path: root/astro/planets/files/patch-options.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'astro/planets/files/patch-options.ml')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astro/planets/files/patch-options.ml b/astro/planets/files/patch-options.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51cdf4657bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/planets/files/patch-options.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+--- options.ml
++++ options.ml
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ end
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* 'a is the data type, 'b is the widget type *)
+-class virtual ['a,'b] option ?name ~text ~set:(set:'a->unit) ~get () =
++class virtual ['a,'b,'c] option ?name ~text ~set:(set:'a->unit) ~get () =
+ let name = (match name with
+ None -> random_name 10
+ | Some name -> name ) in
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ object (self)
+ val name = name
+ val text = (text : string)
+- method virtual build_widget : live:bool -> 'b
++ method virtual build_widget : live:bool -> 'b
+ method display ~live parent =
+ ignore (self#build_widget ~live parent);
+ match widget with
+@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ end
+ (*********************)
+-class ['b] toggle_option ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
++class ['b,'c] toggle_option ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [bool,'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [bool,'b,'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ method set_tk bool =
+ Textvariable.set tk_var (if bool then "true" else "false")
+@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ end
+ (*********************)
+-class ['b] int_scale_option ?name ~min ~max ~text ~set ~get () =
++class ['b,'c] int_scale_option ?name ~min ~max ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [int,'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [int,'b,'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ val min = min
+ val max = max
+@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ end
+ (*******************************************************)
+-class ['b] float_scale_option ?name ~min ~max ?(resolution=1.0)
++class ['b, 'c] float_scale_option ?name ~min ~max ?(resolution=1.0)
+ ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [float, 'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [float, 'b, 'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ val min = min
+ val max = max
+@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ let string_of_float x =
+ then string ^ "0"
+ else string
+-class ['b] float_entry_option ?name ?(mult=1.1)
++class ['b, 'c] float_entry_option ?name ?(mult=1.1)
+ ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [float, 'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [float, 'b, 'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ val mutable entry = None
+@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ end
+ (*******************************************************)
+-class ['b] float_entry_display ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
++class ['b, 'c] float_entry_display ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [float, 'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [float, 'b, 'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ val mutable display = None
+@@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ end
+ (*******************************************************)
+-class ['b] int_entry_display ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
++class ['b, 'c] int_entry_display ?name ~text ~set ~get () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [int, 'b] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
++ inherit [int, 'b, 'c] option ?name ~text ~set ~get ()
+ val mutable display = None
+@@ -371,9 +371,9 @@ end
+ (*******************************************************)
+-class ['b] void_entry_display ?name ~text () =
++class ['b, 'c] void_entry_display ?name ~text () =
+ object (self)
+- inherit [unit, 'b] option ?name ~text
++ inherit [unit, 'b, 'c] option ?name ~text
+ ~set:(fun x -> ()) ~get:(fun () -> ())
+ ()