path: root/ui/app/add-token.js
diff options
authorAlexander Tseung <alextsg@gmail.com>2017-11-29 12:24:35 +0800
committerAlexander Tseung <alextsg@gmail.com>2017-12-15 04:50:20 +0800
commite226b10a89d87af07c7c35ff1251a8264f3bb1b8 (patch)
tree2a1507463ac1074a39e4ebd3ae609be0a2962bc6 /ui/app/add-token.js
parent339eb7d1a687f141e822c745c568063783d44f15 (diff)
Add react-router to allow use of the browser back button
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/add-token.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/add-token.js b/ui/app/add-token.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 10aaae103..000000000
--- a/ui/app/add-token.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-const inherits = require('util').inherits
-const Component = require('react').Component
-const classnames = require('classnames')
-const h = require('react-hyperscript')
-const connect = require('react-redux').connect
-const Fuse = require('fuse.js')
-const contractMap = require('eth-contract-metadata')
-const TokenBalance = require('./components/token-balance')
-const Identicon = require('./components/identicon')
-const contractList = Object.entries(contractMap)
- .map(([ _, tokenData]) => tokenData)
- .filter(tokenData => Boolean(tokenData.erc20))
-const fuse = new Fuse(contractList, {
- shouldSort: true,
- threshold: 0.45,
- location: 0,
- distance: 100,
- maxPatternLength: 32,
- minMatchCharLength: 1,
- keys: ['address', 'name', 'symbol'],
-const actions = require('./actions')
-const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
-const { tokenInfoGetter } = require('./token-util')
-const R = require('ramda')
-const emptyAddr = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
-module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AddTokenScreen)
-function mapStateToProps (state) {
- const { identities, tokens } = state.metamask
- return {
- identities,
- tokens,
- }
-function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
- return {
- goHome: () => dispatch(actions.goHome()),
- addTokens: tokens => dispatch(actions.addTokens(tokens)),
- }
-inherits(AddTokenScreen, Component)
-function AddTokenScreen () {
- this.state = {
- isShowingConfirmation: false,
- customAddress: '',
- customSymbol: '',
- customDecimals: 0,
- searchQuery: '',
- isCollapsed: true,
- selectedTokens: {},
- errors: {},
- }
- this.tokenAddressDidChange = this.tokenAddressDidChange.bind(this)
- this.onNext = this.onNext.bind(this)
- Component.call(this)
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.componentWillMount = function () {
- this.tokenInfoGetter = tokenInfoGetter()
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.toggleToken = function (address, token) {
- const { selectedTokens, errors } = this.state
- const { [address]: selectedToken } = selectedTokens
- this.setState({
- selectedTokens: {
- ...selectedTokens,
- [address]: selectedToken ? null : token,
- },
- errors: {
- ...errors,
- tokenSelector: null,
- },
- })
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.onNext = function () {
- const { isValid, errors } = this.validate()
- return !isValid
- ? this.setState({ errors })
- : this.setState({ isShowingConfirmation: true })
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.tokenAddressDidChange = function (e) {
- const customAddress = e.target.value.trim()
- this.setState({ customAddress })
- if (ethUtil.isValidAddress(customAddress) && customAddress !== emptyAddr) {
- this.attemptToAutoFillTokenParams(customAddress)
- } else {
- this.setState({
- customSymbol: '',
- customDecimals: 0,
- })
- }
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.checkExistingAddresses = function (address) {
- if (!address) return false
- const tokensList = this.props.tokens
- const matchesAddress = existingToken => {
- return existingToken.address.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase()
- }
- return R.any(matchesAddress)(tokensList)
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.validate = function () {
- const errors = {}
- const identitiesList = Object.keys(this.props.identities)
- const { customAddress, customSymbol, customDecimals, selectedTokens } = this.state
- const standardAddress = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(customAddress).toLowerCase()
- if (customAddress) {
- const validAddress = ethUtil.isValidAddress(customAddress)
- if (!validAddress) {
- errors.customAddress = 'Address is invalid. '
- }
- const validDecimals = customDecimals >= 0 && customDecimals < 36
- if (!validDecimals) {
- errors.customDecimals = 'Decimals must be at least 0, and not over 36.'
- }
- const symbolLen = customSymbol.trim().length
- const validSymbol = symbolLen > 0 && symbolLen < 10
- if (!validSymbol) {
- errors.customSymbol = 'Symbol must be between 0 and 10 characters.'
- }
- const ownAddress = identitiesList.includes(standardAddress)
- if (ownAddress) {
- errors.customAddress = 'Personal address detected. Input the token contract address.'
- }
- const tokenAlreadyAdded = this.checkExistingAddresses(customAddress)
- if (tokenAlreadyAdded) {
- errors.customAddress = 'Token has already been added.'
- }
- } else if (
- Object.entries(selectedTokens)
- .reduce((isEmpty, [ symbol, isSelected ]) => (
- isEmpty && !isSelected
- ), true)
- ) {
- errors.tokenSelector = 'Must select at least 1 token.'
- }
- return {
- isValid: !Object.keys(errors).length,
- errors,
- }
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.attemptToAutoFillTokenParams = async function (address) {
- const { symbol, decimals } = await this.tokenInfoGetter(address)
- if (symbol && decimals) {
- this.setState({
- customSymbol: symbol,
- customDecimals: decimals.toString(),
- })
- }
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderCustomForm = function () {
- const { customAddress, customSymbol, customDecimals, errors } = this.state
- return !this.state.isCollapsed && (
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-form', [
- h('div', {
- className: classnames('add-token__add-custom-field', {
- 'add-token__add-custom-field--error': errors.customAddress,
- }),
- }, [
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-label', 'Token Address'),
- h('input.add-token__add-custom-input', {
- type: 'text',
- onChange: this.tokenAddressDidChange,
- value: customAddress,
- }),
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-error-message', errors.customAddress),
- ]),
- h('div', {
- className: classnames('add-token__add-custom-field', {
- 'add-token__add-custom-field--error': errors.customSymbol,
- }),
- }, [
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-label', 'Token Symbol'),
- h('input.add-token__add-custom-input', {
- type: 'text',
- value: customSymbol,
- disabled: true,
- }),
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-error-message', errors.customSymbol),
- ]),
- h('div', {
- className: classnames('add-token__add-custom-field', {
- 'add-token__add-custom-field--error': errors.customDecimals,
- }),
- }, [
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-label', 'Decimals of Precision'),
- h('input.add-token__add-custom-input', {
- type: 'number',
- value: customDecimals,
- disabled: true,
- }),
- h('div.add-token__add-custom-error-message', errors.customDecimals),
- ]),
- ])
- )
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderTokenList = function () {
- const { searchQuery = '', selectedTokens } = this.state
- const results = searchQuery
- ? fuse.search(searchQuery) || []
- : contractList
- return Array(6).fill(undefined)
- .map((_, i) => {
- const { logo, symbol, name, address } = results[i] || {}
- const tokenAlreadyAdded = this.checkExistingAddresses(address)
- return Boolean(logo || symbol || name) && (
- h('div.add-token__token-wrapper', {
- className: classnames({
- 'add-token__token-wrapper--selected': selectedTokens[address],
- 'add-token__token-wrapper--disabled': tokenAlreadyAdded,
- }),
- onClick: () => !tokenAlreadyAdded && this.toggleToken(address, results[i]),
- }, [
- h('div.add-token__token-icon', {
- style: {
- backgroundImage: `url(images/contract/${logo})`,
- },
- }),
- h('div.add-token__token-data', [
- h('div.add-token__token-symbol', symbol),
- h('div.add-token__token-name', name),
- ]),
- // tokenAlreadyAdded && (
- // h('div.add-token__token-message', 'Already added')
- // ),
- ])
- )
- })
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderConfirmation = function () {
- const {
- customAddress: address,
- customSymbol: symbol,
- customDecimals: decimals,
- selectedTokens,
- } = this.state
- const { addTokens, goHome } = this.props
- const customToken = {
- address,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- }
- const tokens = address && symbol && decimals
- ? { ...selectedTokens, [address]: customToken }
- : selectedTokens
- return (
- h('div.add-token', [
- h('div.add-token__wrapper', [
- h('div.add-token__title-container.add-token__confirmation-title', [
- h('div.add-token__title', 'Add Token'),
- h('div.add-token__description', 'Would you like to add these tokens?'),
- ]),
- h('div.add-token__content-container.add-token__confirmation-content', [
- h('div.add-token__description.add-token__confirmation-description', 'Your balances'),
- h('div.add-token__confirmation-token-list',
- Object.entries(tokens)
- .map(([ address, token ]) => (
- h('span.add-token__confirmation-token-list-item', [
- h(Identicon, {
- className: 'add-token__confirmation-token-icon',
- diameter: 75,
- address,
- }),
- h(TokenBalance, { token }),
- ])
- ))
- ),
- ]),
- ]),
- h('div.add-token__buttons', [
- h('button.btn-secondary', {
- onClick: () => addTokens(tokens).then(goHome),
- }, 'Add Tokens'),
- h('button.btn-tertiary', {
- onClick: () => this.setState({ isShowingConfirmation: false }),
- }, 'Back'),
- ]),
- ])
- )
-AddTokenScreen.prototype.render = function () {
- const { isCollapsed, errors, isShowingConfirmation } = this.state
- const { goHome } = this.props
- return isShowingConfirmation
- ? this.renderConfirmation()
- : (
- h('div.add-token', [
- h('div.add-token__wrapper', [
- h('div.add-token__title-container', [
- h('div.add-token__title', 'Add Token'),
- h('div.add-token__description', 'Keep track of the tokens you’ve bought with your MetaMask account. If you bought tokens using a different account, those tokens will not appear here.'),
- h('div.add-token__description', 'Search for tokens or select from our list of popular tokens.'),
- ]),
- h('div.add-token__content-container', [
- h('div.add-token__input-container', [
- h('input.add-token__input', {
- type: 'text',
- placeholder: 'Search',
- onChange: e => this.setState({ searchQuery: e.target.value }),
- }),
- h('div.add-token__search-input-error-message', errors.tokenSelector),
- ]),
- h(
- 'div.add-token__token-icons-container',
- this.renderTokenList(),
- ),
- ]),
- h('div.add-token__footers', [
- h('div.add-token__add-custom', {
- onClick: () => this.setState({ isCollapsed: !isCollapsed }),
- }, [
- 'Add custom token',
- h(`i.fa.fa-angle-${isCollapsed ? 'down' : 'up'}`),
- ]),
- this.renderCustomForm(),
- ]),
- ]),
- h('div.add-token__buttons', [
- h('button.btn-secondary', {
- onClick: this.onNext,
- }, 'Next'),
- h('button.btn-tertiary', {
- onClick: goHome,
- }, 'Cancel'),
- ]),
- ])
- )