path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/node-ethash/ethash.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/node-ethash/ethash.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/node-ethash/ethash.cc b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/node-ethash/ethash.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ab9730be..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/node-ethash/ethash.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-#include <nan.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <node.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "../libethash/ethash.h"
-using namespace v8;
-class EthashValidator : public NanAsyncWorker {
- public:
- // Constructor
- EthashValidator(NanCallback *callback, const unsigned blocknumber, const unsigned char * seed)
- : NanAsyncWorker(callback), blocknumber(blocknumber), seed(seed) {}
- // Destructor
- ~EthashValidator() {
- free(this->cache);
- free(this->params);
- }
- // Executed inside the worker-thread.
- // It is not safe to access V8, or V8 data structures
- // here, so everything we need for input and output
- // should go on `this`.
- void Execute () {
- /* this->result = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(this->msg, this->sig , &this->sig_len, this->pk, NULL, NULL); */
- }
- // Executed when the async work is complete
- // this function will be run inside the main event loop
- // so it is safe to use V8 again
- void HandleOKCallback () {
- NanScope();
- Handle<Value> argv[] = {
- NanNew<Number>(this->result)
- };
- callback->Call(2, argv);
- }
- protected:
- const unsigned blocknumber;
- const unsigned char * seed;
- ethash_params * params;
- ethash_cache * cache;
- bool result;
- bool ready = 0;
-/* class CompactSignWorker : public SignWorker { */
-/* public: */
-/* CompactSignWorker(NanCallback *callback, const unsigned char *msg, const unsigned char *pk ) */
-/* : SignWorker(callback, msg, pk){} */
-/* void Execute () { */
-/* this->result = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact(this->msg, this->sig , this->pk, NULL, NULL, &this->sig_len); */
-/* } */
-/* void HandleOKCallback () { */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Handle<Value> argv[] = { */
-/* NanNew<Number>(this->result), */
-/* NanNewBufferHandle((char *)this->sig, 64), */
-/* NanNew<Number>(this->sig_len) */
-/* }; */
-/* callback->Call(3, argv); */
-/* } */
-/* }; */
-/* class RecoverWorker : public NanAsyncWorker { */
-/* public: */
-/* // Constructor */
-/* RecoverWorker(NanCallback *callback, const unsigned char *msg, const unsigned char *sig, int compressed, int rec_id) */
-/* : NanAsyncWorker(callback), msg(msg), sig(sig), compressed(compressed), rec_id(rec_id) {} */
-/* // Destructor */
-/* ~RecoverWorker() {} */
-/* void Execute () { */
-/* if(this->compressed == 1){ */
-/* this->pubkey = new unsigned char[33]; */
-/* }else{ */
-/* this->pubkey = new unsigned char[65]; */
-/* } */
-/* this->result = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact(this->msg, this->sig, this->pubkey, &this->pubkey_len, this->compressed, this->rec_id); */
-/* } */
-/* void HandleOKCallback () { */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Handle<Value> argv[] = { */
-/* NanNew<Number>(this->result), */
-/* NanNewBufferHandle((char *)this->pubkey, this->pubkey_len) */
-/* }; */
-/* callback->Call(2, argv); */
-/* } */
-/* protected: */
-/* const unsigned char * msg; */
-/* const unsigned char * sig; */
-/* int compressed; */
-/* int rec_id; */
-/* int result; */
-/* unsigned char * pubkey; */
-/* int pubkey_len; */
-/* }; */
-/* class VerifyWorker : public NanAsyncWorker { */
-/* public: */
-/* // Constructor */
-/* VerifyWorker(NanCallback *callback, const unsigned char *msg, const unsigned char *sig, int sig_len, const unsigned char *pub_key, int pub_key_len) */
-/* : NanAsyncWorker(callback), msg(msg), sig(sig), sig_len(sig_len), pub_key(pub_key), pub_key_len(pub_key_len) {} */
-/* // Destructor */
-/* ~VerifyWorker() {} */
-/* void Execute () { */
-/* this->result = secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(this->msg, this->sig, this->sig_len, this->pub_key, this->pub_key_len); */
-/* } */
-/* void HandleOKCallback () { */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Handle<Value> argv[] = { */
-/* NanNew<Number>(this->result), */
-/* }; */
-/* callback->Call(1, argv); */
-/* } */
-/* protected: */
-/* int result; */
-/* const unsigned char * msg; */
-/* const unsigned char * sig; */
-/* int sig_len; */
-/* const unsigned char * pub_key; */
-/* int pub_key_len; */
-/* }; */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Verify){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Local<Object> pub_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pub_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pub_buf); */
-/* int pub_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* Local<Object> sig_buf = args[2].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sig_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sig_buf); */
-/* int sig_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[2]); */
-/* int result = secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(msg_data, sig_data, sig_len, pub_data, pub_len ); */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(result)); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Verify_Async){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Local<Object> pub_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pub_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pub_buf); */
-/* int pub_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* Local<Object> sig_buf = args[2].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sig_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sig_buf); */
-/* int sig_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[2]); */
-/* Local<Function> callback = args[3].As<Function>(); */
-/* NanCallback* nanCallback = new NanCallback(callback); */
-/* VerifyWorker* worker = new VerifyWorker(nanCallback, msg_data, sig_data, sig_len, pub_data, pub_len); */
-/* NanAsyncQueueWorker(worker); */
-/* NanReturnUndefined(); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Sign){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Local<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pk_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int sec_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* //the second argument is the message that we are signing */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* unsigned char sig[72]; */
-/* int sig_len = 72; */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[1]); */
-/* if(sec_len != 32){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the secret key needs tobe 32 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* int result = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(msg_data, sig , &sig_len, pk_data, NULL, NULL); */
-/* if(result == 1){ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)sig, sig_len)); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* return NanThrowError("nonce invalid, try another one"); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Sign_Async){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Local<Object> sec_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sec_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sec_buf); */
-/* int sec_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* //the second argument is the message that we are signing */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* Local<Function> callback = args[2].As<Function>(); */
-/* NanCallback* nanCallback = new NanCallback(callback); */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[1]); */
-/* if(sec_len != 32){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the secret key needs tobe 32 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* SignWorker* worker = new SignWorker(nanCallback, msg_data, sec_data); */
-/* NanAsyncQueueWorker(worker); */
-/* NanReturnUndefined(); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Sign_Compact){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Local<Object> seckey_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *seckey_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(seckey_buf); */
-/* int sec_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[1]); */
-/* if(sec_len != 32){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the secret key needs tobe 32 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* unsigned char sig[64]; */
-/* int rec_id; */
-/* //TODO: change the nonce */
-/* int valid_nonce = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact(msg_data, sig, seckey_data, NULL, NULL, &rec_id ); */
-/* Local<Array> array = NanNew<Array>(3); */
-/* array->Set(0, NanNew<Integer>(valid_nonce)); */
-/* array->Set(1, NanNew<Integer>(rec_id)); */
-/* array->Set(2, NanNewBufferHandle((char *)sig, 64)); */
-/* NanReturnValue(array); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Sign_Compact_Async){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Local<Object> sec_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sec_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sec_buf); */
-/* int sec_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* //the second argument is the message that we are signing */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* Local<Function> callback = args[2].As<Function>(); */
-/* NanCallback* nanCallback = new NanCallback(callback); */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[1]); */
-/* if(sec_len != 32){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the secret key needs tobe 32 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* CompactSignWorker* worker = new CompactSignWorker(nanCallback, msg_data, sec_data); */
-/* NanAsyncQueueWorker(worker); */
-/* NanReturnUndefined(); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Recover_Compact){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Local<Object> sig_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sig = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sig_buf); */
-/* Local<Number> compressed = args[2].As<Number>(); */
-/* int int_compressed = compressed->IntegerValue(); */
-/* Local<Number> rec_id = args[3].As<Number>(); */
-/* int int_rec_id = rec_id->IntegerValue(); */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* unsigned char pubKey[65]; */
-/* int pubKeyLen; */
-/* int result = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact(msg, sig, pubKey, &pubKeyLen, int_compressed, int_rec_id); */
-/* if(result == 1){ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)pubKey, pubKeyLen)); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanFalse()); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Recover_Compact_Async){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the message */
-/* Local<Object> msg_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *msg = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(msg_buf); */
-/* int msg_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* //the signature length */
-/* Local<Object> sig_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sig = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sig_buf); */
-/* //todo sig len needs tobe 64 */
-/* int sig_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[1]); */
-/* //to compress or not? */
-/* Local<Number> compressed = args[2].As<Number>(); */
-/* int int_compressed = compressed->IntegerValue(); */
-/* //the rec_id */
-/* Local<Number> rec_id = args[3].As<Number>(); */
-/* int int_rec_id = rec_id->IntegerValue(); */
-/* //the callback */
-/* Local<Function> callback = args[4].As<Function>(); */
-/* NanCallback* nanCallback = new NanCallback(callback); */
-/* if(sig_len != 64){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the signature needs to be 64 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* if(msg_len == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("messgae cannot be null"); */
-/* } */
-/* RecoverWorker* worker = new RecoverWorker(nanCallback, msg, sig, int_compressed, int_rec_id); */
-/* NanAsyncQueueWorker(worker); */
-/* NanReturnUndefined(); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Seckey_Verify){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char*) node::Buffer::Data(args[0]); */
-/* int result = secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(data); */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(result)); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Pubkey_Verify){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Local<Object> pub_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pub_key = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pub_buf); */
-/* int pub_key_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* int result = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_verify(pub_key, pub_key_len); */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(result)); */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Pubkey_Create){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* Handle<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pk_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int pk_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Local<Number> l_compact = args[1].As<Number>(); */
-/* int compact = l_compact->IntegerValue(); */
-/* int pubKeyLen; */
-/* if(pk_len != 32){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("the secert key need to be 32 bytes"); */
-/* } */
-/* unsigned char *pubKey; */
-/* if(compact == 1){ */
-/* pubKey = new unsigned char[33]; */
-/* }else{ */
-/* pubKey = new unsigned char[65]; */
-/* } */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(pubKey,&pubKeyLen, pk_data, compact ); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("secret was invalid, try again."); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)pubKey, pubKeyLen)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Pubkey_Decompress){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Local<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* unsigned char *pk_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int pk_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_decompress(pk_data, &pk_len); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid public key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)pk_data, pk_len)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Privkey_Import){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *pk_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int pk_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* unsigned char sec_key[32]; */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_privkey_import(sec_key, pk_data, pk_len); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid private key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)sec_key, 32)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Privkey_Export){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> sk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *sk_data = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sk_buf); */
-/* Local<Number> l_compressed = args[1].As<Number>(); */
-/* int compressed = l_compressed->IntegerValue(); */
-/* unsigned char *privKey; */
-/* int pk_len; */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_privkey_export(sk_data, privKey, &pk_len, compressed); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid private key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)privKey, pk_len)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Privkey_Tweak_Add){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> sk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* unsigned char *sk = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sk_buf); */
-/* Handle<Object> tweak_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *tweak= (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(tweak_buf); */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add(sk, tweak); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)sk, 32)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Privkey_Tweak_Mul){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> sk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* unsigned char *sk = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(sk_buf); */
-/* Handle<Object> tweak_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *tweak= (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(tweak_buf); */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_mul(sk, tweak); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)sk, 32)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Pubkey_Tweak_Add){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* unsigned char *pk = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int pk_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Handle<Object> tweak_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *tweak= (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(tweak_buf); */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add(pk, pk_len, tweak); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)pk, pk_len)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* NAN_METHOD(Pubkey_Tweak_Mul){ */
-/* NanScope(); */
-/* //the first argument should be the private key as a buffer */
-/* Handle<Object> pk_buf = args[0].As<Object>(); */
-/* unsigned char *pk = (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(pk_buf); */
-/* int pk_len = node::Buffer::Length(args[0]); */
-/* Handle<Object> tweak_buf = args[1].As<Object>(); */
-/* const unsigned char *tweak= (unsigned char *) node::Buffer::Data(tweak_buf); */
-/* int results = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(pk, pk_len, tweak); */
-/* if(results == 0){ */
-/* return NanThrowError("invalid key"); */
-/* }else{ */
-/* NanReturnValue(NanNewBufferHandle((char *)pk, pk_len)); */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-void Init(Handle<Object> exports) {
- /* secp256k1_start(SECP256K1_START_SIGN | SECP256K1_START_VERIFY); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("seckeyVerify"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Seckey_Verify)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("sign"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Sign)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("signAsync"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Sign_Async)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("signCompact"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Sign_Compact)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("signCompactAsync"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Sign_Compact_Async)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("recoverCompact"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Recover_Compact)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("recoverCompactAsync"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Recover_Compact_Async)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("verify"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Verify)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("verifyAsync"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Verify_Async)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("secKeyVerify"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Seckey_Verify)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("pubKeyVerify"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Pubkey_Verify)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("pubKeyCreate"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Pubkey_Create)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("pubKeyDecompress"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Pubkey_Decompress)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("privKeyExport"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Export)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("privKeyImport"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Import)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("privKeyTweakAdd"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Tweak_Add)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("privKeyTweakMul"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Tweak_Mul)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("pubKeyTweakAdd"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Tweak_Add)->GetFunction()); */
- /* exports->Set(NanNew("pubKeyTweakMul"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Privkey_Tweak_Mul)->GetFunction()); */
-NODE_MODULE(secp256k1, Init)