path: root/www/g-cows
ntw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/freebsd-ports-gnome/commit/devel/bugzilla42?id=be781cb5a01ff83cd8f44bc432bde931de70ab0c'>- update bugzilla42 to version 4.2.6 (bugfix release)ohauer2013-05-244-9/+5 * - Remove mysql 4X referencemiwi2013-05-221-1/+0 * - update bugzilla ports to latest versionohauer2013-02-202-3/+3 * - adjust required PgSQL module for bugzilla42ohauer2012-11-151-1/+1 * - bugzilla security updates to version(s)ohauer2012-11-152-3/+3 * fix distinfoohauer2012-09-021-2/+2 * - update bugzilla bugzilla3 and bugzilla42ohauer2012-09-021-7/+2 * - remove www/apache20 and devel/apr0ohauer2012-08-181-1/+1 * - pkgng: cosmetic fix against lstat messagesohauer2012-07-292-3/+6 * - security update bugzillaohauer2012-07-282-3/+3 * - fix distinfoohauer2012-07-251-2/+2 * - fix conflict lineohauer2012-07-251-1/+1