path: root/lang
diff options
authorolgeni <olgeni@FreeBSD.org>2015-02-21 18:14:37 +0800
committerolgeni <olgeni@FreeBSD.org>2015-02-21 18:14:37 +0800
commit882091bc6f4e006dcf5ac3c18f9d867daa5adf95 (patch)
tree1ff4b72f11ba1aee643a4d26a002659405c3e798 /lang
parent15bb1f2a2ad9e1de573eeeec2753bdfb967b7464 (diff)
Upgrade to version 17.4.1.
- Sort OPTIONS_DEFINE and OPTIONS_DEFAULT. - Create SKIP files for applications disabled by port options. - Remove disabled applications from ${STAGEDIR}. - Check if dtraceall is actually loaded when DTRACE is enabled.
Diffstat (limited to 'lang')
5 files changed, 1410 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/lang/erlang/Makefile b/lang/erlang/Makefile
index 1094185e18f..5a15167710d 100644
--- a/lang/erlang/Makefile
+++ b/lang/erlang/Makefile
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= erlang
CATEGORIES= lang parallel java
MASTER_SITES= http://www.erlang.org/download/:erlangorg \
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ PLIST_SUB= ERLANG_LIB=${ERLANG_LIB}
GCC_DESC= Use current GCC
HIPE_DESC= Build native HiPE compiler
@@ -45,9 +44,9 @@ WX_DESC= Enable WX application
GS_DESC= Enable GS application (deprecated)
DTRACE_DESC= Enable DTrace support
USES= gmake perl5
USE_AUTOTOOLS= autoconf:env
@@ -56,8 +55,8 @@ USE_RC_SUBR= epmd
-EI_VSN= 3.7.18
+EI_VSN= 3.7.20
+TOOLS_VSN= 2.7.1
.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
@@ -182,6 +181,19 @@ MAKE_ARGS+= ARCH=x86
@${ECHO_CMD} "MANPATH ${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/man" > ${WRKDIR}/erlang.conf
+ @if ! /sbin/kldstat | ${GREP} dtraceall >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ ${ECHO_CMD}; \
+ ${ECHO_CMD} "DTRACE option requires kernel module \"dtraceall\" to be loaded."; \
+ ${ECHO_CMD}; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ echo "disabled by port options" > ${WRKSRC}/lib/wx/SKIP
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/erlang.conf ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/man.d/erlang.conf
${LN} -sf ../lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/lib/erl_interface-${EI_VSN}/bin/erl_call ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/erl_call
@@ -195,6 +207,15 @@ post-install:
${TAR} --unlink -xzpf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${ERLANG_DOCS} \
+ ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/lib/inets-5.10.4/* \
+ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/lib/inets-5.10.5
+ ${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/lib/inets-5.10.4
+ ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/erts-6.3/* \
+ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/erts-6.3.1
+ ${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/erts-6.3
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/lib/dialyzer/doc/*.txt \
@@ -203,6 +224,24 @@ post-install:
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/gs-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/jinterface-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/odbc-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/crypto-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/ssh-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/ssl-*
+ ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/erlang/lib/wx-*
@cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}; ${FIND} lib/${ERLANG_LIB}/* -type d -empty \
| ${SORT} \
| ${SED} -e 's#^#@dir #g' \
diff --git a/lang/erlang/distinfo b/lang/erlang/distinfo
index ccb9a0fc0b8..a398e96a6af 100644
--- a/lang/erlang/distinfo
+++ b/lang/erlang/distinfo
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-SHA256 (erlang/otp_src_17.3.tar.gz) = d4be03eb346016f4ca95d53eb9437ffaa6106762f153620dd98cd7f7733b76e4
-SIZE (erlang/otp_src_17.3.tar.gz) = 67050599
-SHA256 (erlang/otp_doc_man_17.3.tar.gz) = 3fabdac0b0594432fdd8186fa2c74ff49a629a9bcc4174e3bd605a3d4002dab7
-SIZE (erlang/otp_doc_man_17.3.tar.gz) = 1357195
-SHA256 (erlang/otp_doc_html_17.3.tar.gz) = bd8278b34f610d6025549640d4e03d79d2a69d7129ea230c0d71d7e6b231f5b3
-SIZE (erlang/otp_doc_html_17.3.tar.gz) = 33444170
+SHA256 (erlang/otp_src_17.4.tar.gz) = 0d82eda6ae7ac6f0f860093324e540fa514497068ec3b4177800284e8c761f56
+SIZE (erlang/otp_src_17.4.tar.gz) = 67171182
+SHA256 (erlang/otp_doc_man_17.4.tar.gz) = 6c1cdb8e9d367c7b6dc6b20706de9fd0a0f0b7dffd66532663b2a24ed7679a58
+SIZE (erlang/otp_doc_man_17.4.tar.gz) = 1360952
+SHA256 (erlang/otp_doc_html_17.4.tar.gz) = dd42b0104418de18e2247608a337bcd3bb24c59bbc36294deb5fae73ab6c90d6
+SIZE (erlang/otp_doc_html_17.4.tar.gz) = 33483554
SHA256 (erlang/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf) = da585b914eb07350e2d6f727db5eb0fb1551f49fc1270f7d4dc079f2c8c1ab7a
SIZE (erlang/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf) = 859249
SHA256 (erlang/bjarnelic.pdf) = 9544d4af5cea324e5c9cf77e670d9561ad61ddc240cdb5c2afecebc0a3d7429b
diff --git a/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_src_ssl__handshake.erl b/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_src_ssl__handshake.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d415c9a9c80..00000000000
--- a/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_src_ssl__handshake.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl.orig
-+++ lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
-@@ -1732,6 +1732,9 @@
- #ec_point_formats{ec_point_format_list =
- ECPointFormats}});
-+dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?SNI_EXT), ?UINT16(Len), Rest/binary>>, Acc) when Len == 0 ->
-+ dec_hello_extensions(Rest, Acc#hello_extensions{sni = ""}); %% Server may send an empy SNI
- dec_hello_extensions(<<?UINT16(?SNI_EXT), ?UINT16(Len),
- ExtData:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
- <<?UINT16(_), NameList/binary>> = ExtData,
diff --git a/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_test_ssl__handshake__SUITE.erl b/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_test_ssl__handshake__SUITE.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index fd34b5e50bb..00000000000
--- a/lang/erlang/files/patch-lib_ssl_test_ssl__handshake__SUITE.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl.orig
-+++ lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl
-@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
- decode_unknown_hello_extension_correctly,
- encode_single_hello_sni_extension_correctly,
- decode_single_hello_sni_extension_correctly,
-+ decode_empty_server_sni_correctly,
- select_proper_tls_1_2_rsa_default_hashsign].
- %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -106,6 +107,13 @@
- Decoded = ssl_handshake:decode_hello_extensions(SNI),
- Exts = Decoded.
-+decode_empty_server_sni_correctly(_Config) ->
-+ Exts = #hello_extensions{sni = ""},
-+ SNI = <<?UINT16(?SNI_EXT),?UINT16(0)>>,
-+ Decoded = ssl_handshake:decode_hello_extensions(SNI),
-+ Exts = Decoded.
- select_proper_tls_1_2_rsa_default_hashsign(_Config) ->
- % RFC 5246 section tells to use {sha1,rsa} as default signature_algorithm for RSA key exchanges
- {sha, rsa} = ssl_handshake:select_hashsign_algs(undefined, ?rsaEncryption, {3,3}),
diff --git a/lang/erlang/files/patch-otp-17.4.1 b/lang/erlang/files/patch-otp-17.4.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6e71eefcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/erlang/files/patch-otp-17.4.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+index 5f9cbaa..ae704d6 100644
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+diff --git erts/doc/src/notes.xml erts/doc/src/notes.xml
+index c896ee0..af0d4d7 100644
+--- erts/doc/src/notes.xml
++++ erts/doc/src/notes.xml
+@@ -30,6 +30,65 @@
+ </header>
+ <p>This document describes the changes made to the ERTS application.</p>
++<section><title>Erts 6.3.1</title>
++ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
++ <list>
++ <item>
++ <p>
++ Fix getifaddrs realloc pointer error</p>
++ <p>
++ When a buffer was exhausted and subsequently reallocated,
++ we could get an unsafe pointer pointing to faulty memory.</p>
++ <p>
++ For this to occur we would need to have a large number of
++ interfaces and a reallocation of memory to a lower
++ addresses.</p>
++ <p>
++ The symptom would be garbage returned from
++ erlang:port_control(Port, 25, [])
++ (prim_inet:getifaddrs(Port) resulting in a badarg) or a
++ segmentation fault.</p>
++ <p>
++ Own Id: OTP-12445</p>
++ </item>
++ <item>
++ <p>
++ Don't close all file descriptors twice in child_setup</p>
++ <p>
++ The commit c2b4eab25c907f453a394d382c04cd04e6c06b49
++ introduced an error in which child_setup erroneously
++ tried to close all file descriptors twice.</p>
++ <p>
++ Use closefrom() if available when closing all file
++ descriptors.</p>
++ <p>
++ The function closefrom() was only used in the vfork()
++ case before but is now also used in the fork() case if
++ available.</p>
++ <p>
++ Own Id: OTP-12446</p>
++ </item>
++ <item>
++ <p>
++ During a crashdump all file descriptors are closed to
++ ensure the closing of the epmd port and to reserve a file
++ descriptor for the crashdump file.</p>
++ <p>
++ If a driver (third party library) cannot handle closing
++ of sockets this could result in a segmentation fault in
++ which case a crashdump would not be produced. This is now
++ fixed by only closing inets sockets via an emergency
++ close callback to the driver and thus closing the epmd
++ socket.</p>
++ <p>
++ Own Id: OTP-12447</p>
++ </item>
++ </list>
++ </section>
+ <section><title>Erts 6.3</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+diff --git erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
+index f9938fc..e498ac7 100644
+--- erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
++++ erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ #define ERL_DRV_EXTENDED_MARKER (0xfeeeeeed)
+ /*
+ * The emulator will refuse to load a driver with a major version
+@@ -361,6 +361,9 @@ typedef struct erl_drv_entry {
+ /* Called on behalf of driver_select when
+ it is safe to release 'event'. A typical
+ unix driver would call close(event) */
++ void (*emergency_close)(ErlDrvData drv_data);
++ /* called when the port is closed abruptly.
++ specifically when erl_crash_dump is called. */
+ /* When adding entries here, dont forget to pad in obsolete/driver.h */
+ } ErlDrvEntry;
+diff --git erts/emulator/beam/global.h erts/emulator/beam/global.h
+index 891046a..32a2dc4 100644
+--- erts/emulator/beam/global.h
++++ erts/emulator/beam/global.h
+@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ struct erts_driver_t_ {
+ void (*ready_async)(ErlDrvData drv_data, ErlDrvThreadData thread_data); /* Might be NULL */
+ void (*process_exit)(ErlDrvData drv_data, ErlDrvMonitor *monitor);
+ void (*stop_select)(ErlDrvEvent event, void*); /* Might be NULL */
++ void (*emergency_close)(ErlDrvData drv_data); /* Might be NULL */
+ };
+ extern erts_driver_t *driver_list;
+@@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ Uint erts_port_ioq_size(Port *pp);
+ void erts_stale_drv_select(Eterm, ErlDrvPort, ErlDrvEvent, int, int);
+ Port *erts_get_heart_port(void);
++void erts_emergency_close_ports(void);
+ #if defined(ERTS_SMP) && defined(ERTS_ENABLE_LOCK_COUNT)
+ void erts_lcnt_enable_io_lock_count(int enable);
+diff --git erts/emulator/beam/io.c erts/emulator/beam/io.c
+index 9ae973e..012a7d1 100644
+--- erts/emulator/beam/io.c
++++ erts/emulator/beam/io.c
+@@ -7349,6 +7349,8 @@ no_stop_select_callback(ErlDrvEvent event, void* private)
+ erts_send_error_to_logger_nogl(dsbufp);
+ }
++ ((DE)->major_version >= (MAJOR) && (DE)->minor_version >= (MINOR))
+ static int
+ init_driver(erts_driver_t *drv, ErlDrvEntry *de, DE_Handle *handle)
+@@ -7396,6 +7398,7 @@ init_driver(erts_driver_t *drv, ErlDrvEntry *de, DE_Handle *handle)
+ drv->timeout = de->timeout ? de->timeout : no_timeout_callback;
+ drv->ready_async = de->ready_async;
+ drv->process_exit = de->process_exit;
++ drv->emergency_close = IS_DRIVER_VERSION_GE(de,3,2) ? de->emergency_close : NULL;
+ if (de->stop_select)
+ drv->stop_select = de->stop_select;
+ else
+@@ -7414,6 +7417,8 @@ init_driver(erts_driver_t *drv, ErlDrvEntry *de, DE_Handle *handle)
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ erts_destroy_driver(erts_driver_t *drv)
+ {
+@@ -7557,7 +7562,7 @@ Port *erts_get_heart_port(void)
+ if (!port)
+ continue;
+ /* only examine undead or alive ports */
+- if (erts_atomic32_read_nob(&port->state) & ERTS_PORT_SFLGS_DEAD)
++ if (erts_atomic32_read_nob(&port->state) & ERTS_PORT_SFLGS_INVALID_DRIVER_LOOKUP)
+ continue;
+ /* immediate atom compare */
+ reg = port->common.u.alive.reg;
+@@ -7568,3 +7573,23 @@ Port *erts_get_heart_port(void)
+ return NULL;
+ }
++void erts_emergency_close_ports(void)
++ int ix, max = erts_ptab_max(&erts_port);
++ for (ix = 0; ix < max; ix++) {
++ Port *port = erts_pix2port(ix);
++ if (!port)
++ continue;
++ /* only examine undead or alive ports */
++ if (erts_atomic32_read_nob(&port->state) & ERTS_PORT_SFLGS_INVALID_DRIVER_LOOKUP)
++ continue;
++ /* emergency close socket */
++ if (port->drv_ptr->emergency_close) {
++ port->drv_ptr->emergency_close((ErlDrvData) port->drv_data);
++ }
++ }
+diff --git erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
+index db8a251..04721d2 100644
+--- erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
++++ erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
+@@ -268,14 +268,13 @@ static BOOL (WINAPI *fpSetHandleInformation)(HANDLE,DWORD,DWORD);
+ #define sock_htonl(x) htonl((x))
+ #define sock_send(s,buf,len,flag) send((s),(buf),(len),(flag))
+ #define sock_sendv(s, vec, size, np, flag) \
+- WSASend((s),(WSABUF*)(vec),\
+- (size),(np),(flag),NULL,NULL)
++ WSASend((s),(WSABUF*)(vec),(size),(np),(flag),NULL,NULL)
+ #define sock_recv(s,buf,len,flag) recv((s),(buf),(len),(flag))
+ #define sock_recvfrom(s,buf,blen,flag,addr,alen) \
+- recvfrom((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
++ recvfrom((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
+ #define sock_sendto(s,buf,blen,flag,addr,alen) \
+- sendto((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
++ sendto((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
+ #define sock_hostname(buf, len) gethostname((buf), (len))
+ #define sock_getservbyname(name,proto) getservbyname((name),(proto))
+@@ -360,9 +359,9 @@ static ssize_t writev_fallback(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, int
+ #define sock_accept(s, addr, len) accept((s), (addr), (len))
+ #define sock_send(s,buf,len,flag) inet_send((s),(buf),(len),(flag))
+ #define sock_sendto(s,buf,blen,flag,addr,alen) \
+- sendto((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
++ sendto((s),(buf),(blen),(flag),(addr),(alen))
+ #define sock_sendv(s, vec, size, np, flag) \
+- (*(np) = writev_fallback((s), (struct iovec*)(vec), (size), (*(np))))
++ (*(np) = writev_fallback((s), (struct iovec*)(vec), (size), (*(np))))
+ #define sock_sendmsg(s,msghdr,flag) sendmsg((s),(msghdr),(flag))
+ #define sock_open(af, type, proto) socket((af), (type), (proto))
+@@ -1178,6 +1177,7 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT tcp_inet_ctl(ErlDrvData, unsigned int,
+ static void tcp_inet_timeout(ErlDrvData);
+ static void tcp_inet_process_exit(ErlDrvData, ErlDrvMonitor *);
+ static void inet_stop_select(ErlDrvEvent, void*);
++static void inet_emergency_close(ErlDrvData);
+ #ifdef __WIN32__
+ static void tcp_inet_event(ErlDrvData, ErlDrvEvent);
+ static void find_dynamic_functions(void);
+@@ -1288,7 +1288,8 @@ static struct erl_drv_entry tcp_inet_driver_entry =
+ tcp_inet_process_exit,
+- inet_stop_select
++ inet_stop_select,
++ inet_emergency_close
+ };
+@@ -1341,7 +1342,8 @@ static struct erl_drv_entry udp_inet_driver_entry =
+- inet_stop_select
++ inet_stop_select,
++ inet_emergency_close
+ };
+ #endif
+@@ -1375,7 +1377,8 @@ static struct erl_drv_entry sctp_inet_driver_entry =
+ NULL, /* process_exit */
+- inet_stop_select
++ inet_stop_select,
++ inet_emergency_close
+ };
+ #endif
+@@ -1421,7 +1424,7 @@ static int packet_inet_input(udp_descriptor* udesc, HANDLE event);
+ static int packet_inet_output(udp_descriptor* udesc, HANDLE event);
+ #endif
+-/* convert descriptor poiner to inet_descriptor pointer */
++/* convert descriptor pointer to inet_descriptor pointer */
+ #define INETP(d) (&(d)->inet)
+ #ifdef __OSE__
+@@ -4721,6 +4724,36 @@ static char* sockaddr_to_buf(struct sockaddr* addr, char* ptr, char* end)
+ return NULL;
+ }
++/* sockaddr_bufsz_need
++ * Returns the number of bytes needed to store the information
++ * through sockaddr_to_buf
++ */
++static size_t sockaddr_bufsz_need(struct sockaddr* addr)
++ if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET || addr->sa_family == 0) {
++ return 1 + sizeof(struct in_addr);
++ }
++#if defined(HAVE_IN6) && defined(AF_INET6)
++ else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
++ return 1 + sizeof(struct in6_addr);
++ }
++#if defined(AF_LINK)
++ if (addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
++ struct sockaddr_dl *sdl_p = (struct sockaddr_dl*) addr;
++ return 2 + sdl_p->sdl_alen;
++ }
++#if defined(AF_PACKET) && defined(HAVE_NETPACKET_PACKET_H)
++ else if(addr->sa_family == AF_PACKET) {
++ struct sockaddr_ll *sll_p = (struct sockaddr_ll*) addr;
++ return 2 + sll_p->sll_halen;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ static char* buf_to_sockaddr(char* ptr, char* end, struct sockaddr* addr)
+ {
+ buf_check(ptr,end,1);
+@@ -5799,6 +5832,11 @@ done:
+ }
+ #elif defined(HAVE_GETIFADDRS)
++#ifdef DEBUG
++#define GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ (1)
++#define GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ (512)
+ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
+ char **rbuf_pp, ErlDrvSizeT rsize)
+@@ -5809,15 +5847,15 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
+ char *buf_p;
+ char *buf_alloc_p;
+- buf_size = 512;
+- buf_alloc_p = ALLOC(buf_size);
++ buf_size = GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ;
++ buf_alloc_p = ALLOC(GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ);
+ buf_p = buf_alloc_p;
+ # define BUF_ENSURE(Size) \
+ do { \
+ int NEED_, GOT_ = buf_p - buf_alloc_p; \
+ NEED_ = GOT_ + (Size); \
+ if (NEED_ > buf_size) { \
+- buf_size = NEED_ + 512; \
++ buf_size = NEED_ + GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ; \
+ buf_alloc_p = REALLOC(buf_alloc_p, buf_size); \
+ buf_p = buf_alloc_p + GOT_; \
+ } \
+@@ -5830,7 +5868,7 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
+ while (! (P_ = sockaddr_to_buf((sa), buf_p, \
+ buf_alloc_p+buf_size))) { \
+ int GOT_ = buf_p - buf_alloc_p; \
+- buf_size += 512; \
++ buf_size += GETIFADDRS_BUFSZ; \
+ buf_alloc_p = REALLOC(buf_alloc_p, buf_size); \
+ buf_p = buf_alloc_p + GOT_; \
+ } \
+@@ -5887,10 +5925,11 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
+ || ifa_p->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_PACKET
+ #endif
+ ) {
+- char *bp = buf_p;
+- if (buf_p - bp < 4) buf_p = bp; /* Empty hwaddr */
++ size_t need = sockaddr_bufsz_need(ifa_p->ifa_addr);
++ if (need > 3) {
++ BUF_ENSURE(1 + need);
++ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -5905,6 +5944,7 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
+ return buf_size;
+ # undef BUF_ENSURE
+ }
+ #else
+@@ -8204,6 +8244,19 @@ static void inet_stop(inet_descriptor* desc)
+ FREE(desc);
+ }
++static void inet_emergency_close(ErlDrvData data)
++ /* valid for any (UDP, TCP or SCTP) descriptor */
++ tcp_descriptor* tcp_desc = (tcp_descriptor*)data;
++ inet_descriptor* desc = INETP(tcp_desc);
++ DEBUGF(("inet_emergency_close(%ld) {s=%d\r\n",
++ (long)desc->port, desc->s));
++ if (desc->s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
++ sock_close(desc->s);
++ }
+ static void set_default_msgq_limits(ErlDrvPort port)
+ {
+diff --git erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c
+index 94eb6b1..5ad92da 100644
+--- erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c
++++ erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c
+@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if (sscanf(argv[CS_ARGV_FD_CR_IX], "%d:%d", &from, &to) != 2)
+ return 1;
+-#if defined(__ANDROID__)
++#if defined(HAVE_CLOSEFROM)
++ closefrom(from);
++#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
+ for (i = from; i <= to; i++) {
+ if (i!=__system_properties_fd)
+ (void) close(i);
+@@ -109,13 +111,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ #else
+ for (i = from; i <= to; i++)
+ (void) close(i);
+-#endif /* __ANDROID__ */
+-#if defined(HAVE_CLOSEFROM)
+- closefrom(from);
+- for (i = from; i <= to; i++)
+- (void) close(i);
+ #endif
+ if (!(argv[CS_ARGV_WD_IX][0] == '.' && argv[CS_ARGV_WD_IX][1] == '\0')
+@@ -147,8 +142,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ return 1;
+ }
+ #if defined(__ANDROID__)
+ int __system_properties_fd(void)
+ {
+diff --git erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys.c erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys.c
+index 0d677d5..cd87b32 100644
+--- erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys.c
++++ erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys.c
+@@ -202,8 +202,6 @@ static erts_smp_atomic_t sys_misc_mem_sz;
+ #if defined(ERTS_SMP)
+ static void smp_sig_notify(char c);
+ static int sig_notify_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
+-#elif defined(USE_THREADS)
+-static int async_fd[2];
+ #endif
+ #if CHLDWTHR || defined(ERTS_SMP)
+@@ -246,6 +244,8 @@ static void note_child_death(int, int);
+ static void* child_waiter(void *);
+ #endif
++static int crashdump_companion_cube_fd = -1;
+ /********************* General functions ****************************/
+ /* This is used by both the drivers and general I/O, must be set early */
+@@ -575,6 +575,14 @@ erts_sys_pre_init(void)
+ close(fd);
+ }
++ /* We need a file descriptor to close in the crashdump creation.
++ * We close this one to be sure we can get a fd for our real file ...
++ * so, we create one here ... a stone to carry all the way home.
++ */
++ crashdump_companion_cube_fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
++ /* don't lose it, there will be cake */
+ }
+ void
+@@ -719,14 +727,13 @@ static ERTS_INLINE int
+ prepare_crash_dump(int secs)
+ {
+ #define NUFBUF (3)
+- int i, max;
++ int i;
+ char env[21]; /* enough to hold any 64-bit integer */
+ size_t envsz;
+ DeclareTmpHeapNoproc(heap,NUFBUF);
+ Port *heart_port;
+ Eterm *hp = heap;
+ Eterm list = NIL;
+- int heart_fd[2] = {-1,-1};
+ int has_heart = 0;
+ UseTmpHeapNoproc(NUFBUF);
+@@ -749,43 +756,22 @@ prepare_crash_dump(int secs)
+ alarm((unsigned int)secs);
+ }
++ /* close all viable sockets via emergency close callbacks.
++ * Specifically we want to close epmd sockets.
++ */
++ erts_emergency_close_ports();
+ if (heart_port) {
+- /* hearts input fd
+- * We "know" drv_data is the in_fd since the port is started with read|write
+- */
+- heart_fd[0] = (int)heart_port->drv_data;
+- heart_fd[1] = (int)driver_data[heart_fd[0]].ofd;
+- has_heart = 1;
++ has_heart = 1;
+ list = CONS(hp, make_small(8), list); hp += 2;
+ /* send to heart port, CMD = 8, i.e. prepare crash dump =o */
+ erts_port_output(NULL, ERTS_PORT_SIG_FLG_FORCE_IMM_CALL, heart_port,
+ heart_port->common.id, list, NULL);
+ }
+- /* Make sure we unregister at epmd (unknown fd) and get at least
+- one free filedescriptor (for erl_crash.dump) */
+- max = max_files;
+- if (max < 1024)
+- max = 1024;
+- for (i = 3; i < max; i++) {
+-#if defined(ERTS_SMP)
+- /* We don't want to close the signal notification pipe... */
+- if (i == sig_notify_fds[0] || i == sig_notify_fds[1])
+- continue;
+-#elif defined(USE_THREADS)
+- /* We don't want to close the async notification pipe... */
+- if (i == async_fd[0] || i == async_fd[1])
+- continue;
+- /* We don't want to close our heart yet ... */
+- if (i == heart_fd[0] || i == heart_fd[1])
+- continue;
+- close(i);
+- }
++ /* Make sure we have a fd for our crashdump file. */
++ close(crashdump_companion_cube_fd);
+ envsz = sizeof(env);
+ i = erts_sys_getenv__("ERL_CRASH_DUMP_NICE", env, &envsz);
+@@ -1574,9 +1560,13 @@ static ErlDrvData spawn_start(ErlDrvPort port_num, char* name, SysDriverOpts* op
+ goto child_error;
+ }
++#if defined(HAVE_CLOSEFROM)
++ closefrom(opts->use_stdio ? 3 : 5);
+ for (i = opts->use_stdio ? 3 : 5; i < max_files; i++)
+ (void) close(i);
+ if (opts->wd && chdir(opts->wd) < 0)
+ goto child_error;
+diff --git erts/vsn.mk erts/vsn.mk
+index d0dc8f7..e4b071b 100644
+--- erts/vsn.mk
++++ erts/vsn.mk
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ # %CopyrightEnd%
+ #
+-VSN = 6.3
++VSN = 6.3.1
+ # Port number 4365 in 4.2
+ # Port number 4366 in 4.3
+diff --git lib/inets/doc/src/httpd.xml lib/inets/doc/src/httpd.xml
+index 4ca038c..20c8a6b 100644
+--- lib/inets/doc/src/httpd.xml
++++ lib/inets/doc/src/httpd.xml
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ <erlref>
+ <header>
+ <copyright>
+- <year>1997</year><year>2013</year>
++ <year>1997</year><year>2015</year>
+ <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+@@ -249,7 +249,16 @@
+ <p>Limits the size of the message header of HTTP request.
+ Defaults to 10240. </p>
+ </item>
++ <marker id="prop_max_content_length"></marker>
++ <tag>{max_content_length, integer()}</tag>
++ <item>
++ <p>Maximum Content-Length in an incoming request, in bytes. Requests
++ with content larger than this are answered with Status 413.
++ Defaults to 100000000 (100 MB).
++ </p>
++ </item>
+ <marker id="prop_max_uri"></marker>
+ <tag>{max_uri_size, integer()}</tag>
+ <item>
+diff --git lib/inets/doc/src/notes.xml lib/inets/doc/src/notes.xml
+index fb70344..7f73aa5 100644
+--- lib/inets/doc/src/notes.xml
++++ lib/inets/doc/src/notes.xml
+@@ -32,7 +32,40 @@
+ <file>notes.xml</file>
+ </header>
+- <section><title>Inets 5.10.4</title>
++ <section><title>Inets 5.10.5</title>
++ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
++ <list>
++ <item>
++ <p>
++ mod_alias now handles https-URIs properly</p>
++ <p>
++ Consistent view of configuration parameter
++ keep_alive_timeout, should be presented in the
++ httpd:info/[1,2] function in the same unit as it is
++ inputted.</p>
++ <p>
++ Own Id: OTP-12436 Aux Id: seq12786 </p>
++ </item>
++ </list>
++ </section>
++ <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>
++ <list>
++ <item>
++ <p>
++ Gracefully handle invalid content-lenght headers instead
++ of crashing in list_to_integer.</p>
++ <p>
++ Own Id: OTP-12429</p>
++ </item>
++ </list>
++ </section>
++<section><title>Inets 5.10.4</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl
+index 53b776c..5442574 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ -define(HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE, nolimit).
+ -define(HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING, 20).
++-define(HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH, 100000000).
+ -define(HTTP_DEFAULT_SSL_KIND, essl).
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_request.erl lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_request.erl
+index f295453..a0833dd 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_request.erl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_lib/http_request.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -21,8 +21,16 @@
+ -include("http_internal.hrl").
+--export([headers/2, http_headers/1, is_absolut_uri/1]).
++-export([headers/2, http_headers/1, is_absolut_uri/1, key_value/1]).
++key_value(KeyValueStr) ->
++ case lists:splitwith(fun($:) -> false; (_) -> true end, KeyValueStr) of
++ {Key, [$: | Value]} ->
++ {http_util:to_lower(string:strip(Key)), string:strip(Value)};
++ {_, []} ->
++ undefined
++ end.
+ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% headers(HeaderList, #http_request_h{}) -> #http_request_h{}
+ %% HeaderList - ["HeaderField:Value"]
+@@ -34,14 +42,12 @@
+ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ headers([], Headers) ->
+ Headers;
+-headers([Header | Tail], Headers) ->
+- case lists:splitwith(fun($:) -> false; (_) -> true end, Header) of
+- {Key, [$: | Value]} ->
+- headers(Tail, headers(http_util:to_lower(string:strip(Key)),
+- string:strip(Value), Headers));
+- {_, []} ->
+- headers(Tail, Headers)
+- end.
++headers([{Key, Value} | Tail], Headers) ->
++ headers(Tail, headers(Key, Value, Headers));
++headers([undefined], Headers) ->
++ Headers;
++headers(KeyValues, Headers) ->
++ headers([key_value(KeyValue) || KeyValue <- KeyValues], Headers).
+ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% headers(#http_request_h{}) -> HeaderList
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_conf.erl lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_conf.erl
+index 27446ca..55698d5 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_conf.erl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_conf.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ load("MaxURISize " ++ MaxHeaderSize, []) ->
+ " is an invalid number of MaxHeaderSize")}
+ end;
+-load("MaxBodySize " ++ MaxBodySize, []) ->
+- case make_integer(MaxBodySize) of
++load("MaxContentLength " ++ Max, []) ->
++ case make_integer(Max) of
+ {ok, Integer} ->
+- {ok, [], {max_body_size,Integer}};
++ {ok, [], {max_content_length, Integer}};
+ {error, _} ->
+- {error, ?NICE(clean(MaxBodySize) ++
+- " is an invalid number of MaxBodySize")}
++ {error, ?NICE(clean(Max) ++
++ " is an invalid number of MaxContentLength")}
+ end;
+ load("ServerName " ++ ServerName, []) ->
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ load("MaxKeepAliveRequest " ++ MaxRequests, []) ->
+ load("KeepAliveTimeout " ++ Timeout, []) ->
+ case make_integer(Timeout) of
+ {ok, Integer} ->
+- {ok, [], {keep_alive_timeout, Integer*1000}};
++ {ok, [], {keep_alive_timeout, Integer}};
+ {error, _} ->
+ {error, ?NICE(clean(Timeout)++" is an invalid KeepAliveTimeout")}
+ end;
+@@ -569,6 +569,12 @@ validate_config_params([{max_body_size, Value} | Rest])
+ validate_config_params([{max_body_size, Value} | _]) ->
+ throw({max_body_size, Value});
++validate_config_params([{max_content_length, Value} | Rest])
++ when is_integer(Value) andalso (Value > 0) ->
++ validate_config_params(Rest);
++validate_config_params([{max_content_length, Value} | _]) ->
++ throw({max_content_length, Value});
+ validate_config_params([{server_name, Value} | Rest])
+ when is_list(Value) ->
+ validate_config_params(Rest);
+@@ -635,7 +641,7 @@ validate_config_params([{max_keep_alive_request, Value} | Rest])
+ when is_integer(Value) andalso (Value > 0) ->
+ validate_config_params(Rest);
+ validate_config_params([{max_keep_alive_request, Value} | _]) ->
+- throw({max_header_size, Value});
++ throw({max_keep_alive_request, Value});
+ validate_config_params([{keep_alive_timeout, Value} | Rest])
+ when is_integer(Value) andalso (Value >= 0) ->
+@@ -799,7 +805,7 @@ store({server_tokens, ServerTokens} = Entry, _ConfigList) ->
+ Server = server(ServerTokens),
+ {ok, [Entry, {server, Server}]};
+ store({keep_alive_timeout, KeepAliveTimeout}, _ConfigList) ->
+- {ok, {keep_alive_timeout, KeepAliveTimeout * 1000}};
++ {ok, {keep_alive_timeout, KeepAliveTimeout}};
+ store(ConfigListEntry, _ConfigList) ->
+ {ok, ConfigListEntry}.
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request.erl lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request.erl
+index 712c735..6985065 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request.erl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -118,18 +118,17 @@ validate(Method, Uri, Version) ->
+ %% create it.
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ update_mod_data(ModData, Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion, Headers)->
+- ParsedHeaders = tagup_header(Headers),
+- PersistentConn = get_persistens(HTTPVersion, ParsedHeaders,
++ PersistentConn = get_persistens(HTTPVersion, Headers,
+ ModData#mod.config_db),
+ {ok, ModData#mod{data = [],
+ method = Method,
+ absolute_uri = format_absolute_uri(RequestURI,
+- ParsedHeaders),
++ Headers),
+ request_uri = format_request_uri(RequestURI),
+ http_version = HTTPVersion,
+ request_line = Method ++ " " ++ RequestURI ++
+ " " ++ HTTPVersion,
+- parsed_header = ParsedHeaders,
++ parsed_header = Headers,
+ connection = PersistentConn}}.
+ %%%========================================================================
+@@ -146,14 +145,14 @@ parse_method(_, _, _, Max, _, _) ->
+ %% We do not know the version of the client as it comes after the
+ %% method send the lowest version in the response so that the client
+ %% will be able to handle it.
+- {error, {too_long, Max, 413, "Method unreasonably long"}, lowest_version()}.
++ {error, {size_error, Max, 413, "Method unreasonably long"}, lowest_version()}.
+ parse_uri(_, _, Current, MaxURI, _, _)
+ when (Current > MaxURI) andalso (MaxURI =/= nolimit) ->
+ %% We do not know the version of the client as it comes after the
+ %% uri send the lowest version in the response so that the client
+ %% will be able to handle it.
+- {error, {too_long, MaxURI, 414, "URI unreasonably long"},lowest_version()};
++ {error, {size_error, MaxURI, 414, "URI unreasonably long"},lowest_version()};
+ parse_uri(<<>>, URI, Current, Max, MaxSizes, Result) ->
+ {?MODULE, parse_uri, [URI, Current, Max, MaxSizes, Result]};
+ parse_uri(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, URI, _, _, MaxSizes, Result) ->
+@@ -179,12 +178,12 @@ parse_version(<<?CR>> = Data, Version, Current, Max, MaxSizes, Result) ->
+ parse_version(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Version, Current, Max, MaxSizes, Result) when Current =< Max ->
+ parse_version(Rest, [Octet | Version], Current + 1, Max, MaxSizes, Result);
+ parse_version(_, _, _, Max,_,_) ->
+- {error, {too_long, Max, 413, "Version string unreasonably long"}, lowest_version()}.
++ {error, {size_error, Max, 413, "Version string unreasonably long"}, lowest_version()}.
+ parse_headers(_, _, _, Current, Max, _, Result)
+ when Max =/= nolimit andalso Current > Max ->
+ HttpVersion = lists:nth(3, lists:reverse(Result)),
+- {error, {too_long, Max, 413, "Headers unreasonably long"}, HttpVersion};
++ {error, {size_error, Max, 413, "Headers unreasonably long"}, HttpVersion};
+ parse_headers(<<>>, Header, Headers, Current, Max, MaxSizes, Result) ->
+ {?MODULE, parse_headers, [<<>>, Header, Headers, Current, Max,
+@@ -204,14 +203,22 @@ parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], _, _, _, Result) ->
+ Result])),
+ {ok, NewResult};
+ parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, _, _,
+- _, Result) ->
+- HTTPHeaders = [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers],
+- RequestHeaderRcord =
+- http_request:headers(HTTPHeaders, #http_request_h{}),
+- NewResult =
+- list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([Body, {RequestHeaderRcord,
+- HTTPHeaders} | Result])),
+- {ok, NewResult};
++ MaxSizes, Result) ->
++ case http_request:key_value(lists:reverse(Header)) of
++ undefined -> %% Skip headers with missing :
++ {ok, list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([Body, {http_request:headers(Headers, #http_request_h{}), Headers} | Result]))};
++ NewHeader ->
++ case check_header(NewHeader, MaxSizes) of
++ ok ->
++ {ok, list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([Body, {http_request:headers([NewHeader | Headers],
++ #http_request_h{}),
++ [NewHeader | Headers]} | Result]))};
++ {error, Reason} ->
++ HttpVersion = lists:nth(3, lists:reverse(Result)),
++ {error, Reason, HttpVersion}
++ end
++ end;
+ parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, Current, Max,
+ MaxSizes, Result) ->
+@@ -243,8 +250,21 @@ parse_headers(<<?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, Current, Max,
+ MaxSizes, Result);
+ parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, _, Max,
+ MaxSizes, Result) ->
+- parse_headers(Rest, [Octet], [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers],
+- 0, Max, MaxSizes, Result);
++ case http_request:key_value(lists:reverse(Header)) of
++ undefined -> %% Skip headers with missing :
++ parse_headers(Rest, [Octet], Headers,
++ 0, Max, MaxSizes, Result);
++ NewHeader ->
++ case check_header(NewHeader, MaxSizes) of
++ ok ->
++ parse_headers(Rest, [Octet], [NewHeader | Headers],
++ 0, Max, MaxSizes, Result);
++ {error, Reason} ->
++ HttpVersion = lists:nth(3, lists:reverse(Result)),
++ {error, Reason, HttpVersion}
++ end
++ end;
+ parse_headers(<<?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, Current, Max,
+ MaxSizes, Result) ->
+ {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, Current, Max,
+@@ -388,29 +408,25 @@ get_persistens(HTTPVersion,ParsedHeader,ConfigDB)->
+ false
+ end.
+-%% tagup_header
+-%% Parses the header of a HTTP request and returns a key,value tuple
+-%% list containing Name and Value of each header directive as of:
+-%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"Content-Type", "multipart/mixed"}
+-%% But in http/1.1 the field-names are case insencitive so now it must be
+-%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"content-type", "multipart/mixed"}
+-%% The standard furthermore says that leading and traling white space
+-%% is not a part of the fieldvalue and shall therefore be removed.
+-tagup_header([]) -> [];
+-tagup_header([Line|Rest]) -> [tag(Line, [])|tagup_header(Rest)].
+-tag([], Tag) ->
+- {http_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), ""};
+-tag([$:|Rest], Tag) ->
+- {http_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), string:strip(Rest)};
+-tag([Chr|Rest], Tag) ->
+- tag(Rest, [Chr|Tag]).
+ lowest_version()->
+ "HTTP/0.9".
++check_header({"content-length", Value}, Maxsizes) ->
++ Max = proplists:get_value(max_content_length, Maxsizes),
++ MaxLen = length(integer_to_list(Max)),
++ case length(Value) =< MaxLen of
++ true ->
++ try
++ _ = list_to_integer(Value),
++ ok
++ catch _:_ ->
++ {error, {size_error, Max, 411, "content-length not an integer"}}
++ end;
++ false ->
++ {error, {size_error, Max, 413, "content-length unreasonably long"}}
++ end;
++check_header(_, _) ->
++ ok.
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request_handler.erl lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request_handler.erl
+index 9bea58c..f7a9fe5 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request_handler.erl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_request_handler.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ init([Manager, ConfigDB, AcceptTimeout]) ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
+ {SocketType, Socket} = await_socket_ownership_transfer(AcceptTimeout),
+- KeepAliveTimeOut = httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB, keep_alive_timeout, 150000),
++ %%Timeout value is in seconds we want it in milliseconds
++ KeepAliveTimeOut = 1000 * httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB, keep_alive_timeout, 150),
+ case http_transport:negotiate(SocketType, Socket, ?HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT) of
+ {error, _Error} ->
+@@ -119,11 +120,15 @@ continue_init(Manager, ConfigDB, SocketType, Socket, TimeOut) ->
+ MaxHeaderSize = max_header_size(ConfigDB),
+ MaxURISize = max_uri_size(ConfigDB),
+ NrOfRequest = max_keep_alive_request(ConfigDB),
++ MaxContentLen = max_content_length(ConfigDB),
+ {_, Status} = httpd_manager:new_connection(Manager),
+ MFA = {httpd_request, parse, [[{max_uri, MaxURISize}, {max_header, MaxHeaderSize},
+- {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING}, {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]]},
++ {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, MaxContentLen}
++ ]]},
+ State = #state{mod = Mod,
+ manager = Manager,
+@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ handle_info({Proto, Socket, Data},
+ set_new_data_size(cancel_request_timeout(State), NewDataSize)
+ end,
+ handle_http_msg(Result, NewState);
+- {error, {too_long, MaxSize, ErrCode, ErrStr}, Version} ->
++ {error, {size_error, MaxSize, ErrCode, ErrStr}, Version} ->
+ NewModData = ModData#mod{http_version = Version},
+ httpd_response:send_status(NewModData, ErrCode, ErrStr),
+ Reason = io_lib:format("~p: ~p max size is ~p~n",
+@@ -444,8 +449,7 @@ handle_body(#state{headers = Headers, body = Body, mod = ModData} = State,
+ error_log(Reason, ModData),
+ {stop, normal, State#state{response_sent = true}};
+ _ ->
+- Length =
+- list_to_integer(Headers#http_request_h.'content-length'),
++ Length = list_to_integer(Headers#http_request_h.'content-length'),
+ case ((Length =< MaxBodySize) or (MaxBodySize == nolimit)) of
+ true ->
+ case httpd_request:whole_body(Body, Length) of
+@@ -454,7 +458,7 @@ handle_body(#state{headers = Headers, body = Body, mod = ModData} = State,
+ ModData#mod.socket,
+ [{active, once}]),
+ {noreply, State#state{mfa =
+- {Module, Function, Args}}};
++ {Module, Function, Args}}};
+ {ok, NewBody} ->
+ handle_response(
+@@ -471,7 +475,7 @@ handle_body(#state{headers = Headers, body = Body, mod = ModData} = State,
+ handle_expect(#state{headers = Headers, mod =
+ #mod{config_db = ConfigDB} = ModData} = State,
+ MaxBodySize) ->
+- Length = Headers#http_request_h.'content-length',
++ Length = list_to_integer(Headers#http_request_h.'content-length'),
+ case expect(Headers, ModData#mod.http_version, ConfigDB) of
+ continue when (MaxBodySize > Length) orelse (MaxBodySize =:= nolimit) ->
+ httpd_response:send_status(ModData, 100, ""),
+@@ -545,9 +549,13 @@ handle_next_request(#state{mod = #mod{connection = true} = ModData,
+ init_data = ModData#mod.init_data},
+ MaxHeaderSize = max_header_size(ModData#mod.config_db),
+ MaxURISize = max_uri_size(ModData#mod.config_db),
++ MaxContentLen = max_content_length(ModData#mod.config_db),
+ MFA = {httpd_request, parse, [[{max_uri, MaxURISize}, {max_header, MaxHeaderSize},
+- {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING}, {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]]},
++ {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, MaxContentLen}
++ ]]},
+ TmpState = State#state{mod = NewModData,
+ mfa = MFA,
+ max_keep_alive_request = decrease(Max),
+@@ -630,3 +638,5 @@ max_body_size(ConfigDB) ->
+ max_keep_alive_request(ConfigDB) ->
+ httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB, max_keep_alive_request, infinity).
++max_content_length(ConfigDB) ->
++ httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB, max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH).
+diff --git lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_alias.erl lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_alias.erl
+index 0b9fe4c..5039cd5 100644
+--- lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_alias.erl
++++ lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_alias.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ do(#mod{data = Data} = Info) ->
+ do_alias(#mod{config_db = ConfigDB,
+ request_uri = ReqURI,
++ socket_type = SocketType,
+ data = Data}) ->
+ {ShortPath, Path, AfterPath} =
+ real_name(ConfigDB, ReqURI, which_alias(ConfigDB)),
+@@ -70,8 +71,9 @@ do_alias(#mod{config_db = ConfigDB,
+ (LastChar =/= $/)) ->
+ ?hdrt("directory and last-char is a /", []),
+ ServerName = which_server_name(ConfigDB),
+- Port = port_string( which_port(ConfigDB) ),
+- URL = "http://" ++ ServerName ++ Port ++ ReqURI ++ "/",
++ Port = port_string(which_port(ConfigDB)),
++ Protocol = get_protocol(SocketType),
++ URL = Protocol ++ ServerName ++ Port ++ ReqURI ++ "/",
+ ReasonPhrase = httpd_util:reason_phrase(301),
+ Message = httpd_util:message(301, URL, ConfigDB),
+ {proceed,
+@@ -94,6 +96,12 @@ port_string(80) ->
+ port_string(Port) ->
+ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port).
++get_protocol(ip_comm) ->
++ "http://";
++get_protocol(_) ->
++ %% Should clean up to have only one ssl type essl vs ssl is not relevant any more
++ "https://".
+ %% real_name
+ real_name(ConfigDB, RequestURI, []) ->
+diff --git lib/inets/test/http_format_SUITE.erl lib/inets/test/http_format_SUITE.erl
+index d4a3f28..5952e9f 100644
+--- lib/inets/test/http_format_SUITE.erl
++++ lib/inets/test/http_format_SUITE.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -355,10 +355,12 @@ http_request(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ "http://www.erlang.org",
+ "HTTP/1.1",
+ {#http_request_h{host = "www.erlang.org", te = []},
+- ["te: ","host:www.erlang.org"]}, <<>>} =
++ [{"te", []}, {"host", "www.erlang.org"}]}, <<>>} =
+ parse(httpd_request, parse, [[{max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+ {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]],
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]],
+ HttpHead),
+ HttpHead1 = ["GET http://www.erlang.org HTTP/1.1" ++
+@@ -369,7 +371,9 @@ http_request(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {#http_request_h{}, []}, <<>>} =
+ parse(httpd_request, parse, [[{max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+ {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]], HttpHead1),
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]], HttpHead1),
+ HttpHead2 = ["GET http://www.erlang.org HTTP/1.1" ++
+@@ -380,7 +384,9 @@ http_request(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {#http_request_h{}, []}, <<>>} =
+ parse(httpd_request, parse, [[{max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+ {max_version, ?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]], HttpHead2),
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]], HttpHead2),
+ %% Note the following body is not related to the headers above
+ HttpBody = ["<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE> dummy </TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n",
+diff --git lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+index c535d59..390f2bb 100644
+--- lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
++++ lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -1246,8 +1246,9 @@ dummy_server_init(Caller, ip_comm, Inet, _) ->
+ dummy_ipcomm_server_loop({httpd_request, parse, [[{max_uri, ?HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE},
+ {max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+ {max_version,?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]]},
+- [], ListenSocket);
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}]]},
++ [], ListenSocket);
+ dummy_server_init(Caller, ssl, Inet, SSLOptions) ->
+ BaseOpts = [binary, {reuseaddr,true}, {active, false} |
+@@ -1261,7 +1262,9 @@ dummy_ssl_server_init(Caller, BaseOpts, Inet) ->
+ dummy_ssl_server_loop({httpd_request, parse, [[{max_uri, ?HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE},
+ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
+ {max_version,?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]]},
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]]},
+ [], ListenSocket).
+ dummy_ipcomm_server_loop(MFA, Handlers, ListenSocket) ->
+@@ -1338,16 +1341,20 @@ handle_request(Module, Function, Args, Socket) ->
+ stop ->
+ stop;
+ <<>> ->
+- {httpd_request, parse, [[<<>>, [{max_uri, ?HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE},
++ {httpd_request, parse, [[{max_uri,?HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE},
+ {max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+ {max_version,?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]]]};
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]]};
+ Data ->
+ handle_request(httpd_request, parse,
+ [Data, [{max_uri, ?HTTP_MAX_URI_SIZE},
+- {max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
+- {max_version,?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
+- {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING}]], Socket)
++ {max_header, ?HTTP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE},
++ {max_version,?HTTP_MAX_VERSION_STRING},
++ {max_method, ?HTTP_MAX_METHOD_STRING},
++ {max_content_length, ?HTTP_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH}
++ ]], Socket)
+ end;
+ NewMFA ->
+ NewMFA
+@@ -1437,7 +1444,7 @@ dummy_ssl_server_hang_loop(_) ->
+ ensure_host_header_with_port([]) ->
+ false;
+-ensure_host_header_with_port(["host: " ++ Host| _]) ->
++ensure_host_header_with_port([{"host", Host}| _]) ->
+ case string:tokens(Host, [$:]) of
+ [_ActualHost, _Port] ->
+ true;
+@@ -1449,7 +1456,7 @@ ensure_host_header_with_port([_|T]) ->
+ auth_header([]) ->
+ auth_header_not_found;
+-auth_header(["authorization:" ++ Value | _]) ->
++auth_header([{"authorization", Value} | _]) ->
+ {ok, string:strip(Value)};
+ auth_header([_ | Tail]) ->
+ auth_header(Tail).
+@@ -1466,7 +1473,7 @@ handle_auth("Basic " ++ UserInfo, Challange, DefaultResponse) ->
+ check_cookie([]) ->
+ ct:fail(no_cookie_header);
+-check_cookie(["cookie:" ++ _Value | _]) ->
++check_cookie([{"cookie", _} | _]) ->
+ ok;
+ check_cookie([_Head | Tail]) ->
+ check_cookie(Tail).
+diff --git lib/inets/test/httpd_SUITE.erl lib/inets/test/httpd_SUITE.erl
+index 4010597..342004f 100644
+--- lib/inets/test/httpd_SUITE.erl
++++ lib/inets/test/httpd_SUITE.erl
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ %%
+ %% %CopyrightBegin%
+ %%
+-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2014. All Rights Reserved.
++%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+ %%
+ %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ http_get() ->
+ bad_hex,
+ missing_CR,
+ max_header,
++ max_content_length,
+ ipv6
+ ].
+@@ -979,13 +980,22 @@ max_header(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Host = ?config(host, Config),
+ case Version of
+ "HTTP/0.9" ->
+- {skip, no_implemented};
++ {skip, not_implemented};
+ _ ->
+ dos_hostname(?config(type, Config), ?config(port, Config), Host,
+ ?config(node, Config), Version, ?MAX_HEADER_SIZE)
+ end.
+ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
++max_content_length() ->
++ ["Denial Of Service (DOS) attack, prevented by max_content_length"].
++max_content_length(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
++ Version = ?config(http_version, Config),
++ Host = ?config(host, Config),
++ garbage_content_length(?config(type, Config), ?config(port, Config), Host,
++ ?config(node, Config), Version).
+ security_1_1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ security([{http_version, "HTTP/1.1"} | Config]).
+@@ -1368,7 +1378,9 @@ server_config(http_reload, Config) ->
+ server_config(https_reload, Config) ->
+ [{keep_alive_timeout, 2}] ++ server_config(https, Config);
+ server_config(http_limit, Config) ->
+- [{max_clients, 1}] ++ server_config(http, Config);
++ [{max_clients, 1},
++ %% Make sure option checking code is run
++ {max_content_length, 100000002}] ++ server_config(http, Config);
+ server_config(https_limit, Config) ->
+ [{max_clients, 1}] ++ server_config(https, Config);
+ server_config(http_basic_auth, Config) ->
+@@ -1814,7 +1826,7 @@ dos_hostname(Type, Port, Host, Node, Version, Max) ->
+ ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,
+ dos_hostname_request(TooLongHeader, Version),
+- [{statuscode, dos_code(Version)},
++ [{statuscode, request_entity_too_large_code(Version)},
+ {version, Version}]).
+ dos_hostname_request(Host, Version) ->
+ dos_http_request("GET / ", Version, Host).
+@@ -1824,11 +1836,32 @@ dos_http_request(Request, "HTTP/1.1" = Version, Host) ->
+ dos_http_request(Request, Version, Host) ->
+ Request ++ Version ++ "\r\nhost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n".
+-dos_code("HTTP/1.0") ->
++request_entity_too_large_code("HTTP/1.0") ->
+ 403; %% 413 not defined in HTTP/1.0
+-dos_code(_) ->
++request_entity_too_large_code(_) ->
+ 413.
++length_required_code("HTTP/1.0") ->
++ 403; %% 411 not defined in HTTP/1.0
++length_required_code(_) ->
++ 411.
++garbage_content_length(Type, Port, Host, Node, Version) ->
++ ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,
++ garbage_content_length_request("GET / ", Version, Host, "aaaa"),
++ [{statuscode, length_required_code(Version)},
++ {version, Version}]),
++ ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node,
++ garbage_content_length_request("GET / ", Version, Host,
++ lists:duplicate($a, 100)),
++ [{statuscode, request_entity_too_large_code(Version)},
++ {version, Version}]).
++garbage_content_length_request(Request, Version, Host, Garbage) ->
++ http_request(Request, Version, Host,
++ {"content-length:" ++ Garbage, "Body with garbage content length indicator"}).
+ update_password(Node, ServerRoot, _Address, Port, AuthPrefix, Dir, Old, New)->
+ Directory = filename:join([ServerRoot, "htdocs", AuthPrefix ++ Dir]),
+ rpc:call(Node, mod_auth, update_password,
+diff --git lib/inets/vsn.mk lib/inets/vsn.mk
+index dbae5e4..7d11916 100644
+--- lib/inets/vsn.mk
++++ lib/inets/vsn.mk
+@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
+ # %CopyrightEnd%
+-INETS_VSN = 5.10.4
++INETS_VSN = 5.10.5
+diff --git otp_versions.table otp_versions.table
+index 5753385..41c05e7 100644
+--- otp_versions.table
++++ otp_versions.table
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++OTP-17.4.1 : erts-6.3.1 inets-5.10.5 # asn1-3.0.3 common_test-1.9 compiler-5.0.3 cosEvent-2.1.15 cosEventDomain-1.1.14 cosFileTransfer-1.1.16 cosNotification-1.1.21 cosProperty-1.1.17 cosTime-1.1.14 cosTransactions-1.2.14 crypto-3.4.2 debugger-4.0.2 dialyzer-2.7.3 diameter-1.8 edoc-0.7.16 eldap-1.1 erl_docgen-0.3.7 erl_interface-3.7.20 et-1.5 eunit-2.2.9 gs-1.5.16 hipe-3.11.2 ic-4.3.6 jinterface-1.5.12 kernel-3.1 megaco-3.17.3 mnesia-4.12.4 observer-2.0.3 odbc-2.10.22 orber-3.7.1 os_mon-2.3 ose-1.0.2 otp_mibs-1.0.10 parsetools-2.0.12 percept-0.8.10 public_key-0.22.1 reltool-0.6.6 runtime_tools-1.8.15 sasl-2.4.1 snmp-5.1.1 ssh-3.1 ssl-5.3.8 stdlib-2.3 syntax_tools-1.6.17 test_server-3.7.2 tools-2.7.1 typer-0.9.8 webtool-0.8.10 wx-1.3.2 xmerl-1.3.7 :
+ OTP-17.4 : asn1-3.0.3 common_test-1.9 compiler-5.0.3 crypto-3.4.2 debugger-4.0.2 dialyzer-2.7.3 diameter-1.8 edoc-0.7.16 eldap-1.1 erl_docgen-0.3.7 erl_interface-3.7.20 erts-6.3 eunit-2.2.9 hipe-3.11.2 inets-5.10.4 jinterface-1.5.12 kernel-3.1 megaco-3.17.3 mnesia-4.12.4 observer-2.0.3 odbc-2.10.22 otp_mibs-1.0.10 parsetools-2.0.12 percept-0.8.10 runtime_tools-1.8.15 snmp-5.1.1 ssh-3.1 ssl-5.3.8 stdlib-2.3 syntax_tools-1.6.17 test_server-3.7.2 tools-2.7.1 wx-1.3.2 # cosEvent-2.1.15 cosEventDomain-1.1.14 cosFileTransfer-1.1.16 cosNotification-1.1.21 cosProperty-1.1.17 cosTime-1.1.14 cosTransactions-1.2.14 et-1.5 gs-1.5.16 ic-4.3.6 orber-3.7.1 os_mon-2.3 ose-1.0.2 public_key-0.22.1 reltool-0.6.6 sasl-2.4.1 typer-0.9.8 webtool-0.8.10 xmerl-1.3.7 :
+ OTP-17.3.4 : erts-6.2.1 # asn1-3.0.2 common_test-1.8.2 compiler-5.0.2 cosEvent-2.1.15 cosEventDomain-1.1.14 cosFileTransfer-1.1.16 cosNotification-1.1.21 cosProperty-1.1.17 cosTime-1.1.14 cosTransactions-1.2.14 crypto-3.4.1 debugger-4.0.1 dialyzer-2.7.2 diameter-1.7.1 edoc-0.7.15 eldap-1.0.4 erl_docgen-0.3.6 erl_interface-3.7.19 et-1.5 eunit-2.2.8 gs-1.5.16 hipe-3.11.1 ic-4.3.6 inets-5.10.3 jinterface-1.5.11 kernel-3.0.3 megaco-3.17.2 mnesia-4.12.3 observer-2.0.2 odbc-2.10.21 orber-3.7.1 os_mon-2.3 ose-1.0.2 otp_mibs-1.0.9 parsetools-2.0.11 percept-0.8.9 public_key-0.22.1 reltool-0.6.6 runtime_tools-1.8.14 sasl-2.4.1 snmp-5.1 ssh-3.0.8 ssl-5.3.7 stdlib-2.2 syntax_tools-1.6.16 test_server-3.7.1 tools-2.7 typer-0.9.8 webtool-0.8.10 wx-1.3.1 xmerl-1.3.7 :
+ OTP-17.3.3 : ssh-3.0.8 # asn1-3.0.2 common_test-1.8.2 compiler-5.0.2 cosEvent-2.1.15 cosEventDomain-1.1.14 cosFileTransfer-1.1.16 cosNotification-1.1.21 cosProperty-1.1.17 cosTime-1.1.14 cosTransactions-1.2.14 crypto-3.4.1 debugger-4.0.1 dialyzer-2.7.2 diameter-1.7.1 edoc-0.7.15 eldap-1.0.4 erl_docgen-0.3.6 erl_interface-3.7.19 erts-6.2 et-1.5 eunit-2.2.8 gs-1.5.16 hipe-3.11.1 ic-4.3.6 inets-5.10.3 jinterface-1.5.11 kernel-3.0.3 megaco-3.17.2 mnesia-4.12.3 observer-2.0.2 odbc-2.10.21 orber-3.7.1 os_mon-2.3 ose-1.0.2 otp_mibs-1.0.9 parsetools-2.0.11 percept-0.8.9 public_key-0.22.1 reltool-0.6.6 runtime_tools-1.8.14 sasl-2.4.1 snmp-5.1 ssl-5.3.7 stdlib-2.2 syntax_tools-1.6.16 test_server-3.7.1 tools-2.7 typer-0.9.8 webtool-0.8.10 wx-1.3.1 xmerl-1.3.7 :