path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/gopkg.in/check.v1/helpers.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/gopkg.in/check.v1/helpers.go')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/gopkg.in/check.v1/helpers.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/gopkg.in/check.v1/helpers.go
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+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/gopkg.in/check.v1/helpers.go
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+package check
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+// TestName returns the current test name in the form "SuiteName.TestName"
+func (c *C) TestName() string {
+ return c.testName
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Basic succeeding/failing logic.
+// Failed returns whether the currently running test has already failed.
+func (c *C) Failed() bool {
+ return c.status == failedSt
+// Fail marks the currently running test as failed.
+// Something ought to have been previously logged so the developer can tell
+// what went wrong. The higher level helper functions will fail the test
+// and do the logging properly.
+func (c *C) Fail() {
+ c.status = failedSt
+// FailNow marks the currently running test as failed and stops running it.
+// Something ought to have been previously logged so the developer can tell
+// what went wrong. The higher level helper functions will fail the test
+// and do the logging properly.
+func (c *C) FailNow() {
+ c.Fail()
+ c.stopNow()
+// Succeed marks the currently running test as succeeded, undoing any
+// previous failures.
+func (c *C) Succeed() {
+ c.status = succeededSt
+// SucceedNow marks the currently running test as succeeded, undoing any
+// previous failures, and stops running the test.
+func (c *C) SucceedNow() {
+ c.Succeed()
+ c.stopNow()
+// ExpectFailure informs that the running test is knowingly broken for
+// the provided reason. If the test does not fail, an error will be reported
+// to raise attention to this fact. This method is useful to temporarily
+// disable tests which cover well known problems until a better time to
+// fix the problem is found, without forgetting about the fact that a
+// failure still exists.
+func (c *C) ExpectFailure(reason string) {
+ if reason == "" {
+ panic("Missing reason why the test is expected to fail")
+ }
+ c.mustFail = true
+ c.reason = reason
+// Skip skips the running test for the provided reason. If run from within
+// SetUpTest, the individual test being set up will be skipped, and if run
+// from within SetUpSuite, the whole suite is skipped.
+func (c *C) Skip(reason string) {
+ if reason == "" {
+ panic("Missing reason why the test is being skipped")
+ }
+ c.reason = reason
+ c.status = skippedSt
+ c.stopNow()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Basic logging.
+// GetTestLog returns the current test error output.
+func (c *C) GetTestLog() string {
+ return c.logb.String()
+// Log logs some information into the test error output.
+// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprint.
+func (c *C) Log(args ...interface{}) {
+ c.log(args...)
+// Log logs some information into the test error output.
+// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprintf.
+func (c *C) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ c.logf(format, args...)
+// Output enables *C to be used as a logger in functions that require only
+// the minimum interface of *log.Logger.
+func (c *C) Output(calldepth int, s string) error {
+ d := time.Now().Sub(c.startTime)
+ msec := d / time.Millisecond
+ sec := d / time.Second
+ min := d / time.Minute
+ c.Logf("[LOG] %d:%02d.%03d %s", min, sec%60, msec%1000, s)
+ return nil
+// Error logs an error into the test error output and marks the test as failed.
+// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprint.
+func (c *C) Error(args ...interface{}) {
+ c.logCaller(1)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprint(args...)))
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.Fail()
+// Errorf logs an error into the test error output and marks the test as failed.
+// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprintf.
+func (c *C) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ c.logCaller(1)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("Error: "+format, args...))
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.Fail()
+// Fatal logs an error into the test error output, marks the test as failed, and
+// stops the test execution. The provided arguments are assembled together into
+// a string with fmt.Sprint.
+func (c *C) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
+ c.logCaller(1)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprint(args...)))
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.FailNow()
+// Fatlaf logs an error into the test error output, marks the test as failed, and
+// stops the test execution. The provided arguments are assembled together into
+// a string with fmt.Sprintf.
+func (c *C) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ c.logCaller(1)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)))
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.FailNow()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generic checks and assertions based on checkers.
+// Check verifies if the first value matches the expected value according
+// to the provided checker. If they do not match, an error is logged, the
+// test is marked as failed, and the test execution continues.
+// Some checkers may not need the expected argument (e.g. IsNil).
+// Extra arguments provided to the function are logged next to the reported
+// problem when the matching fails.
+func (c *C) Check(obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return c.internalCheck("Check", obtained, checker, args...)
+// Assert ensures that the first value matches the expected value according
+// to the provided checker. If they do not match, an error is logged, the
+// test is marked as failed, and the test execution stops.
+// Some checkers may not need the expected argument (e.g. IsNil).
+// Extra arguments provided to the function are logged next to the reported
+// problem when the matching fails.
+func (c *C) Assert(obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !c.internalCheck("Assert", obtained, checker, args...) {
+ c.stopNow()
+ }
+func (c *C) internalCheck(funcName string, obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ if checker == nil {
+ c.logCaller(2)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(obtained, nil!?, ...):", funcName))
+ c.logString("Oops.. you've provided a nil checker!")
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.Fail()
+ return false
+ }
+ // If the last argument is a bug info, extract it out.
+ var comment CommentInterface
+ if len(args) > 0 {
+ if c, ok := args[len(args)-1].(CommentInterface); ok {
+ comment = c
+ args = args[:len(args)-1]
+ }
+ }
+ params := append([]interface{}{obtained}, args...)
+ info := checker.Info()
+ if len(params) != len(info.Params) {
+ names := append([]string{info.Params[0], info.Name}, info.Params[1:]...)
+ c.logCaller(2)
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s):", funcName, strings.Join(names, ", ")))
+ c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong number of parameters for %s: want %d, got %d", info.Name, len(names), len(params)+1))
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.Fail()
+ return false
+ }
+ // Copy since it may be mutated by Check.
+ names := append([]string{}, info.Params...)
+ // Do the actual check.
+ result, error := checker.Check(params, names)
+ if !result || error != "" {
+ c.logCaller(2)
+ for i := 0; i != len(params); i++ {
+ c.logValue(names[i], params[i])
+ }
+ if comment != nil {
+ c.logString(comment.CheckCommentString())
+ }
+ if error != "" {
+ c.logString(error)
+ }
+ c.logNewLine()
+ c.Fail()
+ return false
+ }
+ return true