path: root/graphics/xfig-devel/files/patch-Imakefile
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/xfig-devel/files/patch-Imakefile')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/xfig-devel/files/patch-Imakefile b/graphics/xfig-devel/files/patch-Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a35284a2fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/xfig-devel/files/patch-Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+--- Imakefile.orig Thu Dec 19 18:57:11 2002
++++ Imakefile Wed Aug 31 09:58:41 2005
+@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
+ XCOMM Redefine the following if your PNG library and/or include file
+ XCOMM are in different places
+-PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include
++PNGINC = -I${LOCALBASE}/include/libpng
+ XCOMM If don't want JPEG support, comment out the #define USEJPEG line
+ XCOMM Uncomment the #define for USEJPEG if you want to be able to import
+@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
+ #ifdef USEJPEG
+-JPEGLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
+-JPEGINC = -I/usr/include/X11
++JPEGINC = -I${LOCALBASE}/include
+ #else
+ JPEGLIBDIR = ../jpeg
+@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
+ XCOMM Change XPMLIBDIR if necessary to point to the xpm library (libXpm)
+ XCOMM Change XPMINC if necessary to point to the include file for xpm (xpm.h)
+-XCOMM #define USEXPM
++#define USEXPM
++#define USEXPM_ICON
+ #ifdef USEXPM
+-XPMINC = -I/usr/include/X11
+ #endif
+ XCOMM Uncomment the following definiton if you want to use the small icons
+@@ -105,17 +105,20 @@
+ XCOMM Then be sure to change the XAW3DINC to point to the directory where your
+ XCOMM 3D Athena widget headers are located
+-XCOMM #define XAW3D
++#define XAW3D
+ #ifdef XAW3D
+-XAW3DINC = -I/usr/include/X11/Xaw3d
++XAW3DINC = -I$(INCDIR)/X11/Xaw3d
+ XAWLIB = -lXaw3d
++XAW_SRC = w_menuentry.c SmeCascade.c SmeBSB.c SimpleMenu.c
++XAW_OBJ = w_menuentry.o SmeCascade.o SmeBSB.o SimpleMenu.o
+ #endif
+ XCOMM Uncomment the following if you have a wheel mouse. See docs for description.
++#define WHEELMOUSE
+@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@
+ XCOMM inline functions. With the "INLINE" keyword, you should notice that
+ XCOMM the display will be a bit faster in complex figures
+ XCOMM use (and change) the following if you want the multi-key data base file
+ XCOMM somewhere other than the standard X11 library directory
+@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@
+ XCOMM XFIGDOCDIR tells where the html and pdf documentation should go
+-XFIGDOCDIR = /usr/share/doc/xfig
+ XCOMM MANDIR tells where the standard man pages should go (no need to change it
+ XCOMM if you want the man pages installed in the standard place on your system
+@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@
+ #endif /* USEJPEG */
+ #ifdef I18N
+ I18N_SRC = w_i18n.c
+ I18N_OBJ = w_i18n.o
+ #endif
+@@ -251,11 +254,13 @@
+ #ifdef InstallManPage
+ #undef InstallManPage
+ #endif
+ #define InstallManPage(file,dest) @@\
+ InstallManPageLong(file,dest,file)
+@@ -299,12 +304,12 @@
+ u_elastic.c u_error.c u_fonts.c u_free.c u_geom.c \
+ u_list.c u_markers.c u_pan.c u_print.c u_redraw.c u_scale.c u_search.c \
+ u_smartsearch.c u_translate.c u_undo.c w_digitize.c w_listwidget.c \
+- w_browse.c w_capture.c w_srchrepl.c w_help.c w_layers.c w_menuentry.c \
++ w_browse.c w_capture.c w_srchrepl.c w_help.c w_layers.c \
+ w_canvas.c w_cmdpanel.c w_color.c w_cursor.c w_dir.c w_drawprim.c \
+ w_export.c w_file.c w_fontbits.c w_fontpanel.c w_grid.c w_icons.c \
+ w_indpanel.c w_library.c w_modepanel.c w_mousefun.c w_msgpanel.c \
+ w_print.c w_rottext.c w_rulers.c w_setup.c w_style.c w_util.c w_zoom.c \
+- $(I18N_SRC) SmeCascade.c SmeBSB.c SimpleMenu.c
++ $(I18N_SRC) $(XAW_SRC)
+ XFIGOBJ = d_arc.o d_arcbox.o d_box.o d_ellipse.o d_picobj.o \
+ d_subspline.o d_line.o d_regpoly.o d_spline.o d_text.o \
+@@ -321,12 +326,12 @@
+ u_elastic.o u_error.o u_fonts.o u_free.o u_geom.o \
+ u_list.o u_markers.o u_pan.o u_print.o u_redraw.o u_scale.o u_search.o \
+ u_smartsearch.o u_translate.o u_undo.o w_digitize.o w_listwidget.o \
+- w_browse.o w_capture.o w_srchrepl.o w_help.o w_layers.o w_menuentry.o \
++ w_browse.o w_capture.o w_srchrepl.o w_help.o w_layers.o \
+ w_canvas.o w_cmdpanel.o w_color.o w_cursor.o w_dir.o w_drawprim.o \
+ w_export.o w_file.o w_fontbits.o w_fontpanel.o w_grid.o w_icons.o \
+ w_indpanel.o w_library.o w_modepanel.o w_mousefun.o w_msgpanel.o \
+ w_print.o w_rottext.o w_rulers.o w_setup.o w_style.o w_util.o w_zoom.o \
+- $(I18N_OBJ) SmeCascade.o SmeBSB.o SimpleMenu.o
++ $(I18N_OBJ) $(XAW_OBJ)
+ XCOMM Other dependencies should be handled by "make depend"
+@@ -541,11 +546,13 @@
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_grid.o, w_grid.c mode.h, )
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_indpanel.o, w_indpanel.c mode.h w_indpanel.h object.h, )
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_library.o, w_library.c mode.h, )
+-SpecialObjectRule(w_menuentry.o, w_menuentry.c w_menuentry.h w_menuentryP.h, )
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_modepanel.o, w_modepanel.c mode.h w_indpanel.h w_icons.h object.h, $(DUSESMALLICONS))
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_msgpanel.o, w_msgpanel.c mode.h, )
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_rulers.o, w_rulers.c mode.h, )
+ SpecialObjectRule(w_zoom.o, w_zoom.c mode.h, )
++#ifndef XAW3D
++SpecialObjectRule(w_menuentry.o, w_menuentry.c w_menuentry.h w_menuentryP.h, )
+ #ifdef USEJPEG