path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/serpent.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/serpent.py')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/serpent.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/serpent.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d6bedfe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/serpent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import serpent_pyext as pyext
+import sys
+import re
+VERSION = '1.7.7'
+class Metadata(object):
+ def __init__(self, li):
+ self.file = li[0]
+ self.ln = li[1]
+ self.ch = li[2]
+ def out(self):
+ return [self.file, self.ln, self.ch]
+class Token(object):
+ def __init__(self, val, metadata):
+ self.val = val
+ self.metadata = Metadata(metadata)
+ def out(self):
+ return [0, self.val, self.metadata.out()]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self.val)
+class Astnode(object):
+ def __init__(self, val, args, metadata):
+ self.val = val
+ self.args = map(node, args)
+ self.metadata = Metadata(metadata)
+ def out(self):
+ o = [1, self.val, self.metadata.out()]+[x.out() for x in self.args]
+ return o
+ def __repr__(self):
+ o = '(' + self.val
+ subs = map(repr, self.args)
+ k = 0
+ out = " "
+ while k < len(subs) and o != "(seq":
+ if '\n' in subs[k] or len(out + subs[k]) >= 80:
+ break
+ out += subs[k] + " "
+ k += 1
+ if k < len(subs):
+ o += out + "\n "
+ o += '\n '.join('\n'.join(subs[k:]).split('\n'))
+ o += '\n)'
+ else:
+ o += out[:-1] + ')'
+ return o
+def node(li):
+ if li[0]:
+ return Astnode(li[1], li[3:], li[2])
+ else:
+ return Token(li[1], li[2])
+def take(x):
+ return pyext.parse_lll(x) if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else x.out()
+def takelist(x):
+ return map(take, parse(x).args if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else x)
+compile = lambda x: pyext.compile(x)
+compile_chunk = lambda x: pyext.compile_chunk(x)
+compile_to_lll = lambda x: node(pyext.compile_to_lll(x))
+compile_chunk_to_lll = lambda x: node(pyext.compile_chunk_to_lll(x))
+compile_lll = lambda x: pyext.compile_lll(take(x))
+parse = lambda x: node(pyext.parse(x))
+rewrite = lambda x: node(pyext.rewrite(take(x)))
+rewrite_chunk = lambda x: node(pyext.rewrite_chunk(take(x)))
+pretty_compile = lambda x: map(node, pyext.pretty_compile(x))
+pretty_compile_chunk = lambda x: map(node, pyext.pretty_compile_chunk(x))
+pretty_compile_lll = lambda x: map(node, pyext.pretty_compile_lll(take(x)))
+serialize = lambda x: pyext.serialize(takelist(x))
+deserialize = lambda x: map(node, pyext.deserialize(x))
+is_numeric = lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long))
+is_string = lambda x: isinstance(x, (str, unicode))
+tobytearr = lambda n, L: [] if L == 0 else tobytearr(n / 256, L - 1)+[n % 256]
+# A set of methods for detecting raw values (numbers and strings) and
+# converting them to integers
+def frombytes(b):
+ return 0 if len(b) == 0 else ord(b[-1]) + 256 * frombytes(b[:-1])
+def fromhex(b):
+ hexord = lambda x: '0123456789abcdef'.find(x)
+ return 0 if len(b) == 0 else hexord(b[-1]) + 16 * fromhex(b[:-1])
+def numberize(b):
+ if is_numeric(b):
+ return b
+ elif b[0] in ["'", '"']:
+ return frombytes(b[1:-1])
+ elif b[:2] == '0x':
+ return fromhex(b[2:])
+ elif re.match('^[0-9]*$', b):
+ return int(b)
+ elif len(b) == 40:
+ return fromhex(b)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Cannot identify data type: %r" % b)
+def enc(n):
+ if is_numeric(n):
+ return ''.join(map(chr, tobytearr(n, 32)))
+ elif is_string(n) and len(n) == 40:
+ return '\x00' * 12 + n.decode('hex')
+ elif is_string(n):
+ return '\x00' * (32 - len(n)) + n
+ elif n is True:
+ return 1
+ elif n is False or n is None:
+ return 0
+def encode_datalist(*args):
+ if isinstance(args, (tuple, list)):
+ return ''.join(map(enc, args))
+ elif not len(args) or args[0] == '':
+ return ''
+ else:
+ # Assume you're getting in numbers or addresses or 0x...
+ return ''.join(map(enc, map(numberize, args)))
+def decode_datalist(arr):
+ if isinstance(arr, list):
+ arr = ''.join(map(chr, arr))
+ o = []
+ for i in range(0, len(arr), 32):
+ o.append(frombytes(arr[i:i + 32]))
+ return o
+def encode_abi(funid, *args):
+ len_args = ''
+ normal_args = ''
+ var_args = ''
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, str) and len(arg) and \
+ arg[0] == '"' and arg[-1] == '"':
+ len_args += enc(numberize(len(arg[1:-1])))
+ var_args += arg[1:-1]
+ elif isinstance(arg, list):
+ for a in arg:
+ var_args += enc(numberize(a))
+ len_args += enc(numberize(len(arg)))
+ else:
+ normal_args += enc(numberize(arg))
+ return chr(int(funid)) + len_args + normal_args + var_args
+def decode_abi(arr, *lens):
+ o = []
+ pos = 1
+ i = 0
+ if len(lens) == 1 and isinstance(lens[0], list):
+ lens = lens[0]
+ while pos < len(arr):
+ bytez = int(lens[i]) if i < len(lens) else 32
+ o.append(frombytes(arr[pos: pos + bytez]))
+ i, pos = i + 1, pos + bytez
+ return o
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print "serpent <command> <arg1> <arg2> ..."
+ else:
+ cmd = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[1] == '-s' else sys.argv[1]
+ if sys.argv[1] == '-s':
+ args = [sys.stdin.read()] + sys.argv[3:]
+ elif sys.argv[1] == '-v':
+ print VERSION
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ cmd = sys.argv[1]
+ args = sys.argv[2:]
+ if cmd in ['deserialize', 'decode_datalist', 'decode_abi']:
+ args[0] = args[0].strip().decode('hex')
+ o = globals()[cmd](*args)
+ if isinstance(o, (Token, Astnode, list)):
+ print repr(o)
+ else:
+ print o.encode('hex')