diff options
authorDenton Liu <liu.denton+github@gmail.com>2016-05-25 00:09:59 +0800
committerDenton Liu <liu.denton+github@gmail.com>2016-05-31 01:18:14 +0800
commita011ffdd486990ec7d2e9dc0b25ed04c63b84974 (patch)
parent4be92c0c39b62547b67ebf75e617abab1ea8b454 (diff)
Corrected capitalisation on index.rst
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 178f34d9..61081e1c 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ Available Solidity Integrations
Solidity syntax highlighting for SublimeText editor.
* `Atom Solidity package <https://github.com/gmtcreators/atom-solidity/>`_
- Plugin for the atom editor that features syntax highlighting, compilation and a runtime environment (requires backend node).
+ Plugin for the Atom editor that features syntax highlighting, compilation and a runtime environment (requires backend node).
* `Atom Solidity Linter <https://atom.io/packages/linter-solidity>`_
- Plugin for the atom editor that provides solidity linting
+ Plugin for the Atom editor that provides Solidity linting.
* `Visual Studio Code extension <http://juan.blanco.ws/solidity-contracts-in-visual-studio-code/>`_
Solidity plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio Code that includes syntax highlighting and the Solidity compiler.
* `Emacs Solidity <https://github.com/ethereum/emacs-solidity/>`_
- Plugin for the emacs editor providing syntax highlighting and compilation error reporting.
+ Plugin for the Emacs editor providing syntax highlighting and compilation error reporting.
-* `VIM Solidity <https://github.com/tomlion/vim-solidity/>`_
- Plugin for the VIM editor providing syntax highlighting.
+* `Vim Solidity <https://github.com/tomlion/vim-solidity/>`_
+ Plugin for the Vim editor providing syntax highlighting.
Language Documentation