path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples
diff options
authorTaylor Gerring <taylor.gerring@gmail.com>2015-02-16 21:28:33 +0800
committerTaylor Gerring <taylor.gerring@gmail.com>2015-02-16 21:28:33 +0800
commit702218008ee2b6d708d6b2821cdef80736bb3224 (patch)
treed55ff7ce88187082378e7d8e4c2f3aad14d23b4e /Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples
parent202362d9258335c695eb75f55f4be74a50a1af33 (diff)
Add versioned dependencies from godep
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples')
36 files changed, 2138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/collatz.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/collatz.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..148b47b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/collatz.se
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+x = msg.data[0]
+steps = 0
+while x > 1:
+ steps += 1
+ if (x % 2) == 0:
+ x /= 2
+ else:
+ x = 3 * x + 1
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/counterparty.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/counterparty.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abec0d102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/counterparty.se
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Ethereum forks Counterparty in 340 lines of serpent
+# Not yet tested
+# assets[i] = a registered asset, assets[i].holders[j] = former or current i-holder
+data assets[2^50](creator, name, calldate, callprice, dividend_paid, holders[2^50], holdersCount)
+data nextAssetId
+# holdersMap: holdersMap[addr][asset] = 1 if addr holds asset
+data holdersMap[2^160][2^50]
+# balances[x][y] = how much of y x holds
+data balances[2^160][2^50]
+# orders[a][b] = heap of indices to (c, d, e)
+# = c offers to sell d units of a at a price of e units of b per 10^18 units
+# of a
+data orderbooks[2^50][2^50]
+# store of general order data
+data orders[2^50](seller, asset_sold, quantity, price)
+data ordersCount
+# data feeds
+data feeds[2^50](owner, value)
+data feedCount
+# heap
+data heap
+extern heap: [register, push, pop, top, size]
+data cfds[2^50](maker, acceptor, feed, asset, strike, leverage, min, max, maturity)
+data cfdCount
+data bets[2^50](maker, acceptor, feed, asset, makerstake, acceptorstake, eqtest, maturity)
+data betCount
+def init():
+ heap = create('heap.se')
+# Add units (internal method)
+def add(to, asset, value):
+ assert msg.sender == self
+ self.balances[to][asset] += value
+ # Add the holder to the holders list
+ if not self.holdersMap[to][asset]:
+ self.holdersMap[to][asset] = 1
+ c = self.assets[asset].holdersCount
+ self.assets[asset].holders[c] = to
+ self.assets[asset].holdersCount = c + 1
+# Register a new asset
+def register_asset(q, name, calldate, callprice):
+ newid = self.nextAssetId
+ self.assets[newid].creator = msg.sender
+ self.assets[newid].name = name
+ self.assets[newid].calldate = calldate
+ self.assets[newid].callprice = callprice
+ self.assets[newid].holders[0] = msg.sender
+ self.assets[newid].holdersCount = 1
+ self.balances[msg.sender][newid] = q
+ self.holdersMap[msg.sender][newid] = 1
+# Send
+def send(to, asset, value):
+ fromval = self.balances[msg.sender][asset]
+ if fromval >= value:
+ self.balances[msg.sender][asset] -= value
+ self.add(to, asset, value)
+# Order
+def mkorder(selling, buying, quantity, price):
+ # Make sure you have enough to pay for the order
+ assert self.balances[msg.sender][selling] >= quantity:
+ # Try to match existing orders
+ o = orderbooks[buying][selling]
+ if not o:
+ o = self.heap.register()
+ orderbooks[selling][buying] = o
+ sz = self.heap.size(o)
+ invprice = 10^36 / price
+ while quantity > 0 and sz > 0:
+ orderid = self.heap.pop()
+ p = self.orders[orderid].price
+ if p > invprice:
+ sz = 0
+ else:
+ q = self.orders[orderid].quantity
+ oq = min(q, quantity)
+ b = self.orders[orderid].seller
+ self.balances[msg.sender][selling] -= oq * p / 10^18
+ self.add(msg.sender, buying, oq)
+ self.add(b, selling, oq * p / 10^18)
+ self.orders[orderid].quantity = q - oq
+ if oq == q:
+ self.orders[orderid].seller = 0
+ self.orders[orderid].price = 0
+ self.orders[orderid].asset_sold = 0
+ quantity -= oq
+ sz -= 1
+ assert quantity > 0
+ # Make the order
+ c = self.ordersCount
+ self.orders[c].seller = msg.sender
+ self.orders[c].asset_sold = selling
+ self.orders[c].quantity = quantity
+ self.orders[c].price = price
+ self.ordersCount += 1
+ # Add it to the heap
+ o = orderbooks[selling][buying]
+ if not o:
+ o = self.heap.register()
+ orderbooks[selling][buying] = o
+ self.balances[msg.sender][selling] -= quantity
+ self.heap.push(o, price, c)
+ return(c)
+def cancel_order(id):
+ if self.orders[id].seller == msg.sender:
+ self.orders[id].seller = 0
+ self.orders[id].price = 0
+ self.balances[msg.sender][self.orders[id].asset_sold] += self.orders[id].quantity
+ self.orders[id].quantity = 0
+ self.orders[id].asset_sold = 0
+def register_feed():
+ c = self.feedCount
+ self.feeds[c].owner = msg.sender
+ self.feedCount = c + 1
+ return(c)
+def set_feed(id, v):
+ if self.feeds[id].owner == msg.sender:
+ self.feeds[id].value = v
+def mk_cfd_offer(feed, asset, strike, leverage, min, max, maturity):
+ b = self.balances[msg.sender][asset]
+ req = max((strike - min) * leverage, (strike - max) * leverage)
+ assert b >= req
+ self.balances[msg.sender][asset] = b - req
+ c = self.cfdCount
+ self.cfds[c].maker = msg.sender
+ self.cfds[c].feed = feed
+ self.cfds[c].asset = asset
+ self.cfds[c].strike = strike
+ self.cfds[c].leverage = leverage
+ self.cfds[c].min = min
+ self.cfds[c].max = max
+ self.cfds[c].maturity = maturity
+ self.cfdCount = c + 1
+ return(c)
+def accept_cfd_offer(c):
+ assert not self.cfds[c].acceptor and self.cfds[c].maker
+ asset = self.cfds[c].asset
+ strike = self.cfds[c].strike
+ min = self.cfds[c].min
+ max = self.cfds[c].max
+ leverage = self.cfds[c].leverage
+ b = self.balances[msg.sender][asset]
+ req = max((min - strike) * leverage, (max - strike) * leverage)
+ assert b >= req
+ self.balances[msg.sender][asset] = b - req
+ self.cfds[c].acceptor = msg.sender
+ self.cfds[c].maturity += block.timestamp
+def claim_cfd_offer(c):
+ asset = self.cfds[c].asset
+ strike = self.cfds[c].strike
+ min = self.cfds[c].min
+ max = self.cfds[c].max
+ leverage = self.cfds[c].leverage
+ v = self.feeds[self.cfds[c].feed].value
+ assert v <= min or v >= max or block.timestamp >= self.cfds[c].maturity
+ maker_req = max((strike - min) * leverage, (strike - max) * leverage)
+ acceptor_req = max((min - strike) * leverage, (max - strike) * leverage)
+ paydelta = (strike - v) * leverage
+ self.add(self.cfds[c].maker, asset, maker_req + paydelta)
+ self.add(self.cfds[c].acceptor, asset, acceptor_req - paydelta)
+ self.cfds[c].maker = 0
+ self.cfds[c].acceptor = 0
+ self.cfds[c].feed = 0
+ self.cfds[c].asset = 0
+ self.cfds[c].strike = 0
+ self.cfds[c].leverage = 0
+ self.cfds[c].min = 0
+ self.cfds[c].max = 0
+ self.cfds[c].maturity = 0
+def withdraw_cfd_offer(c):
+ if self.cfds[c].maker == msg.sender and not self.cfds[c].acceptor:
+ asset = self.cfds[c].asset
+ strike = self.cfds[c].strike
+ min = self.cfds[c].min
+ max = self.cfds[c].max
+ leverage = self.cfds[c].leverage
+ maker_req = max((strike - min) * leverage, (strike - max) * leverage)
+ self.balances[self.cfds[c].maker][asset] += maker_req
+ self.cfds[c].maker = 0
+ self.cfds[c].acceptor = 0
+ self.cfds[c].feed = 0
+ self.cfds[c].asset = 0
+ self.cfds[c].strike = 0
+ self.cfds[c].leverage = 0
+ self.cfds[c].min = 0
+ self.cfds[c].max = 0
+ self.cfds[c].maturity = 0
+def mk_bet_offer(feed, asset, makerstake, acceptorstake, eqtest, maturity):
+ assert self.balances[msg.sender][asset] >= makerstake
+ c = self.betCount
+ self.bets[c].maker = msg.sender
+ self.bets[c].feed = feed
+ self.bets[c].asset = asset
+ self.bets[c].makerstake = makerstake
+ self.bets[c].acceptorstake = acceptorstake
+ self.bets[c].eqtest = eqtest
+ self.bets[c].maturity = maturity
+ self.balances[msg.sender][asset] -= makerstake
+ self.betCount = c + 1
+ return(c)
+def accept_bet_offer(c):
+ assert self.bets[c].maker and not self.bets[c].acceptor
+ asset = self.bets[c].asset
+ acceptorstake = self.bets[c].acceptorstake
+ assert self.balances[msg.sender][asset] >= acceptorstake
+ self.balances[msg.sender][asset] -= acceptorstake
+ self.bets[c].acceptor = msg.sender
+def claim_bet_offer(c):
+ assert block.timestamp >= self.bets[c].maturity
+ v = self.feeds[self.bets[c].feed].value
+ totalstake = self.bets[c].makerstake + self.bets[c].acceptorstake
+ if v == self.bets[c].eqtest:
+ self.add(self.bets[c].maker, self.bets[c].asset, totalstake)
+ else:
+ self.add(self.bets[c].acceptor, self.bets[c].asset, totalstake)
+ self.bets[c].maker = 0
+ self.bets[c].feed = 0
+ self.bets[c].asset = 0
+ self.bets[c].makerstake = 0
+ self.bets[c].acceptorstake = 0
+ self.bets[c].eqtest = 0
+ self.bets[c].maturity = 0
+def cancel_bet(c):
+ assert not self.bets[c].acceptor and msg.sender == self.bets[c].maker
+ self.balances[msg.sender][self.bets[c].asset] += self.bets[c].makerstake
+ self.bets[c].maker = 0
+ self.bets[c].feed = 0
+ self.bets[c].asset = 0
+ self.bets[c].makerstake = 0
+ self.bets[c].acceptorstake = 0
+ self.bets[c].eqtest = 0
+ self.bets[c].maturity = 0
+def dividend(holder_asset, divvying_asset, ratio):
+ i = 0
+ sz = self.assets[holder_asset].holdersCount
+ t = 0
+ holders = array(sz)
+ payments = array(sz)
+ while i < sz:
+ holders[i] = self.assets[holder_asset].holders[i]
+ payments[i] = self.balances[holders[i]][holder_asset] * ratio / 10^18
+ t += payments[i]
+ i += 1
+ if self.balances[msg.sender][divvying_asset] >= t:
+ i = 0
+ while i < sz:
+ self.add(holders[i], divvying_asset, payments[i])
+ i += 1
+ self.balances[msg.sender][divvying_asset] -= t
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/heap.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/heap.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a43a3974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/counterparty/heap.se
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+data heaps[2^50](owner, size, nodes[2^50](key, value))
+data heapIndex
+def register():
+ i = self.heapIndex
+ self.heaps[i].owner = msg.sender
+ self.heapIndex = i + 1
+ return(i)
+def push(heap, key, value):
+ assert msg.sender == self.heaps[heap].owner
+ sz = self.heaps[heap].size
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].key = key
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].value = value
+ k = sz + 1
+ while k > 1:
+ bottom = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].key
+ top = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k/2].key
+ if bottom < top:
+ tvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k/2].value
+ bvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].value
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].key = top
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].value = tvalue
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k/2].key = bottom
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k/2].value = bvalue
+ k /= 2
+ else:
+ k = 0
+ self.heaps[heap].size = sz + 1
+def pop(heap):
+ sz = self.heaps[heap].size
+ assert sz
+ prevtop = self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].value
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].key = self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].key
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].value = self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].value
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].key = 0
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[sz].value = 0
+ top = self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].key
+ k = 1
+ while k * 2 < sz:
+ bottom1 = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2].key
+ bottom2 = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2 + 1].key
+ if bottom1 < top and (bottom1 < bottom2 or k * 2 + 1 >= sz):
+ tvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].value
+ bvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2].value
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].key = bottom1
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].value = bvalue
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2].key = top
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2].value = tvalue
+ k = k * 2
+ elif bottom2 < top and bottom2 < bottom1 and k * 2 + 1 < sz:
+ tvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].value
+ bvalue = self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2 + 1].value
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].key = bottom2
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k].value = bvalue
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2 + 1].key = top
+ self.heaps[heap].nodes[k * 2 + 1].value = tvalue
+ k = k * 2 + 1
+ else:
+ k = sz
+ self.heaps[heap].size = sz - 1
+ return(prevtop)
+def top(heap):
+ return(self.heaps[heap].nodes[1].value)
+def size(heap):
+ return(self.heaps[heap].size)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/crowdfund.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/crowdfund.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fd1e0643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/crowdfund.se
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+data campaigns[2^80](recipient, goal, deadline, contrib_total, contrib_count, contribs[2^50](sender, value))
+def create_campaign(id, recipient, goal, timelimit):
+ if self.campaigns[id].recipient:
+ return(0)
+ self.campaigns[id].recipient = recipient
+ self.campaigns[id].goal = goal
+ self.campaigns[id].deadline = block.timestamp + timelimit
+def contribute(id):
+ # Update contribution total
+ total_contributed = self.campaigns[id].contrib_total + msg.value
+ self.campaigns[id].contrib_total = total_contributed
+ # Record new contribution
+ sub_index = self.campaigns[id].contrib_count
+ self.campaigns[id].contribs[sub_index].sender = msg.sender
+ self.campaigns[id].contribs[sub_index].value = msg.value
+ self.campaigns[id].contrib_count = sub_index + 1
+ # Enough funding?
+ if total_contributed >= self.campaigns[id].goal:
+ send(self.campaigns[id].recipient, total_contributed)
+ self.clear(id)
+ return(1)
+ # Expired?
+ if block.timestamp > self.campaigns[id].deadline:
+ i = 0
+ c = self.campaigns[id].contrib_count
+ while i < c:
+ send(self.campaigns[id].contribs[i].sender, self.campaigns[id].contribs[i].value)
+ i += 1
+ self.clear(id)
+ return(2)
+def progress_report(id):
+ return(self.campaigns[id].contrib_total)
+# Clearing function for internal use
+def clear(id):
+ if self == msg.sender:
+ self.campaigns[id].recipient = 0
+ self.campaigns[id].goal = 0
+ self.campaigns[id].deadline = 0
+ c = self.campaigns[id].contrib_count
+ self.campaigns[id].contrib_count = 0
+ self.campaigns[id].contrib_total = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i < c:
+ self.campaigns[id].contribs[i].sender = 0
+ self.campaigns[id].contribs[i].value = 0
+ i += 1
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/futarchy.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/futarchy.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d68622ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/futarchy.se
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# 0: current epoch
+# 1: number of proposals
+# 2: master currency
+# 3: last winning market
+# 4: last txid
+# 5: long-term ema currency units purchased
+# 6: last block when currency units purchased
+# 7: ether allocated to last round
+# 8: last block when currency units claimed
+# 9: ether allocated to current round
+# 1000+: [proposal address, market ID, totprice, totvolume]
+ # We technically have two levels of epoch here. We have
+ # one epoch of 1000, to synchronize with the 1000 epoch
+ # of the market, and then 100 of those epochs make a
+ # meta-epoch (I'll nominate the term "seculum") over
+ # which the futarchy protocol will take place
+ contract.storage[0] = block.number / 1000
+ # The master currency of the futarchy. The futarchy will
+ # assign currency units to whoever the prediction market
+ # thinks will best increase the currency's value
+ master_currency = create('subcurrency.se')
+ contract.storage[2] = master_currency
+ curepoch = block.number / 1000
+ prevepoch = contract.storage[0]
+ if curepoch > prevepoch:
+ if (curepoch % 100) > 50:
+ # Collect price data
+ # We take an average over 50 subepochs to determine
+ # the price of each asset, weighting by volume to
+ # prevent abuse
+ contract.storage[0] = curepoch
+ i = 0
+ numprop = contract.storage[1]
+ while i < numprop:
+ market = contract.storage[1001 + i * 4]
+ price = call(market, 2)
+ volume = call(market, 3)
+ contract.storage[1002 + i * 4] += price
+ contract.storage[1003 + i * 4] += volume * price
+ i += 1
+ if (curepoch / 100) > (prevepoch / 100):
+ # If we are entering a new seculum, we determine the
+ # market with the highest total average price
+ best = 0
+ bestmarket = 0
+ besti = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i < numprop:
+ curtotprice = contract.storage[1002 + i * 4]
+ curvolume = contract.storage[1002 + i * 4]
+ curavgprice = curtotprice / curvolume
+ if curavgprice > best:
+ best = curavgprice
+ besti = i
+ bestmarket = contract.storage[1003 + i * 4]
+ i += 1
+ # Reset the number of proposals to 0
+ contract.storage[1] = 0
+ # Reward the highest proposal
+ call(contract.storage[2], [best, 10^9, 0], 3)
+ # Record the winning market so we can later appropriately
+ # compensate the participants
+ contract.storage[2] = bestmarket
+ # The amount of ether allocated to the last round
+ contract.storage[7] = contract.storage[9]
+ # The amount of ether allocated to the next round
+ contract.storage[9] = contract.balance / 2
+ # Make a proposal [0, address]
+ if msg.data[0] == 0 and curepoch % 100 < 50:
+ pid = contract.storage[1]
+ market = create('market.se')
+ c1 = create('subcurrency.se')
+ c2 = create('subcurrency.se')
+ call(market, [c1, c2], 2)
+ contract.storage[1000 + pid * 4] = msg.data[1]
+ contract.storage[1001 + pid * 4] = market
+ contract.storage[1] += 1
+ # Claim ether [1, address]
+ # One unit of the first currency in the last round's winning
+ # market entitles you to a quantity of ether that was decided
+ # at the start of that epoch
+ elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ first_subcurrency = call(contract.storage[2], 3)
+ # We ask the first subcurrency contract what the last transaction was. The
+ # way to make a claim is to send the amount of first currency units that
+ # you wish to claim with, and then immediately call this contract. For security
+ # it makes sense to set up a tx which sends both messages in sequence atomically
+ data = call(first_subcurrency, [], 0, 4)
+ from = data[0]
+ to = data[1]
+ value = data[2]
+ txid = data[3]
+ if txid > contract.storage[4] and to == contract.address:
+ send(to, contract.storage[7] * value / 10^9)
+ contract.storage[4] = txid
+ # Claim second currency [2, address]
+ # One unit of the second currency in the last round's winning
+ # market entitles you to one unit of the futarchy's master
+ # currency
+ elif msg.data[0] == 2:
+ second_subcurrency = call(contract.storage[2], 3)
+ data = call(first_subcurrency, [], 0, 4)
+ from = data[0]
+ to = data[1]
+ value = data[2]
+ txid = data[3]
+ if txid > contract.storage[4] and to == contract.address:
+ call(contract.storage[2], [to, value], 2)
+ contract.storage[4] = txid
+ # Purchase currency for ether (target releasing 10^9 units per seculum)
+ # Price starts off 1 eth for 10^9 units but increases hyperbolically to
+ # limit issuance
+ elif msg.data[0] == 3:
+ pre_ema = contract.storage[5]
+ post_ema = pre_ema + msg.value
+ pre_reserve = 10^18 / (10^9 + pre_ema / 10^9)
+ post_reserve = 10^18 / (10^9 + post_ema / 10^9)
+ call(contract.storage[2], [msg.sender, pre_reserve - post_reserve], 2)
+ last_sold = contract.storage[6]
+ contract.storage[5] = pre_ema * (100000 + last_sold - block.number) + msg.value
+ contract.storage[6] = block.number
+ # Claim all currencies as the ether miner of the current block
+ elif msg.data[0] == 2 and msg.sender == block.coinbase and block.number > contract.storage[8]:
+ i = 0
+ numproposals = contract.storage[1]
+ while i < numproposals:
+ market = contract.storage[1001 + i * 3]
+ fc = call(market, 4)
+ sc = call(market, 5)
+ call(fc, [msg.sender, 1000], 2)
+ call(sc, [msg.sender, 1000], 2)
+ i += 1
+ contract.storage[8] = block.number
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/heap.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/heap.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bc442e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/heap.se
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# 0: size
+# 1-n: elements
+ contract.storage[1000] = msg.sender
+ # Only owner of the heap is allowed to modify it
+ if contract.storage[1000] != msg.sender:
+ stop
+ # push
+ if msg.data[0] == 0:
+ sz = contract.storage[0]
+ contract.storage[sz + 1] = msg.data[1]
+ k = sz + 1
+ while k > 1:
+ bottom = contract.storage[k]
+ top = contract.storage[k/2]
+ if bottom < top:
+ contract.storage[k] = top
+ contract.storage[k/2] = bottom
+ k /= 2
+ else:
+ k = 0
+ contract.storage[0] = sz + 1
+ # pop
+ elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ sz = contract.storage[0]
+ if !sz:
+ return(0)
+ prevtop = contract.storage[1]
+ contract.storage[1] = contract.storage[sz]
+ contract.storage[sz] = 0
+ top = contract.storage[1]
+ k = 1
+ while k * 2 < sz:
+ bottom1 = contract.storage[k * 2]
+ bottom2 = contract.storage[k * 2 + 1]
+ if bottom1 < top and (bottom1 < bottom2 or k * 2 + 1 >= sz):
+ contract.storage[k] = bottom1
+ contract.storage[k * 2] = top
+ k = k * 2
+ elif bottom2 < top and bottom2 < bottom1 and k * 2 + 1 < sz:
+ contract.storage[k] = bottom2
+ contract.storage[k * 2 + 1] = top
+ k = k * 2 + 1
+ else:
+ k = sz
+ contract.storage[0] = sz - 1
+ return(prevtop)
+ # top
+ elif msg.data[0] == 2:
+ return(contract.storage[1])
+ # size
+ elif msg.data[0] == 3:
+ return(contract.storage[0])
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/market.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/market.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2303a0b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/market.se
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Creates a decentralized market between any two subcurrencies
+# Here, the first subcurrency is the base asset and the second
+# subcurrency is the asset priced against the base asset. Hence,
+# "buying" refers to trading the first for the second, and
+# "selling" refers to trading the second for the first
+# storage 0: buy orders
+# storage 1: sell orders
+# storage 1000: first subcurrency
+# storage 1001: last first subcurrency txid
+# storage 2000: second subcurrency
+# storage 2001: last second subcurrency txid
+# storage 3000: current epoch
+# storage 4000: price
+# storage 4001: volume
+ # Heap for buy orders
+ contract.storage[0] = create('heap.se')
+ # Heap for sell orders
+ contract.storage[1] = create('heap.se')
+ # Initialize with [ first_subcurrency, second_subcurrency ]
+ if !contract.storage[1000]:
+ contract.storage[1000] = msg.data[0] # First subcurrency
+ contract.storage[1001] = -1
+ contract.storage[2000] = msg.data[1] # Second subcurrency
+ contract.storage[2001] = -1
+ contract.storage[3000] = block.number / 1000
+ stop
+ first_subcurrency = contract.storage[1000]
+ second_subcurrency = contract.storage[2000]
+ buy_heap = contract.storage[0]
+ sell_heap = contract.storage[1]
+ # This contract operates in "epochs" of 100 blocks
+ # At the end of each epoch, we process all orders
+ # simultaneously, independent of order. This algorithm
+ # prevents front-running, and generates a profit from
+ # the spread. The profit is permanently kept in the
+ # market (ie. destroyed), making both subcurrencies
+ # more valuable
+ # Epoch transition code
+ if contract.storage[3000] < block.number / 100:
+ done = 0
+ volume = 0
+ while !done:
+ # Grab the top buy and sell order from each heap
+ topbuy = call(buy_heap, 1)
+ topsell = call(sell_heap, 1)
+ # An order is recorded in the heap as:
+ # Buys: (2^48 - 1 - price) * 2^208 + units of first currency * 2^160 + from
+ # Sells: price * 2^208 + units of second currency * 2^160 + from
+ buyprice = -(topbuy / 2^208)
+ buyfcvalue = (topbuy / 2^160) % 2^48
+ buyer = topbuy % 2^160
+ sellprice = topsell / 2^208
+ sellscvalue = (topsell / 2^160) % 2^48
+ seller = topsell % 2^160
+ # Heap empty, or no more matching orders
+ if not topbuy or not topsell or buyprice < sellprice:
+ done = 1
+ else:
+ # Add to volume counter
+ volume += buyfcvalue
+ # Calculate how much of the second currency the buyer gets, and
+ # how much of the first currency the seller gets
+ sellfcvalue = sellscvalue / buyprice
+ buyscvalue = buyfcvalue * sellprice
+ # Send the currency units along
+ call(second_subcurrency, [buyer, buyscvalue], 2)
+ call(first_subcurrency, [seller, sellfcvalue], 2)
+ if volume:
+ contract.storage[4000] = (buyprice + sellprice) / 2
+ contract.storage[4001] = volume
+ contract.storage[3000] = block.number / 100
+ # Make buy order [0, price]
+ if msg.data[0] == 0:
+ # We ask the first subcurrency contract what the last transaction was. The
+ # way to make a buy order is to send the amount of first currency units that
+ # you wish to buy with, and then immediately call this contract. For security
+ # it makes sense to set up a tx which sends both messages in sequence atomically
+ data = call(first_subcurrency, [], 0, 4)
+ from = data[0]
+ to = data[1]
+ value = data[2]
+ txid = data[3]
+ price = msg.data[1]
+ if txid > contract.storage[1001] and to == contract.address:
+ contract.storage[1001] = txid
+ # Adds the order to the heap
+ call(buy_heap, [0, -price * 2^208 + (value % 2^48) * 2^160 + from], 2)
+ # Make sell order [1, price]
+ elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ # Same mechanics as buying
+ data = call(second_subcurrency, [], 0, 4)
+ from = data[0]
+ to = data[1]
+ value = data[2]
+ txid = data[3]
+ price = msg.data[1]
+ if txid > contract.storage[2001] and to == contract.address:
+ contract.storage[2001] = txid
+ call(sell_heap, [0, price * 2^208 + (value % 2^48) * 2^160 + from], 2)
+ # Ask for price
+ elif msg.data[0] == 2:
+ return(contract.storage[4000])
+ # Ask for volume
+ elif msg.data[0] == 3:
+ return(contract.storage[1000])
+ # Ask for first currency
+ elif msg.data[0] == 4:
+ return(contract.storage[2000])
+ # Ask for second currency
+ elif msg.data[0] == 5:
+ return(contract.storage[4001])
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/subcurrency.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/subcurrency.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1501beff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/subcurrency.se
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Initialization
+# Admin can issue and delete at will
+ contract.storage[0] = msg.sender
+ # If a message with one item is sent, that's a balance query
+ if msg.datasize == 1:
+ addr = msg.data[0]
+ return(contract.storage[addr])
+ # If a message with two items [to, value] are sent, that's a transfer request
+ elif msg.datasize == 2:
+ from = msg.sender
+ fromvalue = contract.storage[from]
+ to = msg.data[0]
+ value = msg.data[1]
+ if fromvalue >= value and value > 0 and to > 4:
+ contract.storage[from] = fromvalue - value
+ contract.storage[to] += value
+ contract.storage[2] = from
+ contract.storage[3] = to
+ contract.storage[4] = value
+ contract.storage[5] += 1
+ return(1)
+ return(0)
+ elif msg.datasize == 3 and msg.sender == contract.storage[0]:
+ # Admin can issue at will by sending a [to, value, 0] message
+ if msg.data[2] == 0:
+ contract.storage[msg.data[0]] += msg.data[1]
+ # Change admin [ newadmin, 0, 1 ]
+ # Set admin to 0 to disable administration
+ elif msg.data[2] == 1:
+ contract.storage[0] = msg.data[0]
+ # Fetch last transaction
+ else:
+ return([contract.storage[2], contract.storage[3], contract.storage[4], contract.storage[5]], 4)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/test.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/test.py
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index 000000000..301a4a845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/cyberdyne/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import pyethereum
+t = pyethereum.tester
+s = t.state()
+# Create currencies
+c1 = s.contract('subcurrency.se')
+print("First currency: %s" % c1)
+c2 = s.contract('subcurrency.se')
+print("First currency: %s" % c2)
+# Allocate units
+s.send(t.k0, c1, 0, [t.a0, 1000, 0])
+s.send(t.k0, c1, 0, [t.a1, 1000, 0])
+s.send(t.k0, c2, 0, [t.a2, 1000000, 0])
+s.send(t.k0, c2, 0, [t.a3, 1000000, 0])
+print("Allocated units")
+# Market
+m = s.contract('market.se')
+s.send(t.k0, m, 0, [c1, c2])
+# Place orders
+s.send(t.k0, c1, 0, [m, 1000])
+s.send(t.k0, m, 0, [0, 1200])
+s.send(t.k1, c1, 0, [m, 1000])
+s.send(t.k1, m, 0, [0, 1400])
+s.send(t.k2, c2, 0, [m, 1000000])
+s.send(t.k2, m, 0, [1, 800])
+s.send(t.k3, c2, 0, [m, 1000000])
+s.send(t.k3, m, 0, [1, 600])
+print("Orders placed")
+# Next epoch and ping
+print("Mined 100")
+s.send(t.k0, m, 0, [])
+# Check
+assert s.send(t.k0, c2, 0, [t.a0]) == [800000]
+assert s.send(t.k0, c2, 0, [t.a1]) == [600000]
+assert s.send(t.k0, c1, 0, [t.a2]) == [833]
+assert s.send(t.k0, c1, 0, [t.a3]) == [714]
+print("Balance checks passed")
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/datafeed.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/datafeed.se
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index 000000000..4c4a56de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/datafeed.se
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Database updateable only by the original creator
+data creator
+def init():
+ self.creator = msg.sender
+def update(k, v):
+ if msg.sender == self.creator:
+ self.storage[k] = v
+def query(k):
+ return(self.storage[k])
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover.se
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index 000000000..ce28f58c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover.se
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# So I looked up on Wikipedia what Jacobian form actually is, and noticed that it's
+# actually a rather different and more clever construction than the naive version
+# that I created. It may possible to achieve a further 20-50% savings by applying
+# that version.
+extern all: [call]
+data EXP
+def init():
+ self.JORDANMUL = create('jacobian_mul.se')
+ self.JORDANADD = create('jacobian_add.se')
+ self.EXP = create('modexp.se')
+def call(h, v, r, s):
+ N = -432420386565659656852420866394968145599
+ P = -4294968273
+ h = mod(h, N)
+ r = mod(r, P)
+ s = mod(s, N)
+ Gx = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
+ Gy = 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
+ x = r
+ xcubed = mulmod(mulmod(x, x, P), x, P)
+ beta = self.EXP.call(addmod(xcubed, 7, P), div(P + 1, 4), P)
+ # Static-gascost ghetto conditional
+ y_is_positive = mod(v, 2) xor mod(beta, 2)
+ y = beta * y_is_positive + (P - beta) * (1 - y_is_positive)
+ GZ = self.JORDANMUL.call(Gx, 1, Gy, 1, N - h, outsz=4)
+ XY = self.JORDANMUL.call(x, 1, y, 1, s, outsz=4)
+ COMB = self.JORDANADD.call(GZ[0], GZ[1], GZ[2], GZ[3], XY[0], XY[1], XY[2], XY[3], 1, outsz=5)
+ COMB[4] = self.EXP.call(r, N - 2, N)
+ Q = self.JORDANMUL.call(data=COMB, datasz=5, outsz=4)
+ ox = mulmod(Q[0], self.EXP.call(Q[1], P - 2, P), P)
+ oy = mulmod(Q[2], self.EXP.call(Q[3], P - 2, P), P)
+ return([ox, oy], 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover_compiled.evm b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover_compiled.evm
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index 000000000..f575fe70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/ecrecover_compiled.evm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_add.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_add.se
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index 000000000..29dc390b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_add.se
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+extern all: [call]
+data DOUBLE
+def init():
+ self.DOUBLE = create('jacobian_double.se')
+def call(axn, axd, ayn, ayd, bxn, bxd, byn, byd):
+ if !axn and !ayn:
+ o = [bxn, bxd, byn, byd]
+ if !bxn and !byn:
+ o = [axn, axd, ayn, ayd]
+ if o:
+ return(o, 4)
+ with P = -4294968273:
+ if addmod(mulmod(axn, bxd, P), P - mulmod(axd, bxn, P), P) == 0:
+ if addmod(mulmod(ayn, byd, P), P - mulmod(ayd, byn, P), P) == 0:
+ return(self.DOUBLE.call(axn, axd, ayn, ayd, outsz=4), 4)
+ else:
+ return([0, 1, 0, 1], 4)
+ with mn = mulmod(addmod(mulmod(byn, ayd, P), P - mulmod(ayn, byd, P), P), mulmod(bxd, axd, P), P):
+ with md = mulmod(mulmod(byd, ayd, P), addmod(mulmod(bxn, axd, P), P - mulmod(axn, bxd, P), P), P):
+ with msqn = mulmod(mn, mn, P):
+ with msqd = mulmod(md, md, P):
+ with msqman = addmod(mulmod(msqn, axd, P), P - mulmod(msqd, axn, P), P):
+ with msqmad = mulmod(msqd, axd, P):
+ with xn = addmod(mulmod(msqman, bxd, P), P - mulmod(msqmad, bxn, P), P):
+ with xd = mulmod(msqmad, bxd, P):
+ with mamxn = mulmod(mn, addmod(mulmod(axn, xd, P), P - mulmod(xn, axd, P), P), P):
+ with mamxd = mulmod(md, mulmod(axd, xd, P), P):
+ with yn = addmod(mulmod(mamxn, ayd, P), P - mulmod(mamxd, ayn, P), P):
+ with yd = mulmod(mamxd, ayd, P):
+ return([xn, xd, yn, yd], 4)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_double.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_double.se
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index 000000000..b7d8221a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_double.se
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+def call(axn, axd, ayn, ayd):
+ if !axn and !ayn:
+ return([0, 1, 0, 1], 4)
+ with P = -4294968273:
+ # No need to add (A, 1) because A = 0 for bitcoin
+ with mn = mulmod(mulmod(mulmod(axn, axn, P), 3, P), ayd, P):
+ with md = mulmod(mulmod(axd, axd, P), mulmod(ayn, 2, P), P):
+ with msqn = mulmod(mn, mn, P):
+ with msqd = mulmod(md, md, P):
+ with xn = addmod(mulmod(msqn, axd, P), P - mulmod(msqd, mulmod(axn, 2, P), P), P):
+ with xd = mulmod(msqd, axd, P):
+ with mamxn = mulmod(addmod(mulmod(axn, xd, P), P - mulmod(axd, xn, P), P), mn, P):
+ with mamxd = mulmod(mulmod(axd, xd, P), md, P):
+ with yn = addmod(mulmod(mamxn, ayd, P), P - mulmod(mamxd, ayn, P), P):
+ with yd = mulmod(mamxd, ayd, P):
+ return([xn, xd, yn, yd], 4)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_mul.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_mul.se
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index 000000000..bf5b96bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/jacobian_mul.se
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Expected gas cost
+# def expect(n, point_at_infinity=False):
+# n = n % (2**256 - 432420386565659656852420866394968145599)
+# if point_at_infinity:
+# return 79
+# if n == 0:
+# return 34479
+# L = int(1 + math.log(n) / math.log(2))
+# H = len([x for x in b.encode(n, 2) if x == '1'])
+# return 34221 + 94 * L + 343 * H
+data DOUBLE
+data ADD
+def init():
+ self.DOUBLE = create('jacobian_double.se')
+ self.ADD = create('jacobian_add.se')
+def call(axn, axd, ayn, ayd, n):
+ n = mod(n, -432420386565659656852420866394968145599)
+ if !axn * !ayn + !n: # Constant-gas version of !axn and !ayn or !n
+ return([0, 1, 0, 1], 4)
+ with o = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]:
+ with b = 2 ^ 255:
+ while gt(b, 0):
+ if n & b:
+ ~call(20000, self.DOUBLE, 0, o + 31, 129, o + 32, 128)
+ o[5] = axn
+ o[6] = axd
+ o[7] = ayn
+ o[8] = ayd
+ ~call(20000, self.ADD, 0, o + 31, 257, o + 32, 128)
+ else:
+ ~call(20000, self.DOUBLE, 0, o + 31, 129, o + 32, 128)
+ b = div(b, 2)
+ return(o + 32, 4)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/modexp.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/modexp.se
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index 000000000..687b12a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/modexp.se
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+def call(b, e, m):
+ with o = 1:
+ with bit = 2 ^ 255:
+ while gt(bit, 0):
+ # A touch of loop unrolling for 20% efficiency gain
+ o = mulmod(mulmod(o, o, m), b ^ !(!(e & bit)), m)
+ o = mulmod(mulmod(o, o, m), b ^ !(!(e & div(bit, 2))), m)
+ o = mulmod(mulmod(o, o, m), b ^ !(!(e & div(bit, 4))), m)
+ o = mulmod(mulmod(o, o, m), b ^ !(!(e & div(bit, 8))), m)
+ bit = div(bit, 16)
+ return(o)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/substitutes.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/substitutes.py
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index 000000000..0007da0cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/substitutes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import bitcoin as b
+import math
+import sys
+def signed(o):
+ return map(lambda x: x - 2**256 if x >= 2**255 else x, o)
+def hamming_weight(n):
+ return len([x for x in b.encode(n, 2) if x == '1'])
+def binary_length(n):
+ return len(b.encode(n, 2))
+def jacobian_mul_substitute(A, B, C, D, N):
+ if A == 0 and C == 0 or (N % b.N) == 0:
+ return {"gas": 86, "output": [0, 1, 0, 1]}
+ else:
+ output = b.jordan_multiply(((A, B), (C, D)), N)
+ return {
+ "gas": 35262 + 95 * binary_length(N % b.N) + 355 * hamming_weight(N % b.N),
+ "output": signed(list(output[0]) + list(output[1]))
+ }
+def jacobian_add_substitute(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H):
+ if A == 0 or E == 0:
+ gas = 149
+ elif (A * F - B * E) % b.P == 0:
+ if (C * H - D * G) % b.P == 0:
+ gas = 442
+ else:
+ gas = 177
+ else:
+ gas = 301
+ output = b.jordan_add(((A, B), (C, D)), ((E, F), (G, H)))
+ return {
+ "gas": gas,
+ "output": signed(list(output[0]) + list(output[1]))
+ }
+def modexp_substitute(base, exp, mod):
+ return {
+ "gas": 5150,
+ "output": signed([pow(base, exp, mod) if mod > 0 else 0])
+ }
+def ecrecover_substitute(z, v, r, s):
+ P, A, B, N, Gx, Gy = b.P, b.A, b.B, b.N, b.Gx, b.Gy
+ x = r
+ beta = pow(x*x*x+A*x+B, (P + 1) / 4, P)
+ BETA_PREMIUM = modexp_substitute(x, (P + 1) / 4, P)["gas"]
+ y = beta if v % 2 ^ beta % 2 else (P - beta)
+ Gz = b.jordan_multiply(((Gx, 1), (Gy, 1)), (N - z) % N)
+ GZ_PREMIUM = jacobian_mul_substitute(Gx, 1, Gy, 1, (N - z) % N)["gas"]
+ XY = b.jordan_multiply(((x, 1), (y, 1)), s)
+ XY_PREMIUM = jacobian_mul_substitute(x, 1, y, 1, s % N)["gas"]
+ Qr = b.jordan_add(Gz, XY)
+ QR_PREMIUM = jacobian_add_substitute(Gz[0][0], Gz[0][1], Gz[1][0], Gz[1][1],
+ XY[0][0], XY[0][1], XY[1][0], XY[1][1]
+ )["gas"]
+ Q = b.jordan_multiply(Qr, pow(r, N - 2, N))
+ Q_PREMIUM = jacobian_mul_substitute(Qr[0][0], Qr[0][1], Qr[1][0], Qr[1][1],
+ pow(r, N - 2, N))["gas"]
+ R_PREMIUM = modexp_substitute(r, N - 2, N)["gas"]
+ OX_PREMIUM = modexp_substitute(Q[0][1], P - 2, P)["gas"]
+ OY_PREMIUM = modexp_substitute(Q[1][1], P - 2, P)["gas"]
+ Q = b.from_jordan(Q)
+ return {
+ "output": signed(Q)
+ }
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/test.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48d21e32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/ecc/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import bitcoin as b
+import random
+import sys
+import math
+from pyethereum import tester as t
+import substitutes
+import time
+vals = [random.randrange(2**256) for i in range(12)]
+test_points = [list(p[0]) + list(p[1]) for p in
+ [b.jordan_multiply(((b.Gx, 1), (b.Gy, 1)), r) for r in vals]]
+G = [b.Gx, 1, b.Gy, 1]
+Z = [0, 1, 0, 1]
+def neg_point(p):
+ return [p[0], b.P - p[1], p[2], b.P - p[3]]
+s = t.state()
+s.block.gas_limit = 10000000
+t.gas_limit = 1000000
+c = s.contract('modexp.se')
+print "Starting modexp tests"
+for i in range(0, len(vals) - 2, 3):
+ o1 = substitutes.modexp_substitute(vals[i], vals[i+1], vals[i+2])
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=vals[i:i+3])
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+c = s.contract('jacobian_add.se')
+print "Starting addition tests"
+for i in range(2):
+ P = test_points[i * 2]
+ Q = test_points[i * 2 + 1]
+ NP = neg_point(P)
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_add_substitute(*(P + Q))
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=P + Q)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_add_substitute(*(P + NP))
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=P + NP)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_add_substitute(*(P + P))
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=P + P)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_add_substitute(*(P + Z))
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=P + Z)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_add_substitute(*(Z + P))
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=Z + P)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2)
+c = s.contract('jacobian_mul.se')
+print "Starting multiplication tests"
+mul_tests = [
+ Z + [0],
+ Z + [vals[0]],
+ test_points[0] + [0],
+ test_points[1] + [b.N],
+ test_points[2] + [1],
+ test_points[2] + [2],
+ test_points[2] + [3],
+ test_points[2] + [4],
+ test_points[3] + [5],
+ test_points[3] + [6],
+ test_points[4] + [7],
+ test_points[4] + [2**254],
+ test_points[4] + [vals[1]],
+ test_points[4] + [vals[2]],
+ test_points[4] + [vals[3]],
+ test_points[5] + [2**256 - 1],
+for i, test in enumerate(mul_tests):
+ print 'trying mul_test %i' % i, test
+ o1 = substitutes.jacobian_mul_substitute(*test)
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=test)
+ # assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2, test)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2, test)
+c = s.contract('ecrecover.se')
+print "Starting ecrecover tests"
+for i in range(5):
+ print 'trying ecrecover_test', vals[i*2], vals[i*2+1]
+ k = vals[i*2]
+ h = vals[i*2+1]
+ V, R, S = b.ecdsa_raw_sign(b.encode(h, 256, 32), k)
+ aa = time.time()
+ o1 = substitutes.ecrecover_substitute(h, V, R, S)
+ print 'sub', time.time() - aa
+ a = time.time()
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=[h, V, R, S])
+ print time.time() - a
+ # assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2, h, V, R, S)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2, h, V, R, S)
+# Explicit tests
+data = [[
+ 0xf007a9c78a4b2213220adaaf50c89a49d533fbefe09d52bbf9b0da55b0b90b60,
+ 0x1b,
+ 0x5228fc9e2fabfe470c32f459f4dc17ef6a0a81026e57e4d61abc3bc268fc92b5,
+ 0x697d4221cd7bc5943b482173de95d3114b9f54c5f37cc7f02c6910c6dd8bd107
+for datum in data:
+ o1 = substitutes.ecrecover_substitute(*datum)
+ o2 = s.profile(t.k0, c, 0, funid=0, abi=datum)
+ #assert o1["gas"] == o2["gas"], (o1, o2, datum)
+ assert o1["output"] == o2["output"], (o1, o2, datum)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/channel.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/channel.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..733f4a95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/channel.se
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+if msg.data[0] == 0:
+ new_id = contract.storage[-1]
+ # store [from, to, value, maxvalue, timeout] in contract storage
+ contract.storage[new_id] = msg.sender
+ contract.storage[new_id + 1] = msg.data[1]
+ contract.storage[new_id + 2] = 0
+ contract.storage[new_id + 3] = msg.value
+ contract.storage[new_id + 4] = 2^254
+ # increment next id
+ contract.storage[-1] = new_id + 10
+ # return id of this channel
+ return(new_id)
+# Increase payment on channel: [1, id, value, v, r, s]
+elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ # Ecrecover native extension; will be a different address in testnet and live
+ ecrecover = 0x46a8d0b21b1336d83b06829f568d7450df36883f
+ # Message data parameters
+ id = msg.data[1] % 2^160
+ value = msg.data[2]
+ # Determine sender from signature
+ h = sha3([id, value], 2)
+ sender = call(ecrecover, [h, msg.data[3], msg.data[4], msg.data[5]], 4)
+ # Check sender matches and new value is greater than old
+ if sender == contract.storage[id]:
+ if value > contract.storage[id + 2] and value <= contract.storage[id + 3]:
+ # Update channel, increasing value and setting timeout
+ contract.storage[id + 2] = value
+ contract.storage[id + 4] = block.number + 1000
+# Cash out channel: [2, id]
+elif msg.data[0] == 2:
+ id = msg.data[1] % 2^160
+ # Check if timeout has run out
+ if block.number >= contract.storage[id + 3]:
+ # Send funds
+ send(contract.storage[id + 1], contract.storage[id + 2])
+ # Send refund
+ send(contract.storage[id], contract.storage[id + 3] - contract.storage[id + 2])
+ # Clear storage
+ contract.storage[id] = 0
+ contract.storage[id + 1] = 0
+ contract.storage[id + 2] = 0
+ contract.storage[id + 3] = 0
+ contract.storage[id + 4] = 0
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/map.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/map.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..768dfb9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/map.se
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# An implementation of a contract for storing a key/value binding
+ # Set owner
+ contract.storage[0] = msg.sender
+ # Check ownership
+ if msg.sender == contract.storage[0]:
+ # Get: returns (found, val)
+ if msg.data[0] == 0:
+ s = sha3(msg.data[1])
+ return([contract.storage[s], contract.storage[s+1]], 2)
+ # Set: sets map[k] = v
+ elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ s = sha3(msg.data[1])
+ contract.storage[s] = 1
+ contract.storage[s + 1] = msg.data[2]
+ # Suicide
+ elif msg.data[2] == 1:
+ suicide(0)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/multiforward.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/multiforward.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..577794d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/multiforward.se
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ contract.storage[0] = msg.sender
+ if msg.sender != contract.storage[0]:
+ stop
+ i = 0
+ while i < ~calldatasize():
+ to = ~calldataload(i)
+ value = ~calldataload(i+20) / 256^12
+ datasize = ~calldataload(i+32) / 256^30
+ data = alloc(datasize)
+ ~calldatacopy(data, i+34, datasize)
+ ~call(tx.gas - 25, to, value, data, datasize, 0, 0)
+ i += 34 + datasize
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/shadowchain.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/shadowchain.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e466a355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/eth15/shadowchain.se
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Exists in state:
+# (i) last committed block
+# (ii) chain of uncommitted blocks (linear only)
+# (iii) transactions, each tx with an associated block number
+# Uncommitted block =
+# [ numtxs, numkvs, tx1 (N words), tx2 (N words) ..., [k1, v1], [k2, v2], [k3, v3] ... ]
+# Block checking process
+# Suppose last committed state is m
+# Last uncommitted state is n
+# Contested block is b
+# 1. Temporarily apply all state transitions from
+# m to b
+# 2. Run code, get list of changes
+# 3. Check is list of changes matches deltas
+# * if yes, do nothing
+# * if no, set last uncommitted state to pre-b
+# Storage variables:
+# Last committed block: 0
+# Last uncommitted block: 1
+# Contract holding code: 2
+# Uncommitted map: 3
+# Transaction length (parameter): 4
+# Block b: 2^160 + b * 2^40:
+# + 1: submission blknum
+# + 2: submitter
+# + 3: data in uncommitted block format above
+# Last committed storage:
+# sha3(k): index k
+# Initialize: [0, c, txlength], set address of the code-holding contract and the transaction
+# length
+if not contract.storage[2]:
+ contract.storage[2] = msg.data[1]
+ contract.storage[4] = msg.data[2]
+ stop
+# Sequentially commit all uncommitted blocks that are more than 1000 mainchain-blocks old
+last_committed_block = contract.storage[0]
+last_uncommitted_block = contract.storage[1]
+lcb_storage_index = 2^160 + last_committed_block * 2^40
+while contract.storage[lcb_storage_index + 1] < block.number - 1000 and last_committed_block < last_uncommitted_block:
+ kvpairs = contract.storage[lcb_storage_index]
+ i = 0
+ while i < kvpairs:
+ k = contract.storage[lcb_storage_index + 3 + i * 2]
+ v = contract.storage[lcb_storage_index + 4 + i * 2]
+ contract.storage[sha3(k)] = v
+ i += 1
+ last_committed_block += 1
+ lcb_storage_index += 2^40
+contract.storage[0] = last_committed_block
+# Propose block: [ 0, block number, data in block format above ... ]
+if msg.data[0] == 0:
+ blknumber = msg.data[1]
+ # Block number must be correct
+ if blknumber != contract.storage[1]:
+ stop
+ # Deposit requirement
+ if msg.value < 10^19:
+ stop
+ # Store the proposal in storage as
+ # [ 0, main-chain block number, sender, block data...]
+ start_index = 2^160 + blknumber * 2^40
+ numkvs = (msg.datasize - 2) / 2
+ contract.storage[start_index + 1] = block.number
+ 1ontract.storage[start_index + 2] = msg.sender
+ i = 0
+ while i < msg.datasize - 2:
+ contract.storage[start_index + 3 + i] = msg.data[2 + i]
+ i += 1
+ contract.storage[1] = blknumber + 1
+# Challenge block: [ 1, b ]
+elif msg.data[0] == 1:
+ blknumber = msg.data[1]
+ txwidth = contract.storage[4]
+ last_uncommitted_block = contract.storage[1]
+ last_committed_block = contract.storage[0]
+ # Cannot challenge nonexistent or committed blocks
+ if blknumber <= last_uncommitted_block or blknumber > last_committed_block:
+ stop
+ # Create a contract to serve as a map that maintains keys and values
+ # temporarily
+ tempstore = create('map.se')
+ contract.storage[3] = tempstore
+ # Unquestioningly apply the state transitions from the last committed block
+ # up to b
+ b = last_committed_block
+ cur_storage_index = 2^160 + last_committed_block * 2^40
+ while b < blknumber:
+ numtxs = contract.storage[cur_storage_index + 3]
+ numkvs = contract.storage[cur_storage_index + 4]
+ kv0index = cur_storage_index + 5 + numtxs * txwidth
+ i = 0
+ while i < numkvs:
+ k = contract.storage[kv0index + i * 2]
+ v = contract.storage[kx0index + i * 2 + 1]
+ call(tempstore, [1, k, v], 3)
+ i += 1
+ b += 1
+ cur_storage_index += 2^40
+ # Run the actual code, and see what state transitions it outputs
+ # The way that the code is expected to work is to:
+ #
+ # (1) take as input the list of transactions (the contract should
+ # use msg.datasize to determine how many txs there are, and it should
+ # be aware of the value of txwidth)
+ # (2) call this contract with [2, k] to read current state data
+ # (3) call this contract with [3, k, v] to write current state data
+ # (4) return as output a list of all state transitions that it made
+ # in the form [kvcount, k1, v1, k2, v2 ... ]
+ #
+ # The reason for separating (2) from (3) is that sometimes the state
+ # transition may end up changing a given key many times, and we don't
+ # need to inefficiently store that in storage
+ numkvs = contract.storage[cur_storage_index + 3]
+ numtxs = contract.storage[cur_storage_index + 4]
+ # Populate input array
+ inpwidth = numtxs * txwidth
+ inp = array(inpwidth)
+ i = 0
+ while i < inpwidth:
+ inp[i] = contract.storage[cur_storage_index + 5 + i]
+ i += 1
+ out = call(contract.storage[2], inp, inpwidth, numkvs * 2 + 1)
+ # Check that the number of state transitions is the same
+ if out[0] != kvcount:
+ send(msg.sender, 10^19)
+ contract.storage[0] = last_committed_block
+ stop
+ kv0index = cur_storage_index + 5 + numtxs * txwidth
+ i = 0
+ while i < kvcount:
+ # Check that each individual state transition matches
+ k = contract.storage[kv0index + i * 2 + 1]
+ v = contract.storage[kv0index + i * 2 + 2]
+ if k != out[i * 2 + 1] or v != out[i * 2 + 2]:
+ send(msg.sender, 10^19)
+ contract.storage[0] = last_committed_block
+ stop
+ i += 1
+ # Suicide tempstore
+ call(tempstore, 2)
+# Read data [2, k]
+elif msg.data[0] == 2:
+ tempstore = contract.storage[3]
+ o = call(tempstore, [0, msg.data[1]], 2, 2)
+ if o[0]:
+ return(o[1])
+ else:
+ return contract.storage[sha3(msg.data[1])]
+# Write data [3, k, v]
+elif msg.data[0] == 3:
+ tempstore = contract.storage[3]
+ call(tempstore, [1, msg.data[1], msg.data[2]], 3, 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/fixedpoint.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/fixedpoint.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8073c685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/fixedpoint.se
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+type f: [a, b, c, d, e]
+macro f($a) + f($b):
+ f(add($a, $b))
+macro f($a) - f($b):
+ f(sub($a, $b))
+macro f($a) * f($b):
+ f(mul($a, $b) / 10000)
+macro f($a) / f($b):
+ f(sdiv($a * 10000, $b))
+macro f($a) % f($b):
+ f(smod($a, $b))
+macro f($v) = f($w):
+ $v = $w
+macro unfify(f($a)):
+ $a / 10000
+macro fify($a):
+ f($a * 10000)
+a = fify(5)
+b = fify(2)
+c = a / b
+e = c + (a / b)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/long_integer_macros.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/long_integer_macros.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58cdce6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/long_integer_macros.se
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+macro smin($a, $b):
+ with $1 = $a:
+ with $2 = $b:
+ if(slt($1, $2), $1, $2)
+macro smax($a, $b):
+ with $1 = $a:
+ with $2 = $b:
+ if(slt($1, $2), $2, $1)
+def omul(x, y):
+ o = expose(mklong(x) * mklong(y))
+ return(slice(o, 1), o[0]+1)
+def oadd(x, y):
+ o = expose(mklong(x) + mklong(y))
+ return(slice(o, 1), o[0]+1)
+def osub(x, y):
+ o = expose(mklong(x) - mklong(y))
+ return(slice(o, 1), o[0]+1)
+def odiv(x, y):
+ o = expose(mklong(x) / mklong(y))
+ return(slice(o, 1), o[0]+1)
+def comb(a:a, b:a, sign):
+ sz = smax(a[0], b[0])
+ msz = smin(a[0], b[0])
+ c = array(sz + 2)
+ c[0] = sz
+ i = 0
+ carry = 0
+ while i < msz:
+ m = a[i + 1] + sign * b[i + 1] + carry
+ c[i + 1] = mod(m + 2^127, 2^128) - 2^127
+ carry = (div(m + 2^127, 2^128) + 2^127) % 2^128 - 2^127
+ i += 1
+ u = if(a[0] > msz, a, b)
+ s = if(a[0] > msz, 1, sign)
+ while i < sz:
+ m = s * u[i + 1] + carry
+ c[i + 1] = mod(m + 2^127, 2^128) - 2^127
+ carry = (div(m + 2^127, 2^128) + 2^127) % 2^128 - 2^127
+ i += 1
+ if carry:
+ c[0] += 1
+ c[sz + 1] = carry
+ return(c, c[0]+1)
+def mul(a:a, b:a):
+ c = array(a[0] + b[0] + 2)
+ c[0] = a[0] + b[0]
+ i = 0
+ while i < a[0]:
+ j = 0
+ carry = 0
+ while j < b[0]:
+ m = c[i + j + 1] + a[i + 1] * b[j + 1] + carry
+ c[i + j + 1] = mod(m + 2^127, 2^128) - 2^127
+ carry = (div(m + 2^127, 2^128) + 2^127) % 2^128 - 2^127
+ j += 1
+ if carry:
+ c[0] = a[0] + b[0] + 1
+ c[i + j + 1] += carry
+ i += 1
+ return(c, c[0]+1)
+macro long($a) + long($b):
+ long(self.comb($a:$a[0]+1, $b:$b[0]+1, 1, outsz=$a[0]+$b[0]+2))
+macro long($a) - long($b):
+ long(self.comb($a:$a[0]+1, $b:$b[0]+1, -1, outsz=$a[0]+$b[0]+2))
+macro long($a) * long($b):
+ long(self.mul($a:$a[0]+1, $b:$b[0]+1, outsz=$a[0]+$b[0]+2))
+macro long($a) / long($b):
+ long(self.div($a:$a[0]+1, $b:$b[0]+1, outsz=$a[0]+$b[0]+2))
+macro mulexpand(long($a), $k, $m):
+ long:
+ with $c = array($a[0]+k+2):
+ $c[0] = $a[0]+$k
+ with i = 0:
+ while i < $a[0]:
+ v = $a[i+1] * $m + $c[i+$k+1]
+ $c[i+$k+1] = mod(v + 2^127, 2^128) - 2^127
+ $c[i+$k+2] = div(v + 2^127, 2^128)
+ i += 1
+ $c
+def div(a:a, b:a):
+ asz = a[0]
+ bsz = b[0]
+ while b[bsz] == 0 and bsz > 0:
+ bsz -= 1
+ c = array(asz+2)
+ c[0] = asz+1
+ while 1:
+ while a[asz] == 0 and asz > 0:
+ asz -= 1
+ if asz < bsz:
+ return(c, c[0]+1)
+ sub = expose(mulexpand(long(b), asz - bsz, a[asz] / b[bsz]))
+ c[asz - bsz+1] = a[asz] / b[bsz]
+ a = expose(long(a) - long(sub))
+ a[asz-1] += 2^128 * a[asz]
+ a[asz] = 0
+macro mklong($i):
+ long([2, mod($i + 2^127, 2^128) - 2^127, div($i + 2^127, 2^128)])
+macro expose(long($i)):
+ $i
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mul2.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mul2.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65adff1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mul2.se
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+def double(v):
+ return(v*2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mutuala.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mutuala.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3efb0edeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/mutuala.se
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# mutuala - subcurrency
+# We want to issue a currency that reduces in value as you store it through negative interest.
+# That negative interest would be stored in a commons account. It's like the p2p version of a
+# capital tax
+# the same things goes for transactions - you pay as you use the currency. However, the more
+# you pay, the more you get to say about what the tax is used for
+# each participant can propose a recipient for a payout to be made out of the commons account,
+# others can vote on it by awarding it tax_credits.
+# TODO should proposal have expiration timestamp?, after which the tax_credits are refunded
+# TODO multiple proposals can take more credits that available in the Commons, how to handle this
+# TODO how to handle lost accounts, after which no longer possible to get 2/3 majority
+ COMMONS = 42
+ ADMIN = 666
+ CAPITAL_TAX_PER_DAY = 7305 # 5% per year
+ PAYMENT_TAX = 20 # 5%
+ contract.storage[ADMIN] = msg.sender
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET - 1] = 1
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET] = msg.sender
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + msg.sender] = 10^12
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + msg.sender + 1] = block.timestamp
+# contract.storage[COMMONS] = balance commons
+# contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET - 1] = number of accounts
+# contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET + n] = account n
+# contract.storage[PROPOSAL_LIST_OFFSET - 1] contains the number of proposals
+# contract.storage[PROPOSAL_LIST_OFFSET + n] = proposal n
+# per account:
+# contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + account] = balance
+# contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + account+1] = timestamp_last_transaction
+# contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + account+2] = tax_credits
+# per proposal:
+# contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id] = recipient
+# contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id+1] = amount
+# contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id+2] = total vote credits
+ if msg.data[0] == "suicide" and msg.sender == contract.storage[ADMIN]:
+ suicide(msg.sender)
+ elif msg.data[0] == "balance":
+ addr = msg.data[1]
+ return(contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + addr])
+ elif msg.data[0] == "pay":
+ from = msg.sender
+ fromvalue = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from]
+ to = msg.data[1]
+ if to == 0 or to >= 2^160:
+ return([0, "invalid address"], 2)
+ value = msg.data[2]
+ tax = value / PAYMENT_TAX
+ if fromvalue >= value + tax:
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from] = fromvalue - (value + tax)
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + to] += value
+ # tax
+ contract.storage[COMMONS] += tax
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from + 2] += tax
+ # check timestamp field to see if target account exists
+ if contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + to + 1] == 0:
+ # register new account
+ nr_accounts = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET - 1]
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET + nr_accounts] = to
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET - 1] += 1
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + to + 1] = block.timestamp
+ return(1)
+ else:
+ return([0, "insufficient balance"], 2)
+ elif msg.data[0] == "hash":
+ proposal_id = sha3(msg.data[1])
+ return(proposal_id)
+ elif msg.data[0] == "propose":
+ from = msg.sender
+ # check if sender has an account and has tax credits
+ if contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from + 2] == 0:
+ return([0, "sender has no tax credits"], 2)
+ proposal_id = sha3(msg.data[1])
+ # check if proposal doesn't already exist
+ if contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id]:
+ return([0, "proposal already exists"])
+ to = msg.data[2]
+ # check if recipient is a valid address and has an account (with timestamp)
+ if to == 0 or to >= 2^160:
+ return([0, "invalid address"], 2)
+ if contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + to + 1] == 0:
+ return([0, "invalid to account"], 2)
+ value = msg.data[3]
+ # check if there is enough money in the commons account
+ if value > contract.storage[COMMONS]:
+ return([0, "not enough credits in commons"], 2)
+ # record proposal in list
+ nr_proposals = contract.storage[PROPOSAL_LIST_OFFSET - 1]
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_LIST_OFFSET + nr_proposals] = proposal_id
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_LIST_OFFSET - 1] += 1
+ # record proposal in map
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id] = to
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 1] = value
+ return(proposal_id)
+ elif msg.data[0] == "vote":
+ from = msg.sender
+ proposal_id = sha3(msg.data[1])
+ value = msg.data[2]
+ # check if sender has an account and has tax credits
+ if value < contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from + 2]:
+ return([0, "sender doesn't have enough tax credits"], 2)
+ # check if proposal exist
+ if contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id] == 0:
+ return([0, "proposal doesn't exist"], 2)
+ # increase votes
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 2] += value
+ # withdraw tax credits
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + from + 2] -= value
+ # did we reach 2/3 threshold?
+ if contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 2] >= contract.storage[COMMONS] * 2 / 3:
+ # got majority
+ to = contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id]
+ amount = contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 1]
+ # adjust balances
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + to] += amount
+ contract.storage[COMMONS] -= amount
+ # reset proposal
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id] = 0
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 1] = 0
+ contract.storage[PROPOSAL_MAP_OFFSET + proposal_id + 2] = 0
+ return(1)
+ return(proposal_id)
+ elif msg.data[0] == "tick":
+ nr_accounts = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET - 1]
+ account_idx = 0
+ tax_paid = 0
+ # process all accounts and see if they have to pay their daily capital tax
+ while account_idx < nr_accounts:
+ cur_account = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_LIST_OFFSET + account_idx]
+ last_timestamp = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + cur_account + 1]
+ time_diff = block.timestamp - last_timestamp
+ if time_diff >= 86400:
+ tax_days = time_diff / 86400
+ balance = contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + cur_account]
+ tax = tax_days * (balance / CAPITAL_TAX_PER_DAY)
+ if tax > 0:
+ # charge capital tax, but give tax credits in return
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + cur_account] -= tax
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + cur_account + 1] += tax_days * 86400
+ contract.storage[ACCOUNT_MAP_OFFSET + cur_account + 2] += tax
+ contract.storage[COMMONS] += tax
+ tax_paid += 1
+ account_idx += 1
+ return(tax_paid) # how many accounts did we charge tax on
+ else:
+ return([0, "unknown command"], 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/namecoin.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/namecoin.se
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index 000000000..11d6274ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/namecoin.se
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+def register(k, v):
+ if !self.storage[k]: # Is the key not yet taken?
+ # Then take it!
+ self.storage[k] = v
+ return(1)
+ else:
+ return(0) // Otherwise do nothing
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/peano.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/peano.se
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index 000000000..979854444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/peano.se
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+macro padd($x, psuc($y)):
+ psuc(padd($x, $y))
+macro padd($x, z()):
+ $x
+macro dec(psuc($x)):
+ dec($x) + 1
+macro dec(z()):
+ 0
+macro pmul($x, z()):
+ z()
+macro pmul($x, psuc($y)):
+ padd(pmul($x, $y), $x)
+macro pexp($x, z()):
+ one()
+macro pexp($x, psuc($y)):
+ pmul($x, pexp($x, $y))
+macro fac(z()):
+ one()
+macro fac(psuc($x)):
+ pmul(psuc($x), fac($x))
+macro one():
+ psuc(z())
+macro two():
+ psuc(psuc(z()))
+macro three():
+ psuc(psuc(psuc(z())))
+macro five():
+ padd(three(), two())
+return([dec(pmul(three(), pmul(three(), three()))), dec(fac(five()))], 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/returnten.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/returnten.se
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index 000000000..7969c9eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/returnten.se
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+extern mul2: [double]
+x = create("mul2.se")
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se
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index 000000000..be5d97fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort.se
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+def kall():
+ argcount = ~calldatasize() / 32
+ if argcount == 1:
+ return(~calldataload(1))
+ args = array(argcount)
+ ~calldatacopy(args, 1, argcount * 32)
+ low = array(argcount)
+ lsz = 0
+ high = array(argcount)
+ hsz = 0
+ i = 1
+ while i < argcount:
+ if args[i] < args[0]:
+ low[lsz] = args[i]
+ lsz += 1
+ else:
+ high[hsz] = args[i]
+ hsz += 1
+ i += 1
+ low = self.kall(data=low, datasz=lsz, outsz=lsz)
+ high = self.kall(data=high, datasz=hsz, outsz=hsz)
+ o = array(argcount)
+ i = 0
+ while i < lsz:
+ o[i] = low[i]
+ i += 1
+ o[lsz] = args[0]
+ j = 0
+ while j < hsz:
+ o[lsz + 1 + j] = high[j]
+ j += 1
+ return(o, argcount)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se
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index 000000000..0e603a238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/quicksort_pairs.se
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Quicksort pairs
+# eg. input of the form [ 30, 1, 90, 2, 70, 3, 50, 4]
+# outputs [ 30, 1, 50, 4, 70, 3, 90, 2 ]
+# Note: this can be used as a generalized sorting algorithm:
+# map every object to [ key, ref ] where `ref` is the index
+# in memory to all of the properties and `key` is the key to
+# sort by
+def kall():
+ argcount = ~calldatasize() / 64
+ if argcount == 1:
+ return([~calldataload(1), ~calldataload(33)], 2)
+ args = array(argcount * 2)
+ ~calldatacopy(args, 1, argcount * 64)
+ low = array(argcount * 2)
+ lsz = 0
+ high = array(argcount * 2)
+ hsz = 0
+ i = 2
+ while i < argcount * 2:
+ if args[i] < args[0]:
+ low[lsz] = args[i]
+ low[lsz + 1] = args[i + 1]
+ lsz += 2
+ else:
+ high[hsz] = args[i]
+ high[hsz + 1] = args[i + 1]
+ hsz += 2
+ i = i + 2
+ low = self.kall(data=low, datasz=lsz, outsz=lsz)
+ high = self.kall(data=high, datasz=hsz, outsz=hsz)
+ o = array(argcount * 2)
+ i = 0
+ while i < lsz:
+ o[i] = low[i]
+ i += 1
+ o[lsz] = args[0]
+ o[lsz + 1] = args[1]
+ j = 0
+ while j < hsz:
+ o[lsz + 2 + j] = high[j]
+ j += 1
+ return(o, argcount * 2)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7d7da9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingcoin.se
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# SchellingCoin implementation
+# Epoch length: 100 blocks
+# Target savings depletion rate: 0.1% per epoch
+data epoch
+data hashes_submitted
+data output
+data quicksort_pairs
+data accounts[2^160]
+data submissions[2^80](hash, deposit, address, value)
+extern any: [call]
+def init():
+ self.epoch = block.number / 100
+ self.quicksort_pairs = create('quicksort_pairs.se')
+def any():
+ if block.number / 100 > epoch:
+ # Sort all values submitted
+ N = self.hashes_submitted
+ o = array(N * 2)
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ while i < N:
+ v = self.submissions[i].value
+ if v:
+ o[j] = v
+ o[j + 1] = i
+ j += 2
+ i += 1
+ values = self.quicksort_pairs.call(data=o, datasz=j, outsz=j)
+ # Calculate total deposit, refund non-submitters and
+ # cleanup
+ deposits = array(j / 2)
+ addresses = array(j / 2)
+ i = 0
+ total_deposit = 0
+ while i < j / 2:
+ base_index = HASHES + values[i * 2 + 1] * 3
+ deposits[i] = self.submissions[i].deposit
+ addresses[i] = self.submissions[i].address
+ if self.submissions[values[i * 2 + 1]].value:
+ total_deposit += deposits[i]
+ else:
+ send(addresses[i], deposits[i] * 999 / 1000)
+ i += 1
+ inverse_profit_ratio = total_deposit / (contract.balance / 1000) + 1
+ # Reward everyone
+ i = 0
+ running_deposit_sum = 0
+ halfway_passed = 0
+ while i < j / 2:
+ new_deposit_sum = running_deposit_sum + deposits[i]
+ if new_deposit_sum > total_deposit / 4 and running_deposit_sum < total_deposit * 3 / 4:
+ send(addresses[i], deposits[i] + deposits[i] / inverse_profit_ratio * 2)
+ else:
+ send(addresses[i], deposits[i] - deposits[i] / inverse_profit_ratio)
+ if not halfway_passed and new_deposit_sum > total_deposit / 2:
+ self.output = self.submissions[i].value
+ halfway_passed = 1
+ self.submissions[i].value = 0
+ running_deposit_sum = new_deposit_sum
+ i += 1
+ self.epoch = block.number / 100
+ self.hashes_submitted = 0
+def submit_hash(h):
+ if block.number % 100 < 50:
+ cur = self.hashes_submitted
+ pos = HASHES + cur * 3
+ self.submissions[cur].hash = h
+ self.submissions[cur].deposit = msg.value
+ self.submissions[cur].address = msg.sender
+ self.hashes_submitted = cur + 1
+ return(cur)
+def submit_value(index, v):
+ if sha3([msg.sender, v], 2) == self.submissions[index].hash:
+ self.submissions[index].value = v
+ return(1)
+def request_balance():
+ return(contract.balance)
+def request_output():
+ return(self.output)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a34f42ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellingcoin/schellingdollar.se
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Hedged zero-supply dollar implementation
+# Uses SchellingCoin as price-determining backend
+# Stored variables:
+# 0: Schelling coin contract
+# 1: Last epoch
+# 2: Genesis block of contract
+# 3: USD exposure
+# 4: ETH exposure
+# 5: Cached price
+# 6: Last interest rate
+# 2^160 + k: interest rate accumulator at k epochs
+# 2^161 + ADDR * 3: eth-balance of a particular address
+# 2^161 + ADDR * 3 + 1: usd-balance of a particular address
+# 2^161 + ADDR * 3 + 1: last accessed epoch of a particular address
+# Transaction types:
+# [1, to, val]: send ETH
+# [2, to, val]: send USD
+# [3, wei_amount]: convert ETH to USD
+# [4, usd_amount]: converts USD to ETH
+# [5]: deposit
+# [6, amount]: withdraw
+# [7]: my balance query
+# [7, acct]: balance query for any acct
+# [8]: global state query
+# [9]: liquidation test any account
+# The purpose of the contract is to serve as a sort of cryptographic
+# bank account where users can store both ETH and USD. ETH must be
+# stored in zero or positive quantities, but USD balances can be
+# positive or negative. If the USD balance is negative, the invariant
+# usdbal * 10 >= ethbal * 9 must be satisfied; if any account falls
+# below this value, then that account's balances are zeroed. Note
+# that there is a 2% bounty to ping the app if an account does go
+# below zero; one weakness is that if no one does ping then it is
+# quite possible for accounts to go negative-net-worth, then zero
+# themselves out, draining the reserves of the "bank" and potentially
+# bankrupting it. A 0.1% fee on ETH <-> USD trade is charged to
+# minimize this risk. Additionally, the bank itself will inevitably
+# end up with positive or negative USD exposure; to mitigate this,
+# it automatically updates interest rates on USD to keep exposure
+# near zero.
+data schelling_coin
+data last_epoch
+data starting_block
+data usd_exposure
+data eth_exposure
+data price
+data last_interest_rate
+data interest_rate_accum[2^50]
+data accounts[2^160](eth, usd, last_epoch)
+extern sc: [submit_hash, submit_value, request_balance, request_output]
+def init():
+ self.schelling_coin = create('schellingcoin.se')
+ self.price = self.schelling_coin.request_output()
+ self.interest_rate_accum[0] = 10^18
+ self.starting_block = block.number
+def any():
+ sender = msg.sender
+ epoch = (block.number - self.starting_block) / 100
+ last_epoch = self.last_epoch
+ usdprice = self.price
+ # Update contract epochs
+ if epoch > last_epoch:
+ delta = epoch - last_epoch
+ last_interest_rate = self.last_interest_rate
+ usd_exposure - self.usd_exposure
+ last_accum = self.interest_rate_accum[last_epoch]
+ if usd_exposure < 0:
+ self.last_interest_rate = last_interest_rate - 10000 * delta
+ elif usd_exposure > 0:
+ self.last_interest_rate = last_interest_rate + 10000 * delta
+ self.interest_rate_accum[epoch] = last_accum + last_accum * last_interest_rate * delta / 10^9
+ # Proceeds go to support the SchellingCoin feeding it price data, ultimately providing the depositors
+ # of the SchellingCoin an interest rate
+ bal = max(self.balance - self.eth_exposure, 0) / 10000
+ usdprice = self.schelling_coin.request_output()
+ self.price = usdprice
+ self.last_epoch = epoch
+ ethbal = self.accounts[msg.sender].eth
+ usdbal = self.accounts[msg.sender].usd
+ # Apply interest rates to sender and liquidation-test self
+ if msg.sender != self:
+ self.ping(self)
+def send_eth(to, value):
+ if value > 0 and value <= ethbal and usdbal * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - value) >= 0:
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal - value
+ self.ping(to)
+ self.accounts[to].eth += value
+ return(1)
+def send_usd(to, value):
+ if value > 0 and value <= usdbal and (usdbal - value) * usdprice * 2 + ethbal >= 0:
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal - value
+ self.ping(to)
+ self.accounts[to].usd += value
+ return(1)
+def convert_to_eth(usdvalue):
+ ethplus = usdvalue * usdprice * 999 / 1000
+ if usdvalue > 0 and (usdbal - usdvalue) * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal + ethplus) >= 0:
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal + ethplus
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal - usdvalue
+ self.eth_exposure += ethplus
+ self.usd_exposure -= usdvalue
+ return([ethbal + ethplus, usdbal - usdvalue], 2)
+def convert_to_usd(ethvalue):
+ usdplus = ethvalue / usdprice * 999 / 1000
+ if ethvalue > 0 and (usdbal + usdplus) * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - ethvalue) >= 0:
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal - ethvalue
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].usd = usdbal + usdplus
+ self.eth_exposure -= ethvalue
+ self.usd_exposure += usdplus
+ return([ethbal - ethvalue, usdbal + usdplus], 2)
+def deposit():
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth = ethbal + msg.value
+ self.eth_exposure += msg.value
+ return(ethbal + msg.value)
+def withdraw(value):
+ if value > 0 and value <= ethbal and usdbal * usdprice * 2 + (ethbal - value) >= 0:
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth -= value
+ self.eth_exposure -= value
+ return(ethbal - value)
+def balance(acct):
+ self.ping(acct)
+ return([self.accounts[acct].eth, self.accounts[acct].usd], 2)
+def global_state_query(acct):
+ interest = self.last_interest_rate
+ usd_exposure = self.usd_exposure
+ eth_exposure = self.eth_exposure
+ eth_balance = self.balance
+ return([epoch, usdprice, interest, usd_exposure, eth_exposure, eth_balance], 6)
+def ping(acct):
+ account_last_epoch = self.accounts[acct].last_epoch
+ if account_last_epoch != epoch:
+ cur_usd_balance = self.accounts[acct].usd
+ new_usd_balance = cur_usd_balance * self.interest_rate_accum[epoch] / self.interest_rate_accum[account_last_epoch]
+ self.accounts[acct].usd = new_usd_balance
+ self.accounts[acct].last_epoch = epoch
+ self.usd_exposure += new_usd_balance - cur_usd_balance
+ ethbal = self.accounts[acct].eth
+ if new_usd_balance * usdval * 10 + ethbal * 9 < 0:
+ self.accounts[acct].eth = 0
+ self.accounts[acct].usd = 0
+ self.accounts[msg.sender].eth += ethbal / 50
+ self.eth_exposure += -ethbal + ethbal / 50
+ self.usd_exposure += new_usd_balance
+ return(1)
+ return(0)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellinghelper.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellinghelper.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e522d6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/schellinghelper.se
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return(sha3([msg.sender, msg.data[0]], 2))
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/short_namecoin.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/short_namecoin.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db327a77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/short_namecoin.se
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+def register(k, v):
+ if !self.storage[k]:
+ self.storage[k] = v
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/subcurrency.se b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/subcurrency.se
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbda822b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/examples/subcurrency.se
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+def init():
+ self.storage[msg.sender] = 1000000
+def balance_query(k):
+ return(self.storage[addr])
+def send(to, value):
+ fromvalue = self.storage[msg.sender]
+ if fromvalue >= value:
+ self.storage[from] = fromvalue - value
+ self.storage[to] += value