path: root/security/sslscan/pkg-descr
blob: 112c7f429b823e56c54783fae46c1abe366156b3 (plain) (blame)
SSLScan is a fast SSL port scanner. SSLScan connects to SSL ports and determines
what ciphers are supported, which are the servers prefered ciphers, which SSL
protocols are supported and returns the SSL certificate. Client certificates and
private key can be configured and output is to text / XML.
1.5.2lofi2006-09-132-4/+4 * Update to KOffice 1.5.1lofi2006-05-272-4/+4 * Update to KOffice 1.5.0lofi2006-04-293-6/+59 * SHA256ifyedwin2006-01-221-0/+1 * Update to KDE 3.4.3 / KOffice 1.4.2lofi2005-11-053-4/+3 * Update to KDE 3.4.2 / KOffice 1.4.1lofi2005-08-013-4/+3 * Update to KOffice 1.4.0a.lofi2005-07-063-29/+16 * Add i18nized doc subdirs to kdehier and adjust i18n port plists accordingly.lofi2004-12-231-1/+0 * Update to KOffice 1.3.5lofi2004-12-142-4/+4 * Update to KDE 3.3.1lofi2004-11-082-3/+3 * Update to KDE 3.3lofi2004-08-311-1/+1 * Factor out all but one of the build switches of the KDE main module portslofi2004-08-112-3/+3 * Update to version 1.3.1lofi2004-05-063-4/+3 * Update to KDE 3.2.1 / QT 3.3.1lofi2004-03-101-0/+1 * Update to KDE 3.2.0lofi2004-02-053-6/+123 * Add USE_GETTEXT and bump PORTREVISION.marcus2004-02-041-2/+2 * Now gettext 0.12.1 is gettext-old.trevor2004-01-241-1/+1 * New port: localized messages and documentation for kofficelioux2003-05-203-0/+41