path: root/misc
diff options
authorobrien <obrien@FreeBSD.org>2005-01-14 10:44:47 +0800
committerobrien <obrien@FreeBSD.org>2005-01-14 10:44:47 +0800
commit865449f450aeba8546222caa6d6eb0cff25a6a61 (patch)
tree8ecd3f7559e18494e6fd1775d76b6c68ae3790fd /misc
parent64b732c9084955320bcbb3527018fabe31cde853 (diff)
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=2973&atid=302973&file_id=112451&aid=1085302 in modified form. Due to some changes with ebay they are now requiring signin before bidding. It was suggested by some other users that the best way to get https support in bidwatcher would be to compile it with libcurl. NOTE that your mileage may vary if you use a proxy or bid on eBay motors or bid on adult items. Obtained from: bidwatcher patch# 1084042 in the form of patch# 1085302
Diffstat (limited to 'misc')
5 files changed, 985 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/misc/bidwatcher/Makefile b/misc/bidwatcher/Makefile
index a7ef976084b..d1cedd82934 100644
--- a/misc/bidwatcher/Makefile
+++ b/misc/bidwatcher/Makefile
@@ -8,18 +8,20 @@
PORTNAME= bidwatcher
-PATCH_SITES= http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=2973&atid=302973&file_id=63934&aid=820963/
-PATCHFILES= add_auction_by_url_also.patch
+#PATCH_SITES= http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=2973&atid=302973&file_id=112451&aid=1085302
+#PATCHFILES= bidwatcher-1.3.16-SSL_with_libcurl.02.patch
COMMENT= Bid monitor for eBay
+LIB_DEPENDS= curl.3:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/curl
PLIST_FILES= bin/bidwatcher
USE_GNOME= gtk12
diff --git a/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-Makefile.in b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2c9a5f37b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+--- Makefile.in.orig Mon Aug 30 18:30:57 2004
++++ Makefile.in Thu Jan 13 18:23:18 2005
+@@ -98 +98 @@
++LIBS = @LIBS@ -lcurl
diff --git a/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.cpp b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.cpp
index c38826f31fe..f6dacea8e5e 100644
--- a/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.cpp
+++ b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,297 @@
--- bidwatcher.cpp.orig Mon Aug 30 18:03:34 2004
-+++ bidwatcher.cpp Sat Oct 30 20:00:20 2004
-@@ -2972,2 +2972,2 @@
++++ bidwatcher.cpp Thu Jan 13 18:31:11 2005
+@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+-#include <sys/signal.h>
+-#include <ctype.h>
++//#include <sys/signal.h>
++//#include <ctype.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+-#include <sys/socket.h>
+-#include <stdlib.h>
+-#include <netdb.h>
++//#include <sys/socket.h>
++//#include <stdlib.h>
++//#include <netdb.h>
+ // Handle strict Ansi compliance with gcc 3.1 while retaining
+ // backward compatibility.
+@@ -595,6 +595,40 @@
+ delete obj;
+ }
++int dosignin() {
++ URL *bidurl;
++ char *Buff;
++ int returnVal;
++ char *ustring, *vstring;
++ char cookiejar[200];
++ sprintf(cookiejar, "%s/%s/cookies.txt", getenv("HOME"), bw_subdir);
++ /* Sign in First */
++ bidurl = new URL("http://signin.ebay.com/ws2/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn",
++ "",proxyurl);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(bidurl, 0, &Buff, cookiejar, 2);
++ delete(bidurl);
++ ustring = g_strdup_printf("https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll"
++ "?co_partnerid=2&amp;siteid=0&amp;UsingSSL=1");
++ vstring = g_strdup_printf("MfcISAPICommand=SignInWelcome"
++ "&siteid=0&co_partnerId=2&UsingSSL=1"
++ "&ru=&pp=&pa1=&pa2=&pa3=&i1=-1&pageType=-1"
++ "&userid=%s&pass=%s&keepMeSignInOption=1",
++ authID, authPASS);
++ bidurl = new URL(ustring, vstring, proxyurl);
++ g_free(ustring);
++ g_free(vstring);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(bidurl, 1, &Buff, cookiejar, 0);
++ return returnVal;
+ void auctioninfo::getkey(float bid, int quantity) {
+ char *Buff;
+@@ -602,9 +636,13 @@
+ snipeQty=quantity;
+ myBidAmount=bid;
+ myBidQuantity=quantity;
+- //printf("myBidAmount set to %f\n",bid);
++ int returnVal;
++ char *ustring, *vstring;
++ char cookiejar[200];
++ sprintf(cookiejar, "%s/%s/cookies.txt", getenv("HOME"), bw_subdir);
+- char *ustring;
++ dosignin();
+ /* eBay has gotten pickier about URLs. If you don't specify
+ * ebaymotors then you get some unknown error, yet the bid
+@@ -614,6 +652,7 @@
+ * key URL. This should change so we don't look suspicious.
+ */
++#if 0
+ (AuctionType == TYPE_EBAYMOTORSCAR || AuctionType == TYPE_EBAYMOTORS) ?
+ ustring = g_strdup_printf("http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/"
+ "aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll"
+@@ -625,14 +664,17 @@
+ "?MfcISAPICommand=MakeBid"
+ "&item=%llu&maxbid=%.2f&quant=%d",
+ ItemNumber,bid,quantity);
++ ustring = g_strdup_printf("http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll");
++ vstring = g_strdup_printf("MfcISAPICommand=MakeBid&fp=2&co_partnerid="
++ "&item=%llu&maxbid=%.2f&quant=%d",
++ ItemNumber,bid,quantity);
++ bidurl = new URL(ustring, vstring, proxyurl);
+- /* Lets keep the URL fresh. */
+- if (bidurl)
+- delete(bidurl);
+- bidurl = new URL(ustring, proxyurl);
+- g_free(ustring);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(bidurl, 1, &Buff, cookiejar, 0);
+- int returnVal = fetchURL(bidurl, 1, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
+ if (returnVal != NET_SUCCESS) {
+ if (returnVal == NET_NETERROR)
+ showError("Could not obtain bid key: a network error occurred.");
+@@ -698,21 +740,18 @@
+ char *Buff;
+ char lineBuff[1024];
+ int returnVal,retval;
+- char *url=g_strdup(bidurl->url);
+- char *end=strstr(url,"?");
+- end[1]='\0';
++ char cookiejar[200];
++ sprintf(cookiejar, "%s/%s/cookies.txt", getenv("HOME"), bw_subdir);
+- sprintf(bidurl->url, "%sMfcISAPICommand=MakeBid&item=%llu&key=%s"
++ sprintf(bidurl->fullurlpost, "MfcISAPICommand=MakeBid&item=%llu&key=%s"
+ "&user=%s&pass=%s&maxbid=%.2f&quant=%d"
+ "&acceptbinbid=0&mode=1&userid=default&javascriptenabled=1",
+- url, ItemNumber, snipeKey, authID, authPASS, snipeAmount,
++ ItemNumber, snipeKey, authID, authPASS, snipeAmount,
+ snipeQty);
+- DPRINTF(DHIGH, ("Bid(%s)\n", bidurl->url));
++ DPRINTF(DHIGH, ("Bid(%s?%s)\n", bidurl->fullurl, bidurl->fullurlpost));
+- g_free(url);
+- retval = fetchURL(bidurl, 1, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ retval = fetchURL(bidurl, 1, &Buff, cookiejar, 0);
+ if (retval != NET_SUCCESS) {
+ sprintf(lineBuff,"Bid on %llu FAILED: Error %d connecting to eBay",
+@@ -949,6 +988,9 @@
+ void DoEmail(char * name, char * auctionid)
+ {
++ char cookiejar[200];
++ sprintf(cookiejar, "%s/%s/cookies.txt", getenv("HOME"), bw_subdir);
+ if (strlen(name) < 2) {
+ showError("No name to look up");
+ return;
+@@ -972,8 +1014,8 @@
+ sprintf(WebPage,"http://contact.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?"
+ "ReturnUserEmail&requested=%s&userid=%s&pass=%s&iid=%s",
+ name,authID,authPASS,auctionid);
+- URL *emailurl=new URL(WebPage,proxyurl);
+- int err = fetchURL(emailurl, 0, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ URL *emailurl=new URL(WebPage,"",proxyurl);
++ int err = fetchURL(emailurl, 0, &Buff, cookiejar, 0);
+ delete(emailurl);
+ if ((err == NET_NETERROR) || (err == NET_TIMEOUT)
+@@ -1101,7 +1143,7 @@
+ if (strlen(proxystring) > 2) {
+ char *pxy = g_strdup_printf("http://%s/",proxystring);
+- proxyurl = new URL(pxy, NULL, proxyuserstring, proxypassstring);
++ proxyurl = new URL(pxy, "", NULL, proxyuserstring, proxypassstring);
+ g_free(pxy);
+ }
+ else proxyurl = NULL;
+@@ -2969,8 +3011,8 @@
+ browserPATH, url);
+ system(commandLine);
+ }
- else if (strstr(browserPATH, "mozilla") != NULL) {
- // Try to find mozilla.
+ else if (strcasestr(browserPATH, "mozilla") != NULL || strcasestr(browserPATH, "fire") != NULL) {
+ // Try to find mozilla, firefox, or firebird.
+ sprintf(commandLine,
+ "exec %s -remote \"openURL(%s,new-window)\"",
+@@ -3636,7 +3678,7 @@
+ if (strlen(proxystring) > 2) {
+ char *pxy = g_strdup_printf("http://%s/", proxystring);
+- proxyurl = new URL(pxy, NULL, proxyuserstring, proxypassstring);
++ proxyurl = new URL(pxy, "", NULL, proxyuserstring, proxypassstring);
+ g_free(pxy);
+ } else {
+ proxyurl = NULL;
+@@ -4076,37 +4118,6 @@
+ }
+-gint getUserAuctions()
+- char address[1024];
+- char *Buff;
+- int ret;
+- showStatus("Checking My eBay");
+- sprintf(address, "http://signin.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?"
+- "MfcISAPICommand=SignInWelcome&siteid=0&co_partnerId=2"
+- "&UsingSSL=0&ru=http%%3A%%2F%%2Fcgi1.ebay.com%%2Faw-cgi%%2F"
+- "eBayISAPI.dll%%3FMyEbayAll%%26first%%3DN%%26dayssince%%3D2"
+- "%%26p1%%3D0%%26p2%%3D0%%26p3%%3D0%%26p4%%3D0%%26p5%%3D0%%26"
+- "rows%%3D25%%26pagebid%%3D1%%26pagewon%%3D1%%26pagesell%%3D1"
+- "%%26pagesold%3D1%%26pageunsold%%3D1%%26pagelost%%3D1%%26"
+- "page%%3D1%%26all%%3D1%%26SaveSetting%%3D362413158%%26pass"
+- "%%3D%%7B_pass_%%7D%%26userid%%3D&pp=pass&pa1=&pa2=&pa3=&"
+- "i1=-1&pageType=368&userid=%s&pass=%s", authID, authPASS);
+- URL *myurl = new URL(address, proxyurl);
+- ret = fetchURL(myurl, 1, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
+- delete(myurl);
+- printf("BUFF: %s\n", Buff);
+- free(Buff);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // GetUserAuctions - grabs users auctions from ebay and adds them to
+@@ -4126,6 +4137,8 @@
+ char WebPage[200];
+ int returnVal;
+ unsigned long long *ids;
++ char cookiejar[200];
++ sprintf(cookiejar, "%s/%s/cookies.txt", getenv("HOME"), bw_subdir);
+ if (!trackBids) return GUA_SUCCESS;
+ if (strlen(authID) < 2) return GUA_BADUSER;
+@@ -4136,8 +4149,8 @@
+ sprintf(WebPage, "http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?"
+ "MfcISAPICommand=ViewBidItems&userid=%s&completed=0&all=1&rows=200",// items the user has bid on
+ authID);
+- URL *bidsurl = new URL(WebPage, proxyurl);
+- returnVal = fetchURL(bidsurl, 0, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ URL *bidsurl = new URL(WebPage, "", proxyurl);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(bidsurl, 0, &Buff, cookiejar, 0);
+ delete(bidsurl);
+ blackLED();
+ showStatus("");
+@@ -4221,8 +4234,8 @@
+ "http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=%s&sort=3&completed=0&since=-1&rd=1",
+ authID);
+- URL *listingurl = new URL(WebPage, proxyurl);
+- returnVal = fetchURL(listingurl, 0, &Buff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ URL *listingurl = new URL(WebPage, "", proxyurl);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(listingurl, 0, &Buff, NULL, 0);
+ delete listingurl;
+ blackLED();
+ showStatus("");
+@@ -4415,18 +4428,18 @@
+ delete(infourl);
+ infourl = NULL;
+ }
+- infourl = new URL(urlstring, proxyurl);
++ infourl = new URL(urlstring, "", proxyurl);
+ greenLED();
+- returnVal = fetchURL(infourl, 0, &HtmlBuff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(infourl, 0, &HtmlBuff, NULL, 0);
+ if (returnVal == NET_NETERROR || returnVal == NET_TIMEOUT) {
+ // maybe proxy settings changed
+ if (infourl != NULL)
+ delete(infourl);
+- infourl = new URL(urlstring, proxyurl);
++ infourl = new URL(urlstring, "", proxyurl);
+- returnVal = fetchURL(infourl, 0, &HtmlBuff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(infourl, 0, &HtmlBuff, NULL, 0);
+ if (returnVal == NET_NETERROR || returnVal == NET_TIMEOUT) {
+ // Ok, so it probably is borked.
+@@ -4529,7 +4542,7 @@
+ gettimeofday(&tm_start, NULL);
+ resetTimeSyncURL();
+- returnVal = fetchURL(timesyncurl, 0, &HtmlBuff, TIMEOUT, 0);
++ returnVal = fetchURL(timesyncurl, 0, &HtmlBuff, NULL, 0);
+ gettimeofday(&tm_end, NULL);
+ t1 = (tm_end.tv_sec + 0.000001 * tm_end.tv_usec)
+@@ -4692,7 +4705,7 @@
+ }
+ timesyncurl = new URL("http://cgi3.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?TimeShow",
+- proxyurl);
++ "",proxyurl);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
diff --git a/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.h b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e53469759aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-bidwatcher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff -urN bidwatcher-1.3.16/bidwatcher.h bidwatcher-1.3.16-SSL-2/bidwatcher.h
+--- bidwatcher.h.orig 2004-08-31 02:40:13.000000000 +0200
++++ bidwatcher.h 2004-12-14 17:10:14.000000000 +0100
+@@ -122,19 +122,15 @@
+ #define array_elem(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
+ struct URL {
+- struct hostent *hostinfo;
+- unsigned int port;
+- char url[256], hoststring[256];
++ char fullurl[512], fullurlpost[512];
+ bool useproxy;
+- int numaliases;
+- int numaddrs;
+ char *proxyuser, *proxypass;
+ URL(); // since there is dynamic memory involved, be safe.
+- URL(char *newurl, URL *proxy);
+- URL(char *newurl, URL *proxy, char *user, char *pass);
++ URL(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy);
++ URL(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy, char *user, char *pass);
+ ~URL();
+- void create(char *newurl, URL *proxy);
++ void create(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy);
+ };
+ //
+@@ -399,7 +395,7 @@
+ void translate_date(char *date);
+ bool GetAucInfo(char *Buff, struct auctioninfo *NewAuction);
+ int calcTimeDiff (char *buffer);
+-int fetchURL(URL *url, int Post, char **Buff, double timeOut, int redir);
++int fetchURL(URL *url, int Post, char **Buff, char *cookiejar, int redir);
+ char *stristr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
+ char translate_special(const char *input, int *len);
+ char *getTimeStamp();
diff --git a/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-netstuff.cpp b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-netstuff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36af3a5913b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/bidwatcher/files/patch-netstuff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+diff -urN bidwatcher-1.3.16/netstuff.cpp bidwatcher-1.3.16-SSL-2/netstuff.cpp
+--- netstuff.cpp.orig 2004-08-21 13:45:12.000000000 +0200
++++ netstuff.cpp 2004-12-14 17:09:44.000000000 +0100
+@@ -23,189 +23,73 @@
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+-#include <signal.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+-#include <errno.h>
+-#include <fcntl.h>
+-#include <unistd.h>
+-#include <sys/time.h>
+-#include <time.h>
+-#include <netinet/in.h>
+-#include <sys/socket.h>
+-#include <sys/utsname.h>
+-#include <netdb.h>
+ #include <gtk/gtk.h>
++#include <curl/curl.h>
++#include <curl/types.h>
++#include <curl/easy.h>
+ #include "bidwatcher.h"
+-bool cancelPressed;
+-double avg_load_time = INITIAL_LOAD_TIME;
++// The next two functions are essentially taken from the examples
++// that come with the curl library. For speed we don't want to
++// start with an empty buffer, so memsize should be larger than size.
++struct MemoryBufferStruct {
++ char *memory; // This is the character array
++ size_t size; // This is the length of the string
++ size_t memsize; // This is the actual length of the array
+-char cookie[512];
+-void getAdultCookie(char * username, char * password) {
+- char *ustring = g_strdup_printf("http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll"
+- "?MfcISAPICommand=AdultLogin&userid=%s&"
+- "password=%s", username, password);
+- URL *url = new URL(ustring, proxyurl);
+- g_free(ustring);
+- char *HtmlBuff;
+- fetchURL(url, 0, &HtmlBuff, TIMEOUT, 0);
+- char *adultcookie=strstr(HtmlBuff,"Set-Cookie");
+- if (adultcookie==NULL) {
+- fprintf(stderr, "adult cookie not found:\n");
+- fprintf(stderr, HtmlBuff);
+- free(HtmlBuff);
+- return;
++size_t WriteMemoryBuffer(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data)
++ register int realsize = size * nmemb;
++ struct MemoryBufferStruct *mem = (struct MemoryBufferStruct *)data;
++ if( (size_t) (realsize) > (mem->memsize - mem->size) ) {
++ mem->memory = (char *)realloc(mem->memory, mem->size + realsize + 1);
++ mem->memsize = mem->size + realsize + 1;
+ }
+- int len=strcspn(adultcookie,";");
+- adultcookie[len]='\0';
+- printf("Adult cookie: %s\n",adultcookie+4); // strip "Set-"
+- strcpy(cookie,adultcookie+4);
+- free(HtmlBuff);
+-/* necessary because otherwise, all hostents are identical, and overwritten
+- every time gethostbyname is called! :( */
+-int copyhostent(struct hostent *in, struct hostent *out,
+- int *numaliases, int *numaddrs) {
+- if (in==NULL) return 0;
+- // struct hostent *out = (struct hostent *) malloc(sizeof(struct hostent));
+- out->h_name = g_strdup(in->h_name);
+- int i;
+- /* Count number of aliases */
+- for(i=0; in->h_aliases[i] != 0; i++);
+- if (i > 0)
+- out->h_aliases = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * i);
+- *numaliases = i;
+- for(i=0; in->h_aliases[i] != 0; i++)
+- out->h_aliases[i] = g_strdup(in->h_aliases[i]);
+- out->h_addrtype = in->h_addrtype;
+- out->h_length = in->h_length;
+- /* Count number of addresses */
+- for(i=0; in->h_addr_list[i] != 0; i++);
+- if (i > 0)
+- out->h_addr_list = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * i);
+- *numaddrs = i;
+- for(i=0; in->h_addr_list[i] != 0; i++) { // thanks Rodd Snook
+- out->h_addr_list[i] = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * in->h_length);
+- memcpy(out->h_addr_list[i], in->h_addr_list[i], in->h_length);
++ if (mem->memory) {
++ memcpy(&(mem->memory[mem->size]), ptr, realsize);
++ mem->size += realsize; // Update the string length
++ mem->memory[mem->size] = 0; // Terminate the string with a NULL
+ }
+- return 1;
++ return realsize;
+ }
++struct MemoryBufferStruct curl_memory_chunk;
+-URL::URL(char *newurl, URL *proxy) {
++bool cancelPressed;
++double avg_load_time = INITIAL_LOAD_TIME;
++URL::URL(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy) {
+ DPRINTF(DMED, ("New URL(%s).\n", newurl));
+- hostinfo = (struct hostent *) malloc(sizeof(struct hostent));
+- memset(hostinfo, 0, sizeof(struct hostent));
+- numaddrs = 0;
+- numaliases = 0;
+ proxyuser = NULL;
+ proxypass = NULL;
+- create(newurl, proxy);
++ create(newurl, postval, proxy);
+ }
+-URL::URL(char *newurl, URL *proxy, char *user, char *pass) {
++URL::URL(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy, char *user, char *pass) {
+ DPRINTF(DMED, ("New URL(%s).\n", newurl));
+- hostinfo = (struct hostent *) malloc(sizeof(struct hostent));
+- memset(hostinfo, 0, sizeof(struct hostent));
+- numaddrs = 0;
+- numaliases = 0;
+ proxyuser = strdup(user);
+ proxypass = strdup(pass);
+- create(newurl, proxy);
++ create(newurl, postval, proxy);
+ }
+ URL::~URL() {
+- // Clean this memory waster up.
+- int i;
+- DPRINTF(DMED, ("Destroying URL(%s)\n", url));
+- // If we are using a proxy, don't kill this.
+- if (!useproxy && hostinfo) {
+- if (hostinfo->h_name)
+- free(hostinfo->h_name);
+- for(i=0; i < numaliases; i++)
+- free(hostinfo->h_aliases[i]);
+- if (i > 0)
+- free(hostinfo->h_aliases);
+- for(i=0; i < numaddrs; i++)
+- free(hostinfo->h_addr_list[i]);
+- if (i > 0)
+- free(hostinfo->h_addr_list);
+- free(hostinfo);
+- }
++ DPRINTF(DMED, ("Destroying URL(%s)\n", fullurl));
+ if(proxyuser != NULL) free(proxyuser);
+ if(proxypass != NULL) free(proxypass);
+ }
+-void URL::create(char *newurl,URL *proxy) {
+- char *hostoff = strstr(newurl, "://") + 3;
++void URL::create(char *newurl, char *postval, URL *proxy) {
+- // Hmm, size_t isn't really an int, but this shouldn't affect us.
+- sprintf(hoststring, "%.*s", (int)strcspn(hostoff, "/"), hostoff);
++ sprintf(fullurl,"%s",newurl);
++ sprintf(fullurlpost,"%s",postval);
+ if (proxy == NULL) {
+- char tmpstr[256];
+ useproxy = FALSE;
+- strcpy(tmpstr, hoststring);
+- if (strlen(tmpstr) < strlen(hostoff)) {
+- strcpy(url, hostoff + strlen(tmpstr));
+- } else url[0] = '\0';
+- char *portoff = strstr(tmpstr, ":");
+- if (portoff != NULL) {
+- port = atoi(portoff + 1);
+- portoff[0] = '\0';
+- } else port = 80;
+- if (hostinfo) {
+- // Destroy it before we malloc more.
+- int i;
+- if (hostinfo->h_name)
+- g_free(hostinfo->h_name);
+- for(i=0; i < numaliases; i++)
+- g_free(hostinfo->h_aliases[i]);
+- if (numaliases > 0)
+- free(hostinfo->h_aliases);
+- for(i=0; i < numaddrs; i++)
+- free(hostinfo->h_addr_list[i]);
+- if (numaddrs > 0)
+- free(hostinfo->h_addr_list);
+- //free(hostinfo);
+- }
+- copyhostent(gethostbyname(tmpstr), hostinfo, &numaliases, &numaddrs);
+ } else {
+ printf("Configured for proxy - host: %s, port: %d\n",
+@@ -213,317 +97,149 @@
+ proxy->port);
+ #endif
+ useproxy = TRUE;
+- hostinfo = proxy->hostinfo;
+- port = proxy->port;
+ proxyuser = strdup(proxy->proxyuser);
+ proxypass = strdup(proxy->proxypass);
+- strcpy(url, newurl);
+ }
+ }
+-void CloseSocket(int sockIT)
+- close(sockIT);
+-int set_nonblock(int fd)
+- int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
+- if (flags == -1)
+- return -1;
+- return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+ bool checkredir(URL *url, char *buff) {
+- if (strstr(buff,"HTTP/1.0 30")!=NULL || strstr(buff,"HTTP/1.1 30")!=NULL) {
+- char *loc = stristr(buff,"Location:");
+- if (loc == NULL) {
+- showError("Redirection without Location header!\n");
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- else
+- loc += 10; // strlen("Location: ");
+- loc[strcspn(loc,"\r\n ")]='\0';
++ // We are extracting the URL from a string of the form
++ // location: http://...
++ if (strstr(buff,"location: http") != NULL) {
++ char *loc = stristr(buff,"location: http");
++ loc = loc + 10;
++ loc[strcspn(loc,"\r\n")] = '\0';
++ sprintf(url->fullurl,"%s\n",loc);
++ return TRUE;
++ }
+- if (strstr(loc,"AdultLoginShow")) {
+- printf("Getting adult cookie\n");
+- getAdultCookie(authID,authPASS);
+- if (strlen(cookie)<5) showError("Could not get adult cookie.");
+- } else url->create(loc,proxyurl);
+- printf("Relocated to %s\n",loc);
++ // We are extracting the URL from a string of the form
++ // Location: http://...
++ if (strstr(buff,"Location: http") != NULL) {
++ char *loc = stristr(buff,"Location: http");
++ loc = loc + 10;
++ loc[strcspn(loc,"\r\n")] = '\0';
++ sprintf(url->fullurl,"%s\n",loc);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+- else return FALSE;
+-int fetchURL(URL *url, int Post, char **Buff, double timeOut, int redir)
+- int buffLength,recerr;
+- int socketID;
+- char UserAgent[256];
+- char lineBuff[1024];
+- char htmlBuff[HUGEBUFF];
+- struct utsname utsbuf;
++ // We are extracting the URL from a string of the form
++ // <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url = http://...">
++ // First we seek to the end of the "url =" part, then start
++ // counting until we hit the ending " mark. Could we just
++ // link to a regular expression library instead?
+- struct sockaddr_in soc_in;
+- int err;
+- fd_set fds;
+- struct timeval tm;
++ if (strstr(buff,"<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=") != NULL) {
++ char *loc = stristr(buff,"<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=");
++ loc = loc + 35;
++ while ( (*loc != '\0') && (*loc != '"' ) ){
++ loc++;
++ }
+- *Buff = NULL;
++ if( *loc != '\0' ) loc++;
+- GTimer * time_since_start=g_timer_new();
+- g_timer_start(time_since_start);
++ while ( (*loc != '\0') && (*loc != '=' ) && (*loc != '"' ) ){
++ loc++;
++ }
+- memset(htmlBuff, 0, sizeof(htmlBuff));
++ if( *loc == '=' ) loc++;
+- memset((char*) &soc_in, 0, sizeof(soc_in));
+- soc_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
++ while (*loc == ' ' ){
++ loc++;
++ }
+- struct hostent * hostinfo;
++ int substring_len = 0;
+- hostinfo=url->hostinfo;
+- if ((hostinfo == NULL) || (hostinfo->h_length == 0)
+- || (hostinfo->h_addr == NULL)) {
+- // DNS error
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
+- }
+- soc_in.sin_addr=*(struct in_addr*)hostinfo->h_addr;
+- soc_in.sin_port = htons(url->port);
++ while ( loc[substring_len] != '\0' && (loc[substring_len]) != '"' ) {
++ substring_len++;
++ }
++ sprintf(url->fullurl,"%.*s\n",substring_len,loc);
++ return TRUE;
+- socketID = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+- if (socketID < 0) {
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
+ }
+- set_nonblock(socketID);
+- err = connect(socketID, (struct sockaddr *)&soc_in, sizeof (soc_in));
++ return FALSE;
+- if (err < 0) {
+- if (errno == EINPROGRESS) {
+- FD_ZERO(&fds);
+- FD_SET(socketID,&fds);
+- tm.tv_sec = int(timeOut / 2);
+- tm.tv_usec=0;
+- err = select(socketID+1,NULL,&fds,NULL,&tm);
++int fetchURL(URL *url, int Post, char **Buff, char *cookiejar, int redir)
++ size_t avebuffsize = 1 << 15; // 2 to the 15th power
++ CURL *curl_handle;
+- if (err == 0) {
+- fprintf(stderr, "connection timed out\n");
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_TIMEOUT;
+- }
+- }
+- else {
+- fprintf(stderr,
+- "connection failed immediately: err=%d errno=%d (%s)\n",
+- err, errno, strerror( errno ) );
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
+- }
+- }
++ curl_memory_chunk.memory = (char *) malloc(avebuffsize*sizeof(char));
++ curl_memory_chunk.size = 0;
++ curl_memory_chunk.memsize = avebuffsize;
+- // did we connect, or not?
+- err = 0;
++ // Initialize the curl session
++ curl_handle = curl_easy_init();
+- {
+- socklen_t arglen = sizeof(int);
++ // Return both the headers and the body
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);
+- /* this is slightly grotty to avoid problems with SysV, where */
+- /* apparently getsockopt() will fail with an async error, rather */
+- /* that return it like it's supposed to. */
++ // Automatically handle all the cookies
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, cookiejar);
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, cookiejar);
+- if (getsockopt(socketID,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR,(void *)&err,&arglen) < 0)
+- err = errno;
+- }
++ // Act like we are the mozilla browser
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,
++ "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113");
+- if (err != 0) {
+- fprintf(stderr,
+- "connection failed: err=%d errno=%d (%s)\n",
+- err, errno, strerror(errno));
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
++ // This next feature doesn't appear to work properly so we follow by hand
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
++ // Someone should make the proxy feature work properly
++ // This is only a guess of how it might work
++ if( url->useproxy ) {
++ char proxyuserpwd[200];
++ sprintf(proxyuserpwd,"%s:%s",url->proxyuser,url->proxypass);
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD,proxyuserpwd);
+ }
+- if (uname(&utsbuf) < 0)
+- UserAgent[0] = '\0';
+- else
+- sprintf(UserAgent, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; %s %s; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031115 Firebird/0.7\r\n", utsbuf.sysname, utsbuf.machine);
++ // Set the URL we wish to fetch
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, url->fullurl);
+- // send our request for the web page.
+- // XXX: Took out the cookie for now cuz we're not yet using it.
++ // If we are posting, set the post fields
+ if (Post) {
+- int URLLen;
+- char *Args;
+- URLLen = strcspn(url->url, "?");
+- Args = &url->url[URLLen];
+- if (*Args != '\0')
+- Args++;
+- // do we need to authenticate through the proxy?
+- // check both user and password because I am not sure if it is possible
+- // that one or the other could be blank...we'll be safe
+- if(url->proxyuser == NULL && url->proxypass == NULL) {
+- // no.
+- sprintf(lineBuff, "POST %.*s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n%sConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %i\r\n\r\n%s",
+- URLLen,
+- url->url,
+- url->hoststring,
+- UserAgent,
+- strlen(Args),
+- Args);
+- } else {
+- // yes, encode the proxy's username and password and insert it into the header
+- char *encstr = NULL;
+- basic_authentication_encode(url->proxyuser, url->proxypass, &encstr);
+- sprintf(lineBuff, "POST %.*s HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: %s\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nProxy-Authorization: %s\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %i\r\n%s\r\n%s",
+- URLLen,
+- url->url,
+- url->hoststring,
+- encstr,
+- strlen(Args),
+- UserAgent,
+- Args);
+- free(encstr);
+- }
+- } else if(url->proxyuser == NULL && url->proxypass == NULL) {
+- // do we need to authenticate through the proxy? no.
+- sprintf(lineBuff, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: %s\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\n%s\r\n",
+- url->url,
+- url->hoststring,
+- UserAgent);
+- } else {
+- // yes, encode the proxy's username and password and insert it into the header
+- char *encstr = NULL;
+- basic_authentication_encode(url->proxyuser, url->proxypass, &encstr);
+- sprintf(lineBuff, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: %s\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nProxy-Authorization: %s\r\n%s\r\n",
+- url->url,
+- url->hoststring,
+- encstr,
+- UserAgent);
+- free(encstr);
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, url->fullurlpost);
+ }
+- printf("HTTP request header:\r\n%s", lineBuff);
++ // All the data will be sent to this function by curl
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryBuffer);
+- if (send(socketID, lineBuff, strlen(lineBuff), 0) < 0) {
++ // We will need our memory buffer to be pass to the write function
++ curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_FILE, (void *)&curl_memory_chunk);
+- fprintf(stderr,
+- "could not send URL: errno=%d (%s)\n",
+- errno, strerror(errno));
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
+- }
++ // Now get that URL
++ if (CURLE_OK == curl_easy_perform(curl_handle)) {
+- buffLength = 0;
+- int counter = 0;
+- bool goodcall = TRUE;
+- GTimer * time_since_pkt=g_timer_new();
+- g_timer_start(time_since_pkt);
+- while (goodcall) {
+- if (cancelPressed) {
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- }
+- if (counter == 5) {
+- counter = 0;
+- gtk_main_iteration_do(FALSE);
+- if (g_timer_elapsed(time_since_start,NULL) > timeOut) {
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_TIMEOUT;
+- }
+- if (g_timer_elapsed(time_since_pkt,NULL) > timeOut/2) {
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_TIMEOUT;
+- }
+- }
+- recerr = recv(socketID, lineBuff, 256, 0);
+- if (recerr < 0) {
+- if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
+- goodcall = FALSE;
+- break;
+- }
+- goodcall = TRUE;
+- gtk_main_iteration_do(FALSE);
+- usleep(10000);
+- counter++;
++ // If we haven't hit redirect limit, follow any redirects
++ if ( redir && checkredir(url,curl_memory_chunk.memory) ) {
++ /* cleanup curl stuff */
++ curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle);
++ return fetchURL(url, 0, Buff, cookiejar, redir - 1);
+ }
+- else if (recerr == 0)
+- break;
+- else {
+- if ((buffLength + recerr) < HUGEBUFF) {
+- g_timer_reset(time_since_pkt);
+- counter = 0;
+- buffLength = buffLength + recerr;
+- lineBuff[recerr] = '\0';
+- strncat(htmlBuff, lineBuff, recerr);
+- goodcall = TRUE;
+- }
+- else break;
+- }
+- }
+- CloseSocket(socketID);
+- if (checkredir(url, htmlBuff)) {
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- DPRINTF(DLOW, ("Redirection detected: %s%s\n", url->hoststring, url->url));
+- /* Terminal point for recursion. */
+- if (redir > MAX_REDIR) {
+- DPRINTF(DLOW, ("Maximum redirection reached.\n"));
+- showError("Maximum redirection reached!");
+- return NET_MAXREDIR;
+- }
+- else
+- return fetchURL(url, 0, Buff, timeOut, redir+1);
++ // Set the buffer pointer to the curl memory buffer
++ *Buff= curl_memory_chunk.memory;
+- } else {
+- if (!goodcall) {
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- return NET_NETERROR;
+- }
+- /* make and copy buffer */
+- *Buff=(char *)malloc(buffLength+1);
+- strnzcpy(*Buff,htmlBuff,buffLength);
++ /* cleanup curl stuff */
++ curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle);
+- g_free(time_since_start);
+- g_free(time_since_pkt);
+ return NET_SUCCESS;
++ } else {
++ /* cleanup curl stuff */
++ curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle);
++ return NET_NETERROR;
+ }
+ }