-maintainer)
| |
Reported by: Kent Stewart <kstewart@owt.com>
| |
PR: 74275
Submitted by: freebsd@simplerezo.com
| |
| |
| |
* Remove USE_QT2 since it's obsolete now. [2]
* Clarify comments about ARCH. [3]
* Speedup 'make readmes'. Add a perl script "Tools/make_readmes"
and modify bsd.port.subdir.mk to avoid recursing into individual
port directories to create README.html. [4]
* Fix 'make search' to allow case insensitive search on 5-x/6-x. [5]
* Add the possibility to search the ports by category. [6]
* Remove tk42 and tcl76 from virtual categories since they're
obsolete. [7]
* Introduce new variable - DISTVERSION, vendor version of the
distribution, that can be set instead of PORTVERSION and is
automatically converted in a conforming PORTVERSION. [8]
* Use --suffix instead of -b option for patch(1) to make it
compatible with BSD patch(1) [9]
* Fix {WANT,WITH}_MYSQL_VER behavior, to deal with conflicting
versions. [10]
PR: ports/68895 [1], ports/69486 [2], ports/68539 [3],
ports/70018 [4], ports/68896 [5], ports/73299 [6],
ports/73570 [7], ports/67171 [8], ports/72182 [9]
Submitted by: linimon [1][3], arved [2][7], cperciva [4],
Matthew Seaman <m.seaman@infracaninophile.co.uk> [5],
Radek Kozlowski <radek@raadradd.com> [6],
eik [8], Andreas Hauser <andy-freebsd@splashground.de> [9],
clement [10]
| |
automatically scan pkg-plist file and add apropriate @exec/@unexec directives
for each .omf file found to track OMF registration database. Details can be
found in bsd.gnome.mk and http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/porting.html .
Current, gedit2 is the only port that use INSTALLS_OMF for now. I will chasing
all the other ports that are maintaining by gnome@FreeBSD.org when I am done
with two todo list. The other ports, you are on your own and portlint will
bug you when portlint is update.
While I am here, switch from make loops to sh loops in GCONF_SCHEMAS part.
Document writer by: bland
Reviewed by: my team, FreeBSD GNOME team
| |
- Remove ftp.kobe-u.ac.jp which doesn't have redhat packages any more.
- Change directory of ftp.icm.edu.pl because previous one seems to be
moved to new location.
| |
| |
starting to use it
Original work: mezz
Obtained from: marcuscom repository
| |
not explicitly forbiden.
PR: 44432
Suggested by: znerd
Approved by: glewis (co-maintainer)
| |
corresponds to a development version of libgnomedb.
| |
No port should depend on this port.
Discussed with: edwin
| |
| |
This release notes detailing all of the new goodies in GNOME 2.8 can
be found at http://www.gnome.org/start/2.8/notes/, and the list of what
was fixed in GNOME 2.8.1 can be found at
This release, as well as all of our others, would not have been possible
without the great efforts of our FreeBSD GNOME Team. The list of
current members can be found at http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/contact.html
(including our newest member, Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org>).
Special thanks also goes out to all of the loyal FreeBSD GNOME users that
put up with crashes and hangs to test and debug GNOME on FreeBSD. We would
especially like to thank those users that provided patches for GNOME 2.7 and
Franz Klammer <klammer@webonaut.com>
Piotr Smyrak <piotr.smyrak@heron.pl>
Radek Kozlowski <radek@raadradd.com>
Khairil Yusof <kaeru@pd.jaring.my>
Yasuda Keisuke <kysd@po.harenet.ne.jp>
Tom McLaughlin <tmclaugh@sdf.lonestar.org>
Vladimir Grebenschikov <vova@fbsd.ru>
GNOME 2.8 also features a new, FreeBSD-specific splashscreen that
was designed by jimmac for GNOME 2.8, then daemonized by
Franz Klammer <klammer@webonaut.com> and Radek Kozlowski
As with GNOME 2.6, you cannot just "portupgrade" to GNOME 2.8. There is
a script provided at http://www.marcuscom.com/downloads/gnome_upgrade28.sh
that will aid in the upgrade process. Full documentation on the GNOME 2.8
upgrade is coming following this commit.
From all of us at FreeBSD GNOME, ENJOY!
| |
| |
this patch, for instance:
$ cd /usr/port/devel/apache-ant
$ make JAVA_HOME=toto
apache-ant-1.6.2: Environement error: "JAVA_HOME" should not be defined.
*** Error code 1
PR: 70914
Reported by: Rong-En Fan <rafan@infor.org>
Approved by: glewis (co-maintainer)
| |
| |
| |
revisions such as 5.2.1 or 4.6.1.
Submitted by: tg
| |
incredibly slow for the last couple months, and I've never had it
go above 10KB/s. Often I've seen it stay below 1 KB/s.
| |
| |
beyond. This avoids linking shared libraries with the thread library,
which causes problems when trying to change from one thread library to
another. Instead all binaries that link to a library that uses
threads must themselves respect PTHREAD_LIBS.
Submitted by: deischen, marcus
Approved by: portmgr
| |
build ports with older USE_GCC versions (useful in certain cases for
working around compile errors with newer gcc versions) [1] [2] [3] [4]
(based on)
* Only spit out the TRYBROKEN message when a BROKEN string is defined
PR: ports/70322 [1], ports/71344 [2], ports/64316 [3]
Submitted by: obrien [1], Xin LI <delphij@frontfree.net> [2],
trevor [3], jkoshy [4], et. al.
Approved by: portmgr
| |
most recent update.
Forgotten by: glewis
Approved by: portmgr (marcus)
| |
PR: 71340
Submitted by: Marcus Grando <marcus@corp.grupos.com.br>
| |
a comment to that effect.
| |
of this file.
Approved by: hq
| |
building the port but not added to BUILD_DEPENDS)
- Use ${VAR:U} to test YES/NO values a more simple way
- Refactor: Jikes now has its own sub-stages (error-handling and support)
together in Stage 6
- New variable to be used by porters (and used internally by bsd.java.mk),
Approved by: glewis (mentor)
| |
Submitted by: Rolandas Naujikas <rolnas@takas.lt>
| |
performing all of the recent changes.
. Add to the header comment to document JAVASHAREDIR, JAVAJARDIR and
. Add a definition for JAVALIBDIR. This is where other ports have
installed their JAR files (a port should install in JAVAJARDIR but
look for other JARs in JAVALIBDIR).
| |
Approved by: anholt (mentor)
| |
| |
PR: ports/70504
Submitted by: Kimura Fuyuki <fuyuki@hadaly.org>
| |
| |
PR: ports/70650
Submitted by: Dryice Liu <dryice@hotpop.com>
| |
PR: ports/69481
Submitted by: Tim Bishop, Dejan Lesjak
| |
| |
cgi/session's insecure permissions problem.
| |
devel/desktop-file-utils. This is needed for the new MIME system in the
upcoming GNOME 2.8.
| |
| |
| |
gconf2 is actually one of the requested components.
Reported by: INDEX build script
| |
was explicitly requested. Use _USE_GNOME instead.
| |
be created regardless of whether or not gconf2 support was requested.
Reported by: lofi
Tested by: lofi
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- Add IPV6 option [1]
PR: 69950 [1]
Submitted by: Marcus Grando <marcus@corp.grupos.com.br> [1]
| |
All autotools ports are now truly versioned and do not conflict with each
This marks the end of "Phase 1" of the autotools updates.
| |
problems with the new make(1) .MAKEFLAGS handling. To disable
__softMAKEFLAGS caching, set NOPRECIOUSSOFTMAKEVARS (note: this is done
by default if the new make(1) is being used). To disable .MAKEFLAGS
caching, set NOPRECIOUSMAKEVARS (same as before).
PR: standards/57295
Submitted by: harti
Tested on: pointyhat
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Java-based port with ant, using MAKE_ENV, MAKE_ARGS and ALL_TARGET but
using ant instead of make. When a port is built this way it also
causes ant to respect the JDK selected by bsd.java.mk rather than
using the JDK that ant was build with.
Most ports should just be able to do
USE_ANT= yes
You may also need to set ALL_TARGET if your port doesn't use the
default ant target.
See the comments on USE_ANT at the head of bsd.java.mk for more
PR: 59997
Reviewed by: hq (who spotted a bug and provided the comments
documenting USE_ANT).
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Submitted by: tobez
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and add etc/php to the config scan path.
Suggested by: Kenneth Vestergaard Schmidt <kvs@pil.dk>
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and make XFREE86_VERSION map to it. XFREE86_VERSION is now deprecated.
- Make xorg the default X_WINDOW_SYSTEM on -current.
- Add several new X_*_PORT variables which point to various pieces of X11 based
on the setting of X_WINDOW_SYSTEM, and make ports use them.
- Add information to CHANGES about how to handle the transition.
PR: ports/68763
Approved by: portmgr (marcus)
Approved by: re (scottl)
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PR: 69304
Submitted by: kris
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pre-install target to explicitly create
A number of ports don't create this directory automatically.
In normal uses, this doesn't cause a problem, but many of us
prefer to test out plists by installing into custom prefixes.
This prevents those custom prefix installation tests from
Inspired by: John Merryweather Cooper <coop9211@uidaho.edu>
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the new-and-working sybase (CT-lib) extension.
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- Set them acccordingly in PHP extensions ports
(Now I really need some rest, see you tomorrow)
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- remove the very slow mirror in Austria
- add more mirrors worldwide