path: root/graphics
diff options
authoracm <acm@FreeBSD.org>2012-04-19 14:20:01 +0800
committeracm <acm@FreeBSD.org>2012-04-19 14:20:01 +0800
commit6933f085a2b6e8849c9e5ffbf60c2793bc5f846f (patch)
treeacb385029d3c50ff85c91144eb24703f749489d2 /graphics
parente5620a31b04624230db02fc2f5f39b8c4bc87ae4 (diff)
- Update to 2.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics')
9 files changed, 16 insertions, 1723 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/fpvutils.pas b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/fpvutils.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d88393ad8ef..00000000000
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/fpvutils.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Vector graphics document
-License: The same modified LGPL as the Free Pascal RTL
- See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL for more details
-AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
- Pedro Sol Pegorini L de Lima
-unit fpvutils;
-{$ifdef fpc}
- {$mode delphi}
- Classes, SysUtils, Math,
- fpvectorial, fpimage;
- T10Strings = array[0..9] of shortstring;
-// Color Conversion routines
-function FPColorToRGBHexString(AColor: TFPColor): string;
-function RGBToFPColor(AR, AG, AB: byte): TFPColor; inline;
-// Other routine
-function CanvasCoordsToFPVectorial(AY: Integer; AHeight: Integer): Integer; inline;
-function CanvasTextPosToFPVectorial(AY: Integer; ACanvasHeight, ATextHeight: Integer): Integer;
-function SeparateString(AString: string; ASeparator: char): T10Strings;
-{@@ This function is utilized by the SVG writer and some other places, so
- it shouldn't be changed.
-function FPColorToRGBHexString(AColor: TFPColor): string;
- Result := Format('%.2x%.2x%.2x', [AColor.Red shr 8, AColor.Green shr 8, AColor.Blue shr 8]);
-function RGBToFPColor(AR, AG, AB: byte): TFPColor; inline;
- Result.Red := (AR shl 8) + AR;
- Result.Green := (AG shl 8) + AG;
- Result.Blue := (AB shl 8) + AB;
- Result.Alpha := $FFFF;
-{@@ Converts the coordinate system from a TCanvas to FPVectorial
- The basic difference is that the Y axis is positioned differently and
- points upwards in FPVectorial and downwards in TCanvas.
- The X axis doesn't change. The fix is trivial and requires only the Height of
- the Canvas as extra info.
- @param AHeight Should receive TCanvas.Height
-function CanvasCoordsToFPVectorial(AY: Integer; AHeight: Integer): Integer; inline;
- Result := AHeight - AY;
- LCL Text is positioned based on the top-left corner of the text.
- Besides that, one also needs to take the general coordinate change into account too.
- @param ACanvasHeight Should receive TCanvas.Height
- @param ATextHeight Should receive TFont.Size
-function CanvasTextPosToFPVectorial(AY: Integer; ACanvasHeight, ATextHeight: Integer): Integer;
- Result := CanvasCoordsToFPVectorial(AY, ACanvasHeight) - ATextHeight;
- Reads a string and separates it in substring
- using ASeparator to delimite them.
- Limits:
- Number of substrings: 10 (indexed 0 to 9)
- Length of each substring: 255 (they are shortstrings)
-function SeparateString(AString: string; ASeparator: char): T10Strings;
- i, CurrentPart: integer;
- CurrentPart := 0;
- { Clears the result }
- for i := 0 to 9 do
- Result[i] := '';
- { Iterates througth the string, filling strings }
- for i := 1 to Length(AString) do
- begin
- if Copy(AString, i, 1) = ASeparator then
- begin
- Inc(CurrentPart);
- { Verifies if the string capacity wasn't exceeded }
- if CurrentPart > 9 then
- Exit;
- end
- else
- Result[CurrentPart] := Result[CurrentPart] + Copy(AString, i, 1);
- end;
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_avisocncgcodewriter.pas b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_avisocncgcodewriter.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 04207c012f3..00000000000
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_avisocncgcodewriter.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
---- packages/fpvectorial/src/avisocncgcodewriter.pas 2011/01/14 14:45:03 16765
-+++ packages/fpvectorial/src/avisocncgcodewriter.pas 2011/03/08 14:28:26 17092
-@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
- i, j: Integer;
- Str: string;
- APath: TPath;
-+ CurSegment: T2DSegment;
-+ Cur3DSegment: T3DSegment;
-+ Cur2DBezierSegment: T2DBezierSegment;
-+ Cur3DBezierSegment: T3DBezierSegment;
- begin
- AStrings.Clear;
-@@ -51,25 +55,39 @@
- // levanta a broca
- AStrings.Add('P01 // Sobe a cabeça de gravação');
- // vai para o ponto inicial
-+ CurSegment := T2DSegment(APath.Points);
- AStrings.Add(Format('G01 X%f Y%f',
-- [APath.Points[0].X, APath.Points[0].Y]));
-+ [CurSegment.X, CurSegment.Y]));
- AStrings.Add('P02 // Abaixa a cabeça de gravação');
- for j := 1 to APath.Len - 1 do
- begin
-- case APath.Points[j].SegmentType of
-+ CurSegment := T2DSegment(CurSegment.Next);
-+ case CurSegment.SegmentType of
- st2DLine: AStrings.Add(Format('G01 X%f Y%f',
-- [APath.Points[j].X, APath.Points[j].Y]));
-- st3DLine: AStrings.Add(Format('G01 X%f Y%f Z%f',
-- [APath.Points[j].X, APath.Points[j].Y, APath.Points[j].Z]));
-- st2DBezier: AStrings.Add(Format('B02 X%f Y%f X%f Y%f X%f Y%f',
-- [APath.Points[j].X2, APath.Points[j].Y2,
-- APath.Points[j].X3, APath.Points[j].Y3,
-- APath.Points[j].X, APath.Points[j].Y]));
-- st3DBezier: AStrings.Add(Format('B03 X%f Y%f Z%f X%f Y%f Z%f X%f Y%f Z%f',
-- [APath.Points[j].X2, APath.Points[j].Y2, APath.Points[j].Z2,
-- APath.Points[j].X3, APath.Points[j].Y3, APath.Points[j].Z3,
-- APath.Points[j].X, APath.Points[j].Y, APath.Points[j].Z]));
-+ [CurSegment.X, CurSegment.Y]));
-+ st3DLine:
-+ begin
-+ Cur3DSegment := T3DSegment(CurSegment);
-+ AStrings.Add(Format('G01 X%f Y%f Z%f',
-+ [Cur3DSegment.X, Cur3DSegment.Y, Cur3DSegment.Z]));
-+ end;
-+ st2DBezier:
-+ begin
-+ Cur2DBezierSegment := T2DBezierSegment(CurSegment);
-+ AStrings.Add(Format('B02 X%f Y%f X%f Y%f X%f Y%f',
-+ [Cur2DBezierSegment.X2, Cur2DBezierSegment.Y2,
-+ Cur2DBezierSegment.X3, Cur2DBezierSegment.Y3,
-+ Cur2DBezierSegment.X, Cur2DBezierSegment.Y]));
-+ end;
-+ st3DBezier:
-+ begin
-+ Cur3DBezierSegment := T3DBezierSegment(CurSegment);
-+ AStrings.Add(Format('B03 X%f Y%f Z%f X%f Y%f Z%f X%f Y%f Z%f',
-+ [Cur3DBezierSegment.X2, Cur3DBezierSegment.Y2, Cur3DBezierSegment.Z2,
-+ Cur3DBezierSegment.X3, Cur3DBezierSegment.Y3, Cur3DBezierSegment.Z3,
-+ Cur3DBezierSegment.X, Cur3DBezierSegment.Y, Cur3DBezierSegment.Z]));
-+ end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvectorial.pas b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvectorial.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c95a9aca78f..00000000000
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvectorial.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
---- packages/fpvectorial/src/fpvectorial.pas 2011/01/30 15:51:36 16850
-+++ packages/fpvectorial/src/fpvectorial.pas 2011/06/17 09:52:19 17765
-@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@
- interface
- uses
-- Classes, SysUtils, Math;
-+ Classes, SysUtils, Math,
-+ fpcanvas, fpimage;
- type
- TvVectorialFormat = (
- { Multi-purpose document formats }
-- vfPDF, vfPostScript, vfSVG, vfCorelDrawCDR, vfWindowsMetafileWMF,
-+ vfPDF, vfSVG, vfCorelDrawCDR, vfWindowsMetafileWMF,
- { CAD formats }
- vfDXF,
-+ { Printing formats }
-+ vfPostScript, vfEncapsulatedPostScript,
- { GCode formats }
- vfGCodeAvisoCNCPrototipoV5, vfGCodeAvisoCNCPrototipoV6);
-@@ -37,10 +40,45 @@
- type
-+ { Pen, Brush and Font }
-+ TvPen = record
-+ Color: TFPColor;
-+ Style: TFPPenStyle;
-+ Width: Integer;
-+ end;
-+ TvBrush = record
-+ Color: TFPColor;
-+ Style: TFPBrushStyle;
-+ end;
-+ TvFont = record
-+ Color: TFPColor;
-+ Size: integer;
-+ Name: utf8string;
-+ {@@
-+ Font orientation is measured in degrees and uses the
-+ same direction as the LCL TFont.orientation, which is counter-clockwise.
-+ Zero is the normal, horizontal, orientation.
-+ }
-+ Orientation: Double;
-+ end;
-+ { Coordinates and polyline segments }
-+ T3DPoint = record
-+ X, Y, Z: Double;
-+ end;
-+ P3DPoint = ^T3DPoint;
- TSegmentType = (
-- st2DLine, st2DBezier,
-+ st2DLine, st2DLineWithPen, st2DBezier,
- st3DLine, st3DBezier, stMoveTo);
- {@@
-@@ -70,6 +108,11 @@
- X, Y: Double;
- end;
-+ T2DSegmentWithPen = class(T2DSegment)
-+ public
-+ Pen: TvPen;
-+ end;
- {@@
- In Bezier segments, we remain using the X and Y coordinates for the ending point.
- The starting point is where the previous segment ended, so that the intermediary
-@@ -96,13 +139,30 @@
- X3, Y3, Z3: Double;
- end;
-- TPath = class
-+ { Now all elements }
-+ {@@
-+ All elements should derive from TvEntity, regardless of whatever properties
-+ they might contain.
-+ }
-+ TvEntity = class
-+ public
-+ {@@ The global Pen for the entire entity. In the case of paths, individual
-+ elements might be able to override this setting. }
-+ Pen: TvPen;
-+ {@@ The global Brush for the entire entity. In the case of paths, individual
-+ elements might be able to override this setting. }
-+ Brush: TvBrush;
-+ constructor Create; virtual;
-+ end;
-+ TPath = class(TvEntity)
- Len: Integer;
- Points: TPathSegment; // Beginning of the double-linked list
- PointsEnd: TPathSegment; // End of the double-linked list
- CurPoint: TPathSegment; // Used in PrepareForSequentialReading and Next
-- procedure Assign(APath: TPath);
-- function Count(): TPathSegment;
-+ procedure Assign(ASource: TPath);
- procedure PrepareForSequentialReading;
- function Next(): TPathSegment;
- end;
-@@ -113,18 +173,11 @@
- At the moment fonts are unsupported, only simple texts
- up to 255 chars are supported.
- }
-- TvText = class
-+ TvText = class(TvEntity)
- public
- X, Y, Z: Double; // Z is ignored in 2D formats
-- FontSize: integer;
-- FontName: utf8string;
- Value: utf8string;
-- end;
-- {@@
-- }
-- TvEntity = class
-- public
-+ Font: TvFont;
- end;
- {@@
-@@ -145,9 +198,6 @@
- {@@
- }
-- { TvEllipse }
- TvEllipse = class(TvEntity)
- public
- // Mandatory fields
-@@ -159,6 +209,24 @@
- procedure CalculateBoundingRectangle;
- end;
-+ {@@
-+ The brush has no effect in this class
-+ DimensionLeft ---text--- DimensionRight
-+ | |
-+ | | BaseRight
-+ |
-+ | BaseLeft
-+ }
-+ { TvAlignedDimension }
-+ TvAlignedDimension = class(TvEntity)
-+ public
-+ // Mandatory fields
-+ BaseLeft, BaseRight, DimensionLeft, DimensionRight: T3DPoint;
-+ end;
- type
- TvCustomVectorialWriter = class;
-@@ -168,8 +236,6 @@
- TvVectorialDocument = class
- private
-- FPaths: TFPList;
-- FTexts: TFPList;
- FEntities: TFPList;
- FTmpPath: TPath;
- FTmpText: TvText;
-@@ -184,10 +250,14 @@
- { Base methods }
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
-- procedure WriteToFile(AFileName: string; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
-+ procedure Assign(ASource: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ procedure AssignTo(ADest: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ procedure WriteToFile(AFileName: string; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat); overload;
-+ procedure WriteToFile(AFileName: string); overload;
- procedure WriteToStream(AStream: TStream; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
- procedure WriteToStrings(AStrings: TStrings; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
-- procedure ReadFromFile(AFileName: string; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
-+ procedure ReadFromFile(AFileName: string; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat); overload;
-+ procedure ReadFromFile(AFileName: string); overload;
- procedure ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
- procedure ReadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings; AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
- class function GetFormatFromExtension(AFileName: string): TvVectorialFormat;
-@@ -195,27 +265,35 @@
- { Data reading methods }
- function GetPath(ANum: Cardinal): TPath;
- function GetPathCount: Integer;
-- function GetText(ANum: Cardinal): TvText;
-- function GetTextCount: Integer;
- function GetEntity(ANum: Cardinal): TvEntity;
-- function GetEntityCount: Integer;
-+ function GetEntitiesCount: Integer;
- { Data removing methods }
- procedure Clear;
-- procedure RemoveAllPaths;
-- procedure RemoveAllTexts;
- { Data writing methods }
-- procedure AddPath(APath: TPath);
-- procedure StartPath(AX, AY: Double);
-+ procedure AddEntity(AEntity: TvEntity);
-+ procedure AddPathCopyMem(APath: TPath);
-+ procedure StartPath(AX, AY: Double); overload;
-+ procedure StartPath(); overload;
-+ procedure AddMoveToPath(AX, AY: Double);
- procedure AddLineToPath(AX, AY: Double); overload;
-+ procedure AddLineToPath(AX, AY: Double; AColor: TFPColor); overload;
- procedure AddLineToPath(AX, AY, AZ: Double); overload;
-+ procedure GetCurrenPathPenPos(var AX, AY: Double);
- procedure AddBezierToPath(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, AX3, AY3: Double); overload;
- procedure AddBezierToPath(AX1, AY1, AZ1, AX2, AY2, AZ2, AX3, AY3, AZ3: Double); overload;
-+ procedure SetBrushColor(AColor: TFPColor);
-+ procedure SetBrushStyle(AStyle: TFPBrushStyle);
-+ procedure SetPenColor(AColor: TFPColor);
-+ procedure SetPenStyle(AStyle: TFPPenStyle);
-+ procedure SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
- procedure EndPath();
- procedure AddText(AX, AY, AZ: Double; FontName: string; FontSize: integer; AText: utf8string); overload;
- procedure AddText(AX, AY, AZ: Double; AStr: utf8string); overload;
- procedure AddCircle(ACenterX, ACenterY, ACenterZ, ARadius: Double);
-- procedure AddCircularArc(ACenterX, ACenterY, ACenterZ, ARadius, AStartAngle, AEndAngle: Double);
-+ procedure AddCircularArc(ACenterX, ACenterY, ACenterZ, ARadius, AStartAngle, AEndAngle: Double; AColor: TFPColor);
- procedure AddEllipse(CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, MajorHalfAxis, MinorHalfAxis, Angle: Double);
-+ // Dimensions
-+ procedure AddAlignedDimension(BaseLeft, BaseRight, DimLeft, DimRight: T3DPoint);
- { properties }
- property PathCount: Integer read GetPathCount;
- property Paths[Index: Cardinal]: TPath read GetPath;
-@@ -272,6 +350,7 @@
- procedure RegisterVectorialWriter(
- AWriterClass: TvVectorialWriterClass;
- AFormat: TvVectorialFormat);
-+function Make2DPoint(AX, AY: Double): T3DPoint;
- implementation
-@@ -362,6 +441,23 @@
- end;
- end;
-+function Make2DPoint(AX, AY: Double): T3DPoint;
-+ Result.X := AX;
-+ Result.Y := AY;
-+ Result.Z := 0;
-+{ TvEntity }
-+constructor TvEntity.Create;
-+ Pen.Style := psSolid;
-+ Pen.Color := colBlack;
-+ Brush.Style := bsClear;
-+ Brush.Color := colBlue;
- { TvEllipse }
- procedure TvEllipse.CalculateBoundingRectangle;
-@@ -415,8 +511,6 @@
- begin
- inherited Create;
-- FPaths := TFPList.Create;
-- FTexts := TFPList.Create;
- FEntities := TFPList.Create;
- FTmpPath := TPath.Create;
- end;
-@@ -428,40 +522,35 @@
- begin
- Clear;
-- FPaths.Free;
-- FTexts.Free;
- FEntities.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
-- Clears the list of Vectors and releases their memory.
--procedure TvVectorialDocument.RemoveAllPaths;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.Assign(ASource: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ i: Integer;
- begin
--// FPaths.ForEachCall(RemoveCallback, nil);
-- FPaths.Clear;
-+ Clear;
-+ for i := 0 to ASource.GetEntitiesCount - 1 do
-+ Self.AddEntity(ASource.GetEntity(i));
- end;
--procedure TvVectorialDocument.RemoveAllTexts;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AssignTo(ADest: TvVectorialDocument);
- begin
--// FTexts.ForEachCall(RemoveCallback, nil);
-- FTexts.Clear;
-+ ADest.Assign(Self);
- end;
--procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddPath(APath: TPath);
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddPathCopyMem(APath: TPath);
- var
- lPath: TPath;
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- lPath := TPath.Create;
- lPath.Assign(APath);
-- FPaths.Add(Pointer(lPath));
-+ AddEntity(lPath);
- //WriteLn(':>TvVectorialDocument.AddPath 1 Len = ', Len);
-- //WriteLn(':>TvVectorialDocument.AddPath 2');
-- //WriteLn(':>TvVectorialDocument.AddPath 3');
-- //WriteLn(':>TvVectorialDocument.AddPath 4');
- end;
- {@@
-@@ -487,6 +576,23 @@
- FTmpPath.PointsEnd := segment;
- end;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.StartPath();
-+ ClearTmpPath();
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddMoveToPath(AX, AY: Double);
-+ segment: T2DSegment;
-+ segment := T2DSegment.Create;
-+ segment.SegmentType := stMoveTo;
-+ segment.X := AX;
-+ segment.Y := AY;
-+ AppendSegmentToTmpPath(segment);
- {@@
- Adds one more point to the end of a Path being
- writing in multiple steps.
-@@ -509,6 +615,19 @@
- AppendSegmentToTmpPath(segment);
- end;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddLineToPath(AX, AY: Double; AColor: TFPColor);
-+ segment: T2DSegmentWithPen;
-+ segment := T2DSegmentWithPen.Create;
-+ segment.SegmentType := st2DLineWithPen;
-+ segment.X := AX;
-+ segment.Y := AY;
-+ segment.Pen.Color := AColor;
-+ AppendSegmentToTmpPath(segment);
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddLineToPath(AX, AY, AZ: Double);
- var
- segment: T3DSegment;
-@@ -523,6 +642,18 @@
- end;
- {@@
-+ Gets the current Pen Pos in the temporary path
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.GetCurrenPathPenPos(var AX, AY: Double);
-+ // Check if we are the first segment in the tmp path
-+ if FTmpPath.PointsEnd = nil then raise Exception.Create('[TvVectorialDocument.GetCurrenPathPenPos] One cannot obtain the Pen Pos if there are no segments in the temporary path');
-+ AX := T2DSegment(FTmpPath.PointsEnd).X;
-+ AY := T2DSegment(FTmpPath.PointsEnd).Y;
- Adds a bezier element to the path. It starts where the previous element ended
- and it goes throw the control points [AX1, AY1] and [AX2, AY2] and ends
- in [AX3, AY3].
-@@ -564,6 +695,31 @@
- AppendSegmentToTmpPath(segment);
- end;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.SetBrushColor(AColor: TFPColor);
-+ FTmPPath.Brush.Color := AColor;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.SetBrushStyle(AStyle: TFPBrushStyle);
-+ FTmPPath.Brush.Style := AStyle;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.SetPenColor(AColor: TFPColor);
-+ FTmPPath.Pen.Color := AColor;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.SetPenStyle(AStyle: TFPPenStyle);
-+ FTmPPath.Pen.Style := AStyle;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
-+ FTmPPath.Pen.Width := AWidth;
- {@@
- Finishes writing a Path, which was created in multiple
- steps using StartPath and AddPointToPath,
-@@ -577,7 +733,7 @@
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.EndPath();
- begin
- if FTmPPath.Len = 0 then Exit;
-- AddPath(FTmPPath);
-+ AddPathCopyMem(FTmPPath);
- ClearTmpPath();
- end;
-@@ -590,9 +746,9 @@
- lText.X := AX;
- lText.Y := AY;
- lText.Z := AZ;
-- lText.FontName := FontName;
-- lText.FontSize := FontSize;
-- FTexts.Add(lText);
-+ lText.Font.Name := FontName;
-+ lText.Font.Size := FontSize;
-+ AddEntity(lText);
- end;
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddText(AX, AY, AZ: Double; AStr: utf8string);
-@@ -609,11 +765,11 @@
- lCircle.CenterY := ACenterY;
- lCircle.CenterZ := ACenterZ;
- lCircle.Radius := ARadius;
-- FEntities.Add(lCircle);
-+ AddEntity(lCircle);
- end;
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddCircularArc(ACenterX, ACenterY, ACenterZ,
-- ARadius, AStartAngle, AEndAngle: Double);
-+ ARadius, AStartAngle, AEndAngle: Double; AColor: TFPColor);
- var
- lCircularArc: TvCircularArc;
- begin
-@@ -624,7 +780,8 @@
- lCircularArc.Radius := ARadius;
- lCircularArc.StartAngle := AStartAngle;
- lCircularArc.EndAngle := AEndAngle;
-- FEntities.Add(lCircularArc);
-+ lCircularArc.Pen.Color := AColor;
-+ AddEntity(lCircularArc);
- end;
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddEllipse(CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ,
-@@ -639,7 +796,28 @@
- lEllipse.MajorHalfAxis := MajorHalfAxis;
- lEllipse.MinorHalfAxis := MinorHalfAxis;
- lEllipse.Angle := Angle;
-- FEntities.Add(lEllipse);
-+ AddEntity(lEllipse);
-+ Don't free the passed TvText because it will be added directly to the list
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddEntity(AEntity: TvEntity);
-+ FEntities.Add(Pointer(AEntity));
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.AddAlignedDimension(BaseLeft, BaseRight,
-+ DimLeft, DimRight: T3DPoint);
-+ lDim: TvAlignedDimension;
-+ lDim := TvAlignedDimension.Create;
-+ lDim.BaseLeft := BaseLeft;
-+ lDim.BaseRight := BaseRight;
-+ lDim.DimensionLeft := DimLeft;
-+ lDim.DimensionRight := DimRight;
-+ AddEntity(lDim);
- end;
- {@@
-@@ -655,12 +833,13 @@
- for i := 0 to Length(GvVectorialFormats) - 1 do
- if GvVectorialFormats[i].Format = AFormat then
- begin
-- Result := GvVectorialFormats[i].WriterClass.Create;
-+ if GvVectorialFormats[i].WriterClass <> nil then
-+ Result := GvVectorialFormats[i].WriterClass.Create;
- Break;
- end;
-- if Result = nil then raise Exception.Create('Unsuported vector graphics format.');
-+ if Result = nil then raise Exception.Create('Unsupported vector graphics format.');
- end;
- {@@
-@@ -676,12 +855,13 @@
- for i := 0 to Length(GvVectorialFormats) - 1 do
- if GvVectorialFormats[i].Format = AFormat then
- begin
-- Result := GvVectorialFormats[i].ReaderClass.Create;
-+ if GvVectorialFormats[i].ReaderClass <> nil then
-+ Result := GvVectorialFormats[i].ReaderClass.Create;
- Break;
- end;
-- if Result = nil then raise Exception.Create('Unsuported vector graphics format.');
-+ if Result = nil then raise Exception.Create('Unsupported vector graphics format.');
- end;
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.ClearTmpPath();
-@@ -700,14 +880,28 @@
- FTmpPath.Points := nil;
- FTmpPath.PointsEnd := nil;
- FTmpPath.Len := 0;
-+ FTmpPath.Brush.Color := colBlue;
-+ FTmpPath.Brush.Style := bsClear;
-+ FTmpPath.Pen.Color := colBlack;
-+ FTmpPath.Pen.Style := psSolid;
-+ FTmpPath.Pen.Width := 1;
- end;
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.AppendSegmentToTmpPath(ASegment: TPathSegment);
- var
- L: Integer;
- begin
-+ // Check if we are the first segment in the tmp path
- if FTmpPath.PointsEnd = nil then
-- Exception.Create('[TvVectorialDocument.AppendSegmentToTmpPath]' + Str_Error_Nil_Path);
-+ begin
-+ if FTmpPath.Len <> 0 then
-+ Exception.Create('[TvVectorialDocument.AppendSegmentToTmpPath]' + Str_Error_Nil_Path);
-+ FTmpPath.Points := ASegment;
-+ FTmpPath.PointsEnd := ASegment;
-+ FTmpPath.Len := 1;
-+ Exit;
-+ end;
- L := FTmpPath.Len;
- Inc(FTmpPath.Len);
-@@ -736,6 +930,14 @@
- end;
- end;
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.WriteToFile(AFileName: string);
-+ lFormat: TvVectorialFormat;
-+ lFormat := GetFormatFromExtension(ExtractFileExt(AFileName));
-+ WriteToFile(AFileName, lFormat);
- {@@
- Writes the document to a stream
- }
-@@ -787,6 +989,17 @@
- end;
- {@@
-+ Reads the document from a file. A variant that auto-detects the format from the extension.
-+procedure TvVectorialDocument.ReadFromFile(AFileName: string);
-+ lFormat: TvVectorialFormat;
-+ lFormat := GetFormatFromExtension(ExtractFileExt(AFileName));
-+ ReadFromFile(AFileName, lFormat);
- Reads the document from a stream.
- Any current contents will be removed.
-@@ -832,6 +1045,8 @@
- else if AnsiCompareText(lExt, STR_SVG_EXTENSION) = 0 then Result := vfSVG
- else if AnsiCompareText(lExt, STR_CORELDRAW_EXTENSION) = 0 then Result := vfCorelDrawCDR
- else if AnsiCompareText(lExt, STR_WINMETAFILE_EXTENSION) = 0 then Result := vfWindowsMetafileWMF
-+ else if AnsiCompareText(lExt, STR_AUTOCAD_EXCHANGE_EXTENSION) = 0 then Result := vfDXF
-+ else if AnsiCompareText(lExt, STR_ENCAPSULATEDPOSTSCRIPT_EXTENSION) = 0 then Result := vfEncapsulatedPostScript
- else
- raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetFormatFromExtension: The extension (' + lExt + ') doesn''t match any supported formats.');
- end;
-@@ -842,31 +1057,32 @@
- end;
- function TvVectorialDocument.GetPath(ANum: Cardinal): TPath;
-+ i: Integer;
-+ Index: Integer = - 1;
- begin
-- if ANum >= FPaths.Count then raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetPath: Path number out of bounds');
-+ Result := nil;
-- if FPaths.Items[ANum] = nil then raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetPath: Invalid Path number');
-+ if ANum >= FEntities.Count then raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetPath: Path number out of bounds');
-- Result := TPath(FPaths.Items[ANum]);
-+ for i := 0 to FEntities.Count - 1 do
-+ begin
-+ if TvEntity(FEntities.Items[i]) is TPath then
-+ begin
-+ Inc(Index);
-+ if Index = ANum then Result := TPath(FEntities.Items[i]);
-+ end;
-+ end;
- end;
- function TvVectorialDocument.GetPathCount: Integer;
-+ i: Integer;
- begin
-- Result := FPaths.Count;
--function TvVectorialDocument.GetText(ANum: Cardinal): TvText;
-- if ANum >= FTexts.Count then raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetText: Text number out of bounds');
-+ Result := 0;
-- if FTexts.Items[ANum] = nil then raise Exception.Create('TvVectorialDocument.GetText: Invalid Text number');
-- Result := TvText(FTexts.Items[ANum]);
--function TvVectorialDocument.GetTextCount: Integer;
-- Result := FTexts.Count;
-+ for i := 0 to FEntities.Count - 1 do
-+ if TvEntity(FEntities.Items[i]) is TPath then Inc(Result);
- end;
- function TvVectorialDocument.GetEntity(ANum: Cardinal): TvEntity;
-@@ -878,7 +1094,7 @@
- Result := TvEntity(FEntities.Items[ANum]);
- end;
--function TvVectorialDocument.GetEntityCount: Integer;
-+function TvVectorialDocument.GetEntitiesCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FEntities.Count;
- end;
-@@ -888,8 +1104,7 @@
- }
- procedure TvVectorialDocument.Clear;
- begin
-- RemoveAllPaths();
-- RemoveAllTexts();
-+ FEntities.Clear();
- end;
- { TvCustomVectorialReader }
-@@ -1000,17 +1215,14 @@
- { TPath }
--procedure TPath.Assign(APath: TPath);
-+procedure TPath.Assign(ASource: TPath);
- begin
-- Len := APath.Len;
-- Points := APath.Points;
-- PointsEnd := APath.PointsEnd;
-- CurPoint := APath.CurPoint;
--function TPath.Count(): TPathSegment;
-+ Len := ASource.Len;
-+ Points := ASource.Points;
-+ PointsEnd := ASource.PointsEnd;
-+ CurPoint := ASource.CurPoint;
-+ Pen := ASource.Pen;
-+ Brush := ASource.Brush;
- end;
- procedure TPath.PrepareForSequentialReading;
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvtocanvas.pas b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvtocanvas.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d89d2c4573..00000000000
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_fpvtocanvas.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
---- packages/fpvectorial/src/fpvtocanvas.pas 2011/01/30 15:51:36 16850
-+++ packages/fpvectorial/src/fpvtocanvas.pas 2011/06/17 09:52:19 17765
-@@ -10,21 +10,30 @@
- Classes, SysUtils, Math,
- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
- Graphics, LCLIntf,
-- {$else}
-- fpcanvas,
- {$endif}
-+ fpcanvas,
-+ fpimage,
- fpvectorial;
- procedure DrawFPVectorialToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument;
-- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-- ADest: TCanvas;
-- {$else}
- ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-- {$endif}
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+procedure DrawFPVPathToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurPath: TPath;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+procedure DrawFPVEntityToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurEntity: TvEntity;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+procedure DrawFPVTextToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurText: TvText;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
- ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
- implementation
-+{$ifndef Windows}
- function Rotate2DPoint(P,Fix :TPoint; alpha:double): TPoint;
- var
- sinus, cosinus : Extended;
-@@ -37,17 +46,16 @@
- end;
- procedure DrawRotatedEllipse(
-- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-- ADest: TCanvas;
-- {$else}
- ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-- {$endif}
- CurEllipse: TvEllipse;
- ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
- var
- PointList: array[0..6] of TPoint;
- f: TPoint;
- dk, x1, x2, y1, y2: Integer;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest: TCanvas absolute ADest;
-+ {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
- CurEllipse.CalculateBoundingRectangle();
-@@ -72,7 +80,7 @@
- // Conrollpoint of secondpart endpoint
- PointList[6] := PointList[0]; // Endpoint of
- // Back to the startpoint
-- ADest.PolyBezier(Pointlist[0]);
-+ ALCLDest.PolyBezier(Pointlist[0]);
- {$endif}
- end;
-@@ -90,15 +98,48 @@
- DrawFPVectorialToCanvas(ASource, ADest, 0, ASource.Height, 1.0, -1.0);
- }
- procedure DrawFPVectorialToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument;
-- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-- ADest: TCanvas;
-- {$else}
- ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+ i: Integer;
-+ CurEntity: TvEntity;
-+ WriteLn(':>DrawFPVectorialToCanvas');
-+ {$endif}
-+ for i := 0 to ASource.GetEntitiesCount - 1 do
-+ begin
-+ CurEntity := ASource.GetEntity(i);
-+ if CurEntity is TPath then DrawFPVPathToCanvas(ASource, TPath(CurEntity), ADest, ADestX, ADestY, AMulX, AMulY)
-+ else if CurEntity is TvText then DrawFPVTextToCanvas(ASource, TvText(CurEntity), ADest, ADestX, ADestY, AMulX, AMulY)
-+ else DrawFPVEntityToCanvas(ASource, CurEntity, ADest, ADestX, ADestY, AMulX, AMulY);
-+ end;
-+ WriteLn(':<DrawFPVectorialToCanvas');
- {$endif}
-+procedure DrawFPVPathToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurPath: TPath;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
- ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+ function CoordToCanvasX(ACoord: Double): Integer;
-+ begin
-+ Result := Round(ADestX + AmulX * ACoord);
-+ end;
-+ function CoordToCanvasY(ACoord: Double): Integer;
-+ begin
-+ Result := Round(ADestY + AmulY * ACoord);
-+ end;
- var
-- i, j, k: Integer;
-+ j, k: Integer;
- PosX, PosY: Integer; // Not modified by ADestX, etc
- CurSegment: TPathSegment;
- Cur2DSegment: T2DSegment absolute CurSegment;
-@@ -107,123 +148,327 @@
- CurX, CurY: Integer; // Not modified by ADestX, etc
- CurveLength: Integer;
- t: Double;
-- // For text
-- CurText: TvText;
-- // For entities
-- CurEntity: TvEntity;
-- CurCircle: TvCircle;
-- CurEllipse: TvEllipse;
-- CurArc: TvCircularArc;
- begin
-- WriteLn(':>DrawFPVectorialToCanvas');
-- {$endif}
- PosX := 0;
- PosY := 0;
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- ADest.MoveTo(ADestX, ADestY);
-- // Draws all paths
-- for i := 0 to ASource.PathCount - 1 do
-+ CurPath.PrepareForSequentialReading;
-+ // Set the path Pen and Brush options
-+ ADest.Pen.Style := CurPath.Pen.Style;
-+ ADest.Pen.Width := CurPath.Pen.Width;
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := CurPath.Brush.Style;
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := CurPath.Pen.Color;
-+ ADest.Brush.FPColor := CurPath.Brush.Color;
-+ Write(Format('[Path] ID=%d', [i]));
-+ {$endif}
-+ for j := 0 to CurPath.Len - 1 do
- begin
-- //WriteLn('i = ', i);
-- ASource.Paths[i].PrepareForSequentialReading;
-+ //WriteLn('j = ', j);
-+ CurSegment := TPathSegment(CurPath.Next());
-- for j := 0 to ASource.Paths[i].Len - 1 do
-+ case CurSegment.SegmentType of
-+ stMoveTo:
-+ begin
-+ ADest.MoveTo(CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y));
-+ Write(Format(' M%d,%d', [CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y)]));
-+ {$endif}
-+ end;
-+ // This element can override temporarely the Pen
-+ st2DLineWithPen:
- begin
-- //WriteLn('j = ', j);
-- CurSegment := TPathSegment(ASource.Paths[i].Next());
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := T2DSegmentWithPen(Cur2DSegment).Pen.Color;
-- case CurSegment.SegmentType of
-- stMoveTo:
-- begin
-- ADest.MoveTo(
-- Round(ADestX + AMulX * Cur2DSegment.X),
-- Round(ADestY + AMulY * Cur2DSegment.Y)
-- );
-- end;
-- st2DLine, st3DLine:
-- begin
-- ADest.LineTo(
-- Round(ADestX + AMulX * Cur2DSegment.X),
-- Round(ADestY + AMulY * Cur2DSegment.Y)
-- );
-- end;
-- { To draw a bezier we need to divide the interval in parts and make
-- lines between this parts }
-- st2DBezier, st3DBezier:
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y));
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := CurPath.Pen.Color;
-+ Write(Format(' L%d,%d', [CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y)]));
-+ {$endif}
-+ end;
-+ st2DLine, st3DLine:
-+ begin
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y));
-+ Write(Format(' L%d,%d', [CoordToCanvasX(Cur2DSegment.X), CoordToCanvasY(Cur2DSegment.Y)]));
-+ {$endif}
-+ end;
-+ { To draw a bezier we need to divide the interval in parts and make
-+ lines between this parts }
-+ st2DBezier, st3DBezier:
-+ begin
-+ CurveLength :=
-+ Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X3 - PosX) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y3 - PosY))) +
-+ Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X2 - Cur2DBSegment.X3) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y2 - Cur2DBSegment.Y3))) +
-+ Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X - Cur2DBSegment.X3) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y - Cur2DBSegment.Y3)));
-+ for k := 1 to CurveLength do
- begin
-- CurveLength :=
-- Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X3 - PosX) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y3 - PosY))) +
-- Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X2 - Cur2DBSegment.X3) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y2 - Cur2DBSegment.Y3))) +
-- Round(sqrt(sqr(Cur2DBSegment.X - Cur2DBSegment.X3) + sqr(Cur2DBSegment.Y - Cur2DBSegment.Y3)));
-- for k := 1 to CurveLength do
-- begin
-- t := k / CurveLength;
-- CurX := Round(sqr(1 - t) * (1 - t) * PosX + 3 * t * sqr(1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.X2 + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.X3 + t * t * t * Cur2DBSegment.X);
-- CurY := Round(sqr(1 - t) * (1 - t) * PosY + 3 * t * sqr(1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.Y2 + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.Y3 + t * t * t * Cur2DBSegment.Y);
-- ADest.LineTo(
-- Round(ADestX + AMulX * CurX),
-- Round(ADestY + AMulY * CurY));
-- end;
-- PosX := Round(Cur2DBSegment.X);
-- PosY := Round(Cur2DBSegment.Y);
-- end;
-+ t := k / CurveLength;
-+ CurX := Round(sqr(1 - t) * (1 - t) * PosX + 3 * t * sqr(1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.X2 + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.X3 + t * t * t * Cur2DBSegment.X);
-+ CurY := Round(sqr(1 - t) * (1 - t) * PosY + 3 * t * sqr(1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.Y2 + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * Cur2DBSegment.Y3 + t * t * t * Cur2DBSegment.Y);
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(CurX), CoordToCanvasY(CurY));
- end;
-+ PosX := Round(Cur2DBSegment.X);
-+ PosY := Round(Cur2DBSegment.Y);
-+ end;
- end;
- end;
-+ WriteLn('');
-+ {$endif}
-+procedure DrawFPVEntityToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurEntity: TvEntity;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-- // Draws all entities
-- for i := 0 to ASource.GetEntityCount - 1 do
-+ function CoordToCanvasX(ACoord: Double): Integer;
- begin
-- CurEntity := ASource.GetEntity(i);
-- if CurEntity is TvCircle then
-+ Result := Round(ADestX + AmulX * ACoord);
-+ end;
-+ function CoordToCanvasY(ACoord: Double): Integer;
-+ begin
-+ Result := Round(ADestY + AmulY * ACoord);
-+ end;
-+ i: Integer;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest: TCanvas;
-+ {$endif}
-+ // For entities
-+ CurCircle: TvCircle;
-+ CurEllipse: TvEllipse;
-+ //
-+ CurArc: TvCircularArc;
-+ FinalStartAngle, FinalEndAngle: double;
-+ BoundsLeft, BoundsTop, BoundsRight, BoundsBottom,
-+ IntStartAngle, IntAngleLength, IntTmp: Integer;
-+ //
-+ CurDim: TvAlignedDimension;
-+ Points: array of TPoint;
-+ UpperDim, LowerDim: T3DPoint;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest := TCanvas(ADest);
-+ {$endif}
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := CurEntity.Brush.Style;
-+ ADest.Pen.Style := CurEntity.Pen.Style;
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := CurEntity.Pen.Color;
-+ ADest.Brush.FPColor := CurEntity.Brush.Color;
-+ if CurEntity is TvCircle then
-+ begin
-+ CurCircle := CurEntity as TvCircle;
-+ ADest.Ellipse(
-+ CoordToCanvasX(CurCircle.CenterX - CurCircle.Radius),
-+ CoordToCanvasY(CurCircle.CenterY - CurCircle.Radius),
-+ CoordToCanvasX(CurCircle.CenterX + CurCircle.Radius),
-+ CoordToCanvasY(CurCircle.CenterY + CurCircle.Radius)
-+ );
-+ end
-+ else if CurEntity is TvEllipse then
-+ begin
-+ CurEllipse := CurEntity as TvEllipse;
-+ DrawRotatedEllipse(ADest, CurEllipse);
-+ end
-+ else if CurEntity is TvCircularArc then
-+ begin
-+ CurArc := CurEntity as TvCircularArc;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ // ToDo: Consider a X axis inversion
-+ // If the Y axis is inverted, then we need to mirror our angles as well
-+ BoundsLeft := CoordToCanvasX(CurArc.CenterX - CurArc.Radius);
-+ BoundsTop := CoordToCanvasY(CurArc.CenterY - CurArc.Radius);
-+ BoundsRight := CoordToCanvasX(CurArc.CenterX + CurArc.Radius);
-+ BoundsBottom := CoordToCanvasY(CurArc.CenterY + CurArc.Radius);
-+ {if AMulY > 0 then
-+ begin}
-+ FinalStartAngle := CurArc.StartAngle;
-+ FinalEndAngle := CurArc.EndAngle;
-+ {end
-+ else // AMulY is negative
- begin
-- CurCircle := CurEntity as TvCircle;
-- ADest.Ellipse(
-- Round(ADestX + AmulX * (CurCircle.CenterX - CurCircle.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestY + AMulY * (CurCircle.CenterY - CurCircle.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestX + AmulX * (CurCircle.CenterX + CurCircle.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestY + AMulY * (CurCircle.CenterY + CurCircle.Radius))
-- );
-- end
-- else if CurEntity is TvEllipse then
-+ // Inverting the angles generates the correct result for Y axis inversion
-+ if CurArc.EndAngle = 0 then FinalStartAngle := 0
-+ else FinalStartAngle := 360 - 1* CurArc.EndAngle;
-+ if CurArc.StartAngle = 0 then FinalEndAngle := 0
-+ else FinalEndAngle := 360 - 1* CurArc.StartAngle;
-+ end;}
-+ IntStartAngle := Round(16*FinalStartAngle);
-+ IntAngleLength := Round(16*(FinalEndAngle - FinalStartAngle));
-+ // On Gtk2 and Carbon, the Left really needs to be to the Left of the Right position
-+ // The same for the Top and Bottom
-+ // On Windows it works fine either way
-+ // On Gtk2 if the positions are inverted then the arcs are screwed up
-+ // In Carbon if the positions are inverted, then the arc is inverted
-+ if BoundsLeft > BoundsRight then
-+ begin
-+ IntTmp := BoundsLeft;
-+ BoundsLeft := BoundsRight;
-+ BoundsRight := IntTmp;
-+ end;
-+ if BoundsTop > BoundsBottom then
-+ begin
-+ IntTmp := BoundsTop;
-+ BoundsTop := BoundsBottom;
-+ BoundsBottom := IntTmp;
-+ end;
-+ // Arc(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, Angle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer);
-+ WriteLn(Format('Drawing Arc Center=%f,%f Radius=%f StartAngle=%f AngleLength=%f',
-+ [CurArc.CenterX, CurArc.CenterY, CurArc.Radius, IntStartAngle/16, IntAngleLength/16]));
-+ {$endif}
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := CurArc.Pen.Color;
-+ ALCLDest.Arc(
-+ BoundsLeft, BoundsTop, BoundsRight, BoundsBottom,
-+ IntStartAngle, IntAngleLength
-+ );
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := colBlack;
-+ // Debug info
-+// WriteLn(Format('Drawing Arc x1y1=%d,%d x2y2=%d,%d start=%d end=%d',
-+// [BoundsLeft, BoundsTop, BoundsRight, BoundsBottom, IntStartAngle, IntAngleLength]));
-+// {$endif}
-+{ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurArc.CenterX), CoordToCanvasY(CurArc.CenterY),
-+ Format('R=%d S=%d L=%d', [Round(CurArc.Radius*AMulX), Round(FinalStartAngle),
-+ Abs(Round((FinalEndAngle - FinalStartAngle)))]));
-+ ADest.Pen.Color := TColor($DDDDDD);
-+ ADest.Rectangle(
-+ BoundsLeft, BoundsTop, BoundsRight, BoundsBottom);
-+ ADest.Pen.Color := clBlack;}
-+ {$endif}
-+ end
-+ else if CurEntity is TvAlignedDimension then
-+ begin
-+ CurDim := CurEntity as TvAlignedDimension;
-+ //
-+ // Draws this shape:
-+ // vertical horizontal
-+ // ___
-+ // | | or ---| X cm
-+ // | --|
-+ // Which marks the dimension
-+ ADest.MoveTo(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.BaseRight.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.BaseRight.Y));
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionRight.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionRight.Y));
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionLeft.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y));
-+ ADest.LineTo(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.BaseLeft.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.BaseLeft.Y));
-+ // Now the arrows
-+ // horizontal
-+ SetLength(Points, 3);
-+ if CurDim.DimensionRight.Y = CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y then
- begin
-- CurEllipse := CurEntity as TvEllipse;
-- DrawRotatedEllipse(ADest, CurEllipse);
-+ ADest.Brush.FPColor := colBlack;
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
-+ // Left arrow
-+ Points[0] := Point(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionLeft.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y));
-+ Points[1] := Point(Points[0].X + 7, Points[0].Y - 3);
-+ Points[2] := Point(Points[0].X + 7, Points[0].Y + 3);
-+ ADest.Polygon(Points);
-+ // Right arrow
-+ Points[0] := Point(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionRight.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionRight.Y));
-+ Points[1] := Point(Points[0].X - 7, Points[0].Y - 3);
-+ Points[2] := Point(Points[0].X - 7, Points[0].Y + 3);
-+ ADest.Polygon(Points);
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsClear;
-+ // Dimension text
-+ Points[0].X := CoordToCanvasX((CurDim.DimensionLeft.X+CurDim.DimensionRight.X)/2);
-+ Points[0].Y := CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y);
-+ LowerDim.X := CurDim.DimensionRight.X-CurDim.DimensionLeft.X;
-+ ADest.Font.Size := 10;
-+ ADest.TextOut(Points[0].X, Points[0].Y, Format('%.1f', [LowerDim.X]));
- end
-- else if CurEntity is TvCircularArc then
-+ else
- begin
-- CurArc := CurEntity as TvCircularArc;
-- {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-- // Arc(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, Angle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer);
-- ADest.Arc(
-- Round(ADestX + AmulX * (CurArc.CenterX - CurArc.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestY + AmulY * (CurArc.CenterY - CurArc.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestX + AmulX * (CurArc.CenterX + CurArc.Radius)),
-- Round(ADestY + AmulY * (CurArc.CenterY + CurArc.Radius)),
-- Round(16*CurArc.StartAngle),
-- Round(16*CurArc.EndAngle - CurArc.StartAngle)
-- );
-- {$endif}
-+ ADest.Brush.FPColor := colBlack;
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
-+ // There is no upper/lower preference for DimensionLeft/Right, so we need to check
-+ if CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y > CurDim.DimensionRight.Y then
-+ begin
-+ UpperDim := CurDim.DimensionLeft;
-+ LowerDim := CurDim.DimensionRight;
-+ end
-+ else
-+ begin
-+ UpperDim := CurDim.DimensionRight;
-+ LowerDim := CurDim.DimensionLeft;
-+ end;
-+ // Upper arrow
-+ Points[0] := Point(CoordToCanvasX(UpperDim.X), CoordToCanvasY(UpperDim.Y));
-+ Points[1] := Point(Points[0].X + Round(AMulX), Points[0].Y - Round(AMulY*3));
-+ Points[2] := Point(Points[0].X - Round(AMulX), Points[0].Y - Round(AMulY*3));
-+ ADest.Polygon(Points);
-+ // Lower arrow
-+ Points[0] := Point(CoordToCanvasX(LowerDim.X), CoordToCanvasY(LowerDim.Y));
-+ Points[1] := Point(Points[0].X + Round(AMulX), Points[0].Y + Round(AMulY*3));
-+ Points[2] := Point(Points[0].X - Round(AMulX), Points[0].Y + Round(AMulY*3));
-+ ADest.Polygon(Points);
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsClear;
-+ // Dimension text
-+ Points[0].X := CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionLeft.X);
-+ Points[0].Y := CoordToCanvasY((CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y+CurDim.DimensionRight.Y)/2);
-+ LowerDim.Y := CurDim.DimensionRight.Y-CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y;
-+ if LowerDim.Y < 0 then LowerDim.Y := -1 * LowerDim.Y;
-+ ADest.Font.Size := 10;
-+ ADest.TextOut(Points[0].X, Points[0].Y, Format('%.1f', [LowerDim.Y]));
- end;
-+ SetLength(Points, 0);
-+{ // Debug info
-+ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.BaseRight.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.BaseRight.Y), 'BR');
-+ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionRight.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionRight.Y), 'DR');
-+ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.DimensionLeft.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.DimensionLeft.Y), 'DL');
-+ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurDim.BaseLeft.X), CoordToCanvasY(CurDim.BaseLeft.Y), 'BL');}
- end;
-- // Draws all text
-- for i := 0 to ASource.GetTextCount - 1 do
-+procedure DrawFPVTextToCanvas(ASource: TvVectorialDocument; CurText: TvText;
-+ ADest: TFPCustomCanvas;
-+ ADestX: Integer = 0; ADestY: Integer = 0; AMulX: Double = 1.0; AMulY: Double = 1.0);
-+ function CoordToCanvasX(ACoord: Double): Integer;
- begin
-- CurText := ASource.GetText(i);
-- ADest.Font.Height := Round(AmulY * CurText.FontSize);
-- ADest.Pen.Style := psSolid;
-- ADest.Pen.Color := clBlack;
-- ADest.TextOut(Round(CurText.X), Round(CurText.Y), CurText.Value);
-+ Result := Round(ADestX + AmulX * ACoord);
- end;
-- WriteLn(':<DrawFPVectorialToCanvas');
-+ function CoordToCanvasY(ACoord: Double): Integer;
-+ begin
-+ Result := Round(ADestY + AmulY * ACoord);
-+ end;
-+ i: Integer;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest: TCanvas;
- {$endif}
-+ //
-+ LowerDim: T3DPoint;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest := TCanvas(ADest);
-+ {$endif}
-+ ADest.Font.Size := Round(AmulX * CurText.Font.Size);
-+ ADest.Pen.Style := psSolid;
-+ ADest.Pen.FPColor := colBlack;
-+ ADest.Brush.Style := bsClear;
-+ {$ifdef USE_LCL_CANVAS}
-+ ALCLDest.Font.Orientation := Round(CurText.Font.Orientation * 16);
-+ {$endif}
-+ LowerDim.Y := CurText.Y + CurText.Font.Size;
-+ ADest.TextOut(CoordToCanvasX(CurText.X), CoordToCanvasY(LowerDim.Y), CurText.Value);
- end;
- end.
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_svgvectorialwriter.pas b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_svgvectorialwriter.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aad8819a5a..00000000000
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/files/patch-packages-fpvectorial-src_svgvectorialwriter.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
---- packages/fpvectorial/src/svgvectorialwriter.pas 2011/01/14 14:45:03 16765
-+++ packages/fpvectorial/src/svgvectorialwriter.pas 2011/06/17 09:52:19 17765
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- interface
- uses
-- Classes, SysUtils, math, fpvectorial;
-+ Classes, SysUtils, math, fpvectorial, fpvutils, fpcanvas;
- type
- { TvSVGVectorialWriter }
-@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
- FPointSeparator, FCommaSeparator: TFormatSettings;
- procedure WriteDocumentSize(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
- procedure WriteDocumentName(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-- procedure WritePaths(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-- procedure WriteTexts(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ procedure WritePath(AIndex: Integer; APath: TPath; AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ procedure WriteText(AStrings: TStrings; lText: TvText; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ procedure WriteEntities(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
- procedure ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
- const AData: TvVectorialDocument;
- const ASrcX, ASrcY: Double; var ADestX, ADestY: double);
-@@ -74,90 +75,106 @@
- SVG uses commas "," to separate the X,Y coordinates, so it always uses points
- "." as decimal separators and uses no thousand separators
- }
--procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.WritePaths(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.WritePath(AIndex: Integer; APath: TPath; AStrings: TStrings;
-+ AData: TvVectorialDocument);
- var
-- i, j: Integer;
-+ j: Integer;
- PathStr: string;
-- lPath: TPath;
- PtX, PtY, OldPtX, OldPtY: double;
- BezierCP1X, BezierCP1Y, BezierCP2X, BezierCP2Y: double;
- segment: TPathSegment;
- l2DSegment: T2DSegment absolute segment;
- l2DBSegment: T2DBezierSegment absolute segment;
-+ // Pen properties
-+ lPenWidth: Integer;
-+ lPenColor: string;
-+ // Brush properties
-+ lFillColor: string;
- begin
-- for i := 0 to AData.GetPathCount() - 1 do
-- begin
-- OldPtX := 0;
-- OldPtY := 0;
-+ OldPtX := 0;
-+ OldPtY := 0;
-+ PathStr := '';
-- PathStr := '';
-- lPath := AData.GetPath(i);
-- lPath.PrepareForSequentialReading;
-+ APath.PrepareForSequentialReading();
-- for j := 0 to lPath.Len - 1 do
-- begin
-- segment := TPathSegment(lPath.Next());
-+ for j := 0 to APath.Len - 1 do
-+ begin
-+ segment := TPathSegment(APath.Next());
-+ if (segment.SegmentType <> st2DLine)
-+ and (segment.SegmentType <> stMoveTo)
-+ and (segment.SegmentType <> st2DBezier)
-+ then Break; // unsupported line type
-- if (segment.SegmentType <> st2DLine)
-- and (segment.SegmentType <> stMoveTo)
-- and (segment.SegmentType <> st2DBezier)
-- then Break; // unsupported line type
-+ // Coordinate conversion from fpvectorial to SVG
-+ ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-+ AData, l2DSegment.X, l2DSegment.Y, PtX, PtY);
-+ PtX := PtX - OldPtX;
-+ PtY := PtY - OldPtY;
-- // Coordinate conversion from fpvectorial to SVG
-+ if (segment.SegmentType = stMoveTo) then
-+ begin
-+ PathStr := PathStr + 'm '
-+ + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-+ + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' ';
-+ end
-+ else if (segment.SegmentType = st2DLine) then
-+ begin
-+ PathStr := PathStr + 'l '
-+ + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-+ + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' ';
-+ end
-+ else if (segment.SegmentType = st2DBezier) then
-+ begin
-+ // Converts all coordinates to absolute values
- ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-- AData, l2DSegment.X, l2DSegment.Y, PtX, PtY);
-- PtX := PtX - OldPtX;
-- PtY := PtY - OldPtY;
-- if (segment.SegmentType = stMoveTo) then
-- begin
-- PathStr := PathStr + 'm '
-- + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-- + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' ';
-- end
-- else if (segment.SegmentType = st2DLine) then
-- begin
-- PathStr := PathStr + 'l '
-- + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-- + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' ';
-- end
-- else if (segment.SegmentType = st2DBezier) then
-- begin
-- // Converts all coordinates to absolute values
-- ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-- AData, l2DBSegment.X2, l2DBSegment.Y2, BezierCP1X, BezierCP1Y);
-- ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-- AData, l2DBSegment.X3, l2DBSegment.Y3, BezierCP2X, BezierCP2Y);
-- // Transforms them into values relative to the initial point
-- BezierCP1X := BezierCP1X - OldPtX;
-- BezierCP1Y := BezierCP1Y - OldPtY;
-- BezierCP2X := BezierCP2X - OldPtX;
-- BezierCP2Y := BezierCP2Y - OldPtY;
-- // PtX and PtY already contains the destination point
-- // Now render our 2D cubic bezier
-- PathStr := PathStr + 'c '
-- + FloatToStr(BezierCP1X, FPointSeparator) + ','
-- + FloatToStr(BezierCP1Y, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-- + FloatToStr(BezierCP2X, FPointSeparator) + ','
-- + FloatToStr(BezierCP2Y, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-- + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-- + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-- ;
-- end;
-- // Store the current position for future points
-- OldPtX := OldPtX + PtX;
-- OldPtY := OldPtY + PtY;
-+ AData, l2DBSegment.X2, l2DBSegment.Y2, BezierCP1X, BezierCP1Y);
-+ ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-+ AData, l2DBSegment.X3, l2DBSegment.Y3, BezierCP2X, BezierCP2Y);
-+ // Transforms them into values relative to the initial point
-+ BezierCP1X := BezierCP1X - OldPtX;
-+ BezierCP1Y := BezierCP1Y - OldPtY;
-+ BezierCP2X := BezierCP2X - OldPtX;
-+ BezierCP2Y := BezierCP2Y - OldPtY;
-+ // PtX and PtY already contains the destination point
-+ // Now render our 2D cubic bezier
-+ PathStr := PathStr + 'c '
-+ + FloatToStr(BezierCP1X, FPointSeparator) + ','
-+ + FloatToStr(BezierCP1Y, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-+ + FloatToStr(BezierCP2X, FPointSeparator) + ','
-+ + FloatToStr(BezierCP2Y, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-+ + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + ','
-+ + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + ' '
-+ ;
- end;
-- AStrings.Add(' <path');
-- AStrings.Add(' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1"');
-- AStrings.Add(' d="' + PathStr + '"');
-- AStrings.Add(' id="path' + IntToStr(i) + '" />');
-+ // Store the current position for future points
-+ OldPtX := OldPtX + PtX;
-+ OldPtY := OldPtY + PtY;
- end;
-+ // Get the Pen Width
-+ if APath.Pen.Width >= 1 then lPenWidth := APath.Pen.Width
-+ else lPenWidth := 1;
-+ // Get the Pen Color and Style
-+ if APath.Pen.Style = psClear then lPenColor := 'none'
-+ else lPenColor := '#' + FPColorToRGBHexString(APath.Pen.Color);
-+ // Get the Brush color and style
-+ if APath.Brush.Style = bsClear then lFillColor := 'none'
-+ else lFillColor := '#' + FPColorToRGBHexString(APath.Brush.Color);
-+ // Now effectively write the path
-+ AStrings.Add(' <path');
-+ AStrings.Add(Format(' style="fill:%s;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%dpx;'
-+ + 'stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1"',
-+ [lFillColor, lPenColor, lPenWidth]));
-+ AStrings.Add(' d="' + PathStr + '"');
-+ AStrings.Add(' id="path' + IntToStr(AIndex) + '" />');
- end;
- procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-@@ -197,43 +214,52 @@
- // Now data
- AStrings.Add(' <g id="layer1">');
-- WritePaths(AStrings, AData);
-- WriteTexts(AStrings, AData);
-+ WriteEntities(AStrings, AData);
- AStrings.Add(' </g>');
- // finalization
- AStrings.Add('</svg>');
- end;
--procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.WriteTexts(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.WriteText(AStrings: TStrings; lText: TvText; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
- var
- i, j, FontSize: Integer;
- TextStr, FontName, SVGFontFamily: string;
-- lText: TvText;
- PtX, PtY: double;
- begin
-- for i := 0 to AData.GetTextCount() - 1 do
-- begin
-- TextStr := '';
-- lText := AData.GetText(i);
-+ TextStr := '';
-- ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-- AData, lText.X, lText.Y, PtX, PtY);
-+ ConvertFPVCoordinatesToSVGCoordinates(
-+ AData, lText.X, lText.Y, PtX, PtY);
-- TextStr := lText.Value;
-- FontSize:= ceil(lText.FontSize / FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL);
-- SVGFontFamily := 'Arial, sans-serif';//lText.FontName;
-- AStrings.Add(' <text ');
-- AStrings.Add(' x="' + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + '"');
-- AStrings.Add(' y="' + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + '"');
-+ TextStr := lText.Value;
-+ FontSize:= ceil(lText.Font.Size / FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL);
-+ SVGFontFamily := 'Arial, sans-serif';//lText.FontName;
-+ AStrings.Add(' <text ');
-+ AStrings.Add(' x="' + FloatToStr(PtX, FPointSeparator) + '"');
-+ AStrings.Add(' y="' + FloatToStr(PtY, FPointSeparator) + '"');
- // AStrings.Add(' font-size="' + IntToStr(FontSize) + '"'); Doesn't seam to work, we need to use the tspan
-- AStrings.Add(' font-family="' + SVGFontFamily + '">');
-- AStrings.Add(' <tspan ');
-- AStrings.Add(' style="font-size:' + IntToStr(FontSize) + '" ');
-+ AStrings.Add(' font-family="' + SVGFontFamily + '">');
-+ AStrings.Add(' <tspan ');
-+ AStrings.Add(' style="font-size:' + IntToStr(FontSize) + '" ');
- // AStrings.Add(' id="tspan2828" ');
-- AStrings.Add(' >');
-- AStrings.Add(TextStr + '</tspan></text>');
-+ AStrings.Add(' >');
-+ AStrings.Add(TextStr + '</tspan></text>');
-+procedure TvSVGVectorialWriter.WriteEntities(AStrings: TStrings;
-+ AData: TvVectorialDocument);
-+ lEntity: TvEntity;
-+ i: Integer;
-+ for i := 0 to AData.GetEntitiesCount() - 1 do
-+ begin
-+ lEntity := AData.GetEntity(i);
-+ if lEntity is TPath then WritePath(i, TPath(lEntity), AStrings, AData)
-+ else if lEntity is TvText then WriteText(AStrings, TvText(lEntity), AData);
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/pkg-plist b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/pkg-plist
index 91b02bad35a..f94ddcb8381 100644
--- a/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/pkg-plist
+++ b/graphics/fpc-fpvectorial/pkg-plist
@@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
@dirrm lib/fpc/%%PORTVERSION%%/units/%%BUILDNAME%%/fpvectorial
@dirrmtry lib/fpc/%%PORTVERSION%%/units/%%BUILDNAME%%
@dirrmtry lib/fpc/%%PORTVERSION%%/units
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-hermes/pkg-plist b/graphics/fpc-hermes/pkg-plist
index 9bfebb7b118..17c3f537a1c 100644
--- a/graphics/fpc-hermes/pkg-plist
+++ b/graphics/fpc-hermes/pkg-plist
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-imlib/Makefile b/graphics/fpc-imlib/Makefile
index 48f24361850..b6147cdbbee 100644
--- a/graphics/fpc-imlib/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/fpc-imlib/Makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/fpc
-OPTIONS= IMLIB "Install imlib graphic library" on
+OPTIONS= IMLIB2 "Install imlib graphic library" on
.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
diff --git a/graphics/fpc-opengl/Makefile b/graphics/fpc-opengl/Makefile
index cbead3c8c2f..ee2b81495ef 100644
--- a/graphics/fpc-opengl/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/fpc-opengl/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
CATEGORIES= graphics lang