path: root/CVSROOT/cfg.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CVSROOT/cfg.pm')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/CVSROOT/cfg.pm b/CVSROOT/cfg.pm
index 19de3de083c..68b23ba426c 100755
--- a/CVSROOT/cfg.pm
+++ b/CVSROOT/cfg.pm
@@ -121,26 +121,68 @@ $MAIL_BRANCH_HDR = "X-CVS-Branch";
# element per email line, with no trailing line feeds. This function
# shouldn't add them. If $DEBUG is switched on the log_accum.pl
# script will show the before and after on stdout at commit time.
+# The example below shows a way of inserting links to cvsweb.
-###$MAIL_TRANSFORM = sub {
-### my @input = @_;
-### my @output = ();
-### while (1) {
-### my $line = shift @input;
-### last if $line =~ /^$/;
-### push @output, $line;
-### }
-### push @output, "";
-### foreach my $line (@input) {
-### push @output, "Q: $line";
-### }
-### return @output;
+# add_cvsweb_entry("http://www.example.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi", @_);
+# A function for post-processing a log message
+# and outputing it with URLs to a cvsweb.cgi in.
+sub add_cvsweb_entry {
+ my $url_to_cvsweb = shift;
+ my @input = @_;
+ my @output = ();
+ # Skip down to the revision summary.
+ while (1) {
+ my $line = shift @input;
+ last unless defined($line);
+ last if $line =~ /^\s*Revision\s*Changes\s*Path\s*$/;
+ push @output, $line;
+ }
+ # Add the url links
+ foreach (@input) {
+ # Skip any trailing blank lines.
+ unless ($_) {
+ push @output, $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($rev, $add, $sub, $file, $status) = split;
+ $rev =~ /(?:(.*)\.)?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)$/;
+ my ($base, $r1, $r2) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ my $prevrev = "";
+ if ($r2 == 1) {
+ $prevrev = $base;
+ } else {
+ $prevrev = "$base." if $base;
+ $prevrev .= "$r1." . ($r2 - 1);
+ }
+ my $baseurl = "$url_to_cvsweb/$file";
+ my $extra;
+ if (defined($status)) {
+ $rev = $prevrev if $status =~ /dead/;
+ $extra = "?rev=$rev&content-type=text/plain";
+ } else {
+ $extra = ".diff?r1=$prevrev&r2=$rev";
+ }
+ push @output, $_;
+ push @output, "$baseurl$extra";
+ }
+ return @output;