path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin
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authorPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2015-04-28 17:18:01 +0800
committerPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2015-04-28 17:18:01 +0800
commit7e3b080f8517731db774d5d2587b9ded4f9716e0 (patch)
treec27488e8e84dacaece8b07458e187906b7940384 /Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin
parent182d484aa70bcd5b22117f02333b1fd3b1535dcb (diff)
godeps: update leveldb and snappy, dump serpent-go
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se
deleted file mode 100644
index be5d97fc7..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-def kall():
- argcount = ~calldatasize() / 32
- if argcount == 1:
- return(~calldataload(1))
- args = array(argcount)
- ~calldatacopy(args, 1, argcount * 32)
- low = array(argcount)
- lsz = 0
- high = array(argcount)
- hsz = 0
- i = 1
- while i < argcount:
- if args[i] < args[0]:
- low[lsz] = args[i]
- lsz += 1
- else:
- high[hsz] = args[i]
- hsz += 1
- i += 1
- low = self.kall(data=low, datasz=lsz, outsz=lsz)
- high = self.kall(data=high, datasz=hsz, outsz=hsz)
- o = array(argcount)
- i = 0
- while i < lsz:
- o[i] = low[i]
- i += 1
- o[lsz] = args[0]
- j = 0
- while j < hsz:
- o[lsz + 1 + j] = high[j]
- j += 1
- return(o, argcount)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e603a238..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Quicksort pairs
-# eg. input of the form [ 30, 1, 90, 2, 70, 3, 50, 4]
-# outputs [ 30, 1, 50, 4, 70, 3, 90, 2 ]
-# Note: this can be used as a generalized sorting algorithm:
-# map every object to [ key, ref ] where `ref` is the index
-# in memory to all of the properties and `key` is the key to
-# sort by
-def kall():
- argcount = ~calldatasize() / 64
- if argcount == 1:
- return([~calldataload(1), ~calldataload(33)], 2)
- args = array(argcount * 2)
- ~calldatacopy(args, 1, argcount * 64)
- low = array(argcount * 2)
- lsz = 0
- high = array(argcount * 2)
- hsz = 0
- i = 2
- while i < argcount * 2:
- if args[i] < args[0]:
- low[lsz] = args[i]
- low[lsz + 1] = args[i + 1]
- lsz += 2
- else:
- high[hsz] = args[i]
- high[hsz + 1] = args[i + 1]
- hsz += 2
- i = i + 2
- low = self.kall(data=low, datasz=lsz, outsz=lsz)
- high = self.kall(data=high, datasz=hsz, outsz=hsz)
- o = array(argcount * 2)
- i = 0
- while i < lsz:
- o[i] = low[i]
- i += 1
- o[lsz] = args[0]
- o[lsz + 1] = args[1]
- j = 0
- while j < hsz:
- o[lsz + 2 + j] = high[j]
- j += 1
- return(o, argcount * 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se
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index a7d7da9c5..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# SchellingCoin implementation
-# Epoch length: 100 blocks
-# Target savings depletion rate: 0.1% per epoch
-data epoch
-data hashes_submitted
-data output
-data quicksort_pairs
-data accounts[2^160]
-data submissions[2^80](hash, deposit, address, value)
-extern any: [call]
-def init():
- self.epoch = block.number / 100
- self.quicksort_pairs = create('quicksort_pairs.se')
-def any():
- if block.number / 100 > epoch:
- # Sort all values submitted
- N = self.hashes_submitted
- o = array(N * 2)
- i = 0
- j = 0
- while i < N:
- v = self.submissions[i].value
- if v:
- o[j] = v
- o[j + 1] = i
- j += 2
- i += 1
- values = self.quicksort_pairs.call(data=o, datasz=j, outsz=j)
- # Calculate total deposit, refund non-submitters and
- # cleanup
- deposits = array(j / 2)
- addresses = array(j / 2)
- i = 0
- total_deposit = 0
- while i < j / 2:
- base_index = HASHES + values[i * 2 + 1] * 3
- deposits[i] = self.submissions[i].deposit
- addresses[i] = self.submissions[i].address
- if self.submissions[values[i * 2 + 1]].value:
- total_deposit += deposits[i]
- else:
- send(addresses[i], deposits[i] * 999 / 1000)
- i += 1
- inverse_profit_ratio = total_deposit / (contract.balance / 1000) + 1
- # Reward everyone
- i = 0
- running_deposit_sum = 0
- halfway_passed = 0
- while i < j / 2:
- new_deposit_sum = running_deposit_sum + deposits[i]
- if new_deposit_sum > total_deposit / 4 and running_deposit_sum < total_deposit * 3 / 4:
- send(addresses[i], deposits[i] + deposits[i] / inverse_profit_ratio * 2)
- else:
- send(addresses[i], deposits[i] - deposits[i] / inverse_profit_ratio)
- if not halfway_passed and new_deposit_sum > total_deposit / 2:
- self.output = self.submissions[i].value
- halfway_passed = 1
- self.submissions[i].value = 0
- running_deposit_sum = new_deposit_sum
- i += 1
- self.epoch = block.number / 100
- self.hashes_submitted = 0
-def submit_hash(h):
- if block.number % 100 < 50:
- cur = self.hashes_submitted
- pos = HASHES + cur * 3
- self.submissions[cur].hash = h
- self.submissions[cur].deposit = msg.value
- self.submissions[cur].address = msg.sender
- self.hashes_submitted = cur + 1
- return(cur)
-def submit_value(index, v):
- if sha3([msg.sender, v], 2) == self.submissions[index].hash:
- self.submissions[index].value = v
- return(1)
-def request_balance():
- return(contract.balance)
-def request_output():
- return(self.output)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se
deleted file mode 100644
index a34f42ce2..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Hedged zero-supply dollar implementation
-# Uses SchellingCoin as price-determining backend
-# Stored variables:
-# 0: Schelling coin contract
-# 1: Last epoch
-# 2: Genesis block of contract
-# 3: USD exposure
-# 4: ETH exposure
-# 5: Cached price
-# 6: Last interest rate
-# 2^160 + k: interest rate accumulator at k epochs
-# 2^161 + ADDR * 3: eth-balance of a particular address
-# 2^161 + ADDR * 3 + 1: usd-balance of a particular address
-# 2^161 + ADDR * 3 + 1: last accessed epoch of a particular address
-# Transaction types:
-# [1, to, val]: send ETH
-# [2, to, val]: send USD
-# [3, wei_amount]: convert ETH to USD
-# [4, usd_amount]: converts USD to ETH
-# [5]: deposit
-# [6, amount]: withdraw
-# [7]: my balance query
-# [7, acct]: balance query for any acct
-# [8]: global state query
-# [9]: liquidation test any account
-# The purpose of the contract is to serve as a sort of cryptographic
-# bank account where users can store both ETH and USD. ETH must be
-# stored in zero or positive quantities, but USD balances can be
-# positive or negative. If the USD balance is negative, the invariant
-# usdbal * 10 >= ethbal * 9 must be satisfied; if any account falls
-# below this value, then that account's balances are zeroed. Note
-# that there is a 2% bounty to ping the app if an account does go
-# below zero; one weakness is that if no one does ping then it is
-# quite possible for accounts to go negative-net-worth, then zero
-# themselves out, draining the reserves of the "bank" and potentially
-# bankrupting it. A 0.1% fee on ETH <-> USD trade is charged to
-# minimize this risk. Additionally, the bank itself will inevitably
-# end up with positive or negative USD exposure; to mitigate this,
-# it automatically updates interest rates on USD to keep exposure
-# near zero.
-data schelling_coin
-data last_epoch
-data starting_block
-data usd_exposure
-data eth_exposure
-data price
-data last_interest_rate
-data interest_rate_accum[2^50]
-data accounts[2^160](eth, usd, last_epoch)
-extern sc: [submit_hash, submit_value, request_balance, request_output]
-def init():
- self.schelling_coin = create('schellingcoin.se')
- self.price = self.schelling_coin.request_output()
- self.interest_rate_accum[0] = 10^18
- self.starting_block = block.number
-def any():
- sender = msg.sender
- epoch = (block.number - self.starting_block) / 100
- last_epoch = self.last_epoch
- usdprice = self.price
- # Update contract epochs
- if epoch > last_epoch:
- delta = epoch - last_epoch
- last_interest_rate = self.last_interest_rate
- usd_exposure - self.usd_exposure
- last_accum = self.interest_rate_accum[last_epoch]
- if usd_exposure < 0:
- self.last_interest_rate = last_interest_rate - 10000 * delta
- elif usd_exposure > 0:
- self.last_interest_rate = last_interest_rate + 10000 * delta
- self.interest_rate_accum[epoch] = last_accum + last_accum * last_interest_rate * delta / 10^9
- # Proceeds go to support the SchellingCoin feeding it price data, ultimately providing the depositors
- # of the SchellingCoin an interest rate
- bal = max(self.balance - self.eth_exposure, 0) / 10000
- usdprice = self.schelling_coin.request_output()
- self.price = usdprice
- self.last_epoch = epoch
- ethbal = self.accounts[msg.sender].eth
- usdbal = self.accounts[msg.sender].usd
- # Apply interest rates to sender and liquidation-test self
- if msg.sender != self:
- self.ping(self)
-def send_eth(to, value):
- if value > 0 and value <= ethbal and usdbal * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - value) >= 0:
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal - value
- self.ping(to)
- self.accounts[to].eth += value
- return(1)
-def send_usd(to, value):
- if value > 0 and value <= usdbal and (usdbal - value) * usdprice * 2 + ethbal >= 0:
- self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal - value
- self.ping(to)
- self.accounts[to].usd += value
- return(1)
-def convert_to_eth(usdvalue):
- ethplus = usdvalue * usdprice * 999 / 1000
- if usdvalue > 0 and (usdbal - usdvalue) * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal + ethplus) >= 0:
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal + ethplus
- self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal - usdvalue
- self.eth_exposure += ethplus
- self.usd_exposure -= usdvalue
- return([ethbal + ethplus, usdbal - usdvalue], 2)
-def convert_to_usd(ethvalue):
- usdplus = ethvalue / usdprice * 999 / 1000
- if ethvalue > 0 and (usdbal + usdplus) * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - ethvalue) >= 0:
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal - ethvalue
- self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal + usdplus
- self.eth_exposure -= ethvalue
- self.usd_exposure += usdplus
- return([ethbal - ethvalue, usdbal + usdplus], 2)
-def deposit():
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal + msg.value
- self.eth_exposure += msg.value
- return(ethbal + msg.value)
-def withdraw(value):
- if value > 0 and value <= ethbal and usdbal * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - value) >= 0:
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth -= value
- self.eth_exposure -= value
- return(ethbal - value)
-def balance(acct):
- self.ping(acct)
- return([self.accounts[acct].eth, self.accounts[acct].usd], 2)
-def global_state_query(acct):
- interest = self.last_interest_rate
- usd_exposure = self.usd_exposure
- eth_exposure = self.eth_exposure
- eth_balance = self.balance
- return([epoch, usdprice, interest, usd_exposure, eth_exposure, eth_balance], 6)
-def ping(acct):
- account_last_epoch = self.accounts[acct].last_epoch
- if account_last_epoch != epoch:
- cur_usd_balance = self.accounts[acct].usd
- new_usd_balance = cur_usd_balance * self.interest_rate_accum[epoch] / self.interest_rate_accum[account_last_epoch]
- self.accounts[acct].usd = new_usd_balance
- self.accounts[acct].last_epoch = epoch
- self.usd_exposure += new_usd_balance - cur_usd_balance
- ethbal = self.accounts[acct].eth
- if new_usd_balance * usdval * 10 + ethbal * 9 < 0:
- self.accounts[acct].eth = 0
- self.accounts[acct].usd = 0
- self.accounts[msg.sender].eth += ethbal / 50
- self.eth_exposure += -ethbal + ethbal / 50
- self.usd_exposure += new_usd_balance
- return(1)
- return(0)