path: root/packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-05-10 02:36:28 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-05-10 02:36:28 +0800
commit209266dbed9d7d038c90c2da8d9b99acab77c80c (patch)
treecfefd5ab15bc237716b15687629e0f41362a8e86 /packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts
parent69a6166b6a1d39afc24b8dd950ec5d8539a03420 (diff)
Split 0x.js into contract-wrappers, order-watcher but keep 0x.js as a unifying library with the same interface
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9a9705b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/ether_token_wrapper_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+import { BlockchainLifecycle, callbackErrorReporter, devConstants, web3Factory } from '@0xproject/dev-utils';
+import { DoneCallback } from '@0xproject/types';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import {
+ ApprovalContractEventArgs,
+ BlockParamLiteral,
+ BlockRange,
+ ContractWrappers,
+ ContractWrappersError,
+ DecodedLogEvent,
+ DepositContractEventArgs,
+ EtherTokenEvents,
+ Token,
+ TransferContractEventArgs,
+ WithdrawalContractEventArgs,
+} from '../src';
+import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup';
+import { constants } from './utils/constants';
+import { TokenUtils } from './utils/token_utils';
+import { provider, web3Wrapper } from './utils/web3_wrapper';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
+// Since the address depositing/withdrawing ETH/WETH also needs to pay gas costs for the transaction,
+// a small amount of ETH will be used to pay this gas cost. We therefore check that the difference between
+// the expected balance and actual balance (given the amount of ETH deposited), only deviates by the amount
+// required to pay gas costs.
+describe('EtherTokenWrapper', () => {
+ let contractWrappers: ContractWrappers;
+ let tokens: Token[];
+ let userAddresses: string[];
+ let addressWithETH: string;
+ let wethContractAddress: string;
+ let depositWeiAmount: BigNumber;
+ let decimalPlaces: number;
+ let addressWithoutFunds: string;
+ const gasPrice = new BigNumber(1);
+ const zeroExConfig = {
+ gasPrice,
+ networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID,
+ };
+ const transferAmount = new BigNumber(42);
+ const allowanceAmount = new BigNumber(42);
+ const depositAmount = new BigNumber(42);
+ const withdrawalAmount = new BigNumber(42);
+ before(async () => {
+ contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, zeroExConfig);
+ tokens = await contractWrappers.tokenRegistry.getTokensAsync();
+ userAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
+ addressWithETH = userAddresses[0];
+ wethContractAddress = contractWrappers.etherToken.getContractAddressIfExists() as string;
+ depositWeiAmount = Web3Wrapper.toWei(new BigNumber(5));
+ decimalPlaces = 7;
+ addressWithoutFunds = userAddresses[1];
+ });
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
+ });
+ afterEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
+ });
+ describe('#getContractAddressIfExists', async () => {
+ it('should return contract address if connected to a known network', () => {
+ const contractAddressIfExists = contractWrappers.etherToken.getContractAddressIfExists();
+ expect(contractAddressIfExists).to.not.be.undefined();
+ });
+ it('should throw if connected to a private network and contract addresses are not specified', () => {
+ expect(
+ () =>
+ new ContractWrappers(provider, {
+ } as any),
+ ).to.throw();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#depositAsync', () => {
+ it('should successfully deposit ETH and issue Wrapped ETH tokens', async () => {
+ const preETHBalance = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ const preWETHBalance = await contractWrappers.token.getBalanceAsync(wethContractAddress, addressWithETH);
+ expect(preETHBalance).to.be.bignumber.gt(0);
+ expect(preWETHBalance).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
+ const txHash = await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(
+ wethContractAddress,
+ depositWeiAmount,
+ addressWithETH,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ const postETHBalanceInWei = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ const postWETHBalanceInBaseUnits = await contractWrappers.token.getBalanceAsync(
+ wethContractAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ );
+ expect(postWETHBalanceInBaseUnits).to.be.bignumber.equal(depositWeiAmount);
+ const remainingETHInWei = preETHBalance.minus(depositWeiAmount);
+ const gasCost = remainingETHInWei.minus(postETHBalanceInWei);
+ expect(gasCost).to.be.bignumber.lte(MAX_REASONABLE_GAS_COST_IN_WEI);
+ });
+ it('should throw if user has insufficient ETH balance for deposit', async () => {
+ const preETHBalance = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ const extraETHBalance = Web3Wrapper.toWei(new BigNumber(5));
+ const overETHBalanceinWei = preETHBalance.add(extraETHBalance);
+ return expect(
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(wethContractAddress, overETHBalanceinWei, addressWithETH),
+ ).to.be.rejectedWith(ContractWrappersError.InsufficientEthBalanceForDeposit);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#withdrawAsync', () => {
+ it('should successfully withdraw ETH in return for Wrapped ETH tokens', async () => {
+ const ETHBalanceInWei = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(wethContractAddress, depositWeiAmount, addressWithETH);
+ const expectedPreETHBalance = ETHBalanceInWei.minus(depositWeiAmount);
+ const preETHBalance = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ const preWETHBalance = await contractWrappers.token.getBalanceAsync(wethContractAddress, addressWithETH);
+ let gasCost = expectedPreETHBalance.minus(preETHBalance);
+ expect(gasCost).to.be.bignumber.lte(MAX_REASONABLE_GAS_COST_IN_WEI);
+ expect(preWETHBalance).to.be.bignumber.equal(depositWeiAmount);
+ const txHash = await contractWrappers.etherToken.withdrawAsync(
+ wethContractAddress,
+ depositWeiAmount,
+ addressWithETH,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ const postETHBalance = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(addressWithETH);
+ const postWETHBalanceInBaseUnits = await contractWrappers.token.getBalanceAsync(
+ wethContractAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ );
+ expect(postWETHBalanceInBaseUnits).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
+ const expectedETHBalance = preETHBalance.add(depositWeiAmount).round(decimalPlaces);
+ gasCost = expectedETHBalance.minus(postETHBalance);
+ expect(gasCost).to.be.bignumber.lte(MAX_REASONABLE_GAS_COST_IN_WEI);
+ });
+ it('should throw if user has insufficient WETH balance for withdrawal', async () => {
+ const preWETHBalance = await contractWrappers.token.getBalanceAsync(wethContractAddress, addressWithETH);
+ expect(preWETHBalance).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
+ const overWETHBalance = preWETHBalance.add(999999999);
+ return expect(
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.withdrawAsync(wethContractAddress, overWETHBalance, addressWithETH),
+ ).to.be.rejectedWith(ContractWrappersError.InsufficientWEthBalanceForWithdrawal);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#subscribe', () => {
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ let etherTokenAddress: string;
+ before(() => {
+ const tokenUtils = new TokenUtils(tokens);
+ const etherToken = tokenUtils.getWethTokenOrThrow();
+ etherTokenAddress = etherToken.address;
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.unsubscribeAll();
+ });
+ // Hack: Mocha does not allow a test to be both async and have a `done` callback
+ // Since we need to await the receipt of the event in the `subscribe` callback,
+ // we do need both. A hack is to make the top-level async fn w/ a done callback and then
+ // wrap the rest of the test in an async block
+ // Source: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2407
+ it('Should receive the Transfer event when tokens are transfered', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<TransferContractEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent).to.not.be.undefined();
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ expect(logEvent.log.logIndex).to.be.equal(0);
+ expect(logEvent.log.transactionIndex).to.be.equal(0);
+ expect(logEvent.log.blockNumber).to.be.a('number');
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._from).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._to).to.be.equal(addressWithoutFunds);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(transferAmount);
+ },
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, transferAmount, addressWithETH);
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.token.transferAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ addressWithoutFunds,
+ transferAmount,
+ );
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should receive the Approval event when allowance is being set', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ApprovalContractEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent).to.not.be.undefined();
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._spender).to.be.equal(addressWithoutFunds);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(allowanceAmount);
+ },
+ );
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Approval,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.token.setAllowanceAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ addressWithoutFunds,
+ allowanceAmount,
+ );
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should receive the Deposit event when ether is being deposited', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<DepositContractEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent).to.not.be.undefined();
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(depositAmount);
+ },
+ );
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Deposit,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, depositAmount, addressWithETH);
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should receive the Withdrawal event when ether is being withdrawn', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<WithdrawalContractEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent).to.not.be.undefined();
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(depositAmount);
+ },
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, depositAmount, addressWithETH);
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Withdrawal,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.withdrawAsync(etherTokenAddress, withdrawalAmount, addressWithETH);
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('should cancel outstanding subscriptions when ZeroEx.setProvider is called', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callbackNeverToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ApprovalContractEventArgs>) => {
+ done(new Error('Expected this subscription to have been cancelled'));
+ },
+ );
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackNeverToBeCalled,
+ );
+ const callbackToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)();
+ contractWrappers.setProvider(provider, constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID);
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, transferAmount, addressWithETH);
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackToBeCalled,
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.token.transferAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ addressWithoutFunds,
+ transferAmount,
+ );
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should cancel subscription when unsubscribe called', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callbackNeverToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ApprovalContractEventArgs>) => {
+ done(new Error('Expected this subscription to have been cancelled'));
+ },
+ );
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, transferAmount, addressWithETH);
+ const subscriptionToken = contractWrappers.etherToken.subscribe(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ EtherTokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackNeverToBeCalled,
+ );
+ contractWrappers.etherToken.unsubscribe(subscriptionToken);
+ await contractWrappers.token.transferAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ addressWithETH,
+ addressWithoutFunds,
+ transferAmount,
+ );
+ done();
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#getLogsAsync', () => {
+ let etherTokenAddress: string;
+ let tokenTransferProxyAddress: string;
+ const blockRange: BlockRange = {
+ fromBlock: 0,
+ toBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Latest,
+ };
+ let txHash: string;
+ before(() => {
+ addressWithETH = userAddresses[0];
+ const tokenUtils = new TokenUtils(tokens);
+ const etherToken = tokenUtils.getWethTokenOrThrow();
+ etherTokenAddress = etherToken.address;
+ tokenTransferProxyAddress = contractWrappers.proxy.getContractAddress();
+ });
+ it('should get logs with decoded args emitted by Approval', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.token.setUnlimitedProxyAllowanceAsync(etherTokenAddress, addressWithETH);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ const eventName = EtherTokenEvents.Approval;
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.etherToken.getLogsAsync<ApprovalContractEventArgs>(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ eventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(1);
+ const args = logs[0].args;
+ expect(logs[0].event).to.be.equal(eventName);
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._spender).to.be.equal(tokenTransferProxyAddress);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(contractWrappers.token.UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS);
+ });
+ it('should get logs with decoded args emitted by Deposit', async () => {
+ await contractWrappers.etherToken.depositAsync(etherTokenAddress, depositAmount, addressWithETH);
+ const eventName = EtherTokenEvents.Deposit;
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.etherToken.getLogsAsync<DepositContractEventArgs>(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ eventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(1);
+ const args = logs[0].args;
+ expect(logs[0].event).to.be.equal(eventName);
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ expect(args._value).to.be.bignumber.equal(depositAmount);
+ });
+ it('should only get the logs with the correct event name', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.token.setUnlimitedProxyAllowanceAsync(etherTokenAddress, addressWithETH);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ const differentEventName = EtherTokenEvents.Transfer;
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.etherToken.getLogsAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ differentEventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(0);
+ });
+ it('should only get the logs with the correct indexed fields', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.token.setUnlimitedProxyAllowanceAsync(etherTokenAddress, addressWithETH);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.token.setUnlimitedProxyAllowanceAsync(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ addressWithoutFunds,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash);
+ const eventName = EtherTokenEvents.Approval;
+ const indexFilterValues = {
+ _owner: addressWithETH,
+ };
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.etherToken.getLogsAsync<ApprovalContractEventArgs>(
+ etherTokenAddress,
+ eventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(1);
+ const args = logs[0].args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(addressWithETH);
+ });
+ });