path: root/docs
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authorDaniel Kirchner <daniel@ekpyron.org>2018-09-05 23:59:55 +0800
committerDaniel Kirchner <daniel@ekpyron.org>2018-09-13 21:15:49 +0800
commit12aaca16458861e9b622818d49a82c1a7026594e (patch)
tree7b51c4893c6646134618b6c20574317ec014f225 /docs
parent9214c7c34f5e4501a50cb29de964bbf04131f9a3 (diff)
Add payable and non-payable state mutability to AddressType.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
8 files changed, 56 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/docs/common-patterns.rst b/docs/common-patterns.rst
index 6b061bf7..d26e4377 100644
--- a/docs/common-patterns.rst
+++ b/docs/common-patterns.rst
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ This is as opposed to the more intuitive sending pattern:
pragma solidity >0.4.24;
contract SendContract {
- address public richest;
+ address payable public richest;
uint public mostSent;
constructor() public payable {
diff --git a/docs/contracts.rst b/docs/contracts.rst
index 8fd1c89e..b9179b27 100644
--- a/docs/contracts.rst
+++ b/docs/contracts.rst
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ inheritable properties of contracts and may be overridden by derived contracts.
contract owned {
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address owner;
+ address payable owner;
// This contract only defines a modifier but does not use
// it: it will be used in derived contracts.
@@ -650,9 +650,14 @@ Like any function, the fallback function can execute complex operations as long
// results in test.x becoming == 1.
+ // address(test) will not allow to call ``send`` directly, since ``test`` has no payable
+ // fallback function. It has to be converted to the ``address payable`` type via an
+ // intermediate conversion to ``uint160`` to even allow calling ``send`` on it.
+ address payable testPayable = address(uint160(address(test)));
// If someone sends ether to that contract,
// the transfer will fail, i.e. this returns false here.
- return address(test).send(2 ether);
+ return testPayable.send(2 ether);
@@ -891,7 +896,7 @@ Details are given in the following example.
contract owned {
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address owner;
+ address payable owner;
// Use `is` to derive from another contract. Derived
@@ -963,7 +968,7 @@ seen in the following example::
contract owned {
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address owner;
+ address payable owner;
contract mortal is owned {
@@ -992,7 +997,7 @@ derived override, but this function will bypass
contract owned {
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address owner;
+ address payable owner;
contract mortal is owned {
diff --git a/docs/control-structures.rst b/docs/control-structures.rst
index 5810aaa7..745a0599 100644
--- a/docs/control-structures.rst
+++ b/docs/control-structures.rst
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ a message string for ``require``, but not for ``assert``.
pragma solidity >0.4.24;
contract Sharer {
- function sendHalf(address addr) public payable returns (uint balance) {
+ function sendHalf(address payable addr) public payable returns (uint balance) {
require(msg.value % 2 == 0, "Even value required.");
uint balanceBeforeTransfer = address(this).balance;
addr.transfer(msg.value / 2);
diff --git a/docs/miscellaneous.rst b/docs/miscellaneous.rst
index 87041be6..d96ff166 100644
--- a/docs/miscellaneous.rst
+++ b/docs/miscellaneous.rst
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Global Variables
starting from the second and prepends the given four-byte selector
- ``abi.encodeWithSignature(string signature, ...) returns (bytes)``: Equivalent to ``abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256(bytes(signature)), ...)```
- ``block.blockhash(uint blockNumber) returns (bytes32)``: hash of the given block - only works for 256 most recent, excluding current, blocks - deprecated in version 0.4.22 and replaced by ``blockhash(uint blockNumber)``.
-- ``block.coinbase`` (``address``): current block miner's address
+- ``block.coinbase`` (``address payable``): current block miner's address
- ``block.difficulty`` (``uint``): current block difficulty
- ``block.gaslimit`` (``uint``): current block gaslimit
- ``block.number`` (``uint``): current block number
@@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ Global Variables
- ``gasleft() returns (uint256)``: remaining gas
- ``msg.data`` (``bytes``): complete calldata
- ``msg.gas`` (``uint``): remaining gas - deprecated in version 0.4.21 and to be replaced by ``gasleft()``
-- ``msg.sender`` (``address``): sender of the message (current call)
+- ``msg.sender`` (``address payable``): sender of the message (current call)
- ``msg.value`` (``uint``): number of wei sent with the message
- ``now`` (``uint``): current block timestamp (alias for ``block.timestamp``)
- ``tx.gasprice`` (``uint``): gas price of the transaction
-- ``tx.origin`` (``address``): sender of the transaction (full call chain)
+- ``tx.origin`` (``address payable``): sender of the transaction (full call chain)
- ``assert(bool condition)``: abort execution and revert state changes if condition is ``false`` (use for internal error)
- ``require(bool condition)``: abort execution and revert state changes if condition is ``false`` (use for malformed input or error in external component)
- ``require(bool condition, string message)``: abort execution and revert state changes if condition is ``false`` (use for malformed input or error in external component). Also provide error message.
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ Global Variables
- ``selfdestruct(address recipient)``: destroy the current contract, sending its funds to the given address
- ``suicide(address recipient)``: a deprecated alias to ``selfdestruct``
- ``<address>.balance`` (``uint256``): balance of the :ref:`address` in Wei
-- ``<address>.send(uint256 amount) returns (bool)``: send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, returns ``false`` on failure
-- ``<address>.transfer(uint256 amount)``: send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, throws on failure
+- ``<address payable>.send(uint256 amount) returns (bool)``: send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, returns ``false`` on failure
+- ``<address payable>.transfer(uint256 amount)``: send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, throws on failure
.. note::
Do not rely on ``block.timestamp``, ``now`` and ``blockhash`` as a source of randomness,
diff --git a/docs/security-considerations.rst b/docs/security-considerations.rst
index 3bcd9566..8df12b7c 100644
--- a/docs/security-considerations.rst
+++ b/docs/security-considerations.rst
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Never use tx.origin for authorization. Let's say you have a wallet contract like
owner = msg.sender;
- function transferTo(address dest, uint amount) public {
+ function transferTo(address payable dest, uint amount) public {
require(tx.origin == owner);
@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ Now someone tricks you into sending ether to the address of this attack wallet:
pragma solidity >0.4.24;
interface TxUserWallet {
- function transferTo(address dest, uint amount) external;
+ function transferTo(address payable dest, uint amount) external;
contract TxAttackWallet {
- address owner;
+ address payable owner;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
diff --git a/docs/solidity-by-example.rst b/docs/solidity-by-example.rst
index 72b3581b..0b183ca5 100644
--- a/docs/solidity-by-example.rst
+++ b/docs/solidity-by-example.rst
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ activate themselves.
// Parameters of the auction. Times are either
// absolute unix timestamps (seconds since 1970-01-01)
// or time periods in seconds.
- address public beneficiary;
+ address payable public beneficiary;
uint public auctionEndTime;
// Current state of the auction.
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ activate themselves.
/// beneficiary address `_beneficiary`.
uint _biddingTime,
- address _beneficiary
+ address payable _beneficiary
) public {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
auctionEndTime = now + _biddingTime;
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ high or low invalid bids.
uint deposit;
- address public beneficiary;
+ address payable public beneficiary;
uint public biddingEnd;
uint public revealEnd;
bool public ended;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ high or low invalid bids.
uint _biddingTime,
uint _revealTime,
- address _beneficiary
+ address payable _beneficiary
) public {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
biddingEnd = now + _biddingTime;
@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ Safe Remote Purchase
contract Purchase {
uint public value;
- address public seller;
- address public buyer;
+ address payable public seller;
+ address payable public buyer;
enum State { Created, Locked, Inactive }
State public state;
@@ -990,11 +990,11 @@ The full contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract SimplePaymentChannel {
- address public sender; // The account sending payments.
- address public recipient; // The account receiving the payments.
+ address payable public sender; // The account sending payments.
+ address payable public recipient; // The account receiving the payments.
uint256 public expiration; // Timeout in case the recipient never closes.
- constructor (address _recipient, uint256 duration)
+ constructor (address payable _recipient, uint256 duration)
diff --git a/docs/types.rst b/docs/types.rst
index 03fd36d9..eaec8ad5 100644
--- a/docs/types.rst
+++ b/docs/types.rst
@@ -99,6 +99,15 @@ Address
``address``: Holds a 20 byte value (size of an Ethereum address). Address types also have members and serve as a base for all contracts.
+``address payable``: Same as ``address``, but with the additional members ``transfer`` and ``send``.
+Implicit conversions from ``address payable`` to ``address`` are allowed, whereas conversions from ``address`` to ``address payable`` are
+not possible (the only way to perform such a conversion is by using an intermediate conversion to ``uint160``).
+Conversions of the form ``address payable(x)`` are not allowed. Instead the result of a conversion of the form ``address(x)``
+has the type ``address payable``, if ``x`` is of integer or fixed bytes type, a literal or a contract with a payable fallback function.
+If ``x`` is a contract without payable fallback function ``address(x)`` will be of type ``address``. The type of address literals
+is ``address payable``.
+In external function signatures ``address`` is used for both the ``address`` and the ``address payable`` type.
@@ -113,7 +122,8 @@ Operators:
or you can use ``address(uint160(uint256(b)))``, which results in ``0x777788889999AaAAbBbbCcccddDdeeeEfFFfCcCc``.
.. note::
- Starting with version 0.5.0 contracts do not derive from the address type, but can still be explicitly converted to address.
+ Starting with version 0.5.0 contracts do not derive from the address type, but can still be explicitly converted to
+ ``address`` or to ``address payable``, if they have a payable fallback function.
.. _members-of-addresses:
@@ -125,11 +135,11 @@ Members of Addresses
For a quick reference, see :ref:`address_related`.
It is possible to query the balance of an address using the property ``balance``
-and to send Ether (in units of wei) to an address using the ``transfer`` function:
+and to send Ether (in units of wei) to a payable address using the ``transfer`` function:
- address x = 0x123;
+ address payable x = address(0x123);
address myAddress = this;
if (x.balance < 10 && myAddress.balance >= 10) x.transfer(10);
@@ -211,11 +221,14 @@ Contract Types
Every :ref:`contract<contracts>` defines its own type.
You can implicitly convert contracts to contracts they inherit from,
-and explicitly convert them to and from the ``address`` type.
+and explicitly convert them to and from the ``address`` type, if they have no
+payable fallback functions, or to and from the ``address payable`` type, if they do
+have payable fallback functions.
.. note::
Starting with version 0.5.0 contracts do not derive from the address type,
- but can still be explicitly converted to address.
+ but can still be explicitly converted to ``address``, resp. to ``address payable``,
+ if they have a payable fallback function.
If you declare a local variable of contract type (`MyContract c`), you can call
functions on that contract. Take care to assign it from somewhere that is the
@@ -860,7 +873,7 @@ shown in the following example:
struct Campaign {
- address beneficiary;
+ address payable beneficiary;
uint fundingGoal;
uint numFunders;
uint amount;
@@ -870,7 +883,7 @@ shown in the following example:
uint numCampaigns;
mapping (uint => Campaign) campaigns;
- function newCampaign(address beneficiary, uint goal) public returns (uint campaignID) {
+ function newCampaign(address payable beneficiary, uint goal) public returns (uint campaignID) {
campaignID = numCampaigns++; // campaignID is return variable
// Creates new struct and saves in storage. We leave out the mapping type.
campaigns[campaignID] = Campaign(beneficiary, goal, 0, 0);
diff --git a/docs/units-and-global-variables.rst b/docs/units-and-global-variables.rst
index 55911dc6..2e1b90a0 100644
--- a/docs/units-and-global-variables.rst
+++ b/docs/units-and-global-variables.rst
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Block and Transaction Properties
- ``block.blockhash(uint blockNumber) returns (bytes32)``: hash of the given block - only works for 256 most recent, excluding current, blocks - deprecated in version 0.4.22 and replaced by ``blockhash(uint blockNumber)``.
-- ``block.coinbase`` (``address``): current block miner's address
+- ``block.coinbase`` (``address payable``): current block miner's address
- ``block.difficulty`` (``uint``): current block difficulty
- ``block.gaslimit`` (``uint``): current block gaslimit
- ``block.number`` (``uint``): current block number
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ Block and Transaction Properties
- ``gasleft() returns (uint256)``: remaining gas
- ``msg.data`` (``bytes``): complete calldata
- ``msg.gas`` (``uint``): remaining gas - deprecated in version 0.4.21 and to be replaced by ``gasleft()``
-- ``msg.sender`` (``address``): sender of the message (current call)
+- ``msg.sender`` (``address payable``): sender of the message (current call)
- ``msg.sig`` (``bytes4``): first four bytes of the calldata (i.e. function identifier)
- ``msg.value`` (``uint``): number of wei sent with the message
- ``now`` (``uint``): current block timestamp (alias for ``block.timestamp``)
- ``tx.gasprice`` (``uint``): gas price of the transaction
-- ``tx.origin`` (``address``): sender of the transaction (full call chain)
+- ``tx.origin`` (``address payable``): sender of the transaction (full call chain)
.. note::
The values of all members of ``msg``, including ``msg.sender`` and
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ Address Related
``<address>.balance`` (``uint256``):
balance of the :ref:`address` in Wei
-``<address>.transfer(uint256 amount)``:
+``<address payable>.transfer(uint256 amount)``:
send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, throws on failure, forwards 2300 gas stipend, not adjustable
-``<address>.send(uint256 amount) returns (bool)``:
+``<address payable>.send(uint256 amount) returns (bool)``:
send given amount of Wei to :ref:`address`, returns ``false`` on failure, forwards 2300 gas stipend, not adjustable
``<address>.call(bytes memory) returns (bool)``:
issue low-level ``CALL`` with the given payload, returns ``false`` on failure, forwards all available gas, adjustable
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ Contract Related
``this`` (current contract's type):
the current contract, explicitly convertible to :ref:`address`
-``selfdestruct(address recipient)``:
+``selfdestruct(address payable recipient)``:
destroy the current contract, sending its funds to the given :ref:`address`
-``suicide(address recipient)``:
+``suicide(address payable recipient)``:
deprecated alias to ``selfdestruct``
Furthermore, all functions of the current contract are callable directly including the current function.