path: root/test/integration/lib/tx-list-items.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/lib/tx-list-items.js')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/lib/tx-list-items.js b/test/integration/lib/tx-list-items.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0056eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/lib/tx-list-items.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+const reactTriggerChange = require('../../lib/react-trigger-change')
+const {
+ timeout,
+ queryAsync,
+ findAsync,
+} = require('../../lib/util')
+QUnit.module('tx list items')
+QUnit.test('renders list items successfully', (assert) => {
+ const done = assert.async()
+ runTxListItemsTest(assert).then(done).catch((err) => {
+ assert.notOk(err, `Error was thrown: ${err.stack}`)
+ done()
+ })
+async function runTxListItemsTest(assert, done) {
+ console.log('*** start runTxListItemsTest')
+ const selectState = await queryAsync($, 'select')
+ selectState.val('tx list items')
+ reactTriggerChange(selectState[0])
+ const metamaskLogo = await queryAsync($, '.left-menu-wrapper')
+ assert.ok(metamaskLogo[0], 'metamask logo present')
+ metamaskLogo[0].click()
+ const txListItems = await queryAsync($, '.tx-list-item')
+ assert.equal(txListItems.length, 8, 'all tx list items are rendered')
+ const unapprovedTx = txListItems[0]
+ assert.equal($(unapprovedTx).hasClass('tx-list-pending-item-container'), true, 'unapprovedTx has the correct class')
+ const retryTx = txListItems[1]
+ const retryTxLink = await findAsync($(retryTx), '.tx-list-item-retry-link')
+ assert.equal(retryTxLink[0].textContent, 'Increase the gas price on your transaction', 'retryTx has expected link')
+ const approvedTx = txListItems[2]
+ const approvedTxRenderedStatus = await findAsync($(approvedTx), '.tx-list-status')
+ assert.equal(approvedTxRenderedStatus[0].textContent, 'Approved', 'approvedTx has correct label')
+ const unapprovedMsg = txListItems[3]
+ const unapprovedMsgDescription = await findAsync($(unapprovedMsg), '.tx-list-account')
+ assert.equal(unapprovedMsgDescription[0].textContent, 'Signature Request', 'unapprovedMsg has correct description')
+ const failedTx = txListItems[4]
+ const failedTxRenderedStatus = await findAsync($(failedTx), '.tx-list-status')
+ assert.equal(failedTxRenderedStatus[0].textContent, 'Failed', 'failedTx has correct label')
+ const shapeShiftTx = txListItems[5]
+ const shapeShiftTxStatus = await findAsync($(shapeShiftTx), '.flex-column div:eq(1)')
+ assert.equal(shapeShiftTxStatus[0].textContent, 'No deposits received', 'shapeShiftTx has correct status')
+ const confirmedTokenTx = txListItems[6]
+ const confirmedTokenTxAddress = await findAsync($(confirmedTokenTx), '.tx-list-account')
+ assert.equal(confirmedTokenTxAddress[0].textContent, '0xe7884118...81a9', 'confirmedTokenTx has correct address')
+ const rejectedTx = txListItems[7]
+ const rejectedTxRenderedStatus = await findAsync($(rejectedTx), '.tx-list-status')
+ assert.equal(rejectedTxRenderedStatus[0].textContent, 'Rejected', 'rejectedTx has correct label')