path: root/multimedia/quodlibet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'multimedia/quodlibet')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 781 deletions
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/Makefile b/multimedia/quodlibet/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd81b191..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: quodlibet
-# Date created: 19 December 2005
-# Whom: Byung-Hee HWANG <>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= quodlibet
-CATEGORIES= multimedia audio python gnome
-COMMENT= A GTK+-based audio player written in Python
-BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/gst/${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/py-gstreamer80
-RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/gst/${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/py-gstreamer80
-USE_GNOME= pygtk2
-MAN1= exfalso.1 quodlibet.1
-# Supported formats: ogg vorbis mad flac remote
-QUODLIBET_FORMATS?= ogg vorbis mad flac remote
-.for format in ${QUODLIBET_FORMATS}
-WANT_QUODLIBET_${format:U}= yes
-.if defined(WANT_QUODLIBET_OGG)
-USE_GSTREAMER80+= vorbis
-.if defined(WANT_QUODLIBET_MAD)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-feedparser
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-feedparser
-USE_GSTREAMER80+= gnomevfs
-.if defined(WITH_EXTENSIONS)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/gtk-2.0/egg/${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/gtk-2.0/egg/${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras
-PLIST_SUB+= EXTENSIONS:="@comment "
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
- ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/misc/8x13O.pcf.gz:${X_FONTS_MISC_PORT}
-.include <>
-.if ${OSVERSION} < 500000
-IGNORE= is unsupported on FreeBSD 4.x
-.if ${ARCH} == amd64 || ${ARCH} == sparc64 || ${ARCH} == ia64
-BROKEN= "Does not configure"
-.if defined(WITH_EXTENSIONS)
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/po && ${GMAKE} po
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} extensions
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/po && ${GMAKE} po
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/${PORTNAME}/plugins
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/ ${PREFIX}/share/${PORTNAME}/plugins
-.include <>
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/distinfo b/multimedia/quodlibet/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index a3db6c40d..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (quodlibet-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 457e03c9aeed83077172185a06664c96
-SHA256 (quodlibet-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 4a2fda947933991bbdf0d338afbcb3a01f19b87f0418867086bf68ce4cda6011
-SIZE (quodlibet-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 434299
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/patch-Makefile b/multimedia/quodlibet/files/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ba5e29d9c..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.orig 2005-12-13 19:46:30.000000000 -0700
-+++ Makefile 2006-01-04 03:20:58.787760884 -0700
-@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
- @./
- make-install-dirs:
-- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TO)
-@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
- # installing the SVN version will have intltool and so it will build fine.
- install: make-install-dirs install-dirs install-programs
- install -m 644 $(MODULES) rhythmbox-*.png $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TO)
-- -for E in $(EXTENSIONS); do (test -e $$E && install -m 755 -D $$E $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TODEP)/$$E); done
-+ -for E in $(EXTENSIONS); do (test -e $$E && install -m 755 $$E $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TODEP)/$$E); done
- -cd po && make install-po DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)
- install-dirs: $(addprefix dir-install-, $(MODULE_DIRS))
-@@ -37,10 +36,10 @@
- app-install-%: make-install-dirs %.desktop
- install -m 755 $*.py $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TO)
-- install -m 644 $*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/$*.1
-- install -D -m 644 $*.png $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps/$*.png
-+ install -m 644 $*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/man/man1/$*.1
-+ install -m 644 $*.png $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps/$*.png
- install -m 644 $*.svg $*.png $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(TO)
-- -install -D -m 644 $*.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/$*.desktop
-+ -install -m 644 $*.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/$*.desktop
- ln -sf ../$(TO)/$*.py $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$*
- clean:
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/ b/multimedia/quodlibet/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index aff4cc37f..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---- 2005-12-12 15:43:59.000000000 -0700
-+++ 2006-01-07 11:25:44.773179056 -0700
-@@ -273,15 +273,15 @@
- basedir = os.getcwd()
- if basedir.endswith("/share/quodlibet"):
- sys.path.append(basedir[:-15] + "lib/quodlibet")
-- i18ndir = "/usr/share/locale"
-+ i18ndir = "/usr/X11R6/share/locale"
- import locale, gettext, util
- try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
- except: pass
-- gettext.bindtextdomain("quodlibet")
-+ gettext.bindtextdomain("quodlibet", i18ndir)
- gettext.textdomain("quodlibet")
-- util.gettext_install("quodlibet", unicode=True)
-+ util.gettext_install("quodlibet", i18ndir, unicode=True)
- util.ctypes_init()
- from util import to
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/ b/multimedia/quodlibet/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index a52f534ce..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-# QLScrobbler: an Audioscrobbler client plugin for Quod Libet.
-# version 0.7
-# (C) 2005 by Joshua Kwan <>,
-# Joe Wreschnig <>
-# Licensed under GPLv2. See Quod Libet's COPYING for more information.
-import random
-import md5, urllib, urllib2, time, threading, os
-import player, config, const
-import gobject, gtk
-from qltk import Message
-from util import to
-class QLScrobbler(object):
- # session invariants
- PLUGIN_NAME = "QLScrobbler"
- PLUGIN_DESC = "Audioscrobbler client for Quod Libet"
- CLIENT = "qlb"
- DUMP = os.path.join(const.DIR, "scrobbler_cache")
- # things that could change
- username = ""
- password = ""
- pwhash = ""
- timeout_id = -1
- submission_tid = -1
- challenge = ""
- submit_url = ""
- # state management
- waiting = False
- challenge_sent = False
- broken = False
- need_config = False
- need_update = False
- already_submitted = False
- locked = False
- flushing = False
- disabled = False
- # we need to store this because not all events get the song
- song = None
- queue = []
- def __init__(self):
- # Read dumped queue and delete it
- try:
- dump = open(self.DUMP, 'r')
- self.read_dump(dump)
- except: pass
- # Set up exit hook to dump queue
- gtk.quit_add(0, self.dump_queue)
- def read_dump(self, dump):
- print "Loading dumped queue."
- current = {}
- for line in dump.readlines():
- key = ""
- value = ""
- line = line.rstrip()
- try: (key, value) = line.split(" = ", 1)
- except:
- if line == "-":
- for key in ["album", "mbid"]:
- if key not in current:
- current[key] = ""
- for reqkey in ["artist", "title", "length", "stamp"]:
- # discard if somehow invalid
- if reqkey not in current:
- current = {}
- if current != {}:
- self.queue.append(current)
- current = {}
- continue
- if key == "length": current[key] = int(value)
- else: current[key] = value
- dump.close()
- os.remove(self.DUMP)
-# print "Queue contents:"
-# for item in self.queue:
-# print "\t%s - %s" % (item['artist'], item['title'])
- # Try to flush it immediately
- if len(self.queue) > 0:
- self.flushing = True
- self.submit_song()
- else: print "Queue was empty!"
- def dump_queue(self):
- if len(self.queue) == 0: return 0
- print "Dumping offline queue, will submit next time."
- dump = open(self.DUMP, 'w')
- for item in self.queue:
- for key in item:
- dump.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, item[key]))
- dump.close()
- return 0
- def plugin_on_removed(self, songs):
- try:
- if in songs:
- self.already_submitted = True
- except:
- # Older version compatibility.
- if is songs:
- self.already_submitted = True
- def plugin_on_song_ended(self, song, stopped):
- if song is None: return
- if self.timeout_id > 0:
- gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id)
- self.timeout_id = -1
- def plugin_on_song_started(self, song):
- if song is None: return
- self.already_submitted = False
- if self.timeout_id > 0:
- gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id)
- self.timeout_id = -1
- # Protocol stipulation:
- # * don't submit when length < 00:30
- # NOTE: >30:00 stipulation has been REMOVED as of Protocol1.1
- # * don't submit if artist and title are not available
- if song["~#length"] < 30: return
- elif 'title' not in song: return
- elif "artist" not in song:
- if ("composer" not in song) and ("performer" not in song): return
- = song
- if player.playlist.paused == False:
- self.prepare()
- def plugin_on_paused(self):
- if self.timeout_id > 0:
- gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id)
- # special value that will tell on_unpaused to check song length
- self.timeout_id = -2
- def plugin_on_unpaused(self):
- if self.already_submitted == False and self.timeout_id == -1: self.prepare()
- def plugin_on_seek(self, song, msec):
- if self.timeout_id > 0:
- gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id)
- self.timeout_id = -1
- if msec == 0: #I think this is okay!
- self.prepare()
- else:
- self.already_submitted = True # cancel
- def prepare(self):
- if is None: return
- # Protocol stipulations:
- # * submit 240 seconds in or at 50%, whichever comes first
- delay = int(min(["~#length"] / 2, 240))
- if self.timeout_id == -2: # change delta based on current progress
- # assumption is that self.already_submitted == 0, therefore
- # delay - progress > 0
- progress = int([0] / 1000)
- delay -= progress
- self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(delay * 1000, self.submit_song)
- def read_config(self):
- username = ""
- password = ""
- try:
- username = config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_username")
- password = config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_password")
- except:
- if self.need_config == False:
- self.quick_info("Please visit the Preferences window to set QLScrobbler up. Until then, songs will not be submitted.")
- self.need_config = True
- return
- self.username = username
- hasher =
- hasher.update(password);
- self.password = hasher.hexdigest()
- self.need_config = False
- def __destroy_cb(self, dialog, response_id):
- dialog.destroy()
- def quick_error_helper(self, str):
- dialog = Message(gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, None, "QLScrobbler", str)
- dialog.connect('response', self.__destroy_cb)
- def quick_error(self, str):
- gobject.idle_add(self.quick_error_helper, str)
- def quick_info_helper(self, str):
- dialog = Message(gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, widgets.widgets.main, "QLScrobbler", str).run()
- dialog.connect('response', self.__destroy_cb)
- def quick_info(self, str):
- gobject.idle_add(self.quick_info_helper, str)
- def clear_waiting(self):
- self.waiting = False
- def send_handshake(self):
- # construct url
- url = "" % ( self.PROTOCOL_VERSION, self.CLIENT, self.PLUGIN_VERSION, self.username )
- print "Sending handshake to Audioscrobbler."
- resp = None
- try:
- resp = urllib2.urlopen(url);
- except:
- print "Server not responding, handshake failed."
- return # challenge_sent is NOT set to 1
- # check response
- lines ="\n")
- status = lines.pop(0)
- print "Handshake status: %s" % status
- if status == "UPTODATE" or status.startswith("UPDATE"):
- if status.startswith("UPDATE"):
- self.quick_info("A new plugin is available at %s! Please download it, or your Audioscrobbler stats may not be updated, and this message will be displayed every session." % status.split()[1])
- self.need_update = True
- # Scan for submit URL and challenge.
- self.challenge = lines.pop(0)
- print "Challenge: %s" % self.challenge
- # determine password
- hasher =
- hasher.update(self.password)
- hasher.update(self.challenge)
- self.pwhash = hasher.hexdigest()
- self.submit_url = lines.pop(0)
- self.challenge_sent = True
- elif status == "BADUSER":
- self.quick_error("Authentication failed: invalid username %s or bad password." % self.username)
- self.broken = True
- # Honor INTERVAL if available
- try: interval = int(lines.pop(0).split()[1])
- except: interval = 0
- if interval > 1:
- self.waiting = True
- gobject.timeout_add(interval * 1000, self.clear_waiting)
- print "Server says to wait for %d seconds." % interval
- def submit_song(self):
- bg = threading.Thread(None, self.submit_song_helper)
- bg.setDaemon(True)
- bg.start()
- def submit_song_helper(self):
- enabled = getattr(self, 'PMEnFlag', False)
- if enabled and self.disabled:
- print "Plugin re-enabled - accepting new songs."
- self.disabled = False
- if self.submission_tid != -1:
- gobject.source_remove(self.submission_tid);
- self.submission_tid = -1
- elif not enabled and not self.disabled: #if we've already printed
- print "Plugin disabled - not accepting any new songs."
- self.disabled = True
- if len(self.queue) > 0:
- self.submission_tid = gobject.timeout_add(120 * 1000, self.submit_song_helper)
- print "Attempts will continue to submit the last %d songs." % len(self.queue)
- if self.already_submitted == True or self.broken == True: return
- if self.flushing == False:
- stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
- store = {
- "title":"title"),
- "length": str(["~#length"]),
- "album":"album"),
- "mbid": "", # will be correctly set if available
- "stamp": stamp
- }
- if "artist" in
- store["artist"] ="artist")
- elif "composer" in
- store["artist"] ="composer")
- elif "performer" in
- performer ='performer')
- if performer[-1] == ")" and "(" in performer:
- store["artist"] = performer[:performer.rindex("(")].strip()
- else:
- store["artist"] = performer
- elif "musicbrainz_trackid" in
- store["mbid"] =["musicbrainz_trackid"]
- self.queue.append(store)
- else: self.flushing = False
- if self.locked == True:
- # another instance running, let it deal with this
- return
- self.locked = True
- while self.waiting == True: time.sleep(1)
- # Read config, handshake, and send challenge if not already done
- if self.challenge_sent == False:
- self.read_config()
- if self.broken == False and self.need_config == False:
- self.send_handshake()
- # INTERVAL may have been set during handshake.
- while self.waiting == True: time.sleep(1)
- if self.challenge_sent == False:
- self.locked = False
- return
- data = {
- 'u': self.username,
- 's': self.pwhash
- }
- # Flush the cache
- for i in range(len(self.queue)):
- print to("Sending song: %s - %s" % (self.queue[i]['artist'], self.queue[i]['title']))
- data["a[%d]" % i] = self.queue[i]['artist'].encode('utf-8')
- data["t[%d]" % i] = self.queue[i]['title'].encode('utf-8')
- data["l[%d]" % i] = str(self.queue[i]['length'])
- data["b[%d]" % i] = self.queue[i]['album'].encode('utf-8')
- data["m[%d]" % i] = self.queue[i]['mbid']
- data["i[%d]" % i] = self.queue[i]['stamp']
- (host, file) = self.submit_url[7:].split("/")
- resp = None
- try:
- data_str = urllib.urlencode(data)
- resp = urllib2.urlopen("http://" + host + "/" + file, data_str)
- except:
- print "Audioscrobbler server not responding, will try later."
- self.locked = False
- return # preserve the queue, yadda yadda
- resp_save =
- lines = resp_save.rstrip().split("\n")
- try: (status, interval) = lines
- except:
- try: status = lines[0]
- except:
- print "Truncated server response, will try later..."
- self.locked = False
- return
- interval = None
- print "Submission status: %s" % status
- if status == "BADAUTH":
- print "Attempting to re-authenticate."
- self.challenge_sent = False
- self.send_handshake()
- if self.challenge_sent == False:
- self.quick_error("Your Audioscrobbler login data is incorrect, so you must re-enter it before any songs will be submitted.\n\nThis message will not be shown again.")
- self.broken = True
- elif status == "OK":
- self.queue = []
- elif status.startswith("FAILED"):
- if status.startswith("FAILED Plugin bug"):
- print "Plugin bug!? Ridiculous! Dumping queue contents."
- for item in self.queue:
- for key in item:
- print "%s = %s" % (key, item[key])
- # possibly handle other specific cases here for debugging later
- else:
- print "Unknown response from server: %s" % status
- print "Dumping full response:"
- print resp_save
- if interval != None: interval_secs = int(interval.split()[1])
- else: interval_secs = 0
- if interval_secs > 1:
- self.waiting = True
- gobject.timeout_add(interval_secs * 1000, self.clear_waiting)
- print "Server says to wait for %d seconds." % interval_secs
- if self.disabled and len(self.queue) == 0 and self.submission_tid != -1:
- print "All songs submitted, disabling retries."
- gobject.source_remove(self.submission_tid)
- self.submission_tid = -1
- self.already_submitted = True
- self.locked = False
- def PluginPreferences(self, parent):
- def changed(entry, key):
- # having two functions is unnecessary..
- config.set("plugins", "scrobbler_" + key, entry.get_text())
- def destroyed(*args):
- # if changed, let's say that things just got better and we should
- # try everything again
- newu = None
- newp = None
- try:
- newu = config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_username")
- newp = config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_password")
- except:
- return
- if self.username != newu or self.password != newp:
- self.broken = False
- table = gtk.Table(3, 2)
- table.set_col_spacings(3)
- lt = gtk.Label(_("Please enter your Audioscrobbler username and password."))
- lt.set_size_request(260, -1)
- lu = gtk.Label(_("Username:"))
- lp = gtk.Label(_("Password:"))
- for l in [lt, lu, lp]:
- l.set_line_wrap(True)
- l.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
- table.attach(lt, 0, 2, 0, 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
- table.attach(lu, 0, 1, 1, 2, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
- table.attach(lp, 0, 1, 2, 3, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
- userent = gtk.Entry()
- pwent = gtk.Entry()
- pwent.set_visibility(False)
- pwent.set_invisible_char('*')
- table.set_border_width(6)
- try: userent.set_text(config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_username"))
- except: pass
- try: pwent.set_text(config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_password"))
- except: pass
- table.attach(userent, 1, 2, 1, 2)
- table.attach(pwent, 1, 2, 2, 3)
- pwent.connect('changed', changed, 'password')
- userent.connect('changed', changed, 'username')
- table.connect('destroy', destroyed)
- return table
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-descr b/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3011b0e..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Quod Libet is a GTK+-based audio player written in Python.
diff --git a/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-plist b/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index aaec700d0..000000000
--- a/multimedia/quodlibet/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-@dirrmtry share/applications
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/plugins
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/plugins
-@exec mkdir -p %D/lib/quodlibet
-@dirrm lib/quodlibet
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/browsers
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/browsers
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/formats
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/formats
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/mutagen
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/mutagen
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/parse
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/parse
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet/qltk
-@dirrm share/quodlibet/qltk
-@exec mkdir -p %D/share/quodlibet
-@dirrm share/quodlibet