path: root/libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp
diff options
authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-07-11 03:21:11 +0800
committerchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-08-23 20:24:05 +0800
commit39fc798999b28386405399102d6cc7d199965d80 (patch)
tree9c087ef0fab8014e5ca7f81160c273d8dc16a2a7 /libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp
parentdf848859da0ce52a7bb1de6fcd836e0b7ebc2779 (diff)
Use file to communicate with z3.
Diffstat (limited to 'libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp b/libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp
index c736ed2a..8d40c354 100644
--- a/libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.cpp
@@ -17,8 +17,230 @@
#include <libsolidity/formal/SMTLib2Interface.h>
+#include <libsolidity/interface/Exceptions.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <array>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity::smt;
+//void createSubprocess(FILE*& _readPipe, FILE*& _writePipe)
+// int pipe_in[2]; /* This is the pipe with wich we write to the child process. */
+// int pipe_out[2]; /* This is the pipe with wich we read from the child process. */
+// solAssert(!pipe(pipe_in) && !pipe(pipe_out), "");
+// /* Attempt to fork and check for errors */
+// pid_t pid = fork();
+// solAssert(pid != -1, "");
+// if (pid)
+// {
+// /* The parent has the non-zero PID. */
+// _readPipe = fdopen(pipe_out[0], "r");
+// _writePipe = fdopen(pipe_in[1], "w");
+// close(pipe_out[1]);
+// close(pipe_in[0]);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// /* The child has the zero pid returned by fork*/
+// cout << "child" << endl;
+// solAssert(dup2(pipe_out[1], 1) != -1, "");
+// solAssert(dup2(pipe_in[0], 0) != -1, "");
+// solAssert(close(pipe_out[0]) == 0, "");
+// solAssert(close(pipe_out[1]) == 0, "");
+// solAssert(close(pipe_in[0]) == 0, "");
+// solAssert(close(pipe_in[1]) == 0, "");
+// execl("/usr/bin/z3", "z3", "-smt2", "-in", NULL);
+// exit(1); /* Only reached if execl() failed */
+// }
+ // TODO using pipes did not really work, so trying it the hard way for now.
+// createSubprocess(m_solverWrite, m_solverRead);
+// solAssert(m_solverWrite, "Unable to start Z3");
+// solAssert(m_solverRead, "Unable to start Z3");
+// write("(set-option :produce-models true)\n(set-logic QF_LIA)\n");
+ reset();
+// if (m_solverWrite)
+// {
+// write("(exit)\n");
+// fflush(m_solverWrite);
+// fclose(m_solverWrite);
+// m_solverWrite = nullptr;
+// }
+// if (m_solverRead)
+// {
+// fclose(m_solverRead);
+// m_solverRead = nullptr;
+// }
+void SMTLib2Interface::reset()
+// write("(reset)\n");
+// write("(set-option :produce-models true)\n");
+ m_accumulatedOutput.clear();
+ m_accumulatedOutput.emplace_back();
+ write("(set-option :produce-models true)\n(set-logic QF_UFLIA)\n");
+void SMTLib2Interface::push()
+ m_accumulatedOutput.emplace_back();
+ //write("(push)\n");
+void SMTLib2Interface::pop()
+ //write("(pop)\n");
+ solAssert(!m_accumulatedOutput.empty(), "");
+ m_accumulatedOutput.pop_back();
+Expression SMTLib2Interface::newFunction(string _name, Sort _domain, Sort _codomain)
+ write(
+ "(declare-fun |" +
+ _name +
+ "| (" +
+ (_domain == Sort::Int ? "Int" : "Bool") +
+ ") " +
+ (_codomain == Sort::Int ? "Int" : "Bool") +
+ ")\n"
+ );
+ return Expression(_name, {});
+Expression SMTLib2Interface::newInteger(string _name)
+ write("(declare-const |" + _name + "| Int)\n");
+ return Expression(_name, {});
+Expression SMTLib2Interface::newBool(string _name)
+ write("(declare-const |" + _name + "| Bool)\n");
+ return Expression(_name, {});
+void SMTLib2Interface::addAssertion(Expression _expr)
+ write("(assert " + _expr.toSExpr() + ")\n");
+pair<CheckResult, vector<string>> SMTLib2Interface::check(vector<Expression> const& _expressionsToEvaluate)
+ string checks;
+ if (_expressionsToEvaluate.empty())
+ checks = "(check-sat)\n";
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO make sure these are unique
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _expressionsToEvaluate.size(); i++)
+ {
+ auto const& e = _expressionsToEvaluate.at(i);
+ // TODO they don't have to be ints...
+ checks += "(declare-const |EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| Int)\n";
+ checks += "(assert (= |EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| " + e.toSExpr() + "))\n";
+ }
+ checks += "(check-sat)\n";
+ checks += "(get-value (";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _expressionsToEvaluate.size(); i++)
+ checks += "|EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| ";
+ checks += "))\n";
+ }
+ string response = communicate(boost::algorithm::join(m_accumulatedOutput, "\n") + checks);
+ CheckResult result;
+ // TODO proper parsing
+ if (boost::starts_with(response, "sat\n"))
+ result = CheckResult::SAT;
+ else if (boost::starts_with(response, "unsat\n"))
+ result = CheckResult::UNSAT;
+ else if (boost::starts_with(response, "unknown\n"))
+ result = CheckResult::UNKNOWN;
+ else
+ solAssert(false, "Invalid response to check-sat: " + response);
+ vector<string> values;
+ if (result != CheckResult::UNSAT)
+ values = parseValues(find(response.cbegin(), response.cend(), '\n'), response.cend());
+ return make_pair(result, values);
+//string SMTLib2Interface::eval(Expression _expr)
+// write("(get-value (" + _expr.toSExpr() + ")\n");
+// std::string reply = communicate();
+// cout << "<-- Z3: " << reply << endl;
+// // TODO parse
+// return reply;
+void SMTLib2Interface::write(string _data)
+// cout << " --> Z3: " << _data << endl;
+// solAssert(m_solverWrite, "");
+// solAssert(fputs(_data.c_str(), m_solverWrite) >= 0 || true, "EOF while communicating with Z3.");
+// solAssert(fflush(m_solverWrite) == 0 || true, "");
+ solAssert(!m_accumulatedOutput.empty(), "");
+ m_accumulatedOutput.back() += move(_data);
+string SMTLib2Interface::communicate(std::string const& _input)
+ ofstream("/tmp/z3exchange.smt2") << _input << "(exit)" << endl;
+ FILE* solverOutput = popen("z3 -smt2 /tmp/z3exchange.smt2", "r");
+ string result;
+ array<char, 128> buffer;
+ while (!feof(solverOutput))
+ if (fgets(buffer.data(), 127, solverOutput) != nullptr)
+ result += buffer.data();
+ fclose(solverOutput);
+ return result;
+vector<string> SMTLib2Interface::parseValues(string::const_iterator _start, string::const_iterator _end)
+ vector<string> values;
+ while (_start < _end)
+ {
+ auto valStart = find(_start, _end, ' ');
+ if (valStart < _end)
+ ++valStart;
+ auto valEnd = find(valStart, _end, ')');
+ values.emplace_back(valStart, valEnd);
+ _start = find(valEnd, _end, '(');
+ }
+ return values;