diff options
authorDaniel Kirchner <daniel@ekpyron.org>2019-01-19 21:40:57 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-01-19 21:40:57 +0800
commitd3270bc31174d6c155314231e07755c4bb055729 (patch)
parent127c78ee64f3ad2c301d6805d96cb153df3eeeee (diff)
parentb1d43a868c1d5dc63731ca1672fd827d4bd536cb (diff)
Merge pull request #5824 from ethereum/boost-cleanup
Remove boost workarounds
6 files changed, 4 insertions, 562 deletions
diff --git a/libdevcore/CMakeLists.txt b/libdevcore/CMakeLists.txt
index e68ac10a..193fa41d 100644
--- a/libdevcore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libdevcore/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- boost_multiprecision_number_compare_bug_workaround.hpp
diff --git a/libdevcore/Common.h b/libdevcore/Common.h
index 6208424e..e02cf7fa 100644
--- a/libdevcore/Common.h
+++ b/libdevcore/Common.h
@@ -39,26 +39,13 @@
#include <libdevcore/vector_ref.h>
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
-#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
-// See https://github.com/ethereum/libweb3core/commit/90680a8c25bfb48b24371b4abcacde56c181517c
-// See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11328
-// Bob comment - perhaps we should just HARD FAIL here with Boost-1.58.00?
-// It is quite old now, and requiring end-users to use a newer Boost release is probably not unreasonable.
#include <boost/version.hpp>
-#if (BOOST_VERSION == 105800)
- #include "boost_multiprecision_number_compare_bug_workaround.hpp"
-#endif // (BOOST_VERSION == 105800)
+#if (BOOST_VERSION < 106500)
+#error "Unsupported Boost version. At least 1.65 required."
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
diff --git a/libdevcore/CommonIO.cpp b/libdevcore/CommonIO.cpp
index cc730575..29b31ebc 100644
--- a/libdevcore/CommonIO.cpp
+++ b/libdevcore/CommonIO.cpp
@@ -128,26 +128,6 @@ int dev::readStandardInputChar()
return cin.get();
-boost::filesystem::path dev::weaklyCanonicalFilesystemPath(boost::filesystem::path const &_path)
- if (boost::filesystem::exists(_path))
- return boost::filesystem::canonical(_path);
- else
- {
- boost::filesystem::path head(_path);
- boost::filesystem::path tail;
- for (auto it = --_path.end(); !head.empty(); --it)
- {
- if (boost::filesystem::exists(head))
- break;
- tail = (*it) / tail;
- head.remove_filename();
- }
- head = boost::filesystem::canonical(head);
- return head / tail;
- }
string dev::absolutePath(string const& _path, string const& _reference)
boost::filesystem::path p(_path);
diff --git a/libdevcore/CommonIO.h b/libdevcore/CommonIO.h
index b9f941ea..0d8aca79 100644
--- a/libdevcore/CommonIO.h
+++ b/libdevcore/CommonIO.h
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ std::string toString(_T const& _t)
return o.str();
-/// Partial implementation of boost::filesystem::weakly_canonical (available in boost>=1.60).
-/// Should be replaced by the boost implementation as soon as support for boost<1.60 can be dropped.
-boost::filesystem::path weaklyCanonicalFilesystemPath(boost::filesystem::path const &_path);
/// @returns the absolute path corresponding to @a _path relative to @a _reference.
std::string absolutePath(std::string const& _path, std::string const& _reference);
diff --git a/libdevcore/boost_multiprecision_number_compare_bug_workaround.hpp b/libdevcore/boost_multiprecision_number_compare_bug_workaround.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2568e17d..00000000
--- a/libdevcore/boost_multiprecision_number_compare_bug_workaround.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-// This is a copy of boost/multiprecision/detail/number_compare.hpp from boost 1.59 to replace buggy version from 1.58.
-#error This bug workaround header must be included before original boost/multiprecision/detail/number_compare.hpp
-// Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// A copy of boost/multiprecision/traits/is_backend.hpp
-#include <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
-#include <boost/multiprecision/detail/number_base.hpp>
-#include <boost/multiprecision/detail/generic_interconvert.hpp>
-namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{ namespace detail{
- BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_TRAIT_DEF(unsigned_types)
- template <class T>
- struct is_backend
- {
- static const bool value = has_signed_types<T>::value && has_unsigned_types<T>::value && has_float_types<T>::value;
- };
- template <class Backend>
- struct other_backend
- {
- typedef typename boost::conditional<
- boost::is_same<number<Backend>, number<Backend, et_on> >::value,
- number<Backend, et_off>, number<Backend, et_on> >::type type;
- };
- template <class B, class V>
- struct number_from_backend
- {
- typedef typename boost::conditional <
- boost::is_convertible<V, number<B> >::value,
- number<B>,
- typename other_backend<B>::type > ::type type;
- };
- template <bool b, class T, class U>
- struct is_first_backend_imp{ static const bool value = false; };
- template <class T, class U>
- struct is_first_backend_imp<true, T, U>{ static const bool value = is_convertible<U, number<T, et_on> >::value || is_convertible<U, number<T, et_off> >::value; };
- template <class T, class U>
- struct is_first_backend : is_first_backend_imp<is_backend<T>::value, T, U> {};
- template <bool b, class T, class U>
- struct is_second_backend_imp{ static const bool value = false; };
- template <class T, class U>
- struct is_second_backend_imp<true, T, U>{ static const bool value = is_convertible<T, number<U> >::value || is_convertible<T, number<U, et_off> >::value; };
- template <class T, class U>
- struct is_second_backend : is_second_backend_imp<is_backend<U>::value, T, U> {};
-// Comparison operators for number.
-namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
-namespace default_ops{
-template <class B>
-inline bool eval_eq(const B& a, const B& b)
- return a.compare(b) == 0;
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_first_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_eq(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<T, U>::type t(b);
- return eval_eq(a, t.backend());
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_second_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_eq(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<U, T>::type t(a);
- return eval_eq(t.backend(), b);
-template <class B>
-inline bool eval_lt(const B& a, const B& b)
- return a.compare(b) < 0;
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_first_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_lt(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<T, U>::type t(b);
- return eval_lt(a, t.backend());
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_second_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_lt(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<U, T>::type t(a);
- return eval_lt(t.backend(), b);
-template <class B>
-inline bool eval_gt(const B& a, const B& b)
- return a.compare(b) > 0;
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_first_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_gt(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<T, U>::type t(b);
- return eval_gt(a, t.backend());
-template <class T, class U>
-inline typename enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_second_backend<T, U>::value, bool>::type eval_gt(const T& a, const U& b)
- typename boost::multiprecision::detail::number_from_backend<U, T>::type t(a);
- return eval_gt(t.backend(), b);
-} // namespace default_ops
-namespace detail{
-template <class Num, class Val>
-struct is_valid_mixed_compare : public mpl::false_ {};
-template <class B, expression_template_option ET, class Val>
-struct is_valid_mixed_compare<number<B, ET>, Val> : public is_convertible<Val, number<B, ET> > {};
-template <class B, expression_template_option ET>
-struct is_valid_mixed_compare<number<B, ET>, number<B, ET> > : public mpl::false_ {};
-template <class B, expression_template_option ET, class tag, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4>
-struct is_valid_mixed_compare<number<B, ET>, expression<tag, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> >
- : public mpl::bool_<is_convertible<expression<tag, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>, number<B, ET> >::value> {};
-template <class tag, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class B, expression_template_option ET>
-struct is_valid_mixed_compare<expression<tag, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>, number<B, ET> >
- : public mpl::bool_<is_convertible<expression<tag, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>, number<B, ET> >::value> {};
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline BOOST_CONSTEXPR typename boost::enable_if_c<number_category<Backend>::value != number_kind_floating_point, bool>::type is_unordered_value(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>&)
- return false;
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline BOOST_CONSTEXPR typename boost::enable_if_c<number_category<Backend>::value == number_kind_floating_point, bool>::type is_unordered_value(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a)
- using default_ops::eval_fpclassify;
- return eval_fpclassify(a.backend()) == FP_NAN;
-template <class Arithmetic>
-inline BOOST_CONSTEXPR typename boost::enable_if_c<number_category<Arithmetic>::value != number_kind_floating_point, bool>::type is_unordered_value(const Arithmetic&)
- return false;
-template <class Arithmetic>
-inline BOOST_CONSTEXPR typename boost::enable_if_c<number_category<Arithmetic>::value == number_kind_floating_point, bool>::type is_unordered_value(const Arithmetic& a)
- return (boost::math::isnan)(a);
-template <class T, class U>
-inline BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool is_unordered_comparison(const T& a, const U& b)
- return is_unordered_value(a) || is_unordered_value(b);
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator == (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_eq(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator == (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_eq(a.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator == (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_eq(b.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator == (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return false;
- return eval_eq(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator == (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return false;
- return eval_eq(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator == (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return false;
- return eval_eq(t.backend(), t2.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator != (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator != (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(a.backend(), number<Backend, et_on>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator != (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(b.backend(), number<Backend, et_on>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator != (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator != (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator != (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_eq;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return true;
- return !eval_eq(t.backend(), t2.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator < (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_lt(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator < (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_lt(a.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator < (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_gt(b.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator < (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return false;
- return eval_gt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator < (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return false;
- return eval_lt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator < (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return false;
- return eval_lt(t.backend(), t2.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator > (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_gt(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator > (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_gt(a.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator > (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return eval_lt(b.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator > (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return false;
- return a > t;
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator > (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return false;
- return t > b;
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator > (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return false;
- return t > t2;
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator <= (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator <= (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(a.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator <= (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(b.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator <= (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_value(a) || detail::is_unordered_value(b))
- return false;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator <= (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator <= (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(t.backend(), t2.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Backend2, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
-inline bool operator >= (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const number<Backend2, ExpressionTemplates2>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(a.backend(), b.backend());
-template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator >= (const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(a.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator >= (const Arithmetic& a, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, b)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(b.backend(), number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Arithmetic, class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator >= (const Arithmetic& a, const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_gt;
- result_type t(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(a, t)) return false;
- return !eval_gt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(a));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Arithmetic>
-inline typename enable_if_c<detail::is_valid_mixed_compare<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, Arithmetic>::value, bool>::type
- operator >= (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const Arithmetic& b)
- typedef typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type result_type;
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- result_type t(a);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, b)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(t.backend(), result_type::canonical_value(b));
-template <class Tag, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tagb, class A1b, class A2b, class A3b, class A4b>
-inline typename enable_if<is_same<typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type, typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type>, bool>::type
- operator >= (const detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>& a, const detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>& b)
- using default_ops::eval_lt;
- typename detail::expression<Tag, A1, A2, A3, A4>::result_type t(a);
- typename detail::expression<Tagb, A1b, A2b, A3b, A4b>::result_type t2(b);
- if(detail::is_unordered_comparison(t, t2)) return false;
- return !eval_lt(t.backend(), t2.backend());
-}} // namespaces
diff --git a/solc/CommandLineInterface.cpp b/solc/CommandLineInterface.cpp
index bda1b78a..4bf24901 100644
--- a/solc/CommandLineInterface.cpp
+++ b/solc/CommandLineInterface.cpp
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::processInput()
auto path = boost::filesystem::path(_path);
- auto canonicalPath = weaklyCanonicalFilesystemPath(path);
+ auto canonicalPath = boost::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path);
bool isAllowed = false;
for (auto const& allowedDir: m_allowedDirectories)