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2015-04-18 java/eclipse-ocl: depends on deprecated java/eclipse-emf
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-quantum: depends on deprecated java/eclipse-gef
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-propedit: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-aptana: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 devel/subclipse: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 devel/scala-ide: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-webtools: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-RDT: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-aptana-radrails: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-jad: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-vep-examples: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-gef-examples: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-gef: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-sysdeo-tomcat: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/commonclipse: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-sqlexplorer: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-viplugin: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-vep: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-checkstyle: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-aptana2: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-examples: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-hibernatetools: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-langpack: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-uml: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-datatools: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-emf: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update
2015-04-18 java/eclipse-pmd: evaluation recommendation is to remove rather than update