path: root/korean
diff options
authordougb <dougb@FreeBSD.org>2011-11-02 09:35:45 +0800
committerdougb <dougb@FreeBSD.org>2011-11-02 09:35:45 +0800
commitc0def8a527e5afa3c583466eba5effba4ffe989f (patch)
treef02348dbbf01ebe5ba674c902a9dc50d54dab9bd /korean
parentd0a203c66e3cdf946460a718a34b63a654e8e07e (diff)
Remove ports@ ports that have been DEPRECATED for at least 1 month
audio/shoutcast Unfetchable; website rearranged audio/linux-shoutcast Unfetchable; website rearranged chinese/scim-chewing Does not configure converters/py-cjkcodecs Integrated into every python version in the tree databases/kpogre Does not compile deskutils/mhc Does not fetch deskutils/org-mode.el6 Does not fetch deskutils/gemcal Does not fetch devel/erlang-thrift Does not build dns/domtools Does not fetch editors/richtext Does not compile games/vultures-claw Does not fetch games/bomb Does not fetch games/lgeneral-data Bad plist games/linux-enemyterritory-jaymod Does not fetch games/xphotohunter Does not fetch graphics/gimpshop Fails to patch graphics/lightspark-devel Does not compile graphics/xmms-plazma Does not fetch graphics/py-cgkit Does not fetch, does not compile on ia64, powerpc, or sparc64 japanese/rxvt Does not fetch, fails to build with new utmpx japanese/epic4 Some distfiles do not fetch java/jde Does not fetch java/kaffe Does not fetch korean/gdick HTMLs from the Yahoo! Korea Dictionary cannot be parsed, other runtime problems korean/hanterm-xf86 Does not compile korean/stardict2-dict-kr Does not fetch lang/p5-JavaScript Does not fetch lang/TenDRA Website disappeared; last release 2006, Does not compile on recent FreeBSD-9 mail/freepops Does not build mail/itraxp Does not build misc/tellico Leaves file behind on deinstall net/gsambad Does not fetch net/nocatauth-gateway Uses a UID registered to another port net/nocatauth-server Uses a UID registered to another port net/libosip2 Does not fetch net/kmuddy Does not fetch net/netboot Does not build net-mgmt/jffnms Does not fetch net-p2p/frostwire Does not fetch net-p2p/azureus Does not fetch news/cleanscore Does not fetch news/nntpswitch Does not fetch news/p5-NewsLib Does not fetch russian/cyrproxy Does not fetch science/gerris Does not fetch security/opensaml Does not fetch sysutils/wmbattery Does not fetch sysutils/cpuburn No more public distfiles textproc/tei-guidelines-p4 Does not fetch textproc/tei-p4 Does not fetch textproc/py-hyperestraier Does not fetch textproc/tdtd.el Does not fetch textproc/tei-lite Does not fetch www/phpwiki13 Does not fetch www/p5-Apache-Scoreboard Depends on mod_perl www/p5-B-LexInfo Broken due the new mod_perl2 API www/phpwiki Does not fetch www/smb2www Apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now www/spip Checksum is changing daily www/monkey Does not fetch x11-toolkits/jdic Does not fetch x11-toolkits/py-kde Does not compile
Diffstat (limited to 'korean')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 797 deletions
diff --git a/korean/Makefile b/korean/Makefile
index ac7d58e3ec4..a84020680ac 100644
--- a/korean/Makefile
+++ b/korean/Makefile
@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@
SUBDIR += baekmukfonts-ttf
SUBDIR += engdic
SUBDIR += eterm
- SUBDIR += gdick
SUBDIR += gimp-help
SUBDIR += gtkcomm
SUBDIR += h2ps
- SUBDIR += hanterm-xf86
SUBDIR += hanyangfonts
SUBDIR += hcode
SUBDIR += hmconv
@@ -42,7 +40,6 @@
SUBDIR += qt4-codecs-kr
SUBDIR += scim-hangul
SUBDIR += scim-tables
- SUBDIR += stardict2-dict-kr
SUBDIR += unfonts-core
SUBDIR += unfonts-extra
SUBDIR += unfonts-ttf
diff --git a/korean/gdick/Makefile b/korean/gdick/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b65293d6d4..00000000000
--- a/korean/gdick/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: ko-gdick
-# Date created: 20 August 2003
-# Whom: Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= gdick
-CATEGORIES= korean python
-MASTER_SITES= http://kldp.net/frs/download.php/816/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= English-Korean Dictionary Client for GNOME2
-IGNORE= has multiple run-time problems, e. g., using obsolete URLs
-DEPRECATED= HTMLs from the recent Yahoo! Korea Dictionary cannot be parsed
-USE_BZIP2= yes
-USE_GNOME= gnomehier pygnome2 pygnomedesktop
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
- 's,/usr/share/gdick/gdick.glade,${PREFIX}/share/gdick/gdick.glade,g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/lib/gdick/gdick.py
- -e 's,lib/bonobo,${LOCALBASE}/libdata/bonobo,g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/setup.py
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/bin/gdick,${PREFIX}/bin/gdick,g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/GNOME_GDick.server
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/korean/gdick/distinfo b/korean/gdick/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d3c970755b..00000000000
--- a/korean/gdick/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (gdick-0.9.2.tar.bz2) = 9f2f3cf43cc48b86153b8800b644a544312b986dd62194fc17bf49248c7d63cb
-SIZE (gdick-0.9.2.tar.bz2) = 24651
diff --git a/korean/gdick/files/patch-GNOME_GDick.server b/korean/gdick/files/patch-GNOME_GDick.server
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f53674078e..00000000000
--- a/korean/gdick/files/patch-GNOME_GDick.server
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- GNOME_GDick.server.orig Mon May 3 11:43:50 2004
-+++ GNOME_GDick.server Mon May 3 11:45:08 2004
-@@ -18,8 +18,11 @@
- <item value="IDL:Bonobo/Unknown:1.0"/>
- </oaf_attribute>
- <oaf_attribute name="name" type="string" value="GDick"/>
-+ <oaf_attribute name="name-ko" type="string" value="한영/영한사전"/>
- <oaf_attribute name="description" type="string" value="Dictionary"/>
-+ <oaf_attribute name="description-ko" type="string" value="야후코리아 한영/영한사전"/>
- <oaf_attribute name="panel:category" type="string" value="Utility"/>
-+ <oaf_attribute name="panel:category-ko" type="string" value="유틸리티"/>
- <oaf_attribute name="panel:icon" type="string" value="bug-buddy.png"/>
- </oaf_server>
- </oaf_info>
diff --git a/korean/gdick/pkg-descr b/korean/gdick/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index c392dd290ad..00000000000
--- a/korean/gdick/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-GDick is a GTK+-2.0 based Korean dictionary client. It can serve
-as a simple GTK application as well as a GNOME applet.
-WWW: http://kldp.net/projects/gdick/
diff --git a/korean/gdick/pkg-plist b/korean/gdick/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e1160f997c..00000000000
--- a/korean/gdick/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/gdick
-@dirrm share/gdick
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/Makefile b/korean/hanterm-xf86/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8633600352f..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: hanterm-xf86
-# Date created: 22 Mar 1997
-# Whom: CHOI Junho <junker@jazz.snu.ac.kr>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= hanterm
-CATEGORIES= korean x11
-MASTER_SITES= http://kldp.net/frs/download.php/282/
-DISTNAME= hanterm${PKGNAMESUFFIX}-2.0.5-173
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= X11R6-based xterm hacked for managing Korean languages
-RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/X11/fonts/local/gulim12.pcf.gz:${PORTSDIR}/korean/baekmukfonts-bdf
-BROKEN= does not compile
-USE_XORG= xaw xext x11
-CONFLICTS= ko-hanterm-3.*
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-boxchar --enable-ansi-color \
- --enable-256-color --enable-chat --enable-now-chat
-CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include
-MAN1= hanterm.1
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/hangul_keyboard
- ${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/defaultfont.ad >> ${WRKSRC}/Hanterm.ad
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/distinfo b/korean/hanterm-xf86/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 856a3bbe5b9..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (hanterm-xf-2.0.5-173.tar.gz) = df4f51789439fef028cd9753641846f673794d1a3e50a90324c924c4794e787d
-SIZE (hanterm-xf-2.0.5-173.tar.gz) = 689639
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/defaultfont.ad b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/defaultfont.ad
deleted file mode 100644
index 4596e62b36c..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/defaultfont.ad
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! Default font configuration for hanterm-xf
-! $FreeBSD$
-! Hanterm.ad has no font configuration, so we need default font working in
-! any case
-*vt100.boldFont: -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-*
-*vt100.font: -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-*
-*vt100.hangulFont: -baekmuk-gulim-medium-r-normal--16-160-75-75-m-160-ksc5601.1987-0
-*fontSet: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1,-baekmuk-gulim-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-ksc5601.1987-0
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-configure b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-configure
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e80b748b85..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- configure.orig Mon Dec 30 11:21:21 2002
-+++ configure Tue Feb 18 18:50:55 2003
-@@ -6077,11 +6077,11 @@
- int main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
-- const char *jp = "\x1B\x24\x42\x46\x7C\x4B\x5C\x38\x6C";
-- const char *utf8 = "\xE6\x97\xA5\xE6\x9C\xAC\xE8\xAA\x9E";
-- char *transbuf = malloc (10), *trans = transbuf;
-+ const char *jp = "\xbe\xc8\xb3\xe7\xc7\xcf\xbc\xbc\xbf\xe4";
-+ const char *utf8 = "\xec\x95\x88\xeb\x85\x95\xed\x95\x98\xec\x84\xb8\xec\x9a\x94";
-+ char *transbuf = malloc (16), *trans = transbuf;
- iconv_t cd;
-- size_t jp_len = strlen (jp), utf8_len = 10;
-+ size_t jp_len = strlen (jp), utf8_len = 16;
- size_t utf8_real_len = strlen (utf8);
-@@ -6090,7 +6090,7 @@
- exit (1);
- #endif
-- cd = iconv_open ("UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP");
-+ cd = iconv_open ("UTF-8", "EUC-KR");
- if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) {
- /* ѱ solaris */
- cd = iconv_open ("ko_KR-UTF-8", "ko_KR-euc");
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-johabcode2_c b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-johabcode2_c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e9411bc646..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-johabcode2_c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
---- johabcode2.c 2003-01-27 08:26:03.000000000 +0900
-+++ johabcode2.c 2006-01-05 12:12:48.066094100 +0900
-@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ static iconv_t johab_to_utf8_cd = (iconv
- int
- johab_to_wansung(char *s, int johab)
- {
-- int in_len, out_len;
-+ size_t in_len, out_len;
- char in[2];
-- char *in_p, *out_p;
-+ const char *in_p;
-+ char *out_p;
- if (johab < 128) {
- *s = johab;
- return 1;
-@@ -67,9 +68,9 @@ int
- johab_to_wansung_str(char *s, char *johab, int len)
- {
- char *out_p = s;
-- char *in_p = johab;
-- int in_len = len;
-- int out_len = len;
-+ const char *in_p = johab;
-+ size_t in_len = len;
-+ size_t out_len = len;
- if (johab_to_wan_cd == (iconv_t) -1) {
- johab_to_wan_cd = iconv_open(CD_EUC_KR, CD_JOHAB);
- if (johab_to_wan_cd == (iconv_t) -1) {
-@@ -84,9 +85,10 @@ johab_to_wansung_str(char *s, char *joha
- int
- johab_from_wansung(char *s, int wansung)
- {
-- int in_len, out_len;
-+ size_t in_len, out_len;
- char in[2];
-- char *in_p, *out_p;
-+ const char *in_p;
-+ char *out_p;
- if (wansung < 128) {
- *s = wansung;
- return 1;
-@@ -111,9 +113,9 @@ int
- johab_from_wansung_str(char *s, char *wansung, int len)
- {
- char *out_p = s;
-- char *in_p = wansung;
-- int in_len = len;
-- int out_len = len;
-+ const char *in_p = wansung;
-+ size_t in_len = len;
-+ size_t out_len = len;
- if (wan_to_johab_cd == (iconv_t) -1) {
- wan_to_johab_cd = iconv_open(CD_JOHAB, CD_EUC_KR);
- if (wan_to_johab_cd == (iconv_t) -1) {
-@@ -155,9 +157,10 @@ johab_from_3(int cho, int jung, int jong
- int
- johab_to_utf8(char *s, int johab)
- {
-- int in_len, out_len;
-+ size_t in_len, out_len;
- char in[2];
-- char *in_p, *out_p;
-+ const char *in_p;
-+ char *out_p;
- if (johab < 128) {
- *s = johab;
- return 1;
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-makefile_in b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-makefile_in
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b132f3d5f..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-makefile_in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.in.orig Tue Feb 11 11:59:24 2003
-+++ Makefile.in Thu Aug 4 11:13:56 2005
-@@ -178,15 +178,12 @@
- install-bin \
- install-full :: $(BINNAME)$x resize$x $(BINDIR)
- $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/sinstall.sh "$(INSTALL_PROGRAM)" $(BINNAME)$x @XTERM_PATH@ $(BINDIR)/$(binary_xterm)
-- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -s -m 755 resize$x $(BINDIR)/$(binary_resize)
- $(INSTALL_DATA) -m 444 $(srcdir)/keyboard/*.kbd $(srcdir)/keyboard/*.map $(KEYBDIR)
-- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 $(srcdir)/uxterm $(BINDIR)/$(binary_uxterm)
- install \
- install-man \
- install-full :: $(MANDIR)
- $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/minstall.sh "$(INSTALL_DATA)" $(srcdir)/$(BINNAME).man $(MANDIR)/$(actual_xterm).$(manext)
-- $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/minstall.sh "$(INSTALL_DATA)" $(srcdir)/resize.man $(MANDIR)/$(actual_resize).$(manext)
- install \
- install-app \
-@@ -197,9 +194,6 @@
- @echo installing $(APPSDIR)/$(CLASS)-color
- @sed -e s/$(RESFNAME)/$(CLASS)/ $(srcdir)/$(RESFNAME)-col.ad >XTerm.tmp
- @$(INSTALL_DATA) XTerm.tmp $(APPSDIR)/$(CLASS)-color
-- @echo installing $(APPSDIR)/UXTerm
-- @sed -e s/XTerm/$(CLASS)/ $(srcdir)/UXTerm.ad >XTerm.tmp
-- @$(INSTALL_DATA) XTerm.tmp $(APPSDIR)/UXTerm
- @rm -f XTerm.tmp
- install ::
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-misc_c b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-misc_c
deleted file mode 100644
index c4781bb1594..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-misc_c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
---- misc.c.orig Thu Mar 30 00:10:51 2006
-+++ misc.c Wed Mar 2 23:11:14 2011
-@@ -1443,10 +1443,6 @@ do_osc(Char * oscbuf, int len GCC_UNUSED, int final)
- case 2: /* new title only */
- Changetitle(buf);
- break;
-- case 3: /* change X property */
-- ChangeXprop(buf);
-- break;
- case 4:
- ChangeAnsiColorRequest(term, buf, final);
-@@ -1492,6 +1488,7 @@ do_osc(Char * oscbuf, int len GCC_UNUSED, int final)
- #endif /* ALLOWLOGGING */
- case 50:
-+#if 0
- if (buf != 0 && !strcmp(buf, "?")) {
- int num = screen->menu_font_number;
-@@ -1544,6 +1541,7 @@ do_osc(Char * oscbuf, int len GCC_UNUSED, int final)
- }
- SetVTFont(fontMenu_fontescape, True, VT_FONTSET(buf, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- }
- break;
- case 51:
- /* reserved for Emacs shell (Rob Myoff <mayoff@dqd.com>) */
-@@ -1706,14 +1704,17 @@ do_dcs(Char * dcsbuf, size_t dcslen)
- } else
- okay = False;
-- unparseputc1(DCS, screen->respond);
-- unparseputc(okay ? '1' : '0', screen->respond);
-- unparseputc('$', screen->respond);
-- unparseputc('r', screen->respond);
-- if (okay)
-+ if (okay) {
-+ unparseputc1(DCS, screen->respond);
-+ unparseputc(okay ? '1' : '0', screen->respond);
-+ unparseputc('$', screen->respond);
-+ unparseputc('r', screen->respond);
- cp = reply;
-- unparseputs(cp, screen->respond);
-- unparseputc1(ST, screen->respond);
-+ unparseputs(cp, screen->respond);
-+ unparseputc1(ST, screen->respond);
-+ } else {
-+ unparseputc(CAN, screen->respond);
-+ }
- } else {
- unparseputc(CAN, screen->respond);
- }
-@@ -1763,7 +1764,8 @@ do_dcs(Char * dcsbuf, size_t dcslen)
- break;
- #endif
- default:
-- if (isdigit(CharOf(*cp))) { /* digits are DECUDK, otherwise ignore */
-+ /* VT220; digits are DECUDK, otherwise ignore */
-+ if (screen->terminal_id >= 200 && isdigit(CharOf(*cp))) {
- clear_all = True;
- lock_keys = True;
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-utf8 b/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-utf8
deleted file mode 100644
index e99a5387d20..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/files/patch-utf8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
---- charproc.c 2003-03-26 12:09:48.000000000 +0900
-+++ charproc.c 2006-01-05 11:29:34.569652400 +0900
-@@ -132,6 +132,15 @@ in this Software without prior written a
- #include <charclass.h>
- #include <xstrings.h>
-+/* _xutf8 */
-+#include <iconv.h>
-+static iconv_t from_utf8_cd = 0;
-+static iconv_t to_utf8_cd = 0;
-+extern int _xutf8;
-+/* _xutf8 */
- #else
-@@ -2463,6 +2472,14 @@ v_write(int f, Char * data, int len)
- int riten;
- int c = len;
-+ if (len > 0 && _xutf8) {
-+ char *utf8 = (char *)alloca(len*2);
-+ c = len = to_utf8(data, len, utf8);
-+ data = utf8;
-+ }
- if (v_bufstr == NULL && len > 0) {
- v_buffer = (Char *) XtMalloc(len);
- v_bufstr = v_buffer;
-@@ -2676,6 +2693,13 @@ in_put(void)
- /* strip parity bit */
- for (i = VTbuffer.cnt, cp = VTbuffer.ptr; i > 0; i--)
- *cp++ &= 0177; /* originally CHAR */
-+ if ( _xutf8 ) {
-+ VTbuffer.cnt= from_utf8(VTbuffer.buf, VTbuffer.cnt, VTbuffer.ptr);
-+ }
- if (screen->scrollWidget && screen->scrollttyoutput &&
- screen->topline < 0)
- /* Scroll to bottom */
-@@ -2756,6 +2780,14 @@ in_put(void)
- && screen->topline < 0)
- WindowScroll(screen, 0); /* Scroll to bottom */
- pty_read_bytes += VTbuffer.cnt;
-+ if ( _xutf8 ) {
-+ if (VTbuffer.cnt > 0 )
-+ VTbuffer.cnt= from_utf8(VTbuffer.buf, VTbuffer.cnt, VTbuffer.ptr);
-+ }
- /* stop speed reading at some point to look for X stuff */
- /* (4096 is just a random large number.) */
- if (pty_read_bytes > 4096)
-@@ -4990,9 +5022,16 @@ VTInitialize(Widget wrequest,
- composer_set_shuffle_active(request->misc.han_allow_shuffle);
-+ if ( request->screen.han_code == C_UTF8 ) {
-+ request->screen.han_code = C_WANSUNG;
-+ _xutf8 = 1;
-+ }
- wnew->screen.han_code = ((request->screen.han_code >= 0
- && request->screen.han_code <= 1)
- ? request->screen.han_code: C_WANSUNG);
- wnew->screen.han_kbd = ((request->screen.han_kbd > 1
- && request->screen.han_kbd < 4)
- ? request->screen.han_kbd : 2);
-@@ -6808,3 +6847,221 @@ set_cursor_gcs(TScreen * screen)
- screen->reversecursorHGC = new_reversecursorHGC;
- #endif /* OPT_HANGUL */
- }
-+/* _xutf8 */
-+static int
-+is_wide (int c)
-+ if (c < 0x1100) return 0;
-+ return ((c >= 0x1100 && c <= 0x115f)
-+ || (c >= 0x2e80 && c <= 0xa4cf && (c & ~0x0011) != 0x300a && c != 0x303f)
-+ || (c >= 0xac00 && c <= 0xd7a3)
-+ || (c >= 0xf900 && c <= 0xfaff)
-+ || (c >= 0xfe30 && c <= 0xfe6f)
-+ || (c >= 0xff00 && c <= 0xff5f)
-+ || (c >= 0xffe0 && c <= 0xffe6));
-+#define UTF8_COMPUTE(Char, Mask, Len) \
-+ if (Char < 128) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 1; \
-+ Mask = 0x7f; \
-+ } \
-+ else if ((Char & 0xe0) == 0xc0) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 2; \
-+ Mask = 0x1f; \
-+ } \
-+ else if ((Char & 0xf0) == 0xe0) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 3; \
-+ Mask = 0x0f; \
-+ } \
-+ else if ((Char & 0xf8) == 0xf0) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 4; \
-+ Mask = 0x07; \
-+ } \
-+ else if ((Char & 0xfc) == 0xf8) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 5; \
-+ Mask = 0x03; \
-+ } \
-+ else if ((Char & 0xfe) == 0xfc) \
-+ { \
-+ Len = 6; \
-+ Mask = 0x01; \
-+ } \
-+ else \
-+ Len = -1;
-+#define UTF8_GET(Result, Chars, Count, Mask, Len) \
-+ (Result) = (Chars)[0] & (Mask); \
-+ for ((Count) = 1; (Count) < (Len); ++(Count)) \
-+ { \
-+ if (((Chars)[(Count)] & 0xc0) != 0x80) \
-+ { \
-+ (Result) = -1; \
-+ break; \
-+ } \
-+ (Result) <<= 6; \
-+ (Result) |= ((Chars)[(Count)] & 0x3f); \
-+ }
-+static int
-+g_utf8_get_char (const char *p, int *len)
-+ int i, mask = 0;
-+ int result;
-+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char) *p;
-+ UTF8_COMPUTE (c, mask, *len);
-+ if (*len == -1)
-+ return -1;
-+ UTF8_GET (result, p, i, mask, *len);
-+ return result;
-+static int
-+g_utf8_validate (const char *str,
-+ int max_len,
-+ const char **end)
-+ const char *p;
-+ int retval = 1;
-+ if (end)
-+ *end = str;
-+ p = str;
-+ while ((max_len < 0 || (p - str) < max_len) && *p)
-+ {
-+ int i, mask = 0, len;
-+ int result;
-+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char) *p;
-+ UTF8_COMPUTE (c, mask, len);
-+ if (len == -1)
-+ {
-+ retval = 0;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* check that the expected number of bytes exists in str */
-+ if (max_len >= 0 && ((max_len - (p - str)) < len))
-+ {
-+ retval = 0;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ UTF8_GET (result, p, i, mask, len);
-+ if (result == -1)
-+ {
-+ retval = 0;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ p += len;
-+ }
-+ if (end)
-+ *end = p;
-+ return retval;
-+from_utf8(char *utf8, size_t len, char *ksc)
-+ char * tmp = alloca(len);
-+ char *out = tmp;
-+ size_t out_len = len;
-+ size_t vlen;
-+ char *vs, *end;
-+ if (!from_utf8_cd) {
-+ from_utf8_cd = iconv_open("EUC-KR", "UTF-8");
-+ }
-+ vlen = len;
-+ vs = utf8;
-+ end = utf8 + len;
-+ do {
-+ const char *valid_end;
-+ if (g_utf8_validate(vs, vlen, &valid_end)) break;
-+ vs = (char *) valid_end;
-+ *vs++ = '?';
-+ vlen = end - vs;
-+ } while (1);
-+ do {
-+ int iconv_len = iconv(from_utf8_cd, (const char **)&utf8,
-+ &len, &out, &out_len);
-+ if (iconv_len < 0) {
-+ int utf8_bytes;
-+ int i = g_utf8_get_char (utf8, &utf8_bytes);
-+ if (utf8_bytes <= 0) {
-+ utf8_bytes = 1;
-+ }
-+ if (is_wide(i)) {
-+ *out++ = '?'; *out++ = '?'; out_len -= 2;
-+ } else {
-+ *out++ = '?'; out_len -= 1;
-+ }
-+ utf8 += utf8_bytes;
-+ len -= utf8_bytes;
-+ }
-+ } while (len > 0);
-+ memcpy(ksc, tmp, out - tmp);
-+ if (0) {
-+ int i;
-+ for(i=0;i<out - tmp;i++) {
-+ if (ksc[i] & 0x80) {
-+ char c = ksc[i+1];
-+ ksc[i+1] = ksc[i];
-+ ksc[i] = c;
-+ i++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return out - tmp;
-+to_utf8(char *ksc, size_t len, char *utf8)
-+ char *out = utf8;
-+ size_t out_len = len * 2;
-+ if (!to_utf8_cd) {
-+ /* johab conversion routine in glibc used in mizi1.5 is completely broken */
-+ to_utf8_cd = iconv_open("UTF-8", "EUC-KR");
-+ }
-+ if (0) {
-+ int i;
-+ for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
-+ if (ksc[i] & 0x80) {
-+ char c = ksc[i+1];
-+ ksc[i+1] = ksc[i];
-+ ksc[i] = c;
-+ i++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+#if 0
-+ while ((len > 0) && ((*ksc & 0xff) < 0x80)) {
-+ *out++ = *ksc++;
-+ len--; out_len--;
-+ }
-+ if (len == 0) return out - utf8;
-+ iconv(to_utf8_cd, (const char **)&ksc, &len, &out, &out_len);
-+ return out - utf8;
---- hangul.c 2002-06-09 22:54:40.000000000 +0900
-+++ hangul.c 2006-01-05 11:24:54.754159800 +0900
-@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
- #include "johabcode.h"
- #include "hfont.h"
-+/* _xutf8 */
-+extern int _xutf8;
- int han_eng_lift;
- int han_eng_ascent;
-@@ -80,7 +82,14 @@ HandleChangeKeyboard(Widget w, XEvent *e
- void
- HandleChangeCode(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *nparams)
- {
-- term->screen.han_code = term->screen.han_code ^ 1;
-+ term->screen.han_code++;
-+ if (term->screen.han_code == C_UTF8) {
-+ term->screen.han_code = C_WANSUNG;
-+ _xutf8 = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ term->screen.han_code = ( _xutf8 ) ? C_WANSUNG : C_JOHAB;
-+ _xutf8 = 0;
-+ }
- if (term->screen.han_code == C_WANSUNG) {
- convert_code_to_font = kscode_to_font[term->screen.han_font_type];
- } else {
-@@ -286,7 +295,11 @@ han_show_status(TScreen *screen, int lef
- set_mode_line();
- mode_str = hangul_state ? str_hangul : str_eng;
-- code_str = (screen->han_code == C_WANSUNG) ? str_wansung : str_johab;
-+ if ( _xutf8 )
-+ code_str = S_UTF8;
-+ else
-+ code_str = (screen->han_code == C_WANSUNG) ? str_wansung : str_johab;
- keyboard_str = (screen->han_kbd == 2) ? str_2bul : str_3bul;
- if (screen->han_code == C_JOHAB)
---- hangul.h 2003-02-18 11:49:49.000000000 +0900
-+++ hangul.h 2006-01-05 11:24:54.785399400 +0900
-@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@
- #define S_ENGLISH "[]"
- #define S_WANSUNG "[ϼ]"
- #define S_JOHAB "[]"
-+#define S_UTF8 "[UTF8]"
- #define S_2BULSIK "[ι]"
- #define S_3BULSIK "[]"
- #define S_CODEINPUT "ڵ>"
- #define C_WANSUNG 0 /* Hangul Code */
- #define C_JOHAB 1
-+#define C_UTF8 2
- #define TEXT_BUF_SIZE 256
- extern Char han_compose_buf[];
---- main.c 2003-03-26 12:09:48.000000000 +0900
-+++ main.c 2006-01-05 11:30:42.846857900 +0900
-@@ -672,6 +672,11 @@ static int tslot;
- #endif /* USE_SYSV_UTMP */
- static sigjmp_buf env;
-+/* _xutf8 */
-+int _xutf8 = 0;
- /* used by VT (charproc.c) */
- static XtResource application_resources[] =
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-descr b/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 108649d143b..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-It is one of many variants of hanterm, a well-known program for managing
-Korean language in X11. This version supports the features
-such as automatic fonts detection, johab844 font support,
-and based on X11R6 xterm code. The scrollbar is displayed in right.
-WWW: http://kldp.net/projects/hanterm-xf/
diff --git a/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-plist b/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ff1c7ef83..00000000000
--- a/korean/hanterm-xf86/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm share/hangul_keyboard
diff --git a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/Makefile b/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc2ab7c5af..00000000000
--- a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Ports collection makefile for: stardict-dict-korean
-# Date created: 20 May 2007
-# Whom: Yinghong Liu <relaxbsd@gmail.com>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= stardict2-dict-kr
-CATEGORIES= korean textproc
-MASTER_SITES= SF/stardict/stardict-dictionaries-ko/${PORTVERSION}
-DIST_SUBDIR= stardict
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Korean and foreign language Dictionaries for StarDict
-BROKEN= does not fetch
-RUN_DEPENDS= stardict:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/stardict2
-NO_BUILD= yes
-USE_BZIP2= yes
-DICTDIR= share/stardict/dic
-DICTIONARIES= GPL_korean-russian-dic Hanja_KoreanHanzi_Dic KoreanAnimalMedicalDic \
- KoreanDic KoreanEnglishDic KoreanLawDic KoreanMedicalDic quick_eng-kor
-.if !defined(DICT_PACK)
-OPTIONS= ALL "All dictionaries" on
-.for dict in ${DICTIONARIES}
-OPTIONS+= ${dict:U:S|-|_|g} "${dict} dictionary" off
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.for dict in ${DICTIONARIES}
-.if defined(WITH_ALL) || defined(WITH_${dict:U:S|-|_|g})
- @${DO_NADA}
- cd ${WRKDIR}/stardict-${dict}-${PORTVERSION}/ \
- && (${FIND} -s * -type f | \
- ${SED} -e 's|^|${DICTDIR}/|' >> ${TMPPLIST})
- @${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${RMDIR} %D/${DICTDIR} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/distinfo b/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index eb16ba41320..00000000000
--- a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-GPL_korean-russian-dic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = dd190383bf99df1450738e4243d0b8b45b039ad82b45551a87830ec9db53d4d4
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-GPL_korean-russian-dic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 1551004
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-Hanja_KoreanHanzi_Dic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = ad040e02426ad8f34970994e77a8cc3209700f16779752ef1bedfbfdbc4aa5bb
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-Hanja_KoreanHanzi_Dic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 2500031
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-KoreanAnimalMedicalDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 9a28a3ba2401aa88f42755ccddcea20690a3c0ed8aadb7fa4ef84beebce350be
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-KoreanAnimalMedicalDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 516310
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-KoreanDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 3cfdbeb9f401048ed9ba026d8d5fbb9022f2d57a092cd4bbfe2312c74f39c45c
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-KoreanDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 8498547
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-KoreanEnglishDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = b9c513d3d55e595da841676fa2b38b19196e21ef36b003c24eaf31d02347146c
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-KoreanEnglishDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 7536160
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-KoreanLawDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 79a1113847d4bba5ca720ebb3544dd3b463b3d7400e38dee9295e0be89a3c98b
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-KoreanLawDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 1118152
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-KoreanMedicalDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 4106f7923b93edc7ac0c4768e39278c109eda778f3f6ccbcd5381c5c7fe1591c
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-KoreanMedicalDic-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 543507
-SHA256 (stardict/stardict-quick_eng-kor-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 5d920b113a171d27818834a59c8a0fb2fd52108724098ff4015994e5e27b2607
-SIZE (stardict/stardict-quick_eng-kor-2.4.2.tar.bz2) = 3569123
diff --git a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/pkg-descr b/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index e456b1559cb..00000000000
--- a/korean/stardict2-dict-kr/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Korean and foreign language Dictionaries for StarDict.
-WWW: http://stardict.sourceforge.net/