path: root/packages/contracts/deploy/src
diff options
authorLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-01-17 03:12:42 +0800
committerLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-01-18 21:18:51 +0800
commit4b9501318d8933f949fa0f87956e9cf5298d5726 (patch)
treec1aa7888406746bc3d8caad2eb03ffbd212cb6d4 /packages/contracts/deploy/src
parente5eec04f92b51319dc55c46c9be7b9d6fe5a1e48 (diff)
Move deployer to a separate package
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contracts/deploy/src')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 676 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/commands.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/commands.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b87b9e632..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/commands.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import { migrator } from './../migrations/migrate';
-import { Compiler } from './compiler';
-import { Deployer } from './deployer';
-import { CompilerOptions, DeployerOptions } from './utils/types';
-export const commands = {
- async compileAsync(opts: CompilerOptions): Promise<void> {
- const compiler = new Compiler(opts);
- await compiler.compileAllAsync();
- },
- async migrateAsync(opts: DeployerOptions): Promise<void> {
- const deployer = new Deployer(opts);
- await migrator.runMigrationsAsync(deployer);
- },
- async deployAsync(contractName: string, args: any[], opts: DeployerOptions): Promise<void> {
- const deployer = new Deployer(opts);
- await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync(contractName, args);
- },
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/compiler.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/compiler.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b99371fa..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/compiler.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import solc = require('solc');
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import { binPaths } from './../solc/bin_paths';
-import { fsWrapper } from './utils/fs_wrapper';
-import {
- CompilerOptions,
- ContractArtifact,
- ContractData,
- ContractNetworks,
- ContractSources,
- ImportContents,
-} from './utils/types';
-import { utils } from './utils/utils';
-export class Compiler {
- private _contractsDir: string;
- private _networkId: number;
- private _optimizerEnabled: number;
- private _artifactsDir: string;
- private _contractSourcesIfExists?: ContractSources;
- private _solcErrors: Set<string>;
- /**
- * Recursively retrieves Solidity source code from directory.
- * @param dirPath Directory to search.
- * @return Mapping of contract name to contract source.
- */
- private static async _getContractSourcesAsync(dirPath: string): Promise<ContractSources> {
- let dirContents: string[] = [];
- try {
- dirContents = await fsWrapper.readdirAsync(dirPath);
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error(`No directory found at ${dirPath}`);
- }
- let sources: ContractSources = {};
- for (const name of dirContents) {
- const contentPath = `${dirPath}/${name}`;
- if (path.extname(name) === SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION) {
- try {
- const opts = {
- encoding: 'utf8',
- };
- sources[name] = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(contentPath, opts);
- utils.consoleLog(`Reading ${name} source...`);
- } catch (err) {
- utils.consoleLog(`Could not find file at ${contentPath}`);
- }
- } else {
- try {
- const nestedSources = await Compiler._getContractSourcesAsync(contentPath);
- sources = {
- ...sources,
- ...nestedSources,
- };
- } catch (err) {
- utils.consoleLog(`${contentPath} is not a directory or ${SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION} file`);
- }
- }
- }
- return sources;
- }
- /**
- * Searches Solidity source code for compiler version.
- * @param source Source code of contract.
- * @return Solc compiler version.
- */
- private static _parseSolidityVersion(source: string): string {
- const solcVersionMatch = source.match(/(?:solidity\s\^?)([0-9]{1,2}[.][0-9]{1,2}[.][0-9]{1,2})/);
- if (_.isNull(solcVersionMatch)) {
- throw new Error('Could not find Solidity version in source');
- }
- const solcVersion = solcVersionMatch[1];
- return solcVersion;
- }
- /**
- * Normalizes the path found in the error message.
- * Example: converts 'base/Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable'
- * to 'Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable'
- * This is used to prevent logging the same error multiple times.
- * @param errMsg An error message from the compiled output.
- * @return The error message with directories truncated from the contract path.
- */
- private static _getNormalizedErrMsg(errMsg: string): string {
- const errPathMatch = errMsg.match(/(.*\.sol)/);
- if (_.isNull(errPathMatch)) {
- throw new Error('Could not find a path in error message');
- }
- const errPath = errPathMatch[0];
- const baseContract = path.basename(errPath);
- const normalizedErrMsg = errMsg.replace(errPath, baseContract);
- return normalizedErrMsg;
- }
- /**
- * Instantiates a new instance of the Compiler class.
- * @param opts Options specifying directories, network, and optimization settings.
- * @return An instance of the Compiler class.
- */
- constructor(opts: CompilerOptions) {
- this._contractsDir = opts.contractsDir;
- this._networkId = opts.networkId;
- this._optimizerEnabled = opts.optimizerEnabled;
- this._artifactsDir = opts.artifactsDir;
- this._solcErrors = new Set();
- }
- /**
- * Compiles all Solidity files found in contractsDir and writes JSON artifacts to artifactsDir.
- */
- public async compileAllAsync(): Promise<void> {
- await this._createArtifactsDirIfDoesNotExistAsync();
- this._contractSourcesIfExists = await Compiler._getContractSourcesAsync(this._contractsDir);
- const contractBaseNames = _.keys(this._contractSourcesIfExists);
- const compiledContractPromises = _.map(contractBaseNames, async (contractBaseName: string): Promise<void> => {
- return this._compileContractAsync(contractBaseName);
- });
- await Promise.all(compiledContractPromises);
- this._solcErrors.forEach(errMsg => {
- utils.consoleLog(errMsg);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Compiles contract and saves artifact to artifactsDir.
- * @param contractBaseName Name of contract with '.sol' extension.
- */
- private async _compileContractAsync(contractBaseName: string): Promise<void> {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._contractSourcesIfExists)) {
- throw new Error('Contract sources not yet initialized');
- }
- const source = this._contractSourcesIfExists[contractBaseName];
- const contractName = path.basename(contractBaseName, SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION);
- const currentArtifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`;
- const sourceHash = `0x${ethUtil.sha3(source).toString('hex')}`;
- let currentArtifactString: string;
- let currentArtifact: ContractArtifact;
- let oldNetworks: ContractNetworks;
- let shouldCompile: boolean;
- try {
- const opts = {
- encoding: 'utf8',
- };
- currentArtifactString = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(currentArtifactPath, opts);
- currentArtifact = JSON.parse(currentArtifactString);
- oldNetworks = currentArtifact.networks;
- const oldNetwork: ContractData = oldNetworks[this._networkId];
- shouldCompile =
- _.isUndefined(oldNetwork) ||
- oldNetwork.keccak256 !== sourceHash ||
- oldNetwork.optimizer_enabled !== this._optimizerEnabled;
- } catch (err) {
- shouldCompile = true;
- }
- if (!shouldCompile) {
- return;
- }
- const input = {
- [contractBaseName]: source,
- };
- const solcVersion = Compiler._parseSolidityVersion(source);
- const fullSolcVersion = binPaths[solcVersion];
- const solcBinPath = `./../solc/solc_bin/${fullSolcVersion}`;
- const solcBin = require(solcBinPath);
- const solcInstance = solc.setupMethods(solcBin);
- utils.consoleLog(`Compiling ${contractBaseName}...`);
- const sourcesToCompile = {
- sources: input,
- };
- const compiled = solcInstance.compile(
- sourcesToCompile,
- this._optimizerEnabled,
- this._findImportsIfSourcesExist.bind(this),
- );
- if (!_.isUndefined(compiled.errors)) {
- _.each(compiled.errors, errMsg => {
- const normalizedErrMsg = Compiler._getNormalizedErrMsg(errMsg);
- this._solcErrors.add(normalizedErrMsg);
- });
- }
- const contractIdentifier = `${contractBaseName}:${contractName}`;
- const abi: Web3.ContractAbi = JSON.parse(compiled.contracts[contractIdentifier].interface);
- const unlinked_binary = `0x${compiled.contracts[contractIdentifier].bytecode}`;
- const updated_at = Date.now();
- const contractData: ContractData = {
- solc_version: solcVersion,
- keccak256: sourceHash,
- optimizer_enabled: this._optimizerEnabled,
- abi,
- unlinked_binary,
- updated_at,
- };
- let newArtifact: ContractArtifact;
- if (!_.isUndefined(currentArtifactString)) {
- newArtifact = {
- ...currentArtifact,
- networks: {
- ...oldNetworks,
- [this._networkId]: contractData,
- },
- };
- } else {
- newArtifact = {
- contract_name: contractName,
- networks: {
- [this._networkId]: contractData,
- },
- };
- }
- const artifactString = utils.stringifyWithFormatting(newArtifact);
- await fsWrapper.writeFileAsync(currentArtifactPath, artifactString);
- utils.consoleLog(`${contractBaseName} artifact saved!`);
- }
- /**
- * Callback to resolve dependencies with `solc.compile`.
- * Throws error if contractSources not yet initialized.
- * @param importPath Path to an imported dependency.
- * @return Import contents object containing source code of dependency.
- */
- private _findImportsIfSourcesExist(importPath: string): ImportContents {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._contractSourcesIfExists)) {
- throw new Error('Contract sources not yet initialized');
- }
- const contractBaseName = path.basename(importPath);
- const source = this._contractSourcesIfExists[contractBaseName];
- const importContents: ImportContents = {
- contents: source,
- };
- return importContents;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the artifacts directory if it does not already exist.
- */
- private async _createArtifactsDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(): Promise<void> {
- if (!fsWrapper.doesPathExistSync(this._artifactsDir)) {
- utils.consoleLog('Creating artifacts directory...');
- await fsWrapper.mkdirAsync(this._artifactsDir);
- }
- }
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/deployer.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/deployer.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f03581e8..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/deployer.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-import { TxData } from '@0xproject/types';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import { Contract } from './utils/contract';
-import { encoder } from './utils/encoder';
-import { fsWrapper } from './utils/fs_wrapper';
-import { ContractArtifact, ContractData, DeployerOptions } from './utils/types';
-import { utils } from './utils/utils';
-// Gas added to gas estimate to make sure there is sufficient gas for deployment.
-const EXTRA_GAS = 200000;
-export class Deployer {
- public web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _artifactsDir: string;
- private _jsonrpcPort: number;
- private _networkId: number;
- private _defaults: Partial<TxData>;
- constructor(opts: DeployerOptions) {
- this._artifactsDir = opts.artifactsDir;
- this._jsonrpcPort = opts.jsonrpcPort;
- this._networkId = opts.networkId;
- const jsonrpcUrl = `http://localhost:${this._jsonrpcPort}`;
- const web3Provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(jsonrpcUrl);
- this._defaults = opts.defaults;
- this.web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(web3Provider, this._defaults);
- }
- /**
- * Loads contract artifact and deploys contract with given arguments.
- * @param contractName Name of the contract to deploy. Must match name of an artifact in artifacts directory.
- * @param args Array of contract constructor arguments.
- * @return Deployed contract instance.
- */
- public async deployAsync(contractName: string, args: any[] = []): Promise<Web3.ContractInstance> {
- const contractArtifact: ContractArtifact = this._loadContractArtifactIfExists(contractName);
- const contractData: ContractData = this._getContractDataFromArtifactIfExists(contractArtifact);
- const data = contractData.unlinked_binary;
- const from = await this._getFromAddressAsync();
- const gas = await this._getAllowableGasEstimateAsync(data);
- const txData = {
- gasPrice: this._defaults.gasPrice,
- from,
- data,
- gas,
- };
- const abi = contractData.abi;
- const web3ContractInstance = await this._deployFromAbiAsync(abi, args, txData);
- utils.consoleLog(`${contractName}.sol successfully deployed at ${web3ContractInstance.address}`);
- const contractInstance = new Contract(web3ContractInstance, this._defaults);
- return contractInstance;
- }
- /**
- * Loads contract artifact, deploys with given arguments, and saves updated data to artifact.
- * @param contractName Name of the contract to deploy. Must match name of an artifact in artifacts directory.
- * @param args Array of contract constructor arguments.
- * @return Deployed contract instance.
- */
- public async deployAndSaveAsync(contractName: string, args: any[] = []): Promise<Web3.ContractInstance> {
- const contractInstance = await this.deployAsync(contractName, args);
- await this._saveContractDataToArtifactAsync(contractName, contractInstance.address, args);
- return contractInstance;
- }
- /**
- * Deploys a contract given its ABI, arguments, and transaction data.
- * @param abi ABI of contract to deploy.
- * @param args Constructor arguments to use in deployment.
- * @param txData Tx options used for deployment.
- * @return Promise that resolves to a web3 contract instance.
- */
- private async _deployFromAbiAsync(abi: Web3.ContractAbi, args: any[], txData: Web3.TxData): Promise<any> {
- const contract: Web3.Contract<Web3.ContractInstance> = this.web3Wrapper.getContractFromAbi(abi);
- const deployPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- /**
- * Contract is inferred as 'any' because TypeScript
- * is not able to read 'new' from the Contract interface
- */
- (contract as any).new(...args, txData, (err: Error, res: any): any => {
- if (err) {
- reject(err);
- } else if (_.isUndefined(res.address) && !_.isUndefined(res.transactionHash)) {
- utils.consoleLog(`transactionHash: ${res.transactionHash}`);
- } else {
- resolve(res);
- }
- });
- });
- return deployPromise;
- }
- /**
- * Updates a contract artifact's address and encoded constructor arguments.
- * @param contractName Name of contract. Must match an existing artifact.
- * @param contractAddress Contract address to save to artifact.
- * @param args Contract constructor arguments that will be encoded and saved to artifact.
- */
- private async _saveContractDataToArtifactAsync(
- contractName: string,
- contractAddress: string,
- args: any[],
- ): Promise<void> {
- const contractArtifact: ContractArtifact = this._loadContractArtifactIfExists(contractName);
- const contractData: ContractData = this._getContractDataFromArtifactIfExists(contractArtifact);
- const abi = contractData.abi;
- const encodedConstructorArgs = encoder.encodeConstructorArgsFromAbi(args, abi);
- const newContractData = {
- ...contractData,
- address: contractAddress,
- constructor_args: encodedConstructorArgs,
- };
- const newArtifact = {
- ...contractArtifact,
- networks: {
- ...contractArtifact.networks,
- [this._networkId]: newContractData,
- },
- };
- const artifactString = utils.stringifyWithFormatting(newArtifact);
- const artifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`;
- await fsWrapper.writeFileAsync(artifactPath, artifactString);
- }
- /**
- * Loads a contract artifact, if it exists.
- * @param contractName Name of the contract, without the extension.
- * @return The contract artifact.
- */
- private _loadContractArtifactIfExists(contractName: string): ContractArtifact {
- const artifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`;
- try {
- const contractArtifact: ContractArtifact = require(artifactPath);
- return contractArtifact;
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error(`Artifact not found for contract: ${contractName}`);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets data for current networkId stored in artifact.
- * @param contractArtifact The contract artifact.
- * @return Network specific contract data.
- */
- private _getContractDataFromArtifactIfExists(contractArtifact: ContractArtifact): ContractData {
- const contractData = contractArtifact.networks[this._networkId];
- if (_.isUndefined(contractData)) {
- throw new Error(`Data not found in artifact for contract: ${contractArtifact.contract_name}`);
- }
- return contractData;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the address to use for sending a transaction.
- * @return The default from address. If not specified, returns the first address accessible by web3.
- */
- private async _getFromAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- let from: string;
- if (_.isUndefined(this._defaults.from)) {
- const accounts = await this.web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- from = accounts[0];
- } else {
- from = this._defaults.from;
- }
- return from;
- }
- /**
- * Estimates the gas required for a transaction.
- * If gas would be over the block gas limit, the max allowable gas is returned instead.
- * @param data Bytecode to estimate gas for.
- * @return Gas estimate for transaction data.
- */
- private async _getAllowableGasEstimateAsync(data: string): Promise<number> {
- const block = await this.web3Wrapper.getBlockAsync('latest');
- let gas: number;
- try {
- const gasEstimate: number = await this.web3Wrapper.estimateGasAsync(data);
- gas = Math.min(gasEstimate + EXTRA_GAS, block.gasLimit);
- } catch (err) {
- gas = block.gasLimit;
- }
- return gas;
- }
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/constants.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/constants.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8871a470d..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/constants.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export const constants = {
- NULL_BYTES: '0x',
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/contract.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/contract.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 546e82dfb..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/contract.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import { schemas, SchemaValidator } from '@0xproject/json-schemas';
-import { promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import { AbiType } from './types';
-export class Contract implements Web3.ContractInstance {
- public address: string;
- public abi: Web3.ContractAbi;
- private _contract: Web3.ContractInstance;
- private _defaults: Partial<Web3.TxData>;
- private _validator: SchemaValidator;
- // This class instance is going to be populated with functions and events depending on the ABI
- // and we don't know their types in advance
- [name: string]: any;
- constructor(web3ContractInstance: Web3.ContractInstance, defaults: Partial<Web3.TxData>) {
- this._contract = web3ContractInstance;
- this.address = web3ContractInstance.address;
- this.abi = web3ContractInstance.abi;
- this._defaults = defaults;
- this._populateEvents();
- this._populateFunctions();
- this._validator = new SchemaValidator();
- }
- private _populateFunctions(): void {
- const functionsAbi = _.filter(this.abi, abiPart => abiPart.type === AbiType.Function) as Web3.FunctionAbi[];
- _.forEach(functionsAbi, (functionAbi: Web3.MethodAbi) => {
- if (functionAbi.constant) {
- const cbStyleCallFunction = this._contract[functionAbi.name].call;
- this[functionAbi.name] = {
- callAsync: promisify(cbStyleCallFunction, this._contract),
- };
- } else {
- const cbStyleFunction = this._contract[functionAbi.name];
- const cbStyleEstimateGasFunction = this._contract[functionAbi.name].estimateGas;
- this[functionAbi.name] = {
- estimateGasAsync: promisify(cbStyleEstimateGasFunction, this._contract),
- sendTransactionAsync: this._promisifyWithDefaultParams(cbStyleFunction),
- };
- }
- });
- }
- private _populateEvents(): void {
- const eventsAbi = _.filter(this.abi, abiPart => abiPart.type === AbiType.Event) as Web3.EventAbi[];
- _.forEach(eventsAbi, (eventAbi: Web3.EventAbi) => {
- this[eventAbi.name] = this._contract[eventAbi.name];
- });
- }
- private _promisifyWithDefaultParams(fn: (...args: any[]) => void): (...args: any[]) => Promise<any> {
- const promisifiedWithDefaultParams = async (...args: any[]) => {
- const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
- let txData: Partial<Web3.TxData> = {};
- if (this._isTxData(lastArg)) {
- txData = args.pop();
- }
- txData = {
- ...this._defaults,
- ...txData,
- };
- const callback = (err: Error, data: any) => {
- if (_.isNull(err)) {
- resolve(data);
- } else {
- reject(err);
- }
- };
- args.push(txData);
- args.push(callback);
- fn.apply(this._contract, args);
- });
- return promise;
- };
- return promisifiedWithDefaultParams;
- }
- private _isTxData(lastArg: any): boolean {
- const isValid = this._validator.isValid(lastArg, schemas.txDataSchema);
- return isValid;
- }
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/encoder.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/encoder.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f807774..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/encoder.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as web3Abi from 'web3-eth-abi';
-import { AbiType } from './types';
-export const encoder = {
- encodeConstructorArgsFromAbi(args: any[], abi: Web3.ContractAbi): string {
- const constructorTypes: string[] = [];
- _.each(abi, (element: Web3.AbiDefinition) => {
- if (element.type === AbiType.Constructor) {
- _.each(element.inputs, (input: Web3.FunctionParameter) => {
- constructorTypes.push(input.type);
- });
- }
- });
- const encodedParameters = web3Abi.encodeParameters(constructorTypes, args);
- return encodedParameters;
- },
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/fs_wrapper.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/fs_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c7caa0e..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/fs_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import { promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
-import * as fs from 'fs';
-export const fsWrapper = {
- readdirAsync: promisify<string[]>(fs.readdir),
- readFileAsync: promisify<string>(fs.readFile),
- writeFileAsync: promisify<undefined>(fs.writeFile),
- mkdirAsync: promisify<undefined>(fs.mkdir),
- doesPathExistSync: fs.existsSync,
- removeFileAsync: promisify<undefined>(fs.unlink),
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/types.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e054b9cc2..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import { TxData } from '@0xproject/types';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as yargs from 'yargs';
-export enum AbiType {
- Function = 'function',
- Constructor = 'constructor',
- Event = 'event',
- Fallback = 'fallback',
-export interface ContractArtifact {
- contract_name: string;
- networks: ContractNetworks;
-export interface ContractNetworks {
- [key: number]: ContractData;
-export interface ContractData {
- solc_version: string;
- optimizer_enabled: number;
- keccak256: string;
- abi: Web3.ContractAbi;
- unlinked_binary: string;
- address?: string;
- constructor_args?: string;
- updated_at: number;
-export interface SolcErrors {
- [key: string]: boolean;
-export interface CliOptions extends yargs.Arguments {
- artifactsDir: string;
- contractsDir: string;
- jsonrpcPort: number;
- networkId: number;
- shouldOptimize: boolean;
- gasPrice: string;
- account?: string;
- contract?: string;
- args?: string;
-export interface CompilerOptions {
- contractsDir: string;
- networkId: number;
- optimizerEnabled: number;
- artifactsDir: string;
-export interface DeployerOptions {
- artifactsDir: string;
- jsonrpcPort: number;
- networkId: number;
- defaults: Partial<TxData>;
-export interface ContractSources {
- [key: string]: string;
-export interface ImportContents {
- contents: string;
-// TODO: Consolidate with 0x.js definitions once types are moved into a separate package.
-export enum ZeroExError {
- ContractDoesNotExist = 'CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
- ExchangeContractDoesNotExist = 'EXCHANGE_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
- UnhandledError = 'UNHANDLED_ERROR',
- UserHasNoAssociatedAddress = 'USER_HAS_NO_ASSOCIATED_ADDRESSES',
- InvalidSignature = 'INVALID_SIGNATURE',
- ContractNotDeployedOnNetwork = 'CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK',
- InsufficientAllowanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE_FOR_TRANSFER',
- InsufficientBalanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_FOR_TRANSFER',
- InsufficientEthBalanceForDeposit = 'INSUFFICIENT_ETH_BALANCE_FOR_DEPOSIT',
- InsufficientWEthBalanceForWithdrawal = 'INSUFFICIENT_WETH_BALANCE_FOR_WITHDRAWAL',
- InvalidJump = 'INVALID_JUMP',
- OutOfGas = 'OUT_OF_GAS',
- NoNetworkId = 'NO_NETWORK_ID',
- SubscriptionNotFound = 'SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND',
-export interface Token {
- address?: string;
- name: string;
- symbol: string;
- decimals: number;
- ipfsHash: string;
- swarmHash: string;
-export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void;
diff --git a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/utils.ts b/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4390d8813..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/deploy/src/utils/utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-export const utils = {
- consoleLog(message: string): void {
- /* tslint:disable */
- console.log(message);
- /* tslint:enable */
- },
- stringifyWithFormatting(obj: any): string {
- const jsonReplacer: null = null;
- const numberOfJsonSpaces = 4;
- const stringifiedObj = JSON.stringify(obj, jsonReplacer, numberOfJsonSpaces);
- return stringifiedObj;
- },