path: root/libical
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Diffstat (limited to 'libical')
-rw-r--r--libical/MacOS/libical.mcpbin139917 -> 0 bytes
114 files changed, 0 insertions, 33785 deletions
diff --git a/libical/.cvsignore b/libical/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index dfdde624c1..0000000000
--- a/libical/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Makefile.in \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/CHANGES b/libical/CHANGES
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e550cb9e..0000000000
--- a/libical/CHANGES
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-Version 0.15a 17 Feb 00
-Fixed icalvalue_set_text to convert escaped characters into the proper
-Other minor code tweaks.
-Version 0.15 7 Feb 00
-Split the storage classess ( icalstore, icalcluster, icalcalendar )
-into a seperate library, libicalss
-Implemented restriction checking in file icalrestrictions.c. The
-checking is not complete, but can handle the bulk of the restrictions
-described in RFC 2446.
-Created a new value type, METHOD. Changed METHOD property to use the
-new value. The METHOD value uses an enumeration.
-Version 0.14b
-Implemented parsing of RECUR values, although it does not handle BYDAY
-specs with numbers.
-Fixed error in icalparser_next_line that mangled lines longer than the
-temp buffer (1024 chars.) The temp buffer is now 80 chars, and it can
-handle (apparently) arbitrary length lines
-Fixed severe brokenness in a value, but I forgot which one.
-Cleaned cruft out of the distribution, so the tarfile is smaller.
-Version 0.14a 14 Jan 00
-Fixed bug in ROLE parameter -- missing '-' in the text of allowed values
-Fixed bug in X-parameters
-Version 0.14 11 Jan 00
-Fixed wrong value type for TRIGGER property
-Added Calendar object. Calendar is an aggregate of two stores and two
-clusters, and can store all of the inforamation associated with a
-icalcomponent_add_property and icalcomponent_add_component will
-complain if you try to add a component or property that is already
-part of an other component. The *_free routines wil complain if you try
-to free a linked component or property.
-More improvements to error handling.
-Parser is much more robust.
-Minor memory enhancements.
-Regression test runs without memory leaks.
-Version 0.13d 21Dec99
-Seperated perl interface and library
-Added autoconf support
-Scripts that generate derived properties, values and parameters now
-change source and header files inline.
-Changed icalstore to cluster all components with DTSTART in a month
-into a single file. This should reduce number of file accesses by a
-factor of 60.
-Ran code through Purify and fixed memory leaks.
-Version 0.13 16Nov99
-Yet more bug fixes! Yeah!
-Added better error handling. The Parser inserts X-LIC-*ERROR
-properties to warn of parsing errors.
-The imip source/sink programs in /src/imip is demonstrably functional.
-Version 0.12b 17Oct99
-More bug fixes, particularily in parse from string routines
-ICal::Store is mostly functional
-This is version is a checkpoint, not a release.
-Version 0.12a 10Oct99
-Expanded perl interface:
- Added 1/2 of Store module
- Fixed bugs
- Implemeted get_{first,next}_property
-Extended C interface
- Made get_{first,next}_property work properly
- Fixed bugs
-This is version is a checkpoint, not a release.
-Version 0.12 27Aug99
-Added a rudimentatry perl interface
-This is version is a checkpoint, not a release.
-Version 0.11 11Aug99
-Eliminated most use of flex/bison -- all parsing, except for the
-values, is done in C.
-Cleaned up memory leaks. Purify claims that I got them all.
-Moved all derived component/prop/param/value code ( in .inc / .h
-files) into main files ( icalcomponent.{c,h}, icalproperty.{c,h}, etc/
-Implemented *_clone routines.
-Fixed a lot of bugs.
-Implemented more value types. Still unimplemeneted are BINARY and RECUR
-Included MacOS/Code Warior files from Graham Davison
-Version 0.10 8Jul99
-Eliminated shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts in the parser.
-This version is almost feature complete -- it has the basic structure
-for all of the library's functionality, and it will only require
-implementing procedure shells and fixing bugs. I think that all of the
-hard work is done...
-Version 0.09a,b 3,7 Jul99
-Various improvements to the parser, added some functionality. The parser code
-is mostly complete, and should be fully functional, except for a horde of
-bugs. Also added support for X-Properties.
-Version 0.09 25Jun99
-Added a parser in files src/comp/icalitip.{y,l} The lexer is mostly
-functional, but the parser is not.
-Version 0.08 2Jun99
-All files now have MPL licensing
-Implement enough of the code to perform some rudimentary testing
-Version 0.07 14May99
-Remove all interfaces that construct object from a string
-Moved most code back into comp directory
-Implemented C files for most headers -- usecases.c now links.
-Many improvements to generation scripts.
-Version 0.06 25Apr99
-Expanded distribution to include:
- Directory structure that can accomodate future expansion
- Several levels of Makefiles
- This CHANGES file
-Added headers for irip and parse modules
-Added several files with design information
-Added scripts that I had used to generate much of the ical header code.
-Split C headers from CC headers
-Added data for iTIP and iCAL component restrictions in restrictions.csv
-Version 0.05 11Apr99
-Changes to ical headers
- Added derived Property classes.
- Improved the interface to the derived property and parameter classes
- Added derived component classes.
- Created usecases.c and ccusecases.cc to demonstrate use
- C++ interface compile
-Version 0.04 5Apr99
-Version 0.02 30Mar99
--------------------- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/errno.h b/libical/MacOS/errno.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4be3479b50..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/errno.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * @(#)errno.h 7.13 (Berkeley) 2/19/91
- */
-#ifdef macintosh
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef KERNEL
-extern int errno; /* global error number */
-#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */
-/* MSL defines ENOMEM, EACCES, ENOENT, ENOSYS. We give in. */
-#ifndef ENOENT
-#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
-#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
-#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */
-#define EIO 5 /* Input/output error */
-#define ENXIO 6 /* Device not configured */
-#define E2BIG 7 /* Argument list too long */
-#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
-#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file descriptor */
-#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
-#define EDEADLK 11 /* Resource deadlock avoided */
- /* 11 was EAGAIN */
-#ifndef ENOMEM
-#define ENOMEM 12 /* Cannot allocate memory */
-#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
-#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
-#define EBUSY 16 /* Device busy */
-#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
-#define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */
-#define ENODEV 19 /* Operation not supported by device */
-#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
-#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
-#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
-#define ENFILE 23 /* Too many open files in system */
-#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
-#define ENOTTY 25 /* Inappropriate ioctl for device */
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
-#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
-#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
-#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
-#define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */
-#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
-#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
-#ifndef __MWERKS__
-/* math software */
-#define EDOM 33 /* Numerical argument out of domain */
-#define ERANGE 34 /* Result too large */
-/* non-blocking and interrupt i/o */
-#if defined(macintosh)
-#ifndef EAGAIN
-#define EAGAIN 11
-#define EAGAIN 35 /* Resource temporarily unavailable */
-#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-/* Did I tell that MSL also occupies errnos 33-40? We give in. */
-#if ENOMEM==37
-#define EINPROGRESS 136 /* Operation now in progress */
-#define EALREADY 137 /* Operation already in progress */
-/* ipc/network software -- argument errors */
-#define ENOTSOCK 138 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
-#define EDESTADDRREQ 139 /* Destination address required */
-#define EMSGSIZE 140 /* Message too long */
-#define EINPROGRESS 36 /* Operation now in progress */
-#define EALREADY 37 /* Operation already in progress */
-/* ipc/network software -- argument errors */
-#define ENOTSOCK 38 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
-#define EDESTADDRREQ 39 /* Destination address required */
-#define EMSGSIZE 40 /* Message too long */
-#define EPROTOTYPE 41 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
-#define ENOPROTOOPT 42 /* Protocol not available */
-#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 43 /* Protocol not supported */
-#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 44 /* Socket type not supported */
-#define EOPNOTSUPP 45 /* Operation not supported on socket */
-#define EPFNOSUPPORT 46 /* Protocol family not supported */
-#define EAFNOSUPPORT 47 /* Address family not supported by protocol family */
-#define EADDRINUSE 48 /* Address already in use */
-#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 49 /* Can't assign requested address */
-/* ipc/network software -- operational errors */
-#define ENETDOWN 50 /* Network is down */
-#define ENETUNREACH 51 /* Network is unreachable */
-#define ENETRESET 52 /* Network dropped connection on reset */
-#define ECONNABORTED 53 /* Software caused connection abort */
-#define ECONNRESET 54 /* Connection reset by peer */
-#define ENOBUFS 55 /* No buffer space available */
-#define EISCONN 56 /* Socket is already connected */
-#define ENOTCONN 57 /* Socket is not connected */
-#define ESHUTDOWN 58 /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
-#define ETOOMANYREFS 59 /* Too many references: can't splice */
-#define ETIMEDOUT 60 /* Connection timed out */
-#define ECONNREFUSED 61 /* Connection refused */
-#define ELOOP 62 /* Too many levels of symbolic links */
-#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
-#define ENAMETOOLONG 63 /* File name too long */
-/* should be rearranged */
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define EHOSTDOWN 64 /* Host is down */
-#define EHOSTUNREACH 65 /* No route to host */
-#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
-#define ENOTEMPTY 66 /* Directory not empty */
-/* quotas & mush */
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define EPROCLIM 67 /* Too many processes */
-#define EUSERS 68 /* Too many users */
-#define EDQUOT 69 /* Disc quota exceeded */
-/* Network File System */
-#define ESTALE 70 /* Stale NFS file handle */
-#define EREMOTE 71 /* Too many levels of remote in path */
-#define EBADRPC 72 /* RPC struct is bad */
-#define ERPCMISMATCH 73 /* RPC version wrong */
-#define EPROGUNAVAIL 74 /* RPC prog. not avail */
-#define EPROGMISMATCH 75 /* Program version wrong */
-#define EPROCUNAVAIL 76 /* Bad procedure for program */
-#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
-#define ENOLCK 77 /* No locks available */
-#ifndef ENOSYS
-#define ENOSYS 78 /* Function not implemented */
-#define EFTYPE 79 /* Inappropriate file type or format */
-#ifdef KERNEL
-/* pseudo-errors returned inside kernel to modify return to process */
-#define ERESTART -1 /* restart syscall */
-#define EJUSTRETURN -2 /* don't modify regs, just return */
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp b/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0ec4a35b..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp.exp b/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 07c84e0efc..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/libical.mcp.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-icalvalue_get_utcoffset icalvalue_set_utcoffset icalvalue_new_utcoffset icalvalue_get_uri icalvalue_set_uri icalvalue_new_uri icalvalue_get_trigger icalvalue_set_trigger icalvalue_new_trigger icalvalue_get_time icalvalue_set_time icalvalue_new_time icalvalue_get_text icalvalue_set_text icalvalue_new_text icalvalue_get_recur icalvalue_set_recur icalvalue_new_recur icalvalue_get_period icalvalue_set_period icalvalue_new_period icalvalue_get_integer icalvalue_set_integer icalvalue_new_integer icalvalue_get_geo icalvalue_set_geo icalvalue_new_geo icalvalue_get_float icalvalue_set_float icalvalue_new_float icalvalue_get_duration icalvalue_set_duration icalvalue_new_duration icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod icalvalue_get_datetimedate icalvalue_set_datetimedate icalvalue_new_datetimedate icalvalue_get_datetime icalvalue_set_datetime icalvalue_new_datetime icalvalue_get_date icalvalue_set_date icalvalue_new_date icalvalue_get_caladdress icalvalue_set_caladdress icalvalue_new_caladdress icalvalue_get_boolean icalvalue_set_boolean icalvalue_new_boolean icalvalue_get_binary icalvalue_set_binary icalvalue_new_binary icalvalue_get_attach icalvalue_set_attach icalvalue_new_attach icalvalue_isa_value icalvalue_isa icalvalue_as_ical_string icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string icalvalue_period_as_ical_string icalvalue_datetimeperiod_as_ical_string icalvalue_recur_as_ical_string icalvalue_geo_as_ical_string icalvalue_float_as_ical_string icalvalue_datetimedate_as_ical_string icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string icalvalue_date_as_ical_string icalvalue_time_as_ical_string icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string icalvalue_attach_as_ical_string icalvalue_string_as_ical_string icalvalue_int_as_ical_string icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string icalvalue_is_valid icalvalue_free icalvalue_new icalvalue_new_impl icalproperty_get_action icalproperty_set_action icalproperty_vanew_action icalproperty_new_action icalproperty_get_due icalproperty_set_due icalproperty_vanew_due icalproperty_new_due icalproperty_get_dtstamp icalproperty_set_dtstamp icalproperty_vanew_dtstamp icalproperty_new_dtstamp icalproperty_get_completed icalproperty_set_completed icalproperty_vanew_completed icalproperty_new_completed icalproperty_get_geo icalproperty_set_geo icalproperty_vanew_geo icalproperty_new_geo icalproperty_get_created icalproperty_set_created icalproperty_vanew_created icalproperty_new_created icalproperty_get_calscale icalproperty_set_calscale icalproperty_vanew_calscale icalproperty_new_calscale icalproperty_get_percentcomplete icalproperty_set_percentcomplete icalproperty_vanew_percentcomplete icalproperty_new_percentcomplete icalproperty_get_exrule icalproperty_set_exrule icalproperty_vanew_exrule icalproperty_new_exrule icalproperty_get_attach icalproperty_set_attach icalproperty_vanew_attach icalproperty_new_attach icalproperty_get_url icalproperty_set_url icalproperty_vanew_url icalproperty_new_url icalproperty_get_rdate icalproperty_set_rdate icalproperty_vanew_rdate icalproperty_new_rdate icalproperty_get_tzname icalproperty_set_tzname icalproperty_vanew_tzname icalproperty_new_tzname icalproperty_get_dtend icalproperty_set_dtend icalproperty_vanew_dtend icalproperty_new_dtend icalproperty_get_summary icalproperty_set_summary icalproperty_vanew_summary icalproperty_new_summary icalproperty_get_recurrenceid icalproperty_set_recurrenceid icalproperty_vanew_recurrenceid icalproperty_new_recurrenceid icalproperty_get_dtstart icalproperty_set_dtstart icalproperty_vanew_dtstart icalproperty_new_dtstart icalproperty_get_freebusy icalproperty_set_freebusy icalproperty_vanew_freebusy icalproperty_new_freebusy icalproperty_get_priority icalproperty_set_priority icalproperty_vanew_priority icalproperty_new_priority icalproperty_get_repeat icalproperty_set_repeat icalproperty_vanew_repeat icalproperty_new_repeat icalproperty_get_tzurl icalproperty_set_tzurl icalproperty_vanew_tzurl icalproperty_new_tzurl icalproperty_get_resources icalproperty_set_resources icalproperty_vanew_resources icalproperty_new_resources icalproperty_get_tzid icalproperty_set_tzid icalproperty_vanew_tzid icalproperty_new_tzid icalproperty_get_exdate icalproperty_set_exdate icalproperty_vanew_exdate icalproperty_new_exdate icalproperty_get_requeststatus icalproperty_set_requeststatus icalproperty_vanew_requeststatus icalproperty_new_requeststatus icalproperty_get_location icalproperty_set_location icalproperty_vanew_location icalproperty_new_location icalproperty_get_sequence icalproperty_set_sequence icalproperty_vanew_sequence icalproperty_new_sequence icalproperty_get_transp icalproperty_set_transp icalproperty_vanew_transp icalproperty_new_transp icalproperty_get_tzoffsetto icalproperty_set_tzoffsetto icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetto icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto icalproperty_get_x_name icalproperty_get_x icalproperty_set_x_name icalproperty_set_x icalproperty_vanew_x icalproperty_new_x icalproperty_get_class icalproperty_set_class icalproperty_vanew_class icalproperty_new_class icalproperty_get_trigger icalproperty_set_trigger icalproperty_vanew_trigger icalproperty_new_trigger icalproperty_get_comment icalproperty_set_comment icalproperty_vanew_comment icalproperty_new_comment icalproperty_get_organizer icalproperty_set_organizer icalproperty_vanew_organizer icalproperty_new_organizer icalproperty_get_relatedto icalproperty_set_relatedto icalproperty_vanew_relatedto icalproperty_new_relatedto icalproperty_get_contact icalproperty_set_contact icalproperty_vanew_contact icalproperty_new_contact icalproperty_get_attendee icalproperty_set_attendee icalproperty_vanew_attendee icalproperty_new_attendee icalproperty_get_rrule icalproperty_set_rrule icalproperty_vanew_rrule icalproperty_new_rrule icalproperty_get_tzoffsetfrom icalproperty_set_tzoffsetfrom icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetfrom icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom icalproperty_get_version icalproperty_set_version icalproperty_vanew_version icalproperty_new_version icalproperty_get_categories icalproperty_set_categories icalproperty_vanew_categories icalproperty_new_categories icalproperty_get_description icalproperty_set_description icalproperty_vanew_description icalproperty_new_description icalproperty_get_status icalproperty_set_status icalproperty_vanew_status icalproperty_new_status icalproperty_get_prodid icalproperty_set_prodid icalproperty_vanew_prodid icalproperty_new_prodid icalproperty_get_uid icalproperty_set_uid icalproperty_vanew_uid icalproperty_new_uid icalproperty_get_lastmodified icalproperty_set_lastmodified icalproperty_vanew_lastmodified icalproperty_new_lastmodified icalproperty_get_method icalproperty_set_method icalproperty_vanew_method icalproperty_new_method icalproperty_get_value icalproperty_set_value icalproperty_get_next_parameter icalproperty_get_first_parameter icalproperty_count_parameters icalproperty_remove_parameter icalproperty_add_parameter icalproperty_isa_property icalproperty_isa icalproperty_as_ical_string icalproperty_free icalproperty_new icalproperty_new_impl icalproperty_add_parameters icalparameter_set_x icalparameter_get_x icalparameter_new_x icalparameter_set_value icalparameter_get_value icalparameter_new_value icalparameter_set_tzid icalparameter_get_tzid icalparameter_new_tzid icalparameter_set_sentby icalparameter_get_sentby icalparameter_new_sentby icalparameter_set_rsvp icalparameter_get_rsvp icalparameter_new_rsvp icalparameter_set_role icalparameter_get_role icalparameter_new_role icalparameter_set_reltype icalparameter_get_reltype icalparameter_new_reltype icalparameter_set_related icalparameter_get_related icalparameter_new_related icalparameter_set_range icalparameter_get_range icalparameter_new_range icalparameter_set_partstat icalparameter_get_partstat icalparameter_new_partstat icalparameter_set_member icalparameter_get_member icalparameter_new_member icalparameter_set_language icalparameter_get_language icalparameter_new_language icalparameter_set_fmttype icalparameter_get_fmttype icalparameter_new_fmttype icalparameter_set_fbtype icalparameter_get_fbtype icalparameter_new_fbtype icalparameter_set_encoding icalparameter_get_encoding icalparameter_new_encoding icalparameter_set_dir icalparameter_get_dir icalparameter_new_dir icalparameter_set_delegatedto icalparameter_get_delegatedto icalparameter_new_delegatedto icalparameter_set_delegatedfrom icalparameter_get_delegatedfrom icalparameter_new_delegatedfrom icalparameter_set_cutype icalparameter_get_cutype icalparameter_new_cutype icalparameter_set_cn icalparameter_get_cn icalparameter_new_cn icalparameter_set_altrep icalparameter_get_altrep icalparameter_new_altrep icalparameter_get_xname icalparameterset_xname icalparameter_isa_parameter icalparameter_isa icalparameter_is_valid icalparameter_as_ical_string icalparameter_free icalparameter_new icalparameter_new_impl icalenum_string_to_component_kind icalenum_component_kind_to_string icalenum_value_kind_by_prop icalenum_string_to_parameter_kind icalenum_parameter_kind_to_string icalenum_string_to_property_kind icalenum_property_kind_to_string icalcomponent_get_component icalcomponent_get_next_component icalcomponent_get_first_component icalcomponent_count_components icalcomponent_remove_component icalcomponent_add_component icalcomponent_get_properties icalcomponent_get_next_property icalcomponent_get_first_property icalcomponent_count_properties icalcomponent_remove_property icalcomponent_add_property icalcomponent_isa_component icalcomponent_isa icalcomponent_is_valid icalcomponent_as_ical_string icalcomponent_free icalcomponent_vanew icalcomponent_new icalcomponent_new_impl icalcomponent_add_children #pvl_list_count #pvl_elem_count #pvl_apply #pvl_data #pvl_tail #pvl_head #pvl_prior #pvl_next #pvl_count #pvl_clear #pvl_find_next #pvl_find #pvl_remove #pvl_insert_before #pvl_insert_after #pvl_insert_ordered #pvl_pop #pvl_push #pvl_shift #pvl_unshift #pvl_new_element #pvl_newlist #strdup icalrestriction_records icalrestriction_is_parameter_allowed icalrestriction_get_component_restriction icalrestriction_get_property_restriction icalerrno icalerror_set_errno icalerror_clear_errno buffer_ring initialized buffer_pos icalmemory_append_string icalmemory_free_buffer icalmemory_resize_buffer icalmemory_new_buffer icalmemory_free_tmp_buffer icalmemory_resize_tmp_buffer icalmemory_new_tmp_buffer #__msipl_rd__3std # std::__msipl_rd #__dt__Q23std18__random_generatorFv # std::__random_generator::~__random_generator() #seed__Q23std18__random_generatorFUl # std::__random_generator::seed(unsigned long) #setfill__3stdFi # std::setfill(int) #setbase__3stdFi # std::setbase(int) #setiosflags__3stdFl # std::setiosflags(long) #resetiosflags__3stdFl # std::resetiosflags(long) #ffill__3stdFRQ23std35basic_ios<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>w # std::ffill(std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>&,wchar_t) #ffill__3stdFRQ23std35basic_ios<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>i # std::ffill(std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char>>&,int) #setw__3stdFi # std::setw(int) #setprecision__3stdFi # std::setprecision(int) #__vt__Q23std39basic_istream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std35basic_ios<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std8bad_cast # std::bad_cast::__vt #__vt__Q23std9exception # std::exception::__vt #cerr__3std # std::cerr #clog__3std # std::clog #cout__3std # std::cout #cin__3std # std::cin #index__Q23std8ios_base # std::ios_base::index #heap_size__Q23std14base_allocator # std::base_allocator::heap_size #end_free__Q23std14base_allocator # std::base_allocator::end_free #start_free__Q23std14base_allocator # std::base_allocator::start_free #free_list__Q23std14base_allocator # std::base_allocator::free_list #init_cnt__Q33std8ios_base4Init # std::ios_base::Init::init_cnt #use_facet<Q23std8ctype<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std8ctype<c>>(const std::locale&) #what__Q23std9exceptionCFv # std::exception::what() const #what__Q23std8bad_castCFv # std::bad_cast::what() const #__dt__Q23std9exceptionFv # std::exception::~exception() #use_facet<Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>>(const std::locale&) #__dt__Q23std8bad_castFv # std::bad_cast::~bad_cast() #init__Q23std35basic_ios<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPQ23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char>>::init(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>*) #always_noconv__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<c,c,i>CFv # std::_Generic_codecvt<char, char, int>::always_noconv() const #out__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<c,c,i>CFRiPCcPCcRPCcPcPcRPc # std::_Generic_codecvt<char, char, int>::out(int&,const char*,const char*,const char*&,char*,char*,char*&) const #__ct__Q23std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPQ23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::basic_ostream(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>*) #__ct__Q23std39basic_istream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPQ23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>> # std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::basic_istream(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>*) #__dt__Q33std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>6sentryFv # std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::sentry::~sentry() #flush__Q23std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::flush() #close__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::close() #overflow__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fi # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::overflow(int) #xsputn__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPCci # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::xsputn(const char*,int) #pbackfail__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fi # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::pbackfail(int) #uflow__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::uflow() #underflow__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::underflow() #xsgetn__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPci # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::xsgetn(char*,int) #showmanyc__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::showmanyc() #sync__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::sync() #seekpos__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FQ23std7fpos<i>s # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::seekpos(std::fpos<int>,short) #seekoff__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FlQ33std8ios_base7seekdirs # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::seekoff(long,std::ios_base::seekdir,short) #setbuf__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPci # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::setbuf(char*,int) #imbue__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FRCQ23std6locale # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::imbue(const std::locale&) #xsputn__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPCci # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::xsputn(const char*,int) #xsgetn__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPci # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::xsgetn(char*,int) #showmanyc__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::showmanyc() #imbue__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FRCQ23std6locale # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::imbue(const std::locale&) #uflow__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::uflow() #sync__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::sync() #setbuf__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FPci # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::setbuf(char*,int) #seekpos__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FQ23std7fpos<i>s # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::seekpos(std::fpos<int>,short) #seekoff__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>FlQ33std8ios_base7seekdirs # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::seekoff(long,std::ios_base::seekdir,short) #underflow__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::underflow() #pbackfail__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fi # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::pbackfail(int) #overflow__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fi # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::overflow(int) #@8@68@__dt__Q23std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv #__dt__Q23std35basic_ios<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~basic_ios() #@12@68@__dt__Q23std39basic_istream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv #__dt__Q23std39basic_istream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~basic_istream() #__dt__Q23std39basic_ostream<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~basic_ostream() #__dt__Q33std8ios_base4InitFv # std::ios_base::Init::~Init() #__dt__Q23std41basic_streambuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~basic_streambuf() #__ct__Q33std8ios_base4InitFv # std::ios_base::Init::Init() #__dt__Q23std39basic_filebuf<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>Fv # std::basic_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~basic_filebuf() #__mask_map__3std # std::__mask_map #__vt__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1> # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::__vt #__vt__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0> # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::__vt #__vt__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1> # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::__vt #__vt__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0> # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::__vt #__vt__Q23std12timepunct<w> # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q23std12timepunct<c> # std::timepunct<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std11numpunct<w> # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q23std11numpunct<c> # std::numpunct<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i> # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::__vt #__vt__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i> # std::codecvt<char, char, int>::__vt #__vt__Q23std15ctype_byname<c> # std::ctype_byname<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std8ctype<c> # std::ctype<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std8ctype<w> # std::ctype<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q33std6locale5facet # std::locale::facet::__vt #__vt__Q23std13runtime_error # std::runtime_error::__vt #__vt__Q23std12out_of_range # std::out_of_range::__vt #__vt__Q23std12length_error # std::length_error::__vt #__vt__Q23std11logic_error # std::logic_error::__vt #__vt__Q23std9bad_alloc # std::bad_alloc::__vt #__vt__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<c,c,i> # std::_Generic_codecvt<char, char, int>::__vt #__vt__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<w,c,i> # std::_Generic_codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::__vt #__vt__Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<c> # std::_Generic_numpunct<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<w> # std::_Generic_numpunct<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q23std10collate<c> # std::collate<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std10collate<w> # std::collate<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<c> # std::_Generic_timepunct<char>::__vt #__vt__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<w> # std::_Generic_timepunct<wchar_t>::__vt #__vt__Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::__vt #__vt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,0> # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 0>::__vt #__vt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,1> # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 1>::__vt #__vt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,0> # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::__vt #__vt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,1> # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::__vt #id__Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std10collate<c> # std::collate<char>::id #__init__id__Q23std10collate<c> #id__Q23std10collate<w> # std::collate<wchar_t>::id #__init__id__Q23std10collate<w> #id__Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> #id__Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::id #__init__id__Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> #id__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1> # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::id #__init__id__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1> #id__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0> # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::id #__init__id__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0> #id__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1> # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::id #__init__id__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1> #id__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0> # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::id #__init__id__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0> #id__Q23std12timepunct<w> # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::id #__init__id__Q23std12timepunct<w> #id__Q23std12timepunct<c> # std::timepunct<char>::id #__init__id__Q23std12timepunct<c> #id__Q23std11numpunct<w> # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::id #__init__id__Q23std11numpunct<w> #id__Q23std11numpunct<c> # std::numpunct<char>::id #__init__id__Q23std11numpunct<c> #id__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i> # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::id #__init__id__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i> #id__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i> # std::codecvt<char, char, int>::id #__init__id__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i> #id__Q23std8ctype<c> # std::ctype<char>::id #__init__id__Q23std8ctype<c> #id__Q23std8ctype<w> # std::ctype<wchar_t>::id #__init__id__Q23std8ctype<w> #global_s__Q23std6locale # std::locale::global_s #id_count_s__Q33std6locale2id # std::locale::id::id_count_s #insert__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FPPvUlRCPv # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::insert(void**,unsigned long,void*const&) #erase__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FPPvPPv # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::erase(void**,void**) #do_assign<PCPv>__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FPCPvPCPvQ23std20forward_iterator_tag # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::do_assign<PCPv>(void*const*,void*const*,std::forward_iterator_tag) #resize__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FUlPv # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::resize(unsigned long,void*) #compare__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>CFUlUlPCcUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::compare(unsigned long,unsigned long,const char*,unsigned long) const #max_size__Q23std13allocator<Pv>CFv # std::allocator<void*>::max_size() const #max_size__Q23std12allocator<w>CFv # std::allocator<wchar_t>::max_size() const #max_size__Q23std12allocator<c>CFv # std::allocator<char>::max_size() const #init__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FPCcPCcRCQ23std12allocator<c>Q23std26random_access_iterator_tag # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::init(const char*,const char*,const std::allocator<char>&,std::random_access_iterator_tag) #append__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>UlUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::append(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&,unsigned long,unsigned long) #init__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FPCwPCwRCQ23std12allocator<w>Q23std26random_access_iterator_tag # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::init(const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,const std::allocator<wchar_t>&,std::random_access_iterator_tag) #__dt__Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~money_put() #__dt__Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~money_put() #__dt__Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~money_get() #__dt__Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~money_get() #__dt__Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~time_put() #__dt__Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~time_put() #__dt__Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~time_get() #__dt__Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~time_get() #__dt__Q23std10collate<w>Fv # std::collate<wchar_t>::~collate() #__dt__Q23std10collate<c>Fv # std::collate<char>::~collate() #__dt__Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~num_put() #__dt__Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~num_put() #__dt__Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>Fv # std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::~num_get() #__dt__Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>Fv # std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::~num_get() #what__Q23std9bad_allocCFv # std::bad_alloc::what() const #what__Q23std11logic_errorCFv # std::logic_error::what() const #replace<Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std12timepunct<w>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std12timepunct<w> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std12timepunct<w>>(const std::timepunct<wchar_t>&) #replace<Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std12timepunct<c>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std12timepunct<c> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std12timepunct<c>>(const std::timepunct<char>&) #replace<Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std11numpunct<w>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std11numpunct<w> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std11numpunct<w>>(const std::numpunct<wchar_t>&) #replace<Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std11numpunct<c>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std11numpunct<c> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std11numpunct<c>>(const std::numpunct<char>&) #replace<Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>&) #replace<Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std15moneypunct<w,1> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>>(const std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>&) #replace<Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std15moneypunct<w,0> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>>(const std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>&) #replace<Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>&) #replace<Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std15moneypunct<c,1> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>>(const std::moneypunct<char, 1>&) #replace<Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std15moneypunct<c,0> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>>(const std::moneypunct<char, 0>&) #replace<Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std14codecvt<w,c,i> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>>(const std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>&) #replace<Q23std8ctype<w>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std8ctype<w> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std8ctype<w>>(const std::ctype<wchar_t>&) #replace<Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std14codecvt<c,c,i> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>>(const std::codecvt<char, char, int>&) #replace<Q23std8ctype<c>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std8ctype<c> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std8ctype<c>>(const std::ctype<char>&) #replace<Q23std10collate<w>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std10collate<w> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std10collate<w>>(const std::collate<wchar_t>&) #replace<Q23std10collate<c>>__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ23std10collate<c> # std::locale::imp::replace<Q23std10collate<c>>(const std::collate<char>&) #use_facet<Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std12timepunct<w>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std12timepunct<w>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std12timepunct<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std12timepunct<c>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std11numpunct<w>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std11numpunct<w>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std11numpunct<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std11numpunct<c>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std8ctype<w>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std8ctype<w>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std10collate<w>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std10collate<w>>(const std::locale&) #use_facet<Q23std10collate<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std6locale # std::use_facet<Q23std10collate<c>>(const std::locale&) #__ct__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FRCQ23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>> # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::vector(const std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>&) #__as__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FRCQ23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>> # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::operator =(const std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>&) #init__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>FUlRCPv # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::init(unsigned long,void*const&) #__ne<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>PCc # std::operator !=<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&,const char*) #__pl<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>__3stdFRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>RCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>> # std::operator +<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&,const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&) #__ct__Q33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArrayFRCQ23std12allocator<w>Ul # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray::CharArray(const std::allocator<wchar_t>&,unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std40_EmptyMemberOpt<Q23std12allocator<w>,Ul>Fv # std::_EmptyMemberOpt<std::allocator<wchar_t>, unsigned long>::~_EmptyMemberOpt() #__ct__Q33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArrayFRCQ33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArray # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray::CharArray(const std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray&) #get_allocator__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>CFv # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::get_allocator() const #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FRCQ23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>UlUl # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::basic_string(const std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>&,unsigned long,unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FPCwRCQ23std12allocator<w> # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::basic_string(const wchar_t*,const std::allocator<wchar_t>&) #init__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FUlwRCQ23std12allocator<w> # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::init(unsigned long,wchar_t,const std::allocator<wchar_t>&) #change_size__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FUlb # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::change_size(unsigned long,bool) #__ct__Q33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArrayFRCQ23std12allocator<c>Ul # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray::CharArray(const std::allocator<char>&,unsigned long) #get_allocator__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>CFv # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::get_allocator() const #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>UlUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&,unsigned long,unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FPCcRCQ23std12allocator<c> # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) #__dt__Q23std40_EmptyMemberOpt<Q23std12allocator<c>,Ul>Fv # std::_EmptyMemberOpt<std::allocator<char>, unsigned long>::~_EmptyMemberOpt() #__ct__Q33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArrayFRCQ33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArray # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray::CharArray(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray&) #assign__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>UlUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::assign(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&,unsigned long,unsigned long) #replace__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUlUlUlc # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::replace(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,char) #__dt__Q23std12out_of_rangeFv # std::out_of_range::~out_of_range() #init__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUlcRCQ23std12allocator<c> # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::init(unsigned long,char,const std::allocator<char>&) #__dt__Q23std11logic_errorFv # std::logic_error::~logic_error() #change_size__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUlb # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::change_size(unsigned long,bool) #__dt__Q23std12length_errorFv # std::length_error::~length_error() #__ct__62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>>FPQ33std6locale3imp # _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>::_RefCountedPtr(std::locale::imp*) #__as__62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>>FRC62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>> # _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>::operator =(const _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>&) #__dt__28_RefCountedPtr<c,9_Array<c>>Fv # _RefCountedPtr<char, _Array<char>>::~_RefCountedPtr() #__ct__62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>>FRC62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>> # _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>::_RefCountedPtr(const _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>&) #assign__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FPCcUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::assign(const char*,unsigned long) #__vc__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUl # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::operator [](unsigned long) #resize__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUlc # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::resize(unsigned long,char) #end__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>Fv # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::end() #begin__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>Fv # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::begin() #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FRCQ23std12allocator<c> # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(const std::allocator<char>&) #__vc__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FUl # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::operator [](unsigned long) #resize__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FUlw # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::resize(unsigned long,wchar_t) #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FRCQ23std12allocator<w> # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::basic_string(const std::allocator<wchar_t>&) #__dt__Q23std9bad_allocFv # std::bad_alloc::~bad_alloc() #__dt__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<c,c,i>Fv # std::_Generic_codecvt<char, char, int>::~_Generic_codecvt() #__ct__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<c,c,i>FUl # std::_Generic_codecvt<char, char, int>::_Generic_codecvt(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<w,c,i>Fv # std::_Generic_codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::~_Generic_codecvt() #__ct__Q23std23_Generic_codecvt<w,c,i>FUl # std::_Generic_codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::_Generic_codecvt(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std64num_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::num_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std64num_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::num_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std64num_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::num_put(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std64num_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::num_put(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<c>Fv # std::_Generic_numpunct<char>::~_Generic_numpunct() #__ct__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<c>FUl # std::_Generic_numpunct<char>::_Generic_numpunct(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<w>Fv # std::_Generic_numpunct<wchar_t>::~_Generic_numpunct() #__ct__Q23std20_Generic_numpunct<w>FUl # std::_Generic_numpunct<wchar_t>::_Generic_numpunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std10collate<c>FUl # std::collate<char>::collate(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std10collate<w>FUl # std::collate<wchar_t>::collate(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<c>Fv # std::_Generic_timepunct<char>::~_Generic_timepunct() #__ct__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<c>FUl # std::_Generic_timepunct<char>::_Generic_timepunct(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<w>Fv # std::_Generic_timepunct<wchar_t>::~_Generic_timepunct() #__ct__Q23std21_Generic_timepunct<w>FUl # std::_Generic_timepunct<wchar_t>::_Generic_timepunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std65time_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::time_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std65time_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::time_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std65time_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::time_put(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std65time_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::time_put(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std66money_get<c,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::money_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std66money_get<w,Q23std45istreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::money_get(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std66money_put<c,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>>>FUl # std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char>>>::money_put(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std66money_put<w,Q23std45ostreambuf_iterator<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>>>FUl # std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>>>::money_put(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,0>Fv # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 0>::~_Generic_moneypunct() #__ct__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,0>FUl # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 0>::_Generic_moneypunct(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,1>Fv # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 1>::~_Generic_moneypunct() #__ct__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<c,1>FUl # std::_Generic_moneypunct<char, 1>::_Generic_moneypunct(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,0>Fv # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::~_Generic_moneypunct() #__ct__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,0>FUl # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::_Generic_moneypunct(unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,1>Fv # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::~_Generic_moneypunct() #__ct__Q23std24_Generic_moneypunct<w,1>FUl # std::_Generic_moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::_Generic_moneypunct(unsigned long) #__ct<PQ33std6locale5facet>__Q23std13allocator<Pv>FRCQ23std31allocator<PQ33std6locale5facet> # std::allocator<void*>::!<std::locale::facet*>(const std::allocator<std::locale::facet*>&) #__ct<c>__Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArray>FRCQ23std12allocator<c> # std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray>::!<char>(const std::allocator<char>&) #__ct<w>__Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArray>FRCQ23std12allocator<w> # std::allocator<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray>::!<wchar_t>(const std::allocator<wchar_t>&) #what__Q23std13runtime_errorCFv # std::runtime_error::what() const #__dt__Q23std8ctype<w>Fv # std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype() #__dt__Q23std15ctype_byname<c>Fv # std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname() #__dt__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>Fv # std::codecvt<char, char, int>::~codecvt() #__dt__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>Fv # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::~codecvt() #do_falsename__Q23std11numpunct<c>CFv # std::numpunct<char>::do_falsename() const #do_truename__Q23std11numpunct<c>CFv # std::numpunct<char>::do_truename() const #do_grouping__Q23std11numpunct<c>CFv # std::numpunct<char>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std11numpunct<c>CFv # std::numpunct<char>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std11numpunct<c>CFv # std::numpunct<char>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std11numpunct<c>Fv # std::numpunct<char>::~numpunct() #do_falsename__Q23std11numpunct<w>CFv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::do_falsename() const #do_truename__Q23std11numpunct<w>CFv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::do_truename() const #do_grouping__Q23std11numpunct<w>CFv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std11numpunct<w>CFv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std11numpunct<w>CFv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std11numpunct<w>Fv # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::~numpunct() #__dt__Q23std12timepunct<c>Fv # std::timepunct<char>::~timepunct() #__dt__Q23std12timepunct<w>Fv # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::~timepunct() #do_neg_format__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_neg_format() const #do_pos_format__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_pos_format() const #do_frac_digits__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_frac_digits() const #do_negative_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_negative_sign() const #do_positive_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_positive_sign() const #do_curr_symbol__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_curr_symbol() const #do_grouping__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>Fv # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::~moneypunct() #do_neg_format__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_neg_format() const #do_pos_format__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_pos_format() const #do_frac_digits__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_frac_digits() const #do_negative_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_negative_sign() const #do_positive_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_positive_sign() const #do_curr_symbol__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_curr_symbol() const #do_grouping__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>Fv # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::~moneypunct() #__dt__Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArray>Fv # std::allocator<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray>::~allocator() #__dt__Q23std192_EmptyMemberOpt<Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArray>,PQ33std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>9CharArray>Fv # std::_EmptyMemberOpt<std::allocator<std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray>, std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::CharArray*>::~_EmptyMemberOpt() #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>FUlwRCQ23std12allocator<w> # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::basic_string(unsigned long,wchar_t,const std::allocator<wchar_t>&) #do_neg_format__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_neg_format() const #do_pos_format__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_pos_format() const #do_frac_digits__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_frac_digits() const #do_negative_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_negative_sign() const #do_positive_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_positive_sign() const #do_curr_symbol__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_curr_symbol() const #do_grouping__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>Fv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::~moneypunct() #__dt__Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArray>Fv # std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray>::~allocator() #__dt__Q23std192_EmptyMemberOpt<Q23std88allocator<Q33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArray>,PQ33std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>9CharArray>Fv # std::_EmptyMemberOpt<std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray>, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::CharArray*>::~_EmptyMemberOpt() #__ct__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>FUlcRCQ23std12allocator<c> # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(unsigned long,char,const std::allocator<char>&) #do_neg_format__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_neg_format() const #do_pos_format__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_pos_format() const #do_frac_digits__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_frac_digits() const #do_negative_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_negative_sign() const #do_positive_sign__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_positive_sign() const #do_curr_symbol__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_curr_symbol() const #do_grouping__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_grouping() const #do_thousands_sep__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_thousands_sep() const #do_decimal_point__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>CFv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::do_decimal_point() const #__dt__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>Fv # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::~moneypunct() #__two_exp__3stdFs # std::__two_exp(short) #__amu__Q23std4_BCDFQ23std4_BCD # std::_BCD::operator *=(std::_BCD) #__apl__Q23std4_BCDFQ23std4_BCD # std::_BCD::operator +=(std::_BCD) #__ct__Q23std4_BCDFPCci # std::_BCD::_BCD(const char*,int) #to_string__Q23std4_BCDCFiRi # std::_BCD::to_string(int,int&) const #__ct__Q23std4_BCDFri # std::_BCD::_BCD(long double,int) #__dt__Q23std4_BCDFv # std::_BCD::~_BCD() #__ct__Q23std15moneypunct<w,1>FUl # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 1>::moneypunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std15moneypunct<w,0>FUl # std::moneypunct<wchar_t, 0>::moneypunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std15moneypunct<c,1>FUl # std::moneypunct<char, 1>::moneypunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std15moneypunct<c,0>FUl # std::moneypunct<char, 0>::moneypunct(unsigned long) #do_am_pm__Q23std12timepunct<w>CFi # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::do_am_pm(int) const #do_month_name__Q23std12timepunct<w>CFUl # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::do_month_name(unsigned long) const #do_weekday_name__Q23std12timepunct<w>CFUl # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::do_weekday_name(unsigned long) const #__ct__Q23std12timepunct<w>FUl # std::timepunct<wchar_t>::timepunct(unsigned long) #do_am_pm__Q23std12timepunct<c>CFi # std::timepunct<char>::do_am_pm(int) const #do_month_name__Q23std12timepunct<c>CFUl # std::timepunct<char>::do_month_name(unsigned long) const #do_weekday_name__Q23std12timepunct<c>CFUl # std::timepunct<char>::do_weekday_name(unsigned long) const #__ct__Q23std12timepunct<c>FUl # std::timepunct<char>::timepunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std11numpunct<w>FUl # std::numpunct<wchar_t>::numpunct(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std11numpunct<c>FUl # std::numpunct<char>::numpunct(unsigned long) #do_in__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>CFRiPCcPCcRPCcPwPwRPw # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::do_in(int&,const char*,const char*,const char*&,wchar_t*,wchar_t*,wchar_t*&) const #do_out__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>CFRiPCwPCwRPCwPcPcRPc # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::do_out(int&,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*&,char*,char*,char*&) const #__ct__Q23std14codecvt<w,c,i>FUl # std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, int>::codecvt(unsigned long) #do_nothing__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>CFPCcPCcRPCcPcPcRPc # std::codecvt<char, char, int>::do_nothing(const char*,const char*,const char*&,char*,char*,char*&) const #__ct__Q23std14codecvt<c,c,i>FUl # std::codecvt<char, char, int>::codecvt(unsigned long) #__ct__Q23std15ctype_byname<c>FPCcUl # std::ctype_byname<char>::ctype_byname(const char*,unsigned long) #do_tolower__Q23std8ctype<c>CFPcPCc # std::ctype<char>::do_tolower(char*,const char*) const #do_toupper__Q23std8ctype<c>CFPcPCc # std::ctype<char>::do_toupper(char*,const char*) const #scan_not__Q23std8ctype<c>CFQ33std10ctype_base4maskPCcPCc # std::ctype<char>::scan_not(std::ctype_base::mask,const char*,const char*) const #scan_is__Q23std8ctype<c>CFQ33std10ctype_base4maskPCcPCc # std::ctype<char>::scan_is(std::ctype_base::mask,const char*,const char*) const #is__Q23std8ctype<c>CFPCcPCcPQ33std10ctype_base4mask # std::ctype<char>::is(const char*,const char*,std::ctype_base::mask*) const #__dt__Q23std8ctype<c>Fv # std::ctype<char>::~ctype() #__ct__Q23std8ctype<c>FPCQ33std10ctype_base4maskbUl # std::ctype<char>::ctype(const std::ctype_base::mask*,bool,unsigned long) #__dt__Q23std59basic_string<w,Q23std14char_traits<w>,Q23std12allocator<w>>Fv # std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t>>::~basic_string() #__dt__Q23std12allocator<w>Fv # std::allocator<wchar_t>::~allocator() #widen__Q23std8ctype<w>CFRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>> # std::ctype<wchar_t>::widen(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&) const #classify__Q23std8ctype<w>CFw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::classify(wchar_t) const #do_narrow__Q23std8ctype<w>CFPCwPCwcPc # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow(const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,char,char*) const #do_widen__Q23std8ctype<w>CFPCcPCcPw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen(const char*,const char*,wchar_t*) const #do_tolower__Q23std8ctype<w>CFPwPCw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower(wchar_t*,const wchar_t*) const #do_toupper__Q23std8ctype<w>CFPwPCw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper(wchar_t*,const wchar_t*) const #do_scan_not__Q23std8ctype<w>CFQ33std10ctype_base4maskPCwPCw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not(std::ctype_base::mask,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*) const #do_scan_is__Q23std8ctype<w>CFQ33std10ctype_base4maskPCwPCw # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is(std::ctype_base::mask,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*) const #do_is__Q23std8ctype<w>CFPCwPCwPQ33std10ctype_base4mask # std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is(const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,std::ctype_base::mask*) const #__as__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ33std6locale3imp # std::locale::imp::operator =(const std::locale::imp&) #__dt__Q33std6locale3impFv # std::locale::imp::~imp() #__ct__Q33std6locale3impFRCQ33std6locale3imp # std::locale::imp::imp(const std::locale::imp&) #__dt__Q23std32vector<Pv,Q23std13allocator<Pv>>Fv # std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*>>::~vector() #__dt__Q23std68vector<PQ33std6locale5facet,Q23std31allocator<PQ33std6locale5facet>>Fv # std::vector<std::locale::facet*, std::allocator<std::locale::facet*>>::~vector() #__dt__Q23std31allocator<PQ33std6locale5facet>Fv # std::allocator<std::locale::facet*>::~allocator() #__dt__Q23std13allocator<Pv>Fv # std::allocator<void*>::~allocator() #__dt__Q23std41_EmptyMemberOpt<Q23std13allocator<Pv>,Ul>Fv # std::_EmptyMemberOpt<std::allocator<void*>, unsigned long>::~_EmptyMemberOpt() #__ct__Q33std6locale3impFUl # std::locale::imp::imp(unsigned long) #__dt__Q33std6locale5facetFv # std::locale::facet::~facet() #make_classic__Q23std6localeFv # std::locale::make_classic() #__ct__Q23std6localeFRC62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>> # std::locale::locale(const _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>&) #classic__Q23std6localeFv # std::locale::classic() #global__Q23std6localeFRCQ23std6locale # std::locale::global(const std::locale&) #name__Q23std6localeCFv # std::locale::name() const #__as__Q23std6localeFRCQ23std6locale # std::locale::operator =(const std::locale&) #__ct__Q23std6localeFRCQ23std6localeRCQ23std6localei # std::locale::locale(const std::locale&,const std::locale&,int) #__dt__Q23std6localeFv # std::locale::~locale() #__ct__Q23std6localeFRCQ23std6localePCci # std::locale::locale(const std::locale&,const char*,int) #__dt__Q23std10_MSLstringFv # std::_MSLstring::~_MSLstring() #__dt__Q23std12allocator<c>Fv # std::allocator<char>::~allocator() #__dt__Q23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>>Fv # std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::~basic_string() #__ct__Q23std6localeFPCc # std::locale::locale(const char*) #__dt__Q23std13runtime_errorFv # std::runtime_error::~runtime_error() #__ct__Q23std6localeFRCQ23std6locale # std::locale::locale(const std::locale&) #__dt__62_RefCountedPtr<Q33std6locale3imp,26_Single<Q33std6locale3imp>>Fv # _RefCountedPtr<std::locale::imp, _Single<std::locale::imp>>::~_RefCountedPtr() #__ct__Q23std6localeFv # std::locale::locale() #__ct__28_RefCountedPtr<c,9_Array<c>>FPc # _RefCountedPtr<char, _Array<char>>::_RefCountedPtr(char*) #__as__28_RefCountedPtr<c,9_Array<c>>FRC28_RefCountedPtr<c,9_Array<c>> # _RefCountedPtr<char, _Array<char>>::operator =(const _RefCountedPtr<char, _Array<char>>&) #__ct__Q23std10_MSLstringFRCQ23std59basic_string<c,Q23std14char_traits<c>,Q23std12allocator<c>> # std::_MSLstring::_MSLstring(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>&) #__vt__Q33std8ios_base7failure # std::ios_base::failure::__vt #__vt__Q23std8ios_base # std::ios_base::__vt #what__Q33std8ios_base7failureCFv # std::ios_base::failure::what() const #throwfailure__Q23std8ios_baseFv # std::ios_base::throwfailure() #__dt__Q33std8ios_base7failureFv # std::ios_base::failure::~failure() #__dt__Q23std8ios_baseFv # std::ios_base::~ios_base() #__ct__Q23std8ios_baseFv # std::ios_base::ios_base() #register_callback__Q23std8ios_baseFPFQ33std8ios_base5eventRQ23std8ios_basei_vi # std::ios_base::register_callback(void (*)(std::ios_base::event, std::ios_base&, int),int) #__ct__Q23std50pair<PFQ33std8ios_base5eventRQ23std8ios_basei_v,i>Fv # std::pair<void (*)(std::ios_base::event, std::ios_base&, int), int>::pair() #pword__Q23std8ios_baseFi # std::ios_base::pword(int) #iword__Q23std8ios_baseFi # std::ios_base::iword(int) #getloc__Q23std8ios_baseCFv # std::ios_base::getloc() const #imbue__Q23std8ios_baseFRCQ23std6locale # std::ios_base::imbue(const std::locale&) #__vt__Q23std12strstreambuf # std::strstreambuf::__vt #init__Q23std12strstreambufFPciPc # std::strstreambuf::init(char*,int,char*) #setbuf__Q23std12strstreambufFPci # std::strstreambuf::setbuf(char*,int) #seekpos__Q23std12strstreambufFQ23std7fpos<i>s # std::strstreambuf::seekpos(std::fpos<int>,short) #seekoff__Q23std12strstreambufFlQ33std8ios_base7seekdirs # std::strstreambuf::seekoff(long,std::ios_base::seekdir,short) #underflow__Q23std12strstreambufFv # std::strstreambuf::underflow() #pbackfail__Q23std12strstreambufFi # std::strstreambuf::pbackfail(int) #overflow__Q23std12strstreambufFi # std::strstreambuf::overflow(int) #freeze__Q23std12strstreambufFb # std::strstreambuf::freeze(bool) #__dt__Q23std12strstreambufFv # std::strstreambuf::~strstreambuf() #__console_exit #__stdio_exit #__aborting #__exit #exit #__atexit #atexit #abort #__malloc_pool #free #realloc #calloc #malloc #__files #__num_to_file #__file_to_num #__flush_line_buffered_output_files #__flush_all #__close_all #__init_file #__find_unopened_file #__llmod #__lmod #__mod #__lldiv #__ldiv #__div #__llmul #__lmul #__mul #__lladd #__ladd #__add #lldiv #ldiv #div #llabs #labs #abs #__assertion_failed #bsearch #setbuf #setvbuf #__flush_buffer #__load_buffer #__prep_buffer #__convert_to_newlines #__convert_from_newlines #puts #fputs #putchar #putc #fputc #__put_char #__ungotten #ungetc #gets #fgets #getchar #getc #fgetc #__get_char #__ctype_map #__lower_map #__upper_map #toupper #tolower #isxdigit #isupper #isspace #ispunct #isprint #islower #isgraph #isdigit #iscntrl #isalpha #isalnum #fwrite #fread #errno #__temp_file_mode #__set_idle_proc #__get_file_modes #__handle_reopen #__handle_open #freopen #fopen #fflush #fclose #tmpfile #tmpnam #rename #remove #rewind #fsetpos #fseek #_fseek #fgetpos #ftell #_ftell #__float_nan #__float_huge #__double_min #__double_max #__double_epsilon #__double_tiny #__double_huge #__double_nan #__extended_min #__extended_max #__extended_epsilon #__extended_tiny #__extended_huge #__extended_nan #__lconv #localeconv #setlocale #wcstombs #mbstowcs #wctomb #mbtowc #mblen #memcmp #__memrchr #memchr #memset #memmove #memcpy #__fill_mem #__copy_longs_rev_unaligned #__copy_longs_unaligned #__copy_longs_rev_aligned #__copy_longs_aligned #__move_mem #__copy_mem #__stdio_atexit #perror #ferror #feof #clearerr #__pool_free_all #__pool_free #__pool_realloc #__pool_alloc_clear #__pool_alloc #__pool_preassign #__pool_preallocate #__init_pool_obj #sprintf #snprintf #vsprintf #vsnprintf #printf #vprintf #fprintf #vfprintf #qsort #srand #rand #sscanf #__vsscanf #scanf #fscanf #__vfscanf #raise #signal #__strerror #strerror #strstr #strtok #strcspn #strspn #strpbrk #strrchr #strxfrm #strcoll #strchr #strncmp #strcmp #strncat #strcat #strncpy #strcpy #strlen #__close_string #__write_string #__read_string #__open_string_file #atof #strtod #__strtold #strtoumax #strtoimax #atol #atoi #strtoll #strtol #strtoull #strtoul #__strtoull #__strtoul #system #getenv #__month_to_days #strftime #localtime #gmtime #ctime #asctime #time #mktime #difftime #clock #__leap_year #ccommand #clrscr #__close_console #__write_console #__read_console #__end_critical_region #__begin_critical_region #__kill_critical_regions #__init_critical_regions #fcntl #creat #open #__rename_file #__delete_file #__temp_file_name #__close_file #__position_file #__write_file #__read_file #__open_temp_file #__open_file #__path2fss #__sys_free #__sys_alloc #mkdir #fstat #stat #__to_gm_time #__get_time #__get_clock #write #unlink #ttyname #sleep #rmdir #read #lseek #isatty #getlogin #getcwd #exec #cuserid #close #chdir #_ftype #_fcreator #tell #fdopen #fileno #__gettype #__getcreator #__ctopstring #__system7present #__myraise #utimes #utime #uname #fwide #fgetws #fputws #ungetwc #fgetwc #getwchar #getwc #fputwc #putwchar #putwc #watof #wcstod #__wcstold #wcstoumax #wcstoimax #watol #watoi #wcstoll #wcstol #wcstoull #wcstoul #__wcstoull #__wcstoul #wctrans #towctrans #__wctype_map #__wlower_map #__wupper_map #iswctype #wctype #wctob #towupper #towlower #iswxdigit #iswupper #iswspace #iswpunct #iswprint #iswlower #iswgraph #iswdigit #iswcntrl #iswalpha #iswalnum #wmemcmp #wmemchr #wmemset #wmemmove #wmemcpy #swprintf #vwprintf #vswprintf #wprintf #fwprintf #vfwprintf #swscanf #__vswscanf #vwscanf #wscanf #fwscanf #__vfwscanf #wcsstr #wcstok #wcscspn #wcsspn #wcspbrk #wcsrchr #wcsxfrm #wcscoll #wcschr #wcsncmp #wcscmp #wcsncat #wcscat #wcsncpy #wcscpy #wcslen #wcsftime #wctime #wasctime #ValidateMallocHeap #GetNextMallocHeapRegistration #GetFirstMallocHeapRegistration #UnregisterMallocHeap #RegisterMallocHeap #__fminl #__fmaxl #__fdiml #__nextafterl #__remquol #__copysignl #__remainderl #__fmodl #__modfl #__truncl #llroundl #lroundl #__roundl #llrintl #lrintl #__rintl #__nearbyintl #__floorl #__ceill #__lgammal #__gammal #__erfcl #__erfl #__hypotl #__sqrtl #__powl #__fabsl #scalblnl #scalbnl #__logbl #__log2l #__log1pl #__expm1l #__exp2l #__log10l #__logl #__ldexpl #__frexpl #__expl #__atanhl #__asinhl #__acoshl #__tanhl #__sinhl #__coshl #__tanl #__sinl #__cosl #__atan2l #__atanl #__asinl #__acosl #fminf #fmaxf #fdimf #remquof #copysignf #remainderf #fmodf #truncf #llroundf #lroundf #roundf #llrintf #lrintf #rintf #nearbyintf #floorf #ceilf #lgammaf #gammaf #erfcf #erff #hypotf #sqrtf #powf #fabsf #scalblnf #scalbnf #logbf #log2f #log1pf #expm1f #exp2f #log10f #logf #ldexpf #frexpf #expf #atanhf #asinhf #acoshf #tanhf #sinhf #coshf #tanf #sinf #cosf #atan2f #atanf #asinf #acosf #nextafter #llround #lround #llrint #lrint #scalbln #scalbn #__dc_arr #__del_arr #__new_arr #__init_arr #__copy #__som_check_ev #__som_check_new #__vt__Q23std13bad_exception # std::bad_exception::__vt #what__Q23std13bad_exceptionCFv # std::bad_exception::what() const #__end__catch #__throw #__ct__Q23std9exceptionFv # std::exception::exception() #__unexpected #__dt__Q23std13bad_exceptionFv # std::bad_exception::~bad_exception() #__unregister_fragment #__register_fragment #__global_destructor_chain #__destroy_global_chain #__register_global_object #__destroy_new_array2 #__destroy_new_array #__destroy_arr #__construct_array #__dt__26__partial_array_destructorFv # __partial_array_destructor::~__partial_array_destructor() #__construct_new_array #__throw_catch_compare #unexpected__3stdFv # std::unexpected() #set_unexpected__3stdFPFv_v # std::set_unexpected(void (*)(void)) #terminate__3stdFv # std::terminate() #set_terminate__3stdFPFv_v # std::set_terminate(void (*)(void)) #__vt__Q23std10bad_typeid # std::bad_typeid::__vt #what__Q23std10bad_typeidCFv # std::bad_typeid::what() const #__dynamic_cast #__get_typeid #__dt__Q23std10bad_typeidFv # std::bad_typeid::~bad_typeid() #nothrow__3std # std::nothrow #__dla__FPv # operator delete[](void*) #__nwa__FUlRCQ23std9nothrow_t # operator new[](unsigned long,const std::nothrow_t&) #__nwa__FUl # operator new[](unsigned long) #__dl__FPv # operator delete(void*) #__nw__FUlRCQ23std9nothrow_t # operator new(unsigned long,const std::nothrow_t&) #__nw__FUl # operator new(unsigned long) #_prealloc_newpool__3stdFUl # std::_prealloc_newpool(unsigned long) #_set_newnonptrmax__3stdFUl # std::_set_newnonptrmax(unsigned long) #_set_newpoolsize__3stdFUl # std::_set_newpoolsize(unsigned long) #__throws_bad_alloc__3std # std::__throws_bad_alloc #__new_handler__3std # std::__new_handler #__del_hdl #__new_hdl #set_new_handler__3stdFPFv_v # std::set_new_handler(void (*)(void)) #__throw_bad_alloc__3stdFv # std::__throw_bad_alloc() #qd #__terminate #__initialize #__start #__ptmf_null \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/libical_prefix.h b/libical/MacOS/libical_prefix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0810563119..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/libical_prefix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/* libical_prefix.h */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define _TIME_T
-#include "errno.h" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/restrictions.make b/libical/MacOS/restrictions.make
deleted file mode 100644
index dd146f5ed3..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/restrictions.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#pseudo target all Ä {libical_c_src}parameterrestrictions.inc {libical_c_src}restrictionrecords.inc # Generate source file {libical_c_src}parameterrestrictions.inc Ä ¶ {libical_scripts}mkparameterrestrictions.pl ¶ {libical_data}params-in-prop.txt ¶ {libical_project}restrictions.make perl {libical_scripts}mkparameterrestrictions.pl {libical_data}params-in-prop.txt ¶ > {libical_c_src}parameterrestrictions.inc # Set file creator to CodeWarrior setfile {libical_c_src}parameterrestrictions.inc -c CWIE # Generate source file {libical_c_src}restrictionrecords.inc Ä ¶ {libical_scripts}mkrestrictionrecords.pl ¶ {libical_data}restrictions.csv ¶ {libical_project}restrictions.make perl {libical_scripts}mkrestrictionrecords.pl {libical_data}restrictions.csv ¶ > {libical_c_src}restrictionrecords.inc # Set file creator to CodeWarrior setfile {libical_c_src}restrictionrecords.inc -c CWIE \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/restrictions.script b/libical/MacOS/restrictions.script
deleted file mode 100644
index ab719b87d5..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/restrictions.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-directory {libical_project} # Generate source files make all -f restrictions.make > make.out make.out \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/strdup.c b/libical/MacOS/strdup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae60fee3df..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/strdup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "strdup.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char *strdup(const char *s )
- char *p;
- if ( (p = (char *) malloc( strlen( s ) + 1 )) == NULL )
- return( NULL );
- strcpy( p, s );
- return( p );
diff --git a/libical/MacOS/strdup.h b/libical/MacOS/strdup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb73aa535..0000000000
--- a/libical/MacOS/strdup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-/* strdup.h */
-char * strdup(const char *str);
diff --git a/libical/Makefile.am b/libical/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cca9b6582..0000000000
--- a/libical/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- TEST \
-SUBDIRS = src
diff --git a/libical/README b/libical/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c78995e1..0000000000
--- a/libical/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-LIBICAL -- An implementation of basic iCAL protocols
-The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the
-Mozilla Public License. See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html
-for a copy of the license. Alternately, you may use libical under the
-terms of the GNU Library General Public License. See
-http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy of the LGPL.
-This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into
-both proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from
-improvements made by programmers in both realms. I will only accept
-changes into my version of the library if they are similarly
-The code in this distribution implements the iCal protocols as
-described in RFC2445 and RFC2446. The code is in very early stages of
-This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
-to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at
-eric@softwarestudio.org. The project has a webpage at
- http://softwarestudio.org/libical/index.html
-and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
- ------------
- To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
- Subject: subscribe libical
- ------------
-Building the library
-This distribution is developed on Red Hat Linux 6.0 and usually
-compiles on SunOS 5.6 and FreeBSD 2.27. I have reports of success of
-previous version on MacOS ( with CodeWarrior ) but I don't know about
-any other systems.
-The library is configured with automake. From the root directory, run
- ./configure
-To build all of the Makefiles for your system. If you will be installing the library, you may want to use the --prefix flag to set the directory where the library and header files will be installed.
- ./configure --prefix=/proj/local/
-If configure runs fine, run "make" to build the library and
-"make install" to install it.
-The current version of libical focuses on creating and
-manipulating iCal objects. With it, you can parse text representations
-of iCal components, add and remove sub-components, properties,
-parameters and values, and print the components back out as strings.
-Perl Library
-There is a perl language binding of this library, LIBICAL. It is available from CPAN. or from http://www.softwarestudio.org/libical
-The parser is a test program that will convert a text representation
-of an iCal object to the internal representation and print it back out
-as text. It is primarily a test tool, but it is also a good
-demonstration of how the library works.
-To use it, cat one of the test components into the parser
-executable. For example, from the root of the distribution:
- src/test/icalparser < test-data/1.1
-Eric Busboom
-eric@softwarestudio.org \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/TEST b/libical/TEST
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c3473b31..0000000000
--- a/libical/TEST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Parser Tests
-Use iCAL keywords as first words of unquoted strings \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/TODO b/libical/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index feb723d244..0000000000
--- a/libical/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-TODOs for libical-0.16
-libical treats properties with multiple values incorrecty -- it always
-seperates multiple values into multiple properties. This is not
-acceptable for CATEGORIES and RESOURCES.
-Some TEXT valued properties, like METHOD, have a limited set of valid
-values. The code should check that the values of these properites are
-valid. ( Although METHOD now uses enums, and is not really TEXT valued )
-Finish implementing values
- content_type
- language
-Check for buffer overflow on external input.
-Error Handling
- Dates and times: the parser will accept many illegal date time
- values
-RECUR values ignore integers in BYDAY clauses, ie 'FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=-1SU'
-REQUEST-STATUS propery is broken. The parser treats the value as
-normal text, backslashing the ';' seperators.
-Some of the X-LIC-ERROR types overlap with REQUEST-STATUS
-values. There should be a routine to turn property, parameter and
-value parse errors into REQUEST-STATUS
diff --git a/libical/configure.scan b/libical/configure.scan
deleted file mode 100644
index c07a9f6bf8..0000000000
--- a/libical/configure.scan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-dnl Checks for programs.
-dnl Checks for libraries.
-dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lical:
-AC_CHECK_LIB(ical, main)
-dnl Checks for header files.
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h limits.h malloc.h unistd.h)
-dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-dnl Checks for library functions.
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(mkdir strdup uname)
-AC_OUTPUT(src/libicalss/Makefile src/test/Makefile src/libical/Makefile src/Makefile src/pvl/Makefile src/comp-cc/Makefile Makefile)
diff --git a/libical/design-data/components.txt b/libical/design-data/components.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 709c74ce13..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/components.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/design-data/param-c-types.txt b/libical/design-data/param-c-types.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d2f28e688a..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/param-c-types.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-ALTREP char*
-CN char*
-CUTYPE icalparameter_cutype
-DIR char*
-ENCODING icalparameter_encoding
-FBTYPE icalparameter_fbtype
-FMTTYPE char*
-MEMBER char*
-PARTSTAT icalparameter_partstat
-RANGE icalparameter_range
-RELATED icalparameter_related
-RELTYPE icalparameter_reltype
-ROLE icalparameter_role
-RSVP int
-SENT-BY char*
-TZID char*
-VALUE icalparameter_value
-X char*
-X-LIC-ERRORTYPE icalparameter_xlicerrortype
-X-LIC-COMPARETYPE icalparameter_xliccomparetype
diff --git a/libical/design-data/params-in-prop.txt b/libical/design-data/params-in-prop.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4e133fc3..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/params-in-prop.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-TARGET X \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/design-data/prop-to-value.txt b/libical/design-data/prop-to-value.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a40c26cb..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/prop-to-value.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-METHOD METHOD # Non-std. RFC2445 specifies TEXT
-GEO GEO # Non-std: Two FLOATS
diff --git a/libical/design-data/property-tokens.txt b/libical/design-data/property-tokens.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a95861c4..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/property-tokens.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/design-data/restrictions.csv b/libical/design-data/restrictions.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e93f0a2a2a..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/restrictions.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1348 +0,0 @@
-# Method, Target component, Property, Sub-component, Restriction
-ADD,VEVENT,DTEND,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-ADD,VEVENT,DURATION,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-CANCEL,VEVENT,DTEND,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-CANCEL,VEVENT,DURATION,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-COUNTER,VEVENT,DTEND,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-COUNTER,VEVENT,DURATION,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-NONE,VEVENT,DTEND,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
-NONE,VEVENT,DURATION,NONE,ONEEXCLUSIVE, icalrestriction_check_exclusive
diff --git a/libical/design-data/status-new.txt b/libical/design-data/status-new.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7bbf83a7..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/status-new.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-2.0 STATOK Operation was successfully performed.
-2.0.1 STARTSENDATA Start ICAL input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
-2.0.11 OKDATAFOLLOWS The request was processed successfully. Reply data follows on the next line and terminates with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
-2.0.2 REPLYPENDING A timeout has occurred. The server is still working on the reply. Use CONTINUE to continue waiting for the reply or ABORT to terminate the command.
-2.0.3 ABORTED The command currently underway was successsfully aborted.
-2.0.4 WILLATTEMPT The specified Calendar is not here but an attempt will be made to deliver the request or reply to the Calendar anyway.
-2.0.5 TRUSTEDWILLQUEUE The request or reply will be queued and delivered to the target calendar when its iRIP server contacts this server and issues the SWITCH command.
-2.0.6 WILLATTEMPT The specified Calendar is not here but an attempt will be made to deliver the request or reply to the Calendar anyway.
-2.0.7 QUEUED The message has been queued for delivery.
-2.0.8 QUEUEEMPTY There are no more queued messages.
-2.1 FALLBACK Success. Fallback taken on one or more property values.
-2.2 NOCOMMANDINPROGRESS An ABORT or CONTINUE was received when no command was in progress
-2.2 IGPROP Success. Invalid property ignored.
-2.3 IGPARAM Success. invalid property parameter ignored.
-2.4 IGXPROP Success. Unknown non-standard property ignored.
-2.5 IGXPARAM Success. Unknown non standard property value ignored.
-2.6 IGCOMP Success. Invalid calendar component ignored.
-2.7 FORWARD Success. Request forwarded to Calendar User.
-2.8 ONEEVENT Success. Repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single component.
-2.9 TRUNC Success. Truncated end date time to date boundary.
-2.10 ONETODO Success. Repeating VTODO ignored. Scheduled as a single VTODO.
-2.11 TRUNCRRULE Success. Unbounded RRULE clipped at some finite number of instances
-3.0 INVPROPNAME Invalid property name.
-3.1 INVPROPVAL Invalid property value.
-3.2 INVPARAM Invalid property parameter.
-3.3 INVPARAMVAL Invalid property parameter value.
-3.4 INVCOMP Invalid calendar component sequence.
-3.5 INVTIME Invalid date or time.
-3.6 INVRULE Invalid rule.
-3.7 INVCU Invalid Calendar User.
-3.8 NOAUTH No authority.
-3.9 BADVERSION Unsupported version.
-3.10 TOOBIG Request entity too large.
-3.11 MISSREQCOMP Required component or property missing.
-3.12 UNKCOMP Unknown component or property found.
-3.13 BADCOMP Unsupported component or property found
-3.14 NOCAP Unsupported capability.
-4.0 BUSY Event conflict. Date/time is busy.
-5.0 MAYBE Request MAY supported.
-5.1 UNAVAIL Service unavailable.
-5.2 NOSERVICE Invalid calendar service.
-5.3 NOSCHED No scheduling support for user.
-6.1 AUTHENTICATEFAILURE Unsupported authentication mechanism, credentials rejected
-6.2 AUTHENTICATIONABORTED Sender aborted authentication, authentication exchange cancelled
-8.0 GENERALFAILURE A failure has occurred in the Receiver that prevents the operation from succeeding.
-8.1 SERVERTOOBUSY The iRIP Receiver is too busy.
-8.2 ICALOBJECTTOOBIG Object has exceeded the server's size limit.
-8.3 DATETOOLARGE A DATETIME value was too far in the future to be represented on this Calendar.
-8.4 DATETOOSMALL A DATETIME value was too far in the past to be represented on this Calendar.
-9.0 INVALIDIRIPCOMMAND An unrecongnized command was received.
-9.1 UNEXPECTEDCOMMAND The command is not allowed for the server's current state.
-10.1 REFERRAL Accompanied by an alternate address.
-10.2 SERVERSHUTDOWN The server is shutting down.
-10.4 EXCEEDEDQUOTAS The operation would cause a resource to exceed the allocated quota
-10.5 QUEUEDTOOLONG The ITIP message has been queued too long. Delivery has been aborted.
diff --git a/libical/design-data/status.foo b/libical/design-data/status.foo
deleted file mode 100644
index a2591bd26a..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/status.foo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-2.0 STATOK Operation was successfully performed.
-2.0.1 START-SENDATA Start ICAL input; end with
-2.0.11 OK-DATAFOLLOWS The request was processed
- successfully. Reply data follows on
- the next line and terminates with
-2.0.2 REPLY-PENDING A timeout has occurred. The server is
- still working on the reply. Use
- CONTINUE to continue waiting for the
- reply or ABORT to terminate the
- command.
-2.0.3 ABORTED In response to the client issuing an
- ABORT command, this reply code
- indicates that any command currently
- underway was successsfully aborted.
-2.0.4 WILL-ATTEMPT The specified Calendar is not here
- but an attempt will be made to deliver
- the request or reply to the Calendar
- anyway. There is a trust relationship
- between this iRIP server and the
- iRIP server for the target calendar.
-2.0.5 TRUSTED-WILL-QUEUE The specified Calendar cannot be
- contacted directly and a trust
- relationship exists between this
- server and the server on which the
- Calendar exists. The request or reply
- will be queued and delivered to the
- target calendar when its iRIP server
- contacts this server and issues the
- SWITCH command.
-2.0.6 WILL-ATTEMPT The specified Calendar is not here
- but an attempt will be made to deliver
- the request or reply to the Calendar
- anyway. There is not a trust
- relationship between the iRIP server
- and the iRIP server for the target
- calendar.
-2.0.7 QUEUED The message has been queued for
- delivery.
-2.0.8 QUEUE-EMPTY There are no more queued messages.
-2.2 NO COMMAND IN PROGRESS An ABORT or CONTINUE was received when
- no command was in progress
-6.1 AUTHENTICATE FAILURE Unsupported authentication mechanism,
- credentials rejected
-6.2 AUTHENTICATION ABORTED Sender aborted authentication,
- authentication exchange cancelled
-8.0 GENERAL FAILURE A failure has occurred in the Receiver
- that prevents the operation from
- succeeding.
-8.1 SERVER TOO BUSY Sent when a session cannot be
- established because the iRIP
- Receiver is too busy.
-8.2 ICAL OBJECT TOO BIG Used to signal that an ICAL object has
- exceeded the server's size limit.
-8.3 DATE TOO LARGE A DATETIME value was too far in the
- future to be represented on this
- Calendar.
-8.4 DATE TOO SMALL A DATETIME value was too far in the
- past to be represented on this
- Calendar.
-9.0 INVALID iRIP COMMAND An unrecongnized command was received.
-9.1 UNEXPECTED COMMAND A command was issued in a manner
- inconsistent with the state diagram.
- For example, issuing the SENDATA
- command without having specified any
- RECIPIENTs will cause this error.
-10.1 REFERRAL Accompanied by an alternate address.
- The RECIPIENT specified should be
- contacted at the given alternate
- address. The referral address MUST
- follow the reply code.
-10.2 SERVER SHUT DOWN The server is shutting down.
-10.4 EXCEEDED QUOTAS The operation has not be performed
- because it would cause the resources
- (memory, disk, CPU, etc) to exceed the
- allocated quota
-10.5 QUEUED TOO LONG The ITIP message has been queued too
- long. Delivery has been aborted. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/design-data/status.txt b/libical/design-data/status.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f2f1864d..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/status.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-2.0 Success.
-2.1 Success but fallback taken on one or more property values.
-2.2 Success, invalid property ignored.
-2.3 Success, invalid property parameter ignored.
-2.4 Success, unknown non-standard property ignored.
-2.5 Success, unknown non-standard property value ignored.
-2.6 Success, invalid calendar component ignored.
-2.7 Success, request forwarded to Calendar User.
-2.8 Success, repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single component.
-2.9 Success, truncated end date time to date boundary.
-2.10 Success, repeating VTODO ignored. Scheduled as a single VTODO.
-2.11 Success, unbounded RRULE clipped at some finite number of instances
-3.0 Invalid property name.
-3.1 Invalid property value.
-3.2 Invalid property parameter.
-3.3 Invalid property parameter value.
-3.4 Invalid calendar component sequence.
-3.5 Invalid date or time.
-3.6 Invalid rule.
-3.7 Invalid Calendar User.
-3.8 No authority.
-3.9 Unsupported version.
-3.10 Request entity too large.
-3.11 Required component or property missing.
-3.12 Unknown component or property found
-3.13 Unsupported component or property found
-3.14 Unsupported capability
-4.0 Event conflict. Date/time is busy.
-5.0 Request MAY supported.
-5.1 Service unavailable.
-5.2 Invalid calendar service.
-5.3 No scheduling support for user.
diff --git a/libical/design-data/value-c-types.txt b/libical/design-data/value-c-types.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc8c9a7a0..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/value-c-types.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-ATTACH struct icalattachtype # Non-std
-BINARY char*
-DATE struct icaltimetype
-DATE-TIME struct icaltimetype
-DATE-TIME-DATE struct icaltimetype # Non-std
-DATE-TIME-PERIOD struct icalperiodtype # Non-std
-DURATION struct icaldurationtype
-FLOAT float
-GEO struct icalgeotype # Non-std
-METHOD icalproperty_method # Non-std
-PERIOD struct icalperiodtype
-RECUR struct icalrecurrencetype
-TEXT char*
-TIME struct icaltimetype
-TRIGGER union icaltriggertype # Non-std
-URI char*
-QUERY char*
diff --git a/libical/design-data/value-mem-semantics.txt b/libical/design-data/value-mem-semantics.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5948e244f6..0000000000
--- a/libical/design-data/value-mem-semantics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-ATTACH struct icalattachtype
-BINARY char*
-DATE time_t
-DATE-TIME time_t
-DATE-TIME-PERIOD struct icalperiodtype
-DURATION struct icaldurationtype
-FLOAT float
-GEO struct icalgeotype
-PERIOD struct icalperiodtype
-RECUR struct icalrecurrencetype
-TEXT char*
-TIME time_t
-TRIGGER struct icaltriggertimetype
-URI char*
diff --git a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.lyx b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.lyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 20eaffd288..0000000000
--- a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.lyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-#This file was created by <eric> Mon Feb 7 20:19:42 2000
-#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
-\lyxformat 2.15
-\textclass linuxdoc
-\language default
-\inputencoding default
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-\papersize Default
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-\quotes_times 2
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-\paperpagestyle default
-\layout Title
-Using Libical
-\layout Author
-Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
-\layout Date
-January 2000
-\layout Section
-\layout Standard
-Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols and
- protocol data units.
- The iCalendar specification describes how calendar clients can communicate
- with calendar servers for users can store their calendar data and arrange
- meetings with other users.
-\layout Standard
-Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
-\layout Standard
-\added_space_top 0.3cm \added_space_bottom 0.3cm \align center \LyXTable
-5 2 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 1 0 0
-1 1 0 0
-1 1 0 0
-1 1 0 0
-1 1 0 0
-8 1 0 "" ""
-8 1 1 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
-iCal Core
-\layout Standard
-(The current version, 0.14, does not implement iRip or CAP.
- )
-\layout Standard
-This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the iCalendar standards
- RFC2445 and RFC2446.
-\layout Subsection
-The libical project
-\layout Standard
-This code is under active development.
- If you would like to contribute to the project, you can contact me, Eric
- Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
- The project has a webpage at
-\layout Quote
-\layout Standard
-and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
-\layout Code
-To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
-\layout Code
-Subject: subscribe libical
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Standard
-The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the Mozilla
- Public License.
- See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html for a copy of the license.
- Alternately, you may use libical under the terms of the GNU Library General
- Public License.
- See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy of the LGPL.
-\layout Standard
-This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into both
- proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements
- made by programmers in both realms.
- I will only accept changes into my version of the library if they are similarly
- dual-licensed.
-\layout Subsection
-Purpose & Goals
-\layout Subsection
-Document version
-\layout Standard
-$Id: UsingLibical.lyx,v 1.1 2000/02/17 18:02:36 alves Exp $
-\layout Section
-Building the Library
-\layout Section
-\layout Standard
-The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components, propertie
-s, values and parameters.
-\layout Standard
-Properties are the fundamental unit of information in iCal, and they work
- a bit like a hash entry, with a constant key and a variable value.
- Properties may also have modifiers, called parameters.
- In the iCal content line
-\layout Code
-\layout Standard
-The property name is
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- the value of the property is
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- and the
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- parameter specifies that Mr Big is the chair of the meetings associated
- with this property.
-\layout Standard
-Components are groups of properties that represent the core objects of a
- calendar system, such as events or timezones.
-\layout Standard
-The central goal of libical is to parse iTIP data into an internal representatio
-n of Components, Properties, Parameters an Values, and to allow the user
- to manipulate the data in various ways
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-The Parser
-\layout Subsection
-\layout Subsection
-Memory Management
-\layout Section
-Differences From RFCs
-\layout Standard
-Libical has been designed to follow the standards as closely as possible,
- so that the key objects in the standards are also keey objects in the library.
- However, there are a few areas where the specifications are (arguably)
- irregular, and following them exactly would result in an unfriendly interface.
- These deviations make libical easier to use by maintaining a self-similar
- interface.
-\layout Subsection
-Pseudo Components
-\layout Standard
-Libical defines components for groups of properties that look and act like
- components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
- XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples.
- These pseudo components group properties within the VTIMEZONE components.
- XDAYLIGHT starts with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- and ends with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-END:DAYLIGHT, just like other components, but is not defined as a component
- in RFC2445.
- ( See RFC2445, page 61 ) In Libical, it is a component.
-\layout Standard
-There are also pseudo components that are conceptually derived classess
- of VALARM.
- RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each component, and
- for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends on the value of the
- ACTION property.
-\layout Standard
-For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the value
- of
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- the component must also have an
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- property.
- However, if the ACTION value is
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- the component must have a DESCRIPTION property.
-\layout Standard
-To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
-\layout Subsection
-Combined Values
-\layout Standard
-Many values can take more than one type.
- TRIGGER, for instance, can have a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME.
- These multiple types make it difficult to create routines to return the
- value associated with a property.
-\layout Standard
-It is natural to have interfaces that would return the value of a property,
- but it is cumbersone for a single routine to return multiple types.
- So, in libical, properties that can have multiple types are given a single
- type that is the union of their RFC2445 types.
- For instance, in libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to
-\noun on
-struct icaltriggertype
-\noun default
- This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
-\layout Subsection
-Multi-Valued Properties
-\layout Standard
-Some properties, such as CATEGORIES have only one value type, but each CATEGORIE
-S property can have multiple value instances.
- This also results in a cumbersome interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would
- have to return a list while all other accessors returned a single value.
- In libical, all properties have a single value, and multi-valued properties
- are broken down into multiple single valued properties during parsing.
- That is, an input line like,
-\layout Code
-CATEGORIES: work, home
-\layout Standard
-becomes in libical's internal representation
-\layout Code
-\layout Code
-\layout Standard
-Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY ) to
- exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single value properties,
- while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist as single multi-valued
- properties.
- This makes the internal representation for CATEGORIES illegal.
- However when you convert a component to a string, the library will collect
- all of the CATEGORIES properties into one.
-\layout Section
-Implementation Limitations
-\layout Section
-Using libical
-\layout Subsection
-Creating Components
-\layout Standard
-There are three ways to create components in Libical: creating individual
- objects and assembling them, building entire objects in massive vaargs
- calls, and parsing a text file containing iCalendar data.
-\layout Subsubsection
-Constructor Interfaces
-\layout Standard
-Using constructor interfaces, you create each of the objects seperately
- and them assemble them in to components:
-\layout Code
-event = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-\layout Code
-icalcomponent_add_property(event, icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime) );
-\layout Code
- );
-\layout Code
-\layout Code
- );
-\layout Code
-\layout Subsubsection
-vaargs Constructors
-\layout Subsubsection
-Parsing Text Files
-\layout Subsection
-Accessing Components
-\layout Subsubsection
-Finding Components
-\layout Subsubsection
-Removing Components
-\layout Standard
-Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can cause
- problems, since you will probably be removing the element that the internal
- iterator points to.
- This will result in the iteration loop terminating immediately after removing
- the element.
- To avoid the problem, you will need to step the iterator ahead of the element
- you are going to remove, like this:
-\layout Code
-for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(parent_comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-\layout Code
-c != 0;
-\layout Code
-c = next
-\layout Code
-\layout Code
- next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(parent_comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-\layout Code
- icalcomponent_remove_component(parent_comp,c);
-\layout Code
-\layout Subsubsection
-Finding Properties
-\layout Subsubsection
-Removing Properties
-\layout Subsubsection
-Getting Values
-\layout Subsubsection
-Setting Values
-\layout Subsubsection
-Getting Parameters
-\layout Subsubsection
-Setting Parameters
-\layout Subsubsection
-Removing Parameters
-\layout Subsubsection
-Checking Component Validity
-\layout Subsection
-Storing Objects
-\layout Standard
-The libical distribution inclues a seperate library, libicalss, that allows
- you to store iCal component data to disk in a variety of ways.
- This library is documented seperately.
-\layout Subsection
-Memory Management
-\layout Standard
-Libical relies heavily on dynamic allocation for both the core objects and
- for the strings used to hold values.
- Some of this memory the library caller owns and must free, and some of
- the memory is managed by the library.
- Here is a summary of the memory rules.
-\layout Description
-1) If the function name has "new" in it, the caller gets control of the
- memory.
- ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone() )
-\layout Description
-2) If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must call the
- corresponding *_free routine to free the memory.
- ( Use icalcomponent_free() to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
-\layout Description
-3) If the function name has "add" in it, the caller is transfering control
- of the memory to the routine.
- ( icalproperty_add_parameter() )
-\layout Description
-4) If the function name has "remove" in it, the caller passes in a pointer
- to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns the object.
- So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo), you do not
- own "foo" and after the call returns, you do.
-\layout Description
-5) If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will put
- it on a ring buffer to reclaim later.
- You'd better strdup() it if you want to keep it, and you don't have to
- delete it.
-\layout Subsection
-Error Handling
-\layout Standard
- Return values.
- #defines.
- icalerror_stop_here
-\layout Subsubsection
-Return values
-\layout Subsubsection
-\layout Subsubsection
-Component errors
-\layout Subsection
-Naming Standard
-\layout Standard
-Structures that you access with the
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- keyword, such as
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-struct icaltimetype
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke at.
-\layout Standard
-Structures that you access though a typedef, such as
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- are things where all of the data is hidden.
-\layout Standard
-Component names that start with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- are part of RFC 2445 or another iCal standard.
- Component names that start with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- are also part of the spec, but they are not actually components in the
- spec.
- However, they look and act like components, so they are components in libical.
- Names that start with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- or
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- are not part of any iCal spec.
- They are used internally by libical.
-\layout Standard
-Enums that identify a component, property, value or parameter end with
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- or
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-\layout Standard
-Enums that identify a parameter value have the name of the parameter as
- the second word.
-\layout Standard
-The enums for the parts of a recurarance rule and request statuses are irregular.
-\layout Section
-Useful Recipies
-\layout Standard
-\layout Standard
-Copying components.
- Remember that you must clone or remove an object before putting in on anothr
- list.
-\layout Standard
-Finding compliance errors
-\layout Section
-\layout Standard
-Checking restrictions is computationally expensive
-\layout Section
-Hacks and Bugs
diff --git a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index d967bd860c..0000000000
--- a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype linuxdoc system>
-<!-- LinuxDoc file was created by LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 by <eric> Wed Jan 5 22:30:06 2000
- -->
- <article>
- <title>
-Using Libical
- </title>
- <author>
-Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
- </author>
- <date>
-January 2000
- </date>
- <sect>
- <p>
-Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols and
- protocol data units. The iCalendar specification describes how calendar clients
- can communicate with calendar servers for users can store their calendar data
- and arrange meetings with other users.
- </p>
- <p>
-Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
- </p>
- <p>
-iCal Core
- </p>
- <p>
-(The current version, 0.14, does not implement iRip or CAP. )
- </p>
- <p>
-This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
- to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
- The project has a webpage at
- </p>
- <p>
- <quote>
- </quote>
-</p> <p>
-and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
- </p>
- <p>
- <code>
-To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
-Subject: subscribe libical
- </code>
-</p> <p>
-&dollar;Id: UsingLibical.lyx,v 1.3 2000/01/06 06:20:06 eric Exp eric &dollar;
- </p>
- <sect1>
- <p>
-The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the Mozilla
- Public License. See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html for a copy of the
- license. Alternately, you may use libical under the terms of the GNU Library
- General Public License. See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy
- of the LGPL.
- </p>
- <p>
-This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into both
- proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements made
- by programmers in both realms. I will only accept changes into my version of
- the library if they are similarly dual-licensed.
- </p>
- <sect1>
-Purpose &amp; Goals
- <sect>
-Building the Library
- <sect>
- <p>
-The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components,
- properties, values and parameters.
- </p>
- <p>
-Components are the fundamental grouping of calendar information
- </p>
- <p>
-Properties are the fundamental unit of information. Each property is composed
- of a type, a value and collection of parameters.
- </p>
- <sect1>
- <p>
-Components are named clusters of properties
- </p>
- <sect1>
- <sect1>
- <sect1>
- <sect1>
- <sect2>
- <sect2>
- <sect2>
- <sect1>
-Other bits
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- </p>
- <sect>
-Differences From RFCs
- <p>
-Although libical has been design to follow the standards as closely as
- possible, there are a few areas where the specifications are irregular, and
- following them exactly would result in an unfriendly interface.
- </p>
- <sect1>
-Pseudo Components
- <p>
-Libical defines pseudo components for groups of properties that look and
- act like components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
- XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples. These pseudo components group
- properties within the VTIMEZONE components. XDAYLIGHT starts with "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT"
- and ends with "END:DAYLIGHT, just like other components, but is not defined
- as a component in RFC2445. ( See RFC2445, page 61 ) In Libical, it is a component.
- </p>
- <p>
-There are also pseudo componentsthat are conceptually derived classess
- of VALARM. RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each component,
- and for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends on the value of the
- ACTION property.
- </p>
- <p>
-For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the value
- of "AUDIO," the component must also have an "ATTACH" property. However, if the
- ACTION value is "DISPLAY," the component must have a DESCRIPTION property.
- </p>
- <p>
-To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
- </p>
- <sect1>
-Combined Values
- <p>
-Many values can take more than one type. TRIGGER, for instance, can have
- a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME. It is natural to have interfaces
- that would return the value of a property, but it is cumbersone for a single
- routine to return multiple types. So, in libical, properties that can have
- multiple types are given a single type that is the union of their RFC2445 types.
- In libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to
- </p>
- <p>
-struct icaltriggertype
- </p>
- <p>
-This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
- </p>
- <sect1>
-Multi-Valued Properties
- <p>
-Some properties, such as CATEGORIES, have a single value type, but may
- have multiple values in a single instance. This also results in a cumbersome
- interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would have to return a list which all other
- accessors returned a single value. In libical, all properties have a single
- value, and multi-valued properties are broken down into multiple single valued
- properties during parsing. The is,
- </p>
- <p>
- <code>
-CATEGORIES: work, home
- </code>
-</p> <p>
-becomes in libical's internal representation
- </p>
- <p>
- <code>
- </code>
-</p> <p>
-Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY ) to
- exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single value properties,
- while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist as single multi-valued properties.
- This makes the internal representation for CATEGORIES illegal. However when
- you convert a component to a string, the library will collect all of the CATEGORIES
- properties into one.
- </p>
- <sect>
-Implementation Limitations
- <sect>
-Using libical
- <sect1>
-Creating Components
- <sect2>
-Constructor interfaces
- <sect2>
-vaargs Constructors
- <sect2>
-Parsing Text Files
- <sect1>
-Accessing Components
- <sect2>
-Finding Components
- <sect2>
-Removing Components
- <p>
-Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can cause
- problems, since you will probably be removing the element that the internal
- iterator points to. This will result in the iteration loop terminating immediately
- after removing the element. To avoid the problem, you will need to step the
- iterator ahead of the element you are going to remove, like this:
- </p>
- <p>
- <code>
-for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(s);
- c != 0;
- c = next)
- next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(s);
- icalcomponent_remove_component(s,c);
- </code>
-</p> <sect2>
-Finding Properties
- <sect2>
-Removing Properties
- <sect2>
-Getting Values
- <sect2>
-Setting Values
- <sect2>
-Getting Parameters
- <sect2>
-Setting Parameters
- <sect2>
-Removing Parameters
- <sect1>
-Storing Objects
- <p>
-When you store a component to the database with icalstore_add_component,
- you give the library takes the memory, so the caller does not own the component
- anymore. If you want to keep ownership, use clone to make a copy. ( See "Memory
- Management" and "Naming Starndard for more about routines with "add" in the name.
- )
- </p>
- <sect1>
-Memory Management
- <p>
-Here are the memory rules for the C library:
- </p>
- <p>
- <descrip>
- <tag>
-1)</tag>If the function name has &quot;new&quot; in it, the caller gets
- control of the memory. ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone()
- )
- <tag>
-2)</tag>If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must
- call the corresponding *_free routine to free the memory. ( Use icalcomponent_free()
- to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
- <tag>
-3)</tag>If the function name has &quot;add&quot; in it, the caller is
- transfering control of the memory to the routine. ( icalproperty_add_parameter()
- )
- <tag>
-4)</tag>If the function name has &quot;remove&quot; in it, the caller
- passes in a pointer to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns
- the object. So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo), you
- do not own &quot;foo&quot; and after the call returns, you do.
- <tag>
-5)</tag>If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will
- put it on a ring buffer to reclaim later. You'd better strdup it if you want
- to keep it, and you don't have to delete it.
- </descrip>
-</p> <sect1>
-Error Handling
- <sect2>
-Return values
- <sect2>
- <sect2>
-Component errors
- <sect1>
-Naming Standard
- <p>
-Structures that you access with the "struct" keyword, such as "struct icaltimetype"
- are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke at.
- </p>
- <p>
-Structures that you access though a typedef, such as "icalcomponent" are
- things where all of the data is hidden.
- </p>
- <p>
-Component names that start with "V" are part of RFC 2445 or another iCal
- standard. Component names that start with "X" are also part of the spec, but
- they are not actually components in the spec. However, they look and act like
- components, so they are components in libical. Names that start with "XLIC" or
- "X-LIC" are not part of any iCal spec. They are used internally by libical.
- </p>
- <sect>
-Hacks and Bugs
- </article>
diff --git a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f80ea31121..0000000000
--- a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-Using Libical
-Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
-January 2000
-1 Introduction
-Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols
-and protocol data units. The iCalendar specification describes how
-calendar clients can communicate with calendar servers for users can
-store their calendar data and arrange meetings with other users.
-Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
-|iCal Core | 2445 |
-| iTIP | 2446 |
-| iMIP | 2447 |
-| iRIP | draft |
-| CAP | draft |
-(The current version, 0.14, does not implement iRip or CAP. )
-This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the iCalendar
-standards RFC2445 and RFC2446.
-1.1 The libical project
-This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
-to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
-The project has a webpage at
-and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
-To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
-Subject: subscribe libical
-1.2 License
-The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the
-Mozilla Public License. See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html
-for a copy of the license. Alternately, you may use libical under
-the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html
-for a copy of the LGPL.
-This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into
-both proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements
-made by programmers in both realms. I will only accept changes into
-my version of the library if they are similarly dual-licensed.
-1.3 Purpose & Goals
-1.4 Document version
-2 Building the Library
-3 Structure
-The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components,
-properties, values and parameters.
-Properties are the fundamental unit of information in iCal, and they
-work a bit like a hash entry, with a constant key and a variable value.
-Properties may also have modifiers, called parameters. In the iCal
-content line
-The property name is ``ORGANIZER,'' the value of the property is ``mrbig@host.com''
-and the ``ROLE'' parameter specifies that Mr Big is the chair of the
-meetings associated with this property.
-Components are groups of properties that represent the core objects
-of a calendar system, such as events or timezones.
-The central goal of libical is to parse iTIP data into an internal
-representation of Components, Properties, Parameters an Values, and
-to allow the user to manipulate the data in various ways
-3.1 Components
-3.2 Properties
-3.3 Values
-3.4 Parameters
-3.5 Enumerations
-3.6 Types
-3.7 The Parser
-3.8 Restrictions
-3.9 Memory Management
-4 Differences From RFCs
-Libical has been designed to follow the standards as closely as possible,
-so that the key objects in the standards are also keey objects in
-the library. However, there are a few areas where the specifications
-are (arguably) irregular, and following them exactly would result
-in an unfriendly interface. These deviations make libical easier to
-use by maintaining a self-similar interface.
-4.1 Pseudo Components
-Libical defines components for groups of properties that look and act
-like components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
-XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples. These pseudo components
-group properties within the VTIMEZONE components. XDAYLIGHT starts
-with ``BEGIN:DAYLIGHT'' and ends with ``END:DAYLIGHT, just like other
-components, but is not defined as a component in RFC2445. ( See RFC2445,
-page 61 ) In Libical, it is a component.
-There are also pseudo components that are conceptually derived classess
-of VALARM. RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each
-component, and for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends
-on the value of the ACTION property.
-For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the
-value of ``AUDIO,'' the component must also have an ``ATTACH'' property.
-However, if the ACTION value is ``DISPLAY,'' the component must have
-a DESCRIPTION property.
-To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
-4.2 Combined Values
-Many values can take more than one type. TRIGGER, for instance, can
-have a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME. These multiple
-types make it difficult to create routines to return the value associated
-with a property.
-It is natural to have interfaces that would return the value of a property,
-but it is cumbersone for a single routine to return multiple types.
-So, in libical, properties that can have multiple types are given
-a single type that is the union of their RFC2445 types. For instance,
-in libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to struct icaltriggertype.
-This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
-4.3 Multi-Valued Properties
-Some properties, such as CATEGORIES have only one value type, but each
-CATEGORIES property can have multiple value instances. This also results
-in a cumbersome interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would have to return
-a list while all other accessors returned a single value. In libical,
-all properties have a single value, and multi-valued properties are
-broken down into multiple single valued properties during parsing.
-That is, an input line like,
-CATEGORIES: work, home
-becomes in libical's internal representation
-Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY
-) to exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single
-value properties, while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist
-as single multi-valued properties. This makes the internal representation
-for CATEGORIES illegal. However when you convert a component to a
-string, the library will collect all of the CATEGORIES properties
-into one.
-5 Implementation Limitations
-6 Using libical
-6.1 Creating Components
-6.1.1 Constructor Interfaces
-6.1.2 vaargs Constructors
-6.1.3 Parsing Text Files
-6.2 Accessing Components
-6.2.1 Finding Components
-6.2.2 Removing Components
-Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can
-cause problems, since you will probably be removing the element that
-the internal iterator points to. This will result in the iteration
-loop terminating immediately after removing the element. To avoid
-the problem, you will need to step the iterator ahead of the element
-you are going to remove, like this:
-for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(s);
- c != 0;
- c = next)
- next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(s);
- icalcomponent_remove_component(s,c);
-6.2.3 Finding Properties
-6.2.4 Removing Properties
-6.2.5 Getting Values
-6.2.6 Setting Values
-6.2.7 Getting Parameters
-6.2.8 Setting Parameters
-6.2.9 Removing Parameters
-6.2.10 Checking Component Validity
-6.3 Storing Objects
-The libical distribution inclues a seperate library, libicalss, that
-allows you to store iCal component data to disk in a variety of ways.
-This library is documented seperately.
-6.4 Memory Management
-Here are the memory rules for the library:
-1) If the function name has "new" in it, the caller gets control
- of the memory. ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone()
- )
-2) If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must
- call the corresponding *_free routine to free the memory. ( Use
- icalcomponent_free() to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
-3) If the function name has "add" in it, the caller is transfering
- control of the memory to the routine. ( icalproperty_add_parameter() )
-4) If the function name has "remove" in it, the caller passes in
- a pointer to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns
- the object. So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo),
- you do not own "foo" and after the call returns, you do.
-5) If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will
- put it on a ring buffer to reclaim later. You'd better strdup it
- if you want to keep it, and you don't have to delete it.
-6.5 Error Handling
-6.5.1 Return values
-6.5.2 icalerrno
-6.5.3 Component errors
-6.6 Naming Standard
-Structures that you access with the ``struct'' keyword, such as ``struct
-icaltimetype'' are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke
-Structures that you access though a typedef, such as ``icalcomponent''
-are things where all of the data is hidden.
-Component names that start with ``V'' are part of RFC 2445 or another
-iCal standard. Component names that start with ``X'' are also part
-of the spec, but they are not actually components in the spec. However,
-they look and act like components, so they are components in libical.
-Names that start with ``XLIC'' or ``X-LIC'' are not part of any iCal
-spec. They are used internally by libical.
-7 Hacks and Bugs
diff --git a/libical/install-sh b/libical/install-sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ff4b6a08e..0000000000
--- a/libical/install-sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# This comes from X11R5; it is not part of GNU.
-# $XConsortium: install.sh,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) instcmd="$cpprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
- echo "install: no input file specified"
- exit 1
-if [ x"$dst" = x ]
- echo "install: no destination specified"
- exit 1
-# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-if [ -d $dst ]
- dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
-# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
-dstdir=`dirname $dst`
-# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
-$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; fi
-# Now rename the file to the real destination.
-$doit $rmcmd $dst
-$doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dst
-exit 0
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkderivedcomponents.pl b/libical/scripts/mkderivedcomponents.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 3599a8d465..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkderivedcomponents.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-# ARG 0 is components.txt
-open(PV,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open components file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-my @components;
-while (<PV>){
- chop;
- push(@components,$_);
-close PV;
-if ($opt_c or $opt_h){
-print <<EOM;
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedproperties.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- \044Id:\044
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_arg functions */
-if ($opt_p){
-print <<EOM;
-foreach $comp (@components) {
- next if !$comp;
- my $ucf = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$comp));
- my $lc = lc($ucf);
- my $uc = uc($lc);
- if($opt_c) { # Make C source
- print<<EOM;
-/* $comp */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_${lc}()
- return (icalcomponent*)icalcomponent_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew_${lc}(...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = icalcomponent_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_component);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalcomponent_add_properties(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalcomponent*)impl;
- } elsif ($opt_h) { # Make a C header
- print<<EOM;
-/* $comp */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_${lc}();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew_${lc}(...);
-} elsif ($opt_s) { # Make something for a switch statement
-print <<EOM;
-case ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY:
-} elsif ($opt_p) { # make perl source
-print <<EOM;
-# $comp
-package Net::ICal::Component::${ucf};
-sub new
- my \$package = shift;
- my \$c = Net::ICal::icalcomponent_new(\$Net::ICal::ICAL_${uc}_COMPONENT);
- my \$self = Net::ICal::Component::new_from_ref(\$c);
- Net::ICal::Component::_add_elements(\$self,\\\@_);
- bless \$self, \$package;
- return \$self;
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkderivedparameters.pl b/libical/scripts/mkderivedparameters.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index d91bab4cb3..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkderivedparameters.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-# Usually, open param-c-types.txt
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open C parameter types file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-# Write the file inline by copying everything before a demarcation
-# line, and putting the generated data after the demarcation
-if ($opt_i) {
- open(IN,$opt_i) || die "Can't open input file $opt_i";
- while(<IN>){
- if (/Do not edit/){
- last;
- }
- print;
- }
- print "/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */\n";
-if (($opt_c or $opt_h) and !$opt_i) {
-print <<EOM;
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- \044Id: mkderivedparameters.pl,v 1.1 1999/05/14 07:04:31 eric Exp eric \044
- \044Locker: eric \044
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-if ($opt_p and !$opt_i){
-print <<EOM;
-# -*- Mode: Perl -*-
-# ======================================================================
-# \044Id:\044
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
-# http://www.softwarestudio.org
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and
-# limitations under the License.
-# The original author is Eric Busboom
-# The original code is derivedparams.h
-# ======================================================================*/
- chop;
- my ($param,$type) = split(/\s{2,}/,$_);
- my $ucf = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$param));
- my $lc = lc($ucf);
- my $uc = uc($lc);
- my $lctype = lc($type);
- my $charorenum;
- my $set_code;
- my $pointer_check;
- my $new_pointer_check;
- $new_pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),\"v\");" if $type=~/char/;
- if ($type=~/char/ ) {
- $charorenum = " icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), \"param\");\n return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;";
- $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),\"v\");";
- $set_code = "((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);"
- } else {
- $xrange =" if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){\n return ICAL_${uc}_XNAME;\n }\n" if !exists $no_xname{$uc};
- $charorenum=<<EOM;
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), \"param\");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_${lc};
- $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),\"v\");";
- $set_code = "((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_${lc} = v;";
- $print_code = "switch (impl->data.v_${lc}) {\ncase ICAL_${uc}_: {\n}\ncase ICAL_${uc}_XNAME: /* Fall Through */\n}\n";
- }
- if ($opt_c) {
- print <<EOM;
-/* $param */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_${lc}($type v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- $new_pointer_check
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_${lc}((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-${type} icalparameter_get_${lc}(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
-void icalparameter_set_${lc}(icalparameter* param, ${type} v)
- $new_pointer_check
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- $set_code
- } elsif( $opt_h) {
- print <<EOM;
-/* $param */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_${lc}($type v);
-${type} icalparameter_get_${lc}(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_${lc}(icalparameter* value, ${type} v);
-} elsif ($opt_s) {
-next if $type =~ /char/;
-case ICAL_${uc}_PARAMETER:
- $print_code
- if ($opt_p) {
- print <<EOM;
-# $param
-package ICal::Parameter::${ucf};
-sub new
- my \$self = [];
- my \$package = shift;
- my \$value = shift;
- bless \$self, \$package;
- my \$p = ICal::icalparameter_new(\$ICal::ICAL_${uc}_PARAMETER);
- \$self->[0] = \$p;
- if (\$value) {
- \$self->set(\$value);
- }
- return \$self;
-sub get
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->_impl();
- return ICal::icalparameter_as_ical_string(\$impl);
-sub set
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$v = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->_impl();
- ICal::icalparameter_set_${lc}(\$impl,\$v) unless !\$v;
-if ($opt_h){
-print <<EOM;
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkderivedproperties.pl b/libical/scripts/mkderivedproperties.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index f3c94f2cfd..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkderivedproperties.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-# ARG 0 is prop-to-value
-open(PV,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open prop to value file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-while (<PV>){
- chop;
- my @v = split(/\s+/,$_);
- my $prop = shift @v;
- my $value = shift @v;
- my $comment = join(" ",@v);
- $propmap{$prop} = $value;
-close PV;
-# ARG 1 is value-c-types.txt
-open(F,"$ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open C parameter types file $ARGV[1 ]:$!";
-while (<F>){
- chop;
- my @v = split(/\t+/,$_);
- my $value = shift @v;
- my $type = shift @v;
- my $comment = join(" ",@v);
- $valuemap{$value} = $type;
-close F;
-# Write the file inline by copying everything before a demarcation
-# line, and putting the generated data after the demarcation
-if ($opt_i) {
- open(IN,$opt_i) || die "Can't open input file $opt_i";
- while(<IN>){
- if (/Do not edit/){
- last;
- }
- print;
- }
- print "/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */\n";
-if ( ($opt_h or $opt_s) and !$opt_i ){
-print <<EOM;
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedproperties.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- \044Id:\044
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-if ($opt_p and !$opt_i){
-print <<EOM;
-foreach $prop (keys %propmap) {
- next if !$prop;
- my $value = $propmap{$prop};
- if (!$value){
- die "Can't find value for property \"$prop\"\n";
- }
- my $ucf = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$prop));
- my $lc = lc($ucf);
- my $uc = uc($lc);
- my $ucfvalue = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$value));
- my $lcvalue = lc($ucfvalue);
- my $ucvalue = uc($lcvalue);
- my $type = $valuemap{$value};
- my $pointer_check;
- if ($type =~ /\*/){
- $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/;
- } elsif ( $type eq "void" ){
- $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/;
- }
- my $set_pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/;
- if($opt_c) { # Generate C source
- print<<EOM;
-/* $prop */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_${lc}($type v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY);
- $pointer_check
- icalproperty_set_${lc}((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_${lc}($type v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY);
- $pointer_check
- icalproperty_set_${lc}((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_${lc}(icalproperty* prop, $type v)
- icalvalue *value;
- $set_pointer_check
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_${lcvalue}(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-$type icalproperty_get_${lc}(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_${lcvalue}(value);
- } elsif ($opt_h) { # Generate C Header file
- print<<EOM;
-/* $prop */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_${lc}($type v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_${lc}($type v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_${lc}(icalproperty* prop, $type v);
-$type icalproperty_get_${lc}(icalproperty* prop);
-} elsif ($opt_s) { # Generate case in a switch statement
-print <<EOM;
-case ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY:
-} elsif ($opt_p) { # Generate perl code
-print <<EOM;
-package Net::ICal::Property::${ucf};
-use Net::ICal::Property;
-sub new
- my \$package = shift;
- my \$p = Net::ICal::icalproperty_new(\$Net::ICal::ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY);
- my \$self = Net::ICal::Property::new_from_ref(\$p);
- \$self->_add_elements(\\\@_);
- return bless \$self, \$package;
-sub set_value
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$v = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->_impl();
- if ( ref \$v && Net::ICal::icalvalue_isa_value(\$v->_impl())){
- Net::ICal::icalproperty_set_value(\$impl,\$v->_impl);
- } else {
- my \$value = Net::ICal::icalvalue_new_from_string(\$Net::ICal::ICAL_${ucvalue}_VALUE,\$v);
- die if !\$impl;
- Net::ICal::icalproperty_set_value(\$impl,\$value) unless !\$value;
- }
-sub get_value
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->_impl();
- if (defined \$impl){
- my \$value = Net::ICal::icalproperty_get_value(\$impl);
- return "" if !\$value;
- return Net::ICal::icalvalue_as_ical_string(\$value);
- } else {
- return "";
- }
-} elsif ($opt_m) { # Generate a map
-print "\'${uc}\' => \'Net::ICal::Property::${ucf},\'\n";
-} # This brace terminates the main loop
-# Add things to the end of the output.
-if ($opt_p)
- print "1;\n";
-if ($opt_h){
-print <<EOM;
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkderivedvalues.pl b/libical/scripts/mkderivedvalues.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index a0909a6d94..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkderivedvalues.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-# c -> generate c code file
-# h-> generate header file
-# s -> generate switch statement
-# Open with value-c-types.txt
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open values data file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-# Write the file inline by copying everything before a demarcation
-# line, and putting the generated data after the demarcation
-if ($opt_i) {
- open(IN,$opt_i) || die "Can't open input file $opt_i";
- while(<IN>){
- if (/Do not edit/){
- last;
- }
- print;
- }
- print "/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */\n";
-if (($opt_c || $opt_h) and !$opt_i) {
-print <<EOM;
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedvalues.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- \044Id:\044
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-if ($opt_p and !$opt_i){
-print <<EOM;
-# -*- Mode: Perl -*-
-# ======================================================================
-# \044Id:\044
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
-# http://www.softwarestudio.org
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and
-# limitations under the License.
-# The original author is Eric Busboom
-# The original code is derivedvalues.h
-# ======================================================================*/
-# Map type names to the value in the icalvalue_impl data union */
-%union_map = (
- BOOLEAN => 'int',
- CALADDRESS=>'string',
- DATE=>'time',
- DATETIME=>'time',
- DURATION=>'duration',
- INTEGER=>'int',
- TEXT=>'string',
- URI=>'string',
- UTCOFFSET=>'int',
- QUERY=>'string',
- BINARY=>'string'
- );
- chop;
- my @v = split(/\t+/,$_);
- my $value = shift @v;
- my $type = shift @v;
- my $comment = join(" ",@v);
- my $ucf = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$value));
- my $lc = lc($ucf);
- my $uc = uc($lc);
- my $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/;
- my $pointer_check_rv = "icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/;
- my $assign;
- if ($type =~ /char/){
- $assign = "strdup(v);\n\n if (impl->data.v_string == 0){\n errno = ENOMEM;\n }\n";
- } else {
- $assign = "v;";
- }
- my $union_data;
- if (exists $union_map{$uc} ){
- $union_data=$union_map{$uc};
- } else {
- $union_data = $lc;
- }
- if ($opt_c) {
-print <<EOM;
-icalvalue_new_${lc} ($type v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_${uc}_VALUE);
- $pointer_check
- icalvalue_set_${lc}((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_${lc}(icalvalue* value, $type v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- $pointer_check_rv
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_${uc}_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_${union_data} = $assign
-icalvalue_get_${lc}(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_${uc}_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_${union_data};
-} elsif($opt_h) {
- print <<EOM;
-/* $value $comment */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_${lc}($type v);
-$type icalvalue_get_${lc}(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_${lc}(icalvalue* value, ${type} v);
-} elsif ($opt_s) {
-if ( $ud{$union_data}++ == 0) {
-char* icalvalue_${union_data}_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- $type data;
- char temp[1024];
- char *str;
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- data = ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_${union_data}
- str = strdup(temp);
- return str;
-} elsif ($opt_p) { # Generate perl code
-print <<EOM;
-package ICal::Value::${ucf};
-use ICal::Value;
-sub new
- my \$self = [];
- my \$package = shift;
- my \$value = shift;
- bless \$self, \$package;
- my \$p;
- if (\$value){
- \$p = ICal::icalvalue_new_from_string(\$ICal::ICAL_${uc}_VALUE,\$value);
- } else {
- \$p = ICal::icalvalue_new(\$ICal::ICAL_${uc}_VALUE);
- }
- \$self->[0] = \$p;
- return \$self;
-sub set
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$v = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->_impl();
- if (\$v) {
- my \$new_value = ICal::icalvalue_new_from_string(\$ICal::ICAL_${uc}_VALUE,\$v);
- if (\$new_value){
- ICal::icalvalue_free(\$self->[0]);
- \$self->[0] = \$new_value;
- }
- }
-sub get
- my \$self = shift;
- my \$impl = \$self->[0];
- if (defined \$impl){
- return ICal::icalvalue_as_ical_string(\$impl);
- }
-if ($opt_p)
- print "1;\n";
-if ($opt_h){
-print <<EOM;
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkparameterrestrictions.pl b/libical/scripts/mkparameterrestrictions.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c57eb4ca5..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkparameterrestrictions.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Version: 1.0
-# Script last updated: 30May1999 GMD
-# Change log:
-# <none>
-# usually open params-in-prop.txt
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open restriction file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-print <<EOM;
- ======================================================================
- File: parameterrestrictions.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Graham Davison
- mailto:g.m.davison\@computer.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-int icalrestriction_is_parameter_allowed(icalproperty_kind prop,icalparameter_kind param)
- switch (prop)
- {
- chop;
- # split line by whitespace
- my @v = split(/\s+/,$_);
- # property is first item on line
- my $prop = shift @v;
- my $prop_name = $prop;
- if (substr($prop,0,1) eq "X") { $prop = "X"; }
- $prop = join("",split(/-/,$prop));
-print <<EOM;
- /* ${prop_name} */
- case ICAL_${prop}_PROPERTY:
- switch (param)
- {
- foreach $param (@v)
- {
- $param = join("",split(/-/,$param));
- print "\t\t\t\tcase ICAL_${param}_PARAMETER:\n";
- }
-print <<EOM;
- return 1;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-print <<EOM;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkrestrictionrecords.pl b/libical/scripts/mkrestrictionrecords.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index e2c62ae748..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkrestrictionrecords.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Version: 1.0
-# Script last updated: 30May1999 GMD
-# Change log:
-# <none>
-# usually open restrictions.csv
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open restriction file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-print <<EOM;
- ======================================================================
- File: restrictionrecords.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Graham Davison
- mailto:g.m.davison\@computer.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
- */
-typedef struct icalrestriction_record {
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent_kind component;
- icalproperty_kind property;
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent;
- icalrestriction_kind restriction;
-} icalrestriction_record;
-icalrestriction_record icalrestriction_records[] =
-my $last_method = "";
-my $last_component = "";
-my $last_property = "";
-my $need_header = 0;
- chop;
- # split line at commas
- my ($method,$component,$property,$subcomponent,$restriction)=split(/\,/,$_);
- #
- #put in code to generate comments here!
- #
- if ($method ne $last_method)
- {
- $need_header = 1;
- $last_method = $method;
- }
- if ($component ne $last_component)
- {
- $need_header = 1;
- $last_component = $component;
- }
- if ($need_header)
- {
- print "\n\t/* METHOD: ${method}, COMPONENT: ${component} */\n";
- $need_header = 0;
- }
- foreach $item ($component,$property,$subcomponent,$restriction)
- {
- # handle special cases.
- if ($item eq "NONE")
- { $item = "NO"; }
- else { if (substr($item,0,1) eq "X")
- { $item = "X"; }}
- # strip out dashes
- $item = join("",split(/-/,$item));
- }
- # strip leading V from component names
- $component =~ s/^(V?)(\w+?)((SAVINGS)?)((TIME)?)$/$2/;
- $subcomponent =~ s/^V(\w+)/$1/;
- print "\t\{ICAL_METHOD_${method},ICAL_${component}_COMPONENT,";
- print "ICAL_${property}_PROPERTY,ICAL_${subcomponent}_COMPONENT,";
- print "ICAL_RESTRICTION_${restriction}\},\n";
-print <<EOM;
- /* END */
diff --git a/libical/scripts/mkrestrictiontable.pl b/libical/scripts/mkrestrictiontable.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index c91f3d0bc4..0000000000
--- a/libical/scripts/mkrestrictiontable.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-# the argument should be the path to the restriction datafile, usually
-# design-data/restrictions.csv
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open restriction data file $ARGV[0]:$!";
-# Write the file inline by copying everything before a demarcation
-# line, and putting the generated data after the demarcation
-if ($opt_i) {
- open(IN,$opt_i) || die "Can't open input file $opt_i";
- while(<IN>){
- if (/Do not edit/){
- last;
- }
- print;
- }
- print "/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */\n";
- close IN;
-print "icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[] = {\n";
- chop;
- s/\#.*$//;
- my($method,$targetcomp,$prop,$subcomp,$restr,$sub) = split(/,/,$_);
- next if !$method;
- if(!$sub) {
- $sub = "0";
- }
- if($prop ne "NONE"){
- print(" \{ICAL_METHOD_${method},ICAL_${targetcomp}_COMPONENT,ICAL_${prop}_PROPERTY,ICAL_RESTRICTION_${restr},$sub\},\n");
- }
-print "};\n";
-print "icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[] = {\n";
-open(F,"$ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open restriction data file $ARGV[0]:$!";
- chop;
- s/\#.*$//;
- my($method,$targetcomp,$prop,$subcomp,$restr) = split(/,/,$_);
- next if !$method;
- if($subcomp ne "NONE"){
- print(" \{ICAL_METHOD_${method},ICAL_${targetcomp}_COMPONENT,ICAL_${subcomp}_COMPONENT,ICAL_RESTRICTION_${restr}\},\n");
- }
-print "};\n";
diff --git a/libical/src/.cvsignore b/libical/src/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c038ed7864..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Makefile.in \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/Makefile.am b/libical/src/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index ef64080346..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = libical libicalss
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore b/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c7941bb2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/.gdb_history b/libical/src/libical/.gdb_history
deleted file mode 100644
index 55362e9165..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/.gdb_history
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-ptype E
-graph display E
-print E
-graph display E
-print p
-graph display p
-ptype p
-info line 'p'
-graph display p
-print parameter_iterator
-break icalproperty.c:182
-print p
-graph display p
-graph display p
-print parameter_iterator
-graph display p
-print *(p)
-show directories
-list usecases.c
-list test_parameters
-info line 'main'
-info line 'test_parameters'
-info line 'icalproperty_vanew_comment'
-ptype icalproperty_add_parameters
-info line 'icalproperty_add_parameters'
-info line 'icalproperty_vanew_comment'
-info line 'icalproperty_add_parameters'
-break icalproperty.c:51
-info line 'icalproperty_vanew_comment'
-info line 'icalproperty_add_parameters'
-break icalproperty.c:53
-graph display vp
-break icalparameter_isa_parameter
-break icalcomponent_get_first_property
-break icalcomponent_get_next_property
-break icalcomponent_new
-graph display impl
-graph display *(impl)
-graph display c
-graph display *(prop)
-graph display p
-print E
-print *(prop)
-graph display *(prop)
-print prop
-print param
-print p
-break usecases.c:522
-info line 'test_memory'
-break b1
-break usecases.c:558
-graph display *(f)
-graph display *(p)
-print pos
-print *(pos)
-graph display string
-graph display *(pos)
-set variable *pos = 0x8053520
-print buf_size
-print *(buf_size)
-print *(string)
-ptype string
-print f
-graph display f
-graph display p
-graph display bufsize
-graph display test_memory
-info line 'test_memory'
-break usecases.c:560
-graph display f
-graph display p
-print p -f
-print strlen(S1)
-print p - f
-print strlen(S1) + strlen(S2)
-break usecases.c:572
-graph display *(pos)
-info line 'test_memory'
-break usecases.c:560
-set args
-graph display f
-graph display p
-graph display bufsize
-set args
-info line 'test_memory'
-break usecases.c:560
-graph display f
-graph display p
-graph display f
-graph display p
-graph display bufsize
-frame 2
-break icalmemory.c:79
-graph display buffer_ring
-ont(box, font) = font(box, font);
-_fontfix(box) = fontfix(box);
-ont(box, font) = font(box, font);
-#pragma override font
-font(box, font) = _fontfix(_font(box, string(font)));
-ont(box, font) = font(box, font);
-print buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-break icalmemory.c:77
-break icalmemory.c:77
-break icalmemory.c:78
-graph display buffer_ring
-break icalmemory.c:77
-break icalmemory.c:78
-graph display buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-break usecases.c:560
-break icalmemory.c:129
-disable 2
-info line 'icalmemory_resize_buffer'
-break icalmemory.c:79
-graph display buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-graph display buffer_ring
-break icalmemory.c:78
-graph display buffer_pos
-info line 'test_memory'
-info line 'icalmemory_append_string'
-break icalmemory.c:78
-break icalmemory.c:79
-graph display buffer_ring
-graph display buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-graph display buffer_pos
-free( buffer_ring[2]
-free( buffer_ring[2] )
-call free(buffer_ring[2] )
-call free(buffer_ring[1] )
-set variable buffer_pos = 2
-info line 'test_memory'
-info line 'icalmemory_append_string'
-break icalmemory.c:78
-break icalmemory.c:79
-graph display buffer_ring
-graph display buffer_pos
-graph display buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-set variable buffer_pos = 2
-info line 'test_memory'
-info line 'icalmemory_append_string'
-break icalmemory.c:76
-break icalmemory.c:77
-graph display buffer_ring
-graph display buffer_pos
-graph display buffer_ring[buffer_pos]
-graph display rtrn
-print pos
-graph display string
-break usecases.c:572
-print bufsize
-graph display buf_size
-graph display *(buf_size)
-break icalmemory.c:136
-graph display *(new_buf)
-break icalmemory.c:136
-graph display *(new_buf)
-break icalmemory.c:136
-print *(new_buf)
-print *buf_size
-print *bu
-print *buf
-print new_buf
-break icalmemory.c:136
-print *(new_buf)
-graph display *(new_buf)
-graph display new_pos
-graph display *(buf)
-graph display new_buf
-graph display *(pos)
-info line 'test_memory'
-info line 'icalmemory_append_string'
-break icalmemory.c:136
-graph display *(buf_size)
-info line 'test_memory'
-break usecases.c:570
-delete 1
-until usecases.c:572
-graph display *(buf_size)
-graph display *(pos)
-graph display *(buf)
-graph display *(new_buf)
-graph display new_buf
-graph display string
-print *pos - *buf
-break icalmemory.c:136
-set variable *pos = 0x8054993
-set variable *pos = 0x8054980
-set variable *pos = 0x8054700
-run < ../../test-data/1.1
-break icalproperty.c:165
-info line 'icalvalue_as_ical_string'
-break icalvalue.c:424
-print value
-print *(prop)
-graph display *(icalproperty_impl*)prop
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/.gdbinit b/libical/src/libical/.gdbinit
deleted file mode 100644
index 19de9b8209..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/.gdbinit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-directory /home/eric/proj/FreeAssociation/libical/src/pvl/
-path /home/eric/proj/FreeAssociation/libical/src/pvl/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/Makefile.am b/libical/src/libical/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c300cb6f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libical.la
-libical_la_SOURCES = \
- filelock.c \
- filelock.h \
- ical.h \
- icalcomponent.c \
- icalcomponent.h \
- icalenums.c \
- icalenums.h \
- icalerror.c \
- icalerror.h \
- icalirip.h \
- icalitip.l \
- icalitip.y \
- icalmemory.c \
- icalmemory.h \
- icalparameter.c \
- icalparameter.h \
- icalparser.c \
- icalparser.h \
- icalproperty.c \
- icalproperty.h \
- icalrestriction.c \
- icalrestriction.h \
- icaltypes.c \
- icaltypes.h \
- icalvalue.c \
- icalvalue.h \
- icalvcal.h \
- locking.c \
- pvl.c \
- pvl.h
-EXTRA_DIST = .gdbinit base64.c
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/base64.c b/libical/src/libical/base64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5925f977ac..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/base64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
- Encode or decode file as MIME base64 (RFC 1341)
- by John Walker
- http://www.fourmilab.ch/
- This program is in the public domain.
-#define REVDATE "11th August 1997"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define LINELEN 72 /* Encoded line length (max 76) */
-typedef unsigned char byte; /* Byte type */
-static FILE *fi = stdin; /* Input file */
-static FILE *fo = stdout; /* Output file */
-static byte iobuf[256]; /* I/O buffer */
-static int iolen = 0; /* Bytes left in I/O buffer */
-static int iocp = 256; /* Character removal pointer */
-static int ateof = FALSE; /* EOF encountered */
-static byte dtable[256]; /* Encode / decode table */
-static int linelength = 0; /* Length of encoded output line */
-static char eol[] = "\r\n"; /* End of line sequence */
-static int errcheck = TRUE; /* Check decode input for errors ? */
-/* INBUF -- Fill input buffer with data */
-static int inbuf(void)
- int l;
- if (ateof) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- l = fread(iobuf, 1, 256, fi); /* Read input buffer */
- if (l <= 0) {
- if (ferror(fi)) {
- exit(1);
- }
- ateof = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- iolen = l;
- iocp = 0;
- return TRUE;
-/* INCHAR -- Return next character from input */
-static int inchar(void)
- if (iocp >= iolen) {
- if (!inbuf()) {
- return EOF;
- }
- }
- return iobuf[iocp++];
-/* OCHAR -- Output an encoded character, inserting line breaks
- where required. */
-static void ochar(int c)
- if (linelength >= LINELEN) {
- if (fputs(eol, fo) == EOF) {
- exit(1);
- }
- linelength = 0;
- }
- if (putc(((byte) c), fo) == EOF) {
- exit(1);
- }
- linelength++;
-/* ENCODE -- Encode binary file into base64. */
-static void encode(void)
- int i, hiteof = FALSE;
- /* Fill dtable with character encodings. */
- for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
- dtable[i] = 'A' + i;
- dtable[26 + i] = 'a' + i;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- dtable[52 + i] = '0' + i;
- }
- dtable[62] = '+';
- dtable[63] = '/';
- while (!hiteof) {
- byte igroup[3], ogroup[4];
- int c, n;
- igroup[0] = igroup[1] = igroup[2] = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
- c = inchar();
- if (c == EOF) {
- hiteof = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- igroup[n] = (byte) c;
- }
- if (n > 0) {
- ogroup[0] = dtable[igroup[0] >> 2];
- ogroup[1] = dtable[((igroup[0] & 3) << 4) | (igroup[1] >> 4)];
- ogroup[2] = dtable[((igroup[1] & 0xF) << 2) | (igroup[2] >> 6)];
- ogroup[3] = dtable[igroup[2] & 0x3F];
- /* Replace characters in output stream with "=" pad
- characters if fewer than three characters were
- read from the end of the input stream. */
- if (n < 3) {
- ogroup[3] = '=';
- if (n < 2) {
- ogroup[2] = '=';
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- ochar(ogroup[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (fputs(eol, fo) == EOF) {
- exit(1);
- }
-/* INSIG -- Return next significant input */
-static int insig(void)
- int c;
- while (TRUE) {
- c = inchar();
- if (c == EOF || (c > ' ')) {
- return c;
- }
- }
-/* DECODE -- Decode base64. */
-static void decode(void)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
- dtable[i] = 0x80;
- }
- for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
- dtable[i] = 0 + (i - 'A');
- }
- for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
- dtable[i] = 26 + (i - 'a');
- }
- for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) {
- dtable[i] = 52 + (i - '0');
- }
- dtable['+'] = 62;
- dtable['/'] = 63;
- dtable['='] = 0;
- while (TRUE) {
- byte a[4], b[4], o[3];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- int c = insig();
- if (c == EOF) {
- if (errcheck && (i > 0)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Input file incomplete.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (dtable[c] & 0x80) {
- if (errcheck) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character '%c' in input file.\n", c);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Ignoring errors: discard invalid character. */
- i--;
- continue;
- }
- a[i] = (byte) c;
- b[i] = (byte) dtable[c];
- }
- o[0] = (b[0] << 2) | (b[1] >> 4);
- o[1] = (b[1] << 4) | (b[2] >> 2);
- o[2] = (b[2] << 6) | b[3];
- i = a[2] == '=' ? 1 : (a[3] == '=' ? 2 : 3);
- if (fwrite(o, i, 1, fo) == EOF) {
- exit(1);
- }
- if (i < 3) {
- return;
- }
- }
-/* USAGE -- Print how-to-call information. */
-static void usage(char *pname)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s -- Encode/decode file as base64. Call:\n", pname);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " %s [-e[ncode] / -d[ecode]] [-n] [infile] [outfile]\n", pname);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -D Decode base64 encoded file\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -E Encode file into base64\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -N Ignore errors when decoding\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -U Print this message\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "by John Walker\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " WWW: http://www.fourmilab.ch/\n");
-/* Main program */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int i, f = 0, decoding = FALSE;
- char *cp, opt;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- cp = argv[i];
- if (*cp == '-') {
- opt = *(++cp);
- if (islower(opt)) {
- opt = toupper(opt);
- }
- switch (opt) {
- case 'D': /* -D Decode */
- decoding = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'E': /* -E Encode */
- decoding = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'N': /* -N Suppress error checking */
- errcheck = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'U': /* -U Print how-to-call information */
- case '?':
- usage(argv[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- switch (f) {
- /** Warning! On systems which distinguish text mode and
- binary I/O (MS-DOS, Macintosh, etc.) the modes in these
- open statements will have to be made conditional based
- upon whether an encode or decode is being done, which
- will have to be specified earlier. But it's worse: if
- input or output is from standard input or output, the
- mode will have to be changed on the fly, which is
- generally system and compiler dependent. 'Twasn't me
- who couldn't conform to Unix CR/LF convention, so
- don't ask me to write the code to work around
- Apple and Microsoft's incompatible standards. **/
- case 0:
- if (strcmp(cp, "-") != 0) {
- if ((fi = fopen(cp, "r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file %s\n", cp);
- return 2;
- }
- }
- f++;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (strcmp(cp, "-") != 0) {
- if ((fo = fopen(cp, "w")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output file %s\n", cp);
- return 2;
- }
- }
- f++;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Too many file names specified.\n");
- usage(argv[0]);
- return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- if (decoding) {
- decode();
- } else {
- encode();
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/filelock.c b/libical/src/libical/filelock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0376bc2bec..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/filelock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- I Stole this from:
- http://www.cis.temple.edu/~ingargio/old/cis307s96/readings/rwlockexample.html
- CIS 307: An example using Read/Write File Locks
- [fcntl.h], [fcntl.c], [fcntlmain.c]
-In Stevens "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" we see ways to use
-the Unix service fcntl to lock portions of a file for reading and writing in
-the manner stated in the Reader and Writer problem [any number of readers at
-a time, but writers must operate alone]. Here we have three files that adapt
-and use the code from Stevens:
-*fcntl.h: Specification of the locking functions.
-*fcntl.c: Implementation of the locking functions.
-*fcntlmain.c: Driver that does a simple test of the locking functions.
-WARNING: A file lock request which is blocked can be interrupted by a
-signal. In this case the lock operation returns EINTR. Thus we may think we
-got a lock when we really don't. A solution is to block signals when
-locking. Another solution is to test the value returned by the lock
-operation and relock if the value is EINTR. Another solution, which we adopt
-here, is to do nothing about it.
-/* fcntl.c -- Defines mutexes in terms of read/write locks on files.
- * (code is mostly from Stevens: Advanced Programming in the
- * Unix environment. See from page 367 on.
- * filerwlock, filerwlockCreate, filerwlockDelete,
- * filerwreadlock, filerwlongreadlock, filerwlongunlock,
- * filerwlockUnlock
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int lock_reg(int, int, int, off_t, int, off_t);
-#define read_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define readw_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define write_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define writew_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define un_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_UNLCK, offset, whence, len)
-pid_t lock_test(int, int , off_t , int , off_t );
-#define is_readlock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define is_writelock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-int lock_reg(int fd, int cmd, int type, off_t offset, int whence, off_t len)
- struct flock lock;
- lock.l_type = type; /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK */
- lock.l_start = offset; /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
- lock.l_whence = whence; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
- lock.l_len = len; /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
- return (fcntl(fd, cmd, &lock));
-pid_t lock_test(int fd, int type, off_t offset, int whence, off_t len)
- struct flock lock;
- lock.l_type = type; /* F_RDLCK or F_WRLCK */
- lock.l_start = offset; /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
- lock.l_whence = whence; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
- lock.l_len = len; /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
- if (fcntl(fd,F_GETLK,&lock) < 0){
- perror("fcntl"); exit(1);}
- if (lock.l_type == F_UNLCK)
- return (0); /* false, region is not locked by another process */
- return (lock.l_pid); /* true, return pid of lock owner */
-typedef struct {
- int fd;
- int n;} filerwlock;
-/* Create N read/write locks and returns the id of this cluster of locks. */
-filerwlock * filerwlockCreate(char *filename, int n) {
- filerwlock *fl = (filerwlock *)malloc(sizeof(filerwlock));
- if (((fl->fd) = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IWUSR)) < 0) {
- perror("open");
- exit(1);}
- fl->n = n;
- return fl;
- }
-/* Delete the cluster of read/write locks associated with fl. */
-int filerwlockDelete(filerwlock *fl) {
- if (close(fl->fd) < 0) {
- perror("close");
- exit(1);}
- return free(fl);
- }
-/* Given the read/write lock cluster fl, lock its ith element */
-int filerwreadlock(filerwlock *fl, int i) {
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockLock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- readw_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-int filerwwritelock(filerwlock *fl, int i) {
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockLock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- writew_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, unlock its ith element */
-int filerwunlock(filerwlock *fl, int i){
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockUnlock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- un_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it read locks all its elements */
-int filerwlongreadlock(filerwlock *fl) {
- readw_lock(fl->fd, 0, SEEK_SET, fl->n);
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it unlocks all its elements */
-int filerwlongunlock(filerwlock *fl) {
- un_lock(fl->fd, 0, SEEK_SET, fl->n);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/filelock.h b/libical/src/libical/filelock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe0715cc6..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/filelock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- I Stole this from:
- http://www.cis.temple.edu/~ingargio/old/cis307s96/readings/rwlockexample.html
- CIS 307: An example using Read/Write File Locks
- [fcntl.h], [fcntl.c], [fcntlmain.c]
-In Stevens "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" we see ways to use
-the Unix service fcntl to lock portions of a file for reading and writing in
-the manner stated in the Reader and Writer problem [any number of readers at
-a time, but writers must operate alone]. Here we have three files that adapt
-and use the code from Stevens:
-*fcntl.h: Specification of the locking functions.
-*fcntl.c: Implementation of the locking functions.
-*fcntlmain.c: Driver that does a simple test of the locking functions.
-WARNING: A file lock request which is blocked can be interrupted by a
-signal. In this case the lock operation returns EINTR. Thus we may think we
-got a lock when we really don't. A solution is to block signals when
-locking. Another solution is to test the value returned by the lock
-operation and relock if the value is EINTR. Another solution, which we adopt
-here, is to do nothing about it.
-/* fcntl.h -- Defines mutexes in terms of read/write locks on files.
- * filerwlock, filerwlockCreate, filerwlockDelete,
- * filerwreadlock, filerwlockUnlock
- */
-typedef struct {
- int fd;
- int n;
-} filerwlock;
-/* Create N read/write locks and returns the id of this cluster of locks. */
-filerwlock * filerwlockCreate(char *filename, int n);
-/* Delete the cluster of read/write locks associated with fl. */
-int filerwlockDelete(filerwlock *fl);
-/* Given the read/write lock cluster fl, lock its ith element */
-int filerwreadlock(filerwlock *fl, int i);
-int filerwwritelock(filerwlock *fl, int i);
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, unlock its ith element */
-int filerwunlock(filerwlock *fl, int i);
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it read locks all its elements */
-int filerwlongreadlock(filerwlock *fl);
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it unlocks all its elements */
-int filerwlongunlock(filerwlock *fl);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/foo b/libical/src/libical/foo
deleted file mode 100644
index f46fdc7814..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/foo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1578 +0,0 @@
- ======================================================================
- File: icalrestriction.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-/* Define the structs for the restrictions. these data are filled out
-in machine generated code below */
-typedef struct icalrestriction_property_record {
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent_kind component;
- icalproperty_kind property;
- icalrestriction_kind restriction;
-} icalrestriction_property_record;
-typedef struct icalrestriction_component_record {
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent_kind component;
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent;
- icalrestriction_kind restriction;
-} icalrestriction_component_record;
-icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[];
-icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[];
-/* The each row gives the result of comparing a restriction against a
- count. The columns in each row represent 0,1,2+. '-1' indicates
- 'invalid, 'don't care' or 'needs more analysis' */
-char compare_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][3] = {
- { 1, 1, 1},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
- { 1, 0, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZERO*/
- { 0, 1, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONE*/
-char restr_string_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][60] = {
- "unknown number",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
- "zero or more",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZEROPLUS*/
- "one or more" ,/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEPLUS*/
- "zero or one, exclusive with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEEXCLUSIVE*/
- "zero or one, mutual with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEMUTUAL*/
- "unknown number" /*ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN*/
-icalrestriction_compare(icalrestriction_kind restr, int count){
- || count < 0){
- return -1;
- }
- if (count > 2) {
- count = 2;
- }
- return compare_map[restr][count];
-int icalrestriction_check_component(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent* comp)
- icalproperty_kind kind;
- icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
- icalrestriction_kind restr;
- int count;
- int compare;
- int valid = 1;
- comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
- /* Check all of the properties in this component */
- for(kind = ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY+1; kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; kind++){
- count = icalcomponent_count_properties(comp, kind);
- restr = icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(method,
- comp_kind,
- kind);
- /* HACK. Treat this as a 0/1 restriction */
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- } else if (restr == ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEMUTUAL ) {
- /* HACK. Treat this as a 0/1 restriction */
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- } else {
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- }
- assert(compare != -1);
- if (compare == 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp, "Failed iTIP restrictions for property %s. Expected %s instances of the property and got %d",
- icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kind),
- restr_string_map[restr], count);
- icalcomponent_add_property
- (comp,
- icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_INVALIDITIP),
- 0));
- }
- valid = valid && compare;
- }
- return valid;
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* outer_comp)
- icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent* inner_comp;
- icalproperty *method_prop;
- int valid;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (outer_comp!=0), "outer comp");
- /* Get the Method value from the outer component */
- comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(outer_comp);
- if (comp_kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- method_prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(outer_comp,
- if (method_prop == 0){
- method = ICAL_METHOD_NONE;
- } else {
- method = icalproperty_get_method(method_prop);
- }
- /* Check the VCALENDAR wrapper */
- valid = icalrestriction_check_component(ICAL_METHOD_NONE,outer_comp);
- /* Now check the inner components */
- for(inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_first_component(outer_comp,
- inner_comp != 0;
- inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_next_component(outer_comp,
- valid = valid && icalrestriction_check_component(method,inner_comp);
- }
- return valid;
-icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalproperty_kind property)
- int i;
- for(i = 0;
- icalrestriction_property_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
- i++){
- if (method == icalrestriction_property_records[i].method &&
- component == icalrestriction_property_records[i].component &&
- property == icalrestriction_property_records[i].property ){
- return icalrestriction_property_records[i].restriction;
- }
- }
-icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent)
- int i;
- for(i = 0;
- icalrestriction_component_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
- i++){
- if (method == icalrestriction_component_records[i].method &&
- component == icalrestriction_component_records[i].component &&
- subcomponent == icalrestriction_component_records[i].subcomponent ){
- return icalrestriction_component_records[i].restriction;
- }
- }
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[] = {
-icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[] = {
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ical.h b/libical/src/libical/ical.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5ca31dd5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/ical.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: ical.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is ical.h
-#ifndef ICAL_H
-#define ICAL_H
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-#endif /* !ICAL_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c b/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a2535e7a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcomponent.c
- CREATOR: eric 28 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalcomponent.c
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h" /* "Pointer-to-void list" */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list, etc */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-/* icalproperty functions that only components get to use */
-void icalproperty_set_parent(icalproperty* property,
- icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property);
-struct icalcomponent_impl
- char id[5];
- icalcomponent_kind kind;
- char* x_name;
- pvl_list properties;
- pvl_elem property_iterator;
- pvl_list components;
- pvl_elem component_iterator;
- icalcomponent* parent;
-void icalcomponent_add_children(struct icalcomponent_impl *impl,va_list args)
- void* vp;
- while((vp = va_arg(args, void*)) != 0) {
- assert (icalcomponent_isa_component(vp) != 0 ||
- icalproperty_isa_property(vp) != 0 ) ;
- if (icalcomponent_isa_component(vp) != 0 ){
- icalcomponent_add_component((icalcomponent*)impl,
- (icalcomponent*)vp);
- } else if (icalproperty_isa_property(vp) != 0 ){
- icalcomponent_add_property((icalcomponent*)impl,
- (icalproperty*)vp);
- }
- }
-icalcomponent_new_impl (icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcomponent_impl* comp;
- if ( ( comp = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalcomponent_impl))) == 0) {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy(comp->id,"comp");
- comp->kind = kind;
- comp->properties = pvl_newlist();
- comp->property_iterator = 0;
- comp->components = pvl_newlist();
- comp->component_iterator = 0;
- comp->x_name = 0;
- comp->parent = 0;
- return comp;
-icalcomponent_new (icalcomponent_kind kind)
- return (icalcomponent*)icalcomponent_new_impl(kind);
-icalcomponent_vanew (icalcomponent_kind kind, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = icalcomponent_new_impl(kind);
- if (impl == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- va_start(args,kind);
- icalcomponent_add_children(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalcomponent*) impl;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str)
- icalcomponent_kind kind;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (str!=0), "str");
- kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(str);
- if (kind == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
- return 0;
- }
- return icalcomponent_new(kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *old = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- struct icalcomponent_impl *new;
- icalproperty *p;
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
- new = icalcomponent_new_impl(old->kind);
- if (new == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(old,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(old,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)){
- icalcomponent_add_property(new,icalproperty_new_clone(p));
- }
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(old,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(old,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- icalcomponent_add_component(new,icalcomponent_new_clone(c));
- }
- return new;
-icalcomponent_free (icalcomponent* component)
- icalproperty* prop;
- icalcomponent* comp;
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
- icalerror_assert( (c->parent ==0),"Tried to free a component that is still attached to a parent component");
- if(c->parent != 0){
- return;
- }
- if(component != 0 ){
- while( (prop=pvl_pop(c->properties)) != 0){
- assert(prop != 0);
- icalproperty_set_parent(prop,0);
- icalproperty_free(prop);
- }
- pvl_free(c->properties);
- while( (comp=pvl_data(pvl_head(c->components))) != 0){
- assert(comp!=0);
- icalcomponent_remove_component(component,comp);
- icalcomponent_free(comp);
- }
- pvl_free(c->components);
- if (c->x_name != 0) {
- free(c->x_name);
- }
- c->kind = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
- c->properties = 0;
- c->property_iterator = 0;
- c->components = 0;
- c->component_iterator = 0;
- c->x_name = 0;
- c->id[0] = 'X';
- free(c);
- }
-icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomponent* component)
- char* buf, *out_buf;
- char* tmp_buf;
- size_t buf_size = 1024;
- char* buf_ptr = 0;
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalproperty *p;
- icalcomponent_kind kind = icalcomponent_isa(component);
- char* kind_string;
- buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- buf_ptr = buf;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (kind!=ICAL_NO_COMPONENT), "component kind is ICAL_NO_COMPONENT");
- kind_string = icalenum_component_kind_to_string(kind);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (kind_string!=0),"Unknown kind of component");
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "BEGIN:");
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)){
- tmp_buf = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, tmp_buf);
- }
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- tmp_buf = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, tmp_buf);
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "END:");
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size,
- icalenum_component_kind_to_string(kind));
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");
- out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_copy(buf);
- free(buf);
- return out_buf;
-icalcomponent_is_valid (icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
- if ( (strcmp(impl->id,"comp") == 0) &&
- impl->kind != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-icalcomponent_isa (icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
- if(component != 0)
- {
- return impl->kind;
- }
-icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
- if (strcmp(impl->id,"comp") == 0) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-int icalcomponent_property_sorter(void *a, void *b)
- icalproperty_kind kinda, kindb;
- char *ksa, *ksb;
- kinda = icalproperty_isa((icalproperty*)a);
- kindb = icalproperty_isa((icalproperty*)b);
- ksa = icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kinda);
- ksb = icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kindb);
- return strcmp(ksa,ksb);
-icalcomponent_add_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty* property)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0), "property");
- impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_assert( (!icalproperty_get_parent(property)),"The property has already been added to a component. Remove the property with icalcomponent_remove_property before calling icalcomponent_add_property");
- icalproperty_set_parent(property,component);
- pvl_insert_ordered(impl->properties,
- icalcomponent_property_sorter,property);
- pvl_push(impl->properties,property);
-icalcomponent_remove_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty* property)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl;
- pvl_elem itr, next_itr;
- struct icalproperty_impl *pimpl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0), "property");
- impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- pimpl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
- icalerror_assert( (icalproperty_get_parent(property)),"The property is not a member of a component");
- for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
- itr != 0;
- itr = next_itr)
- {
- next_itr = pvl_next(itr);
- if( pvl_data(itr) == (void*)property ){
- if (impl->property_iterator == itr){
- impl->property_iterator = pvl_next(itr);
- }
- pvl_remove( impl->properties, itr);
- icalproperty_set_parent(property,0);
- }
- }
-icalcomponent_count_properties (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind)
- int count=0;
- icalproperty *p;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(component,kind);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(component,kind)){
- count++;
- }
- return count;
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property (icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- if ((c->property_iterator==0)){
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
-icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- for( c->property_iterator = pvl_head(c->properties);
- c->property_iterator != 0;
- c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator)) {
- icalproperty *p = (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
- if (icalproperty_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY) {
- return p;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_next_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- if (c->property_iterator == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- for( c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator);
- c->property_iterator != 0;
- c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator)) {
- icalproperty *p = (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
- if (icalproperty_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY) {
- return p;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_properties (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomponent* parent, icalcomponent* child)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl, *cimpl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parent!=0), "parent");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (child!=0), "child");
- impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)parent;
- cimpl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)child;
- icalerror_assert( (cimpl->parent ==0),"The child component has already been added to a parent component. Remove the component with icalcomponent_remove_componenet before calling icalcomponent_add_component");
- cimpl->parent = parent;
- pvl_push(impl->components,child);
-icalcomponent_remove_component (icalcomponent* parent, icalcomponent* child)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *impl,*cimpl;
- pvl_elem itr, next_itr;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parent!=0), "parent");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (child!=0), "child");
- impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)parent;
- cimpl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)child;
- for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
- itr != 0;
- itr = next_itr)
- {
- next_itr = pvl_next(itr);
- if( pvl_data(itr) == (void*)child ){
- if (impl->component_iterator == itr){
- /* impl->component_iterator = pvl_next(itr);*/
- }
- pvl_remove( impl->components, itr);
- cimpl->parent = 0;
- }
- }
-icalcomponent_count_components (icalcomponent* component, icalcomponent_kind kind)
- int count=0;
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(component,kind);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(component,kind)){
- count++;
- }
- return count;
-icalcomponent_get_current_component(icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- if (c->component_iterator == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
-icalcomponent_get_first_component (icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- for( c->component_iterator = pvl_head(c->components);
- c->component_iterator != 0;
- c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator)) {
- icalcomponent *p = (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
- if (icalcomponent_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
- return p;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_next_component (icalcomponent* component, icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
- if (c->component_iterator == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- for( c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator);
- c->component_iterator != 0;
- c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator)) {
- icalcomponent *p = (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
- if (icalcomponent_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
- return p;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_component (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind);
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component)
- int errors = 0;
- icalproperty *p;
- icalcomponent *c;
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)){
- if(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY)
- {
- errors++;
- }
- }
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- errors += icalcomponent_count_errors(c);
- }
- return errors;
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component)
- icalproperty *p, *next_p;
- icalcomponent *c;
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = next_p){
- next_p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- if(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY)
- {
- icalcomponent_remove_property(component,p);
- }
- }
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- icalcomponent_strip_errors(c);
- }
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- return c->parent;
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component, icalcomponent* parent)
- struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
- c->parent = parent;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h b/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e0e9f5a9f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcomponent.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalcomponent.h
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalenums.h" /* defines icalcomponent_kind */
-typedef void icalcomponent;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew(icalcomponent_kind kind, ...);
-void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
-char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_is_valid(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component);
- * Working with properties
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty* property);
-int icalcomponent_count_properties(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through the properties */
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_properties(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
- * Working with components
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-void icalcomponent_remove_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-int icalcomponent_count_components(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Working with embedded error properties */
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Internal operations. You don't see these... */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent* parent);
-#endif /* !ICALCOMPONENT_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c b/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 70931d03d0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalenum.c
- CREATOR: eric 29 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalenum.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalenums.h"
-struct icalproperty_kind_map {
- icalproperty_kind kind;
- char name[20];
-static struct icalproperty_kind_map property_map[] =
- /* CAP Object Properties */
- /* libical private properties */
- /* End of the list */
-char* icalenum_property_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; property_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
- if (property_map[i].kind == kind) {
- return property_map[i].name;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalproperty_kind icalenum_string_to_property_kind(char* string)
- int i;
- if (string ==0 ) {
- }
- for (i=0; property_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
- if (strcmp(property_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
- return property_map[i].kind;
- }
- }
-struct icalparameter_kind_map {
- icalparameter_kind kind;
- char name[20];
-static struct icalparameter_kind_map parameter_map[] =
- /* CAP parameters */
- /* libical private parameters */
- /* End of list */
-char* icalenum_parameter_kind_to_string(icalparameter_kind kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; parameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++) {
- if (parameter_map[i].kind == kind) {
- return parameter_map[i].name;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalparameter_kind icalenum_string_to_parameter_kind(char* string)
- int i;
- if (string ==0 ) {
- }
- for (i=0; parameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++) {
- if (strcmp(parameter_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
- return parameter_map[i].kind;
- }
- }
-struct icalvalue_kind_map {
- icalvalue_kind kind;
- char name[20];
-static struct icalvalue_kind_map value_map[] =
- { ICAL_GEO_VALUE, "FLOAT"}, /* Not an RFC2445 type */
- { ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE, "XATTACH"}, /* Not an RFC2445 type */
- { ICAL_NO_VALUE, ""},
-char* icalenum_value_kind_to_string(icalvalue_kind kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; value_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_VALUE; i++) {
- if (value_map[i].kind == kind) {
- return value_map[i].name;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalvalue_kind icalenum_value_kind_by_prop(icalproperty_kind kind)
- return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-struct icalcomponent_kind_map {
- icalcomponent_kind kind;
- char name[20];
-static struct icalcomponent_kind_map component_map[] =
- { ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT, "STANDARD" }, /*These are part of RFC2445 */
- { ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT, "DAYLIGHT" }, /*but are not really components*/
- /* CAP components */
- /* libical private components */
- /* End of list */
-char* icalenum_component_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_kind kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; component_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT; i++) {
- if (component_map[i].kind == kind) {
- return component_map[i].name;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalcomponent_kind icalenum_string_to_component_kind(char* string)
- int i;
- if (string ==0 ) {
- }
- for (i=0; component_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT; i++) {
- if (strcmp(component_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
- return component_map[i].kind;
- }
- }
-struct icalproperty_kind_value_map {
- icalproperty_kind prop;
- icalvalue_kind value;
-static struct icalproperty_kind_value_map propval_map[] =
- /* CAP properties */
- /* libical private properties */
- /* End of list */
-icalvalue_kind icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_kind kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; propval_map[i].value != ICAL_NO_VALUE; i++) {
- if ( propval_map[i].prop == kind ) {
- return propval_map[i].value;
- }
- }
- return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-struct {icalrecurrencetype_weekday wd; char * str; }
-wd_map[] = {
-char* icalenum_weekday_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_weekday kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; wd_map[i].wd != ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY; i++) {
- if ( wd_map[i].wd == kind) {
- return wd_map[i].str;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-struct {
- icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind;
- char* str;
-} freq_map[] = {
-char* icalenum_recurrence_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind)
- int i;
- for (i=0; freq_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE ; i++) {
- if ( freq_map[i].kind == kind ) {
- return freq_map[i].str;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-struct {
- icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind;
- int major;
- int minor;
- char* str;
-} status_map[] = {
- {ICAL_2_0_SUCCESS_STATUS, 2,0,"Success."},
- {ICAL_2_1_FALLBACK_STATUS, 2,1,"Success but fallback taken on one or more property values."},
- {ICAL_2_2_IGPROP_STATUS, 2,2,"Success, invalid property ignored."},
- {ICAL_2_3_IGPARAM_STATUS, 2,3,"Success, invalid property parameter ignored."},
- {ICAL_2_4_IGXPROP_STATUS, 2,4,"Success, unknown non-standard property ignored."},
- {ICAL_2_5_IGXPARAM_STATUS, 2,5,"Success, unknown non standard property value ignored."},
- {ICAL_2_6_IGCOMP_STATUS, 2,6,"Success, invalid calendar component ignored."},
- {ICAL_2_7_FORWARD_STATUS, 2,7,"Success, request forwarded to Calendar User."},
- {ICAL_2_8_ONEEVENT_STATUS, 2,8,"Success, repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single component."},
- {ICAL_2_9_TRUNC_STATUS, 2,9,"Success, truncated end date time to date boundary."},
- {ICAL_2_10_ONETODO_STATUS, 2,10,"Success, repeating VTODO ignored. Scheduled as a single VTODO."},
- {ICAL_2_11_TRUNCRRULE_STATUS, 2,11,"Success, unbounded RRULE clipped at some finite number of instances "},
- {ICAL_3_0_INVPROPNAME_STATUS, 3,0,"Invalid property name."},
- {ICAL_3_1_INVPROPVAL_STATUS, 3,1,"Invalid property value."},
- {ICAL_3_2_INVPARAM_STATUS, 3,2,"Invalid property parameter."},
- {ICAL_3_3_INVPARAMVAL_STATUS, 3,3,"Invalid property parameter value."},
- {ICAL_3_4_INVCOMP_STATUS, 3,4,"Invalid calendar component sequence."},
- {ICAL_3_5_INVTIME_STATUS, 3,5,"Invalid date or time."},
- {ICAL_3_6_INVRULE_STATUS, 3,6,"Invalid rule."},
- {ICAL_3_7_INVCU_STATUS, 3,7,"Invalid Calendar User."},
- {ICAL_3_8_NOAUTH_STATUS, 3,8,"No authority."},
- {ICAL_3_9_BADVERSION_STATUS, 3,9,"Unsupported version."},
- {ICAL_3_10_TOOBIG_STATUS, 3,10,"Request entity too large."},
- {ICAL_3_11_MISSREQCOMP_STATUS, 3,11,"Required component or property missing."},
- {ICAL_3_12_UNKCOMP_STATUS, 3,12,"Unknown component or property found."},
- {ICAL_3_13_BADCOMP_STATUS, 3,13,"Unsupported component or property found"},
- {ICAL_3_14_NOCAP_STATUS, 3,14,"Unsupported capability."},
- {ICAL_4_0_BUSY_STATUS, 4,0,"Event conflict. Date/time is busy."},
- {ICAL_5_0_MAYBE_STATUS, 5,0,"Request MAY supported."},
- {ICAL_5_1_UNAVAIL_STATUS, 5,1,"Service unavailable."},
- {ICAL_5_2_NOSERVICE_STATUS, 5,2,"Invalid calendar service."},
- {ICAL_5_3_NOSCHED_STATUS, 5,3,"No scheduling support for user."}
-struct {icalproperty_method method; char* str;} method_map[] = {
- /* CAP Methods */
-char* icalenum_method_to_string(icalproperty_method method)
- int i;
- for (i=0; method_map[i].method != ICAL_METHOD_NONE; i++) {
- if ( method_map[i].method == method) {
- return method_map[i].str;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-icalproperty_method icalenum_string_to_method(char* str)
- int i;
- for (i=0; method_map[i].method != ICAL_METHOD_NONE; i++) {
- if ( strcmp(method_map[i].str, str) == 0) {
- return method_map[i].method;
- }
- }
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h b/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e60d230854..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
- FILE: icalenums.h
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalenums.h
- Contributions from:
- Graham Davison (g.m.davison@computer.org)
-#ifndef ICALENUMS_H
-#define ICALENUMS_H
- * Component enumerations
-typedef enum icalcomponent_kind {
- ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT, /* Used in get_components to select all components*/
- ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT, /* Root component returned by parser */
- ICAL_XATTACH_COMPONENT, /* MIME attached data, returned by parser. */
-} icalcomponent_kind;
- * Property Enumerations
-typedef enum icalproperty_kind {
- ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY = 0, /* This must be the first enum, for iteration */
- /* CAP Properties */
- /* libical private properties */
- ICAL_NO_PROPERTY /* This must be the last enum, for iteration */
-} icalproperty_kind;
- * Enumerations for the values of properties
- ***********************************************************************/
-typedef enum icalproperty_method {
- /* CAP Methods */
-} icalproperty_method ;
-typedef enum icalproperty_transp {
-} icalproperty_trans;
-typedef enum icalproperty_calscale {
-} icalproperty_calscale ;
-typedef enum icalproperty_class {
-} icalproperty_class;
-typedef enum icalproperty_status {
-} icalproperty_status;
-typedef enum icalproperty_action {
-} icalproperty_action;
- * Value enumerations
-typedef enum icalvalue_kind {
- ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE, /* Non-Standard*/
- ICAL_GEO_VALUE, /* Non-Standard */
- ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE, /* Non-Standard */
-} icalvalue_kind;
- * Parameter Enumerations
- **********************************************************************/
-typedef enum icalparameter_kind {
- ICAL_CN_PARAMETER, /* text */
- ICAL_FMTTYPE_PARAMETER, /* registered MINE content type */
- ICAL_LANGUAGE_PARAMETER, /* text from RFC 1766 */
- ICAL_TZID_PARAMETER, /* [tzidprefix] paramtext CRLF */
- ICAL_X_PARAMETER /* text */
-} icalparameter_kind;
-typedef enum icalparameter_cutype {
-} icalparameter_cutype;
-typedef enum icalparameter_encoding {
-} icalparameter_encoding;
-typedef enum icalparameter_fbtype {
-} icalparameter_fbtype;
-typedef enum icalparameter_partstat {
-} icalparameter_partstat;
-typedef enum icalparameter_range {
-} icalparameter_range;
-typedef enum icalparameter_related {
-} icalparameter_related;
-typedef enum icalparameter_reltype {
-} icalparameter_reltype;
-typedef enum icalparameter_role {
-} icalparameter_role;
-typedef enum icalparameter_xlicerrortype {
-} icalparameter_xlicerrortype;
-typedef enum icalparameter_xliccomparetype {
-} icalparameter_xliccomparetype;
-typedef enum icalparameter_value {
-} icalparameter_value;
- * Recurrances
-typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_frequency
-} icalrecurrencetype_frequency;
-typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday
-} icalrecurrencetype_weekday;
-enum {
-char* icalenum_recurrence_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind);
-char* icalenum_weekday_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_weekday kind);
- * Request Status codes
- **********************************************************************/
-typedef enum icalrequeststatus {
-} icalrequeststatus;
- * Conversion functions
-char* icalenum_property_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty_kind icalenum_string_to_property_kind(char* string);
-char* icalenum_value_kind_to_string(icalvalue_kind kind);
-icalvalue_kind icalenum_value_kind_by_prop(icalproperty_kind kind);
-char* icalenum_parameter_kind_to_string(icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter_kind icalenum_string_to_parameter_kind(char* string);
-char* icalenum_component_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent_kind icalenum_string_to_component_kind(char* string);
-icalvalue_kind icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_kind kind);
-char* icalenum_method_to_string(icalproperty_method);
-icalproperty_method icalenum_string_to_method(char* string);
-#endif /* !ICALENUMS_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c b/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d84c288d3a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalerror.c
- CREATOR: eric 16 May 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalerror.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalerror.h"
-icalerrorenum icalerrno;
-int foo;
-void icalerror_stop_here(void)
- foo++; /* Keep optimizers from removing routine */
-void icalerror_clear_errno() {
- icalerrno = ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-void icalerror_set_errno(icalerrorenum e) {
- icalerror_stop_here();
- icalerrno = e;
-struct icalerror_string_map {
- icalerrorenum error;
- char name[160];
-static struct icalerror_string_map string_map[] =
- {ICAL_BADARG_ERROR,"Bad argumnet to function"},
- {ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR,"Failed to create a new object via a *_new() routine"},
- {ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR,"An input string was not correctly formed"},
- {ICAL_PARSE_ERROR,"Failed to parse a part of an iCal componet"},
- {ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR,"Random internal error. This indicates an error in the library code, not an error in use"},
- {ICAL_FILE_ERROR,"An operation on a file failed. Check errno for more detail."},
- {ICAL_ALLOCATION_ERROR,"Failed to allocate memory"},
- {ICAL_USAGE_ERROR,"The caller failed to properly sequence called to an object's interface"},
- {ICAL_NO_ERROR,"No error"},
- {ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR,"Unknown error type -- icalerror_strerror() was probably given bad input"}
-char* icalerror_strerror(icalerrorenum e) {
- int i;
- for (i=0; string_map[i].error != ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR; i++) {
- if (string_map[i].error == e) {
- return string_map[i].name;
- }
- }
- return string_map[i].name; /* Return string for ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h b/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 429d680022..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalerror.h
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalerror.h
-#ifndef ICALERROR_H
-#define ICALERROR_H
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* For icalerror_warn() */
-/* This routine is called before any error is triggered. It is called
- by icalerror_set_errno, so it does not appear in all of the macros
- below */
-void icalerror_stop_here(void);
-#undef NDEBUG
-#define icalerror_check_value_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_property_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_parameter_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_component_type(value,type);
-/* Assert with a message */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message) if(!(test)){fprintf(stderr,"%s(), %s:%d: %s\n",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,message);icalerror_stop_here(); abort();}
-#else /*__GNUC__*/
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message) if(!(test)){fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,message);icalerror_stop_here(); abort();}
-#endif /*__GNUC__*/
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message)
-/* Check & abort if check fails */
-#define icalerror_check_arg(test,arg) icalerror_stop_here();assert(test)
-#define icalerror_check_arg(test,arg)
-/* Check & return void if check failes*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rv(test,arg) icalerror_stop_here();assert(test);
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rv(test,arg) if(!(test)) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); return; }
-/* Check & return 0 if check failes*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rz(test,arg) icalerror_stop_here();assert(test);
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rz(test,arg) if(!(test)) {icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); return 0;}
-/* Check & return an error if check failes*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_re(test,arg,error) icalerror_stop_here();assert(test);
-#define icalerror_check_arg_re(test,arg,error) if(!(test)) {icalerror_stop_here(); return error;}
-/* Warning messages */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s(), %s:%d: %s\n",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,message); abort();}
-#else /* __GNU_C__ */
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,message); abort();}
-#endif /* __GNU_C__ */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s(), %s:%d: %s\n",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,message);}
-#else /* __GNU_C__ */
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,message);}
-#endif /* __GNU_C__ */
-typedef enum icalerrorenum {
- ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR, /* Like assert --internal consist. prob */
- ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR /* Used for problems in input to icalerror_strerror()*/
-} icalerrorenum;
-extern icalerrorenum icalerrno;
-void icalerror_clear_errno();
-void icalerror_set_errno(icalerrorenum);
-char* icalerror_strerror(icalerrorenum e);
-#endif /* !ICALERROR_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalirip.h b/libical/src/libical/icalirip.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eefbca35c5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalirip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalirip.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalirip.h
-#ifndef ICALIRIP_H
-#define ICALIRIP_H
-#include "ical.h"
-typedef void* icalirip;
-/********************** Server (Reciever) Interfaces *************************/
-icalirip* icalirip_new();
-void* icalirip_free();
-/* Protocol functions */
-char* icalirip_process_request(icalirip* irip, char* string);
-/* iRIP server stubs */
-typedef struct icalirip_response {
- char code[6];
- char caluid[1024];
- void* result;
-} icalirip_response;
-icalirip_response icalirip_timedout_stub(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_authenticate_stub(icalirip* irip, char* mechanism, char* data);
-icalirip_response icalirip_sendata_stub(icalirip* irip, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_dequeue_stub(icalirip* irip, char* caluid,unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_recipient_stub(icalirip* irip, char* address, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_switch_stub(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_disconnect_stub(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_unknown_stub(icalirip* irip, char* command);
-/* icalirip_set_stubs makes the module use function pointers to
-instead of the above stubs. The set_stubs procedure will requires the
-user to link another library with defined the above stubs and
-re-directs the call to the appropriate pointer to function. */
-typedef struct icalirip_stubs {
- void(*authenticate_stub)(icalirip* irip, char* mechanism, char* data);
- void (*sendata_stub)(icalirip* irip, unsigned int time);
- void (*dequeue_stub)(icalirip* irip, char* caluid, unsigned int time);
- void (*recipient_stub)(icalirip* irip, char* address, unsigned int time);
- void (*switch_stub)(icalirip* irip);
- void (*disconnect_stub)();
- void (*unknown_stub)(icalirip* irip, char* command, char** data);
-} icalirip_stubs;
-void icalirip_set_stubs(icalirip* irip, icalirip_stubs* stubs);
-/********************** Client (Sender) Interfaces **************************/
-/* Client API */
-icalirip_response icalirip_abort(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_authenticate(icalirip* irip, char* mechanism, char* data);
-icalirip_response icalirip_capability(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_continue(icalirip* irip, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_sendata(icalirip* irip, icalcomponent* comp, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_recipient(icalirip* irip, char* address, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_dequeue(icalirip* irip, char* address, unsigned int time);
-icalirip_response icalirip_switch(icalirip* irip);
-icalirip_response icalirip_disconnect();
-icalirip_response icalirip_unknown(icalirip* irip, char* command);
-/* client stubs */
-void icalirip_send_request(icalirip* irip,char* request);
-char* icalirip_get_response(icalirip* irip);
-/********************** Configuration Interfaces **************************/
-/* Configure capabilities */
-void icalirip_add_auth_mechanism(icalirip* irip, char* auth);
-void icalirip_set_max_object_size(icalirip* irip, unsigned int size);
-void icalirip_set_max_date(icalirip* irip, time_t time);
-void icalirip_set_min_date(icalirip* irip, time_t time);
-#endif /* !ICALIRIP_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.l b/libical/src/libical/icalitip.l
deleted file mode 100644
index 263407377e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalitip.y
- CREATOR: eric 10 June 1999
- $Id: icalitip.l,v 1.1 2000/02/17 18:02:28 alves Exp $
- $Locker: $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalitip.y
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalitip.tab.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strdup() */
-#define ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST 1024
-#undef YY_INPUT
-#define YY_INPUT(b,r,ms) ( r= icalparser_flex_input(b,ms))
-#undef yywrap
-#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yyerror(msg)
-icalvalue_kind value_kind=ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-void set_parser_value_state();
-extern enum icalparser_state_enum icalparser_state;
-extern int yydebug;
-void yyerror(char *s);
-void init_str_buf();
-int last_state;
-char *str_buf;
-char *str_buf_p;
-size_t buf_sz; /* = ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST;*/
-crlf \x0D\x0A
-nl \n
-lbreak \x0D\x0A\x20
-ulbreak \x0A\x20
-space [ ]
-qsafechar [^\x00-\x1F\"]
-safechar [^\x00-\x1F\"\:\;\,]
-tsafechar [\x20-\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3C-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]
-valuechar [^\x00-\x08\x10-\x1F]
-xname X-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+
-xname2 [a-zA-Z0-9\-\ ]
-paramtext {safechar}+
-value {valuechar}+
-quotedstring \"{qsafechar}+\"
-digit [0-9]
-%array /* Make yytext an array. Slow, but handy. HACK */
-%option caseless
-%s quoted_string
-%s binary_value boolean_value uri_value time_value duration_value number_value period_value recur_value text_value utcoffset_value
-%s enum_param_value string_param_value stringlist_param_value keyword line_start component seperator parameter end_of_value paramtext
-.* { yylval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext);
- return STRING;}
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-. { return CHARACTER; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-.* { yylval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext);
- return STRING;}
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-{digit}* { yylval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext);
- return DIGITS; }
-T { return TIME_CHAR; }
-Z { return UTC_CHAR; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-{digit}+ { yylval.v_string =icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext);
- return DIGITS; }
-T { return TIME_CHAR; }
-[\+\-PTWHMSD] { return yytext[0]; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-[\+\-\.0-9]+ { yylval.v_int=atoi(yytext); return INTNUMBER; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-{digit}+ { yylval.v_string =icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext) ;
- return DIGITS; }
-T { return TIME_CHAR; }
-Z { return UTC_CHAR; }
-[\/\+\-PWHMSD] { return yytext[0]; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-COUNT { return COUNT; }
-UNTIL { return UNTIL; }
-FREQ { return FREQ; }
-BYDAY { return BYDAY; }
-BYHOUR { return BYHOUR; }
-BYMONTH { return BYMONTH; }
-DAILY { return DAILY; }
-HOURLY { return HOURLY; }
-MONTHLY { return MONTHLY; }
-WEEKLY { return WEEKLY; }
-YEARLY { return YEARLY; }
-WKST { return WKST; }
-MO { return MO; }
-SA { return SA; }
-SU { return SU; }
-TU { return TU; }
-WE { return WE; }
-TH { return TH; }
-FR { return FR; }
-= { return EQUALS; }
-, { return COMMA; }
-; { return SEMICOLON; }
-[\-\+0-9]+ { yylval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext);
- return DIGITS; }
-T { return TIME_CHAR; }
-Z { return UTC_CHAR; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-\-|\+ { return yytext[0]; }
-{digit}{digit} { yylval.v_int=atoi(yytext); return INTNUMBER; }
-. { return CHARACTER; }
-{crlf}|\n { return EOL;}
-, { BEGIN(last_state); return COMMA; }
-int yywrap()
- return 1;
-void set_parser_value_state(icalvalue_kind kind)
- switch (kind){
- {BEGIN(binary_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(number_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(utcoffset_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(text_value);
- init_str_buf();
- break;}
- {BEGIN(uri_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(time_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(duration_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(period_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(text_value);break;}
- {BEGIN(recur_value);break;}
- {
- /* The value is probably actually a component name */
- {BEGIN(component); break;}
- }
- default:
- {
- assert(1==0);
- }
- }
-void init_str_buf()
- str_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST);
- str_buf_p = str_buf;
- buf_sz = ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.output b/libical/src/libical/icalitip.output
deleted file mode 100644
index 1218f89c74..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.output
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1698 +0,0 @@
-Terminals which are not used:
- BIT8
- BASE64
- CN
-rule 1 value -> binary_value
-rule 2 value -> boolean_value
-rule 3 value -> date_value
-rule 4 value -> datetime_value
-rule 5 value -> duration_value
-rule 6 value -> period_value
-rule 7 value -> recur_value
-rule 8 value -> utcoffset_value
-rule 9 value -> error
-rule 10 binary_value -> "unimplemented2"
-rule 11 boolean_value -> TRUE
-rule 12 boolean_value -> FALSE
-rule 13 date_value -> DIGITS
-rule 14 utc_char -> /* empty */
-rule 15 utc_char -> UTC_CHAR
-rule 16 utc_char_b -> /* empty */
-rule 17 utc_char_b -> UTC_CHAR
-rule 18 datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char
-rule 19 dur_date -> dur_day
-rule 20 dur_date -> dur_day dur_time
-rule 21 dur_week -> DIGITS 'W'
-rule 22 dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_hour
-rule 23 dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_minute
-rule 24 dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_second
-rule 25 dur_hour -> DIGITS 'H'
-rule 26 dur_hour -> DIGITS 'H' dur_minute
-rule 27 dur_minute -> DIGITS 'M'
-rule 28 dur_minute -> DIGITS 'M' dur_second
-rule 29 dur_second -> DIGITS 'S'
-rule 30 dur_day -> DIGITS 'D'
-rule 31 dur_prefix -> /* empty */
-rule 32 dur_prefix -> '+'
-rule 33 dur_prefix -> '-'
-rule 34 duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_date
-rule 35 duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_time
-rule 36 duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_week
-rule 37 period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b
-rule 38 period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' duration_value
-rule 39 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS SECONDLY
-rule 40 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS MINUTELY
-rule 41 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS HOURLY
-rule 42 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS DAILY
-rule 43 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS WEEKLY
-rule 44 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS MONTHLY
-rule 45 recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS YEARLY
-rule 46 weekday -> SU
-rule 47 weekday -> MO
-rule 48 weekday -> TU
-rule 49 weekday -> WE
-rule 50 weekday -> TH
-rule 51 weekday -> FR
-rule 52 weekday -> SA
-rule 53 weekday_list -> weekday
-rule 54 weekday_list -> DIGITS weekday
-rule 55 weekday_list -> weekday_list COMMA weekday
-rule 56 recur_list -> DIGITS
-rule 57 recur_list -> recur_list COMMA DIGITS
-rule 58 recur_skip -> INTERVAL EQUALS DIGITS
-rule 59 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS SU
-rule 60 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS MO
-rule 61 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS TU
-rule 62 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS WE
-rule 63 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS TH
-rule 64 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS FR
-rule 65 recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS SA
-rule 66 recur_skip -> BYSECOND EQUALS recur_list
-rule 67 recur_skip -> BYMINUTE EQUALS recur_list
-rule 68 recur_skip -> BYHOUR EQUALS recur_list
-rule 69 recur_skip -> BYDAY EQUALS weekday_list
-rule 70 recur_skip -> BYMONTH EQUALS recur_list
-rule 71 recur_skip -> BYMONTHDAY EQUALS recur_list
-rule 72 recur_skip -> BYYEARDAY EQUALS recur_list
-rule 73 recur_skip -> BYWEEKNO EQUALS recur_list
-rule 74 recur_skip -> BYSETPOS EQUALS recur_list
-rule 75 recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS datetime_value
-rule 76 recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS date_value
-rule 77 recur_skip -> COUNT EQUALS DIGITS
-rule 78 recur_skip_list -> /* empty */
-rule 79 recur_skip_list -> recur_skip_list SEMICOLON recur_skip
-rule 80 recur_value -> recur_start recur_skip_list
-rule 81 plusminus -> '+'
-rule 82 plusminus -> '-'
-rule 83 utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER INTNUMBER
-rule 84 utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER INTNUMBER INTNUMBER
-Terminals, with rules where they appear
-$ (-1)
-'+' (43) 32 81
-'-' (45) 33 82
-'/' (47) 37 38
-'D' (68) 30
-'H' (72) 25 26
-'M' (77) 27 28
-'P' (80) 34 35 36
-'S' (83) 29
-'W' (87) 21
-error (256) 9
-DIGITS (257) 13 18 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 38 54 56 57 58 77
-INTNUMBER (258) 83 84
-STRING (260)
-EOL (261)
-EQUALS (262) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
- 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
-COLON (264)
-COMMA (265) 55 57
-SEMICOLON (266) 79
-TRUE (268) 11
-FALSE (269) 12
-FREQ (270) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
-BYDAY (271) 69
-BYHOUR (272) 68
-BYMINUTE (273) 67
-BYMONTH (274) 70
-BYMONTHDAY (275) 71
-BYSECOND (276) 66
-BYSETPOS (277) 74
-BYWEEKNO (278) 73
-BYYEARDAY (279) 72
-DAILY (280) 42
-MINUTELY (281) 40
-MONTHLY (282) 44
-SECONDLY (283) 39
-WEEKLY (284) 43
-HOURLY (285) 41
-YEARLY (286) 45
-INTERVAL (287) 58
-COUNT (288) 77
-UNTIL (289) 75 76
-WKST (290) 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
-MO (291) 47 60
-SA (292) 52 65
-SU (293) 46 59
-TU (294) 48 61
-WE (295) 49 62
-TH (296) 50 63
-FR (297) 51 64
-BIT8 (298)
-ADD (300)
-AUDIO (301)
-BASE64 (302)
-BINARY (303)
-BOOLEAN (304)
-BUSY (305)
-CANCEL (309)
-CHAIR (311)
-CHILD (312)
-COUNTER (316)
-DATE (317)
-DISPLAY (322)
-DRAFT (323)
-EMAIL (325)
-END (326)
-FINAL (327)
-FLOAT (328)
-FREE (329)
-GROUP (331)
-INTEGER (334)
-OPAQUE (337)
-PARENT (339)
-PERIOD (340)
-PRIVATE (341)
-PUBLIC (343)
-PUBLISH (344)
-RECUR (345)
-REFRESH (346)
-REPLY (347)
-REQUEST (349)
-ROOM (351)
-SIBLING (352)
-START (353)
-TEXT (355)
-TIME (358)
-UNKNOWN (360)
-XNAME (362)
-ALTREP (363)
-CN (364)
-CUTYPE (365)
-DIR (367)
-EVENT (369)
-FBTYPE (370)
-FMTTYPE (371)
-MEMBER (373)
-RANGE (375)
-RELATED (376)
-RELTYPE (377)
-ROLE (378)
-RSVP (379)
-SENTBY (380)
-URI (382)
-TIME_CHAR (383) 18 22 23 24 37 38
-UTC_CHAR (384) 15 17
-"unimplemented2" (385) 10
-Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
-value (141)
- on left: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-binary_value (142)
- on left: 10, on right: 1
-boolean_value (143)
- on left: 11 12, on right: 2
-date_value (144)
- on left: 13, on right: 3 76
-utc_char (145)
- on left: 14 15, on right: 18 37 38
-utc_char_b (146)
- on left: 16 17, on right: 37
-datetime_value (147)
- on left: 18, on right: 4 75
-dur_date (148)
- on left: 19 20, on right: 34
-dur_week (149)
- on left: 21, on right: 36
-dur_time (150)
- on left: 22 23 24, on right: 20 35
-dur_hour (151)
- on left: 25 26, on right: 22
-dur_minute (152)
- on left: 27 28, on right: 23 26
-dur_second (153)
- on left: 29, on right: 24 28
-dur_day (154)
- on left: 30, on right: 19 20
-dur_prefix (155)
- on left: 31 32 33, on right: 34 35 36
-duration_value (156)
- on left: 34 35 36, on right: 5 38
-period_value (157)
- on left: 37 38, on right: 6
-recur_start (158)
- on left: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45, on right: 80
-weekday (159)
- on left: 46 47 48 49 50 51 52, on right: 53 54 55
-weekday_list (160)
- on left: 53 54 55, on right: 55 69
-recur_list (161)
- on left: 56 57, on right: 57 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74
-recur_skip (162)
- on left: 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
- 76 77, on right: 79
-recur_skip_list (163)
- on left: 78 79, on right: 79 80
-recur_value (164)
- on left: 80, on right: 7
-plusminus (165)
- on left: 81 82, on right: 83 84
-utcoffset_value (166)
- on left: 83 84, on right: 8
-state 0
- error shift, and go to state 1
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 2
- TRUE shift, and go to state 3
- FALSE shift, and go to state 4
- FREQ shift, and go to state 5
- "unimplemented2" shift, and go to state 6
- '+' shift, and go to state 7
- '-' shift, and go to state 8
- 'P' reduce using rule 31 (dur_prefix)
- value go to state 133
- binary_value go to state 9
- boolean_value go to state 10
- date_value go to state 11
- datetime_value go to state 12
- dur_prefix go to state 13
- duration_value go to state 14
- period_value go to state 15
- recur_start go to state 16
- recur_value go to state 17
- plusminus go to state 18
- utcoffset_value go to state 19
-state 1
- value -> error . (rule 9)
- $default reduce using rule 9 (value)
-state 2
- date_value -> DIGITS . (rule 13)
- datetime_value -> DIGITS . TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char (rule 18)
- period_value -> DIGITS . TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- period_value -> DIGITS . TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' duration_value (rule 38)
- TIME_CHAR shift, and go to state 20
- $default reduce using rule 13 (date_value)
-state 3
- boolean_value -> TRUE . (rule 11)
- $default reduce using rule 11 (boolean_value)
-state 4
- boolean_value -> FALSE . (rule 12)
- $default reduce using rule 12 (boolean_value)
-state 5
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS SECONDLY (rule 39)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS MINUTELY (rule 40)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS HOURLY (rule 41)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS DAILY (rule 42)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS WEEKLY (rule 43)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS MONTHLY (rule 44)
- recur_start -> FREQ . EQUALS YEARLY (rule 45)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 21
-state 6
- binary_value -> "unimplemented2" . (rule 10)
- $default reduce using rule 10 (binary_value)
-state 7
- dur_prefix -> '+' . (rule 32)
- plusminus -> '+' . (rule 81)
- INTNUMBER reduce using rule 81 (plusminus)
- $default reduce using rule 32 (dur_prefix)
-state 8
- dur_prefix -> '-' . (rule 33)
- plusminus -> '-' . (rule 82)
- INTNUMBER reduce using rule 82 (plusminus)
- $default reduce using rule 33 (dur_prefix)
-state 9
- value -> binary_value . (rule 1)
- $default reduce using rule 1 (value)
-state 10
- value -> boolean_value . (rule 2)
- $default reduce using rule 2 (value)
-state 11
- value -> date_value . (rule 3)
- $default reduce using rule 3 (value)
-state 12
- value -> datetime_value . (rule 4)
- $default reduce using rule 4 (value)
-state 13
- duration_value -> dur_prefix . 'P' dur_date (rule 34)
- duration_value -> dur_prefix . 'P' dur_time (rule 35)
- duration_value -> dur_prefix . 'P' dur_week (rule 36)
- 'P' shift, and go to state 22
-state 14
- value -> duration_value . (rule 5)
- $default reduce using rule 5 (value)
-state 15
- value -> period_value . (rule 6)
- $default reduce using rule 6 (value)
-state 16
- recur_value -> recur_start . recur_skip_list (rule 80)
- $default reduce using rule 78 (recur_skip_list)
- recur_skip_list go to state 23
-state 17
- value -> recur_value . (rule 7)
- $default reduce using rule 7 (value)
-state 18
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus . INTNUMBER INTNUMBER (rule 83)
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus . INTNUMBER INTNUMBER INTNUMBER (rule 84)
- INTNUMBER shift, and go to state 24
-state 19
- value -> utcoffset_value . (rule 8)
- $default reduce using rule 8 (value)
-state 20
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR . DIGITS utc_char (rule 18)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR . DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR . DIGITS utc_char '/' duration_value (rule 38)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 25
-state 21
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . SECONDLY (rule 39)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . MINUTELY (rule 40)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . HOURLY (rule 41)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . DAILY (rule 42)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . WEEKLY (rule 43)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . MONTHLY (rule 44)
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS . YEARLY (rule 45)
- DAILY shift, and go to state 26
- MINUTELY shift, and go to state 27
- MONTHLY shift, and go to state 28
- SECONDLY shift, and go to state 29
- WEEKLY shift, and go to state 30
- HOURLY shift, and go to state 31
- YEARLY shift, and go to state 32
-state 22
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' . dur_date (rule 34)
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' . dur_time (rule 35)
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' . dur_week (rule 36)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 33
- TIME_CHAR shift, and go to state 34
- dur_date go to state 35
- dur_week go to state 36
- dur_time go to state 37
- dur_day go to state 38
-state 23
- recur_skip_list -> recur_skip_list . SEMICOLON recur_skip (rule 79)
- recur_value -> recur_start recur_skip_list . (rule 80)
- SEMICOLON shift, and go to state 39
- $default reduce using rule 80 (recur_value)
-state 24
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER . INTNUMBER (rule 83)
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER . INTNUMBER INTNUMBER (rule 84)
- INTNUMBER shift, and go to state 40
-state 25
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS . utc_char (rule 18)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS . utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS . utc_char '/' duration_value (rule 38)
- UTC_CHAR shift, and go to state 41
- $default reduce using rule 14 (utc_char)
- utc_char go to state 42
-state 26
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS DAILY . (rule 42)
- $default reduce using rule 42 (recur_start)
-state 27
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS MINUTELY . (rule 40)
- $default reduce using rule 40 (recur_start)
-state 28
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS MONTHLY . (rule 44)
- $default reduce using rule 44 (recur_start)
-state 29
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS SECONDLY . (rule 39)
- $default reduce using rule 39 (recur_start)
-state 30
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS WEEKLY . (rule 43)
- $default reduce using rule 43 (recur_start)
-state 31
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS HOURLY . (rule 41)
- $default reduce using rule 41 (recur_start)
-state 32
- recur_start -> FREQ EQUALS YEARLY . (rule 45)
- $default reduce using rule 45 (recur_start)
-state 33
- dur_week -> DIGITS . 'W' (rule 21)
- dur_day -> DIGITS . 'D' (rule 30)
- 'W' shift, and go to state 43
- 'D' shift, and go to state 44
-state 34
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR . dur_hour (rule 22)
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR . dur_minute (rule 23)
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR . dur_second (rule 24)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 45
- dur_hour go to state 46
- dur_minute go to state 47
- dur_second go to state 48
-state 35
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_date . (rule 34)
- $default reduce using rule 34 (duration_value)
-state 36
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_week . (rule 36)
- $default reduce using rule 36 (duration_value)
-state 37
- duration_value -> dur_prefix 'P' dur_time . (rule 35)
- $default reduce using rule 35 (duration_value)
-state 38
- dur_date -> dur_day . (rule 19)
- dur_date -> dur_day . dur_time (rule 20)
- TIME_CHAR shift, and go to state 34
- $default reduce using rule 19 (dur_date)
- dur_time go to state 49
-state 39
- recur_skip_list -> recur_skip_list SEMICOLON . recur_skip (rule 79)
- BYDAY shift, and go to state 50
- BYHOUR shift, and go to state 51
- BYMINUTE shift, and go to state 52
- BYMONTH shift, and go to state 53
- BYMONTHDAY shift, and go to state 54
- BYSECOND shift, and go to state 55
- BYSETPOS shift, and go to state 56
- BYWEEKNO shift, and go to state 57
- BYYEARDAY shift, and go to state 58
- INTERVAL shift, and go to state 59
- COUNT shift, and go to state 60
- UNTIL shift, and go to state 61
- WKST shift, and go to state 62
- recur_skip go to state 63
-state 40
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER INTNUMBER . (rule 83)
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER INTNUMBER . INTNUMBER (rule 84)
- INTNUMBER shift, and go to state 64
- $default reduce using rule 83 (utcoffset_value)
-state 41
- utc_char -> UTC_CHAR . (rule 15)
- $default reduce using rule 15 (utc_char)
-state 42
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char . (rule 18)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char . '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char . '/' duration_value (rule 38)
- '/' shift, and go to state 65
- $default reduce using rule 18 (datetime_value)
-state 43
- dur_week -> DIGITS 'W' . (rule 21)
- $default reduce using rule 21 (dur_week)
-state 44
- dur_day -> DIGITS 'D' . (rule 30)
- $default reduce using rule 30 (dur_day)
-state 45
- dur_hour -> DIGITS . 'H' (rule 25)
- dur_hour -> DIGITS . 'H' dur_minute (rule 26)
- dur_minute -> DIGITS . 'M' (rule 27)
- dur_minute -> DIGITS . 'M' dur_second (rule 28)
- dur_second -> DIGITS . 'S' (rule 29)
- 'H' shift, and go to state 66
- 'M' shift, and go to state 67
- 'S' shift, and go to state 68
-state 46
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_hour . (rule 22)
- $default reduce using rule 22 (dur_time)
-state 47
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_minute . (rule 23)
- $default reduce using rule 23 (dur_time)
-state 48
- dur_time -> TIME_CHAR dur_second . (rule 24)
- $default reduce using rule 24 (dur_time)
-state 49
- dur_date -> dur_day dur_time . (rule 20)
- $default reduce using rule 20 (dur_date)
-state 50
- recur_skip -> BYDAY . EQUALS weekday_list (rule 69)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 69
-state 51
- recur_skip -> BYHOUR . EQUALS recur_list (rule 68)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 70
-state 52
- recur_skip -> BYMINUTE . EQUALS recur_list (rule 67)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 71
-state 53
- recur_skip -> BYMONTH . EQUALS recur_list (rule 70)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 72
-state 54
- recur_skip -> BYMONTHDAY . EQUALS recur_list (rule 71)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 73
-state 55
- recur_skip -> BYSECOND . EQUALS recur_list (rule 66)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 74
-state 56
- recur_skip -> BYSETPOS . EQUALS recur_list (rule 74)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 75
-state 57
- recur_skip -> BYWEEKNO . EQUALS recur_list (rule 73)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 76
-state 58
- recur_skip -> BYYEARDAY . EQUALS recur_list (rule 72)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 77
-state 59
- recur_skip -> INTERVAL . EQUALS DIGITS (rule 58)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 78
-state 60
- recur_skip -> COUNT . EQUALS DIGITS (rule 77)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 79
-state 61
- recur_skip -> UNTIL . EQUALS datetime_value (rule 75)
- recur_skip -> UNTIL . EQUALS date_value (rule 76)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 80
-state 62
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS SU (rule 59)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS MO (rule 60)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS TU (rule 61)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS WE (rule 62)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS TH (rule 63)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS FR (rule 64)
- recur_skip -> WKST . EQUALS SA (rule 65)
- EQUALS shift, and go to state 81
-state 63
- recur_skip_list -> recur_skip_list SEMICOLON recur_skip . (rule 79)
- $default reduce using rule 79 (recur_skip_list)
-state 64
- utcoffset_value -> plusminus INTNUMBER INTNUMBER INTNUMBER . (rule 84)
- $default reduce using rule 84 (utcoffset_value)
-state 65
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' . DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' . duration_value (rule 38)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 82
- '+' shift, and go to state 83
- '-' shift, and go to state 84
- $default reduce using rule 31 (dur_prefix)
- dur_prefix go to state 13
- duration_value go to state 85
-state 66
- dur_hour -> DIGITS 'H' . (rule 25)
- dur_hour -> DIGITS 'H' . dur_minute (rule 26)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 86
- $default reduce using rule 25 (dur_hour)
- dur_minute go to state 87
-state 67
- dur_minute -> DIGITS 'M' . (rule 27)
- dur_minute -> DIGITS 'M' . dur_second (rule 28)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 88
- $default reduce using rule 27 (dur_minute)
- dur_second go to state 89
-state 68
- dur_second -> DIGITS 'S' . (rule 29)
- $default reduce using rule 29 (dur_second)
-state 69
- recur_skip -> BYDAY EQUALS . weekday_list (rule 69)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 90
- MO shift, and go to state 91
- SA shift, and go to state 92
- SU shift, and go to state 93
- TU shift, and go to state 94
- WE shift, and go to state 95
- TH shift, and go to state 96
- FR shift, and go to state 97
- weekday go to state 98
- weekday_list go to state 99
-state 70
- recur_skip -> BYHOUR EQUALS . recur_list (rule 68)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 101
-state 71
- recur_skip -> BYMINUTE EQUALS . recur_list (rule 67)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 102
-state 72
- recur_skip -> BYMONTH EQUALS . recur_list (rule 70)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 103
-state 73
- recur_skip -> BYMONTHDAY EQUALS . recur_list (rule 71)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 104
-state 74
- recur_skip -> BYSECOND EQUALS . recur_list (rule 66)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 105
-state 75
- recur_skip -> BYSETPOS EQUALS . recur_list (rule 74)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 106
-state 76
- recur_skip -> BYWEEKNO EQUALS . recur_list (rule 73)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 107
-state 77
- recur_skip -> BYYEARDAY EQUALS . recur_list (rule 72)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 100
- recur_list go to state 108
-state 78
- recur_skip -> INTERVAL EQUALS . DIGITS (rule 58)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 109
-state 79
- recur_skip -> COUNT EQUALS . DIGITS (rule 77)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 110
-state 80
- recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS . datetime_value (rule 75)
- recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS . date_value (rule 76)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 111
- date_value go to state 112
- datetime_value go to state 113
-state 81
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . SU (rule 59)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . MO (rule 60)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . TU (rule 61)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . WE (rule 62)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . TH (rule 63)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . FR (rule 64)
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS . SA (rule 65)
- MO shift, and go to state 114
- SA shift, and go to state 115
- SU shift, and go to state 116
- TU shift, and go to state 117
- WE shift, and go to state 118
- TH shift, and go to state 119
- FR shift, and go to state 120
-state 82
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS . TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- TIME_CHAR shift, and go to state 121
-state 83
- dur_prefix -> '+' . (rule 32)
- $default reduce using rule 32 (dur_prefix)
-state 84
- dur_prefix -> '-' . (rule 33)
- $default reduce using rule 33 (dur_prefix)
-state 85
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' duration_value . (rule 38)
- $default reduce using rule 38 (period_value)
-state 86
- dur_minute -> DIGITS . 'M' (rule 27)
- dur_minute -> DIGITS . 'M' dur_second (rule 28)
- 'M' shift, and go to state 67
-state 87
- dur_hour -> DIGITS 'H' dur_minute . (rule 26)
- $default reduce using rule 26 (dur_hour)
-state 88
- dur_second -> DIGITS . 'S' (rule 29)
- 'S' shift, and go to state 68
-state 89
- dur_minute -> DIGITS 'M' dur_second . (rule 28)
- $default reduce using rule 28 (dur_minute)
-state 90
- weekday_list -> DIGITS . weekday (rule 54)
- MO shift, and go to state 91
- SA shift, and go to state 92
- SU shift, and go to state 93
- TU shift, and go to state 94
- WE shift, and go to state 95
- TH shift, and go to state 96
- FR shift, and go to state 97
- weekday go to state 122
-state 91
- weekday -> MO . (rule 47)
- $default reduce using rule 47 (weekday)
-state 92
- weekday -> SA . (rule 52)
- $default reduce using rule 52 (weekday)
-state 93
- weekday -> SU . (rule 46)
- $default reduce using rule 46 (weekday)
-state 94
- weekday -> TU . (rule 48)
- $default reduce using rule 48 (weekday)
-state 95
- weekday -> WE . (rule 49)
- $default reduce using rule 49 (weekday)
-state 96
- weekday -> TH . (rule 50)
- $default reduce using rule 50 (weekday)
-state 97
- weekday -> FR . (rule 51)
- $default reduce using rule 51 (weekday)
-state 98
- weekday_list -> weekday . (rule 53)
- $default reduce using rule 53 (weekday_list)
-state 99
- weekday_list -> weekday_list . COMMA weekday (rule 55)
- recur_skip -> BYDAY EQUALS weekday_list . (rule 69)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 123
- $default reduce using rule 69 (recur_skip)
-state 100
- recur_list -> DIGITS . (rule 56)
- $default reduce using rule 56 (recur_list)
-state 101
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYHOUR EQUALS recur_list . (rule 68)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 68 (recur_skip)
-state 102
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYMINUTE EQUALS recur_list . (rule 67)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 67 (recur_skip)
-state 103
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYMONTH EQUALS recur_list . (rule 70)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 70 (recur_skip)
-state 104
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYMONTHDAY EQUALS recur_list . (rule 71)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 71 (recur_skip)
-state 105
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYSECOND EQUALS recur_list . (rule 66)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 66 (recur_skip)
-state 106
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYSETPOS EQUALS recur_list . (rule 74)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 74 (recur_skip)
-state 107
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYWEEKNO EQUALS recur_list . (rule 73)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 73 (recur_skip)
-state 108
- recur_list -> recur_list . COMMA DIGITS (rule 57)
- recur_skip -> BYYEARDAY EQUALS recur_list . (rule 72)
- COMMA shift, and go to state 124
- $default reduce using rule 72 (recur_skip)
-state 109
- recur_skip -> INTERVAL EQUALS DIGITS . (rule 58)
- $default reduce using rule 58 (recur_skip)
-state 110
- recur_skip -> COUNT EQUALS DIGITS . (rule 77)
- $default reduce using rule 77 (recur_skip)
-state 111
- date_value -> DIGITS . (rule 13)
- datetime_value -> DIGITS . TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char (rule 18)
- TIME_CHAR shift, and go to state 125
- $default reduce using rule 13 (date_value)
-state 112
- recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS date_value . (rule 76)
- $default reduce using rule 76 (recur_skip)
-state 113
- recur_skip -> UNTIL EQUALS datetime_value . (rule 75)
- $default reduce using rule 75 (recur_skip)
-state 114
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS MO . (rule 60)
- $default reduce using rule 60 (recur_skip)
-state 115
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS SA . (rule 65)
- $default reduce using rule 65 (recur_skip)
-state 116
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS SU . (rule 59)
- $default reduce using rule 59 (recur_skip)
-state 117
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS TU . (rule 61)
- $default reduce using rule 61 (recur_skip)
-state 118
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS WE . (rule 62)
- $default reduce using rule 62 (recur_skip)
-state 119
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS TH . (rule 63)
- $default reduce using rule 63 (recur_skip)
-state 120
- recur_skip -> WKST EQUALS FR . (rule 64)
- $default reduce using rule 64 (recur_skip)
-state 121
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR . DIGITS utc_char_b (rule 37)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 126
-state 122
- weekday_list -> DIGITS weekday . (rule 54)
- $default reduce using rule 54 (weekday_list)
-state 123
- weekday_list -> weekday_list COMMA . weekday (rule 55)
- MO shift, and go to state 91
- SA shift, and go to state 92
- SU shift, and go to state 93
- TU shift, and go to state 94
- WE shift, and go to state 95
- TH shift, and go to state 96
- FR shift, and go to state 97
- weekday go to state 127
-state 124
- recur_list -> recur_list COMMA . DIGITS (rule 57)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 128
-state 125
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR . DIGITS utc_char (rule 18)
- DIGITS shift, and go to state 129
-state 126
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS . utc_char_b (rule 37)
- UTC_CHAR shift, and go to state 130
- $default reduce using rule 16 (utc_char_b)
- utc_char_b go to state 131
-state 127
- weekday_list -> weekday_list COMMA weekday . (rule 55)
- $default reduce using rule 55 (weekday_list)
-state 128
- recur_list -> recur_list COMMA DIGITS . (rule 57)
- $default reduce using rule 57 (recur_list)
-state 129
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS . utc_char (rule 18)
- UTC_CHAR shift, and go to state 41
- $default reduce using rule 14 (utc_char)
- utc_char go to state 132
-state 130
- utc_char_b -> UTC_CHAR . (rule 17)
- $default reduce using rule 17 (utc_char_b)
-state 131
- period_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b . (rule 37)
- $default reduce using rule 37 (period_value)
-state 132
- datetime_value -> DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char . (rule 18)
- $default reduce using rule 18 (datetime_value)
-state 133
- $ go to state 134
-state 134
- $ go to state 135
-state 135
- $default accept
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.tab.h b/libical/src/libical/icalitip.tab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2b7bee08..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.tab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-typedef union {
- float v_float;
- int v_int;
- char* v_string;
-#define DIGITS 257
-#define INTNUMBER 258
-#define FLOATNUMBER 259
-#define STRING 260
-#define EOL 261
-#define EQUALS 262
-#define CHARACTER 263
-#define COLON 264
-#define COMMA 265
-#define SEMICOLON 266
-#define TIMESEPERATOR 267
-#define TRUE 268
-#define FALSE 269
-#define FREQ 270
-#define BYDAY 271
-#define BYHOUR 272
-#define BYMINUTE 273
-#define BYMONTH 274
-#define BYMONTHDAY 275
-#define BYSECOND 276
-#define BYSETPOS 277
-#define BYWEEKNO 278
-#define BYYEARDAY 279
-#define DAILY 280
-#define MINUTELY 281
-#define MONTHLY 282
-#define SECONDLY 283
-#define WEEKLY 284
-#define HOURLY 285
-#define YEARLY 286
-#define INTERVAL 287
-#define COUNT 288
-#define UNTIL 289
-#define WKST 290
-#define MO 291
-#define SA 292
-#define SU 293
-#define TU 294
-#define WE 295
-#define TH 296
-#define FR 297
-#define BIT8 298
-#define ACCEPTED 299
-#define ADD 300
-#define AUDIO 301
-#define BASE64 302
-#define BINARY 303
-#define BOOLEAN 304
-#define BUSY 305
-#define BUSYTENTATIVE 306
-#define CALADDRESS 308
-#define CANCEL 309
-#define CANCELLED 310
-#define CHAIR 311
-#define CHILD 312
-#define COMPLETED 313
-#define CONFIDENTIAL 314
-#define CONFIRMED 315
-#define COUNTER 316
-#define DATE 317
-#define DATETIME 318
-#define DECLINED 320
-#define DELEGATED 321
-#define DISPLAY 322
-#define DRAFT 323
-#define DURATION 324
-#define EMAIL 325
-#define END 326
-#define FINAL 327
-#define FLOAT 328
-#define FREE 329
-#define GREGORIAN 330
-#define GROUP 331
-#define INDIVIDUAL 332
-#define INPROCESS 333
-#define INTEGER 334
-#define NEEDSACTION 335
-#define OPAQUE 337
-#define PARENT 339
-#define PERIOD 340
-#define PRIVATE 341
-#define PROCEDURE 342
-#define PUBLIC 343
-#define PUBLISH 344
-#define RECUR 345
-#define REFRESH 346
-#define REPLY 347
-#define REQUEST 349
-#define RESOURCE 350
-#define ROOM 351
-#define SIBLING 352
-#define START 353
-#define TENTATIVE 354
-#define TEXT 355
-#define THISANDFUTURE 356
-#define THISANDPRIOR 357
-#define TIME 358
-#define TRANSPAENT 359
-#define UNKNOWN 360
-#define UTCOFFSET 361
-#define XNAME 362
-#define ALTREP 363
-#define CN 364
-#define CUTYPE 365
-#define DAYLIGHT 366
-#define DIR 367
-#define ENCODING 368
-#define EVENT 369
-#define FBTYPE 370
-#define FMTTYPE 371
-#define LANGUAGE 372
-#define MEMBER 373
-#define PARTSTAT 374
-#define RANGE 375
-#define RELATED 376
-#define RELTYPE 377
-#define ROLE 378
-#define RSVP 379
-#define SENTBY 380
-#define STANDARD 381
-#define URI 382
-#define TIME_CHAR 383
-#define UTC_CHAR 384
-extern YYSTYPE yylval;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.y b/libical/src/libical/icalitip.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4f16b553..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalitip.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalitip.y
- CREATOR: eric 10 June 1999
- $Id: icalitip.y,v 2000/02/21 13:19:26 alves Exp $
- $Locker: $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalitip.y
- ================================b======================================*/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup() */
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX*/
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#define YYDEBUG 1
-icalvalue *icalparser_yy_value; /* Current Value */
-/* Globals for UTCOFFSET values */
-int utc;
-int utc_b;
-int utcsign;
-/* Globals for DURATION values */
-struct icaldurationtype duration;
-/* Globals for RECUR values */
-struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-short skiplist[367];
-short skippos;
-void copy_list(short* array, size_t size);
-void clear_recur();
-void add_prop(icalproperty_kind);
-void icalparser_fill_date(struct tm* t, char* dstr);
-void icalparser_fill_time(struct tm* t, char* tstr);
-void set_value_type(icalvalue_kind kind);
-void yyerror(char *s); /* Don't know why I need this.... */
-int yylex(void); /* Or this. */
-void set_parser_value_state();
-struct icaltimetype fill_datetime(char* d, char* t);
-/* Set the state of the lexer so it will interpret values ( iCAL
- VALUEs, that is, ) correctly. */
-%union {
- float v_float;
- int v_int;
- char* v_string;
-%token <v_string> DIGITS
-%token <v_int> INTNUMBER
-%token <v_float> FLOATNUMBER
-%token <v_string> STRING
-%token TRUE FALSE
- binary_value
- | boolean_value
- | date_value
- | datetime_value
- | duration_value
- | period_value
- | recur_value
- | utcoffset_value
- | error {
- icalparser_yy_value = 0;
- icalparser_clear_flex_input();
- yyclearin;
- }
-binary_value: "unimplemented2"
- { icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_boolean(1); }
- { icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_boolean(0); }
-date_value: DIGITS
- {
- struct icaltimetype stm;
- stm = fill_datetime($1,0);
- stm.hour = -1;
- stm.minute = -1;
- stm.second = -1;
- stm.is_utc = 0;
- stm.is_date = 1;
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_date(stm);
- }
- /*empty*/ {utc = 0;}
- | UTC_CHAR {utc = 1;}
-/* This is used in the period_value, where there may be two utc characters per rule. */
- /*empty*/ {utc_b = 0;}
- | UTC_CHAR {utc_b = 1;}
- {
- struct icaltimetype stm;
- stm = fill_datetime($1, $3);
- stm.is_utc = utc;
- stm.is_date = 0;
- icalparser_yy_value =
- icalvalue_new_datetime(stm);
- }
-/* Duration */
-dur_date: dur_day
- | dur_day dur_time
-dur_week: DIGITS 'W'
- {
- duration.weeks = atoi($1);
- }
-dur_time: TIME_CHAR dur_hour
- {
- }
- | TIME_CHAR dur_minute
- {
- }
- | TIME_CHAR dur_second
- {
- }
-dur_hour: DIGITS 'H'
- {
- duration.hours = atoi($1);
- }
- | DIGITS 'H' dur_minute
- {
- duration.hours = atoi($1);
- }
-dur_minute: DIGITS 'M'
- {
- duration.minutes = atoi($1);
- }
- | DIGITS 'M' dur_second
- {
- duration.minutes = atoi($1);
- }
-dur_second: DIGITS 'S'
- {
- duration.seconds = atoi($1);
- }
-dur_day: DIGITS 'D'
- {
- duration.days = atoi($1);
- }
-dur_prefix: /* empty */
- {
- }
- | '+'
- {
- }
- | '-'
- {
- }
-duration_value: dur_prefix 'P' dur_date
- {
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration);
- memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
- }
- | dur_prefix 'P' dur_time
- {
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration);
- memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
- }
- | dur_prefix 'P' dur_week
- {
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration);
- memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
- }
-/* Period */
-period_value: DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b
- {
- struct icalperiodtype p;
- p.start = fill_datetime($1,$3);
- p.start.is_utc = utc;
- p.start.is_date = 0;
- p.end = fill_datetime($6,$8);
- p.end.is_utc = utc_b;
- p.end.is_date = 0;
- p.duration.days = -1;
- p.duration.weeks = -1;
- p.duration.hours = -1;
- p.duration.minutes = -1;
- p.duration.seconds = -1;
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
- }
- | DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/' duration_value
- {
- struct icalperiodtype p;
- p.start = fill_datetime($1,$3);
- p.start.is_utc = utc;
- p.start.is_date = 0;
- p.end.year = -1;
- p.end.month = -1;
- p.end.day = -1;
- p.end.hour = -1;
- p.end.minute = -1;
- p.end.second = -1;
- /* The duration_value rule setes the global 'duration'
- variable, but it also creates a new value in
- icalparser_yy_value. So, free that, then copy
- 'duration' into the icalperiodtype struct. */
- p.duration = icalvalue_get_duration(icalparser_yy_value);
- icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value);
- icalparser_yy_value = 0;
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
- }
-/* Recur */
- | FREQ EQUALS HOURLY {clear_recur();recur.freq = ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE;}
- | FREQ EQUALS DAILY {clear_recur();recur.freq = ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE;}
- | FREQ EQUALS WEEKLY {clear_recur();recur.freq = ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE;}
- | FREQ EQUALS MONTHLY {clear_recur();recur.freq = ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE;}
- | FREQ EQUALS YEARLY {clear_recur();recur.freq = ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE;}
- ;
- SU { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_SUNDAY_WEEKDAY; if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | MO { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_MONDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | TU { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_TUESDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | WE { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_WEDNESDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | TH { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_THURSDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | FR { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_FRIDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- | SA { skiplist[skippos]=ICAL_SATURDAY_WEEKDAY;if( skippos<8) skippos++;}
- ;
- weekday
- | DIGITS weekday { } /* HACK Incorectly handles int in BYDAY */
- | weekday_list COMMA weekday
- DIGITS { skiplist[skippos] = atoi($1); skippos++;}
- | recur_list COMMA DIGITS { skiplist[skippos] = atoi($3); if (skippos<367) skippos++;}
- ;
- INTERVAL EQUALS DIGITS {recur.interval = atoi($3);}
- | WKST EQUALS SU {recur.week_start = ICAL_SUNDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | WKST EQUALS MO {recur.week_start = ICAL_MONDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | WKST EQUALS TU {recur.week_start = ICAL_TUESDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | WKST EQUALS TH {recur.week_start = ICAL_THURSDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | WKST EQUALS FR {recur.week_start = ICAL_FRIDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | WKST EQUALS SA {recur.week_start = ICAL_SATURDAY_WEEKDAY;}
- | BYSECOND EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_second,60);}
- | BYMINUTE EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_minute,60);}
- | BYHOUR EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_hour,24);}
- | BYDAY EQUALS weekday_list{copy_list(recur.by_day,7);}
- | BYMONTH EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_month,12);}
- | BYMONTHDAY EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_month_day,31);}
- | BYYEARDAY EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_year_day,366);}
- | BYWEEKNO EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_week_no,53);}
- | BYSETPOS EQUALS recur_list{copy_list(recur.by_set_pos,366);}
- | UNTIL EQUALS datetime_value
- { recur.until = icalvalue_get_datetime(icalparser_yy_value);
- icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value); icalparser_yy_value=0;}
- | UNTIL EQUALS date_value
- { recur.until = icalvalue_get_date(icalparser_yy_value);
- icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value); icalparser_yy_value=0;}
- { recur.count = atoi($3); }
- ;
- /* empty */
- | recur_skip_list SEMICOLON recur_skip
- recur_start recur_skip_list
- { icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_recur(recur); }
-/* UTC Offset */
-plusminus: '+' { utcsign = 1; }
- | '-' { utcsign = -1; }
- {
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset( utcsign * ($2*3600) + ($3*60) );
- }
- {
- icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset(utcsign * ($2*3600) + ($3*60) +($4));
- }
-void clear_recur()
- memset(&skiplist, ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX_BYTE, sizeof(skiplist));
- skippos = 0;
- icalrecurrencetype_clear(&recur);
-void copy_list(short* array, size_t size)
- memcpy(array, skiplist, size*sizeof(short));
- memset(&skiplist,ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX_BYTE, sizeof(skiplist));
- skippos = 0;
-struct icaltimetype fill_datetime(char* datestr, char* timestr)
- struct icaltimetype stm;
- memset(&stm,0,sizeof(stm));
- if (datestr != 0){
- sscanf(datestr,"%4d%2d%2d",&(stm.year), &(stm.month),
- &(stm.day));
- }
- if (timestr != 0){
- sscanf(timestr,"%2d%2d%2d", &(stm.hour), &(stm.minute),
- &(stm.second));
- }
- return stm;
-void yyerror(char* s)
- /*fprintf(stderr,"Parse error \'%s\'\n", s);*/
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index 7d99eb62b3..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalmemory.c
- CREATOR: eric 30 June 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is icalmemory.h
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 The Software Studio.
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- ======================================================================*/
-/* libical often passes strings back to the caller. To make these
- * interfaces simple, I did not want the caller to have to pass in a
- * memory buffer, but having libical pass out newly allocated memory
- * makes it difficult to de-allocate the memory.
- *
- * The ring buffer in this scheme makes it possible for libical to pass
- * out references to memory which the caller does not own, and be able
- * to de-allocate the memory later. The ring allows libical to have
- * several buffers active simultaneously, which is handy when creating
- * string representations of components. */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf (debugging) */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, realloc */
-#define BUFFER_RING_SIZE 25
-#define MIN_BUFFER_SIZE 200
-void* buffer_ring[BUFFER_RING_SIZE+1];
-int buffer_pos = 0;
-int initialized = 0;
-/* Create a new temporary buffer on the ring. Libical owns these and wil deallocate them. */
-icalmemory_tmp_buffer (size_t size)
- void *rtrn;
- /* I don't think I need this -- I think static arrays are
- initialized to 0 as a standard part of C, but I am not sure. */
- if (initialized == 0){
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<BUFFER_RING_SIZE; i++){
- buffer_ring[i] = 0;
- }
- initialized = 1;
- }
- /* Ideally, this routine would re-use an existing buffer if it is
- larger than the requested buffer. Maybe later.... */
- if (size < MIN_BUFFER_SIZE){
- }
- if ( buffer_ring[buffer_pos] != 0){
- /*sprintf(buffer_ring[buffer_pos], "***DEALLOCATED MEMORY***: %d",buffer_pos);*/
- free( buffer_ring[buffer_pos]);
- buffer_ring[buffer_pos] = 0;
- }
- rtrn = buffer_ring[buffer_pos] = (void*)malloc(size);
- memset(rtrn,0,size);
- if(++buffer_pos > BUFFER_RING_SIZE){
- buffer_pos = 0;
- }
- return rtrn;
-void icalmemory_free_ring()
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<BUFFER_RING_SIZE; i++){
- if ( buffer_ring[i] != 0){
- free( buffer_ring[i]);
- }
- buffer_ring[i] = 0;
- }
- initialized = 1;
-/* Like strdup, but the buffer is on the ring. */
-icalmemory_tmp_copy(char* str)
- char* b = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(str)+1);
- strcpy(b,str);
- return b;
-icalmemory_free_tmp_buffer (void* buf)
- if(buf == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- free(buf);
-/* These buffer routines create memory the old fashioned way -- so the caller will have to delocate the new memory */
-void* icalmemory_new_buffer(size_t size)
- /* HACK. need to handle out of memory case */
- void *b = malloc(size);
- memset(b,0,size);
- return b;
-void* icalmemory_resize_buffer(void* buf, size_t size)
- /* HACK. need to handle out of memory case */
- return realloc(buf, size);
-void icalmemory_free_buffer(void* buf)
- free(buf);
-icalmemory_append_string(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size,
- char* string)
- char *new_buf;
- char *new_pos;
- size_t data_length, final_length, string_length;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf!=0),"buf");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf!=0),"*buf");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (pos!=0),"pos");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*pos!=0),"*pos");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf_size!=0),"buf_size");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf_size!=0),"*buf_size");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (string!=0),"string");
- string_length = strlen(string);
- data_length = (size_t)*pos - (size_t)*buf;
- final_length = data_length + string_length;
- if ( final_length > (size_t) *buf_size ) {
- *buf_size = (*buf_size) * 2 + final_length;
- new_buf = realloc(*buf,*buf_size);
- new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
- *pos = new_pos;
- *buf = new_buf;
- }
- strcpy(*pos, string);
- *pos += string_length;
-icalmemory_append_char(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size,
- char ch)
- char *new_buf;
- char *new_pos;
- size_t data_length, final_length;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf!=0),"buf");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf!=0),"*buf");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (pos!=0),"pos");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*pos!=0),"*pos");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf_size!=0),"buf_size");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf_size!=0),"*buf_size");
- data_length = (size_t)*pos - (size_t)*buf;
- final_length = data_length + 2;
- if ( final_length > (size_t) *buf_size ) {
- *buf_size = (*buf_size) * 2 + final_length +1;
- new_buf = realloc(*buf,*buf_size);
- new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
- *pos = new_pos;
- *buf = new_buf;
- }
- **pos = ch;
- *pos += 1;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h b/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d22b7316..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalmemory.h
- CREATOR: eric 30 June 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is icalmemory.h
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 The Software Studio.
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
-#include <sys/types.h> /* for size_t */
-/* Tmp buffers are managed by ical. References can be returned to the caller, although the caller will not own the memory. */
-void* icalmemory_tmp_buffer(size_t size);
-char* icalmemory_tmp_copy(char* str);
-/* Add an externally allocated buffer to the ring. */
-void icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(void*);
-/* Free all memory used in the ring */
-void icalmemory_free_ring();
-/* Non-tmp buffers must be freed. These are mostly wrappers around
- * malloc, etc, but are used so the caller can change the memory
- * allocators in a future version of the library */
-void* icalmemory_new_buffer(size_t size);
-void* icalmemory_resize_buffer(void* buf, size_t size);
-void icalmemory_free_buffer(void* buf);
-/* icalmemory_append_string will copy the string 'string' to the
- buffer 'buf' starting at position 'pos', reallocing 'buf' if it is
- too small. 'buf_size' is the size of 'buf' and will be changed if
- 'buf' is reallocated. 'pos' will point to the last byte of the new
- string in 'buf', usually a '\0' */
- normally allocated memory, or on buffers created from
- icalmemory_new_buffer, never with buffers created by
- icalmemory_tmp_buffer. If icalmemory_append_string has to resize a
- buffer on the ring, the ring will loose track of it an you will
- have memory problems. */
-void icalmemory_append_string(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size,
- char* string);
-/* icalmemory_append_char is similar, but is appends a character instead of a string */
-void icalmemory_append_char(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size,
- char ch);
-#endif /* !ICALMEMORY_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c b/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ff9c76f79c..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1887 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
- Contributions from:
- Graham Davison (g.m.davison@computer.org)
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-struct icalparameter_impl
- icalparameter_kind kind;
- char id[5];
- int size;
- char* string;
- char* x_name;
- icalproperty* parent;
- union data {
- int v_int;
- int v_rsvp;
- icalparameter_cutype v_cutype;
- icalparameter_encoding v_encoding;
- icalparameter_fbtype v_fbtype;
- icalparameter_partstat v_partstat;
- icalparameter_range v_range;
- icalparameter_related v_related;
- icalparameter_reltype v_reltype;
- icalparameter_role v_role;
- icalparameter_value v_value;
- icalparameter_xlicerrortype v_xlicerrortype;
- icalparameter_xliccomparetype v_xliccomparetype;
- } data;
-struct icalparameter_impl* icalparameter_new_impl(icalparameter_kind kind)
- struct icalparameter_impl* v;
- if ( ( v = (struct icalparameter_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalparameter_impl))) == 0) {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy(v->id,"para");
- v->kind = kind;
- v->size = 0;
- v->string = 0;
- v->x_name = 0;
- v->parent = 0;
- memset(&(v->data),0,sizeof(v->data));
- return v;
-icalparameter_new (icalparameter_kind kind)
- struct icalparameter_impl* v = icalparameter_new_impl(kind);
- return (icalparameter*) v;
-icalparameter_new_clone(icalparameter* param)
- struct icalparameter_impl *old;
- struct icalparameter_impl *new;
- old = (struct icalparameter_impl *)param;
- new = icalparameter_new_impl(old->kind);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((param!=0),"param");
- if (new == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- memcpy(new,old,sizeof(struct icalparameter_impl));
- if (old->string != 0){
- new->string = strdup(old->string);
- if (new->string == 0){
- icalparameter_free(new);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (old->x_name != 0){
- new->x_name = strdup(old->x_name);
- if (new->x_name == 0){
- icalparameter_free(new);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return new;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_string(icalparameter_kind kind, char* val)
- icalparameter* param=0;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((val!=0),"val");
- switch (kind) {
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_altrep(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_cn(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"INDIVIDUAL") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_INDIVIDUAL);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"GROUP") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"RESOURCE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_RESOURCE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"ROOM") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_ROOM);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"UNKNOWN") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_UNKNOWN);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_delegatedfrom(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_delegatedto(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_dir(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"BIT8") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_encoding(ICAL_ENCODING_8BIT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"BASE64") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_encoding(ICAL_ENCODING_BASE64);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_encoding(ICAL_ENCODING_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"FREE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_fbtype(ICAL_FBTYPE_FREE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"BUSY") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_fbtype(ICAL_FBTYPE_BUSY);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"BUSYUNAVAILABLE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_fbtype(ICAL_FBTYPE_BUSYUNAVAILABLE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"BUSYTENTATIVE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_fbtype(ICAL_FBTYPE_BUSYTENTATIVE);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_fbtype(ICAL_FBTYPE_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_fmttype(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_language(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_member(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"NEEDSACTION") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"ACCEPTED") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"DECLINED") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"TENTATIVE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"DELEGATED") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"COMPLETED") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_COMPLETED);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"INPROCESS") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_INPROCESS);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"THISANDFUTURE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_range(ICAL_RANGE_THISANDFUTURE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"THISANDPRIOR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_range(ICAL_RANGE_THISANDPRIOR);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"START") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_related(ICAL_RELATED_START);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"END") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_related(ICAL_RELATED_END);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"PARENT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_reltype(ICAL_RELTYPE_PARENT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"CHILD") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_reltype(ICAL_RELTYPE_CHILD);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"SIBLING") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_reltype(ICAL_RELTYPE_SIBLING);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_reltype(ICAL_RELTYPE_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"CHAIR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"REQ-PARTICIPANT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"OPT-PARTICIPANT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"NON-PARTICIPANT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_NONPARTICIPANT);
- }
- else {
- param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_XNAME);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"TRUE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_rsvp(1);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"FALSE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_rsvp(0);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_sentby(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new_tzid(val);
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"BINARY") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"BOOLEAN") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BOOLEAN);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"CAL-ADDRESS") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_CALADDRESS);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"DATE") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_DATE);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"DATE-TIME") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"DURATION") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_DURATION);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"FLOAT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_FLOAT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"INTEGER") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_INTEGER);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"PERIOD") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_PERIOD);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"RECUR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_RECUR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"TEXT") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_TEXT);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"TIME") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_TIME);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"URI") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_URI);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"UTC-OFFSET") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_UTCOFFSET);
- }
- else {
- param = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(strcmp(val,"COMPONENT_PARSE_ERROR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"PROPERTY_PARSE_ERROR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PROPERTYPARSEERROR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"PARAMETER_PARSE_ERROR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETERPARSEERROR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"VALUE_PARSE_ERROR") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_VALUEPARSEERROR);
- }
- else if(strcmp(val,"INVALID_ITIP") == 0){
- param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_INVALIDITIP);
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- param = icalparameter_new(ICAL_FBTYPE_PARAMETER);
- icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,val);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return param;
-icalparameter_free (icalparameter* parameter)
- struct icalparameter_impl * impl;
- impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)parameter;
-/* HACK. This always triggers, even when parameter is non-zero
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((parameter==0),"parameter");*/
- icalerror_assert( (impl->parent ==0),"Tried to free a parameter that is still attached to a component. ");
- if(impl->parent !=0){
- return;
- }
- if (impl->string != 0){
- free (impl->string);
- }
- if (impl->x_name != 0){
- free (impl->x_name);
- }
- memset(impl,0,sizeof(impl));
- impl->parent = 0;
- impl->id[0] = 'X';
- free(impl);
-char no_parameter[]="Error: No Parameter";
-icalparameter_as_ical_string (icalparameter* parameter)
- struct icalparameter_impl* impl;
- size_t buf_size = 1024;
- char* buf;
- char* buf_ptr;
- char *out_buf;
- char *kind_string;
- char tend[1024]; /* HACK . Should be using memory buffer ring */
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (parameter!=0), "parameter");
- /* Create new buffer that we can append names, parameters and a
- value to, and reallocate as needed. Later, this buffer will be
- copied to a icalmemory_tmp_buffer, which is managed internally
- by libical, so it can be given to the caller without fear of
- the caller forgetting to free it */
- buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- buf_ptr = buf;
- impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)parameter;
- kind_string = icalenum_parameter_kind_to_string(impl->kind);
- if (impl->kind == ICAL_NO_PARAMETER ||
- impl->kind == ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER ||
- kind_string == 0)
- {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Put the parameter name into the string */
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "=");
- switch (impl->kind) {
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_cutype) {
- strcpy(tend,"INDIVIDUAL");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"GROUP");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"RESOURCE");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"ROOM");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"UNKNOWN");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_encoding) {
- strcpy(tend,"8BIT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"BASE64");break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_fbtype) {
- strcpy(tend,"FREE");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"BUSY");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"BUSYUNAVAILABLE");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"BUSYTENTATIVE");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_partstat) {
- strcpy(tend,"NEEDSACTION");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"ACCEPTED");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"DECLINED");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"TENTATIVE");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"DELEGATED");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"COMPLETED");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"INPROCESS");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_range) {
- strcpy(tend,"THISANDPRIOR");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"THISANDFUTURE");break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_related) {
- strcpy(tend,"START");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"END");break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_reltype) {
- strcpy(tend,"PARENT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"CHILD");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"SIBLING");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_role) {
- strcpy(tend,"CHAIR");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"REQ-PARTICIPANT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"OPT-PARTICIPANT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"NON-PARTICIPANT");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_rsvp) {
- case 1: {
- strcpy(tend,"TRUE");break;
- }
- case 0: {
- strcpy(tend,"FALSE");break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_value) {
- strcpy(tend,"BINARY");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"BOOLEAN");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"CAL-ADDRESS");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"DATE");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"DATE-TIME");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"DURATION");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"FLOAT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"INTEGER");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"PERIOD");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"RECUR");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"TEXT");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"TIME");break;
- }
- case ICAL_VALUE_URI: {
- strcpy(tend,"URI");break;
- }
- strcpy(tend,"UTC-OFFSET");break;
- }
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- }
- default:{
- strcpy(tend,"ERROR");break;
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_xlicerrortype) {
- {
- strcpy(tend,"COMPONENT_PARSE_ERROR");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"PROPERTY_PARSE_ERROR");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"PARAMETER_PARSE_ERROR");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"VALUE_PARSE_ERROR");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"INVALID_ITIP");break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- switch (impl->data.v_xliccomparetype) {
- {
- strcpy(tend,"EQUAL");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"NOTEQUAL");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"LESS");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"GREATER");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"LESSEQUAL");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"GREATEREQUAL");break;
- }
- {
- strcpy(tend,"REGEX");break;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:{
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);break;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if (impl->string == 0){ return no_parameter;}
- strcpy(tend,impl->string);break;
- break;
- }
- {
- /* These are actually handled before the case/switch
- clause */
- }
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, tend);
- /* Now, copy the buffer to a tmp_buffer, which is safe to give to
- the caller without worring about de-allocating it. */
- out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(buf));
- strcpy(out_buf, buf);
- icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
- return out_buf;
-icalparameter_is_valid (icalparameter* parameter);
-icalparameter_isa (icalparameter* parameter)
- if(parameter == 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl *)parameter)->kind;
-icalparameter_isa_parameter (void* parameter)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl *)parameter;
- if (parameter == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(impl->id,"para") == 0) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-icalparameter_set_xname (icalparameter* param, char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- if (impl->x_name != 0){
- free(impl->x_name);
- }
- impl->x_name = strdup(v);
- if (impl->x_name == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalparameter_get_xname (icalparameter* param)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0),"param");
- return impl->x_name;
-icalparameter_set_xvalue (icalparameter* param, char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- if (impl->string != 0){
- free(impl->string);
- }
- impl->string = strdup(v);
- if (impl->string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalparameter_get_xvalue (icalparameter* param)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0),"param");
- return impl->string;
-void icalparameter_set_parent(icalparameter* param,
- icalproperty* property)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
- impl->parent = property;
-icalproperty* icalparameter_get_parent(icalparameter* param)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
- return impl->parent;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* ALTREP */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_altrep(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_ALTREP_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_altrep((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_altrep(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_altrep(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* CN */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_cn(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_CN_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_cn((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_cn(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_cn(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* CUTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_cutype(icalparameter_cutype v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_CUTYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_cutype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_cutype icalparameter_get_cutype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_cutype;
-void icalparameter_set_cutype(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_cutype v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_cutype = v;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_delegatedfrom(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_DELEGATEDFROM_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_delegatedfrom((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_delegatedfrom(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_delegatedfrom(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_delegatedto(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_DELEGATEDTO_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_delegatedto((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_delegatedto(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_delegatedto(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* DIR */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_dir(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_DIR_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_dir((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_dir(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_dir(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_encoding(icalparameter_encoding v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_ENCODING_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_encoding((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_encoding icalparameter_get_encoding(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_encoding;
-void icalparameter_set_encoding(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_encoding v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_encoding = v;
-/* FBTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_fbtype(icalparameter_fbtype v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_FBTYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_fbtype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_fbtype icalparameter_get_fbtype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_fbtype;
-void icalparameter_set_fbtype(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_fbtype v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_fbtype = v;
-/* FMTTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_fmttype(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_FMTTYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_fmttype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_fmttype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_fmttype(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_language(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_LANGUAGE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_language((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_language(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_language(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* MEMBER */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_member(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_MEMBER_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_member((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_member(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_member(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_partstat(icalparameter_partstat v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_partstat((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_partstat icalparameter_get_partstat(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_partstat;
-void icalparameter_set_partstat(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_partstat v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_partstat = v;
-/* RANGE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_range(icalparameter_range v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_RANGE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_range((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_range icalparameter_get_range(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_range;
-void icalparameter_set_range(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_range v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_range = v;
-/* RELATED */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_related(icalparameter_related v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_RELATED_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_related((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_related icalparameter_get_related(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_related;
-void icalparameter_set_related(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_related v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_related = v;
-/* RELTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_reltype(icalparameter_reltype v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_RELTYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_reltype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_reltype icalparameter_get_reltype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_reltype;
-void icalparameter_set_reltype(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_reltype v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_reltype = v;
-/* ROLE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_role(icalparameter_role v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_role((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_role icalparameter_get_role(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_role;
-void icalparameter_set_role(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_role v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_role = v;
-/* RSVP */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_rsvp(int v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_RSVP_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_rsvp((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-int icalparameter_get_rsvp(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_rsvp;
-void icalparameter_set_rsvp(icalparameter* param, int v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_rsvp = v;
-/* SENT-BY */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_sentby(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_SENTBY_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_sentby((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_sentby(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_sentby(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* TZID */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_tzid(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_TZID_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_tzid((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_tzid(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_tzid(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-/* VALUE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_value(icalparameter_value v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_value((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_value icalparameter_get_value(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_value;
-void icalparameter_set_value(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_value v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_value = v;
-/* X */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_x(char* v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_X_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_x((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-char* icalparameter_get_x(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0), "param");
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string;
-void icalparameter_set_x(icalparameter* param, char* v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = strdup(v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(icalparameter_xlicerrortype v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_xlicerrortype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_xlicerrortype icalparameter_get_xlicerrortype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_xlicerrortype;
-void icalparameter_set_xlicerrortype(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_xlicerrortype v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_xlicerrortype = v;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(icalparameter_xliccomparetype v)
- struct icalparameter_impl *impl;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl = icalparameter_new_impl(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_PARAMETER);
- if (impl == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- icalparameter_set_xliccomparetype((icalparameter*) impl,v);
- if (icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR) {
- icalparameter_free((icalparameter*) impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) impl;
-icalparameter_xliccomparetype icalparameter_get_xliccomparetype(icalparameter* param)
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg( (param!=0), "param");
- if ( ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string != 0){
- }
- return ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_xliccomparetype;
-void icalparameter_set_xliccomparetype(icalparameter* param, icalparameter_xliccomparetype v)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0), "param");
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->data.v_xliccomparetype = v;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h b/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 174cae6f3f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalparam.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalparam.h
- ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef ICALPARAM_H
-#define ICALPARAM_H
-#include "icalenums.h" /* defined icalparameter_kind and other enums */
-typedef void icalparameter;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new(icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_clone(icalparameter* p);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_string(icalparameter_kind kind, char* value);
-void icalparameter_free(icalparameter* parameter);
-char* icalparameter_as_ical_string(icalparameter* parameter);
-int icalparameter_is_valid(icalparameter* parameter);
-icalparameter_kind icalparameter_isa(icalparameter* parameter);
-int icalparameter_isa_parameter(void* param);
-/* Acess the name of an X parameer */
-void icalparameter_set_xname (icalparameter* param, char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_xname(icalparameter* param);
-void icalparameter_set_xvalue (icalparameter* param, char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_xvalue(icalparameter* param);
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* ALTREP */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_altrep(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_altrep(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_altrep(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* CN */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_cn(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_cn(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_cn(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* CUTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_cutype(icalparameter_cutype v);
-icalparameter_cutype icalparameter_get_cutype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_cutype(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_cutype v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_delegatedfrom(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_delegatedfrom(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_delegatedfrom(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_delegatedto(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_delegatedto(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_delegatedto(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* DIR */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_dir(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_dir(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_dir(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_encoding(icalparameter_encoding v);
-icalparameter_encoding icalparameter_get_encoding(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_encoding(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_encoding v);
-/* FBTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_fbtype(icalparameter_fbtype v);
-icalparameter_fbtype icalparameter_get_fbtype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_fbtype(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_fbtype v);
-/* FMTTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_fmttype(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_fmttype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_fmttype(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_language(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_language(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_language(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* MEMBER */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_member(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_member(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_member(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_partstat(icalparameter_partstat v);
-icalparameter_partstat icalparameter_get_partstat(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_partstat(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_partstat v);
-/* RANGE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_range(icalparameter_range v);
-icalparameter_range icalparameter_get_range(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_range(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_range v);
-/* RELATED */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_related(icalparameter_related v);
-icalparameter_related icalparameter_get_related(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_related(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_related v);
-/* RELTYPE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_reltype(icalparameter_reltype v);
-icalparameter_reltype icalparameter_get_reltype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_reltype(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_reltype v);
-/* ROLE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_role(icalparameter_role v);
-icalparameter_role icalparameter_get_role(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_role(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_role v);
-/* RSVP */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_rsvp(int v);
-int icalparameter_get_rsvp(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_rsvp(icalparameter* value, int v);
-/* SENT-BY */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_sentby(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_sentby(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_sentby(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* TZID */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_tzid(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_tzid(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_tzid(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-/* VALUE */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_value(icalparameter_value v);
-icalparameter_value icalparameter_get_value(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_value(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_value v);
-/* X */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_x(char* v);
-char* icalparameter_get_x(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_x(icalparameter* value, char* v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(icalparameter_xlicerrortype v);
-icalparameter_xlicerrortype icalparameter_get_xlicerrortype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_xlicerrortype(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_xlicerrortype v);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(icalparameter_xliccomparetype v);
-icalparameter_xliccomparetype icalparameter_get_xliccomparetype(icalparameter* value);
-void icalparameter_set_xliccomparetype(icalparameter* value, icalparameter_xliccomparetype v);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c b/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 286c2a8c02..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalparser.c
- CREATOR: eric 04 August 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 The Software Studio.
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strncpy */
-#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE and fgets and sprintf */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for free */
-extern icalvalue* icalparser_yy_value;
-void set_parser_value_state(icalvalue_kind kind);
-int yyparse(void);
-char* icalparser_get_next_char(char c, char *str);
-char* icalparser_get_next_parameter(char* line,char** end);
-char* icalparser_get_next_value(char* line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind);
-char* icalparser_get_prop_name(char* line, char** end);
-char* icalparser_get_param_name(char* line, char **end);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string_with_error(icalvalue_kind kind, char* str, icalproperty **error);
-char* icalparser_get_next_char(char c, char *str)
- int quote_mode = 0;
- char* p;
- for(p=str; *p!=0; p++){
- if ( quote_mode == 0 && *p=='"' && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
- quote_mode =1;
- continue;
- }
- if ( quote_mode == 1 && *p=='"' && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
- quote_mode =0;
- continue;
- }
- if (quote_mode == 0 && *p== c && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
- return p;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* make a new tmp buffer out of a substring */
-char* make_segment(char* start, char* end)
- char *buf;
- size_t size = (size_t)end - (size_t)start;
- buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(size+1);
- strncpy(buf,start,size);
- *(buf+size) = 0;
- return buf;
-char* input_buffer;
-char* input_buffer_p;
-#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size)
- int n = min(max_size,strlen(input_buffer_p));
- if (n > 0){
- memcpy(buf, input_buffer_p, n);
- input_buffer_p += n;
- return n;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input()
- input_buffer_p = input_buffer+strlen(input_buffer);
-/* Cal the flex parser to parse a complex value */
-icalvalue* icalparser_parse_value(icalvalue_kind kind,
- char* str, icalproperty** error)
- int r;
- input_buffer_p = input_buffer = str;
- set_parser_value_state(kind);
- icalparser_yy_value = 0;
- r = yyparse();
- /* Error. Parse failed */
- if( icalparser_yy_value == 0 || r != 0){
- if(icalparser_yy_value !=0){
- icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value);
- icalparser_yy_value = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (error != 0){
- *error = 0;
- }
- return icalparser_yy_value;
-char* icalparser_get_prop_name(char* line, char** end)
- char* p;
- char* v;
- char *str;
- p = icalparser_get_next_char(';',line);
- v = icalparser_get_next_char(':',line);
- if (p== 0 && v == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ';' that marks the beginning of
- the value */
- if (v!=0 && ( p == 0 || p > v)){
- str = make_segment(line,v);
- *end = v+1;
- } else {
- str = make_segment(line,p);
- *end = p+1;
- }
- return str;
-char* icalparser_get_param_name(char* line, char **end)
- char* next;
- char *str;
- next = icalparser_get_next_char('=',line);
- if (next == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- str = make_segment(line,next);
- *end = next+1;
- return str;
-char* icalparser_get_next_paramvalue(char* line, char **end)
- char* next;
- char *str;
- next = icalparser_get_next_char(',',line);
- if (next == 0){
- next = (char*)(size_t)line+(size_t)strlen(line);\
- }
- if (next == line){
- return 0;
- } else {
- str = make_segment(line,next);
- *end = next+1;
- return str;
- }
-/* A property may have multiple values, if the values are seperated by
- commas in the content line. This routine will look for the next
- comma after line and will set the next place to start searching in
- end. */
-char* icalparser_get_next_value(char* line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind)
- char* next;
- char *p;
- char *str;
- size_t length = strlen(line);
- p = line;
- while(1){
- next = icalparser_get_next_char(',',p);
- /* Unforunately, RFC2445 says that for the RECUR value, COMMA
- can both seperate digits in a list, and it can seperate
- multiple recurrence specifications. This is not a friendly
- part of the spec. This weirdness tries to
- distinguish the two uses. it is probably a HACK*/
- if( kind == ICAL_RECUR_VALUE ) {
- if ( next != 0 &&
- (*end+length) > next+5 &&
- strncmp(next,"FREQ",4) == 0
- ) {
- /* The COMMA was followed by 'FREQ', is it a real seperator*/
- /* Fall through */
- printf("%s\n",next);
- } else if (next != 0){
- /* Not real, get the next COMMA */
- p = next+1;
- next = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* If the comma is preceeded by a '\', then it is a literal and
- not a value seperator*/
- if ( (next!=0 && *(next-1) == '\\') ||
- (next!=0 && *(next-3) == '\\')
- )
- /*second clause for '/' is on prev line. HACK may be out of bounds */
- {
- p = next+1;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (next == 0){
- next = (char*)(size_t)line+length;
- *end = next;
- } else {
- *end = next+1;
- }
- if (next == line){
- return 0;
- }
- str = make_segment(line,next);
- return str;
-char* icalparser_get_next_parameter(char* line,char** end)
- char *next;
- char *v;
- char *str;
- v = icalparser_get_next_char(':',line);
- next = icalparser_get_next_char(';', line);
- /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ':' that marks the beginning of
- the value */
- if (next == 0 || next > v) {
- next = icalparser_get_next_char(':', line);
- }
- if (next != 0) {
- str = make_segment(line,next);
- *end = next+1;
- return str;
- } else {
- *end = line;
- return 0;
- }
-/* HACK. This is not threadsafe */
-int buffer_full=0;
-size_t tmp_buf_size = 80;
-char temp[80];
-/* Get a single property line, from the property name through the
- final new line, and include any continuation lines */
-char* icalparser_get_line(char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d), int *lineno)
- char *line;
- char *line_p;
- size_t buf_size = tmp_buf_size;
- line_p = line = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- line[0] = '\0';
- while(1) {
- /* The buffer is not clear, so transfer the data in it to the
- output. This may be left over from a previous call */
- if (temp[0] != '\0' ) {
- if (temp[tmp_buf_size-1] == 0){
- buffer_full = 1;
- } else {
- buffer_full = 0;
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,temp);
- temp[0] = '\0' ;
- }
- temp[tmp_buf_size-1] = 1; /* Mark end of buffer */
- if ((*line_gen_func)(temp,tmp_buf_size,0)==0){/* Get more data */
- if (temp[0] == '\0'){
- if(line[0] != '\0'){
- break;
- } else {
- free(line);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n' && temp[0] == ' ') {
- /* If the output line ends in a '\n' and the temp buffer
- begins with a ' ', then the buffer holds a continuation
- line, so keep reading. */
- /* back up the pointer to erase the continuation characters */
- line_p--;
- /* shift the temp buffer down to eliminate the leading space*/
- memmove(&(temp[0]),&(temp[1]),tmp_buf_size);
- temp[tmp_buf_size-1] = temp[tmp_buf_size-2];
- } else if ( buffer_full == 1 ) {
- /* The buffer was filled on the last read, so read again */
- } else {
- /* Looks like the end of this content line, so break */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Erase the final newline */
- if ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n') {
- *(line_p-1) = '\0';
- } else {
- *(line_p) = '\0';
- }
- return line;
-#if 0
-char* icalparser_old_get_line(char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d), int *lineno)
- char *line, *output_line;
- char *line_p;
- char last_line = 0;
- size_t buf_size = tmp_buf_size;
- int break_flag = 0;
- line_p = line = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- /* If the hold buffer is empty, read a line. Otherwise, use the data that
- is still in 'temp'*/
- if (hold == 1){
- /* Do nothing */
- } else {
- temp[tmp_buf_size-1] = 1; /* Mark end of buffer */
- (*line_gen_func)(temp,tmp_buf_size,0);
- }
- /* Append the hold buffer or new line into the output */
- icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,temp);
- if ( temp[tmp_buf_size-1] == 0 ) { /* Check if mark was overwritten */
- buffer_full = 1;
- } else {
- buffer_full = 0;
- }
- /* Try to suck up any continuation lines */
- while(last_line == 0){
- temp[tmp_buf_size-1] = 1; /* Mark end of buffer */
- if ((*line_gen_func)(temp,tmp_buf_size,0) == 0){
- /* No more lines -- we are finished */
- if (hold == 1) {
- hold = 0;
- break_flag = 1;
- } else {
- icalmemory_free_buffer(line);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- if ( temp[tmp_buf_size-1] == 0 ) {
- buffer_full = 1;
- } else {
- buffer_full = 0;
- }
- }
- /* keep track of line numbers */
- if (lineno != 0){
- (*lineno)++;
- }
- /* Determine wether to copy the line to the output, or
- save it in the hold buffer */
- if ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n' && temp[0] == ' ') {
- /* If the last line ( in the 'line' string ) ends in a '\n'
- and the current line begins with a ' ', then the current line
- is a continuation line, so append it. */
- /* back up the pointer to erase the continuation characters */
- line_p--;
- icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,&(temp[1]));
- hold = 0;
- buffer_full= 0;
- } else if (buffer_full == 1) {
- /* The last line that was read filled up the read
- buffer. Append it and read again */
- icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,temp);
- hold = 0;
- } else if (break_flag != 1 ){
- /* Nope -- the line was not a continuation line.
- Save the line for the next call */
- hold =1;
- break;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Erase the final newline */
- if ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n') {
- *(line_p-1) = '\0';
- }
- output_line = icalmemory_tmp_copy(line);
- icalmemory_free_buffer(line);
- return output_line;
-void insert_error(icalcomponent* comp, char* text,
- char* message, icalparameter_xlicerrortype type)
- char temp[1024];
- if (strlen(text) > 256) {
- sprintf(temp,"%s: \'%256s...\'",message,text);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp,"%s: \'%s\'",message,text);
- }
- icalcomponent_add_property
- (comp,
- icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(type),
- 0));
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse(char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void* d))
- char *line = 0;
- char *p;
- char *str;
- char *end;
- int lineno = 0;
- int vcount = 0;
- icalcomponent *root_component = 0;
- icalcomponent *tail = 0;
- icalproperty *prop;
- icalvalue *value;
- icalvalue_kind value_kind;
- pvl_list components = pvl_newlist();
- do {
- value_kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
- /* Get a single property line, from a property name through a
- newline */
- if (line!=0){
- free(line);
- }
- line = icalparser_get_line(line_gen_func,&lineno);
- if (line == 0){
- continue;
- }
- end = 0;
- str = icalparser_get_prop_name(line, &end);
- if (str == 0){
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- if (tail){
- insert_error(tail,line,
- "Got a data line, but could not find a property name or component begin tag",
- }
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- * Handle begin and end of components
- **********************************************************************/
- /* If the property name is BEGIN or END, we are actually
- starting or ending a new component */
- if(strcmp(str,"BEGIN") == 0){
- icalcomponent *c; ;
- str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
- c = icalcomponent_new_from_string(str);
- if (c == 0){
- c = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XLICINVALID_COMPONENT);
- insert_error(c,str,"Parse error in component name",
- }
- pvl_push(components,c);
- continue;
- } else if (strcmp(str,"END") == 0 ) {
- str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
- root_component = pvl_pop(components);
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- if(tail != 0){
- icalcomponent_add_component(tail,root_component);
- }
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- /* There is no point in continuing if we have not seen a
- component yet */
- if(pvl_data(pvl_tail(components)) == 0){
- continue;
- }
- * Handle property names
- **********************************************************************/
- /* At this point, the property name really is a property name,
- (Not a component name) so make a new property and add it to
- the component */
- prop = icalproperty_new_from_string(str);
- if (prop != 0){
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- icalcomponent_add_property(tail, prop);
- /* Set the value kind for the default for this type of
- property. This may be re-set by a VALUE parameter */
- value_kind =
- icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(
- icalproperty_isa(prop));
- } else {
- icalcomponent* tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- insert_error(tail,str,"Parse error in property name",
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- * Handle parameter values
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Now, add any parameters to the last property */
- p = 0;
- while(1) {
- if (*(end-1) == ':'){
- /* if the last seperator was a ":" and the value is a
- URL, icalparser_get_next_parameter will find the
- ':' in the URL, so better break now. */
- break;
- }
- str = icalparser_get_next_parameter(end,&end);
- if (str != 0){
- char* name;
- char* pvalue;
- icalparameter *param = 0;
- icalparameter_kind kind;
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- name = icalparser_get_param_name(str,&pvalue);
- if (name == 0){
- insert_error(tail, str, "Can't parse parameter name",
- tail = 0;
- break;
- }
- kind = icalenum_string_to_parameter_kind(name);
- if (kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER){
- param = icalparameter_new_from_string(kind,pvalue);
- } else {
- /* Error. Failed to parse the parameter*/
- insert_error(tail, str, "Can't parse parameter name",
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (param == 0){
- insert_error(tail,str,"Can't parse parameter value",
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- /* If it is a VALUE parameter, set the kind of value*/
- if (icalparameter_isa(param)==ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER){
- value_kind = (icalvalue_kind)
- icalparameter_get_value(param);
- if (value_kind == ICAL_NO_VALUE){
- /* Ooops, could not parse the value of the
- parameter ( it was not one of the defined
- values ), so reset the value_kind */
- icalcomponent* tail
- = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- insert_error(
- tail, str,
- "Got a VALUE parameter with an unknown type",
- icalparameter_free(param);
- value_kind =
- icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(
- icalproperty_isa(prop));
- icalparameter_free(param);
- tail = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* Everything is OK, so add the parameter */
- icalproperty_add_parameter(prop,param);
- tail = 0;
- } else {
- /* If we did not get a param string, go on to looking
- for a value */
- break;
- }
- }
- * Handle values
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Look for values. If there are ',' characters in the values,
- then there are multiple values, so clone the current
- parameter and add one part of the value to each clone */
- vcount=0;
- while(1) {
- str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
- if (str != 0){
- if (vcount > 0){
- /* Actually, only clone after the second value */
- icalproperty* clone = icalproperty_new_clone(prop);
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- icalcomponent_add_property(tail, clone);
- prop = clone;
- tail = 0;
- }
- value = icalvalue_new_from_string(value_kind, str);
- /* Don't add properties without value */
- if (value == 0){
- char temp[1024];
- icalproperty_kind prop_kind = icalproperty_isa(prop);
- tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- sprintf(temp,"Can't parse as %s value in %s property. Removing entire property",
- icalenum_value_kind_to_string(value_kind),
- icalenum_property_kind_to_string(prop_kind));
- insert_error(tail, str, temp,
- /* Remove the troublesome property */
- icalcomponent_remove_property(tail,prop);
- icalproperty_free(prop);
- prop = 0;
- tail = 0;
- break;
- } else {
- vcount++;
- icalproperty_set_value(prop, value);
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } while( !feof(stdin) && line !=0 );
- if (pvl_data(pvl_tail(components)) == 0){
- /* A nice, clean exit */
- pvl_free(components);
- free(line);
- return root_component;
- }
- /* Clear off any component that may be left in the list */
- /* This will happen if some components did not have an "END" tag*/
- while((tail=pvl_data(pvl_tail(components))) != 0){
- insert_error(tail," ",
- "Missing END tag for this component. Closing component at end of input.",
- root_component = pvl_pop(components);
- tail=pvl_data(pvl_tail(components));
- if(tail != 0){
- icalcomponent_add_component(tail,root_component);
- }
- }
- free(line);
- return root_component;
-char* string_line_generator_pos=0;
-char* string_line_generator_str;
-char* string_line_generator(char *out, size_t buf_size, void *d)
- char *n;
- if(string_line_generator_pos==0){
- string_line_generator_pos=string_line_generator_str;
- }
- /* If the pointer is at the end of the string, we are done */
- if (*string_line_generator_pos ==0){
- return 0;
- }
- n = strchr(string_line_generator_pos,'\n');
- /* If no newline, take the rest of the string, and leave the
- pointer at the \0 */
- if (n == 0) {
- n = string_line_generator_pos + strlen(string_line_generator_pos);
- } else {
- n++;
- }
- strncpy(out,string_line_generator_pos,(n-string_line_generator_pos));
- *(out+(n-string_line_generator_pos)) = '\0';
- string_line_generator_pos = n;
- return out;
-void _test_string_line_generator(char* str)
- char *line;
- int lineno=0;
- string_line_generator_str = str;
- string_line_generator_pos = 0;
- while((line = icalparser_get_line(string_line_generator,&lineno))){
- printf("#%d: %s\n",lineno,line);
- }
- string_line_generator_pos = 0;
- string_line_generator_str = 0;
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(char* str)
- icalcomponent *c;
- string_line_generator_str = str;
- string_line_generator_pos = 0;
- c = icalparser_parse(string_line_generator);
- string_line_generator_pos = 0;
- string_line_generator_str = 0;
- return c;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h b/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e47e38bfb..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalparser.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalparser.h
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE* */
- * Message oriented parsing. icalparser_parse takes a string that
- * holds the text ( in RFC 2445 format ) and returns a pointer to an
- * icalcomponent. The caller owns the memory. line_gen_func is a
- * pointer to a function that returns one content line per invocation
- **********************************************************************/
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse(char* (*line_gen_func)());
-/* Parse directly from a string */
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(char* str);
-/* icalparser_flex_input is the routine that is called from the macro
- YYINPUT in the flex lexer. */
-int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size);
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input();
- * Line-oriented parsing.
- *
- * Create a new parser via icalparse_new_parser, then add ines one at
- * a time with icalparse_add_line(). After adding the last line, call
- * icalparse_close() to return the parsed component.
- ***********************************************************************/
-/* These are not implemented yet */
-typedef void* icalparser;
-icalparser icalparse_new_parser();
-void icalparse_add_line(icalparser* parser );
-icalcomponent* icalparse_close(icalparser* parser);
- * Parser support functions
- ***********************************************************************/
-/* Use the flex/bison parser to turn a string into a value type */
-icalvalue* icalparser_parse_value(icalvalue_kind kind, char* str, icalcomponent** errors);
-char* icalparser_get_line(char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d), int *lineno);
-/* a line_gen_function that returns lines from a string */
-#endif /* !ICALPARSE_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c b/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd761b1f8..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3084 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalproperty.c
- CREATOR: eric 28 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalproperty.c
-#include <string.h> /* For strdup, rindex */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list, va_start, etc. */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-/* Private routines for icalproperty */
-void icalvalue_set_parent(icalvalue* value,
- icalproperty* property);
-icalproperty* icalvalue_get_parent(icalvalue* value);
-void icalparameter_set_parent(icalparameter* param,
- icalproperty* property);
-icalproperty* icalparameter_get_parent(icalparameter* value);
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name);
-struct icalproperty_impl
- char id[5];
- icalproperty_kind kind;
- char* x_name;
- pvl_list parameters;
- pvl_elem parameter_iterator;
- icalvalue* value;
- icalcomponent *parent;
-void icalproperty_add_parameters(struct icalproperty_impl *impl,va_list args)
- void* vp;
- while((vp = va_arg(args, void*)) != 0) {
- if (icalvalue_isa_value(vp) != 0 ){
- } else if (icalparameter_isa_parameter(vp) != 0 ){
- icalproperty_add_parameter((icalproperty*)impl,
- (icalparameter*)vp);
- } else {
- abort();
- }
- }
-struct icalproperty_impl*
-icalproperty_new_impl (icalproperty_kind kind)
- struct icalproperty_impl* prop;
- if ( ( prop = (struct icalproperty_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalproperty_impl))) == 0) {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy(prop->id,"prop");
- prop->kind = kind;
- prop->parameters = pvl_newlist();
- prop->parameter_iterator = 0;
- prop->value = 0;
- prop->x_name = 0;
- prop->parent = 0;
- return prop;
-icalproperty_new (icalproperty_kind kind)
- icalproperty *prop = (icalproperty*)icalproperty_new_impl(kind);
- return prop;
-icalproperty_new_clone(icalproperty* prop)
- struct icalproperty_impl *old = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- struct icalproperty_impl *new = icalproperty_new_impl(old->kind);
- pvl_elem p;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((prop!=0),"Prop");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((old!=0),"old");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((new!=0),"new");
- if (old->value !=0) {
- new->value = icalvalue_new_clone(old->value);
- }
- if (old->x_name != 0) {
- new->x_name = strdup(old->x_name);
- if (new->x_name == 0) {
- icalproperty_free(new);
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for(p=pvl_head(old->parameters);p != 0; p = pvl_next(p)){
- icalparameter *param = icalparameter_new_clone(pvl_data(p));
- if (param == 0){
- icalproperty_free(new);
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- pvl_push(new->parameters,param);
- }
- return new;
-/* This one works a little differently from the other *_from_string
- routines; the string input is the name of the property, not the
- data associated with the property, as it is in
- icalvalue_from_string. All of the parsing associated with
- properties is driven by routines in icalparse.c */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str)
- icalproperty_kind kind;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (str!=0),"str");
- kind = icalenum_string_to_property_kind(str);
- if (kind == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
- if( str[0] == 'X' && str[1] == '-'){
- icalproperty *p = icalproperty_new(ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_x_name(p,str);
- return p;
- } else {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- return icalproperty_new(kind);
- }
-icalproperty_free (icalproperty* prop)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p;
- icalparameter* param;
- icalerror_check_arg_re((prop!=0),"prop",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_assert( (p->parent ==0),"Tried to free a property that is still attached to a component. ");
- if(p->parent !=0){
- return;
- }
- if (p->value != 0){
- icalvalue_set_parent(p->value,0);
- icalvalue_free(p->value);
- }
- while( (param = pvl_pop(p->parameters)) != 0){
- icalparameter_free(param);
- }
- pvl_free(p->parameters);
- if (p->x_name != 0) {
- free(p->x_name);
- }
- p->kind = ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
- p->parameters = 0;
- p->parameter_iterator = 0;
- p->value = 0;
- p->x_name = 0;
- p->id[0] = 'X';
- free(p);
-icalproperty_as_ical_string (icalproperty* prop)
- icalparameter *param;
- /* Create new buffer that we can append names, parameters and a
- value to, and reallocate as needed. Later, this buffer will be
- copied to a icalmemory_tmp_buffer, which is managed internally
- by libical, so it can be given to the caller without fear of
- the caller forgetting to free it */
- char* property_name = 0;
- size_t buf_size = 1024;
- char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- char* buf_ptr = buf;
- icalvalue* value;
- char *out_buf;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
- /* Append property name */
- if (impl->kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY && impl->x_name != 0){
- property_name = impl->x_name;
- } else {
- property_name = icalenum_property_kind_to_string(impl->kind);
- }
- if (property_name == 0 ) {
- icalerror_warn("Got a property of an unknown kind.");
- icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
- return 0;
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, property_name);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");
- /* Append parameters */
- for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER);
- param != 0;
- param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER)) {
- char* kind_string = icalparameter_as_ical_string(param);
- if (kind_string == 0 ) {
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp, "Got a parameter of unknown kind in %s property",property_name);
- icalerror_warn(temp);
- continue;
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, " ;");
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");
- }
- /* Append value */
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, " :");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- if (value != 0){
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size,
- icalvalue_as_ical_string(icalproperty_get_value(prop)));
- } else {
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size,"ERROR: No Value");
- }
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");
- /* Now, copy the buffer to a tmp_buffer, which is safe to give to
- the caller without worring about de-allocating it. */
- out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(buf)+1);
- strcpy(out_buf, buf);
- icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
- return out_buf;
-icalproperty_isa (icalproperty* property)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
- if(property != 0){
- return p->kind;
- }
-icalproperty_isa_property (void* property)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (property!=0), "property");
- if (strcmp(impl->id,"prop") == 0) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-icalproperty_add_parameter (icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parameter!=0),"parameter");
- pvl_push(p->parameters, parameter);
-icalproperty_remove_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((prop!=0),"prop");
- assert(0); /* This routine is not implemented */
-icalproperty_count_parameters (icalproperty* prop)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- if(prop != 0){
- return pvl_count(p->parameters);
- }
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
- return -1;
-icalproperty_get_first_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
- p->parameter_iterator = pvl_head(p->parameters);
- if (p->parameter_iterator == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) pvl_data(p->parameter_iterator);
-icalproperty_get_next_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
- if (p->parameter_iterator == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- p->parameter_iterator = pvl_next(p->parameter_iterator);
- if (p->parameter_iterator == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- return (icalparameter*) pvl_data(p->parameter_iterator);
-icalproperty_set_value (icalproperty* prop, icalvalue* value)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((prop !=0),"prop");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((value !=0),"value");
- if (p->value != 0){
- icalvalue_set_parent(p->value,0);
- icalvalue_free(p->value);
- p->value = 0;
- }
- p->value = value;
- icalvalue_set_parent(value,prop);
-icalproperty_get_value (icalproperty* prop)
- struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
- return p->value;
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (name!=0),"name");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- if (impl->x_name != 0) {
- free(impl->x_name);
- }
- impl->x_name = strdup(name);
- if(impl->x_name == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
- }
-char* icalproperty_get_x_name(icalproperty* prop){
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
- return impl->x_name;
-void icalproperty_set_parent(icalproperty* property,
- icalcomponent* component)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0),"property");
- impl->parent = component;
-icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0),"property");
- return impl->parent;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* METHOD */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_method(icalproperty_method v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_method((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_method(icalproperty_method v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_method((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_method(icalproperty* prop, icalproperty_method v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_method(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-icalproperty_method icalproperty_get_method(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_method(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_lastmodified(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_lastmodified((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_lastmodified(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_lastmodified((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_lastmodified(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetime(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_lastmodified(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-/* UID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_uid(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_uid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_uid(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_uid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_uid(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_uid(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* PRODID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_prodid(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PRODID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_prodid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_prodid(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PRODID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_prodid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_prodid(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_prodid(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* STATUS */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_status(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_status((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_status(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_status((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_status(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_status(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_description(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_description((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_description(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_description((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_description(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_description(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_duration(struct icaldurationtype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_duration((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_duration(struct icaldurationtype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_duration((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_duration(icalproperty* prop, struct icaldurationtype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_duration(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaldurationtype icalproperty_get_duration(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_duration(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_categories(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CATEGORIES_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_categories((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_categories(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CATEGORIES_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_categories((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_categories(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_categories(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* VERSION */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_version(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_version((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_version(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_version((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_version(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_version(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZOFFSETFROM_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_tzoffsetfrom((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetfrom(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZOFFSETFROM_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_tzoffsetfrom((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_tzoffsetfrom(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_tzoffsetfrom(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_utcoffset(value);
-/* RRULE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_rrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_rrule((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_rrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_rrule((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_rrule(icalproperty* prop, struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_recur(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalproperty_get_rrule(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_recur(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_attendee(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_attendee((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_attendee(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_attendee((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_attendee(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_caladdress(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_attendee(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_caladdress(value);
-/* CONTACT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_contact(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CONTACT_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_contact((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_contact(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CONTACT_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_contact((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_contact(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_contact(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_relatedto(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_relatedto((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_relatedto(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RELATEDTO_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_relatedto((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_relatedto(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_relatedto(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_organizer(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_organizer((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_organizer(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_organizer((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_organizer(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_caladdress(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_organizer(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_caladdress(value);
-/* COMMENT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_comment(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_COMMENT_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_comment((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_comment(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_COMMENT_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_comment((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_comment(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_comment(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* TRIGGER */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_trigger(union icaltriggertype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TRIGGER_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_trigger((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_trigger(union icaltriggertype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TRIGGER_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_trigger((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_trigger(icalproperty* prop, union icaltriggertype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_trigger(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-union icaltriggertype icalproperty_get_trigger(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_trigger(value);
-/* X-LIC-ERROR */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_xlicerror(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_xlicerror((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_xlicerror((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_xlicerror(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_xlicerror(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* CLASS */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_class(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CLASS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_class((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_class(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CLASS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_class((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_class(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_class(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZOFFSETTO_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_tzoffsetto((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetto(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZOFFSETTO_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_tzoffsetto((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_tzoffsetto(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_tzoffsetto(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_utcoffset(value);
-/* TRANSP */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_transp(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TRANSP_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_transp((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_transp(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TRANSP_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_transp((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_transp(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_transp(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_sequence(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_sequence((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_sequence(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_sequence((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_sequence(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_sequence(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_location(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_location((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_location(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_location((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_location(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_location(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_requeststatus(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_REQUESTSTATUS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_requeststatus((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_requeststatus(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_REQUESTSTATUS_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_requeststatus((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_requeststatus(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_requeststatus(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* EXDATE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_exdate(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_EXDATE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_exdate((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_exdate(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_EXDATE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_exdate((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_exdate(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimedate(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_exdate(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimedate(value);
-/* TZID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzid(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzid(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_tzid(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzid(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_resources(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RESOURCES_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_resources((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_resources(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RESOURCES_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_resources((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_resources(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_resources(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* TZURL */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzurl(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZURL_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzurl((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzurl(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZURL_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzurl((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_tzurl(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_uri(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzurl(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_uri(value);
-/* REPEAT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_repeat(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_REPEAT_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_repeat((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_repeat(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_REPEAT_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_repeat((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_repeat(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_repeat(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_priority(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_priority((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_priority(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_priority((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_priority(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_priority(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_freebusy(struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_freebusy((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_freebusy(struct icalperiodtype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_freebusy((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_freebusy(icalproperty* prop, struct icalperiodtype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_period(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalperiodtype icalproperty_get_freebusy(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_period(value);
-/* DTSTART */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtstart(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtstart((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtstart((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_dtstart(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimedate(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtstart(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimedate(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_recurrenceid(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_recurrenceid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_recurrenceid(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_recurrenceid((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_recurrenceid(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimedate(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_recurrenceid(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimedate(value);
-/* SUMMARY */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_summary(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_summary((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_summary(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_summary((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_summary(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_summary(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* DTEND */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtend(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtend((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtend(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtend((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_dtend(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimedate(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtend(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimedate(value);
-/* TZNAME */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzname(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZNAME_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzname((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzname(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_TZNAME_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_tzname((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_tzname(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzname(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* RDATE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_rdate(struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RDATE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_rdate((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_rdate(struct icalperiodtype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_RDATE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_rdate((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_rdate(icalproperty* prop, struct icalperiodtype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalperiodtype icalproperty_get_rdate(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(value);
-/* URL */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_url(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_URL_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_url((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_url(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_URL_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_url((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_url(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_uri(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_url(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_uri(value);
-/* ATTACH */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_attach(struct icalattachtype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ATTACH_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_attach((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_attach(struct icalattachtype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ATTACH_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_attach((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_attach(icalproperty* prop, struct icalattachtype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_attach(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalattachtype icalproperty_get_attach(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_attach(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_xlicclustercount(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_XLICCLUSTERCOUNT_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_xlicclustercount(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_XLICCLUSTERCOUNT_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_xlicclustercount(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-/* EXRULE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_exrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_EXRULE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_exrule((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_exrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_EXRULE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_exrule((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_exrule(icalproperty* prop, struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_recur(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalproperty_get_exrule(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_recur(value);
-/* QUERY */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_query(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_QUERY_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_query((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_query(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_QUERY_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_query((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_query(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_query(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_query(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_query(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_percentcomplete(int v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PERCENTCOMPLETE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_percentcomplete((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_percentcomplete(int v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_PERCENTCOMPLETE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_percentcomplete((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_percentcomplete(icalproperty* prop, int v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-int icalproperty_get_percentcomplete(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_calscale(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CALSCALE_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_calscale((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_calscale(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CALSCALE_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_calscale((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_calscale(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_calscale(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
-/* CREATED */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_created(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_created((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_created(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_created((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_created(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetime(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_created(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-/* GEO */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_geo(struct icalgeotype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_GEO_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_geo((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_geo(struct icalgeotype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_GEO_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_geo((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_geo(icalproperty* prop, struct icalgeotype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_geo(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icalgeotype icalproperty_get_geo(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_geo(value);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_completed(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_COMPLETED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_completed((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_completed(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_COMPLETED_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_completed((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_completed(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetime(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_completed(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-/* DTSTAMP */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtstamp(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtstamp((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtstamp(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_dtstamp((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_dtstamp(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetime(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtstamp(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-/* DUE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_due(struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_due((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_due(struct icaltimetype v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY);
- icalproperty_set_due((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_due(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_datetimedate(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_due(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_datetimedate(value);
-/* ACTION */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_action(char* v)
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_action((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_action(char* v, ...)
- va_list args;
- struct icalproperty_impl *impl = icalproperty_new_impl(ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalproperty_set_action((icalproperty*)impl,v);
- va_start(args,v);
- icalproperty_add_parameters(impl, args);
- va_end(args);
- return (icalproperty*)impl;
-void icalproperty_set_action(icalproperty* prop, char* v)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalvalue_new_text(v);
- icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-char* icalproperty_get_action(icalproperty* prop)
- icalvalue *value;
- icalerror_check_arg( (prop!=0),"prop");
- value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
- return icalvalue_get_text(value);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h b/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cd28fe179..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalderivedproperties.{c,h}
- CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <time.h>
-typedef void icalproperty;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new(icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_clone(icalproperty * prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str);
-char* icalproperty_as_ical_string(icalproperty* prop);
-void icalproperty_free(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty_kind icalproperty_isa(icalproperty* property);
-int icalproperty_isa_property(void* property);
-void icalproperty_add_parameter(icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter);
-void icalproperty_remove_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
- icalparameter_kind kind);
-int icalproperty_count_parameters(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Iterate through the parameters */
-icalparameter* icalproperty_get_first_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
- icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter* icalproperty_get_next_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
- icalparameter_kind kind);
-/* Access the value of the property */
-void icalproperty_set_value(icalproperty* prop, icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalproperty_get_value(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Deal with X properties */
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name);
-char* icalproperty_get_x_name(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* METHOD */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_method(icalproperty_method v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_method(icalproperty_method v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_method(icalproperty* prop, icalproperty_method v);
-icalproperty_method icalproperty_get_method(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_lastmodified(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_lastmodified(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_lastmodified(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_lastmodified(icalproperty* prop);
-/* UID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_uid(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_uid(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_uid(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_uid(icalproperty* prop);
-/* PRODID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_prodid(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_prodid(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_prodid(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_prodid(icalproperty* prop);
-/* STATUS */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_status(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_status(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_status(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_status(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_description(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_description(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_description(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_description(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_duration(struct icaldurationtype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_duration(struct icaldurationtype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_duration(icalproperty* prop, struct icaldurationtype v);
-struct icaldurationtype icalproperty_get_duration(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_categories(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_categories(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_categories(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_categories(icalproperty* prop);
-/* VERSION */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_version(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_version(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_version(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_version(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetfrom(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_tzoffsetfrom(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_tzoffsetfrom(icalproperty* prop);
-/* RRULE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_rrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_rrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_rrule(icalproperty* prop, struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalproperty_get_rrule(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_attendee(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_attendee(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_attendee(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_attendee(icalproperty* prop);
-/* CONTACT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_contact(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_contact(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_contact(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_contact(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_relatedto(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_relatedto(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_relatedto(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_relatedto(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_organizer(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_organizer(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_organizer(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_organizer(icalproperty* prop);
-/* COMMENT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_comment(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_comment(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_comment(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_comment(icalproperty* prop);
-/* TRIGGER */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_trigger(union icaltriggertype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_trigger(union icaltriggertype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_trigger(icalproperty* prop, union icaltriggertype v);
-union icaltriggertype icalproperty_get_trigger(icalproperty* prop);
-/* X-LIC-ERROR */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_xlicerror(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_xlicerror(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_xlicerror(icalproperty* prop);
-/* CLASS */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_class(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_class(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_class(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_class(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzoffsetto(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_tzoffsetto(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_tzoffsetto(icalproperty* prop);
-/* TRANSP */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_transp(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_transp(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_transp(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_transp(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_sequence(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_sequence(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_sequence(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_sequence(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_location(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_location(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_location(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_location(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_requeststatus(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_requeststatus(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_requeststatus(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_requeststatus(icalproperty* prop);
-/* EXDATE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_exdate(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_exdate(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_exdate(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_exdate(icalproperty* prop);
-/* TZID */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzid(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzid(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_tzid(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzid(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_resources(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_resources(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_resources(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_resources(icalproperty* prop);
-/* TZURL */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzurl(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzurl(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_tzurl(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzurl(icalproperty* prop);
-/* REPEAT */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_repeat(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_repeat(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_repeat(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_repeat(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_priority(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_priority(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_priority(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_priority(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_freebusy(struct icalperiodtype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_freebusy(struct icalperiodtype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_freebusy(icalproperty* prop, struct icalperiodtype v);
-struct icalperiodtype icalproperty_get_freebusy(icalproperty* prop);
-/* DTSTART */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtstart(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_dtstart(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtstart(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_recurrenceid(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_recurrenceid(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_recurrenceid(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_recurrenceid(icalproperty* prop);
-/* SUMMARY */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_summary(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_summary(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_summary(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_summary(icalproperty* prop);
-/* DTEND */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtend(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtend(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_dtend(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtend(icalproperty* prop);
-/* TZNAME */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_tzname(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_tzname(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_tzname(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_tzname(icalproperty* prop);
-/* RDATE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_rdate(struct icalperiodtype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_rdate(struct icalperiodtype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_rdate(icalproperty* prop, struct icalperiodtype v);
-struct icalperiodtype icalproperty_get_rdate(icalproperty* prop);
-/* URL */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_url(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_url(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_url(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_url(icalproperty* prop);
-/* ATTACH */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_attach(struct icalattachtype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_attach(struct icalattachtype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_attach(icalproperty* prop, struct icalattachtype v);
-struct icalattachtype icalproperty_get_attach(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_xlicclustercount(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_xlicclustercount(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_xlicclustercount(icalproperty* prop);
-/* EXRULE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_exrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_exrule(struct icalrecurrencetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_exrule(icalproperty* prop, struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalproperty_get_exrule(icalproperty* prop);
-/* QUERY */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_query(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_query(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_query(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_query(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_percentcomplete(int v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_percentcomplete(int v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_percentcomplete(icalproperty* prop, int v);
-int icalproperty_get_percentcomplete(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_calscale(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_calscale(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_calscale(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_calscale(icalproperty* prop);
-/* CREATED */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_created(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_created(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_created(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_created(icalproperty* prop);
-/* GEO */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_geo(struct icalgeotype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_geo(struct icalgeotype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_geo(icalproperty* prop, struct icalgeotype v);
-struct icalgeotype icalproperty_get_geo(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_completed(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_completed(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_completed(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_completed(icalproperty* prop);
-/* DTSTAMP */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_dtstamp(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_dtstamp(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_dtstamp(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_dtstamp(icalproperty* prop);
-/* DUE */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_due(struct icaltimetype v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_due(struct icaltimetype v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_due(icalproperty* prop, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalproperty_get_due(icalproperty* prop);
-/* ACTION */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_action(char* v);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_vanew_action(char* v, ...);
-void icalproperty_set_action(icalproperty* prop, char* v);
-char* icalproperty_get_action(icalproperty* prop);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.c b/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9393b3ea34..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1582 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-/* ======================================================================
- File: icalrestriction.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-/* Define the structs for the restrictions. these data are filled out
-in machine generated code below */
-typedef int (*restriction_func)(icalcomponent* comp);
-typedef struct icalrestriction_property_record {
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent_kind component;
- icalproperty_kind property;
- icalrestriction_kind restriction;
- restriction_func function;
-} icalrestriction_property_record;
-typedef struct icalrestriction_component_record {
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent_kind component;
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent;
- icalrestriction_kind restriction;
- restriction_func function;
-} icalrestriction_component_record;
-icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[];
-icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[];
-/* The each row gives the result of comparing a restriction against a
- count. The columns in each row represent 0,1,2+. '-1' indicates
- 'invalid, 'don't care' or 'needs more analysis' */
-char compare_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][3] = {
- { 1, 1, 1},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
- { 1, 0, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZERO*/
- { 0, 1, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONE*/
-char restr_string_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][60] = {
- "unknown number",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
- "zero or more",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZEROPLUS*/
- "one or more" ,/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEPLUS*/
- "zero or one, exclusive with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEEXCLUSIVE*/
- "zero or one, mutual with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEMUTUAL*/
- "unknown number" /*ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN*/
-icalrestriction_compare(icalrestriction_kind restr, int count){
- || count < 0){
- return -1;
- }
- if (count > 2) {
- count = 2;
- }
- return compare_map[restr][count];
-int icalrestriction_check_component(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent* comp)
- icalproperty_kind kind;
- icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
- icalrestriction_kind restr;
- int count;
- int compare;
- int valid = 1;
- comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
- /* Check all of the properties in this component */
- for(kind = ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY+1; kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; kind++){
- count = icalcomponent_count_properties(comp, kind);
- restr = icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(method,
- comp_kind,
- kind);
- /* HACK. Treat this as a 0/1 restriction */
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- } else if (restr == ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEMUTUAL ) {
- /* HACK. Treat this as a 0/1 restriction */
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- } else {
- compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
- }
- assert(compare != -1);
- if (compare == 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp, "Failed iTIP restrictions for property %s. Expected %s instances of the property and got %d",
- icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kind),
- restr_string_map[restr], count);
- icalcomponent_add_property
- (comp,
- icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_INVALIDITIP),
- 0));
- }
- valid = valid && compare;
- }
- return valid;
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* outer_comp)
- icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
- icalproperty_method method;
- icalcomponent* inner_comp;
- icalproperty *method_prop;
- int valid;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (outer_comp!=0), "outer comp");
- /* Get the Method value from the outer component */
- comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(outer_comp);
- if (comp_kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- method_prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(outer_comp,
- if (method_prop == 0){
- method = ICAL_METHOD_NONE;
- } else {
- method = icalproperty_get_method(method_prop);
- }
- /* Check the VCALENDAR wrapper */
- valid = icalrestriction_check_component(ICAL_METHOD_NONE,outer_comp);
- /* Now check the inner components */
- for(inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_first_component(outer_comp,
- inner_comp != 0;
- inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_next_component(outer_comp,
- valid = valid && icalrestriction_check_component(method,inner_comp);
- }
- return valid;
-icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalproperty_kind property)
- int i;
- for(i = 0;
- icalrestriction_property_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
- i++){
- if (method == icalrestriction_property_records[i].method &&
- component == icalrestriction_property_records[i].component &&
- property == icalrestriction_property_records[i].property ){
- return icalrestriction_property_records[i].restriction;
- }
- }
-icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent)
- int i;
- for(i = 0;
- icalrestriction_component_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
- i++){
- if (method == icalrestriction_component_records[i].method &&
- component == icalrestriction_component_records[i].component &&
- subcomponent == icalrestriction_component_records[i].subcomponent ){
- return icalrestriction_component_records[i].restriction;
- }
- }
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[] = {
-icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[] = {
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h b/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4beeea7b..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalrestriction.h
- CREATOR: eric 24 April 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalrestriction.h
- Contributions from:
- Graham Davison (g.m.davison@computer.org)
-#include "ical.h"
-/* These must stay in this order for icalrestriction_compare to work */
-typedef enum icalrestriction_kind {
-} icalrestriction_kind;
-icalrestriction_compare(icalrestriction_kind restr, int count);
-icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalproperty_kind property);
-icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
- icalcomponent_kind component,
- icalcomponent_kind subcomponent);
-icalrestriction_is_parameter_allowed(icalproperty_kind property,
- icalparameter_kind parameter);
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* comp);
-#endif /* !ICALRESTRICTION_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c b/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 14daa2915d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icaltypes.c
- CREATOR: eric 16 May 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icaltypes.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX */
-icalattachtype_get_data (struct icalattachtype* type);
-struct icalattachtype*
- struct icalattachtype* v;
- if ( ( v = (struct icalattachtype*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalattachtype))) == 0) {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- v->refcount = 1;
- v->binary = 0;
- v->owns_binary = 0;
- v->base64 = 0;
- v->owns_base64 = 0;
- v->url = 0;
- return v;
-icalattachtype_free(struct icalattachtype* v)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- v->refcount--;
- if (v->refcount <= 0){
- if (v->base64 != 0 && v->owns_base64 != 0){
- free(v->base64);
- }
- if (v->binary != 0 && v->owns_binary != 0){
- free(v->binary);
- }
- if (v->url != 0){
- free(v->url);
- }
- free(v);
- }
-void icalattachtype_add_reference(struct icalattachtype* v)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- v->refcount++;
-void icalattachtype_set_url(struct icalattachtype* v, char* url)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- if (v->url != 0){
- free (v->url);
- }
- v->url = strdup(url);
- /* HACK This routine should do something if strdup returns NULL */
-char* icalattachtype_get_url(struct icalattachtype* v)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- return v->url;
-void icalattachtype_set_base64(struct icalattachtype* v, char* base64,
- int owns)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- v->base64 = base64;
- v->owns_base64 = !(owns != 0 );
-char* icalattachtype_get_base64(struct icalattachtype* v)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- return v->base64;
-void icalattachtype_set_binary(struct icalattachtype* v, char* binary,
- int owns)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- v->binary = binary;
- v->owns_binary = !(owns != 0 );
-void* icalattachtype_get_binary(struct icalattachtype* v)
- icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
- return v->binary;
-icalperiodtype_duration (struct icalperiodtype period);
-icalperiodtype_end (struct icalperiodtype period);
-struct icaltimetype
-icaltimetype_from_timet(time_t v, int date)
- struct icaltimetype tt;
- struct tm t;
- time_t tm = time(&v);
-/* HACK Does not properly consider timezone */
- t = *(gmtime(&tm));
- tt.second = t.tm_sec;
- tt.minute = t.tm_min;
- tt.hour = t.tm_hour;
- tt.day = t.tm_mday;
- tt.month = t.tm_mon + 1;
- tt.year = t.tm_year+ 1900;
- tt.is_utc = 1;
- tt.is_date = date;
- return tt;
-/* From Russel Steinthal */
-time_t icaldurationtype_as_timet(struct icaldurationtype dur)
- return (time_t) (dur.seconds +
- (60 * dur.minutes) +
- (60 * 60 * dur.hours) +
- (60 * 60 * 24 * dur.days) +
- (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * dur.weeks));
-void icalrecurrencetype_clear(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur)
- sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
- recur->week_start = ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY;
- recur->freq = ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE;
- recur->interval = 0;
- recur->until.year = 0;
- recur->count = 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h b/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c33e8acd7d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icaltypes.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icaltypes.h
-#ifndef ICALTYPES_H
-#define ICALTYPES_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalenums.h" /* for recurrence enums */
-/* This type type should probably be an opaque type... */
-struct icalattachtype
- void* binary;
- int owns_binary;
- char* base64;
- int owns_base64;
- char* url;
- int refcount;
-/* converts base64 to binary, fetches url and stores as binary, or
- just returns data */
-struct icalattachtype* icalattachtype_new();
-void icalattachtype_add_reference(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_free(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_url(struct icalattachtype* v, char* url);
-char* icalattachtype_get_url(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_base64(struct icalattachtype* v, char* base64,
- int owns);
-char* icalattachtype_get_base64(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_binary(struct icalattachtype* v, char* binary,
- int owns);
-void* icalattachtype_get_binary(struct icalattachtype* v);
-struct icalgeotype
- float lat;
- float lon;
-struct icaltimetype
- int year;
- int month;
- int day;
- int hour;
- int minute;
- int second;
- int is_utc; /* 1-> time is in UTC timezone */
- int is_date; /* 1 -> interpret this as date. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltimetype_from_timet(time_t v, int is_date);
-/* See RFC 2445 Section 4.3.10, RECUR Value, for an explaination of
- the values and fields in struct icalrecurrencetype */
-struct icalrecurrencetype
- icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
- /* until and count are mutually exclusive. */
- struct icaltimetype until;
- int count;
- short interval;
- icalrecurrencetype_weekday week_start;
- /* The BY* parameters can each take a list of values. Here I
- * assume that the list of values will not be larger than the
- * range of the value -- that is, the client will not name a
- * value more than once.
- * Each of the lists is terminated with the value SHRT_MAX
- * unless the the list is full. */
- short by_second[61];
- short by_minute[61];
- short by_hour[25];
- short by_day[8];
- short by_month_day[32];
- short by_year_day[367];
- short by_week_no[54];
- short by_month[13];
- short by_set_pos[367];
-void icalrecurrencetype_clear(struct icalrecurrencetype *r);
-struct icaldurationtype
- unsigned int days;
- unsigned int weeks;
- unsigned int hours;
- unsigned int minutes;
- unsigned int seconds;
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_timet(time_t t);
-time_t icaldurationtype_as_timet(struct icaldurationtype duration);
-/* Return the next occurance of 'r' after the time specified by 'after' */
-struct icaltimetype icalrecurrencetype_next_occurance(
- struct icalrecurrencetype *r,
- struct icaltimetype *after);
-struct icalperiodtype
- struct icaltimetype start; /* Must be absolute */
- struct icaltimetype end; /* Must be absolute */
- struct icaldurationtype duration;
-time_t icalperiodtype_duration(struct icalperiodtype period);
-time_t icalperiodtype_end(struct icalperiodtype period);
-union icaltriggertype
- struct icaltimetype time;
- struct icaldurationtype duration;
-struct icalrequestsstatustype {
- short minor;
- short major;
-#endif /* !ICALTYPES_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c b/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed83a0c6e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2043 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalvalue.c
- CREATOR: eric 02 May 1999
- $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalvalue.c
- Contributions from:
- Graham Davison (g.m.davison@computer.org)
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf */
-#include <string.h> /* For memset, others */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h> /* for mktime */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi and atof */
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX */
-#if _MAC_OS_
-#include "strdup.h"
-void print_datetime_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_date_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_time_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_recur_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data);
-struct icalvalue_impl {
- icalvalue_kind kind;
- char id[5];
- int size;
- icalproperty* parent;
- union data {
- struct icalattachtype v_attach;
- /* void *v_binary; */ /* use v_attach */
- char *v_string;
- /*char *v_text;*/
- /*char *v_caladdress;*/
- /*char *v_uri;*/
- float v_float;
- int v_int;
- /*int v_boolean;*/
- /*int v_integer;*/
- struct icaldurationtype v_duration;
- /*int v_utcoffset;*/
- struct icalperiodtype v_period;
- /*struct icalperiodtype v_datetimeperiod;*/
- struct icalgeotype v_geo;
- /*time_t v_time;*/
- struct icaltimetype v_time;
- /*struct icaltimetype v_date;*/
- /*struct icaltimetype v_datetime;*/
- /*struct icaltimetype v_datetimedate;*/
- /* struct icalrecurrencetype was once a value in this
- union, but it contributes 2000 bytes to every*/
- struct icalrecurrencetype *v_recur;
- union icaltriggertype v_trigger;
- icalproperty_method v_method;
- } data;
-struct icalvalue_impl* icalvalue_new_impl(icalvalue_kind kind){
- struct icalvalue_impl* v;
- if ( ( v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalvalue_impl))) == 0) {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy(v->id,"val");
- v->kind = kind;
- v->size = 0;
- v->parent = 0;
- memset(&(v->data),0,sizeof(v->data));
- return v;
-icalvalue_new (icalvalue_kind kind)
- return (icalvalue*)icalvalue_new_impl(kind);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_clone(icalvalue* value){
- struct icalvalue_impl* new;
- struct icalvalue_impl* old = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- new = icalvalue_new_impl(old->kind);
- if (new == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- strcpy(new->id, old->id);
- new->kind = old->kind;
- new->size = old->size;
- switch (new->kind){
- /* The contents of the attach value may or may not be owned by the
- * library. */
- {
- /* HACK ugh. I don't feel like impleenting this */
- }
- {
- if (old->data.v_string != 0) {
- new->data.v_string=strdup(old->data.v_string);
- if ( new->data.v_string == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(old->data.v_recur != 0){
- new->data.v_recur = malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
- if(new->data.v_recur == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- memcpy( new->data.v_recur, old->data.v_recur,
- sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- /* all of the other types are stored as values, not
- pointers, so we can just copy the whole structure. */
- new->data = old->data;
- }
- }
- return new;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string_with_error(icalvalue_kind kind,char* str,icalproperty** error)
- icalvalue *value = 0;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz(str!=0,"str");
- if (error != 0){
- *error = 0;
- }
- switch (kind){
- {
- /* HACK */
- value = 0;
- if (error != 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp,"ATTACH Values are not implemented");
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- icalerror_warn("Parsing ATTACH properties is unimplmeneted");
- break;
- }
- {
- /* HACK */
- value = 0;
- if (error != 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp,"BINARY Values are not implemented");
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- icalerror_warn("Parsing BINARY values is unimplmeneted");
- break;
- }
- {
- /* HACK */
- value = 0;
- if (error != 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp,"BOOLEAN Values are not implemented");
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- icalerror_warn("Parsing BOOLEAN values is unimplmeneted");
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalvalue_new_integer(atoi(str));
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalvalue_new_float(atof(str));
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalparser_parse_value(kind,str,(icalcomponent*)0);
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalvalue_new_text(str);
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalvalue_new_caladdress(str);
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalvalue_new_uri(str);
- break;
- }
- {
- icalproperty_method method = icalenum_string_to_method(str);
- value = icalvalue_new_method(method);
- }
- {
- value = 0;
- /* HACK */
- if (error != 0){
- char temp[1024];
- sprintf(temp,"GEO Values are not implemented");
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- /*icalerror_warn("Parsing GEO properties is unimplmeneted");*/
- break;
- }
- {
- value = icalparser_parse_value(kind,str,error);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- if (error != 0 ){
- char temp[1024];
- if (strlen(str) > 265) {
- sprintf(temp,"Unknown type for \'%256s...\'",str);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp,"Unknown type for \'%s\'",str);
- }
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- icalerror_warn("icalvalue_new_from_string got an unknown value type");
- value=0;
- }
- }
- if (error != 0 && *error == 0 && value == 0){
- char temp[1024];
- if (strlen(str) > 265) {
- sprintf(temp,"Failed to parse value: \'%256s...\'",str);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp,"Failed to parse value: \'%s\'",str);
- }
- *error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- temp,
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
- 0);
- }
- return value;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string(icalvalue_kind kind,char* str)
- return icalvalue_new_from_string_with_error(kind,str,(icalproperty*)0);
-icalvalue_free (icalvalue* value)
- struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((value != 0),"value");
- icalerror_assert( (v->parent ==0),"This value is still attached to a property");
- if(v->parent !=0){
- return;
- }
- switch (v->kind){
- /* HACK ugh. This will be tough to implement */
- }
- {
- if (v->data.v_string != 0) {
- free(v->data.v_string);
- v->data.v_string = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if(v->data.v_recur != 0){
- free(v->data.v_recur);
- v->data.v_recur = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- /* Nothing to do */
- }
- }
- v->kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
- v->size = 0;
- v->parent = 0;
- memset(&(v->data),0,sizeof(v->data));
- v->id[0] = 'X';
- free(v);
-icalvalue_is_valid (icalvalue* value)
- /*struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;*/
- if(value == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-char* icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- char* data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_binary(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(60);
- sprintf(str,"icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string is not implemented yet");
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_int_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- int data;
- char* str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(2);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_integer(value);
- sprintf(str,"%d",data);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_utcoffset_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value)
- int data,h,m,s;
- char sign;
- char* str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(9);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_utcoffset(value);
- if (abs(data) == data){
- sign = '+';
- } else {
- sign = '-';
- }
- h = data/3600;
- m = (data - (h*3600))/ 60;
- s = (data - (h*3600) - (m*60));
- sprintf(str,"%c%02d%02d%02d",sign,abs(h),abs(m),abs(s));
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- char* data;
- char* str = 0;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(data)+1);
- strcpy(str,data);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_recur_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value)
- char* str;
- char *str_p;
- size_t buf_sz = 200;
- char temp[20];
- int i,j;
- struct icalvalue_impl *impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- struct icalrecurrencetype *recur = impl->data.v_recur;
- struct { char* str; short* array; short limit; } map[] =
- {
- {";BYSECOND=",recur->by_second,60},
- {";BYMINUTE=",recur->by_minute,60},
- {";BYHOUR=",recur->by_hour,24},
- {";BYDAY=",recur->by_day,7},
- {";BYMONTHDAY=",recur->by_month_day,31},
- {";BYYEARDAY=",recur->by_year_day,366},
- {";BYWEEKNO=",recur->by_week_no,52},
- {";BYMONTH=",recur->by_month,12},
- {";BYSETPOS=",recur->by_set_pos,366},
- {0,0,0},
- };
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((value != 0),"value");
- if(recur->freq == ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE){
- return 0;
- }
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(buf_sz);
- str_p = str;
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"FREQ=");
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,
- icalenum_recurrence_to_string(recur->freq));
- if(recur->until.year != 0){
- temp[0] = 0;
- print_datetime_to_string(temp,&(recur->until));
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";UNTIL=");
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
- }
- if(recur->count != 0){
- sprintf(temp,"%d",recur->count);
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";COUNT=");
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
- }
- if(recur->interval != 0){
- sprintf(temp,"%d",recur->interval);
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";INTERVAL=");
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
- }
- for(j =0; map[j].str != 0; j++){
- short* array = map[j].array;
- short limit = map[j].limit;
- /* Skip unused arrays */
- if( array[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX ) {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,map[j].str);
- for(i=0; i< limit && array[i] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;
- i++){
- if (j == 3) { /* BYDAY */
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,
- icalenum_weekday_to_string(array[i]));
- } else {
- sprintf(temp,"%d",array[i]);
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
- }
- if( (i+1)<limit &&array[i+1]
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,',');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_text_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- char *str;
- char *str_p;
- char *rtrn;
- char *p;
- size_t buf_sz;
- int line_length;
- line_length = 0;
- buf_sz = strlen(((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string)+1;
- str_p = str = (char*)icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_sz);
- if (str_p == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- for(p=((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string; *p!=0; p++){
- switch(*p){
- case '\n': {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\n");
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case '\t': {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\t");
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case '\r': {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\r");
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case '\b': {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\b");
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case '\f': {
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\f");
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case ';':
- case ',':{
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\\');
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- case '"':{
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\\');
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
- line_length+=3;
- break;
- }
- default: {
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
- line_length++;
- }
- }
- if (line_length > 65 && *p == ' '){
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\n ");
- line_length=0;
- }
- if (line_length > 75){
- icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\n ");
- line_length=0;
- }
- }
- /* Assume the last character is not a '\0' and add one. We could
- check *str_p != 0, but that would be an uninitialized memory
- read. */
- icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\0');
- rtrn = icalmemory_tmp_copy(str);
- icalmemory_free_buffer(str);
- return rtrn;
-char* icalvalue_attach_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icalattachtype a;
- char * str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- a = icalvalue_get_attach(value);
- if (a.binary != 0) {
- return icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(value);
- } else if (a.base64 != 0) {
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(a.base64)+1);
- strcpy(str,a.base64);
- return str;
- } else if (a.url != 0){
- return icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(value);
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-void append_duration_segment(char** buf, char** buf_ptr, size_t* buf_size,
- char* sep, unsigned int value) {
- char digits[256]; /* HACK: large hardcoded limit */
- sprintf(digits,"%d",value);
- icalmemory_append_string(buf, buf_ptr, buf_size, digits);
- icalmemory_append_string(buf, buf_ptr, buf_size, sep);
-char* icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icaldurationtype data;
- char *buf, *output_line;
- size_t buf_size = 256;
- char* buf_ptr = 0;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_duration(value);
- buf = (char*)icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
- buf_ptr = buf;
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "P");
- if (data.weeks != 0 ) {
- append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "W", data.weeks);
- }
- if (data.days != 0 ) {
- append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "D", data.days);
- }
- if (data.hours != 0 || data.minutes != 0 || data.seconds != 0) {
- icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "T");
- if (data.hours != 0 ) {
- append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "H", data.hours);
- }
- if (data.minutes != 0 ) {
- append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "M", data.minutes);
- }
- if (data.seconds != 0 ) {
- append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "S", data.seconds);
- }
- }
- output_line = icalmemory_tmp_copy(buf);
- icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
- return output_line;
-void print_time_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data)
- char temp[20];
- if (data->is_utc == 1){
- sprintf(temp,"%02d%02d%02dZ",data->hour,data->minute,data->second);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp,"%02d%02d%02d",data->hour,data->minute,data->second);
- }
- strcat(str,temp);
-char* icalvalue_time_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icaltimetype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_time(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(8);
- str[0] = 0;
- print_time_to_string(str,&data);
- return str;
-void print_date_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data)
- char temp[20];
- sprintf(temp,"%04d%02d%02d",data->year,data->month,data->day);
- strcat(str,temp);
-char* icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icaltimetype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_date(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(9);
- str[0] = 0;
- print_date_to_string(str,&data);
- return str;
-void print_datetime_to_string(char* str, struct icaltimetype *data)
- print_date_to_string(str,data);
- strcat(str,"T");
- print_time_to_string(str,data);
-char* icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icaltimetype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_date(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(20);
- str[0] = 0;
- print_datetime_to_string(str,&data);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_datetimedate_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icaltimetype data;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
- if (data.is_date == 1){
- return icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(value);
- } else {
- return icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(value);
- }
-char* icalvalue_float_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- float data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_float(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(15);
- sprintf(str,"%f",data);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_geo_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icalgeotype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_geo(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(25);
- sprintf(str,"%f;%f",data.lat,data.lon);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_datetimeperiod_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icalperiodtype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(60);
- if( data.end.second == -1){
- /* This is a DATE-TIME value, since there is no end value */
- icalvalue *v= icalvalue_new_datetime(data.start);
- strcpy(str,icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(v));
- free(v);
- } else {
- icalvalue *v1 = icalvalue_new_datetime(data.start);
- icalvalue *v2 = icalvalue_new_datetime(data.end);
- sprintf(str,"%s/%s",
- icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(v1),
- icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(v2)
- );
- free(v1);
- free(v2);
- }
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_period_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- struct icalperiodtype data;
- char* str;
- icalvalue *s,*e;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_period(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(60);
- s = icalvalue_new_datetime(data.start);
- if (data.end.second != -1){
- /* use the end date */
- e = icalvalue_new_datetime(data.end);
- sprintf(str,"%s/%s",
- icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(s),
- icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(e)
- );
- } else {
- /* use the duration */
- e = icalvalue_new_duration(data.duration);
- sprintf(str,"%s/%s",
- icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(s),
- icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string(e)
- );
- }
- icalvalue_free(e);
- icalvalue_free(s);
- return str;
-char* icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
- union icaltriggertype data;
- char* str;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
- data = icalvalue_get_trigger(value);
- str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(60);
- sprintf(str,"icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string is not implemented yet");
- return str;
-icalvalue_as_ical_string (icalvalue* value)
- struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- v=v;
- if(value == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- switch (v->kind){
- return icalvalue_attach_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_int_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_utcoffset_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_text_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_datetimedate_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_time_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_period_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_datetimeperiod_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_float_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_geo_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_recur_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string(value);
- return icalenum_method_to_string(v->data.v_method);
- default:
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
-icalvalue_isa (icalvalue* value)
- struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- if(value == 0){
- return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
- }
- return v->kind;
-icalvalue_isa_value (void* value)
- struct icalvalue_impl *impl = (struct icalvalue_impl *)value;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0), "value");
- if (strcmp(impl->id,"val") == 0) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-icalvalue_compare(icalvalue* a, icalvalue *b)
- struct icalvalue_impl *impla = (struct icalvalue_impl *)a;
- struct icalvalue_impl *implb = (struct icalvalue_impl *)b;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (a!=0), "a");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (b!=0), "b");
- /* Not the same type; they can only be unequal */
- if (icalvalue_isa(a) != icalvalue_isa(b)){
- }
- switch (icalvalue_isa(a)){
- {
- if (icalvalue_get_boolean(a) == icalvalue_get_boolean(b)){
- } else {
- }
- }
- {
- if (impla->data.v_float > implb->data.v_float){
- } else if (impla->data.v_float < implb->data.v_float){
- } else {
- }
- }
- {
- if (impla->data.v_int > implb->data.v_int){
- } else if (impla->data.v_int < implb->data.v_int){
- } else {
- }
- }
- {
- int r;
- r = strcmp(icalvalue_as_ical_string(a),
- icalvalue_as_ical_string(b));
- if (r > 0) {
- } else if (r < 0){
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- {
- if (icalvalue_get_method(a) == icalvalue_get_method(b)){
- } else {
- }
- }
- default:
- {
- icalerror_warn("Comparison not implemented for value type");
- }
- }
-void icalvalue_set_parent(icalvalue* value,
- icalproperty* property)
- struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- v->parent = property;
-icalproperty* icalvalue_get_parent(icalvalue* value)
- struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- return v->parent;
-/* Recur is a special case, so it is not auto generated */
-icalvalue_new_recur (struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_recur((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_recur(icalvalue* value, struct icalrecurrencetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- if (impl->data.v_recur != 0){
- free(impl->data.v_recur);
- impl->data.v_recur = 0;
- }
- impl->data.v_recur = malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
- if (impl->data.v_recur == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
- return;
- } else {
- memcpy(impl->data.v_recur, &v, sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
- }
-struct icalrecurrencetype
-icalvalue_get_recur(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
- return *(((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_recur);
-/* The remaining interfaces are 'new', 'set' and 'get' for each of the value
- types */
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-icalvalue_new_attach (struct icalattachtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_attach((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_attach(icalvalue* value, struct icalattachtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_attach = v;
-struct icalattachtype
-icalvalue_get_attach(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_attach;
-icalvalue_new_binary (char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_BINARY_VALUE);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalvalue_set_binary((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_binary(icalvalue* value, char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_BINARY_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_string = strdup(v);
- if (impl->data.v_string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalvalue_get_binary(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_BINARY_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
-icalvalue_new_boolean (int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_BOOLEAN_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_boolean((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_boolean(icalvalue* value, int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_BOOLEAN_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_int = v;
-icalvalue_get_boolean(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_BOOLEAN_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_int;
-icalvalue_new_caladdress (char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_CALADDRESS_VALUE);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalvalue_set_caladdress((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_caladdress(icalvalue* value, char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_CALADDRESS_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_string = strdup(v);
- if (impl->data.v_string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalvalue_get_caladdress(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_CALADDRESS_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
-icalvalue_new_date (struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DATE_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_date((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_date(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATE_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_time = v;
-struct icaltimetype
-icalvalue_get_date(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATE_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_time;
-icalvalue_new_datetime (struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_datetime((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_datetime(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_time = v;
-struct icaltimetype
-icalvalue_get_datetime(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_time;
-icalvalue_new_datetimedate (struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DATETIMEDATE_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_datetimedate((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_datetimedate(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEDATE_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_time = v;
-struct icaltimetype
-icalvalue_get_datetimedate(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEDATE_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_time;
-icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod (struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value, struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_period = v;
-struct icalperiodtype
-icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_period;
-icalvalue_new_duration (struct icaldurationtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DURATION_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_duration((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_duration(icalvalue* value, struct icaldurationtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DURATION_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_duration = v;
-struct icaldurationtype
-icalvalue_get_duration(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DURATION_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_duration;
-icalvalue_new_float (float v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_FLOAT_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_float((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_float(icalvalue* value, float v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_FLOAT_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_float = v;
-icalvalue_get_float(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_FLOAT_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_float;
-icalvalue_new_geo (struct icalgeotype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_GEO_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_geo((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_geo(icalvalue* value, struct icalgeotype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_GEO_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_geo = v;
-struct icalgeotype
-icalvalue_get_geo(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_GEO_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_geo;
-icalvalue_new_integer (int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_INTEGER_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_integer((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_integer(icalvalue* value, int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_INTEGER_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_int = v;
-icalvalue_get_integer(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_INTEGER_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_int;
-icalvalue_new_method (icalproperty_method v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_METHOD_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_method((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_method(icalvalue* value, icalproperty_method v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_METHOD_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_method = v;
-icalvalue_get_method(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_METHOD_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_method;
-icalvalue_new_period (struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_period((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_period(icalvalue* value, struct icalperiodtype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_period = v;
-struct icalperiodtype
-icalvalue_get_period(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_period;
-icalvalue_new_text (char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_TEXT_VALUE);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalvalue_set_text((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_text(icalvalue* value, char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- char *p,*d;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TEXT_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_string = malloc(strlen(v)+1);
- if (impl->data.v_string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return;
- }
- for(d=impl->data.v_string,p=v; *p!=0; p++){
- if (*p == '\\') {
- p++;
- if (p == 0){
- break;
- }
- switch(*p){
- case 'n': {
- *d='\n';d++;
- break;
- }
- case '\\': {
- *d='\\';d++;
- break;
- }
- case 't': {
- *d='\n';d++;
- break;
- }
- case 'r': {
- *d='\r';d++;
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- *d='\b';d++;
- break;
- }
- case 'f': {
- *d='\f';d++;
- break;
- }
- case ';':
- case ',':{
- *d=*p;d++;
- break;
- }
- case '"':{
- *d='\"';d++;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- *d=*p;d++;
- }
- }
- *d='\0';
-icalvalue_get_text(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TEXT_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
-icalvalue_new_time (struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_TIME_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_time((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_time(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TIME_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_time = v;
-struct icaltimetype
-icalvalue_get_time(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TIME_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_time;
-icalvalue_new_trigger (union icaltriggertype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_trigger((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_trigger(icalvalue* value, union icaltriggertype v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_trigger = v;
-union icaltriggertype
-icalvalue_get_trigger(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_trigger;
-icalvalue_new_uri (char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_URI_VALUE);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalvalue_set_uri((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_uri(icalvalue* value, char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_URI_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_string = strdup(v);
- if (impl->data.v_string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalvalue_get_uri(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_URI_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
-icalvalue_new_utcoffset (int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_UTCOFFSET_VALUE);
- icalvalue_set_utcoffset((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_utcoffset(icalvalue* value, int v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_UTCOFFSET_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_int = v;
-icalvalue_get_utcoffset(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_UTCOFFSET_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_int;
-icalvalue_new_query (char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_QUERY_VALUE);
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
- icalvalue_set_query((icalvalue*)impl,v);
- return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_query(icalvalue* value, char* v)
- struct icalvalue_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_QUERY_VALUE);
- impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
- impl->data.v_string = strdup(v);
- if (impl->data.v_string == 0){
- errno = ENOMEM;
- }
-icalvalue_get_query(icalvalue* value)
- icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
- icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_QUERY_VALUE);
- return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h b/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a2e6da9e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalvalue.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalvalue.h
- ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef ICALVALUE_H
-#define ICALVALUE_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-typedef void icalvalue;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new(icalvalue_kind kind);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_clone(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string(icalvalue_kind kind, char* str);
-void icalvalue_free(icalvalue* value);
-int icalvalue_is_valid(icalvalue* value);
-char* icalvalue_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue_kind icalvalue_isa(icalvalue* value);
-int icalvalue_isa_value(void*);
-icalvalue_compare(icalvalue* a, icalvalue *b);
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* ATTACH # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_attach(struct icalattachtype v);
-struct icalattachtype icalvalue_get_attach(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_attach(icalvalue* value, struct icalattachtype v);
-/* BINARY */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_binary(char* v);
-char* icalvalue_get_binary(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_binary(icalvalue* value, char* v);
-/* BOOLEAN */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_boolean(int v);
-int icalvalue_get_boolean(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_boolean(icalvalue* value, int v);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_caladdress(char* v);
-char* icalvalue_get_caladdress(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_caladdress(icalvalue* value, char* v);
-/* DATE */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_date(struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalvalue_get_date(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_date(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v);
-/* DATE-TIME */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_datetime(struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalvalue_get_datetime(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_datetime(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v);
-/* DATE-TIME-DATE # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_datetimedate(struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalvalue_get_datetimedate(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_datetimedate(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v);
-/* DATE-TIME-PERIOD # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod(struct icalperiodtype v);
-struct icalperiodtype icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value, struct icalperiodtype v);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_duration(struct icaldurationtype v);
-struct icaldurationtype icalvalue_get_duration(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_duration(icalvalue* value, struct icaldurationtype v);
-/* FLOAT */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_float(float v);
-float icalvalue_get_float(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_float(icalvalue* value, float v);
-/* GEO # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_geo(struct icalgeotype v);
-struct icalgeotype icalvalue_get_geo(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_geo(icalvalue* value, struct icalgeotype v);
-/* INTEGER */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_integer(int v);
-int icalvalue_get_integer(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_integer(icalvalue* value, int v);
-/* METHOD # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_method(icalproperty_method v);
-icalproperty_method icalvalue_get_method(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_method(icalvalue* value, icalproperty_method v);
-/* PERIOD */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_period(struct icalperiodtype v);
-struct icalperiodtype icalvalue_get_period(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_period(icalvalue* value, struct icalperiodtype v);
-/* RECUR */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_recur(struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalvalue_get_recur(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_recur(icalvalue* value, struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-/* TEXT */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_text(char* v);
-char* icalvalue_get_text(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_text(icalvalue* value, char* v);
-/* TIME */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_time(struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalvalue_get_time(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_time(icalvalue* value, struct icaltimetype v);
-/* TRIGGER # Non-std */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_trigger(union icaltriggertype v);
-union icaltriggertype icalvalue_get_trigger(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_trigger(icalvalue* value, union icaltriggertype v);
-/* URI */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_uri(char* v);
-char* icalvalue_get_uri(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_uri(icalvalue* value, char* v);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_utcoffset(int v);
-int icalvalue_get_utcoffset(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_utcoffset(icalvalue* value, int v);
-/* QUERY */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_query(char* v);
-char* icalvalue_get_query(icalvalue* value);
-void icalvalue_set_query(icalvalue* value, char* v);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvcal.h b/libical/src/libical/icalvcal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a1098e6c2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvcal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalvcal.h
- CREATOR: eric 13 January 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#ifndef ICALVCAL_H
-#define ICALVCAL_H
-VCalObject* icalvcal_new_vcal_from_ical(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalvcal_new_ical_from_vcal(VCalObject* vcal);
-#endif /* !ICALVCAL_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/locking.c b/libical/src/libical/locking.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0376bc2bec..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/locking.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- I Stole this from:
- http://www.cis.temple.edu/~ingargio/old/cis307s96/readings/rwlockexample.html
- CIS 307: An example using Read/Write File Locks
- [fcntl.h], [fcntl.c], [fcntlmain.c]
-In Stevens "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" we see ways to use
-the Unix service fcntl to lock portions of a file for reading and writing in
-the manner stated in the Reader and Writer problem [any number of readers at
-a time, but writers must operate alone]. Here we have three files that adapt
-and use the code from Stevens:
-*fcntl.h: Specification of the locking functions.
-*fcntl.c: Implementation of the locking functions.
-*fcntlmain.c: Driver that does a simple test of the locking functions.
-WARNING: A file lock request which is blocked can be interrupted by a
-signal. In this case the lock operation returns EINTR. Thus we may think we
-got a lock when we really don't. A solution is to block signals when
-locking. Another solution is to test the value returned by the lock
-operation and relock if the value is EINTR. Another solution, which we adopt
-here, is to do nothing about it.
-/* fcntl.c -- Defines mutexes in terms of read/write locks on files.
- * (code is mostly from Stevens: Advanced Programming in the
- * Unix environment. See from page 367 on.
- * filerwlock, filerwlockCreate, filerwlockDelete,
- * filerwreadlock, filerwlongreadlock, filerwlongunlock,
- * filerwlockUnlock
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int lock_reg(int, int, int, off_t, int, off_t);
-#define read_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define readw_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define write_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define writew_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define un_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_UNLCK, offset, whence, len)
-pid_t lock_test(int, int , off_t , int , off_t );
-#define is_readlock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
-#define is_writelock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
- lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
-int lock_reg(int fd, int cmd, int type, off_t offset, int whence, off_t len)
- struct flock lock;
- lock.l_type = type; /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK */
- lock.l_start = offset; /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
- lock.l_whence = whence; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
- lock.l_len = len; /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
- return (fcntl(fd, cmd, &lock));
-pid_t lock_test(int fd, int type, off_t offset, int whence, off_t len)
- struct flock lock;
- lock.l_type = type; /* F_RDLCK or F_WRLCK */
- lock.l_start = offset; /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
- lock.l_whence = whence; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
- lock.l_len = len; /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
- if (fcntl(fd,F_GETLK,&lock) < 0){
- perror("fcntl"); exit(1);}
- if (lock.l_type == F_UNLCK)
- return (0); /* false, region is not locked by another process */
- return (lock.l_pid); /* true, return pid of lock owner */
-typedef struct {
- int fd;
- int n;} filerwlock;
-/* Create N read/write locks and returns the id of this cluster of locks. */
-filerwlock * filerwlockCreate(char *filename, int n) {
- filerwlock *fl = (filerwlock *)malloc(sizeof(filerwlock));
- if (((fl->fd) = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IWUSR)) < 0) {
- perror("open");
- exit(1);}
- fl->n = n;
- return fl;
- }
-/* Delete the cluster of read/write locks associated with fl. */
-int filerwlockDelete(filerwlock *fl) {
- if (close(fl->fd) < 0) {
- perror("close");
- exit(1);}
- return free(fl);
- }
-/* Given the read/write lock cluster fl, lock its ith element */
-int filerwreadlock(filerwlock *fl, int i) {
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockLock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- readw_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-int filerwwritelock(filerwlock *fl, int i) {
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockLock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- writew_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, unlock its ith element */
-int filerwunlock(filerwlock *fl, int i){
- if ((i < 0) | (i >= fl->n)) {
- printf("filerwlockUnlock needs i in range 0 .. %d\n", (fl->n)-1);
- exit(0);}
- un_lock(fl->fd, i, SEEK_SET, 1);
- }
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it read locks all its elements */
-int filerwlongreadlock(filerwlock *fl) {
- readw_lock(fl->fd, 0, SEEK_SET, fl->n);
-/* Given the lock cluster fl, it unlocks all its elements */
-int filerwlongunlock(filerwlock *fl) {
- un_lock(fl->fd, 0, SEEK_SET, fl->n);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/pvl.c b/libical/src/libical/pvl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b88272a6a0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/pvl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
- FILE: pvl.c
- CREATOR: eric November, 1995
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
- struct pvl_list_t
- The list structure. This is the hanlde for the entire list
- This type is also private. Use pvl_list instead
- */
-typedef struct pvl_list_t
- int MAGIC; /* Magic Identifier */
- struct pvl_elem_t *head; /* Head of list */
- struct pvl_elem_t *tail; /* Tail of list */
- int count; /* Number of items in the list */
- struct pvl_elem_t *p; /* Pointer used for iterators */
-} pvl_list_t;
-/* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each
- * list a unique identifer */
-int pvl_elem_count = 0;
-int pvl_list_count = 0;
- Function: pvl_list pvl_newlist()
- Purpose:
- Creates a new list, clears the pointers and assigns a magic number
- Returns:
- Pointer to the new list
- 0 if there is no available memory.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct pvl_list_t *L;
- if ( ( L = (struct pvl_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct pvl_list_t))) == 0)
- {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- L->MAGIC = pvl_list_count;
- pvl_list_count++;
- L->head = 0;
- L->tail = 0;
- L->count = 0;
- L->p = 0;
- return L;
-pvl_free(pvl_list l)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- pvl_clear(l);
- free(L);
- Function: pvl_new_element(void *d, struct pvl_elem_t *next,struct pvl_elem_t *prior)
- Purpose:
- Creates a new list element, assigns a magic number, and assigns
- the next and previous pointers.
- Passing in the next and previous points may seem odd, but it allos the user
- to set them while keeping the internal data hidden. In nearly all cases,
- the user is the pvl library itself.
- Parameters:
- d The data item to be stored in the list
- next Pointer value to assign to the member "next"
- prior Pointer value to assign to the member "prior"
- Returns:
- A pointer to the new element.
- 0 if there is no memory available.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_new_element(void *d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior)
- struct pvl_elem_t *E;
- if ( ( E = (struct pvl_elem_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct pvl_elem_t))) == 0)
- {
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- E->MAGIC = pvl_elem_count++;
- E->d = d;
- E->next = next;
- E->prior = prior;
- return (pvl_elem)E;
- Function: pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d)
- Purpose:
- Add a new element to the from of the list
- Parameters:
- l The list to add the item to
- d Pointer to the item to add
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = pvl_new_element(d,L->head,0);
- if (E->next != 0)
- {
- /* Link the head node to it */
- E->next->prior = E;
- }
- /* move the head */
- L->head = E;
- /* maybe move the tail */
- if (L->tail == 0)
- {
- L->tail = E;
- }
- L->count++;
- Function: pvl_shift(pvl_list l)
- Purpose:
- Remove an element from the front of the list
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_shift(pvl_list l)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- if (L->head == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return pvl_remove(l,(void*)L->head);
- Function: void pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d)
- Purpose:
- Add a new item to the tail of the list
- Paramters:
- l The list to operate on
- d Pointer to the item to add
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = pvl_new_element(d,0,L->tail);
- /* These are done in pvl_new_element
- E->next = 0;
- E->prior = L->tail;
- */
- if (L->tail != 0)
- {
- L->tail->next = E;
- }
- if (L->head == 0)
- {
- L->head = E;
- }
- L->tail = E;
- L->count++;
- Function: void* pvl_pop(pvl_list l)
- Purpose:
- Remove an element from the tail of the list
- Paramters:
- l The list to operate on
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_pop(pvl_list l)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- if ( L->tail == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return pvl_remove(l,(void*) L->tail);;
- Function: void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d)
- Purpose:
- Add a new item to a list that is ordered by a comparison function.
- This routine assumes that the list is properly ordered.
- l The list to operate on
- f Pointer to a comparison function
- d Pointer to data to pass to the comparison function
- Returns:
- void
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *P;
- L->count++;
- /* Empty list, add to head */
- if(L->head == 0)
- {
- pvl_unshift(l,d);
- return;
- }
- /* smaller than head, add to head */
- if ( ((*f)(d,L->head->d)) < 0)
- {
- pvl_unshift(l,d);
- return;
- }
- /* larger than tail, add to tail */
- if ( (*f)(d,L->tail->d) > 0)
- {
- pvl_push(l,d);
- return;
- }
- /* Search for the first element that is smaller, and add before it */
- for (P=L->head; P != 0; P = P->next)
- {
- if ( (*f)(P->d,d) > 0)
- {
- pvl_insert_before(l,P,d);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* badness, choke */
- assert(0);
- Function: void pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
- Purpose:
- Add a new item after the referenced element.
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- p The list element to add the item after
- d Pointer to the item to add.
- Returns:
- void
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *P = (struct pvl_elem_t *)p;
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = 0;
- L->count++;
- if (P == 0)
- {
- pvl_unshift(l,d);
- return;
- }
- if ( P == L->tail)
- {
- E = pvl_new_element(d,0,P);
- L->tail = E;
- E->prior->next = E;
- }
- else
- {
- E = pvl_new_element(d,P->next,P);
- E->next->prior = E;
- E->prior->next = E;
- }
- Function: void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
- Purpose:
- Add an item after a referenced item
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- p The list element to add the item before
- d Pointer to the data to be added.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *P = (struct pvl_elem_t *)p;
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = 0;
- L->count++;
- if (P == 0)
- {
- pvl_unshift(l,d);
- return;
- }
- if ( P == L->head)
- {
- E = pvl_new_element(d,P,0);
- E->next->prior = E;
- L->head = E;
- }
- else
- {
- E = pvl_new_element(d,P,P->prior);
- E->prior->next = E;
- E->next->prior = E;
- }
- Function: void pvl_remove(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e)
- Purpose:
- Remove the referenced item from the list
- This routine will free the element, but not the data item that the
- element contains.
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- e The element to remove.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_remove(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
- void* data;
- if (E == L->head)
- {
- if (E->next != 0)
- {
- E->next->prior = 0;
- L->head = E->next;
- } else {
- /* E Also points to tail -> only one element in list */
- L->tail = 0;
- L->head = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (E == L->tail)
- {
- if (E->prior != 0)
- {
- E->prior->next = 0;
- L->tail = E->prior;
- } else {
- /* E points to the head, so it was the last element */
- /* This case should be taken care of in the previous clause */
- L->head = 0;
- L->tail = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- E->prior->next = E->next;
- E->next->prior = E->prior;
- }
- L->count--;
- data = E->d;
- free(E);
- return data;
- Function: pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
- Purpose:
- Return a pointer to data that satisfies a function
- This routine will interate through the entire list and call the
- find function for each item. It will break and return a pointer to the
- data that causes the find function to return 1.
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- f Pointer to the find function
- v Pointer to constant data to pass into the function
- Returns:
- Pointer to the element that the find function found.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
- pvl_elem e;
- for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
- {
- if ( (*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v) == 1)
- {
- /* Save this elem for a call to find_next */
- ((struct pvl_list_t *)l)->p = e;
- return e;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- Function: void* pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
- Purpose:
- Like pvl_find(), but continues the search where the last find() or
- find_next() left off
- Parameters:
- l The list to operate on
- f Pointer to the find function
- v Pointer to constant data to pass into the function
- Returns:
- Pointer to the element that the find function found.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
- pvl_elem e;
- for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
- {
- if ( (*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v) == 1)
- {
- /* Save this elem for a call to find_next */
- ((struct pvl_list_t *)l)->p = e;
- return e;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- Function: void pvl_clear(pvl_list l)
- Purpose:
- Remove the all the elements in the list. The does not free the data items
- the elements hold.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_clear(pvl_list l)
- pvl_elem e = pvl_head(l);
- pvl_elem next;
- if (e == 0) {
- return;
- }
- while(e != 0)
- {
- next = pvl_next(e);
- pvl_remove(l,e);
- e = next;
- }
- Function: int pvl_count(pvl_list l)
- Purpose:
- Returns the number of items in the list.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_count(pvl_list l)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- return L->count;
- Function: pvl_elem pvl_next(pvl_elem e)
- Purpose:
- Returns a pointer to the given element
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_next(pvl_elem e)
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
- if (E == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- return (pvl_elem)E->next;
- Function: pvl_elem pvl_prior(pvl_elem e)
- Purpose:
- Returns a pointer to the element previous to the element given.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_prior(pvl_elem e)
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
- return (pvl_elem)E->prior;
- Function: pvl_elem pvl_head(pvl_list l )
- Purpose:
- Returns a pointer to the first item in the list.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_head(pvl_list l )
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- return (pvl_elem)L->head;
- Function: pvl_elem pvl_tail(pvl_list l)
- Purpose:
- Returns a pointer to the last item in the list.
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_tail(pvl_list l)
- struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
- return (pvl_elem)L->tail;
- Function:
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_data(pvl_elem e)
- struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
- if ( e == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- return E->d;
- Function: void pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v)
- Purpose:
- Call a function for every item in the list.
- Paramters:
- l The list to operate on
- f Pointer to the function to call
- v Data to pass to the function on every iteration
- Returns:
- void
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v)
- pvl_elem e;
- for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
- {
- (*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v);
- }
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/pvl.h b/libical/src/libical/pvl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8113f7495a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/pvl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- FILE: pvl.h
- CREATOR: eric November, 1995
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- struct pvl_elem_t
- This type is private. Always use pvl_elem instead
- */
-#ifndef __PVL_H__
-#define __PVL_H__
-typedef void* pvl_list;
-typedef void* pvl_elem;
-typedef struct pvl_elem_t
- int MAGIC; /* Magic Identifier */
- void *d; /* Pointer to data user is storing */
- struct pvl_elem_t *next; /* Next element */
- struct pvl_elem_t *prior; /* prior element */
-} pvl_elem_t;
-/* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each
- * list a unique identifer */
-extern int pvl_elem_count;
-extern int pvl_list_count;
-/* Create new lists or elements */
-pvl_elem pvl_new_element(void* d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior);
-pvl_list pvl_newlist();
-void pvl_free(pvl_list);
-/* Add, remove, or get the head of the list */
-void pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d);
-void* pvl_shift(pvl_list l);
-pvl_elem pvl_head(pvl_list);
-/* Add, remove or get the tail of the list */
-void pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d);
-void* pvl_pop(pvl_list l);
-pvl_elem pvl_tail(pvl_list);
-/* Insert elements in random places */
-typedef int (*pvl_comparef)(void* a, void* b); /* a, b are of the data type*/
-void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d);
-void pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d);
-void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d);
-/* Remove an element, or clear the entire list */
-void* pvl_remove(pvl_list,pvl_elem); /* Remove element, return data */
-void pvl_clear(pvl_list); /* Remove all elements, de-allocate all data */
-int pvl_count(pvl_list);
-/* Navagate the list */
-pvl_elem pvl_next(pvl_elem e);
-pvl_elem pvl_prior(pvl_elem e);
-/* get the data in the list */
-void* pvl_data(pvl_elem);
-#define pvl_data(x) x==0 ? 0 : ((struct pvl_elem_t *)x)->d;
-/* Find an element for which a function returns true */
-typedef int (*pvl_findf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/
-pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v);
-pvl_elem pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v);
-/* Pass each element in the list to a function */
-typedef void (*pvl_applyf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/
-void pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v);
-#endif /* __PVL_H__ */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/testlocks.c b/libical/src/libical/testlocks.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e9e55cec..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/testlocks.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* This is just a driver to test the filerwlock objects defined in fcntl.c */
-/* MAXCHILD processes are forked. They take turns in using LOCKSSIZE locks.*/
-/* I compiled the program as follows */
-/* cc fcntlmain.c fcntl.c -o fcntlmain */
-/* and then run the image fcntlmain. */
-/* Notice that after the program has run I find the file "mylock" in my */
-/* directory. Not very desirable. Perhaps there is a way to avoid that? */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "fcntl.h"
-#define LOCKFILE "mylock"
-#define LOCKSSIZE 5
-#define MAXCHILD 4
-void child (int self);
-pid_t cldrn[4];
-filerwlock *fl;
- int i;
- fl = filerwlockCreate(LOCKFILE, LOCKSSIZE);
- for (i=0;i < MAXCHILD; i++) {
- if ((cldrn[i]=fork()) < 0) {
- perror("fork");
- exit(1);}
- if (cldrn[i]==0)
- child(i);
- }
- for (i=0; i < MAXCHILD; i++)
- wait();
- filerwlockDelete(fl);
- exit(0);
-void child (int self) {
- int i, j;
- char s[256];
- for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
- if (self == 0) {
- filerwwritelock(fl,1);
- } else if (self == (MAXCHILD-1)) {
- filerwlongreadlock(fl);
- } else {
- filerwreadlock(fl,1);
- }
- printf("Child %d starts to sleep on lock %d\n", self, 1);
- sleep(3);
- printf("Child %d ends sleep on lock %d\n", self, 1);
- if (self == (MAXCHILD-1)) {
- filerwlongunlock(fl);
- } else {
- filerwunlock(fl,1);
- }
- sleep(1);
- }
- exit(0);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore b/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 732c1577b6..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.libs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/Makefile.am b/libical/src/libicalss/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index a4fb8ad7ee..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libicalss.la
-libicalss_la_SOURCES = \
- icalcalendar.c \
- icalcalendar.h \
- icalcluster.c \
- icalcluster.h \
- icalcomponent.h \
- icalstore.c \
- icalstore.h
-INCLUDES = -I../libical/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0933df1e31..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalcalendar.c
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* For mkdir, stat */
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For mkdir */
-#include <fcntl.h> /* For mkdir */
-#include <unistd.h> /* For mkdir, stat */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <string.h> /* for strcat */
-#include <errno.h>
-#define BOOKED_DIR "booked"
-#define INCOMING_FILE "incoming.ics"
-#define PROP_FILE "properties.ics"
-#define FBLIST_FILE "freebusy.ics"
-struct icalcalendar_impl
- char* dir;
- icalcomponent* freebusy;
- icalcomponent* properties;
- icalstore* booked;
- icalstore* incoming;
-struct icalcalendar_impl* icalcalendar_new_impl()
- struct icalcalendar_impl* impl;
- if ( ( impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalcalendar_impl))) == 0) {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- return impl;
-icalerrorenum icalcalendar_create(struct icalcalendar_impl* impl)
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- struct stat sbuf;
- int r;
- icalerror_check_arg_re((impl != 0),"impl",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- path[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(path,impl->dir);
- strcat(path,"/");
- strcat(path,BOOKED_DIR);
- r = stat(path,&sbuf);
- if( r != 0 && errno == ENOENT){
- if(mkdir(path,0777)!=0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- }
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalcalendar* icalcalendar_new(char* dir)
- struct icalcalendar_impl* impl;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((dir != 0),"dir");
- impl = icalcalendar_new_impl();
- if (impl == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- impl->dir = (char*)strdup(dir);
- impl->freebusy = 0;
- impl->properties = 0;
- impl->booked = 0;
- impl->incoming = 0;
- if (icalcalendar_create(impl) != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- free(impl);
- return 0;
- }
- return impl;
-void icalcalendar_free(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- if (impl->dir !=0){
- free(impl->dir);
- }
- if (impl->freebusy !=0){
- icalcluster_free(impl->freebusy);
- }
- if (impl->properties !=0){
- icalcluster_free(impl->properties);
- }
- if (impl->booked !=0){
- icalstore_free(impl->booked);
- }
- if (impl->incoming !=0){
- icalstore_free(impl->incoming);
- }
- impl->dir = 0;
- impl->freebusy = 0;
- impl->properties = 0;
- impl->booked = 0;
- impl->incoming = 0;
- free(impl);
-int icalcalendar_lock(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- return 0;
-int icalcalendar_unlock(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- return 0;
-int icalcalendar_islocked(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- return 0;
-int icalcalendar_ownlock(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- return 0;
-icalstore* icalcalendar_get_booked(icalcalendar* calendar)
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- char dir[PATH_MAX];
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- dir[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(dir,impl->dir);
- strcat(dir,"/");
- strcat(dir,BOOKED_DIR);
- if (impl->booked == 0){
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- impl->booked = icalstore_new(dir);
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- }
- return impl->booked;
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_incoming(icalcalendar* calendar)
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- path[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(path,impl->dir);
- strcat(path,"/");
- strcat(path,INCOMING_FILE);
- if (impl->properties == 0){
- impl->properties = icalcluster_new(path);
- }
- return impl->properties;
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_properties(icalcalendar* calendar)
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- path[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(path,impl->dir);
- strcat(path,"/");
- strcat(path,PROP_FILE);
- if (impl->properties == 0){
- impl->properties = icalcluster_new(path);
- }
- return impl->properties;
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_freebusy(icalcalendar* calendar)
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
- path[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(path,impl->dir);
- strcat(path,"/");
- strcat(path,FBLIST_FILE);
- if (impl->freebusy == 0){
- impl->freebusy = icalcluster_new(path);
- }
- return impl->freebusy;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e7b33c22..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcalendar.h
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalstore.h"
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-/* icalcalendar
- * Routines for storing calendar data in a file system. The calendar
- * has two icalstores, one for incoming components and one for booked
- * components. It also has interfaces to access the free/busy list
- * and a list of calendar properties */
-typedef void icalcalendar;
-icalcalendar* icalcalendar_new(char* dir);
-void icalcalendar_free(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_lock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_unlock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_islocked(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_ownlock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalstore* icalcalendar_get_booked(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_incoming(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_properties(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalcluster* icalcalendar_get_freebusy(icalcalendar* calendar);
-#endif /* !ICALCALENDAR_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0160cc6c3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalcluster.c
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h> /* For PATH_MAX */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for stat, getpid */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-struct icalcluster_impl {
- char *path;
- icalcomponent* cluster;
- int changed;
-icalcluster* icalcluster_new_impl()
- struct icalcluster_impl* comp;
- if ( ( comp = (struct icalcluster_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalcluster_impl))) == 0) {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- errno = ENOMEM;
- return 0;
- }
- return comp;
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_create_cluster(char *path)
- FILE* f;
- int r;
- icalcomponent *c;
- struct icaltimetype tt;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- f = fopen(path,"w");
- if (f == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- /* Create the root component in the cluster. This component holds
- all of the other components and stores a count of
- components. */
- memset(&tt,0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
- c = icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_xlicclustercount(0),
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(tt), /* dtstart of earliest comp */
- icalproperty_new_dtend(tt), /* dtend of latest comp, excl. recuring */
- 0
- );
- if (c == 0){
- fclose(f);
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
- }
- /* Write the base component to the file */
- r = fputs(icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c),f);
- fclose(f);
- icalcomponent_free(c);
- if (r == EOF){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-FILE* parser_file; /*HACK. Not Thread Safe */
-char* read_from_file(char *s, size_t size)
- char *c = fgets(s,size, parser_file);
- return c;
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_load(icalcluster* cluster, char* path)
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerrorenum error;
- errno = 0;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((path!=0),"path");
- if(impl->path != 0 && strcmp(impl->path,path) == 0){
- /* Already have the right cluster, so return */
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
- }
- error = icalcluster_commit(cluster);
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return error;
- }
- free(impl->path);
- impl->path= (char*)strdup(path);
- parser_file = fopen(impl->path,"r");
- /* HACK. Yeah, the following code is horrible....*/
- if (parser_file ==0 || errno != 0){
- /* Try to create the cluster */
- error = icalcluster_create_cluster(path);
- if (error == ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- /* Try to open the parser again. */
- errno = 0;
- parser_file = fopen(impl->path,"r");
- if (parser_file ==0 || errno != 0){
- impl->cluster = 0;
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- } else {
- impl->cluster = 0;
- icalerror_set_errno(error); /* Redundant, actually */
- return error;
- }
- }
- impl->cluster = icalparser_parse(read_from_file);
- fclose(parser_file);
- if (impl->cluster == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR);
- }
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalcluster* icalcluster_new(char* path)
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = icalcluster_new_impl();
- struct stat sbuf;
- int createclusterfile = 0;
- icalerrorenum error;
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (path!=0), "path");
- if (impl == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- /*impl->path = strdup(path); icalcluster_load does this */
- impl->changed = 0;
- impl->cluster = 0;
- impl->path = 0;
- /* Check if the path already exists and if it is a regular file*/
- if (stat(path,&sbuf) != 0){
- /* A file by the given name does not exist, or there was
- another error */
- if (errno == ENOENT) {
- /* It was because the file does not exist */
- createclusterfile = 1;
- } else {
- /* It was because of another error */
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- /* A file by the given name exists, but is it a regular file */
- if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){
- /* Nope, not a directory */
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- return 0;
- } else {
- /* Lets assume that it is a file of the right type */
- createclusterfile = 0;
- }
- }
- /* if cluster does not already exist, create it */
- if (createclusterfile == 1) {
- error = icalcluster_create_cluster(path);
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- error = icalcluster_load(impl,path);
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- return 0;
- }
- return impl;
-void icalcluster_free(icalcluster* cluster)
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- if (impl->cluster != 0){
- icalcluster_commit(cluster);
- icalcomponent_free(impl->cluster);
- impl->cluster=0;
- }
- if(impl->path != 0){
- free(impl->path);
- impl->path = 0;
- }
- free(impl);
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_commit(icalcluster* cluster)
- int ws; /* Size in char of file written to disk */
- FILE *f;
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_re((impl!=0),"cluster",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- if (impl->changed != 0 ){
- /* write the cluster to disk */
- /* Construct a filename and write out the file */
- if ( (f = fopen(impl->path,"w")) != 0){
- char* str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(impl->cluster);
- ws = fwrite(str,sizeof(char),strlen(str),f);
- if ( ws < strlen(str)){
- fclose(f);
- }
- fclose(f);
- impl->changed = 0;
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- }
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-void icalcluster_mark(icalcluster* cluster){
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((impl!=0),"cluster");
- impl->changed = 1;
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_component(icalcluster* cluster){
- struct icalcluster_impl *impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_re((impl!=0),"cluster",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- return impl->cluster;
-/* manipulate the components in the cluster */
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_add_component(icalcluster *cluster,
- icalcomponent* child)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((child!=0),"child");
- icalcomponent_add_component(impl->cluster,child);
- icalcluster_mark(cluster);
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_remove_component(icalcluster *cluster,
- icalcomponent* child)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- icalerror_check_arg_rv((child!=0),"child");
- icalcomponent_remove_component(impl->cluster,child);
- icalcluster_mark(cluster);
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-int icalcluster_count_components(icalcluster *cluster,
- icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- if(cluster == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- return -1;
- }
- return icalcomponent_count_components(impl->cluster,kind);
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_current_component (icalcluster* cluster)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- return icalcomponent_get_current_component(impl->cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_first_component(icalcluster* cluster,
- icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- return icalcomponent_get_first_component(impl->cluster,kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_next_component(icalcluster* cluster,
- icalcomponent_kind kind)
- struct icalcluster_impl* impl = (struct icalcluster_impl*)cluster;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
- return icalcomponent_get_next_component(impl->cluster,kind);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c3a4b144..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcluster.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcluster.h
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-typedef void icalcluster;
-icalcluster* icalcluster_new(char* path);
-void icalcluster_free(icalcluster* cluster);
-/* Load a new file into the cluster */
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_load(icalcluster* cluster, char* path);
-/* Return a reference to the internal component. */
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_component(icalcluster* cluster);
-/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
- is freed*/
-void icalcluster_mark(icalcluster* cluster);
-/* Write the cluster data back to disk */
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_commit(icalcluster* cluster);
-/* manipulate the components in the cluster */
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_add_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-icalerrorenum icalcluster_remove_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-int icalcluster_count_components(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcluster_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-#endif /* !ICALCLUSTER_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e0e9f5a9f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcomponent.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icalcomponent.h
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalenums.h" /* defines icalcomponent_kind */
-typedef void icalcomponent;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew(icalcomponent_kind kind, ...);
-void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
-char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_is_valid(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component);
- * Working with properties
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty* property);
-int icalcomponent_count_properties(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through the properties */
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_properties(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
- * Working with components
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-void icalcomponent_remove_component(icalcomponent* parent,
- icalcomponent* child);
-int icalcomponent_count_components(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_component(icalcomponent* component,
- icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Working with embedded error properties */
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Internal operations. You don't see these... */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component,
- icalcomponent* parent);
-#endif /* !ICALCOMPONENT_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1546f3b2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icalstore.c
- CREATOR: eric 28 November 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
- icalstore manages a database of ical components and offers
- interfaces for reading, writting and searching for components.
- icalstore groups components in to clusters based on their DTSTART
- time -- all components that start in the same month are grouped
- together in a single file. All files in a sotre are kept in a single
- directory. ( If a component does not have DTSTART, the store uses
- The primary interfaces are icalstore_first and icalstore_next. These
- routine iterate through all of the components in the store, subject
- to the current gauge. A gauge is an icalcomponent that is tested
- against other componets for a match. If a gauge has been set with
- icalstore_select, icalstore_first and icalstore_next will only
- return componentes that match the gauge.
- The Store generated UIDs for all objects that are stored if they do
- not already have a UID. The UID is the name of the cluster (month &
- year as MMYYYY) plus a unique serial number. The serial number is
- stored as a property of the cluster.
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalstore.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-#include "filelock.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <dirent.h> /* for opendir() */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/types.h> /* for opendir() */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for stat, getpid */
-#include <time.h> /* for clock() */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for rand(), srand() */
-#include <sys/utsname.h> /* for uname */
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-struct icalstore_impl
- char* dir;
- icalcomponent* gauge;
- icalcluster* cluster;
- int first_component;
- pvl_list directory;
- pvl_elem directory_iterator;
-struct icalstore_impl* icalstore_new_impl()
- struct icalstore_impl* comp;
- if ( ( comp = (struct icalstore_impl*)
- malloc(sizeof(struct icalstore_impl))) == 0) {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- return comp;
-void icalstore_lock_dir(char* dir)
-void icalstore_unlock_dir(char* dir)
-/* Load the contents of the store directory into the store's internal directory list*/
-icalerrorenum icalstore_read_directory(struct icalstore_impl* impl)
- struct dirent *de;
- DIR* dp;
- char *str;
- dp = opendir(impl->dir);
- if ( dp == 0) {
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- }
- /* clear contents of directory list */
- while((str = pvl_pop(impl->directory))){
- free(str);
- }
- /* load all of the cluster names in the directory list */
- for(de = readdir(dp);
- de != 0;
- de = readdir(dp)){
- /* Remove known directory names '.' and '..'*/
- if (strcmp(de->d_name,".") == 0 ||
- strcmp(de->d_name,"..") == 0 ){
- continue;
- }
- pvl_push(impl->directory, (void*)strdup(de->d_name));
- }
- closedir(dp);
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalstore* icalstore_new(char* dir)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = icalstore_new_impl();
- struct stat sbuf;
- if (impl == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (dir!=0), "dir");
- if (stat(dir,&sbuf) != 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- /* dir is not the name of a direectory*/
- if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- icalstore_lock_dir(dir);
- impl = icalstore_new_impl();
- if (impl ==0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- impl->directory = pvl_newlist();
- impl->directory_iterator = 0;
- impl->dir = (char*)strdup(dir);
- impl->gauge = 0;
- impl->first_component = 0;
- impl->cluster = 0;
- icalstore_read_directory(impl);
- return (icalstore*) impl;
-void icalstore_free(icalstore* s)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)s;
- char* str;
- icalstore_unlock_dir(impl->dir);
- if(impl->dir !=0){
- free(impl->dir);
- }
- if(impl->gauge !=0){
- icalcomponent_free(impl->gauge);
- }
- if(impl->cluster !=0){
- icalcluster_free(impl->cluster);
- }
- while(impl->directory !=0 && (str=pvl_pop(impl->directory)) != 0){
- free(str);
- }
- if(impl->directory != 0){
- pvl_free(impl->directory);
- }
- impl->directory = 0;
- impl->directory_iterator = 0;
- impl->dir = 0;
- impl->gauge = 0;
- impl->first_component = 0;
- free(impl);
-/* icalstore_next_uid_number updates a serial number in the Store
- directory in a file called SEQUENCE */
-int icalstore_next_uid_number(icalstore* store)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- char sequence = 0;
- char temp[128];
- char filename[PATH_MAX];
- char *r;
- FILE *f;
- struct stat sbuf;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",impl->dir,"SEQUENCE");
- /* Create the file if it does not exist.*/
- if (stat(filename,&sbuf) == -1 || !S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){
- f = fopen(filename,"w");
- if (f != 0){
- fprintf(f,"0");
- fclose(f);
- } else {
- icalerror_warn("Can't create SEQUENCE file in icalstore_next_uid_number");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if ( (f = fopen(filename,"r+")) != 0){
- rewind(f);
- r = fgets(temp,128,f);
- if (r == 0){
- sequence = 1;
- } else {
- sequence = atoi(temp)+1;
- }
- rewind(f);
- fprintf(f,"%d",sequence);
- fclose(f);
- return sequence;
- } else {
- icalerror_warn("Can't create SEQUENCE file in icalstore_next_uid_number");
- return 0;
- }
-icalerrorenum icalstore_next_cluster(icalstore* store)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
- }
- impl->directory_iterator = pvl_next(impl->directory_iterator);
- if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
- /* There are no more clusters */
- impl->cluster = 0;
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
- }
- sprintf(path,"%s/%s",impl->dir,(char*)pvl_data(impl->directory_iterator));
- return icalcluster_load(impl->cluster,path);
-void icalstore_add_uid(icalstore* store, icalstore* comp)
- char uidstring[PATH_MAX];
- icalproperty *uid;
- struct utsname unamebuf;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
- uid = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
- if (uid == 0) {
- uname(&unamebuf);
- sprintf(uidstring,"%d-%s",getpid(),unamebuf.nodename);
- uid = icalproperty_new_uid(uidstring);
- icalcomponent_add_property(comp,uid);
- } else {
- strcpy(uidstring,icalproperty_get_uid(uid));
- }
-icalerrorenum icalstore_add_component(icalstore* store, icalstore* comp)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl;
- char clustername[PATH_MAX];
- icalproperty *dt, *count, *lm;
- icalvalue *v;
- struct icaltimetype tm;
- icalerrorenum error = ICAL_NO_ERROR;
- impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
- errno = 0;
- icalstore_add_uid(store,comp);
- /* Determine which cluster this object belongs in */
- dt = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
- if (dt == 0){
- dt = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
- }
- if (dt == 0){
- dt = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY);
- }
- if (dt == 0){
- icalerror_warn("The component does not have a DTSTART, DTSTAMP or a CREATED property, so it cannot be added to the store");
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- }
- v = icalproperty_get_value(dt);
- tm = icalvalue_get_datetime(v);
- sprintf(clustername,"%s/%04d%02d",impl->dir,tm.year,tm.month);
- /* Load the cluster and insert the object */
- if (impl->cluster == 0){
- impl->cluster = icalcluster_new(clustername);
- if (impl->cluster == 0){
- error = icalerrno;
- }
- } else {
- error = icalcluster_load(impl->cluster,
- clustername);
- }
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return error;
- }
- /* Update or add the LAST-MODIFIED property */
- lm = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,
- if (lm == 0){
- lm = icalproperty_new_lastmodified(icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),1));
- icalcomponent_add_property(comp,lm);
- } else {
- icalproperty_set_lastmodified(comp,icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),1));
- }
- /* Add the component to the cluster */
- icalcluster_add_component(impl->cluster,comp);
- /* Increment the clusters count value */
- count = icalcomponent_get_first_property(
- icalcluster_get_component(impl->cluster),
- if (count == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
- }
- icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount(count,
- icalproperty_get_xlicclustercount(count)+1);
- icalcluster_mark(impl->cluster);
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-/* Remove a component in the current cluster */
-icalerrorenum icalstore_remove_component(icalstore* store, icalstore* comp)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- icalproperty *count;
- icalerror_check_arg_re((store!=0),"store",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- icalerror_check_arg_re((comp!=0),"comp",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- icalerror_check_arg_re((impl->cluster!=0),"Cluster pointer",ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-/* HACK The following code should be used to ensure that the component
-the caller is trying to remove is actually in the cluster, but it
-resets the internal iterators, which immediately ends any loops over
-the cluster the caller may have in progress
- for(c = icalcluster_get_first_component(
- impl->cluster,
- c != 0;
- c = icalcluster_get_next_component(
- impl->cluster,
- if (c == comp){
- found = 1;
- }
- }
- if (found != 1){
- icalerror_warn("icalstore_remove_component: component is not part of current cluster");
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
- }
- icalcluster_remove_component(impl->cluster,
- comp);
- icalcluster_mark(impl->cluster);
- /* Decrement the clusters count value */
- count = icalcomponent_get_first_property(
- icalcluster_get_component(impl->cluster),
- if (count == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
- }
- icalproperty_set_xlicclustercount(count,
- icalproperty_get_xlicclustercount(count)-1);
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-/* Convert a VQUERY component into a gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalstore_make_gauge(icalcomponent* query);
-/* icalstore_test compares a component against a gauge, and returns
- true if the component passes the test
- The gauge is a VCALENDAR component that specifies how to test the
- target components. The guage holds a collection of VEVENT, VTODO or
- VJOURNAL sub-components. Each of the sub-components has a
- collection of properties that are compared to corresponding
- properties in the target component, according to the
- X-LIC-COMPARETYPE parameters to the gauge's properties.
- When a gauge has several sub-components, the results of testing the
- target against each of them is ORed together - the target
- component will pass if it matches any of the sub-components in the
- gauge. However, the results of matching the proeprties in a
- sub-component are ANDed -- the target must match every property in
- a gauge sub-component to match the sub-component.
- Here is an example:
- This gauge has two sub-components; one which will match a VEVENT
- based on start time, and organizer, and another that matches based
- on LOCATION. A target component will pass the test if it matched
- either of the gauge.
- */
-int icalstore_test(icalcomponent* comp, icalcomponent* gauge)
- int pass = 0,localpass = 0;
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalproperty *p;
- icalcomponent *child;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (gauge!=0), "gauge");
- for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(gauge,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(gauge,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- /* Test properties. For each property in the gauge, search through
- the component for a similar property. If one is found, compare
- the two properties value with the comparison specified in the
- gauge with the X-LIC-COMPARETYPE parameter */
- for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)){
- icalproperty* targetprop;
- icalparameter* compareparam;
- icalparameter_xliccomparetype compare;
- int rel; /* The realtionship between the gauge and target values.*/
- /* Extract the comparison type from the gauge. If there is no
- comparison type, assume that it is "EQUAL" */
- compareparam = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(
- p,
- if (compareparam!=0){
- compare = icalparameter_get_xliccomparetype(compareparam);
- } else {
- }
- /* Find a property in the component that has the same type as
- the gauge property */
- targetprop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,
- icalproperty_isa(p));
- if(targetprop == 0){
- continue;
- }
- /* Compare the values of the gauge property and the target
- property */
- rel = icalvalue_compare(icalproperty_get_value(p),
- icalproperty_get_value(targetprop));
- /* Now see if the comparison is equavalent to the comparison
- specified in the gauge */
- if (rel == compare){
- localpass++;
- } else if (compare == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_LESSEQUAL &&
- localpass++;
- localpass++;
- } else if (compare == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_NOTEQUAL &&
- pass++;
- } else {
- localpass = 0;
- }
- pass += localpass;
- }
- /* test subcomponents. Look for a child component that has a
- counterpart in the gauge. If one is found, recursively call
- icalstore_test */
- for(child = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- child != 0;
- child = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
- pass += icalstore_test(child,gauge);
- }
- }
- return pass>0;
-icalcomponent* icalstore_query(icalstore* store, icalstore* query);
-icalcomponent* icalstore_fetch(icalstore* store, char* uid)
- icalcomponent *gauge;
- icalcomponent *old_gauge;
- icalcomponent *c;
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (uid!=0), "uid");
- gauge =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_vanew_uid(
- uid,
- icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(
- 0),
- 0),
- 0);
- old_gauge = impl->gauge;
- impl->gauge = gauge;
- c= icalstore_get_first_component(store);
- impl->gauge = old_gauge;
- icalcomponent_free(gauge);
- return c;
-int icalstore_has_uid(icalstore* store, char* uid)
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (uid!=0), "uid");
- /* HACK. This is a temporary implementation. _has_uid should use a
- database, and _fetch should use _has_uid, not the other way
- around */
- c = icalstore_fetch(store,uid);
- return c!=0;
-icalerrorenum icalstore_select(icalstore* store, icalcomponent* gauge)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- icalerror_check_arg_re( (store!=0), "store",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- icalerror_check_arg_re( (gauge!=0), "gauge",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
- if (!icalcomponent_is_valid(gauge)){
- }
- impl->gauge = gauge;
- return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalcomponent* icalstore_get_first_component(icalstore* store)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- icalerrorenum error;
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- error = icalstore_read_directory(impl);
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return 0;
- }
- impl->directory_iterator = pvl_head(impl->directory);
- if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return 0;
- }
- sprintf(path,"%s/%s",impl->dir,(char*)pvl_data(impl->directory_iterator));
- if (impl->cluster == 0){
- impl->cluster = icalcluster_new(path);
- if (impl->cluster == 0){
- error = icalerrno;
- }
- } else {
- error = icalcluster_load(impl->cluster,path);
- }
- if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- icalerror_set_errno(error);
- return 0;
- }
- impl->first_component = 1;
- return icalstore_get_next_component(store);
-icalcomponent* icalstore_get_next_component(icalstore* store)
- struct icalstore_impl *impl;
- icalcomponent *c;
- icalerrorenum error;
- icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
- impl = (struct icalstore_impl*)store;
- if(impl->cluster == 0){
- icalerror_warn("icalstore_get_next_component called with a NULL cluster (Caller must call icalstore_get_first_component first");
- icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set the component iterator for the following for loop */
- if (impl->first_component == 1){
- icalcluster_get_first_component(
- impl->cluster,
- impl->first_component = 0;
- } else {
- icalcluster_get_next_component(
- impl->cluster,
- }
- while(1){
- /* Iterate through all of the objects in the cluster*/
- for( c = icalcluster_get_current_component(
- impl->cluster);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcluster_get_next_component(
- impl->cluster,
- /* If there is a gauge defined and the component does not
- pass the gauge, skip the rest of the loop */
- if (impl->gauge != 0 && icalstore_test(c,impl->gauge) == 0){
- continue;
- }
- /* Either there is no gauge, or the component passed the
- gauge, so return it*/
- return c;
- }
- /* Fell through the loop, so the component we want is not
- in this cluster. Load a new cluster and try again.*/
- error = icalstore_next_cluster(store);
- if(impl->cluster == 0 || error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
- /* No more clusters */
- return 0;
- } else {
- c = icalcluster_get_first_component(
- impl->cluster,
- }
- }
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e0a182b5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalstore.h
- CREATOR: eric 28 November 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#ifndef ICALSTORE_H
-#define ICALSTORE_H
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-typedef void icalstore;
-/* icalstore Routines for storing, fetching, and searching for ical
- * objects in a database */
-icalstore* icalstore_new(char* dir);
-void icalstore_free(icalstore* store);
-/* Add a new component to the store */
-icalerrorenum icalstore_add_component(icalstore* store, icalstore* comp);
-/* Remove a component from the store */
-icalerrorenum icalstore_remove_component(icalstore* store, icalstore* comp);
-/* Restrict the component returned by icalstore_first, _next to those
- that pass the gauge */
-icalerrorenum icalstore_select(icalstore* store, icalcomponent* gauge);
-/* Return true if a component passes the gauge */
-int icalstore_test(icalcomponent* comp, icalcomponent* gauge);
-/* Clear the restrictions set by icalstore_select */
-void icalstore_clear(icalstore* store);
-/* Get a single component by uid */
-icalcomponent* icalstore_fetch(icalstore* store, char* uid);
-/* Return true of the store has an object with the given UID */
-int icalstore_has_uid(icalstore* store, char* uid);
-/* Return the first component in the store, or first that passes the gauge.*/
-icalcomponent* icalstore_get_first_component(icalstore* store);
-/* Return the next component in the store, or next that passes the gauge.*/
-icalcomponent* icalstore_get_next_component(icalstore* store);
-int icalstore_next_uid_number(icalstore* store);
-#endif /* !ICALSTORE_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/pvl/Makefile b/libical/src/pvl/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/pvl/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/libical/src/test/.cvsignore b/libical/src/test/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a9aee21a41..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/src/test/Makefile.in b/libical/src/test/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d3d5f709f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES = -I . -I../libical -I../libicalss
-CFLAGS = -Wall -g $(INCLUDES)
-LIBS = -L../libical -L../libicalss -licalss -lical
-CC = gcc
-LD = ld
-all: usecases copycluster regression parser findobj
-parser: icaltestparser.o ../libical/libical.a ../libicalss/libicalss.a
- $(CC) -o icalparser icaltestparser.o $(LIBS)
-copycluster: copycluster.o ../libical/libical.a ../libicalss/libicalss.a
- $(CC) -o copycluster copycluster.o $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS)
-findobj: findobj.o ../libical/libical.a ../libicalss/libicalss.a
- $(CC) -o findobj findobj.o $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS)
-regression: regression.o ../libical/libical.a ../libicalss/libicalss.a
- $(CC) -o regression regression.o $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS)
-usecases: usecases.o ../libical/libical.a ../libicalss/libicalss.a
- $(CC) -o usecases usecases.o $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS)
- -/bin/rm -f *.o
- -/bin/rm -f \#*
- -/bin/rm -f *~ Makefile.bak icalitip.tab.h icalitip.tab.c lex.yy.c
- -/bin/rm -rf icalparser core regression usecases copycluster findobj
-ci: clean
- ci -u *.c *.h
- @makedepend -Y $(INCLUDES) $(SOURCES)
-install: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199706 b/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199706
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad5c7d8b1..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199706
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
- :13
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :DUKES forfeit the game
- :2
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :19970613T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :MAILTO:A@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970612T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Sorry
- : I cannot change this meeting time
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :19970614T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970611T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970614T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :Sorry
- : I will be out of town at that time.
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970614T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :A@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'Mailto'
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mr. B cannot attend. It's raining. Lets cancel.
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :19970613T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :mailto:B@example.com
- :You're off the hook for this meeting
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :19970613T193000Z
- :1
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970601T210000Z
- :19970601T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970526T083000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970601T210000Z
- :19970601T220000Z
- :19970602T094000Z
- :Conference Call
- :Parse error in property name: 'FOO'
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :2.8\;Repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single event\;RRULE
- :3.0\;Invalid Property Name\;FOO
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :19970603T094000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- : guid-1-12345@host1.com
- :19970603T094000
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :acme-12345@host1.com
- :19970603T094000
- :20000209T060028Z
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199707 b/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199707
deleted file mode 100644
index c52d27aa91..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199707
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
- :19
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970611T190000Z
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :20000209T060027Z
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970612T190000Z
- :19970701T210000Z
- :19970701T230000Z
- :1
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :20000209T060027Z
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :http://www.dukes.com/
- :MIDWAY STADIUM\nBig time game. MUST see.\nExpected duration:2 hours\n
- ;TZID=America-Chicago
- :19970701T180000
- ;TZID=America-Chicago
- :19970702T160000
- :19970614T190000Z
- :http://www.midwaystadium.com/
- :Can't parse parameter value: 'VALUE=America-Chicago'
- :2
- :3
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :0981234-1234234-14@example.com
- :20000209T060027Z
- :PT2H
- :You should be leaving for the game now.
- :PT30M
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970614T190000Z
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :19970714
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- : Bastille Day
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- ;CN=B
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=C
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=Hal
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :conf_Big@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=ROOM'
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=Hal
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:Conf@example.com
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :19970613T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970701T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results
- :Green Conference Room
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970701T160000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :19970612T190000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results
- :Green Conference Room
- :This time works much better and I think the big conference room is
- too big
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970613T190000Z
- :19970701T160000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results - changed to meet B's schedule
- :Green Conference Room
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :Phone Conference
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970614T200000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :CR_Big@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=ROOM'
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T203000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :2
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'STATUS=ACCEPTED'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T203000Z
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Phone Conference
- :123456@example.com
- :1
- :20000209T060027Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :A@example.COM
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :B@example.fr
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :c@example.jp
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970613T190030Z
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970701T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970701T150000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970910T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970909T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19971028T140000
- :Weekly Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1com
- :19970701T210000Z
- :1
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970703T210000Z
- :19970703T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970626T093000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :19970801T210000Z
- :2
- :19970721T093000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :19970721T103000Z
- :3
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :4
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970715T210000Z
- :19970715T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970629T093000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :19970715T210000Z
- :4
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970715T220000Z
- :19970715T230000Z
- :Conference Call
- :May we bump this by an hour? I have a conflict
- :19970629T094000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199708 b/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199708
deleted file mode 100644
index 2db95cabcf..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199708
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- :1
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :acme-12345@host1.com
- :3
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :19970819T210000Z/19970081T220000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970801T210000Z
- :19970801T220000Z
- :19970809T210000Z
- :19970726T083000
- :20000209T060028Z
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199709 b/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199709
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a4471bde..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199709
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- :1
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :19970901T210000Z
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'THISANDFUTURE'
- :3
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Discussion
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970901T210000Z
- :19970901T220000Z
- :Building 32
- : Microsoft
- : Seattle
- : WA
- :19970526T083000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199803 b/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199803
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b673d7ccc..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/booked/199803
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- :7
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :123456789@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :The White Room
- :19980301T093000Z
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :7
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :The Usual conference room
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :7
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :The White Room
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :0
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980311T180000Z
- :19980318T180000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980304T200000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :1
- :19980311T180000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980311T160000Z
- :19980311T180000Z
- :19980306T193000Z
- :The Small conference room
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :2
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980315T180000Z
- :19980315T200000Z
- :19980307T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :20000209T060027Z
- :123456789@host1.com
- :2
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980311T160000Z
- :19980315T180000Z
- :Got a data line\, but could not find a property name or component
- begin tag: 'Error! Bookmark not defined.'
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980304T200000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :20000209T060027Z
diff --git a/libical/src/test/alice/incoming.ics b/libical/src/test/alice/incoming.ics
deleted file mode 100644
index c25b6b11c3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/alice/incoming.ics
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2164 +0,0 @@
- :0
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970611T190000Z
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :2.0
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :eric@busboom.org
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970612T190000Z
- :19970701T210000Z
- :19970701T230000Z
- :1
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :2.0
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :eric@busboom.org
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :DUKES forfeit the game
- :2
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :19970613T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :Parse error in property name: 'SCALE'
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :America-Chicago
- :http://zones.stds_r_us.net/tz/America-Chicago
- :19671029T020000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :-050000
- :-060000
- :CST
- :19870405T020000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :-060000
- :-050000
- :CDT
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :http://www.dukes.com/
- :MIDWAY STADIUM\nBig time game. MUST see.\nExpected duration:2 hours\n
- ;TZID=America-Chicago
- :19970701T180000
- ;TZID=America-Chicago
- :19970702T160000
- :19970614T190000Z
- :http://www.midwaystadium.com/
- :Can't parse parameter value: 'VALUE=America-Chicago'
- :2
- :3
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :0981234-1234234-14@example.com
- :PT2H
- :You should be leaving for the game now.
- :PT30M
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :mailto:a@example.com
- :19970614T190000Z
- :0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- :19970714
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- : Bastille Day
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- ;CN=B
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=C
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=Hal
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :conf_Big@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=ROOM'
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :MAILTO:A@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970612T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- ;CN=Hal
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:Conf@example.com
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :19970613T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970701T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results
- :Green Conference Room
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970701T160000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :19970612T190000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results
- :Green Conference Room
- :This time works much better and I think the big conference room is
- too big
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970613T190000Z
- :19970701T160000Z
- :19970701T190000Z
- :Discuss the Merits of the election results - changed to meet B's schedule
- :Green Conference Room
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Sorry
- : I cannot change this meeting time
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :19970614T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970611T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :19970611T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970614T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com"
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :Sorry
- : I will be out of town at that time.
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :2.0\;Success
- :19970614T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- ;DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com"
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :Phone Conference
- :19970701T180000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970614T200000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :A@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'Mailto'
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mr. B cannot attend. It's raining. Lets cancel.
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :1
- :19970613T190000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :mailto:B@example.com
- :You're off the hook for this meeting
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :19970613T193000Z
- :1
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :CR_Big@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=ROOM'
- :Mailto:E@example.com
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T203000Z
- :Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :2
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'STATUS=ACCEPTED'
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970611T190000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :19970701T203000Z
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Phone Conference
- :123456@example.com
- :1
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :19980101T124100Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- :19980101T124200Z
- :19980107T124200Z
- :19980101T180000Z/19980101T190000Z
- :19980103T020000Z/19980103T050000Z
- :19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
- :19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
- :19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z
- :19980115T220000Z/19980115T230000Z
- :19980116T013000Z/19980116T043000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :19970613T190000Z
- :19970701T080000Z
- :19970701T200000
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :19970701T080000Z
- :19970701T200000Z
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :Can't parse as PERIOD value in FREEBUSY property. Removing entire
- property: '19970701T090000Z/PT1H'
- :19970613T190030Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :America-SanJose
- :http://zones.stds_r_us.net/tz/America-SanJose
- :19671029T020000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :-070000
- :-080000
- :PST
- :19870405T020000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :-080000
- :-070000
- :PDT
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :A@example.COM
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :B@example.fr
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :c@example.jp
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970613T190030Z
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970701T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970701T150000
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970910T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19970909T140000
- ;TZID=America-SanJose
- :19971028T140000
- :Weekly Phone Conference
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- :0
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970601T210000Z
- :19970601T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970526T083000Z
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1com
- :19970701T210000Z
- :1
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970703T210000Z
- :19970703T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970626T093000Z
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :19970801T210000Z
- :2
- :19970721T093000Z
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :19970721T103000Z
- :3
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :19970901T210000Z
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'THISANDFUTURE'
- :3
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Discussion
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970901T210000Z
- :19970901T220000Z
- :Building 32
- : Microsoft
- : Seattle
- : WA
- :19970526T083000Z
- :ADD
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :4
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970715T210000Z
- :19970715T220000Z
- :Conference Call
- :19970629T093000Z
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :The White Room
- :19980301T093000Z
- :ADD
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :7
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :The Usual conference room
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :7
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980303T210000Z
- :19980303T220000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :The White Room
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :0
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980311T180000Z
- :19980318T180000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980304T200000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :1
- :19980311T180000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980311T160000Z
- :19980311T180000Z
- :19980306T193000Z
- :The Small conference room
- :ADD
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :2
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980315T180000Z
- :19980315T200000Z
- :19980307T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :123456789@host1.com
- :2
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980311T160000Z
- :19980315T180000Z
- :Got a data line\, but could not find a property name or component
- begin tag: 'Error! Bookmark not defined.'
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Review Accounts
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980304T200000Z
- :19980303T193000Z
- :Conference Room A
- :Got a data line\, but could not find a property name or component
- begin tag: 'Error! Bookmark not defined.'
- :2
- :19980311T160000Z
- :Got a data line\, but could not find a property name or component
- begin tag: 'Error! Bookmark not defined.'
- :ROLE=CHAIR;Error! Bookmark not defined.
- :Error! Bookmark not defined.
- :Review Accounts
- :19980311T160000Z
- :19980304T180000Z
- :19980306T193000Z
- :The Small conference room
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :19970715T210000Z
- :4
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970715T220000Z
- :19970715T230000Z
- :Conference Call
- :May we bump this by an hour? I have a conflict
- :19970629T094000Z
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970601T210000Z
- :19970601T220000Z
- :19970602T094000Z
- :Conference Call
- :Parse error in property name: 'FOO'
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :2.8\;Repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single event\;RRULE
- :3.0\;Invalid Property Name\;FOO
- :guid-1@host1.com
- :0
- :19970603T094000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :19970701T170000Z
- :19970722T170000Z
- :1
- :Create the requirements document
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :0
- :19970717T200000Z
- :Needs Action
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :I'll send you my input by e-mail
- :0
- :19970717T203000Z
- :2.0\;Success
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :Create the requirements document
- :1
- :0
- :19970701T170000Z
- :19970717T230000Z
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :75
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :19970717T233000Z
- :0
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :MAILTO:A@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :19970717T233000Z
- :0
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :19970701T170000Z
- :19970722T170000Z
- :1
- :Create the requirements document
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :1
- :19970718T100000Z
- :40
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- :Can't parse parameter name: 'TYPE=INDIVIDUAL'
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :Can't parse as DATE-TIME value in DTSTART property. Removing entire
- property: '19980101T100000-0700'
- :Can't parse as DATE-TIME value in DUE property. Removing entire property:
- '19980103T100000-0700'
- :Send Status Reports to Area Managers
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :0
- :19970717T200000Z
- :1
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :75
- :calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- :19970717T233000Z
- :19980101T170000Z
- :1
- :-//ACME/DesktopCalendar//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :19971002T200000Z
- :MAILTO:A@Example.com
- :Phone conference minutes
- :The editors meeting was held on October 1
- : 1997. Details are in the attached document.
- :0981234-1234234-2410@example.com
- :0981234-1234234-2402-35@example.com
- :ftp://ftp.example.com/pub/ed/minutes100197.txt
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :Mailto:C@example.com
- :Mailto:D@example.com
- : guid-1-12345@host1.com
- :19970603T094000
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :acme-12345@host1.com
- :3
- :Can't parse as RECUR value in RRULE property. Removing entire property:
- :19970819T210000Z/19970081T220000Z
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :IETF-C&S Conference Call
- :IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- :19970801T210000Z
- :19970801T220000Z
- :19970809T210000Z
- :19970726T083000
- :-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- :2.0
- :eric@busboom.org
- :Mailto:A@example.com
- :Mailto:B@example.com
- :acme-12345@host1.com
- :19970603T094000
diff --git a/libical/src/test/copycluster.c b/libical/src/test/copycluster.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b059130c13..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/copycluster.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: copycluster.c
- CREATOR: eric 15 January 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-/* This program copies a file that holds iCal components to an other file. */
-void usage(char* arg0) {
- printf("usage: %s cluster-file1 cluster-file2\n",arg0);
-int main(int c, char *argv[]){
- icalcluster *clusterin, *clusterout;
- icalcomponent *itr;
- int count=0;
- int tostdout = 0;
- if(c < 2 || c > 3){
- usage(argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (c == 2){
- tostdout = 1;
- }
- clusterin = icalcluster_new(argv[1]);
- if (clusterin == 0){
- printf("Could not open input cluster \"%s\"",argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (!tostdout){
- clusterout = icalcluster_new(argv[2]);
- if (clusterout == 0){
- printf("Could not open output cluster \"%s\"\n",argv[2]);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- for (itr = icalcluster_get_first_component(clusterin,
- itr != 0;
- itr = icalcluster_get_next_component(clusterin,
- icalrestriction_check(itr);
- if (itr != 0){
- if(tostdout){
- printf("--------------\n%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(itr));
- } else {
- icalcluster_add_component(clusterout,
- icalcomponent_new_clone(itr));
- }
- count++;
- } else {
- printf("Got NULL component");
- }
- }
- printf("Transfered %d components\n",count);
- icalcluster_free(clusterin);
- if (!tostdout){
- icalcluster_mark(clusterout);
- icalcluster_free(clusterout);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/findobj.c b/libical/src/test/findobj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ec59169a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/findobj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: findobj.c
- CREATOR: eric 11 February 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-/* This program finds an object stored in a calendar */
-void usage(char* arg0) {
- printf("usage: %s calendar-dir uid\n",arg0);
-int main(int c, char *argv[]){
- icalcalendar *cal;
- icalstore *booked;
- icalcomponent *itr;
- if(c < 2 || c > 3){
- usage(argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- cal = icalcalendar_new(argv[1]);
- if(cal == 0){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: error in opening calendar \"%s\": %s. errno is \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0],argv[1],icalerror_strerror(icalerrno),
- strerror(errno));
- }
- booked = icalcalendar_get_booked(cal);
- itr = icalstore_fetch(booked,argv[2]);
- if(itr != 0){
- printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(itr));
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c b/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d56af49258..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: icaltestparser.c
- CREATOR: eric 20 June 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is icaltestparser.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 The Software Studio.
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"
- :MAILTO:employee-A@host.com
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
-extern int yydebug;
-/* Have the parser fetch data from stdin */
-char* read_stdin(char *s, size_t size, void *d)
- char *c = fgets(s,size, stdin);
- return c;
-int main()
- /* This is how we would have the parser parse a string */
- /* icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse_string(str);*/
- icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse(read_stdin);
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
- /* Strip errors and spit it out again
- printf("\n%d Errors in Component\n",icalcomponent_count_errors(c));
- icalcomponent_strip_errors(c);
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
- */
- icalmemory_free_ring();
- icalcomponent_free(c);
- return 1;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/regression.c b/libical/src/test/regression.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a969022d98..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/regression.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: usecases.c
- CREATOR: eric 03 April 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is usecases.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <time.h> /* for time() */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalstore.h"
-#include "icalcluster.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-/* This example creates and minipulates the ical object that appears
- * in rfc 2445, page 137 */
- PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- TZID:US-Eastern
- DTSTART:19981025T020000
- RDATE:19981025T020000
- DTSTART:19990404T020000
- RDATE:19990404T020000
- DTSTAMP:19980309T231000Z
- UID:guid-1.host1.com
- MAILTO:employee-A@host.com
- DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
- CREATED:19980309T130000Z
- SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
- DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980312T083000
- DTEND;TZID=US-Eastern:19980312T093000
- LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
-void _test_string_line_generator(char* str);
-void test_string_line_generator() {
- _test_string_line_generator(str);
-icalcomponent* create_simple_component()
- icalcomponent* calendar;
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- /* Create calendar and add properties */
- calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- calendar,
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0")
- );
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
- return calendar;
-/* Create a new component */
-icalcomponent* create_new_component()
- icalcomponent* calendar;
- icalcomponent* timezone;
- icalcomponent* tzc;
- icalcomponent* event;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- icalproperty* property;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- /* Create calendar and add properties */
- calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- calendar,
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- calendar,
- icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN")
- );
- /* Create a timezone object and add it to the calendar */
- timezone = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- timezone,
- icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern")
- );
- /* Add a sub-component of the timezone */
- tzc = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_component(timezone,tzc);
- icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,timezone);
- /* Add a second subcomponent */
- tzc = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- tzc,
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_component(timezone,tzc);
- /* Add an event */
- event = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_uid("guid-1.host1.com")
- );
- /* add a property that has parameters */
- property = icalproperty_new_organizer("mrbig@host.com");
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- /* add another property that has parameters */
- property = icalproperty_new_attendee("employee-A@host.com");
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT)
- );
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_rsvp(1)
- );
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- /* more properties */
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_created(atime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review")
- );
- property = icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime);
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- property = icalproperty_new_dtend(atime);
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350")
- );
- icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,event);
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
- icalcomponent_free(calendar);
- return 0;
-/* Create a new component, using the va_args list */
-icalcomponent* create_new_component_with_va_args()
- icalcomponent* calendar;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- calendar =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
- icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern"),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
- 0
- ),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-5.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-4.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- ),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime),
- icalproperty_new_uid("guid-1.host1.com"),
- icalproperty_vanew_organizer(
- "mrbig@host.com",
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
- "employee-A@host.com",
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
- icalparameter_new_rsvp(1),
- icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting"),
- icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING"),
- icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC"),
- icalproperty_new_created(atime),
- icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review"),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350"),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- );
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
- icalcomponent_free(calendar);
- return 0;
-/* Return a list of all attendees who are required. */
-char** get_required_attendees(icalproperty* event)
- icalproperty* p;
- icalparameter* parameter;
- char **attendees;
- int max = 10;
- int c = 0;
- attendees = malloc(max * (sizeof (char *)));
- assert(event != 0);
- assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- for(
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
- ) {
- parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER);
- if ( icalparameter_get_role(parameter) == ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT)
- {
- attendees[c++] = strdup(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
- if (c >= max) {
- max *= 2;
- attendees = realloc(attendees, max * (sizeof (char *)));
- }
- }
- }
- return attendees;
-/* If an attendee has a PARTSTAT of NEEDSACTION or has no PARTSTAT
- parameter, change it to TENTATIVE. */
-void update_attendees(icalproperty* event)
- icalproperty* p;
- icalparameter* parameter;
- assert(event != 0);
- assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- for(
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
- ) {
- parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
- if (parameter == 0) {
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- p,
- icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
- );
- } else if (icalparameter_get_partstat(parameter) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION) {
- icalproperty_remove_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
- icalparameter_free(parameter);
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- p,
- icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
- );
- }
- }
-void test_values()
- icalvalue *v;
- icalvalue *copy;
- v = icalvalue_new_caladdress("cap://value/1");
- printf("caladdress 1: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
- icalvalue_set_caladdress(v,"cap://value/2");
- printf("caladdress 2: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
- printf("String: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
- printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- icalvalue_free(copy);
- v = icalvalue_new_boolean(1);
- printf("caladdress 1: %d\n",icalvalue_get_boolean(v));
- icalvalue_set_boolean(v,2);
- printf("caladdress 2: %d\n",icalvalue_get_boolean(v));
- printf("String: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
- printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- icalvalue_free(copy);
- v = icalvalue_new_date(icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0));
- printf("date 1: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_set_date(v,icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0)+3600,0));
- printf("date 2: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
- printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- icalvalue_free(copy);
- v = icalvalue_new(-1);
- printf("Invalid type: %p\n",v);
- if (v!=0) icalvalue_free(v);
- /* v = icalvalue_new_caladdress(0);
- printf("Bad string: %p\n",v);
- if (v!=0) icalvalue_free(v); */
-void test_properties()
- icalproperty *prop;
- icalparameter *param;
- icalproperty *clone;
- prop = icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "Another Comment",
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
- 0);
- for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- param != 0;
- param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)) {
- printf("Prop parameter: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(param));
- }
- printf("Prop value: %s\n",icalproperty_get_comment(prop));
- printf("As iCAL string:\n %s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(prop));
- clone = icalproperty_new_clone(prop);
- printf("Clone:\n %s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(prop));
- icalproperty_free(clone);
- icalproperty_free(prop);
- prop = icalproperty_new(-1);
- printf("Invalid type: %p\n",prop);
- if (prop!=0) icalproperty_free(prop);
- /*
- prop = icalproperty_new_method(0);
- printf("Bad string: %p\n",prop);
- if (prop!=0) icalproperty_free(prop);
- */
-void test_parameters()
- icalparameter *p;
- p = icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name");
- printf("Common Name: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(p));
- printf("As String: %s\n",icalparameter_as_ical_string(p));
- icalparameter_free(p);
-void test_components()
- icalcomponent* c;
- icalcomponent* child;
- c = icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
- icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
- icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "A Comment",
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
- 0),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
- icalproperty_new_description("This is an event"),
- icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "Another Comment",
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
- 0),
- icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- "This is only a test",
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR),
- 0),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- );
- printf("Original Component:\n%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
- child = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- printf("Child Component:\n%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(child));
- icalcomponent_free(c);
-void test_memory()
- size_t bufsize = 256;
- char *p;
- char S1[] = "1) When in the Course of human events, ";
- char S2[] = "2) it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ";
- char S3[] = "3) and to assume among the powers of the earth, ";
- char S4[] = "4) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, ";
- char S5[] = "5) a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they ";
- char S6[] = "6) should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ";
- char S7[] = "7) We hold these truths to be self-evident, ";
- char S8[] = "8) that all men are created equal, ";
-/* char S9[] = "9) that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, ";
- char S10[] = "10) that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. ";
- char S11[] = "11) That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, ";
- char S12[] = "12) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ";
- char *f, *b1, *b2, *b3, *b4, *b5, *b6, *b7, *b8;
- #define BUFSIZE 1024
- f = icalmemory_new_buffer(bufsize);
- p = f;
- b1 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b1, S1);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b1);
- b2 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b2, S2);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b2);
- b3 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b3, S3);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b3);
- b4 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b4, S4);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b4);
- b5 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b5, S5);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b5);
- b6 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b6, S6);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b6);
- b7 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b7, S7);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b7);
- b8 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
- strcpy(b8, S8);
- icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b8);
- printf("1: %p %s \n",b1,b1);
- printf("2: %p %s\n",b2,b2);
- printf("3: %p %s\n",b3,b3);
- printf("4: %p %s\n",b4,b4);
- printf("5: %p %s\n",b5,b5);
- printf("6: %p %s\n",b6,b6);
- printf("7: %p %s\n",b7,b7);
- printf("8: %p %s\n",b8,b8);
- printf("Final: %s\n", f);
- printf("Final buffer size: %d\n",bufsize);
- free(f);
- bufsize = 4;
- f = icalmemory_new_buffer(bufsize);
- p = f;
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'a');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'b');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'c');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'd');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'e');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'f');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'g');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'h');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'i');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'j');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'a');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'b');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'c');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'd');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'e');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'f');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'g');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'h');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'i');
- icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'j');
- printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-int test_parser()
- icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse_string(str);
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
- icalcomponent_free(c);
- icalmemory_free_ring();
- return 1;
-int test_store()
- icalcomponent *c, *gauge;
- icalerrorenum error;
- icalcomponent *next, *itr;
- icalcluster* cluster;
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- icalstore *s = icalstore_new("store");
- int i;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- cluster = icalcluster_new("clusterin.vcd");
- if (cluster == 0){
- printf("Failed to create cluster: %s\n",icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
- return 0;
- }
-#define NUMCOMP 4
- /* Duplicate every component in the cluster NUMCOMP times */
- icalerror_clear_errno();
- for (i = 1; i<NUMCOMP+1; i++){
- /*rtime.start.month = i%12;*/
- rtime.start.month = i;
- rtime.end = rtime.start;
- rtime.end.hour++;
- for (itr = icalcluster_get_first_component(cluster,
- itr != 0;
- itr = icalcluster_get_next_component(cluster,
- icalcomponent *clone;
- icalproperty *p;
- if(icalcomponent_isa(itr) != ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT){
- continue;
- }
- assert(itr != 0);
- /* Change the dtstart and dtend times in the component
- pointed to by Itr*/
- clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(itr);
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- assert(clone !=0);
- /* DTSTART*/
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(clone,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- if (p == 0){
- p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.start);
- icalcomponent_add_property(clone,p);
- } else {
- icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.start);
- }
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- /* DTEND*/
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(clone,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- if (p == 0){
- p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.end);
- icalcomponent_add_property(clone,p);
- } else {
- icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.end);
- }
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- printf("\n----------\n%s\n---------\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(clone));
- error = icalstore_add_component(s,clone);
- assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- }
- }
- gauge =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_vanew_summary(
- "Submit Income Taxes",
- icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
- 0),
- 0),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_vanew_summary(
- "Bastille Day Party",
- icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
- 0),
- 0),
- 0);
-#if 0
- icalstore_select(s,gauge);
- for(c = icalstore_first(s); c != 0; c = icalstore_next(s)){
- printf("Got one! (%d)\n", count++);
- if (c != 0){
- printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
- if (icalstore_store(s2,c) == 0){
- printf("Failed to write!\n");
- }
- icalcomponent_free(c);
- } else {
- printf("Failed to get component\n");
- }
- }
- icalstore_free(s2);
- for(c = icalstore_get_first_component(s);
- c != 0;
- c = next){
- next = icalstore_get_next_component(s);
- if (c != 0){
- /*icalstore_remove_component(s,c);*/
- printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
- } else {
- printf("Failed to get component\n");
- }
- }
- icalstore_free(s);
- return 0;
-int test_compare()
- icalvalue *v1, *v2;
- icalcomponent *c, *gauge;
- v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("cap://value/1");
- v2 = icalvalue_new_clone(v1);
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("A");
- v2 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("B");
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("B");
- v2 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("A");
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
- v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
- v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(10);
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(10);
- v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
- printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
- gauge =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "Comment",
- icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
- 0),
- 0),
- 0);
- c = icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "Comment",
- 0),
- 0);
- printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(gauge));
- printf("%d\n",icalstore_test(c,gauge));
- return 0;
-void test_restriction()
- icalcomponent *comp;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- int valid;
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- /* Property restrictions */
- assert(icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(
- assert(icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(
- assert(icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(
- /* Component restrictions */
- assert(icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(
- assert(icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(
- comp =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
- icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
- icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern"),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
- 0
- ),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
- icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-5.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-4.0),
- icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- ),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime),
- icalproperty_new_uid("guid-1.host1.com"),
- icalproperty_vanew_organizer(
- "mrbig@host.com",
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
- "employee-A@host.com",
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
- icalparameter_new_rsvp(1),
- icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting"),
- icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING"),
- icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC"),
- icalproperty_new_created(atime),
- icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review"),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350"),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- );
- valid = icalrestriction_check(comp);
- printf("#### %d ####\n%s\n",valid, icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp));
-void test_calendar()
- icalcomponent *comp;
- icalcluster *c;
- icalstore *s;
- icalcalendar* calendar = icalcalendar_new("calendar");
- icalerrorenum error;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- comp = icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
- icalproperty_new_description("This is an event"),
- icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
- icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- "Another Comment",
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
- 0),
- icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
- "This is only a test",
- icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR),
- 0),
- 0);
- s = icalcalendar_get_booked(calendar);
- error = icalstore_add_component(s,comp);
- assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- c = icalcalendar_get_properties(calendar);
- error = icalcluster_add_component(c,icalcomponent_new_clone(comp));
- assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
- icalcalendar_free(calendar);
-void test_recur()
- icalvalue *v;
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE,
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE,
- "FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=123456T123456;BYSETPOS=-1,2");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE,
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE,
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE,
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-void test_duration()
- icalvalue *v;
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_DURATION_VALUE,
- "PT8H30M");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE,
- "19971015T050000Z/PT8H30M");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE,
- "19971015T050000Z/19971015T060000Z");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
-void test_strings(){
- icalvalue *v;
- v = icalvalue_new_text("foo;bar;bats");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- v = icalvalue_new_text("foo\\;b\nar\\;ba\tts");
- printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- printf("\n------------Test strings---------------\n");
- test_strings();
- printf("\n------------Test recur---------------\n");
- test_recur();
-#if 0
- printf("\n------------Test Calendar---------------\n");
- test_calendar();
- printf("\n------------Test Store---------------\n");
- test_store();
- printf("\n------------Test duration---------------\n");
- test_duration();
- printf("\n------------Test Restriction---------------\n");
- test_restriction();
- printf("\n------------Test Compare---------------\n");
- test_compare();
- printf("\n------------Test Memory---------------\n");
- test_memory();
- printf("\n------------Test Values---------------\n");
- test_values();
- printf("\n------------Test Parameters-----------\n");
- test_parameters();
- printf("\n------------Test Properties-----------\n");
- test_properties();
- printf("\n------------Test Components ----------\n");
- test_components();
- printf("\n------------Create Components --------\n");
- create_new_component();
- printf("\n------------Test Parser---------------\n");
- test_parser();
- printf("\n----- Create Components with vaargs ---\n");
- create_new_component_with_va_args();
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/test-component.icd b/libical/src/test/test-component.icd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe2995a83..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/test-component.icd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- :0
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-REQUEST-STATUS:2.8;Repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single
- event;RRULE
-REQUEST-STATUS:3.0;Invalid Property Name;FOO
diff --git a/libical/src/test/usecases.c b/libical/src/test/usecases.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d07b5edac5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/usecases.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
- ======================================================================
- FILE: usecases.c
- CREATOR: eric 03 April 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
- http://www.softwarestudio.org
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The original author is Eric Busboom
- The original code is usecases.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <time.h> /* for time() */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
- Here is the example iCal object that the examples routines in this
- file will use:
- PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- DTSTAMP:19980309T231000Z
- UID:guid-1.host1.com
- MAILTO:employee-A@host.com
- DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
- CREATED:19980309T130000Z
- SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
- DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980312T083000
- DTEND;TZID=US-Eastern:19980312T093000
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
-/* Creating iCal Components
- There are two ways to create new component in libical. You can
- build the component from primitive parts, or you can create it
- from a string.
- There are two variations of the API for building the component from
- primitive parts. In the first variation, you add each parameter and
- value to a property, and then add each property to a
- component. This results in a long series of function calls. This
- style is show in create_new_component()
- The second variation uses vargs lists to nest many primitive part
- constructors, resulting in a compact, neatly formated way to create
- components. This style is shown in create_new_component_with_va_args()
-icalcomponent* create_new_component()
- /* variable definitions */
- icalcomponent* calendar;
- icalcomponent* event;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- icalproperty* property;
- /* Define a time type that will use as data later. */
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- /* Create calendar and add properties */
- calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
- /* Nearly every libical function call has the same general
- form. The first part of the name defines the 'class' for the
- function, and the first argument will be a pointer to a struct
- of that class. So, icalcomponent_ functions will all take
- icalcomponent* as their first argument. */
- /* The next call creates a new proeprty and immediately adds it to the
- 'calendar' component. */
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- calendar,
- icalproperty_new_version(strdup("2.0"))
- );
- /* Note the use of strdup() in the previous and next call. All
- properties constructors for properties with value types of
- TEXT will take control of the string you pass into them. Since
- the string '2.0' is a static string, we need to duplicate it in
- new memory before giving it to the property */
- /* Here is the short version of the memory rules:
- If the routine name has "new" in it:
- Caller owns the returned memory.
- If you pass in a string, the routine takes the memory.
- If the routine name has "add" in it:
- The routine takes control of the component, property,
- parameter or value memory.
- If the routine returns a string ( "get" and "as_ical_string" )
- The library owns the returned memory.
- */
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- calendar,
- icalproperty_new_prodid(strdup("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"))
- );
- /* Add an event */
- event = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime)
- );
- /* In the previous call, atime is a struct, and it is passed in by value.
- This is how all compound types of values are handled. */
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_uid(strdup("guid-1.host1.com"))
- );
- /* add a property that has parameters */
- property = icalproperty_new_organizer(strdup("mrbig@host.com"));
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- /* In this style of component creation, you need to use an extra
- call to add parameters to properties, but the form of this
- operation is the same as adding a property to a component */
- /* add another property that has parameters */
- property = icalproperty_new_attendee(strdup("employee-A@host.com"));
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT)
- );
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_rsvp(1)
- );
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- /* more properties */
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_description(strdup("Project XYZ Review Meeting"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_categories(strdup("MEETING"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_class(strdup("PUBLIC"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_created(atime)
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_summary(strdup("XYZ Project Review"))
- );
- property = icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime);
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_tzid(strdup("US-Eastern"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- property = icalproperty_new_dtend(atime);
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- property,
- icalparameter_new_tzid(strdup("US-Eastern"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
- icalcomponent_add_property(
- event,
- icalproperty_new_location(strdup("1CP Conference Room 4350"))
- );
- icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,event);
- return calendar;
-/* Now, create the same component as in the previous routine, but use
-the constructor style. */
-icalcomponent* create_new_component_with_va_args()
- /* This is a similar set up to the last routine */
- icalcomponent* calendar;
- struct icaltimetype atime = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- struct icalperiodtype rtime;
- rtime.start = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end = icaltimetype_from_timet( time(0),0);
- rtime.end.hour++;
- /* Some of these routines are the same as those in the previous
- routine, but we've also added several 'vanew' routines. These
- 'vanew' routines take a list of properties, parameters or
- values and add each of them to the parent property or
- component. */
- calendar =
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_version(strdup("2.0")),
- icalproperty_new_prodid(strdup("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN")),
- icalcomponent_vanew(
- icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime),
- icalproperty_new_uid(strdup("guid-1.host1.com")),
- icalproperty_vanew_organizer(
- strdup("mrbig@host.com"),
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
- strdup("employee-A@host.com"),
- icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
- icalparameter_new_rsvp(1),
- icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_description(strdup("Project XYZ Review Meeting")),
- icalproperty_new_categories(strdup("MEETING")),
- icalproperty_new_class(strdup("PUBLIC")),
- icalproperty_new_created(atime),
- icalproperty_new_summary(strdup("XYZ Project Review")),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid(strdup("US-Eastern")),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
- atime,
- icalparameter_new_tzid(strdup("US-Eastern")),
- 0
- ),
- icalproperty_new_location(strdup("1CP Conference Room 4350")),
- 0
- ),
- 0
- );
- /* Note that properties with no parameters can use the regular
- 'new' constructor, while those with parameters use the 'vanew'
- constructor. And, be sure that the last argument in the 'vanew'
- call is a zero. Without, your program will probably crash. */
- return calendar;
-/* Now, lets try to get a particular parameter out of a
- component. This routine will return a list of strings of all
- attendees who are required. Note that this routine assumes that the
- component that we pass in is a VEVENT; the top level component we
- created in the above two routines is a VCALENDAR */
-char *attendees[10];
-#define MAX_ATTENDEES 10;
-char** get_required_attendees(icalcomponent* event)
- icalproperty* p;
- icalparameter* parameter;
- int c=0;
- assert(event != 0);
- assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- /* This loop iterates over all of the ATTENDEE properties in the
- event */
- /* Yes, the iteration routines save their state in the event
- struct, so the are not thread safe unless you lock the whole
- event. */
- for(
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
- ) {
- /* Get the first ROLE parameter in the property. There should
- only be one, so we wont bother to iterate over them. */
- parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER);
- /* If the parameter indicates the participant is required, get
- the attendees name and stick a copy of it into the output
- array */
- if ( icalparameter_get_role(parameter) == ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT)
- {
- attendees[c++] = strdup(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
- }
- }
- return attendees;
-/* Here is a similar example. If an attendee has a PARTSTAT of
- NEEDSACTION or has no PARTSTAT parameter, change it to
-void update_attendees(icalcomponent* event)
- icalproperty* p;
- icalparameter* parameter;
- assert(event != 0);
- assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- for(
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
- ) {
- parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
- if (parameter == 0) {
- /* There was no PARTSTAT parameter, so add one. */
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- p,
- icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
- );
- } else if (icalparameter_get_partstat(parameter) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION) {
- /* Remove the NEEDSACTION parameter and replace it with
- icalproperty_remove_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
- /* Don't forget to free it */
- icalparameter_free(parameter);
- /* Add a new one */
- icalproperty_add_parameter(
- p,
- icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
- );
- }
- }
-/* Here are some examples of manipulating properties */
-void test_properties()
- icalproperty *prop;
- icalparameter *param;
- icalvalue *value;
- icalproperty *clone;
- /* Create a new property */
- prop = icalproperty_vanew_comment(
- strdup("Another Comment"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
- icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
- 0);
- /* Iterate through all of the parameters in the property */
- for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- param != 0;
- param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)) {
- printf("Prop parameter: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(param));
- }
- /* Get a string representation of the property's value */
- printf("Prop value: %s\n",icalproperty_get_comment(prop));
- /* Spit out the property in its RFC 2445 representation */
- printf("As iCAL string:\n %s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(prop));
- /* Make a copy of the property. Caller owns the memory */
- clone = icalproperty_new_clone(prop);
- /* Get a reference to the value within the clone property */
- value = icalproperty_get_value(clone);
- printf("Value: %s",icalvalue_as_ical_string(value));
- /* Free the original and the clone */
- icalproperty_free(clone);
- icalproperty_free(prop);
-/* Here are some ways to work with values. */
-void test_values()
- icalvalue *v;
- icalvalue *copy;
- v = icalvalue_new_caladdress(strdup("cap://value/1"));
- printf("caladdress 1: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
- icalvalue_set_caladdress(v,strdup("cap://value/2"));
- printf("caladdress 2: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
- printf("String: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
- printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
- icalvalue_free(v);
- icalvalue_free(copy);
-void test_parameters()
- icalparameter *p;
- p = icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name");
- printf("Common Name: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(p));
- printf("As String: %s\n",icalparameter_as_ical_string(p));
-int test_parser()
- icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse_string(str);
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
- icalcomponent_free(c);
- icalmemory_free_ring();
- return 1;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- icalcomponent *c1;
- icalcomponent *c2;
- icalcomponent *vevent;
- char **attendees;
- c1 = create_new_component();
- c2 = create_new_component_with_va_args();
- /* Extract the VEVENT component from the component */
- vevent = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c1,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
- attendees = get_required_attendees(vevent);
- printf("Attendees: %s\n",attendees[0]);
- /* Now print out the component as a string. Remember that the
- library retains control of the memory returned by
- icalcomponent_as_ical_string. Do not sotre references to it or
- try to free it. It is stored on an internal ring buffer,and the
- library will eventuall reclaim it. */
- printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c1));
- return 0;
diff --git a/libical/test-data/0 b/libical/test-data/0
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7fb999cb..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
-SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
diff --git a/libical/test-data/1 b/libical/test-data/1
deleted file mode 100644
index 213b37d916..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
diff --git a/libical/test-data/1.1 b/libical/test-data/1.1
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c92c33bd..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/1.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-URL;CN=John Smith:http://example.com/urivalue.html
-X-SKI-TITLE;RSVP=TRUE: This is an extension property
-SUMMARY:"No Property"
-SUMMARY;RSVP=TRUE;RSVP=FALSE:Calendaring Interoperability Planning Meeting
-SUMMARY;ALTREP=This is an xname:altrep
-SUMMARY;CUTYPE=DESCRIPTION is a keyword:Xname parameter
diff --git a/libical/test-data/2 b/libical/test-data/2
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ba609ab3..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML
- My Product//EN
-SUMMARY:Calendaring Interoperability Planning Meeting
-DESCRIPTION:Discuss how we can test c&s interoperability\n
- using iCalendar and other IETF standards.
diff --git a/libical/test-data/2445.vcd b/libical/test-data/2445.vcd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1168324d88..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/2445.vcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
- :0
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
-PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
-SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
-SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review
-SUMMARY:Laurel is in sensitivity awareness class.
-SUMMARY:Our Blissful Anniversary
-SUMMARY:1996 Income Tax Preparation
-SUMMARY:Staff meeting minutes
-DESCRIPTION:1. Staff meeting: Participants include Joe\, Lisa
- and Bob. Aurora project plans were reviewed. There is currently
- no budget reserves for this project. Lisa will escalate to
- management. Next meeting on Tuesday.\n
- 2. Telephone Conference: ABC Corp. sales representative called
- to discuss new printer. Promised to get us a demo by Friday.\n
- 3. Henry Miller (Handsoff Insurance): Car was totaled by tree.
- Is looking into a loaner car. 654-2323 (tel).
- 19971015T160000Z/PT5H30M,19971015T223000Z/PT6H30M
-COMMENT:This iCalendar file contains busy time information for
- the next three months.
-DESCRIPTION:Breakfast meeting with executive\n
- team at 8:30 AM EST.
-DESCRIPTION:A draft agenda needs to be sent out to the attendees
- to the weekly managers meeting (MGR-LIST). Attached is a
- pointer the document template for the agenda file.
- da.doc
- procs/felizano.exe
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
- MAILTO:employee-A@host.com
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
-SUMMARY:Calendaring Interoperability Planning Meeting
-DESCRIPTION:Discuss how we can test c&s interoperability\n
- using iCalendar and other IETF standards.
- conf/bkgrnd.ps
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
-SUMMARY:Submit Income Taxes
- files/ssbanner.aud
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
-CATEGORIES:Project Report, XYZ, Weekly Meeting
-DESCRIPTION:Project xyz Review Meeting Minutes\n
- Agenda\n1. Review of project version 1.0 requirements.\n2.
- Definition of project processes.\n3. Review of project schedule.\n
- Participants: John Smith, Jane Doe, Jim Dandy\n-It was
- decided that the requirements need to be signed off by
- product marketing.\n-Project processes were accepted.\n
- -Project schedule needs to account for scheduled holidays
- and employee vacation time. Check with HR for specific
- dates.\n-New schedule will be distributed by Friday.\n-
- Next weeks meeting is cancelled. No meeting until 3/23.
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-END:VCALENDAR \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/test-data/2446.vcd b/libical/test-data/2446.vcd
deleted file mode 100644
index 679f6c7920..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/2446.vcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1007 +0,0 @@
- :0
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
-COMMENT:DUKES forfeit the game
- Big time game. MUST see.\n
- Expected duration:2 hours\n
-DESCRIPTION:You should be leaving for the game now.
-SUMMARY: Bastille Day
- CUTYPE=ROOM:Mailto:Conf@example.com
-SUMMARY:Phone Conference
-SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
-LOCATION:Green Conference Room
-SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
-LOCATION:Green Conference Room
-COMMENT:This time works much better and I think the big conference
- room is too big
-SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results - changed to
- meet B's schedule
-LOCATION:Green Conference Room
-COMMENT:Sorry, I cannot change this meeting time
- TO="Mailto:E@example.com":Mailto:C@example.com
- TO="Mailto:E@example.com":Mailto:C@example.com
- DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com":Mailto:E@example.com
-SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- FROM="Mailto:C@example.com":Mailto:E@example.com
- DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com":Mailto:C@example.com
- DELEGATED-TO="Mailto:E@example.com":Mailto:C@example.com
- DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com":Mailto:E@example.com
-COMMENT:Sorry, I will be out of town at that time.
- DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com":Mailto:E@example.com
-SUMMARY:Phone Conference
-COMMENT:Mr. B cannot attend. It's raining. Lets cancel.
-COMMENT:You're off the hook for this meeting
- RSVP=FALSE:Mailto:E@example.com
-SUMMARY:Phone Conference
-SUMMARY:Phone Conference
-SUMMARY:Weekly Phone Conference
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Conference Call
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Conference Call
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Building 32, Microsoft, Seattle, WA
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Conference Call
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:The White Room
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:The Usual conference room
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:The White Room
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:Conference Room A
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:The Small conference room
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:Conference Room A
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:Conference Room A
-SUMMARY:Review Accounts
-LOCATION:The Small conference room
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Conference Call
-COMMENT:May we bump this by an hour? I have a conflict
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-LOCATION:Conference Call
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-REQUEST-STATUS:2.8;Repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single
- event;RRULE
-REQUEST-STATUS:3.0;Invalid Property Name;FOO
-SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
-STATUS:Needs Action
-COMMENT:I'll send you my input by e-mail
-SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
-SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
-SUMMARY:Send Status Reports to Area Managers
-SUMMARY:Phone conference minutes
-DESCRIPTION:The editors meeting was held on October 1, 1997.
- Details are in the attached document.
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-UID: guid-1-12345@host1.com
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
-END:VCALENDAR \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/test-data/3 b/libical/test-data/3
deleted file mode 100644
index 008373ebfa..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
-SUMMARY:Submit Income Taxes
diff --git a/libical/test-data/4 b/libical/test-data/4
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c3d6917b..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
-CATEGORIES:Project Report, XYZ: Weekly Meeting
-DESCRIPTION:Project xyz Review Meeting Minutes\n
- Agenda\n1. Review of project version 1.0 requirements.\n2.
- Definition
- of project processes.\n3. Review of project schedule.\n
- Participants: John Smith\, Jane Doe\, Jim Dandy\n-It was
- decided that the requirements need to be signed off by
- product marketing.\n-Project processes were accepted.\n
- -Project schedule needs to account for scheduled holidays
- and employee vacation time. Check with HR for specific
- dates.\n-New schedule will be distributed by Friday.\n-
- Next weeks meeting is cancelled. No meeting until 3/23.
diff --git a/libical/test-data/5 b/libical/test-data/5
deleted file mode 100644
index ba1fd09f7f..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN
diff --git a/libical/test-data/6 b/libical/test-data/6
deleted file mode 100644
index 753bd2b66c..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/test-data/7 b/libical/test-data/7
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a255fc514..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/test-data/smallcluster.vcd b/libical/test-data/smallcluster.vcd
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e2dbae50..0000000000
--- a/libical/test-data/smallcluster.vcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- :0
- :00000000T000000
- :00000000T000000
-PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
-SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party