path: root/Token.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Token.h')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/Token.h b/Token.h
index 4476b383..2ff5067b 100644
--- a/Token.h
+++ b/Token.h
@@ -65,309 +65,309 @@ namespace solidity {
#define IGNORE_TOKEN(name, string, precedence)
-#define TOKEN_LIST(T, K) \
- /* End of source indicator. */ \
- T(EOS, "EOS", 0) \
- \
- /* Punctuators (ECMA-262, section 7.7, page 15). */ \
- T(LPAREN, "(", 0) \
- T(RPAREN, ")", 0) \
- T(LBRACK, "[", 0) \
- T(RBRACK, "]", 0) \
- T(LBRACE, "{", 0) \
- T(RBRACE, "}", 0) \
- T(COLON, ":", 0) \
- T(SEMICOLON, ";", 0) \
- T(PERIOD, ".", 0) \
- T(CONDITIONAL, "?", 3) \
- T(INC, "++", 0) \
- T(DEC, "--", 0) \
- T(ARROW, "=>", 0) \
- \
- /* Assignment operators. */ \
- /* IsAssignmentOp() and Assignment::is_compound() relies on */ \
- /* this block of enum values being contiguous and sorted in the */ \
- /* same order! */ \
- T(INIT_VAR, "=init_var", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
- T(INIT_LET, "=init_let", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
- T(INIT_CONST, "=init_const", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
- T(INIT_CONST_LEGACY, "=init_const_legacy", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
- T(ASSIGN, "=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_OR, "|=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, "^=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_AND, "&=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SHL, "<<=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SAR, ">>=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SHR, ">>>=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_ADD, "+=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SUB, "-=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_MUL, "*=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_DIV, "/=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_MOD, "%=", 2) \
- \
- /* Binary operators sorted by precedence. */ \
- /* IsBinaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
- /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(COMMA, ",", 1) \
- T(OR, "||", 4) \
- T(AND, "&&", 5) \
- T(BIT_OR, "|", 6) \
- T(BIT_XOR, "^", 7) \
- T(BIT_AND, "&", 8) \
- T(SHL, "<<", 11) \
- T(SAR, ">>", 11) \
- T(SHR, ">>>", 11) \
- T(ROR, "rotate right", 11) /* only used by Crankshaft */ \
- T(ADD, "+", 12) \
- T(SUB, "-", 12) \
- T(MUL, "*", 13) \
- T(DIV, "/", 13) \
- T(MOD, "%", 13) \
- \
- /* Compare operators sorted by precedence. */ \
- /* IsCompareOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
- /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(EQ, "==", 9) \
- T(NE, "!=", 9) \
- T(EQ_STRICT, "===", 9) \
- T(NE_STRICT, "!==", 9) \
- T(LT, "<", 10) \
- T(GT, ">", 10) \
- T(LTE, "<=", 10) \
- T(GTE, ">=", 10) \
- K(INSTANCEOF, "instanceof", 10) \
- K(IN, "in", 10) \
- \
- /* Unary operators. */ \
- /* IsUnaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
- /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(NOT, "!", 0) \
- T(BIT_NOT, "~", 0) \
- K(DELETE, "delete", 0) \
- K(TYPEOF, "typeof", 0) \
- K(VOID, "void", 0) \
- \
- /* Keywords (ECMA-262, section 7.5.2, page 13). */ \
- K(BREAK, "break", 0) \
- K(CASE, "case", 0) \
- K(CATCH, "catch", 0) \
- K(CONTINUE, "continue", 0) \
- K(CONTRACT, "contract", 0) \
- K(DEBUGGER, "debugger", 0) \
- K(DEFAULT, "default", 0) \
- /* DELETE */ \
- K(DO, "do", 0) \
- K(ELSE, "else", 0) \
- K(FINALLY, "finally", 0) \
- K(FOR, "for", 0) \
- K(FUNCTION, "function", 0) \
- K(IF, "if", 0) \
- /* IN */ \
- /* INSTANCEOF */ \
- K(MAPPING, "mapping", 0) \
- K(NEW, "new", 0) \
- K(PUBLIC, "public", 0) \
- K(PRIVATE, "private", 0) \
- K(RETURN, "return", 0) \
- K(RETURNS, "returns", 0) \
- K(STRUCT, "struct", 0) \
- K(SWITCH, "switch", 0) \
- K(THIS, "this", 0) \
- K(THROW, "throw", 0) \
- K(TRY, "try", 0) \
- /* TYPEOF */ \
- K(VAR, "var", 0) \
- /* VOID */ \
- K(WHILE, "while", 0) \
- K(WITH, "with", 0) \
- \
- /* type keywords, keep them in this order, keep int as first keyword TODO more to be added */ \
- K(INT, "int", 0) \
- K(INT32, "int32", 0) \
- K(INT64, "int64", 0) \
- K(INT128, "int128", 0) \
- K(INT256, "int256", 0) \
- K(UINT, "uint", 0) \
- K(UINT32, "uint32", 0) \
- K(UINT64, "uint64", 0) \
- K(UINT128, "uint128", 0) \
- K(UINT256, "uint256", 0) \
- K(HASH, "hash", 0) \
- K(HASH32, "hash32", 0) \
- K(HASH64, "hash64", 0) \
- K(HASH128, "hash128", 0) \
- K(HASH256, "hash256", 0) \
- K(ADDRESS, "address", 0) \
- K(BOOL, "bool", 0) \
- K(STRING_TYPE, "string", 0) \
- K(TEXT, "text", 0) \
- K(REAL, "real", 0) \
- K(UREAL, "ureal", 0) \
- T(TYPES_END, NULL, 0) /* used as type enum end marker */ \
- \
- /* Literals (ECMA-262, section 7.8, page 16). */ \
- K(NULL_LITERAL, "null", 0) \
- K(TRUE_LITERAL, "true", 0) \
- K(FALSE_LITERAL, "false", 0) \
- T(NUMBER, NULL, 0) \
- \
- /* Identifiers (not keywords or future reserved words). */ \
- \
- /* Future reserved words (ECMA-262, section */ \
- K(CLASS, "class", 0) \
- K(CONST, "const", 0) \
- K(EXPORT, "export", 0) \
- K(EXTENDS, "extends", 0) \
- K(IMPORT, "import", 0) \
- K(LET, "let", 0) \
- K(STATIC, "static", 0) \
-/* K(YIELD, "yield", 0) */ \
- K(SUPER, "super", 0) \
- \
- /* Illegal token - not able to scan. */ \
- \
- /* Scanner-internal use only. */ \
+#define TOKEN_LIST(T, K) \
+ /* End of source indicator. */ \
+ T(EOS, "EOS", 0) \
+ \
+ /* Punctuators (ECMA-262, section 7.7, page 15). */ \
+ T(LPAREN, "(", 0) \
+ T(RPAREN, ")", 0) \
+ T(LBRACK, "[", 0) \
+ T(RBRACK, "]", 0) \
+ T(LBRACE, "{", 0) \
+ T(RBRACE, "}", 0) \
+ T(COLON, ":", 0) \
+ T(SEMICOLON, ";", 0) \
+ T(PERIOD, ".", 0) \
+ T(CONDITIONAL, "?", 3) \
+ T(INC, "++", 0) \
+ T(DEC, "--", 0) \
+ T(ARROW, "=>", 0) \
+ \
+ /* Assignment operators. */ \
+ /* IsAssignmentOp() and Assignment::is_compound() relies on */ \
+ /* this block of enum values being contiguous and sorted in the */ \
+ /* same order! */ \
+ T(INIT_VAR, "=init_var", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
+ T(INIT_LET, "=init_let", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
+ T(INIT_CONST, "=init_const", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
+ T(INIT_CONST_LEGACY, "=init_const_legacy", 2) /* AST-use only. */ \
+ T(ASSIGN, "=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_BIT_OR, "|=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, "^=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_BIT_AND, "&=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_SHL, "<<=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_SAR, ">>=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_SHR, ">>>=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_ADD, "+=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_SUB, "-=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_MUL, "*=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_DIV, "/=", 2) \
+ T(ASSIGN_MOD, "%=", 2) \
+ \
+ /* Binary operators sorted by precedence. */ \
+ /* IsBinaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
+ /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
+ T(COMMA, ",", 1) \
+ T(OR, "||", 4) \
+ T(AND, "&&", 5) \
+ T(BIT_OR, "|", 6) \
+ T(BIT_XOR, "^", 7) \
+ T(BIT_AND, "&", 8) \
+ T(SHL, "<<", 11) \
+ T(SAR, ">>", 11) \
+ T(SHR, ">>>", 11) \
+ T(ROR, "rotate right", 11) /* only used by Crankshaft */ \
+ T(ADD, "+", 12) \
+ T(SUB, "-", 12) \
+ T(MUL, "*", 13) \
+ T(DIV, "/", 13) \
+ T(MOD, "%", 13) \
+ \
+ /* Compare operators sorted by precedence. */ \
+ /* IsCompareOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
+ /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
+ T(EQ, "==", 9) \
+ T(NE, "!=", 9) \
+ T(EQ_STRICT, "===", 9) \
+ T(NE_STRICT, "!==", 9) \
+ T(LT, "<", 10) \
+ T(GT, ">", 10) \
+ T(LTE, "<=", 10) \
+ T(GTE, ">=", 10) \
+ K(INSTANCEOF, "instanceof", 10) \
+ K(IN, "in", 10) \
+ \
+ /* Unary operators. */ \
+ /* IsUnaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
+ /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
+ T(NOT, "!", 0) \
+ T(BIT_NOT, "~", 0) \
+ K(DELETE, "delete", 0) \
+ K(TYPEOF, "typeof", 0) \
+ K(VOID, "void", 0) \
+ \
+ /* Keywords (ECMA-262, section 7.5.2, page 13). */ \
+ K(BREAK, "break", 0) \
+ K(CASE, "case", 0) \
+ K(CATCH, "catch", 0) \
+ K(CONTINUE, "continue", 0) \
+ K(CONTRACT, "contract", 0) \
+ K(DEBUGGER, "debugger", 0) \
+ K(DEFAULT, "default", 0) \
+ /* DELETE */ \
+ K(DO, "do", 0) \
+ K(ELSE, "else", 0) \
+ K(FINALLY, "finally", 0) \
+ K(FOR, "for", 0) \
+ K(FUNCTION, "function", 0) \
+ K(IF, "if", 0) \
+ /* IN */ \
+ /* INSTANCEOF */ \
+ K(MAPPING, "mapping", 0) \
+ K(NEW, "new", 0) \
+ K(PUBLIC, "public", 0) \
+ K(PRIVATE, "private", 0) \
+ K(RETURN, "return", 0) \
+ K(RETURNS, "returns", 0) \
+ K(STRUCT, "struct", 0) \
+ K(SWITCH, "switch", 0) \
+ K(THIS, "this", 0) \
+ K(THROW, "throw", 0) \
+ K(TRY, "try", 0) \
+ /* TYPEOF */ \
+ K(VAR, "var", 0) \
+ /* VOID */ \
+ K(WHILE, "while", 0) \
+ K(WITH, "with", 0) \
+ \
+ /* type keywords, keep them in this order, keep int as first keyword TODO more to be added */ \
+ K(INT, "int", 0) \
+ K(INT32, "int32", 0) \
+ K(INT64, "int64", 0) \
+ K(INT128, "int128", 0) \
+ K(INT256, "int256", 0) \
+ K(UINT, "uint", 0) \
+ K(UINT32, "uint32", 0) \
+ K(UINT64, "uint64", 0) \
+ K(UINT128, "uint128", 0) \
+ K(UINT256, "uint256", 0) \
+ K(HASH, "hash", 0) \
+ K(HASH32, "hash32", 0) \
+ K(HASH64, "hash64", 0) \
+ K(HASH128, "hash128", 0) \
+ K(HASH256, "hash256", 0) \
+ K(ADDRESS, "address", 0) \
+ K(BOOL, "bool", 0) \
+ K(STRING_TYPE, "string", 0) \
+ K(TEXT, "text", 0) \
+ K(REAL, "real", 0) \
+ K(UREAL, "ureal", 0) \
+ T(TYPES_END, NULL, 0) /* used as type enum end marker */ \
+ \
+ /* Literals (ECMA-262, section 7.8, page 16). */ \
+ K(NULL_LITERAL, "null", 0) \
+ K(TRUE_LITERAL, "true", 0) \
+ K(FALSE_LITERAL, "false", 0) \
+ T(NUMBER, NULL, 0) \
+ \
+ /* Identifiers (not keywords or future reserved words). */ \
+ \
+ /* Future reserved words (ECMA-262, section */ \
+ K(CLASS, "class", 0) \
+ K(CONST, "const", 0) \
+ K(EXPORT, "export", 0) \
+ K(EXTENDS, "extends", 0) \
+ K(IMPORT, "import", 0) \
+ K(LET, "let", 0) \
+ K(STATIC, "static", 0) \
+/* K(YIELD, "yield", 0) */ \
+ K(SUPER, "super", 0) \
+ \
+ /* Illegal token - not able to scan. */ \
+ \
+ /* Scanner-internal use only. */ \
class Token {
- public:
- // All token values.
+ // All token values.
#define T(name, string, precedence) name,
- enum Value {
- };
+ enum Value {
+ };
#undef T
- // Returns a string corresponding to the C++ token name
- // (e.g. "LT" for the token LT).
- static const char* Name(Value tok) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned
- return m_name[tok];
- }
- // Predicates
- static bool IsKeyword(Value tok) {
- return m_tokenType[tok] == 'K';
- }
- static bool IsIdentifier(Value tok) {
- return tok == IDENTIFIER;
- }
- static bool IsElementaryTypeName(Value tok) {
- return INT <= tok && tok < TYPES_END;
- }
- static bool IsAssignmentOp(Value tok) {
- return INIT_VAR <= tok && tok <= ASSIGN_MOD;
- }
- static bool IsBinaryOp(Value op) {
- return COMMA <= op && op <= MOD;
- }
- static bool IsTruncatingBinaryOp(Value op) {
- return BIT_OR <= op && op <= ROR;
- }
- static bool IsCompareOp(Value op) {
- return EQ <= op && op <= IN;
- }
- static bool IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(Value op) {
- return op == LT || op == LTE || op == GT || op == GTE;
- }
- static bool IsEqualityOp(Value op) {
- return op == EQ || op == EQ_STRICT;
- }
- static bool IsInequalityOp(Value op) {
- return op == NE || op == NE_STRICT;
- }
- static bool IsArithmeticCompareOp(Value op) {
- return IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op) ||
- IsEqualityOp(op) || IsInequalityOp(op);
- }
- static Value NegateCompareOp(Value op) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(IsArithmeticCompareOp(op));
- switch (op) {
- case EQ: return NE;
- case NE: return EQ;
- case EQ_STRICT: return NE_STRICT;
- case NE_STRICT: return EQ_STRICT;
- case LT: return GTE;
- case GT: return LTE;
- case LTE: return GT;
- case GTE: return LT;
- default:
- BOOST_ASSERT(false); // should not get here
- return op;
- }
- }
- static Value ReverseCompareOp(Value op) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(IsArithmeticCompareOp(op));
- switch (op) {
- case EQ: return EQ;
- case NE: return NE;
- case EQ_STRICT: return EQ_STRICT;
- case NE_STRICT: return NE_STRICT;
- case LT: return GT;
- case GT: return LT;
- case LTE: return GTE;
- case GTE: return LTE;
- default:
- BOOST_ASSERT(false); // should not get here
- return op;
- }
- }
- static bool IsBitOp(Value op) {
- return (BIT_OR <= op && op <= SHR) || op == BIT_NOT;
- }
- static bool IsUnaryOp(Value op) {
- return (NOT <= op && op <= VOID) || op == ADD || op == SUB;
- }
- static bool IsCountOp(Value op) {
- return op == INC || op == DEC;
- }
- static bool IsShiftOp(Value op) {
- return (SHL <= op) && (op <= SHR);
- }
- // Returns a string corresponding to the JS token string
- // (.e., "<" for the token LT) or NULL if the token doesn't
- // have a (unique) string (e.g. an IDENTIFIER).
- static const char* String(Value tok) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned.
- return m_string[tok];
- }
- // Returns the precedence > 0 for binary and compare
- // operators; returns 0 otherwise.
- static int Precedence(Value tok) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned.
- return m_precedence[tok];
- }
- private:
- static const char* const m_name[NUM_TOKENS];
- static const char* const m_string[NUM_TOKENS];
- static const int8_t m_precedence[NUM_TOKENS];
- static const char m_tokenType[NUM_TOKENS];
+ // Returns a string corresponding to the C++ token name
+ // (e.g. "LT" for the token LT).
+ static const char* Name(Value tok) {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned
+ return m_name[tok];
+ }
+ // Predicates
+ static bool IsKeyword(Value tok) {
+ return m_tokenType[tok] == 'K';
+ }
+ static bool IsIdentifier(Value tok) {
+ return tok == IDENTIFIER;
+ }
+ static bool IsElementaryTypeName(Value tok) {
+ return INT <= tok && tok < TYPES_END;
+ }
+ static bool IsAssignmentOp(Value tok) {
+ return INIT_VAR <= tok && tok <= ASSIGN_MOD;
+ }
+ static bool IsBinaryOp(Value op) {
+ return COMMA <= op && op <= MOD;
+ }
+ static bool IsTruncatingBinaryOp(Value op) {
+ return BIT_OR <= op && op <= ROR;
+ }
+ static bool IsCompareOp(Value op) {
+ return EQ <= op && op <= IN;
+ }
+ static bool IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(Value op) {
+ return op == LT || op == LTE || op == GT || op == GTE;
+ }
+ static bool IsEqualityOp(Value op) {
+ return op == EQ || op == EQ_STRICT;
+ }
+ static bool IsInequalityOp(Value op) {
+ return op == NE || op == NE_STRICT;
+ }
+ static bool IsArithmeticCompareOp(Value op) {
+ return IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op) ||
+ IsEqualityOp(op) || IsInequalityOp(op);
+ }
+ static Value NegateCompareOp(Value op) {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(IsArithmeticCompareOp(op));
+ switch (op) {
+ case EQ: return NE;
+ case NE: return EQ;
+ case EQ_STRICT: return NE_STRICT;
+ case NE_STRICT: return EQ_STRICT;
+ case LT: return GTE;
+ case GT: return LTE;
+ case LTE: return GT;
+ case GTE: return LT;
+ default:
+ BOOST_ASSERT(false); // should not get here
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ static Value ReverseCompareOp(Value op) {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(IsArithmeticCompareOp(op));
+ switch (op) {
+ case EQ: return EQ;
+ case NE: return NE;
+ case EQ_STRICT: return EQ_STRICT;
+ case NE_STRICT: return NE_STRICT;
+ case LT: return GT;
+ case GT: return LT;
+ case LTE: return GTE;
+ case GTE: return LTE;
+ default:
+ BOOST_ASSERT(false); // should not get here
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool IsBitOp(Value op) {
+ return (BIT_OR <= op && op <= SHR) || op == BIT_NOT;
+ }
+ static bool IsUnaryOp(Value op) {
+ return (NOT <= op && op <= VOID) || op == ADD || op == SUB;
+ }
+ static bool IsCountOp(Value op) {
+ return op == INC || op == DEC;
+ }
+ static bool IsShiftOp(Value op) {
+ return (SHL <= op) && (op <= SHR);
+ }
+ // Returns a string corresponding to the JS token string
+ // (.e., "<" for the token LT) or NULL if the token doesn't
+ // have a (unique) string (e.g. an IDENTIFIER).
+ static const char* String(Value tok) {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned.
+ return m_string[tok];
+ }
+ // Returns the precedence > 0 for binary and compare
+ // operators; returns 0 otherwise.
+ static int Precedence(Value tok) {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(tok < NUM_TOKENS); // tok is unsigned.
+ return m_precedence[tok];
+ }
+ static const char* const m_name[NUM_TOKENS];
+ static const char* const m_string[NUM_TOKENS];
+ static const int8_t m_precedence[NUM_TOKENS];
+ static const char m_tokenType[NUM_TOKENS];
} }