path: root/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
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authorDimitry <winsvega@mail.ru>2016-03-21 16:55:45 +0800
committerDimitry <winsvega@mail.ru>2016-03-21 16:55:45 +0800
commitb50e65437ebad535af29e84156b8b1af71f61c3d (patch)
treef2594fc7b539e5848f4fc08ebcfafedab90e00b5 /libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
parent2fe6037b9bc42946dafbf0f870ca59546712d14c (diff)
move libevmasm
Diffstat (limited to 'libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0797dd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Optimizer step for common subexpression elimination and stack reorganisation.
+ */
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
+#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
+#include <libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+vector<AssemblyItem> CommonSubexpressionEliminator::getOptimizedItems()
+ optimizeBreakingItem();
+ KnownState nextInitialState = m_state;
+ if (m_breakingItem)
+ nextInitialState.feedItem(*m_breakingItem);
+ KnownState nextState = nextInitialState;
+ ScopeGuard reset([&]()
+ {
+ m_breakingItem = nullptr;
+ m_storeOperations.clear();
+ m_initialState = move(nextInitialState);
+ m_state = move(nextState);
+ });
+ map<int, Id> initialStackContents;
+ map<int, Id> targetStackContents;
+ int minHeight = m_state.stackHeight() + 1;
+ if (!m_state.stackElements().empty())
+ minHeight = min(minHeight, m_state.stackElements().begin()->first);
+ for (int height = minHeight; height <= m_initialState.stackHeight(); ++height)
+ initialStackContents[height] = m_initialState.stackElement(height, SourceLocation());
+ for (int height = minHeight; height <= m_state.stackHeight(); ++height)
+ targetStackContents[height] = m_state.stackElement(height, SourceLocation());
+ AssemblyItems items = CSECodeGenerator(m_state.expressionClasses(), m_storeOperations).generateCode(
+ m_initialState.sequenceNumber(),
+ m_initialState.stackHeight(),
+ initialStackContents,
+ targetStackContents
+ );
+ if (m_breakingItem)
+ items.push_back(*m_breakingItem);
+ return items;
+void CommonSubexpressionEliminator::feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem)
+ StoreOperation op = m_state.feedItem(_item, _copyItem);
+ if (op.isValid())
+ m_storeOperations.push_back(op);
+void CommonSubexpressionEliminator::optimizeBreakingItem()
+ if (!m_breakingItem)
+ return;
+ ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state.expressionClasses();
+ SourceLocation const& itemLocation = m_breakingItem->location();
+ if (*m_breakingItem == AssemblyItem(Instruction::JUMPI))
+ {
+ AssemblyItem::JumpType jumpType = m_breakingItem->getJumpType();
+ Id condition = m_state.stackElement(m_state.stackHeight() - 1, itemLocation);
+ if (classes.knownNonZero(condition))
+ {
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::SWAP1, itemLocation), true);
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::JUMP, itemLocation);
+ item.setJumpType(jumpType);
+ m_breakingItem = classes.storeItem(item);
+ }
+ else if (classes.knownZero(condition))
+ {
+ AssemblyItem it(Instruction::POP, itemLocation);
+ feedItem(it, true);
+ feedItem(it, true);
+ m_breakingItem = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*m_breakingItem == AssemblyItem(Instruction::RETURN))
+ {
+ Id size = m_state.stackElement(m_state.stackHeight() - 1, itemLocation);
+ if (classes.knownZero(size))
+ {
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::STOP, itemLocation);
+ m_breakingItem = classes.storeItem(item);
+ }
+ }
+ ExpressionClasses& _expressionClasses,
+ vector<CSECodeGenerator::StoreOperation> const& _storeOperations
+ m_expressionClasses(_expressionClasses)
+ for (auto const& store: _storeOperations)
+ m_storeOperations[make_pair(store.target, store.slot)].push_back(store);
+AssemblyItems CSECodeGenerator::generateCode(
+ unsigned _initialSequenceNumber,
+ int _initialStackHeight,
+ map<int, Id> const& _initialStack,
+ map<int, Id> const& _targetStackContents
+ m_stackHeight = _initialStackHeight;
+ m_stack = _initialStack;
+ m_targetStack = _targetStackContents;
+ for (auto const& item: m_stack)
+ m_classPositions[item.second].insert(item.first);
+ // generate the dependency graph starting from final storage and memory writes and target stack contents
+ for (auto const& p: m_storeOperations)
+ addDependencies(p.second.back().expression);
+ for (auto const& targetItem: m_targetStack)
+ {
+ m_finalClasses.insert(targetItem.second);
+ addDependencies(targetItem.second);
+ }
+ // store all needed sequenced expressions
+ set<pair<unsigned, Id>> sequencedExpressions;
+ for (auto const& p: m_neededBy)
+ for (auto id: {p.first, p.second})
+ if (unsigned seqNr = m_expressionClasses.representative(id).sequenceNumber)
+ {
+ if (seqNr < _initialSequenceNumber)
+ // Invalid sequenced operation.
+ // @todo quick fix for now. Proper fix needs to choose representative with higher
+ // sequence number during dependency analyis.
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(StackTooDeepException());
+ sequencedExpressions.insert(make_pair(seqNr, id));
+ }
+ // Perform all operations on storage and memory in order, if they are needed.
+ for (auto const& seqAndId: sequencedExpressions)
+ if (!m_classPositions.count(seqAndId.second))
+ generateClassElement(seqAndId.second, true);
+ // generate the target stack elements
+ for (auto const& targetItem: m_targetStack)
+ {
+ if (m_stack.count(targetItem.first) && m_stack.at(targetItem.first) == targetItem.second)
+ continue; // already there
+ generateClassElement(targetItem.second);
+ assertThrow(!m_classPositions[targetItem.second].empty(), OptimizerException, "");
+ if (m_classPositions[targetItem.second].count(targetItem.first))
+ continue;
+ SourceLocation sourceLocation;
+ if (m_expressionClasses.representative(targetItem.second).item)
+ sourceLocation = m_expressionClasses.representative(targetItem.second).item->location();
+ int position = classElementPosition(targetItem.second);
+ if (position < targetItem.first)
+ // it is already at its target, we need another copy
+ appendDup(position, sourceLocation);
+ else
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(position, sourceLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(targetItem.first, sourceLocation);
+ }
+ // remove surplus elements
+ while (removeStackTopIfPossible())
+ {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ // check validity
+ int finalHeight = 0;
+ if (!m_targetStack.empty())
+ // have target stack, so its height should be the final height
+ finalHeight = (--m_targetStack.end())->first;
+ else if (!_initialStack.empty())
+ // no target stack, only erase the initial stack
+ finalHeight = _initialStack.begin()->first - 1;
+ else
+ // neither initial no target stack, no change in height
+ finalHeight = _initialStackHeight;
+ assertThrow(finalHeight == m_stackHeight, OptimizerException, "Incorrect final stack height.");
+ return m_generatedItems;
+void CSECodeGenerator::addDependencies(Id _c)
+ if (m_classPositions.count(_c))
+ return; // it is already on the stack
+ if (m_neededBy.count(_c))
+ return; // we already computed the dependencies for _c
+ ExpressionClasses::Expression expr = m_expressionClasses.representative(_c);
+ if (expr.item->type() == UndefinedItem)
+ // If this exception happens, we need to find a different way to generate the
+ // compound expression.
+ ItemNotAvailableException() << errinfo_comment("Undefined item requested but not available.")
+ );
+ for (Id argument: expr.arguments)
+ {
+ addDependencies(argument);
+ m_neededBy.insert(make_pair(argument, _c));
+ }
+ if (expr.item && expr.item->type() == Operation && (
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD ||
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::MLOAD ||
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SHA3
+ ))
+ {
+ // this loads an unknown value from storage or memory and thus, in addition to its
+ // arguments, depends on all store operations to addresses where we do not know that
+ // they are different that occur before this load
+ StoreOperation::Target target = expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD ?
+ StoreOperation::Storage : StoreOperation::Memory;
+ Id slotToLoadFrom = expr.arguments.at(0);
+ for (auto const& p: m_storeOperations)
+ {
+ if (p.first.first != target)
+ continue;
+ Id slot = p.first.second;
+ StoreOperations const& storeOps = p.second;
+ if (storeOps.front().sequenceNumber > expr.sequenceNumber)
+ continue;
+ bool knownToBeIndependent = false;
+ switch (expr.item->instruction())
+ {
+ case Instruction::SLOAD:
+ knownToBeIndependent = m_expressionClasses.knownToBeDifferent(slot, slotToLoadFrom);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::MLOAD:
+ knownToBeIndependent = m_expressionClasses.knownToBeDifferentBy32(slot, slotToLoadFrom);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::SHA3:
+ {
+ Id length = expr.arguments.at(1);
+ AssemblyItem offsetInstr(Instruction::SUB, expr.item->location());
+ Id offsetToStart = m_expressionClasses.find(offsetInstr, {slot, slotToLoadFrom});
+ u256 const* o = m_expressionClasses.knownConstant(offsetToStart);
+ u256 const* l = m_expressionClasses.knownConstant(length);
+ if (l && *l == 0)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ // We could get problems here if both *o and *l are larger than 2**254
+ // but it is probably ok for the optimizer to produce wrong code for such cases
+ // which cannot be executed anyway because of the non-payable price.
+ if (u2s(*o) <= -32)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ else if (l && u2s(*o) >= 0 && *o >= *l)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (knownToBeIndependent)
+ continue;
+ // note that store and load never have the same sequence number
+ Id latestStore = storeOps.front().expression;
+ for (auto it = ++storeOps.begin(); it != storeOps.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->sequenceNumber < expr.sequenceNumber)
+ latestStore = it->expression;
+ addDependencies(latestStore);
+ m_neededBy.insert(make_pair(latestStore, _c));
+ }
+ }
+void CSECodeGenerator::generateClassElement(Id _c, bool _allowSequenced)
+ for (auto it: m_classPositions)
+ for (auto p: it.second)
+ if (p > m_stackHeight)
+ assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "");
+ // do some cleanup
+ removeStackTopIfPossible();
+ if (m_classPositions.count(_c))
+ {
+ assertThrow(
+ !m_classPositions[_c].empty(),
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Element already removed but still needed."
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ ExpressionClasses::Expression const& expr = m_expressionClasses.representative(_c);
+ assertThrow(
+ _allowSequenced || expr.sequenceNumber == 0,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Sequence constrained operation requested out of sequence."
+ );
+ assertThrow(expr.item, OptimizerException, "Non-generated expression without item.");
+ assertThrow(
+ expr.item->type() != UndefinedItem,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Undefined item requested but not available."
+ );
+ vector<Id> const& arguments = expr.arguments;
+ for (Id arg: boost::adaptors::reverse(arguments))
+ generateClassElement(arg);
+ SourceLocation const& itemLocation = expr.item->location();
+ // The arguments are somewhere on the stack now, so it remains to move them at the correct place.
+ // This is quite difficult as sometimes, the values also have to removed in this process
+ // (if canBeRemoved() returns true) and the two arguments can be equal. For now, this is
+ // implemented for every single case for combinations of up to two arguments manually.
+ if (arguments.size() == 1)
+ {
+ if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ else
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else if (arguments.size() == 2)
+ {
+ if (canBeRemoved(arguments[1], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ if (arguments[0] == arguments[1])
+ appendDup(m_stackHeight, itemLocation);
+ else if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (arguments[0] == arguments[1])
+ {
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(m_stackHeight, itemLocation);
+ }
+ else if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ assertThrow(
+ arguments.size() <= 2,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Opcodes with more than two arguments not implemented yet."
+ );
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
+ assertThrow(m_stack[m_stackHeight - i] == arguments[i], OptimizerException, "Expected arguments not present." );
+ while (SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(*expr.item) &&
+ !m_generatedItems.empty() &&
+ m_generatedItems.back() == AssemblyItem(Instruction::SWAP1))
+ // this will not append a swap but remove the one that is already there
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight - i]].erase(m_stackHeight - i);
+ m_stack.erase(m_stackHeight - i);
+ }
+ appendItem(*expr.item);
+ if (expr.item->type() != Operation || instructionInfo(expr.item->instruction()).ret == 1)
+ {
+ m_stack[m_stackHeight] = _c;
+ m_classPositions[_c].insert(m_stackHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertThrow(
+ instructionInfo(expr.item->instruction()).ret == 0,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Invalid number of return values."
+ );
+ m_classPositions[_c]; // ensure it is created to mark the expression as generated
+ }
+int CSECodeGenerator::classElementPosition(Id _id) const
+ assertThrow(
+ m_classPositions.count(_id) && !m_classPositions.at(_id).empty(),
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Element requested but is not present."
+ );
+ return *max_element(m_classPositions.at(_id).begin(), m_classPositions.at(_id).end());
+bool CSECodeGenerator::canBeRemoved(Id _element, Id _result, int _fromPosition)
+ // Default for _fromPosition is the canonical position of the element.
+ if (_fromPosition == c_invalidPosition)
+ _fromPosition = classElementPosition(_element);
+ bool haveCopy = m_classPositions.at(_element).size() > 1;
+ if (m_finalClasses.count(_element))
+ // It is part of the target stack. It can be removed if it is a copy that is not in the target position.
+ return haveCopy && (!m_targetStack.count(_fromPosition) || m_targetStack[_fromPosition] != _element);
+ else if (!haveCopy)
+ {
+ // Can be removed unless it is needed by a class that has not been computed yet.
+ // Note that m_classPositions also includes classes that were deleted in the meantime.
+ auto range = m_neededBy.equal_range(_element);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
+ if (it->second != _result && !m_classPositions.count(it->second))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool CSECodeGenerator::removeStackTopIfPossible()
+ if (m_stack.empty())
+ return false;
+ assertThrow(m_stack.count(m_stackHeight) > 0, OptimizerException, "");
+ Id top = m_stack[m_stackHeight];
+ if (!canBeRemoved(top, Id(-1), m_stackHeight))
+ return false;
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].erase(m_stackHeight);
+ m_stack.erase(m_stackHeight);
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP));
+ return true;
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendDup(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ assertThrow(_fromPosition != c_invalidPosition, OptimizerException, "");
+ int instructionNum = 1 + m_stackHeight - _fromPosition;
+ assertThrow(instructionNum <= 16, StackTooDeepException, "Stack too deep, try removing local variables.");
+ assertThrow(1 <= instructionNum, OptimizerException, "Invalid stack access.");
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(dupInstruction(instructionNum), _location));
+ m_stack[m_stackHeight] = m_stack[_fromPosition];
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].insert(m_stackHeight);
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendOrRemoveSwap(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ assertThrow(_fromPosition != c_invalidPosition, OptimizerException, "");
+ if (_fromPosition == m_stackHeight)
+ return;
+ int instructionNum = m_stackHeight - _fromPosition;
+ assertThrow(instructionNum <= 16, StackTooDeepException, "Stack too deep, try removing local variables.");
+ assertThrow(1 <= instructionNum, OptimizerException, "Invalid stack access.");
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(swapInstruction(instructionNum), _location));
+ if (m_stack[m_stackHeight] != m_stack[_fromPosition])
+ {
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].erase(m_stackHeight);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].insert(_fromPosition);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[_fromPosition]].erase(_fromPosition);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[_fromPosition]].insert(m_stackHeight);
+ swap(m_stack[m_stackHeight], m_stack[_fromPosition]);
+ }
+ if (m_generatedItems.size() >= 2 &&
+ SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(m_generatedItems.back()) &&
+ *(m_generatedItems.end() - 2) == m_generatedItems.back())
+ {
+ m_generatedItems.pop_back();
+ m_generatedItems.pop_back();
+ }
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendItem(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ m_generatedItems.push_back(_item);
+ m_stackHeight += _item.deposit();