path: root/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
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authorDimitry <winsvega@mail.ru>2016-03-21 16:55:45 +0800
committerDimitry <winsvega@mail.ru>2016-03-21 16:55:45 +0800
commitb50e65437ebad535af29e84156b8b1af71f61c3d (patch)
treef2594fc7b539e5848f4fc08ebcfafedab90e00b5 /libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
parent2fe6037b9bc42946dafbf0f870ca59546712d14c (diff)
move libevmasm
Diffstat (limited to 'libevmasm/Assembly.cpp')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp b/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7277865e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.cpp
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#include "Assembly.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
+#include <libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h>
+#include <libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h>
+#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
+#include <json/json.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+void Assembly::append(Assembly const& _a)
+ auto newDeposit = m_deposit + _a.deposit();
+ for (AssemblyItem i: _a.m_items)
+ {
+ if (i.type() == Tag || i.type() == PushTag)
+ i.setData(i.data() + m_usedTags);
+ else if (i.type() == PushSub || i.type() == PushSubSize)
+ i.setData(i.data() + m_subs.size());
+ append(i);
+ }
+ m_deposit = newDeposit;
+ m_usedTags += _a.m_usedTags;
+ for (auto const& i: _a.m_data)
+ m_data.insert(i);
+ for (auto const& i: _a.m_strings)
+ m_strings.insert(i);
+ m_subs += _a.m_subs;
+ for (auto const& lib: _a.m_libraries)
+ m_libraries.insert(lib);
+ assert(!_a.m_baseDeposit);
+ assert(!_a.m_totalDeposit);
+void Assembly::append(Assembly const& _a, int _deposit)
+ if (_deposit > _a.m_deposit)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit());
+ else
+ {
+ append(_a);
+ while (_deposit++ < _a.m_deposit)
+ append(Instruction::POP);
+ }
+string Assembly::out() const
+ stringstream ret;
+ stream(ret);
+ return ret.str();
+unsigned Assembly::bytesRequired() const
+ for (unsigned br = 1;; ++br)
+ {
+ unsigned ret = 1;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ ret += i.second.size();
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ ret += i.bytesRequired(br);
+ if (dev::bytesRequired(ret) <= br)
+ return ret;
+ }
+string Assembly::locationFromSources(StringMap const& _sourceCodes, SourceLocation const& _location) const
+ if (_location.isEmpty() || _sourceCodes.empty() || _location.start >= _location.end || _location.start < 0)
+ return "";
+ auto it = _sourceCodes.find(*_location.sourceName);
+ if (it == _sourceCodes.end())
+ return "";
+ string const& source = it->second;
+ if (size_t(_location.start) >= source.size())
+ return "";
+ string cut = source.substr(_location.start, _location.end - _location.start);
+ auto newLinePos = cut.find_first_of("\n");
+ if (newLinePos != string::npos)
+ cut = cut.substr(0, newLinePos) + "...";
+ return cut;
+ostream& Assembly::streamAsm(ostream& _out, string const& _prefix, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const
+ _out << _prefix << ".code:" << endl;
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ _out << _prefix;
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ _out << " " << instructionInfo(i.instruction()).name << "\t" << i.getJumpTypeAsString();
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ _out << " PUSH " << hex << i.data();
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ _out << " PUSH \"" << m_strings.at((h256)i.data()) << "\"";
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ if (i.data() == 0)
+ _out << " PUSH [ErrorTag]";
+ else
+ _out << " PUSH [tag" << dec << i.data() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ _out << " PUSH [$" << h256(i.data()).abridgedMiddle() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ _out << " PUSH #[$" << h256(i.data()).abridgedMiddle() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ _out << " PUSHSIZE";
+ break;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ _out << " PUSHLIB \"" << m_libraries.at(h256(i.data())) << "\"";
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ _out << "tag" << dec << i.data() << ": " << endl << _prefix << " JUMPDEST";
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ _out << " PUSH [" << hex << (unsigned)i.data() << "]";
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ _out << "\t\t" << locationFromSources(_sourceCodes, i.location()) << endl;
+ }
+ if (!m_data.empty() || !m_subs.empty())
+ {
+ _out << _prefix << ".data:" << endl;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ if (u256(i.first) >= m_subs.size())
+ _out << _prefix << " " << hex << (unsigned)(u256)i.first << ": " << dev::toHex(i.second) << endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ _out << _prefix << " " << hex << i << ": " << endl;
+ m_subs[i].stream(_out, _prefix + " ", _sourceCodes);
+ }
+ }
+ return _out;
+Json::Value Assembly::createJsonValue(string _name, int _begin, int _end, string _value, string _jumpType) const
+ Json::Value value;
+ value["name"] = _name;
+ value["begin"] = _begin;
+ value["end"] = _end;
+ if (!_value.empty())
+ value["value"] = _value;
+ if (!_jumpType.empty())
+ value["jumpType"] = _jumpType;
+ return value;
+string toStringInHex(u256 _value)
+ std::stringstream hexStr;
+ hexStr << hex << _value;
+ return hexStr.str();
+Json::Value Assembly::streamAsmJson(ostream& _out, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const
+ Json::Value root;
+ Json::Value collection(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue(instructionInfo(i.instruction()).name, i.location().start, i.location().end, i.getJumpTypeAsString()));
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH", i.location().start, i.location().end, toStringInHex(i.data()), i.getJumpTypeAsString()));
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH tag", i.location().start, i.location().end, m_strings.at((h256)i.data())));
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ if (i.data() == 0)
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [ErrorTag]", i.location().start, i.location().end, ""));
+ else
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [tag]", i.location().start, i.location().end, string(i.data())));
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [$]", i.location().start, i.location().end, dev::toString(h256(i.data()))));
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH #[$]", i.location().start, i.location().end, dev::toString(h256(i.data()))));
+ break;
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSHSIZE", i.location().start, i.location().end));
+ break;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSHLIB", i.location().start, i.location().end, m_libraries.at(h256(i.data())))
+ );
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("tag", i.location().start, i.location().end, string(i.data())));
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("JUMPDEST", i.location().start, i.location().end));
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ collection.append(createJsonValue("PUSH data", i.location().start, i.location().end, toStringInHex(i.data())));
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ root[".code"] = collection;
+ if (!m_data.empty() || !m_subs.empty())
+ {
+ Json::Value data;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ if (u256(i.first) >= m_subs.size())
+ data[toStringInHex((u256)i.first)] = toHex(i.second);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::stringstream hexStr;
+ hexStr << hex << i;
+ data[hexStr.str()] = m_subs[i].stream(_out, "", _sourceCodes, true);
+ }
+ root[".data"] = data;
+ _out << root;
+ }
+ return root;
+Json::Value Assembly::stream(ostream& _out, string const& _prefix, StringMap const& _sourceCodes, bool _inJsonFormat) const
+ if (_inJsonFormat)
+ return streamAsmJson(_out, _sourceCodes);
+ else
+ {
+ streamAsm(_out, _prefix, _sourceCodes);
+ return Json::Value();
+ }
+AssemblyItem const& Assembly::append(AssemblyItem const& _i)
+ m_deposit += _i.deposit();
+ m_items.push_back(_i);
+ if (m_items.back().location().isEmpty() && !m_currentSourceLocation.isEmpty())
+ m_items.back().setLocation(m_currentSourceLocation);
+ return back();
+AssemblyItem Assembly::newPushLibraryAddress(string const& _identifier)
+ h256 h(dev::sha3(_identifier));
+ m_libraries[h] = _identifier;
+ return AssemblyItem(PushLibraryAddress, h);
+void Assembly::injectStart(AssemblyItem const& _i)
+ m_items.insert(m_items.begin(), _i);
+struct OptimiserChannel: public LogChannel { static const char* name() { return "OPT"; } static const int verbosity = 12; };
+#define copt dev::LogOutputStream<OptimiserChannel, true>()
+Assembly& Assembly::optimise(bool _enable, bool _isCreation, size_t _runs)
+ if (!_enable)
+ return *this;
+ unsigned total = 0;
+ for (unsigned count = 1; count > 0; total += count)
+ {
+ copt << toString(*this);
+ count = 0;
+ copt << "Performing optimisation...";
+ // This only modifies PushTags, we have to run again to actually remove code.
+ BlockDeduplicator dedup(m_items);
+ if (dedup.deduplicate())
+ count++;
+ {
+ ControlFlowGraph cfg(m_items);
+ AssemblyItems optimisedItems;
+ for (BasicBlock const& block: cfg.optimisedBlocks())
+ {
+ assertThrow(!!block.startState, OptimizerException, "");
+ CommonSubexpressionEliminator eliminator(*block.startState);
+ auto iter = m_items.begin() + block.begin;
+ auto const end = m_items.begin() + block.end;
+ while (iter < end)
+ {
+ auto orig = iter;
+ iter = eliminator.feedItems(iter, end);
+ bool shouldReplace = false;
+ AssemblyItems optimisedChunk;
+ try
+ {
+ optimisedChunk = eliminator.getOptimizedItems();
+ shouldReplace = (optimisedChunk.size() < size_t(iter - orig));
+ }
+ catch (StackTooDeepException const&)
+ {
+ // This might happen if the opcode reconstruction is not as efficient
+ // as the hand-crafted code.
+ }
+ catch (ItemNotAvailableException const&)
+ {
+ // This might happen if e.g. associativity and commutativity rules
+ // reorganise the expression tree, but not all leaves are available.
+ }
+ if (shouldReplace)
+ {
+ copt << "Old size: " << (iter - orig) << ", new size: " << optimisedChunk.size();
+ count++;
+ optimisedItems += optimisedChunk;
+ }
+ else
+ copy(orig, iter, back_inserter(optimisedItems));
+ }
+ }
+ if (optimisedItems.size() < m_items.size())
+ {
+ m_items = move(optimisedItems);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ total += ConstantOptimisationMethod::optimiseConstants(
+ _isCreation,
+ _isCreation ? 1 : _runs,
+ *this,
+ m_items
+ );
+ copt << total << " optimisations done.";
+ for (auto& sub: m_subs)
+ sub.optimise(true, false, _runs);
+ return *this;
+LinkerObject const& Assembly::assemble() const
+ if (!m_assembledObject.bytecode.empty())
+ return m_assembledObject;
+ LinkerObject& ret = m_assembledObject;
+ unsigned totalBytes = bytesRequired();
+ vector<unsigned> tagPos(m_usedTags);
+ map<unsigned, unsigned> tagRef;
+ multimap<h256, unsigned> dataRef;
+ multimap<size_t, size_t> subRef;
+ vector<unsigned> sizeRef; ///< Pointers to code locations where the size of the program is inserted
+ unsigned bytesPerTag = dev::bytesRequired(totalBytes);
+ byte tagPush = (byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + bytesPerTag;
+ unsigned bytesRequiredIncludingData = bytesRequired();
+ for (auto const& sub: m_subs)
+ bytesRequiredIncludingData += sub.assemble().bytecode.size();
+ unsigned bytesPerDataRef = dev::bytesRequired(bytesRequiredIncludingData);
+ byte dataRefPush = (byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + bytesPerDataRef;
+ ret.bytecode.reserve(bytesRequiredIncludingData);
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ // store position of the invalid jump destination
+ if (i.type() != Tag && tagPos[0] == 0)
+ tagPos[0] = ret.bytecode.size();
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)i.data());
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH32);
+ unsigned ii = 0;
+ for (auto j: m_strings.at((h256)i.data()))
+ if (++ii > 32)
+ break;
+ else
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)j);
+ while (ii++ < 32)
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Push:
+ {
+ byte b = max<unsigned>(1, dev::bytesRequired(i.data()));
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + b);
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + b);
+ bytesRef byr(&ret.bytecode.back() + 1 - b, b);
+ toBigEndian(i.data(), byr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushTag:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(tagPush);
+ tagRef[ret.bytecode.size()] = (unsigned)i.data();
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerTag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushData:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ dataRef.insert(make_pair((h256)i.data(), ret.bytecode.size()));
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ subRef.insert(make_pair(size_t(i.data()), ret.bytecode.size()));
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ {
+ auto s = m_subs.at(size_t(i.data())).assemble().bytecode.size();
+ i.setPushedValue(u256(s));
+ byte b = max<unsigned>(1, dev::bytesRequired(s));
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + b);
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + b);
+ bytesRef byr(&ret.bytecode.back() + 1 - b, b);
+ toBigEndian(s, byr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ sizeRef.push_back(ret.bytecode.size());
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(byte(Instruction::PUSH20));
+ ret.linkReferences[ret.bytecode.size()] = m_libraries.at(i.data());
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + 20);
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ tagPos[(unsigned)i.data()] = ret.bytecode.size();
+ assertThrow(i.data() != 0, AssemblyException, "");
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::JUMPDEST);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto const& i: tagRef)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + i.first, bytesPerTag);
+ auto tag = i.second;
+ if (tag >= tagPos.size())
+ tag = 0;
+ if (tag == 0)
+ assertThrow(tagPos[tag] != 0, AssemblyException, "");
+ toBigEndian(tagPos[tag], r);
+ }
+ if (!dataRef.empty() && !subRef.empty())
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto references = subRef.equal_range(i);
+ if (references.first == references.second)
+ continue;
+ for (auto ref = references.first; ref != references.second; ++ref)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + ref->second, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ ret.append(m_subs[i].assemble());
+ }
+ for (auto const& dataItem: m_data)
+ {
+ auto references = dataRef.equal_range(dataItem.first);
+ if (references.first == references.second)
+ continue;
+ for (auto ref = references.first; ref != references.second; ++ref)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + ref->second, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ ret.bytecode += dataItem.second;
+ }
+ for (unsigned pos: sizeRef)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + pos, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ return ret;